How To Melt Sterling Silver Jewelry Into 10oz Super Mario At Home!#Meltingsilver #Grimesfinds #ASMR

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[Music] for myself right now because i thought it was going to be a disaster [Music] all right guys so here is the scrap that we are gonna use to make our super mario brothers okay uh this is normally weighted uh what that means is you'll see these like you know with the bottom on it so if you take these off if you have something like that and you wait it's not all silver if you actually take there's like a little plaster piece in there so this is really thin like a pepsi can or the pepsi can of coke can uh so we're gonna break this down a little actually i might just crumple these up i went to walmart i'm trying to buy some better tools of stuff i need this is to put stuff in there this is what i needed to finish off i feel like the mold properly and i also got the c-clamps and the board so we will finish the mold here a little bit but first i want to go ahead and break down all of this scrap because about 30 minutes before i'm done i'm gonna go ahead and kick on the furnace and by the end of this video i'm hoping that we have almost not perfected i think perfection on like your second time molding is is ridiculous i went and i got these bad boys right here so we can clip a lot of this stuff down into smaller pieces that way that it'll melt quicker they were out of bore oh that that makes me think of i need to text gina um y'all y'all want to see how like look how many text messages i have yo i told y'all man i i've tried to get back to everybody but i just can't all right guys so what i wanted the reason i'm using this scrap instead of the earring bags is because the mario one i'm planning on auctioning off so i'm only going to use 925 so these little uh rounds right here these are 925 that's all going to be silver so we're gonna put these over here um anything like this i took all the wearable stuff out but if it's missing gemstones and stuff and it's silver uh i'm just gonna go ahead and take these and for right now guys just for the mario i'm not gonna put the pieces in there that have gemstones in them because i want to keep the silver as clean as possible because the store was out of borax so i'm only going to use the pieces that have like that i think are just like good solid 925 silver with nothing extra on it so i'm going to take these pieces right here and i will melt this down later but i'll just save these little dirty i guess we'll just call this dirty y'all this is dirty silver we'll handle the dirty silver later all right so like this is already pretty thin right here i'm gonna go ahead and just fold that up and this i think i'm gonna go ahead and just snip that into i just really want this to melt down as quick as possible dang let's see if we can pinch this golly that's a that's a solid piece of silver though uh okay so like these right here that's all gonna be silver i think the chain we should be pretty good so we'll just go ahead and melt that i guess we should go ahead and clip this down it's got a lot of kinks in it guys kinky was uh my one of my nicknames y'all look at this so we're just gonna take this down so i would sell this but it's kinks and there might be a a trick to getting kinks out but i don't care i can't make a mario with it i'd still probably cut it i'm joking i would not sell it so look let me break this necklace down and then we'll have a pretty good pie i think i don't know i'd rather over prepare than under prepare because y'all i have spent like six hours on this freaking mario you [Applause] so all right guys you see uh you can look in there and you can tell that solid silver so sometimes when you're snipping this stuff you can look in there and just because it's stamped does not mean that it's real uh but this is a good sign so if that were to be like really dark or a different shade that would tell me that this was just like a really heavy silver plate and i did run a magnet over all this so i did do the magnet check first and so again look i'm getting a lot of little pieces uh these chains were just either had kinks or were broke so those are pretty good but y'all y'all saw that's like that was really hard to get through that took a good four or five uh clips but look how chunky that is so i think i'm gonna try to maybe yeah oh look that worked that works better so i'm gonna try to break this down into just a little bit more manageable pieces um dang because i'm hoping to get this done and then like mix a little borax in here with this maybe uh and then we'll get the kiln started so all right let me finish getting through this this kind of stuff with the gemstones remember i'm gonna keep this out for now i'm only keeping stuff that looks like it doesn't have anything dirty in it that way that mario will be the i mean as pure as we can get it using 925 jewelry oh so all right guys it kind of makes sense that i should probably be weighing this as i go i bet you guys would want to know how much silver i'm putting on here sorry guys hey i'm actually look i love this i think this is going to be a hobby of mine this is actually a childhood dream kind of coming true of doing this so i hope you enjoy this videos hey i got a unit you are going to love this week so hey guys uh big big big big abandoned storage unit video coming this week but for now y'all let's play with silver uh we're just gonna play with silver y'all if you love reselling you love silver all right so look we're gonna go ahead and start stacking this uh so i'll get a format together guys is what i'm saying