I Bought A Strippers Abandoned Storage Unit - Whats Inside?

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well hello there and welcome over here to lunker's TV everybody you guys know the past couple weeks we've been doing some storage unit stuff everything is now up for auction and it'll be linked to the very top of the description also be linked in the comments section you'll see you guys are interested of course but that gold ring right there that is on there that ladders on there that silver ring this is an actual gold ring right there there's 24 karat gold stamps I got four booklets of those all these my little monkey dude this is up there all this stuff I mean there's so much stuff up here guys this is really neat I really like this thing this is a pure silver its stamp nine to five a little camel thing that's pretty neat and that'll be up there this I mean there's so much stuff guys there really is they got these tackle boxes that are filled with old old fishing lures those are actually really cool you need to go check those out some trains and then all those records that all you guys are sitting here having a conversation about in the chatted chat chat little session Van Halen kiss there's some Hendricks up here this is all gonna be lauded out there's so many on there you go check out your into this trains John Deere stuff more trains bikes harley-davidson there's a whole bunch of stuff honkers but I haven't gone through all of them I mean there's a bunch more here records wise I mean tons so haven't gone through them all Oh couldn't do them all at once one of you guys are interested they'll be linked at the very top of description go check it out there's I mean I couldn't show you guys all the stuff it would take me way too long but I hope you guys do enjoy this video oh I can't forget him kind of inappropriate that's kind of Awesome well hello hello hello a welcome over here to lockers TV we're outside another storage unit we bought one yesterday we did live auctions unfortunately I could not show you guys that portion cuz the gentleman who's running the auction he does not allow filming which is fine so we came here we did our deal about - I took a massive massive gamble on one which I went through just a tiny bit yesterday not fully here's some of that besides I got my knife I got my clothes even if they aren't coffers look that says don't tread on me copper oh my these are this is heavy - I took a big gamble on this unit cuz he didn't want to bid on it no one else is bidding come on beep beep precious metal oh no oh there's our certificates they're literally difficulys certificate of authenticity oh my god they are don't tell me I spent $600 on paper okay now we're back over here sigh so I found the company whose stuff that is so I gave them a call hey but no I bought a storage unit I don't know if you get it it's full of y'all stuff I don't know if you may want to back yeah it's got like I got 56,000 like coin velvet little bag things as you could see that they said they were going to come they didn't show up so I'm just gonna keep the stuff and sift through it today I didn't show up the reason why I bought it is because when I saw the name on the boom of the boxes I typed it in really fast in my phone while the auctioneer was going off it was it was a bully inside billion billion when have you said they have gold and silver and everything I was like I'm taking a gamble on this we'll see what's inside of it on the boxes in the front it said gold and silver anyway we paid 600 for that unit we paid 600 for unit in here and as you guys do know I have an auction that's actually currently live right now so hopefully we can do something good with their life pop this because it's really clean and he told me it was a good unit piece of box I did bring a flashlight so I know I'm king of purses I hope they're filled with all these goodies too if there's a pizza box heck yeah be thin was totally nowhere just started here I'll take a look at that that's a good start how about this what you handle that he's actually pretty big and do sports movie yeah that's the older ball look there's actually there's several signatures on it but they're so faded so anyway we'll figure out what this is the signatures are hopefully update you and this will be in the auction who else like who it is that's my problems I gotta tell the sports movie it really depends on what it is hey you want start sifting I'm only going to show you guys the good stuff will there could be some trash but anything that we think or he thinks because I'm still learning that is actually sellable I'll kind of show you the good stuff I'm using a baggie Oh what using this bag somebody goes my sword is you don't know who you're buying it whose unit it was he's kind of putting the pieces together and he's thinking and this actually might be a strippers unit if it was she didn't have some coach boots not saying cuz she had these giant heels not saying that's the case women do wear John heels then I'm keep finding stuff like hot berry shimmery body powder which makes me wonder what's really going on here and then there's makeup he's thinking about having a stripper well because all these bags they all have cosmetics and like extra changes of clothes don't ask me how I know but I was twenty once this goes back to I bought a unit awhile back that had dolls and then I was like I'm gonna be adults open now look at this entire box full of Hale's but these are telling me she's no I don't think she was a stripper these aren't stripper heels