Parents Of Missing Children, What Happened?

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serious parents or friends of missing children what happened my friend in middle school went missing no one really thought too much about it they labeled him a runaway it wasn't until six years after he went missing his body was found his friend had shot him and buried his body to cover it up the kid never said a word about it it's sad he was a good friend to me a kid I went to high school with in South Florida just disappeared one day left a party one night and disappeared his phone lost signal and none of his credit cards were used they searched for three months but never found him or his car the kid had liked his Benzes and his friends at the party said he was pretty freaked up when he left about a year or so later some kids were swimming in a canal near a road the canals in South Florida are usually really deep 30 40 feet and are pretty much everywhere so kids like to jump off of smaller bridges into the canals when it is hot out a couple kids were daring each other to go as deep as they could and one kid went really deep and hit something hard and metal with his feet it was the missing kids car the cops pulled it up and he was still in it it was only a few blocks from his house this happened to a family friend one day the nanny just disappeared with their four-year-old son they did everything they could to find him but it's really easy to disappear in Indonesia about six months later one of their friends was stuck in a traffic jam and realized one of the beggar kids going between cars begging looked a lot like the boy he wasn't sure so he called up his friends and they came there around the same time the next day they recognized the son and called his name he recognized them too and they quickly grabbed him into the car and drove off since beggar children in Jakarta are often organized with mobsters gangsters behind the operation the kid wouldn't talk for the longest time but now he's fine and apparently doesn't remember about that time of his life anymore they still don't know where the ex nanny is or why she decided to kidnap the kid find out with family who attended a company sponsored weekend retreat at a mountain lodge for employees and their families everybody was arriving on Friday afternoon and it came time to call everyone into the dining room for dinner a five-year-old girl was missing and was never found the entire weekend became searching for her along with hundreds of police officers in the end it was assumed that she wandered away just far enough to be taken by an animal it's scary how quickly something like that can happen my little brother went went missing when he was around the age of three or four one day we were playing in backyard and while I wasn't watching him he wandered out of our back gate that was open for some reason the problem was I or anyone else didn't notice he was gone until hours after he disappeared they thought he was with me and I thought he was with them so four hours later the police are called and my dad is on the edge of tears but then from about a block down the street we see something incredible our dog who is still alive today at the ripe age of 15 years old is leading my little brother back toward our house by the collar of his shirt needless to say she was treated like a princess for years to come the dog is probably thinking dang humans don't know how to mind their offspring my mum's best friend's son disappeared one night after going to a club with a bunch of friends initially she wasn't too worried cause he was 16 and disappeared for a bit now and then but after a day she started to get worried and started to cool around his friends his friends told her he'd met a guy he knew from primary school who just been released from juvenile and bogged off with him for a reunion he then disappeared she phoned the cops the cops sent around a few people they discovered the remains of two boys around 16 years old who'd been tied and chicken wire tortured to death with power tools belt Sanders and drills then set on fire dental records matched her son apparently from what could be pieced together he went out to have some fun and met a childhood friend but the Northern Irish UVF had decided his friend was actually an informer and tortured them both to death with belt Sanders and drills in her classic case of mistaken identity teacher here this one will always want me last day of school teaching first grade some of our students are picked up by relations and others walk home or are picked up by older siblings so we don't keep track of who each kid's goes with unless we noticed someone unfamiliar this is standard procedure for our school board although in kindergarten the kids are handed off directly to parents who must be on the students pick up form so last day of school and all things are a bit chaotic as you'd expect I'm dismissing my students and had several stragglers who were running behind our still wanted to say goodbye to me and by the time I got out onto the yard most of my students were gone one grandparent of a student in my class however comes rushing over to explain they were running late and here to get their granddaughter we looked everywhere inside and outside of the school for her thinking she must have been waiting and was looking for her grandparents before panic begin to set in and we realized she wasn't on the school property anymore this was all happening only a couple weeks after a major kidnap and murder happened just an hour from isn't had been national news the case was on everyone's minds after deploying the entire schools staff to check nearby playgrounds several police showed up to search stuff from neighboring schools pitched in and she was found about an hour