[Serious] Former Missing Persons, What's Your Story? (r/AskReddit)

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former missing persons what's your story serious in 1975 I was a - yo American child living in Iran this was before the fall of the shore and America was friendly with Iran my father was an independent contractor training the Iranian military how to fly helicopters we lived in a beautiful home in the expat part of Teheran I was a towhead in white toddler with blue eyes which was a rarity in those parts one afternoon while my father was at work and my brothers were supposedly at school my mother decided to go to market with her friends she decided to leave me with the trusted maid but this was rare she had developed an excellent relationship with our family and my mother finally trusted her to watch me alone my mother returned several hours later to an empty home and went into a panic she called my father all the other expats and the embassy to launch a search for me my two older brothers were supposed to be in school but had skipped to hang out at the market smoked hash and eat pistachios with the locals they noticed our maid and saw that she was carrying a child they approached her and saw that it was me she was talking to a man they didn't know my brother's confronted her she screamed put me on the ground and ran away this caused her commotion and she was captured by the market security similar to the moral police come to find out that she was talking to a slaver attempting to sell me into some strange sex trade looking for blond hair and blue eyes the police took her and we never heard anything about her again I was saved from sex trafficking by my delinquent brothers this is my story from a family visit to Disney World when I was 5 years old we were at Magic Kingdom about to watch the parade I wanted to have a better look during the parade so I climbed a nearby tree I enjoyed a great vantage point for the 1 to 2 hour long show following the parade I calmly climbed down the tree and walked towards my parents and said with a smile on my face wow that was so fun they were not happy unbeknownst to me my parents had no idea I was up there that whole time they were apparently freaking out because they could not find me and they thought I had been kidnapped they had notified security who shut down the entire park no one was allowed in or out until they found me that whole time I had no idea every employee and security personnel in the entire park had been looking for me I was just like yup I was in the tree the entire time my parents once lost me when I was six months old they started to freak out and cry and all of that crap turns out they left in the supermarket in a random aisle took them 30 minutes and driving back home to figure out that oh [ __ ] we left that little bastard back at the Mart true story in seventh grade I overslept my alarm and my mom's thought I went to school so later in the day around 8:00 ice the school calls my home telling that I was not at school since my mom thought I was at school she starts freaking out and apparently there was a whole school-wide report on trying to find my whereabouts I eventually get out of bed and realized that I'm wicked late so I run to school and kind of unique my way into class during the bells the teacher comes in kind of frantic and asks has anyone had any contact with new underscore username underscore and then she makes eye contact with me and was like go to the office then everything got sorted out after that my friend still occasionally joke about it and they made a recipe page for me about the subject I was missing for three days out on the open water I was boating with my father and we were in a small boat we had all sorts of supplies knives lifejackets fishing rods flares cooking utensils and materials all the stuff anyways we were both in this one boat we were at a dock but we didn't tie the boat to the dock which was a dumb idea I was told to hold on to the dock so I don't flow away I held on but there were somewhat strong currents and it was kind of windy I let go I didn't mean to I had to I didn't know how to swim at this time but I started to float away I cold and jump out because I would most likely drown and I was out of sight I panicked and just hoped for the best if we didn't have the materials in the boat I probably would have died anyways I floated away and eventually I was out of sight from the land it was very very scary I closed my eyes and just hope to god I would survive I prayed and Amana feast I wanted all the luck I could get I kept hydrated with the bottled water be had on board and we had some dried nuts and fruits on board too I had a thermal blanket so to go to sleep I would lay in the middle of the boat and cover myself with it it was surprisingly warm anyways I just tried to keep myself warm and makes sure I didn't tippy boat for three days they had boats out looking for me within two hours of me floating away eventually they sent out helicopters I was found after three days of being lost out on the open water by a helicopter it was the scariest three days of my life I apologize if this wasn't very long I'm on mobile and it's hard to type on here I may add on when I go on a real computer I think there was a news report on it somewhere I'll have to look for that so I had a pretty normal childhood white suburban family private school complete material excess yada yada I have always loved unconventional travel as in going to places for the experience and the people rather than renting a $1,200 condo and being a tourist my parents and I constantly took vacations and we would see hitchhikers and I always admired them the complete freedom and the [ __ ] you get to see this feeling grew and grew until one day after we got home from a Denver trip I said [ __ ] it and decided to go on a real adventure I woke up one morning for school like any other only I didn't bring my school backpack I brought my grandpa's Alice pack he handed down to me loaded with camping gear and exactly $87 I drove up to the school told my best friend at the time what my plan was and drove to a truck stop on the northern outskirts of the city went into the bathroom shaved my head I had very long hair at the time throw away my phone destroyed the SIM card cut up my ID and flushed it skip the head three weeks Lots has happened far too many small stories to include and in within 25 miles of the Canadian border I'm not recognizable and I've been passing off as a 22 year old destitute avoiding polite detection I've made one phone call back to my buddy who then passed on my good tidings and apologies to my family and friends I managed to book myself a small private flight through the Canadian border with a farmer on his way home to his family in exchange for a partner during the flight to negate the boredom no passport