don't ask me how I know but they aren't you know what I mean like this is this is bro going to business high heels tons of travel bags exercise shows with panties in them and then you got all these cellphones burn phones saying why isn't he wearing gloves with strippers unit that's true like let's be if there is a unit you wear gloves it's probably this one master bedroom Dallas laundry room paper in there look more purses this is such a weird why is there a Gascon I don't I just I haven't I haven't seen I haven't seen prove it that she was a stripper okay so I am we do go ahead and say that I think that uh Grimes could have been right I think he might have been right I'm gonna let him show you that here in a second but we did find some memory cards cams going through them right now yeah there's memory cards inside of this unit the first one was like pictures of inside of a hotel room which is kind of strange is that her family reunion pictures I can't show you what she looks a lot Bennett family affair you don't know that I don't know why you know where I don't know why you're not wearing gloves she's probably third generation see there's up just gave his shoulder the clap family reunion I don't see it I back and forth come here I'm showing this thing no I think they do but I just know that's not what I'm saying I'm just saying there if those are that's not what I heard look that's brand-new but this is a classic classic stripper panty and bra bag look at this how you feeling right now well hot you already know about me with these germs what's what's your hands look at all these new Oh what is it oh that's an extra strap case it gets broke when she's shaking with her mama Hey look brand-new hey see you're looking for exciting money I'm just looking for money bro you got like these all have tags on them that's a $60 bra it's 38 double D whoa that'll fit on my head hey have you seen digging around inside of this stuff with no gloves I do like think about that for a second you're inside this and you just wiped your mouth digging around it's some riot of ladies underwear yes we can $600 with a bras in there he's thinking then there's a bunch of money in this unit for random bags to Gucci stuff to whatever other random stuff he's found in here Michael Kors I get it I get it we also found a Galaxy Tab brand-new there's an iPhone iPhone 4s with a box apparently was it collectible and we got some memory cards that yeah no not like a good hey we got more fun Wow check that one that's right in the bottom of the panty bag that he was knocking on me for checking look you gotta get in there deep real deep are elbow deep and I found that and you said that was a nice camera I mean it's fun well cool pic so we got the box though the charger the pamphlet my eyes are itching you want the good tub come on bro I think it's a good tub there's more panties and bras I'm joking I'm joking look in there tiger what do you like that there we go I'll deal with her being a stripper as long as she left some jewelry in here come on down here ha ha we have real pearls or no oh that's the germaphobe death is real yes Slade was real would you tell me yesterday they're smooth and your teeth are fake they're great it feels gritty if the real there we go oh those are real real real those are the black prolong yeah these black curls are real those black forest aren't you about Circo yep those are real - there we go please tell me these hey so look you've got about at least 80 bucks employer hey buy more gold huh there we go and if Jesus's hands on cross you can't get no better golden that whew that's pretty one of those little diamond in there hey look we go with gold oh yeah definitely oh god I'm shutting myself in the eyes with it ah ah okay so real quick since you've been doing this about 40 years if you were to guess all this random stuff on the ground real quick what do you would it bring at auction as of right now about 1,500 1,500 bucks but look we still have all those tubs we got Ram stuff I'm just trying to figure out did you know there's so much like crazy everywhere hey I told you there's jewelry in this [ __ ] is your own I'm doing the peepee I why it's mix of having a pee and excitement okay all right so check it out while you're on the phone and found something which one you want first listen all right this is your gold I'm not joking oh that's all gold yep there we go the pendants are gold too this is clearly stamped right here is why I love these doors hold on that hand this is all silver oh shoot this is all silver yep and so this is all silver but it's a premium look at that nice rings matching earrings all nine to five hmm gold and silver baby I love it that's back-to-back units and it's got pearls and we got pearls how much we you have a lot of pearls how much money and jewelry think we got right here at auction hock with the pearls I'd say at least five to six hundred right now that's what you spit on it that's what we spent on the unit six hundred bucks baby right here you gotta take a gamble every once in a while there was just so I actually won the bid standing right here and I turn around I thought they could gentlemen gonna continue to bid and he stop sometimes it just takes some Kahuna's and you got a you really gotta risk it to get the biscuit like that one I got on earlier that might be a giant gamble I don't know what's in this thing it's probably what's up no what are you doing a happy you got here you happy yeah why is there so much jewelry here hey you see how I just I bought that that's a silver