later at her grandparents house only after her grandpa was very strongly encouraged by police to go and wait for her there he insisted that his five year old granddaughter couldn't possible know the route to their house since she's never walked it before and it's 15 minutes away turns out when her grandpa wasn't there to get her right away she decided to walk and knew the whole way most terrifying couple of hours of men in of our careers that afternoon glad there was a happy ending my ex-girlfriend was kidnapped when she was a little girl she said she was playing out in the yard and a man and a woman came up to her she said they told her to come with them and she followed them she lived in a really rural area and most everyone knew each other in the area so the community was really close they took her back to their house and put her in kids room there were toys and everything there and they treated her like their daughter she remembers being upset but not actually scared because she couldn't understand the gravity of the situation they treated her pretty normally besides not letting her go outside and she said they didn't hurt her or abused her she said she was missing for about three days before one day her dad came with the police to these people's house and took her back luckily her dad had been in the back yard and seen the car driving away and the police were able to use that information to find them she said she asked him about it and he described it briefly he said he couldn't sleep for three days and spent as much time as he could searching for the car and trying to give as much info to the police as he could she said the only thing that stopped him from physically beating these people was the fact they weren't in the house when the police entered I was classmates with a missing kid who was missing because she was actually the kidnapper of another missing kid if she was 14 or 15 and lost her Kratt for some reason she kidnapped this little boy and took him out into the woods tied him to a tree and abused him they were missing for like a week they went to the same church so when they were both reported missing around the same time people just assumed they were kidnapped together after they were found we learned otherwise she was sent away for treatment somewhere and she never came back to school I don't know what became of her there was a guy who worked at a pizza joint near me his name was Michael Devlin he was an average Joe friendly enough lived by himself as so everyone thought one day a 13 year old boy named Ben ambi got off the school bus and was immediately abducted witnesses described the truck used to take him and soon police descended upon Michael Devlin's apartment inside his apartment was the missing man down B but also another boy a 15 year old boy named Shawn Hornbeck who had been abducted by Michael Devlin two years ago and had been held captive ever since Devlin decided that Shawn was now too old to pleasure him and Ben was to be his replacements after Shawn was killed off this time there was a happy ending both Shawn and Ben were returned to their families and Devlin is now serving three life sentences most missing children's stories do not have such a happy ending the summer between my junior and senior years of high school one of my friends went missing all the info we had was that she was going for a run her car was found at a dog park with a wallet inside the dog park was also near a trailhead she had texted a selfie with that landscape in the background her parents tried to trace her phone activity and we found her phone had been used a few times only to find out later that that information was incorrect volunteers from church help the police searched night and day the search itself was dangerous as the terrain of the trail was really rugged and steep on the second or third day a helicopter joined the search they saw her at the bottom of a cliff we'll never know exactly what happened but all circumstantial evidence points to suicide her family was so torn up that two years later her uncle went to a secluded part of town and killed himself as well she would have been 24 this month I had a class in HS with the kid brother of Amber Hagerman the reason why it's called Amber Alert he wore a shirt with her picture on it one day and my teacher asked if he remembered anything about that day it was really awkward I felt bad for the kid because that was a bit rude to ask in front of everyone my 13 year old classmate went missing back in 1996 he was a good kid but a little on the slow side after a few days our teachers told us what was going on and the parents organized search parties we thought he had wandered off and become lost a week later he was discovered in a shallow grave behind a restaurant apparently he had stolen his dad's gun and was showing it off to his 11 year old friend who accidentally shot him in the face the kid covered him with dirt and leaves and left him for dead the autopsy reports showed that he survived the gunshot and died of exposure what a way to go Jesus this is the most heartbreaking of them all for me this happened over the past year a girl went missing for a while her name was Becky watts she was eventually found but unfortunately she had been killed and her body cut into pieces some parts were in plastic bags taped up and others were in a suitcase all her limbs were cut from her body and she had been decapitated she was cut apart with a chop saw and a handsaw it turned out to be her stepbrother that did this and his girlfriend helped they've both recently been convicted my brother was friends with kid who disappeared one day this summer 18 years old just graduated high school I don't know him or his family personally but it's a small isolated town 13 K population so the ripple effects