on these uh videos okay i think i want to put this let me see what these come in i i know there's a better scale uh this is ounces oh wait it's over here i'm sorry i'm sitting here duh you're like man you sound stupid dang all right so units ounce ounce graham boy cause i sell it by the ground i'm joking all right guys so let's go ahead and start weighing this silver up i'm kind of curious what these weigh each okay these are four grams okay what that one's heavier all right so look let's put these on here and while i cut the rest of this up guys i'm going to keep a running tally here for you guys so you can see it how much do you let me know down in the comments like how much do you think i need to get to to fill up that little bitty mario statue uh so let's see where we are right now see all right guys since these are paper thin i'm just gonna go ahead and drop these on here oh hold on jean is calling me hello oh it says that lowe's has four borax lows blows yeah can you get it we really need it to make this the best figure we can okay all right let me let me find the closest one all right love you all right love you too bye yeah we're gonna have borax all right back to the silver alright so we have we have a hundred and six grams so far oh actually look we have more of these i think that's well no i'm going to cut that up i really should cut these up man but i did not get the most expensive cutters so uh those are just going to stay whole we'll make sure we put those thicker chunks in first and then we're gonna add a little bit as we go uh just because i'm trying to try to do a better job guys all right let's go ahead and clip the ends of these rings off make sure they don't have gemstones in them because again i only want the silver this time that should be good but i'm just gonna go because i really don't i that machine i got is not the best quality um i look it's a little buddha hey buddy i'm gonna cut your chain boom sorry that was dramatic all right guys all right we're 134 grams here's another one of those chunky monkeys we are at 140 grams this is going to be melted down later because it's got gemstones little tiny gemstones uh all right so we're gonna go ahead and hack this little baby part and i know i could have found a gemstone and some of you jewelers right now like hey man all you needed was a stone for that and i've been like yeah but i couldn't have turned it into a mario so look at that nice pretty silver in there uh dang man i need to get some better clippers hey does anybody got any recommendations for clippers any of you guys that do this for a living or been doing it for longer than i have which is like well kind of like a year i can say i've been doing this for a year but i've only done it four times all right that's pretty hollow so i'm just gonna leave that like that we are at a hundred oh this fell off i was like how are we only 140 all right we're at 145 guys uh here's some more of the little thin chains i don't want that on there because it's got a gemstone so we'll put the little baby chains on there oh look here's another little earring over here go ahead and clip this down and this might be pointless guys i just uh it seems logical and a lot of times i don't look stuff up i just use logic it's pretty soft just trying to bend that hey guys come on dang all right got its tear yeah silver's like 10 man it'll just tear all right so i'm just going to hammer that in half because it's so thin too uh that's thin enough don't you think that probably melt like butter all right that can't go in that can't go in because it's got little dilly hookies around there that's a big chunky monkey all right we're at 167 grams what do y'all think guys are we close to where we need to be oh that was not oh that's so satisfying cutting into soft hollow silver that did oh that felt like butter that's gonna melt so fast see this has got gold plated on it so i'm not gonna do that not gonna do that i am gonna cut the back of this off but it's got a big gemstone all right guys let's go ahead and weigh this up um i have some more somewhere i just don't know how much i need actually i have i have scrap silver freaking squirreled away everywhere all right so let's go ahead and get all this stuff on here i took it off because the the uh it turned off and so i had to dump it all off y'all all right that's 146 grams nice stay here 181 205. okay guys that's 241 grams plus this guy oh this one this is silver uh that guy all right we are at 269 grams of silver all right y'all flipped it over to ounces i don't know if you can see that hey guys let me move sort of focus hey light all right so that says nine point nine point three i forgot about this big old honker all right so we're at 10.6 ounces all right guys so here's where i am on the mold be very careful like i said i've got over six hours invest in this don't laugh at me all you pros so i put it in this bag just to keep it from drying out so the reason i waited i haven't released this yet so you'll see the curvature down in there like everything i had here like i was using this to scrape this but you know it rounds off so it kind of goes down in there and i bought boards and i bought a c-clamp this time so we don't get any leakage hopefully so what i needed is i'm going to pack some more dirt on top of here beat it down with my mallet and then we're gonna go ahead and i got like a c-clamp so i can just kind of crank that sucker but let me show you real quick where i am all right yo what if this thing collapsed like since it's been sitting here so long okay ah don't do it don't do it don't do it oh i did it