checks no nothing he drives me from the airfield to the nearest town in an Alberta at this point and I thumb up to a [ __ ] city about 100 miles from Alaska I met up with some Canadian gutter punks and they take me tagging I was a graffiti writer at the time and I hopped my only freight train ride to the Alaskan border I get yet another small slights to Juneau and stayed in Juneau for two weeks I turn 18 I call my parents and they book me a flight back home and then my life carried on as if nothing ever happened former custodial kidnapping victim here my parents separated when I around two years old and my mother's lawyer believed that it would look better to the court if she agreed to allow weekend visitation rights one weekend she dropped me off on a Friday night and returned on Sunday afternoon to pick me up and my biological father had taken me away to parts unknown she learned about a week later that he'd taken me about halfway down the east coast of the US we are in the Northeast he had me for a couple of weeks before be returned with me but refused to actually return me to my mother mom's lawyer filed paperwork so that my mother had full custody and an order of protection for my mother and me but through a bunch of legal fuck-ups bo dad was never actually served the paperwork so the police legally couldn't do anything to return me even though I was about four miles from my mother's house and she was visiting me nightly after a couple of weeks of being out of my mother's house bo dad decided to skip town with me again this time crossing the country with me it was about two weeks before my mother found out where I was this was in the late seventies so there was no digital trail to follow no caller ID etc' and he and then they were only able to determine which state because he would call collect every couple of days and my grandfather asked where the call was coming from several months after that through sheer luck they got an actual residential address after finding out that a pediatrician in that state had contacted my pediatrician for my medical records I was still gone for another few months before my mother was able to bring me home I was gone for about ten months or so I don't know if this counts as missing person police were looking for me but it was for less than three days when I was about 14 I started suffering from really terrible hallucinations partly because of a bad reaction to new medication I was taking and were suddenly and unexplainably terrified of every single human being near me I'd suffered from anxiety for years and I think that's just amplified at the only logical explanation my brain came up with was to go to a place where I thought I'd be safe which was this little rocky ledge overlooking a hill in a nature reserve near my home that I used to go to as a kid my memory is so foggy because I'm pretty sure I was having a complete nervous breakdown I was smart enough to take my school backpack with me which had my water bottle in it by the time they found me luckily my parents remembered my special place and checked it I was severely dehydrated and hungrier than I've ever been my parents were so embarrassed they kept me in hospital for a week and said it was flu I was in the military serving on tanks my unit was in the field for what seemed like forever they let everyone go back into the barracks for a night to get cleaned up but needed some guys to stay out in the field to watch the tanks there was an alert the following morning and I was reported as a wall by my platoon sergeant to battalion his exact words were I'm tired of him [ __ ] everything up and be getting in trouble for it I'm not covering his ass this time imagine his surprise when the unit returned to the tanks to see me still on guard duty where I was assigned the night before by my platoon sergeant he reported me missing because I was exactly where he told me to be as punishment for being exactly where I was told to be I was denied my one night back in the barracks such as life in the military my parents lost me in an amusement park when I was seven they had given me twenty dollars to play a game and wanted me to give him the change when I was done I still don't know what exactly caused me to become lost but when I walked back my parents were gone now I love / loved my parents and all that I was quite thrilled at being alone as I was a strangely independent child I proceeded to blow all the money and have the greatest hour of my life eventually I ran into my parents who had contacted the park security and were searching for me hugs and anger followed still the greatest memory of my childhood it was quite surreal so when I went on vacation to Portugal my family got small villa there was a 24-hour restaurant that served breakfast lunch and dinner along with snacks throughout the day this is where it gets interesting during dinner one night my eight-year-old mind decided it was a good idea to go exploring throughout the area after about an hour of exploring I got sort of lost but I knew the general area where I was another hour passed and that is when my parents probably realized that something was off and decided to tell one of the waiters within 10 minutes the entire resort staff was looking for me by now in getting bored so I decide to start heading back but that's when the police arrived I was for some reason terrified of the police even though I grew up in a safe neighborhood without much crime so back to the police showing up I make a break for it to the one place I thought was safe the villa we stayed in I hid in the closet and didn't move for what had to have been another hour by now it is around midnight and my parents returned to the room my mom was sobbing and my dad was trying to comfort her I hop out of the closet and that was my five or six hours I spent missing in Portugal TL DR my stupidity caused me to be missing for an evening while in Portugal on vacation when I was three my parents lost me in Blizzard Beach at Disney World a fat couple picked me up and dropped me at the lost and found where I sat for several hours I literally sat on a table with people's lost [ __ ] waiting for my parents to claim me the only reason my parents were able to claim me as their own was thankfully I knew my basic info like address phone number parents names ect if they were unable to obtain this info from me confirm they were my real parents they were going to turn me over to the police when the park closed vertical bar [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 572,313
Rating: 4.9248481 out of 5
Keywords: missing, former missing, story, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, news, local, missing persons, former missing persons, missing persons stories
Id: 2es-oZbwiUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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