When Have You Had A Close Encounter With A Criminal?

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rajat have you ever had a close encounter with a well-known criminal serial killer I went to Virginia Tech and had class with samui chow on the first day he introduced himself as question mark from Planet X he didn't speak the rest of the year when the professor asked him to read a passage aloud he walked out and didn't come back for a few days he started stalking one of the girls in the class until she called the police this was about a year before the massacre question mark from Planet X sounds like he unsuccessfully auditioned to be the backup drummer for the roots when I was 15 I was cast in a musical about an hour away from my hometown my mom didn't want to drive me but a couple people in the musical could see how important it was to young teenage I'm going to be an actress me so they offered to drive me to and from the daily rehearsals all summer I spent hours with this one guy he was normal nice enough constantly hit on me but whatever last year he was all over the local news for physically shaming his neighbor and then chopping her and her boyfriend up and burying their bodies in a local park the weirdest part was only two or three days before the murders I ran into him at a bar we exchanged numbers and planned to hang out in the near future dodged that bullet if you can dodge a psychopath you can dodge a ball about five years ago when I worked in Chiapas Mexico I used to go to a country club with my brother to get some lessons and play a little tennis there we met an American by the name of Charlie that was there every morning with his wife and young kids he was a volunteer instructor there so we played with him and talked to him and his wife a couple times I even played with his kids a boy of about three that already could return the ball and play some slow points and a girl off a boo at six that was already winning some kids tournaments but suddenly he stopped going to play and no one knew why he just disappeared a week later we found out that one of his neighbors found the bodies of his wife and kids inside their house when he smelled the decay from his house turned out that they had been dead for a week and Shelley was missing apparently on the run they found his body a month later in a room of Hotel in Guatemala where he killed himself he was an ex-cop from Alaska wanted for the murder of a woman in Las Vegas and he escaped to Guadalajara there he met his wife whose family later reported as kidnapped seems like they just moved to Chiapas and started living there to me he just seemed like a good guy with a happy little family that enjoyed to play tennis so that was pretty shocking , to me he just seemed like a good guy with a happy little family that enjoyed to play tennis dot but the whole thing was a racket my friend got a chemical burn at work and went to the hospital while he was there he held the door open for an Asian man covered in blood being escorted by the police at the next morning he read about the Tim mcclain beheading on that bus outside the town we live in so he figures he held the door open for Finchley hours after he just killed in partially ate a guy that has to be one of the most horrific and disturbing murders I read about not really a close encounter but my grandmother was murdered by Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole but there isn't really just a whole lot of the story my grandmother and her husband not my grandfather owned a book liquor store in Austin back during the late 70s tool and Lucas just happened to be driving by got out of their car walked in and shot my grandmother in the face three times and then turned it on her husband they never actually caught Lucas and Toole the two sat across the interstate drinking beer and watching the Sheriff's Department conduct their investigation it was only years later when the building had been changed into a bank I believe and Lucas was being transported in a squad car that drove by the place that he said me and Otis killed a man and a woman in that building my father who is now hotshot attorney was a cop for years and he even agreed that they knew far too much about the case and about what happened inside that was never released so yeah kind of crazy this was back in October of 79 so I wasn't even born yet I'd call that a pretty close encounter March of 2011 a fairly good friend of mine lost his mind and murdered his twin brother and mother and father with a samurai sword in knives in the suburbs of Philadelphia when the cops showed up he was sitting in his driveway covered in blood and when they asked what happened he replied only extermination he then referred to his family members as person called brother and person called father etc I also think he was in love with me holy crap this was only a few months ago I'd love to hear more about your friendship with the dude yes I worked at this nice clean and regular-sized cyber cafe my work was about to signing computers to costumers charging them by the hour and and a lot of our chatting LOL my boss always told me that we always had to make the costumer feel like in home and we even memorized some of the costumers names to greet them as they walked in this particular costumer was a very polite guy who always said good afternoon when walking in always at 6 p.m. and thank you when leaving having been checking email for 15 exact minutes no more or less he always paid in exact cash no big bills and no hassles just strength to the point I was always cut in a military way you know brush cut and he didn't talk much but he seemed like another costumer to me one day two very big guys walked in carrying big point four five pistols and as we don't see much guns in southern Mexico I got scared as crap they started to pop some rude questions and