y'all something fell off look at that how good i was doing i'll still get it all right so look that little piece of dirt fell off but guys y'all can see i don't know if you can see but the lines in there are really crisp where did this go i want to try to put it back on yo i spent so much time on this yo that's not cool ah yeah all right so as long as i get in the general direction uh we should be okay so look y'all for the most part that side look looks a lot better than my last molds still got some loosey gooses there but what i'm hoping is is that when i pack the sand on the bottom um on each side and then i clamp it it's going to squeeze and compress more and i'm going to leave that in there for a few more compressions and then we'll take it out but i do want to go ahead and knock this one out or i don't even know if no i'm not going to knock this one out yet but see here's one thing i have learned so see where this came loose how i did this is i took this thing in and out probably like eight times uh you know i'm not the i'll knock this little guy loose uh but see where that came out so what i wasn't doing before is you know i like to go in here and uh just put a little bit more sand on that one little area it's not going to make too big of a deal right there but this is just how i've done it and i mean i mean i even got all the lines for the turtle shell uh so what i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna put a little bit of baby powder just on top of this where i put that so it doesn't stick to the top part and then once that's going to do is just pack that part back and actually the detail will be a lot better um so all right i'm going to sandwich these back together yeah but look at that y'all y'all see how that just went together that's how compacted i had these okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take some sand uh actually i need to get my sand you know i got my little tool box over here is this my good sand uh oh gina is calling again hello hello why don't you answer the phone like that because i'm videoing um i figure since i'm already out i might as well get whatever we're having for dinner all right you pick um well i have those italian sausages at home hey you pick i don't you i don't i don't surprise me i gotta film okay we're having this i don't want to have a conversation about my sausage on national tv sausage all right well we're gonna have sausage on a vein yeah yeah ready all right guys here's the boards that i bought and i went ahead and got two i'm going to go too thick on each side and somebody go hey man shoot man you don't know what kind of wood that is man that's that birch man it's gonna shoot man it's gonna freak [ __ ] incinerate man and it might and i'll be okay with it so hey simmer down so hey i'm gonna put two on each side and hope it doesn't burst into flames uh but what i'm hoping y'all look i bought this big old fat daddy c clamp y'all see that bad boy and then we're gonna put this in there sandwich i'm gonna put two pieces of wood on bottom and then we're gonna crank this baby and hopefully compact it but first i'm gonna take off all the stuff that might melt uh i want to go ahead and put some dirt on top of this and i kind of want to go ahead and pre-pack it down yo i'm not trying to sound like an expert so i'm just this is what i've learned y'all i've spent the last three days trying to get this right so i'm gonna go ahead and kind of pre-pack this down i've got my big four pound hammer uh right outside gina was getting upset with me uh you gotta be gentle with the man you i pat it you gotta keep give a little pat pat yeah boy so what we want is we want this sucker to be completely flush on this side and on the inside and the problem where it kind of spilled out was like two reasons on the last pour which was my very first time the inside wasn't like uh flat like i was i used this actually i used this butter knife to scrape it off and you see how there's a curve so it wasn't perfect and that's so important so that's why i invested into this thing because now i can take this and run it straight across and get a nice clean thing but i want it to be completely packed and guys hey any of you guys that have been doing this please leave me comments hey any of you guys that have never done this and want to act like experts don't leave me actually dude those are fun to read so you see what i'm doing and i'm going to go ahead and go get my four pound hammer and i want to go ahead and just get this solid because i don't want this to slide around and then we'll go ahead and pop these off get this plastic off uh these stickers okay yeah barber so what we'll do is we're gonna go ahead and pre-pack this down and we're gonna take this and i'm gonna clamp the crap out i'll show you all right guys hope for focus all right y'all i like this little hammer because it it does a lot of the work for you y'all i can't imagine like actual blacksmith y'all my arms have been like freaking beat but man i really want i don't want anything below the line you know what i mean i really want this to be solid gina's gone to the store that's the only reason i do this in the living room i was watching the cowboys game hopefully there went all right so see that and hopefully what i'm going to do is i might actually i think what i want to do is i actually want to get pieces of metal thick uh cast iron and i want to get them cut maybe somebody can one of y'all guys do that for me i mean obviously i'll pay you but i want to get uh uh patterns cut here with a pretty good thick like uh rod that comes up with a flat good you