were felt very strongly it's been nearly six months now nothing he's gone and there is a million square miles of forest to search his family keeps everybody updated and posts on Facebook asking for volunteers to help them comb through whichever new stretch of woods but nothing ever comes of it the worst part is watching the mediums from across the country or continent show up in the Facebook page and try to swindle his family and friends out of cash by telling them I had a dream he's a cabin at blank Lake etc which only takes a second off googling to fabricate it's tragic I hope they find him but at this point there's no way he's alive my aunt's sisters son was kidnapped in Pakistan by the Taliban about a year ago I don't know the full story that well but they were a military family and had a large target on their head to begin with they live near Rawalpindi it was a home invasion in broad daylight while my aunt's relatives were at home they ransacked the house stole all the jewelry valuables and took the kid it was a lengthy ordeal the Taliban asked for a lot of money I don't remember the exact amount I think it was a crore but it converted to about $100,000 CND lochley money wasn't the issue rather the reluctance for the Taliban to cooperate after they put the money up this family was well connected with the Pakistani police so all I just say they were lucky to find the kid within two months the Taliban ended up dropping the kid off outside of a restaurant the kid looked incredibly malnourished his hair was poorly cut and they put him in girls clothing it was a very traumatizing experience for him and the entire family they would up finding the kidnappers two months later the pakistani police invited all the male members of the family to come and have a couple of words with the perps before they were punished don't really know what happened after a girl I was friends with in school told me this story about her brother family used to live in England before moving to Ireland and her brother let's call him be he is about 10 years older than us was around 3 at the time the family went to a carnival one morning and were horrified to realize that Bea had gone missing it was one of those moments where you take your eye off a kid for a split second and the next day just vanished into thin air they spent the whole day looking around the carnival and the surrounding area with the help of security yet they couldn't find him at around 9:00 p.m. he just appears where he was last seen he wasn't hurt in any way and he didn't seem distressed in fact he seemed like his cheerful little self he mentioned something about a big man but despite the parents questions he never divulged any other information thinking back on this as an adult I'd say maybe the big man was someone who lost a child and wanted to spend a day playing daddy son to fill that gap I feel bad for adults who genuinely enjoy spending time with children and can't because they don't have their own there's not many good ways to fill that hole there was the girl Lauren and her sister Ashley whose parents were friends of my husband's father they lived in Waiver Laredo Mexican city on the border but sent their daughters to live here with the church pastor in Laredo Ashley did well and had good grades but Lauren became a rebel teen and ended up dating some butt hole guy who was way too old for her every weekend Lauren and Ashley are dropped off downtown so they can walk across the bridge to Mexico and meet their mother on the other side to spend the weekend with their parents on the usual Friday lauren had her backpack of clothes and her passport Ashley was unable to go because she had a recital that night her mom called the pastor asking why Lauren never showed up the pastor is alarmed and say that she was dropped off like usual they asked Ashley if she knew where Lauren was but Ashley said she didn't her parents contact my father-in-law and begin crying worrying my husband and I do some Facebook investigating and discover Lauren had two facebook profiles one under a fake name she was supposedly pregnant her boyfriend was actually 21 and not in high school and he lived in Mexico not the us Lauren is 17 her 18th birthday next month we still don't know where Lauren is it's been about nine months we assume she is somewhere in Mexico both her facebook profiles haven't been updated if she hasn't contacted her sister the boyfriends mother says that she hasn't spoken to her son since he moved out at 18 and wouldn't know where he is the best-case scenario is that she's a high school dropout mother somewhere in Mexico the worst-case scenario is she was picked up by cartel while waiting for her mom in Mexico her sister was forced to leave school and moved back to Mexico with her parents they still keep in contact with my father-in-law they switched between anger and cursing her to sobbing uncontrollably Ashley developed an anxiety disorder because she feels no one believes that she doesn't know where Lauren is when I was 13 I had a birthday party at my house I invited my friend Kelly and her best friend Nikki who was known as the bad kid my friends and I were excited when we could go to the mall without parents and she smokes weed and had an older bf anyways Kelly and Nikki walked from Nikki's house to mine for the party which was just a few blocks away and you could see them most of the time so when Kelly and Nikki said they left their bathing suits at Nikki's house and asked to walk back to get them no one thought anything about it Kelly's mom even gave her permission fast-forward a bit and we realized they're gone call Nikki's mom they never showed up we ended up making missing posters and posting them all over town and alerting police in several counties and states they were found two