all I did was to babble some noises then this much smaller miss - guy entered and said ok let me do this to me in a dominant way you know like a dog trainer telling his beasts to retreat LOL he then asked me in a friendly way if i was able to help them to identify some criminal out there i didn't had a choice so I got out the cafe and saw two big vans and two heavy armored federal police trucks out there the little boss then ordered to open one of the Vans doors and I saw my polite client surrounded by the scary tall and musky looking guys at this point I felt bad for my client here in Mexico the police pick a random guy had the streets and accuse him for anything they need so they have someone to show to the press so I decided to help my costumer and said I know this man he's a loyal costumer and a good person who always checks his email with a say not even blinked and asked me about his tennis shoes do you remember what Tennessee used to West Europe it'd question so I asked raising my eyebrow because we used to have a lot of costumers the feds then walked me to my spot if the cafe and told me do not leave the town soon and partied with police horns and all that crap next day my boss is waiting for me with eyes wide open and pale as a ghost after I referred my story he slowly gave me the newspaper which read serial killer captured at last with a picture of my polite costumer in his declaratory statement he said that Satan made him to stalk elderly women and then to break in their houses and then after beating the crap out of them he robbed their money and jewelry only to shoot them in the stomach and cutting their throats and some sick crap he was captured because some grandma survived and gave the police a detailed description and cooperated in a police sketch so yes I tried to help a serial killer to get out of a federal car phew I was so naive at the time sorry English is not my mother Lang I always feel bad when people apologize for speaking poor English I took four years of language classes I can count to 20 and say hi in Spanish not famous necessarily but at my old job we had a huge turnover rate as a consequence we'd hire dang near anyone who had a pulse and could read one day someone starts there that looks like he'd literally just walked off the prison bus before he got to the office I've seen much worse before so I don't give him a second thoughts until he's seated right next to me as it turns out he's actually a reasonably nice person trying to turn his life around we teach him the business and while he's a slow learner he puts a great effort into it and ultimately becomes quite successful he hits a huge level in sales and goes out that Saturday to celebrate he gets in a fight with some gangbanger and it escalates until my coworker takes out a switchblade in Nice the guy dead he was convicted of murder to life still bums me out to think about it because he was 23 at the time I understand he killed someone but I think in that act he destroyed his own life as well my high school math teacher went to high school with Ted Bundy I grew up in Washington State so there are a few tangential connections like that in my life the pack NW is full of serial killers my dad told me this story one time he was dating this girl and she wanted him to come and meet her family so they drive and they drive into the middle of nowhere she gets out of the car and says one minute some random guy comes out of the woods and starts to roll around on the hood of his car takes a cigarette and then eats it he throws that crap in reverse and bails turns out she meant the Manson Family the guy wasn't a serial killer percent but a murderer nonetheless about eight years ago I was in fourth grade there was a new kid at school who had been homeschooled up until this point I'll call him Steve come to find out that this guy lived about three houses down from me just outside of the circle of people I knew we became decent freud's I hung out at his house he hung out at mine I thought his parents were kind of strange but I never told him that after fourth grade ended his parents decided to start homeschooling him again because his mom had her third clear on the way I thought we could be friends still but his stepdad decided to build a nine-foot fence around their entire property fast forward to about three years ago I noticed that his stepdad has built another ring of fencing on the inside of the old one and added some buildings and an awesome-looking playground in the back we start calling it the Steve compound about a year and a half ago I noticed his stepdad had started raising him using their yard in North Carolina fast forward a game to about a year or so ago I heard gunshot in the middle of the night about 1:00 a.m. three of them Steve stepdad had come out of the back buildings of the compound where he had been sleeping because he and Steve's mom were estranged drunk he killed Steve's mom Steve and then himself Steve was 15 years old at the time his sisters who I believed were seven and nine and his grandmother got out unharmed TL DR in fourth grade I befriended a kid who was later murdered by his stepfather a holy crap I live a block away from Willy Pickton's old pig farm in Port Coquitlam BC I remember coming home from school with helicopters flying all over the place my family watching the news at night and thinking holy frak apparently the elementary school and most of the houses in this area are built on former pixon land nothin cereal then I got swimming lessons from a man who two years later was convicted of manslaughter he drove his friend's girlfriend to a house where the friend killed his girlfriend with a shotgun and then used it to kill himself my ex swimming teacher was convicted for bringing her to the house knowing what the friend was planning my grandfather worked with Charlie Brandt serial