know quarter you know the three quarters inch at least uh plate on it that i can hammer that'll push that that flat down if that makes sense i don't know i i got the idea in my head but i don't have the abilities to do it so all right man look that's nice and flat y'all that was kind of nice see how that just really flattens that out yeah boy so i normally i would cut this off but i don't want to do that yet because i actually know what i'm going to do let's go ahead and clamp this because if i flip it this is going to fall off so let's go ahead and put this down on here okay actually else let's do this i'll show you what i'm gonna do here hey guys see my knee oh why that's the focus all right so here's what we're gonna do all right let's put another one on top like this then we want to take our big daddy c clamp dang i'm not going to make y'all watch this but holy cow actually i'll speed this up real quick foreign [Music] who alright that was a workout all right guys let's see if we can get it yeah boy look so here's what i'm hoping i'm hoping to sandwich this bad boy actually let's turn it like this oh my god let's try to fix the camera okay turn it like this that way i can get this on here actually i think i'm gonna go up like this whoa i went way too far all right guys we're gonna have to speed this up again wrong way shall we it's like mickey mouse club y'all meets crack addict come on yeah boy y'all my dreams are coming true all right so i'm gonna try to center that and i bet there's a better tool for this oh oh shoot i got the coffee table we don't want the coffee table i was like man that got tight quick don't do it i really want to actually i'm becoming an old man i can tell because i'm actually being paid more patient i want that centered normally i'd be like oh that ain't a big deal but yeah that is a big deal for dang all right i gotta make sure this is straight or this is gonna y'all i would cry okay did i get it yeah baby look all right so look i clamped it together so look see that gap in there so look this is how we're gonna pour this time so anyway let me clamp this down all right y'all i feel pretty good about that sorry i'm gonna release this a little bit okay i'm gonna take this off yeah come on baby okay all right y'all yeah you can just tell that feels nice and compact so here's what i'm gonna do y'all this makes me nervous so i'm gonna try to actually i'm gonna pull towards me all right so this is pretty sharp so let's see this should be satisfying i wish i had gina here oh y'all look how satisfying that is oh don't do it don't do it come on god let him see it ah that's what i didn't want y'all y'all know what that's from or what i think this is from is because i didn't have it compacted enough obviously well there's probably some baby powder on there so i'm gonna go ahead and take my hammer and normally if i was trying to be lazy see that line oh it's well yeah you see that line right there i don't like that so i'm gonna do this right i'm gonna go ahead and pack some dirt on here uh hey guys i had this idea let me know about hairspray once i complete something like this i thought about spraying a little layer of hairspray on top to kind of give it just a little bit of extra support so i'm really giving this sucker a good pounding so i don't want any even though i'm gonna have the board on there i don't want any giveaway i feel like because like any give the board's gonna be there but the sand will still pop back which like releases the seal inside and which will make my uh my seal line i guess on or whatever you would call that uh it would loosen it up so i'm really just gonna take some time pound some more dirt on top of this i'm gonna get this sucker solid all right guys i'm starting to feel pretty good about this i don't know how well y'all can see that but look i mean that is pretty freaking straight uh i still got a few little areas i'm not liking uh but i think they're gonna be okay so man i really wish okay so here's another thing this little plug keeps falling out i know i'm gonna cut that but i feel like it's very important that that pressure be on there so i think i'm about to pack i think what i'm gonna do guys i'm gonna go ahead and pack this in because i'm afraid maybe some stuff will try to come out oh sorry uh see how this little block keeps falling out well i know it's gotta be very important to keep i mean every angle of this thing compacted um so in saying that i'm gonna go ahead and use some of my dirty dirt so i separated the dirt i already used or they got baby powder exposed to it because i didn't know how tight it would pack so i put dirt dirty dirt here and my clean dirt is in here so i'm gonna go ahead and fill this with dirty dirt because i'm end up cutting this out to pour anyway all right i'll put a clean clean dirt over there you know i really need to get some bolts for this donut guys that way i could bolt this closed while i'm working on it like this because this is really making me nervous so i'm going to do that next step i should get bolts and i'll bolt this thing while i'm working with it but i'm still a rookie guys i'm gonna try to go ahead and really pack this stuff up in my hand as good as possible because i really don't want to do a lot of movement with this thing so i'm gonna go ahead and put that little big old nuggy nug down in there whoa that's not good that's not what we want okay it went back together smooth but that's not what we want hi guys freaking nail my nub in here all right guys so i've got that more at least i feel a lot better about that uh i don't like that seal so i feel a lot better