Gunshop employees, what was a huge red flag? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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gun shop employees of Reddit what are some red flags that have caused you to deny a sale of a firearm serious used to work at a gun store in California had this guy come and attempt to buy owned a are on the ATF Form 4473 there's a question asking something like have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor of domestic violence person mark yes to this question so I'm really put off because it's pretty obvious and column of questions must all be answered now so I asked him if he marked that on accident and he told me no that he had in fact been convicted of domestic violence told him sorry I couldn't sell him the gun and to have a good day comes back a week later with his wife points to the same AR on the shelf and says that's the one he wants his wife comes up and says she like that to buy that a are my co-workers and I witnessed the whole thing and they knew about my experience the week before so we told them that was illegal and said we couldn't sell either of them a gun the wife refused to take our declination and God mad that we wouldn't sell it to her we made it crystal clear to her that if she bought that gun for him after openly admitting it to the snod it was for him she would be committing a felony she did not care and wanted to proceed we told them to leave all we would call the police and have them deal with it they left I frequent my friends gun store where he works either using their range or buying whatever it's in their town so there's been a few issues I've witnessed you get the usual scruffy tweakers and wannabe gangbangers one one of the hard guy came in with a ducking entourage of morons he started asking to see the same bat he crossed the muzzle over my buddy and his boss multiple times as well as customers they were asked to leave as they were being and safe and his friends were being loud as hell cussing dropping the n-bomb half these tools were white soaked the [ __ ] manner of responding to things too difficult to understand with threats of violence a markoma beckoned ducking kill you witches throwing up gang signs and it they shut the duck up right quick with multiple guns drawn the police came and arrested two of them because they had outstanding warrants moral of the story don't act hard when really you're made of jell-o H flavored jello instructor for a hole in the wall joint here saw a dudes probation officers business card in his wallet had a possibly homeless woman ask for a little gun not like to kill anybody but just to teach them a lesson I have an FFL and have worked many gun shows as well as a couple of small stores both before I had my FFL and after 99.99% of the time the biggest red flag is body language how the person acts and how they carry themselves it is easy to spot many heavy drug users especially meth users and they are always denied I was working at a small gun shop and had a young guy maybe 22 or 23 asking about a pistol something felt off but nothing that immediately set off a red flag he asked to see a kel-tec nine-millimeters and when I handed him the pistol he immediately pointed it at me and pulled the trigger when it went click he said too bad it was not loaded not only did I not sell to him the person behind him was an off-duty cop I learned that when a customer does that it is still considered assault with a deadly weapon law I work at Field & Stream and have sold firearms for a collective two years now I had one guy who came in all strung out he was looking for a pistol grip shotgun to take care of some business I took it upon myself to see what this business was he then tells me that he has to take care of his girlfriend's husband because he owned him drug money all he offered for ID was a Twix card that was an easy turn down but he didn't end up being too happy about it another guy I had come in on Black Friday wanting to buy a Ruger LCP for his wife well nothing illegal there because if you are under the same household then it isn't technically a straw sale anyways the guy wanted the LCP in handed me a Florida driver's license I'm in Alabama so I can't transfer a handgun across state lines two hours later a male walked in and said that he was told by his friend that you can't transfer handguns across state lines so he wanted to purchase it himself well that's not the wife he said he was buying for nor was it anyone related to him inst a straw sale and shut him down a previous guy came in and started screaming at me they left with our security guy pushing them out I worked at a larger sporting goods store so when I came in for my shift I had to finish this old guy's paperwork he starts telling me about the gun and how he can't wait to shoot it so I'll look at the paperwork and the woman applied to buy the gun big red flag and he told me that his wife was filling out the paperwork he told me it doesn't matter who signs for the paperwork huge red flag so I talked to my manager about canceling the sale and the guy stormed off super pissed but they said he'll probably do it again at another store there was a guy that came into the shop I worked and after filling out the paperwork my coworker started rattling off some questions are you buying this for yourself et CET see one of the questions asked if the purchaser is a fugitive from the law and the guy says yes so my coworker repeats the question and he says yes again my coworker says so you're a fugitive and he goes there why do you think I'm buying the gun coworker says you know I can't sell you this right and he goes oh well then can I leave before anyone could say anything else an off-duty cop pulled out some