pendant on the bottom all right so Graham's actually found two more chunks of silver necklace any ring what kind of stone did having his blue turquoise was a turquoise ring so he found that but he's stuck inside of a little tiny black box and it fell down inside of one of these boxes so cannot clearly find it right now I did find some more find a clean ding you want some clean doing real quick clean ding we thank you for that all right 15 20 bucks okay so we got I found a couple little statue mount things I I mean what do you think we're sitting now what do you think I'm sitting now that we found all that jewelry we did find a decent amount of gold and silver jewelry randomly stacking okay I like the safely stuff like there's lots of Christmas stuff oh it's a Christmas stuff right there in a washer and dryer oh this still got a price tag on doesn't it you can play with him let's see how far it'll slingshot panting shotgun panty shot I invented the pan shotgun she's worn those before so we had a conversation about this individuals unit and he came up with a pretty good little thesis I'm gonna go and do that look at this spotlight on here look check it out I do believe that this we the escort or stripper unit but we just found a lot of stuff that talked about abortion and then we actually found the diary we'll keep most of the secret cos its but she was talking about how she wished that God would let her see the babies that were assuming that she had aborted and then what we're finding is there's a lot of religious stuff so my theory it's only a theories is maybe she was in that lifestyle and because that lifestyle came pregnancy and maybe a few abortions because I think it mentioned a few kids that didn't actually get born and so maybe she turned towards God which is amen hallelujah that's cool and maybe she just didn't want this unit maybe she want to leave her life behind and she said I'm done with it and moved on and we're hoping that she is doing good and rocking it in life and that she's you know but that I think that's very possible right got a bad story not a story make sense I mean I've never seen someone has that much that red that red bag right there and then you keep saying it over and over again every single one of these in travel bags a travel bag is like full of different stuff and every single one of them same thing automatics underwear tailing Tampa everything and every single day and then you have a giant red bag full of very lacy oh we found a box full of that stuff too yeah I really think that's possible and you know what I I hope that that that's that's what happened hey did you show them this no I haven't you know I haven't show that oh that's nice it's a nice TV yeah that's the mother fun glass well it's a lot of this stuff we're gonna have to take all this back here in a second we have two or three other units still to show you guys all you always have bits and pieces because most of it stays and then I got that one from the earlier what kind of this one I don't know but look how it's got that glass trans and LG that's a nice TV I got a nice TV here that's $150 bucks yeah I got toilet paper stuck in my shoe right toilet paper stuck to my shoe grounds people showed up to help me kind of load all that stuff we just found there's gonna be a box with silver in it and he lost in a shoe box also that's that's full of underwear right bowls full of underwears crate full 100 and 38 double Ds that's what's in there oh my god I'm gonna take the jewelry down to the truck for you guys though I'll put in the front seat hey yo family found this stuff that he actually lost he lost it back into the jewelry box ironically enough it was silver bracelet right there in a silver ring that is stamped somewhere there it is stamp nine to five on the inside I don't know if you guys can see that or not what's up he was filming no okay okay okay I wanted to kind of get out of their hair so I decided to actually go back over to the house I know I didn't get to show you guys the rest of that storage unit of that company ended up not coming out to even take a gander there stuff so I'm gonna keep it and Grimes are they actually things are gonna be able to sell that stuff over over time so it's really not that big of a deal I mean there was legitimately 52,000 there was an invoice in there for 52,000 over the little coin holders like there's a ton of stuff I haven't even able to sift through I'll show you guys here at a later date his people went in they started cleaning out the unit that I showed you guys today and then they picked up that unit plus his other tutors so they picked the four units today and I didn't want to get inside of their way while they're unloading it all so yeah if you guys didn't know by this time there is an auction still up so just go ahead and check the link in the top description I do love you guys thanks for hanging out with me we're gonna do some a little a little bit different tomorrow I've got I got some plans up here in the old noggin I know there's not a lot up there but I got I got a plan for tomorrow thanks for hanging out with me over here on lunker's TV let me know what you guys think I'll catch you guys next time on another episode of this crusty crusty crusty Channel we call hungers TV [Music] you
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Views: 564,152
Rating: 4.9297724 out of 5
Id: pq9LRWz-0Zo
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Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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