about that being there than that being empty and maybe some of this dirt trying to work loose which could just like maybe have a snowball effect so anyway okay let's check this one more time uh now that we've done all that i bet it may have popped up a little bit yeah it did i could see right there where it popped up see what i'm talking about though so i packed that dirt i packed that dirt in there which pushed some of that up so my thing was is if that goes out then this is going to start dropping and not be able to stay flush so i feel a lot better that this will stay flush now okay right guys so hey there's side one we're going to flip this and do it to the same side or not the same side other side you know what i mean hey guys all right so once i pound that down i take this on here because look i mean if i start pounding over here the dirt is going to raise over here so i'm just trying to get that compacted and then if there's any leeway i figured this should help distribute the weight across it but that's why i want to get that metal thing like a plate that pushes down so i'm really trying to just run my hand across it and see where i feel like low levels and i feel like i feel a low level right here like it's dipping like right here and right here uh so we're just gonna go ahead and pack a little bit more sand on this i'm really going to town on it because y'all saw where that the powder was on top you can see that so i mean i've really got to get those the two levels to marry together i mean you really got to pound the crud out of it so yeah i think we might be getting close to pouring some silver all right let's go ahead and get this bad boy a scrape [Music] yeah yeah boy all right so that's not too bad again look right here see where it's cracked where it didn't marry so i'm gonna take the hammer back to that because i don't like that uh i still feel a little bit of bumpage right here again i'm gonna have a board on top of this sandwich in it but any like dip i'll even there's gonna just come back on the board i feel like when the weight of the silver hits it uh because if you run your hand across it should be completely smooth not like bumpy feeling bumps right there right there and right there hey guys let's hide a gemstone in there so i'm going to pound it right here and try to work this dirt back this way notice i'm kind of hitting it at an angle to get it to spread okay definitely a lot less bumpy you know what i mean that smoothed out really good right there so i just want to give that some encouragement spank it all right y'all that feels so good right there that is sounding gross but look that's all level i feel like that's bumped up i feel like maybe i missed it yeah look at that boy i knew i'm how did i miss that big old chunk yeah i see now that feels completely level and flat all right guys so let's open these back up i'm gonna put a board under here uh when i separate these oh look that plug fella i didn't even notice that y'all see that oh look that little baby piece didn't stay in there see and that's my worry guys on some of these little bitty pieces right here yo i think i might well look now this is sticking up oh that's dipped down see there's a dip all right this is gonna suck but y'all if i'm gonna do this the right way i'm gonna do it the right way there shouldn't be any bulges out over here first thing i'm gonna do is try to take this board i'm gonna set it on here to see if i can kind of flatten it out destroying some of it see yeah that did they did a little bit all right so i'm not being too too all right so look this piece right here is definitely gonna fall but i feel like the right thing to do is to scrape that thing again you know what do y'all think or no maybe the other side of the mold is just fun actually guys i feel pretty confident in this i think i actually might spray this with hairspray it's gonna be too late go ahead and leave me a comment let me know how stupid i am but i think what i'm gonna do is just go in here see that oh yeah okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go in here and clean some of this up uh clean some of it up and then we will put hairspray on it to try to stiffen it up don't try that at home all right guys jenna made it back we do have borax but okay so check it out so what i did is i kind of tipped it there were some little loose chunks in there that came off uh here so i got those out uh gina's home she found borax she's grabbing the hairspray i know some of you are about to freak out sorry man that's flammable well so anything's flammable when it touches 1100 degrees you freaking [ __ ] i shouldn't have said that i'm sorry all right uh okay so look here's what i'm gonna do i feel really i feel not a hundred percent about this but i feel pretty dang good feel okay with it i'm kind of hoping like the hair spray and maybe the here's the question do i put the baby hair spray on first with a baby powder i feel like the hairspray so i'm just gonna go through here and really tighten up some of these little little things guys like i said it a hundred times it's all about the patience all right so i got a little hairspray y'all hey man that's the dumbest thing ever some of y'all might be like man that's the oldest trick in the book that's a good trick some of y'all might be like that's gonna run your sand that's gonna make it do something else well i mean the liquid does you see how it kind of tightens it up oh see it took away that crease too i don't know y'all hopefully it doesn't blow up my mold but look it is making it stick together better it smells a little actually i like