killer he didn't know it at the time and then a couple years ago 48 hours did an episode on him and my grandpa realized who he actually worked with I was on campus at Virginia Tech on the 16th of April 2007 two buildings over McBride for the Hokies I left my early class with my professor talking and went back inside when we heard gunshots and saw people running we sat an MCB 136 for three hours desks bakalyan the door etc watching everything on CNN Erie to see the building you're in on national news not good we had no idea if it was one attacker or an activation of a cell of attackers I even entertained the idea that someone in every classroom would activate and shoot everyone we were all looking at each other suspiciously when the police came to evacuate us they knocked on the door and said open up police and we were like Frick that slide us a badge I remember after they slid us a badge under the door we asked them to slide us a second badge they did then we opened the door and ran like Frick to the parking lot I had a full-size pickup truck and the police said if you live on campus go home with somebody in your class nobody's allowed on campus so I got a little truckload of classmates and was dropping them off all over the dang place when we were running from McBride to the commuter lot I remember we had not been told if it was over or not I asked a police officer if the killer killing was over with and he said just run fast I was thinking there was attackers on rooftops shooting students we did not know it was inside classrooms at the time I remember thinking if I'm ever going to get a bullet in my brain it's going to be in the next 30 seconds it impresses me you had the presence of mind to ask for a badge I would have just opened the door depending on your opinion political views this could count as a serial killer story my neighbor committed suicide with Jack kevorkians assistance I'm glad she did she had a brutal form of cancer according to the reports that leaked after I think he was a stand-up guy who only meant to ease people's suffering he was also not convicted for killing more than one person my best friend from high school was down on her luck she had cheated on her husband with Mark Mayland because of the affair she lost her kid than needed a place to stay I invited her and the new boyfriend to stay with me I found out they were on crack and kicked them out a few weeks later he beat his dealer to death and hit him in the crawl space under the house they were staying at she later told me that he did it while she was in the house and could hear the guy moaning under the house while he died Tsuru glad that crap is out of my life not me but a friend of mine was working at the Sheriff's Department in Eureka Northern California when a man came into the main desk asked to be arrested and confessed to being a serial killer then he put a woman severed breasts on the desk as proof my dad was childhood friends with the grandson of one of Ed Gein's last victims they found this kid's grandmother's navel in a sewing basket : I slept with this guy a couple of times over the course of a few weeks two years later I see his photo on a bulletin board in a sandwich shop on a flyer saying he's a diddler and attacks violates random women in the neighborhood boy did I feel special that's the closest thing I've got to relativity of all these posts I found yours the most interesting my stepmom used to carpool with the Green River Killer this was about 30 years ago they worked together and both lived in Federal Way Washington State I remember when they caught him she was kind of dumbfounded my great-grandfather was a sheriff here in Texas he got word Bonnie and Clyde would be passing through the area he quickly rounded up some backup and attempted to head them off they were too late though missed them by minutes apparently he used to tell that story and then say that was the luckiest day of his life because if he would have caught up with him they probably would have killed him not me [ __ ] my dad and his brother were supposed to go hang out with this guy my uncle met named John Wayne Gacy clown killer in Des Plaines ill my great grandpa was next door neighbors with Jack Ruby the guy who killed the guy who killed JFK after Oswald was killed my great-grandpa was the only one keeping the media firestorm from breaking into Ruby's apartment also my great grandpa saw a man practicing his shot at a shooting range a week earlier he later realized it was Oswald using the same gun that would take the president's life I got gas a few minutes before the Beltway sniper killed someone at the Exxon I was at I didn't know about it until I got to work everyone was freaking out whirring it was me seems weird everyone knew you went on at Exxon right before work that day Fred West did my ants are texting no joke he was known as a handyman in Glasgow and he also owned an ice-cream van and he told her all about working in the van and stuff and she remembered he had a strange accent he's from the Midlands I believe in there in Glasgow my cousin has the joke that he is a victim of Fred West because when he rolls over in his bed in his hand scrapes off of the art xìng for West did that to him haha my best friend had a bad habit of fulfilling her teenage insecurities in high school by dating random weirdos off the internet they ranged from awkward shut-in to this guy Rex she usually had the good sense to have a couple of us hang out at the food court while she entertained these dudes and thankfully we came to the rescue on her date with Rex by the time we came to her rescue he had her cornered in the DVD section at borders trying to shove his tongue down her throat even when broke it up and made up some story about her mom sending us to come pick her up because her aunt was in the hospital he wouldn't give it up he kept on