weeks later at a gas station in Ohio I lived in Northwest Indiana what they figured Nikki's boyfriend drove them to a certain point and just said good luck it's been more than ten years since that happened Kelly is happily married with two kids now and Nikki as a stripper with a kid and from what I gather on FB happily engaged when I was in kindergarten I used to take the school bus in the afternoon half days and one day I must have fallen asleep on the way home because I remember waking up at night in the back of the bus to a man different from my bus driver telling me everything would be all right he turned out to be the bus manager coming in for work the next day the bus driver hadn't checked if any kids were left I must have been gone for 15 hours after school let out and I ended up at a Skateland in a different city where the buses were kept overnight it gave my mother a huge scare and she was convinced I was kidnapped luckily I wasn't but after that I never took the bus something similar happened in my hometown the bus drivers have to now walk through the bus to check for children and stick an okay sign on the back window a few days ago on Christmas Day I was driving home from a Christmas function when I spotted a very small two-year-old child running through a deserted parking lot I immediately stopped and yelled at her just before she ran out into a busy highway I don't remember the last time I was that scared I ran up to her looking for any sign of an adult anywhere also we are in Iowa where is was 30 degrees Fahrenheit this little girl was barefoot and coat less with a steady stream of snot coming out of her nose I walked up to her and she raised her arms and said mommy I stuck her in my car and called 9-1-1 I tried talking to her but she could really only say a few words she was never upset and we just chilled for 30 minutes until police arrived as the cop was taking my information this kid's dad came walking out to the cop car and said is that my frickin daughter I thought she was in her room watching a movie and her mom was off crying about some stupid crap so she didn't know where the Frick she was I don't know how she got out my heart just sank I wish I could have just kept her poor baby a girl I taught at summer camp a few years back disappeared last year she came home and just vanished her purse was found on a hiking trail like 30 minutes from her home there's been no details released it's even more sad because she has a baby according to the local news the baby is with her mom I have been unfortunate to know two girls who were abducted assaulted and then killed when I was a kid both were my age at the times of their kidnappings and through the chance coincidence of moving between two different cities between the times of the incidents the first happened when I was in fifth grade right after I had moved the girl was out riding her bike and more than likely was hit by a car owned by her abductor he took her abused her then later dumped the body near a State Park 100 miles away but same thing happened two years later to another girl the thing that got me at that age was how much they looked like me and how it happened to both of them I think for a while I was paranoid he was coming after me I was in junior high at the time of the second abduction and my mother wouldn't let me walk home alone from school Orlov for blocks because of it we even ended up debating in class whether or not it was ethically right to enact the death penalty in that state then about 10 years ago as an adult and it hit me just as hard a friend of mine who was a photographer had gone missing granted she wasn't a kid but we were all starting out in our adult lives at that time she had gone to photograph a car for a client of hers was abducted assaulted then killed her family to this day still distraught over it especially as it's still controversial and in the media due to a documentary that was just released that questioned the guilt of the perpetrator in her case the first two I knew were victims of the same man the third was the victim of a man who had been falsely accused of assaulting a woman 18 years prior and had been released from prison when I was in HS there was a student who was extremely independent who would go on solo hiking fishing camping trips fairly regularly one year he just never came back from the woods there were search parties and the whole deal never found any sign of him no one knows what happened but it's assumed an animal got him or he drowned or something like that really sad great guy one of my good friends had a little brother who often disappeared one day he was always a pretty good kid and his brother was one of the smartest people I think I'll ever meet working for Exxon now and was the valedictorian of my school anyway I helped my buddy put up missing posters all over town and for two days the family was a wreck until one day someone saw him hanging out behind Best Buy eating pizza a couple days later he ran away because he got a bad grade a paper he was 14 everybody is fine now the kid in question ended up going to the same College I did seems to be okay but still a scary thought as to what it could have been Jesus that's a wacky overreaction I was once upset at a grade I got in high school on a test so I removed the staple and slowly ate the test this kid needs to learn what performance art is I used to hang out with a girl whose family moved to our small town from Ukraine and her brother went missing what was sad was there were no search parties or anything just flyers hung up with his picture I'm assuming because he was 19 anyway the Flyers stayed up for years getting replaced when ruined six years later a lady walking her dog found a jawbone in the woods it was his what crazy as I remember when he first