to smell hair spray actually i don't think i like the smell of hairspray i think it reminds me of gina getting ready y'all look at that what do y'all think y'all think it's gonna at least be like somewhat close here i'm gonna oh man i don't know if i want to tilt this but alright guys so look let me put some baby powder on it i'm gonna do a little bit more hairspray on one part part because i really feel like that might be a all right that's it that's it that's all the hairspray she gets no no yeah we're still playing uh you wanna come see my mold yeah if i put baby powder on it doesn't that look way better than the last one looks really good uh-oh cowboy game's on sure is i'm gonna get demonetized why are their voices copyrighted oh did it just start i'll watch it later i gotta i got a film i gotta make a a mario yep what the heck i didn't ask you to unpause dear will you turn the tv off for some reason it won't first pause so now i'm just making sure this powder is in there really good because the next step will be to pour the silver and it's going to burn the powder but i just i saw some old guy doing it so i figured it's probably pretty good to do it i don't think it'll hurt it if we don't or if we do actually i'm not going to put a lot of baby powder around the sides because i want that sand i guess this next round maybe just stick together as good as possible does that make sense y'all i'm totally not going to google the hairspray thing because i just can't wait for all the lovely comments so all right please don't mess up ah thank y'all look at that nothing in this face all right so what i've been doing y'all been packing in here uh spraying a little hairspray uh where it needs to be and then i was putting baby powder so i do a little hairspray actually i'm gonna do this one more time you know just because i'm getting pretty good results out of it so you're this might blow up i don't know this might be a bad idea but this is what i was doing so i give it a little little spritz spritz right and then any loose areas i'm packing it down real quick before it dries and then one more time while it's still kind of wet i'm going to cut that out y'all oh so i spread that on there and then i was putting baby powder i kind of like dab it because uh well shouldn't be doing it that hard but okay then i'm putting it uh putting baby powder back on here one more time so i don't know how many times i've done this show it might have been 10 11 12 and then i just kind of give it a little another little little love tap y'all little love tabs i ain't trying to get his face all compacted again all i'm trying to do is really just man i just don't want anything to collapse when that pour happens okay so look no dirt uh y'all i think i might be okay with this i mean again y'all this is only my second time to cast ever all i'm doing is i'm blowing in there just making sure there's no big chunks in there i'm gonna do one more little pat down it's almost like the baby powder and the hairspray kind of like a little uh mini uh what would you call that uh plaster or something all right guys i feel okay with this i think i do i think i feel okay with this so i'm gonna go ahead and give it a good good powder good powdering see the detail on his ears hopefully that'll stay in there when the silver pours see like a little bitty chunk fell down in his nose just really tiny but man i don't want that to to get in there you know cause a chunk on his look like a wart on his nose or something you know so i'm trying to be real careful so i'm just kind of patting it like on the area and it kind of does a nice little dusting guess and then you stick the third in the pudding y'all i just saw julia childs on something watch oh she left what were we watching oh there she is i'll ask her when she comes in all right y'all what do y'all think y'all i'm so nervous okay let me show you this side let me see if i can focus all right guys hopefully you can see that but i know it's not perfect but it's my second attempt and i'm really obviously guys i've been working on this project for at least three days all right y'all i feel pretty good about that all right so look we have our mold we got uh side a over here i do need to cut the i can't remember what they call this i don't think they called it the flange is it not the the flange guys when i'm cutting this i'm trying to cut it like i'm just trying to i try to use common sense on everything i just don't want anything to be like so i don't want to leave anything hanging off the sides because if the silver hits it i feel like it's going to push it down and break it so i'm really trying to run the flange or whatever you call it flush with the sides you see what i'm saying because if i leave a chunk here in the silver hits it's gonna do that and then it might break that mold and that big chunk of dirt is gonna like go down in his face so i'm just really trying to make and i'm gonna stick this knife in here stick the the knife in the pink uh oh y'all see that y'all see that big old chunky monkey fell in my yo what if that fell out i'd have been so sad all right guys what do y'all think yo we got a mold we got a super mario mold okay so hey let's go ahead and let's clamp the sucker down yo i'm so nervous all right so all right so there's that part of the mold y'all this is nerve wracking oh i need to i need to i thought this through after i did this one so i need to go in here and level this off hey what movie were we just watching the head julia childs uh don't tell mom oh yeah don't tell mom the babysitter's dead all right guys i just wanted to clean up that