trying to get handsy and make out with her as he followed us to our vehicle a year or so ago same friend and I are in our crime class working on our semester project we had to find a big case going on in the county go to the trials and write an analysis of the forensic evidence one our homicide detective professor was very much into was the case of some dude who met a young girl with several mental disabilities on the internet took her on a date then took her into the mountains to debauch and murder her I took another case but my friend was instantly drawn to this one she tried to go to the trial for her project but work or school always prevented her from going we were talking about it a while ago and she decides to see what happened the mug shots of the dude look eerily familiar turns out it was the creeper from borders and we collectively crap out pants he tried to plead not guilty by reason of insanity because velociraptors made him do it having met him briefly I could see that not well-known outside my home town with a guy who asked me out in high school and whom I turned down recently murdered his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend in the break room of the grocery store where they worked he drove back to his dorm room then killed himself when the cops arrived I feel really bad because upon hearing the news my first two thoughts were one holy Frick am I glad I didn't date him too I always thought he was in butthole no one famous I guess but I grew up in a really small close-knit neighborhood where everyone's kids play together with the exception of one boy who was always dodging the crowd and getting into trouble when I was in high school news broke that he had stalked and killed his pregnant girlfriend I still see his mom sometimes and it's kind of odd to skirt the subject a friend worked at a reform school and had to deal W Charles Manson aged nine or ten said nothing he could later do would surprise him check out my family story with a Manson run in I've met the Craigslist killer a few times he's from Verona NY and I went to an alternative school that housed dropouts and pokel with mental problems around the county including Rome VVS vennen Verona Sheryl Camden and a few others well one of the kids I hung out with there knew him and we got high a few times seemed pretty normal and was shocked when I heard about it hep I'm from Oneida I've racked my brain to try and remember if I met him too but I honestly don't think so when I was younger maybe 9 or 10 we used to hang out with kids in the surrounding neighborhoods one day at an acquaintance's barely knew the kid his older brother was there with a couple elder kids maybe 13 or 14 years old not sure how we got separated but before I knew it I was alone in a bedroom with one of the older kids and he pinned me on the floor we were all pretty into wrestling at the time so I didn't think this was entirely strange that is until he had his hands over my mouth and nose and instructed me not to scream that I started to panic I was small for my age plus the age weight difference made it an unfair fight and thankfully another kid wandered in at that moment and the guy got off me he laughed and said we were just kidding around a few years later hadn't seen the guy since when I was in middle school and he was in HS he lured the young kids selling candy into his house debauched him strangled him to death and hid the body in a suitcase in the woods behind his house it took me years to realize they were the same person I guess I must have repressed it or something I used to be good friends and play soccer with Amanda Knox's sister I'm pretty sure Amanda was at one of our games but idk I don't really believe she actually did it though so in my opinion she's not really a criminal I agree I think she is innocent I was commenting to a female friend of mine that our neighborhood was safe turned on the news and there was a story about a did litter butcher abducting violating and then murdering a girl in the field not 100 feet from our place the night before it was one of those movie moments where I said it flipped on the news and that came on I believe I said oh well that's not helping my case at all growing up I was friends with two brothers who lived the next block over from us I was pretty young but I remembered them having a dad and then I remember their dad not being around they also were out of the neighborhood for a while but not for too long years later my mom told me that their dad was abusive and out of control their mom moved herself and the boys in with her best friend while she tried to end the relationship one day the dad went over to the best friend's house and killed the best friend in an attempt to get at their mom we were all pretty young when it happened so I don't remember how they reacted to the whole thing and I clearly had no idea what had happened until later growing up in isolate northern communities leads to some seriously twisted things in 2006 a guy who lived in the bush that we had encountered a few times when we were hiking was reported a number of times for animal abuse because he had something like 75 dogs and people didn't think he was treating them properly by law finally got involved and decided to head up to his place to take the dogs it took them a bit to get there he is aways from town and somehow he heard that they were coming the guy shot all of his dogs and when the authorities arrived he was sitting on the pile of carcasses he felt that if he couldn't have and abuse his dogs nobody could and then he had the nerve to try to see the people that reported his abuses for libel and slander I once worked as a counselor at a State Penitentiary so I've met several serial killers and a lot of murderers as most people have noted under low stress and in conventional non-threatening environment they