cuffs and goes no you cannot I've turned away people for drugs alcohol just being kind of a weird guy on Christmas Eve while running the range portion of our facility a guy came up and asked to rent a rifle and asked if he could purchase a single bullet because he didn't need the others turned him away from that I was helping a friend work a gun show friend is an FFL this guy was walking around the show and he had that order of shifty it wasn't any single thing it was the way he walked the way he was dressed just a whole number of things but still I told myself not to prejudge he walked up to our table saw a gun he liked and asked about the price I told him how it was then he asked if we would do a private sale he was effectively asking us to waive the background check I simply said no that solidified my initial judgment of him so I told the other guys in the booth about him in case he came back and tried to talk his way into a sale the FFL told me that instead of simply saying no I should have said why are you a felon I work at a gun range as an RSO for the FWC and while we don't sell firearms the only two people I've ever had to turn away were one guy wanted to rent a shotgun so is it okay if I have multiple felonies two guy wanted to rent a shotgun okay sure just need an ID he hands me a woman's ID um sir this isn't your ID and euhh sir I need your ID on file until you're finished renting you don't need my ID well then I can't let you rent a shotgun what that's stupid you can't have my idea I'm not letting you look at it okay storms out they are pretty confident he either have felonies or was planning to steal a gun with a fake ID FFL here I had a lady come get a Glock 40 she had transferred into my shop it was a high point 0.38 zero a quick convo found out it's for her boyfriend who's in the car and can't own a gun b/c he's a felon ATF HQ for our city as two miles away I told her I had to check something in the back and called them they got there real quick worked at a pawn shop for a few months this past summer I had a gentleman asked to see a gun our policy was to take their ID and give it back when they're done I asked for his ID and he said he didn't have one so the manager said to get his car keys which he hired even though he didn't have a license anyways I give him the gun and he said that he was surprised by how heavy it was and that's in his home country he could never have held a gun and he asked if this gun was used to kill someone could the police tell what gun was used I told him yes and immediately took the gun back I never showed anyone guns after that Eddie words anytime they open up with hey do you guys do background checks here I worked at a pawn shop that sold guns had a clearly angry man come in one day asking to buy a gun okay sir what are you looking to get if we don't have it I can probably order it he responded with I don't care anything no you aren't getting his buddy he threatened to call the cops I told him to go ahead and he left very relevant at work we have the gunsmith excuse this happens when a customer shows up to pick up a gun that I have fixed or customized and I then over here the manager telling them that I was incorrect the gun is not done yet but it will be done tomorrow it usually means they're too drunk or high to take a gun home it's his way of avoiding conflict we also have to turn away young adults who are retail customers who have so recently smoked dope that we can get a good contact high off of them this comes up a few times a month this has been a good read considering yesterday was my first day on the job selling firearms at a store I don't work at one but was told a story by an employee of a gun store while my friend was picking up some mags for his AR apparently some dumb bus actually came in to buy a rifle provided all of his information legitimately and while the employee called the Sheriff's Office he was informed that the potential buyer had a warrant out for robbery he had to act like he was going through the usual process and keep the guy in the store while a few cops were on their way to arrest him criminals are ducking stupid trying to buy it for someone else it's fine when it's a gift but it's obvious when it's a straw purchase when they are telling that they'll pay them the extra money over what they already gave them sorry man can't do it I've only refused a few but I live and work in a rural area where most everybody knows each other and have purchased a firearm before a couple sells that look like a straw purchase to me one college-age guy that wreaked of pot are the only ones that come mind I've told a few people that I could not work on their firearms because of a lack of time and the volume of work I had when in actuality I did not want my name associated in any way with them I used to work Sporting Goods at Walmart did it for about five years a few I remember denied a guy Yama because just before he came to the counter he and his girlfriend wife were yelling at each other a few aisles over and I overheard it he was still angry when approaching the counter I told him I overheard them fighting in that he was not in the right state of mind to be purchasing 9-millimeters hollow points he screamed at me for about five minutes until a manager arrived and the manager backed me up if someone denies a sale nobody can override it on the other side of the coin unfortunately I sold a Mossberg 500 20-gauge to a guy it was March and here in my state turkey season starts in April so nothing unusual to be selling a shotgun at that time of the year he knew exactly what he wanted knew what shotshells he wanted said he was gearing up for season bought a turkey call and a decoy he was approved by FBI NICs and I completed the