went missing everyone saying he probably went out in the woods dug a hole sat in it got drunk and fell asleep he's fine so maybe that's what happened that's a stike way of saying he committed suicide a girl who used to sit beside me in music class went missing I remember her mum coming into the class with pictures begging all lovers for information on her daughter it was heartbreaking to hear her and despite the encounter happening 23 years ago I remember it very clearly sadly the girl's remains were found a few months later and it was determined she was murdered and it remains an unsolved mystery the other kid I didn't know though I did know his sister who was also in my music class he was at a Bush party not far from the center of town he decided to take a shortcut home and was never seen again it was a wooded area but not all that remote the wooded area is between two towns with populations around 20k nothing was ever found and it is like he just walked off the face of the planet there's something wrong with your music class mate my mother met and became very close friends with a guy who had been kidnapped when he was 11 years old but they both went to high school together and he was the popular kid and star athlete for several of the school sports which is surprising given what happened his name was Jody plauche and he was enrolled in a local karate class in Louisiana his instructor was apparently groping and assaulting Jody several times either before or after class eventually the instructor just flat-out took Jody and told him they were going to Disneyland where it was proved Judy was groped more and sodomized while they were in the hotel in the instructor was in the shower Jody was able to call his parents and tell them where he was which allowed the police to come in and get him after he was found and brought home safely a few days later the karate teacher was flown back to Louisiana so he could be charged waiting by a pay phone in the airport was Jody's father when the perpetrator walked past him he turned around and put a bullet in his brain from 3 featuring away killing him instantly Judy's father never went to prison for this as the Louisiana jury decided any of us would have done the same thing if it were our child there's an e 60 episode on the whole thing and judy has done several interviews with Oprah and others my mother is still friends with him and I've met him a few times really nice guy and he occasionally does motivational speaking around the area for younger kids it's nice to see he turned out all right and has made it into something positive Jesus Christ good on that jury poor father was probably out of his mind in rage and sorrow at that point and the poor kid didn't need to have to testify all of the horrors in public there was a little girl that went missing in New Zealand 8 years ago maybe in 2011 or 2012 dunno her mum turned away from her while she was playing to do some laundry and when she turned back around she was gone divers found her a few months later in a sewer pipe she must have fallen in a drain or something freakin horrible in my very middle-class very safe and sheltered little suburb a 13 year old girl went missing she used to go to my school and when she went missing everyone freaked out mass texts like if you see a girl with brown hair description her name is name please call number kept going around and everyone was talking about her everyone whoever might have crossed paths with her told their stories it was believed she ran away from home because she had done it before most times she came back within a day or two but this time she had been gone three days another couple of days later a family was walking through a park and they found her hanging from a tree about 30 years ago I was in first grade eating lunch this was back when the milk cartons had missing children pictures on them I grabbed my milk carton and on the side of it was a picture of my friend who I was sitting right next to at the time it turns out during summer break his divorced parents got in an argument and his dad abducted him and tried to take him to Mexico he was found and had returned in time to make it to the beginning of school so none of us knew what happened until he showed up on everyone's milk carton this is an old family story and you know how those can be sometimes things are passed along that turn out to be wildly inaccurate but I believe it in the story has always seemed very haunting tragic and horrifying to me a part of my family was in a wagon train going west when their five-year-old daughter Rebecca wandered off the wagon train stayed around an extra couple of days between her was coming and they didn't want to be stuck like for example the Donner Party so they kept going her parents and siblings stayed behind a few days longer at everyday meant there were further and further from the group and eventually they had to give up on Rebecca and go catch up to the wagon train without her I always hoped she was found and raised by Native Americans but the reality is that she probably died in the woods either from an animal drowning or exposure I would believe it I used to work with a lady who grew up on a reservation and she told me they had lots of stories about these things from those times both natives and other children wandering off and losing their lives from the elements she said it was an area that was very woodsy quarry like if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 138,761
Rating: 4.8959866 out of 5
Keywords: missing, missing children, missing children cases, missing children found, parents, parenting, parenting 101, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: SdPtIgCOrC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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