are behaved like anyone else I've known some really nice guys that were doing time for murder serial killers are very different from run-of-the-mill murderers the few I've known seemed to have a distinctive undercurrent of crazy the only prison that ever threatened to kill me was a serial killer serving many multiple life sentences I worked in a rehab and the guy I was counseling once killed seven men in one night he was messed up he's not really well-known but a killer nonetheless not a serial killer but when I was 11 years old I was close friends with a kid who lived a couple houses away from me we would spend the night at each other's once in a while even one night his mother killed him I was supposed to sleep over that night but my parents won't let me not me but a teacher of mine in the late seventies she had started a local community theater at the time the box office was a small outbuilding Center little ways away from the theater both buildings and a residential but heavily wooded area but she was working the box office one evening and went to the main building to check on the progress of rehearsals things started to wrap up and she needed to lock up to leave she realized that she left her keys in the box office so she went back through the wooded area to get them when she got into the box office her keys were nowhere to be found after looking around extensively and still not finding them she had one of the other staff people lock up and she called her husband to come get her a few days later Ted Bundy was captured just a few miles away and one of the things he had with him were her keys when I was fairly young my dad sold a gun to some guy not illegally he just sold random stuff he got from auctions a while later he was contacted by the FBI or something because that guy ended up being a murderer I never learned all the details because I was never really that close to my dad but seeing these stories is making me want to call him now hey Dad want a bond I want some Internet Karma I grew up next to the mom of Gary lures the kid who was killed in Northport by Ricky Castle over drugs possible satanic worship etc she was one of the nicest people I knew but died about five years ago from cancer when I was a kid my dad saw Carrie stainer when we were visiting Yosemite Carrie's stainer is a serial killer in the area who beheaded four women and is currently on death row I think he was working at the campsite that we were staying at the time my dad only found out that he was a killer after he read about him being arrested later that year he said that when he saw him he felt really uneasy about being around him he said that it's one of the few times in his life that he has met someone who just seemed like they had a screw loose also one of his patients was the victim of a murder in San Diego it was really big news in San Diego at the time and they had a lot of people looking for her when they found her they came to his office for her dental records so they could identify her my mom's boyfriend lived next door to a couple that was murdered by their schizophreniform their bodies my mom was over at her boyfriend's house the night they were murdered and she remembers smelling something burning she said that it smells strange and that if smelled like something was burning but it wasn't the normal smell of wood burning or something like that the schizophrenic guy that murdered his parents also slashed a bunch of people's tires including my mom's in the neighborhood a few weeks before the murder not my story but my friends aren't went on a date with Ted Bundy back in the day she said he was really handsome and charming and was actually pretty disappointed he didn't call her afterwards not me but a dude they brought into my English class in 10th grade he was a lawyer that for some time worked at the world Criminal Court on his first day he walks into a courtroom to watch a trial and sitting on the stand his son African leader the man who chopped off limbs and enslaved people to mine for diamonds now as soon as the lawyer walks in the African leader switches from French to English but because this leader went to college in the NY he has this Brooklyn accent so now this mass murdering war criminal is describing slaughters of hundreds of people in this Brooklyn accent pretty soon the judge asked him why he's speaking at English he then nods his head like the lawyer and says for the American I quote the movie snatch brick top and when you got your six pieces you gotta get rid of them because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mom to discover now is it then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs you got to starve the pigs for a few days then the site of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead you gotta shave the heads of your victims and pull the teeth out for the sake of the Piggy's digestion you could do this afterwards of course but you don't want to go see them through pig crap now do you they will go through bone like butter you need at least 16 pigs to finish the job in one sitting so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm they will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes that means that a single Pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute hence the expression as greedy as a pig whoa that's really creepy I'm in Manitoba and it was all over the news here I remember I was younger and my parents wouldn't let me watch the news about it because of how sick it was if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: close encounters, close encounters with serial killers, serial killers, criminals, close encounter, killers, killer, encounter, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: YHquqBkFHrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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