sale fast forward to about two months later a state trooper came in and asked to speak to me asked me if the guy seemed out of sorts or anything which I said no he then informs me the guy killed his father with the shotgun after some time I realized there's nothing I could have done and that these background checks simply don't do anything there was no way I could have done anything differently to change the outcome with the scenario that was given to me still a shame though my girlfriend's dad owns a gun store and just told me some guy came in just today to kill his neighbor's cat and all of the kittens needless to say he was kicked out anything that would lead me to believe it was a straw purchase was the most common the most satisfying one was a very out-of-shape guy came in to buy a handgun and started loudly claiming to be former special-forces and that he had been wounded in baghdad being a reasonably separated veteran my bullet census started going off immediately and I began to ask him more and more questions and it was obvious he was lying so I told him I thought he was full of it and as soon as I did another customer in the store slammed his VA card down on the counter next to him and yelled I've been listening to him egg you on for 10 minutes trying not to laugh if you're a wounded veteran where's your VA card the man started to choke on his words and I ripped his background form up in front of him and told him we wouldn't be selling him the handgun ha ha a guy was trying to trade me about 2k worth of gun and scope for my $500 ak-47 I was about to do the deal but my spidey-sense was tingling so I did a quick Google search on the name associated with the email address sure enough it pulls up a Twitter feed of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris pictures and memes I politely turned down the sale oh another one there was a couple at the counter checking out 1911's so what does he need to pick up a gun he will need an FSC a driver's license a second proof of residency the guy speaks to her in Spanish this was my red flag he wouldn't speak to me he would always talk to his girlfriend and she would translate I pick up a bit of it and over here I should buy it today and no green card so that's all he needs yeah but I don't mean to be out of line does he have a green card no he just has a driver license is that okay I'm sorry he needs to be legal in order to buy a gun they were more understanding than I thought so I am an international arms dealer childhood me still love saying that but I just have a FFL 1 stroke 8 and sot1 mainly I just deal with importing ammunition and specialty weapons first I don't have a storefront I have a warehouse but the ATF requires you to be put in a database where any Joe Schmo can contact you also gun broker refuses to take me off of their site so people find out about my imports or exporters status and ask if I can help get large amounts of ammo and arz Ches blocks em 107 s in to war zones Palestine Mexico the biggest red flag for me is someone calling emailing me and asking for a Glock or Barrett 50 cow it's Barrett most of my customers usually have model numbers not generic slang terms I had one thumb bus call me up and Triton would have three Barrett 50s with as much ammo as I can get you want dollar sign 20,000 in rifles and don't even know a model number sure come on down our friendly neighborhood ATF agent would love to talk with you wasn't working at the store at the time but who goes to individuals came into the store and requested to see the cheapest handguns the store had in stock the salesperson was showing them the lower priced handguns and the customers were picking pistol after pistol based on cost if it was around $400 they wanted it the owner was listening to the conversation and was suspicious of these two individuals eventually the owner goes into the back to call the ATF after giving the salesperson was signaled to slow everything down the owner called the local ATF field office and they say they don't have the ability to make it down in time and ask the owner to call the police to handle it owner calls a local detective who frequents the place and informed him of the situation of the detective says slow the sale down I'll call you when I am in the parking lot but allow the sale to go through the detective calls five minutes later and tells them he is in the parking lot with a few marked cars and let the sound complete and exit the business ones in the parking lot the officers question them find a bunch of other new handguns in their car and arrest them a few days later the ATF comes in to get copies of the federal documents they filled out they tell the owner the two individuals aware going through the state buying as many pistols as possible with the intent of bringing them to NJ to be put on a shipping container headed for Somalia the agent said the funds used to purchase the firearms are legal so he can keep it as the guns were evidence now I was at the counter when a gentleman asked to see a Ruger 357 I took it from its case opened it up and set it on the counter the man proceeded to pick it up looking the gun over out of the corner of my eye I noticed the man started loading the gun before I had even realized that I was over the counter I had managed to get my thumb in the way so he couldn't close a revolver another customer finally caught on to what was going on and helped me wrestle the man to the ground needless to say I didn't sell him a gun I'm fact I quit that day [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 170,524
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: bdE3OEzywqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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