little flangy flange dang i've been working on this a long time yeah hadn't i where'd you get plans you flanged from you know me i got my own cat capulary regina philangi oh no is that a customer oh no that sounds good all right guys all right so look we're gonna go ahead and yeah i'm gonna go ahead and hey deer actually never mind we gotta go turn on the furnace here in a minute will you go turn on the furnace yeah hold on you need to wait all right guys check out my dirty work station i'm just joking all right guys so let's pop this bad boy on gotta plug it in first i know that's nice let's turn it on now all right let's get all this off so last time i set it at 11 50 no 10.50 yeah right just leave it there i think i'm gonna go a little bit higher yeah just a little bit nah 10 50 is okay i felt like that worked if i go any hotter so all right set it's at 33 degrees right now so we're going to let this get up to 10 50. uh let's make sure our crucible i don't know how many more times this thing's gonna work yeah i don't know what they're made for so look there's still dirtiness in there [Music] okay so so do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] burning that spirit out of there [Music] did you jump i didn't jump it i just wasn't expecting it are you gonna have to fold those things down more yeah i think so i think you're right all right kind of go above and then yeah i'm kind of high so that's [Music] [Music] [Music] does that stuck that smells him [Music] are you ready oh i'm still going [Music] your two-hour alarm is going off oh this has been on for two hours [Music] maybe it was two and a half hours [Music] [Music] all right guys so we're gonna go ahead and get this ready the silver is melting so i'm going to go ahead and double board these this is going to be very heavy yeah that's going to be heavy yo i'm so nervous right now uh all right let's go ahead and get this bad boy on there [Music] whoo nice and easy okay and then we're gonna put this one on top this one i just want to make sure these are you know like lined up you might want to make it flush on that side so you have a way to set it up oh you know what though i think i need to go like this yeah because i gotta pour yes is that what you meant yeah oh okay good job thank you for catching up sometimes you're just a little quicker than i am not all the times hey all right where is my c-clamp all right so after we get this ready guys all right guys so i forgot we gotta put borax in there so we're going to put borax in there in just a second but i want to go ahead and get this clamped down uh that silver's been in there what 10 minutes not even not even 10 minutes so about ten yeah getting close so we'll put uh the borax in there in just a second i want to go ahead and get my oh yeah i got to be careful you do i'm so nervous you see what i mean on that side what what do you mean hold on what please tell them all right so we figured that one out all right y'all we're gonna just smash this down we gotta be careful i'm really gonna give it oh what happened ah justin you did it again stupid y'all i gotta check and make sure something didn't collapse [Music] okay we're good okay [Music] close call i'ma end up crying it's just not joking i'm not gonna go all there but but still it'd be very disappointing [Music] okay and we are not on the coffee table [Music] oh i better stop banging that around huh okay you got it yeah i feel like that's not going anywhere all right guys so hopefully man i hope i did a good job y'all okay y'all ready to live and learn time oh [Music] [Music] oh that smells stay back okay i'm gonna get the rest of the other silver okay didn't want to fall off my stick dang it [Music] oh that is a lot of smoke yikes is that supposed to happen too much oxygen it's not hot yet you can pick it up [Music] don't fit in there okay [Music] oh it melted quick [Music] it's gotta work [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what's the best way to get this off i don't like that techniques you learned did you see that looks like it feels like [Music] well it kind of you think it's gonna work i think you could alright we go inside and get us a cup of water yeah you can go ahead and film all right so it's been cooling for about not very long what two minutes maybe two minutes maybe a ahead minute pop this off i'm so nervous are you nervous kind of yeah okay look here you can get me this time all right no matter what mission accomplished because look we have a mold that stuck together yeah that might all collapse it might be like a little baby nugget or something but progression progression i'm nervous okay okay what you think it worked i think it did you think that worked you can kind of see it's a turtle [Music] i think it worked i think it worked [Music] i think it can worked be the silver mario [Music] babe i he's too small for your tongs beer team tongs that don't [Music] yo oh come on i don't want to touch it but i don't wanna be guys we had to come in here so the electricity is actually out right now and half the house the why we were being so quiet outside because the city is like right out back and the neighbors are and i can just see them blaming me on the electricity for this or something all right guys hey let me go get a toothbrush or something y'all look look at that babe y'all look so far i don't want to melt i don't want to like pinch it too hard yeah see i don't want to put a crease in oh i can touch it now all right look at this [Music] what did you think it was going to turn out this good for real i hadn't even polished it babe look the turtle look you see the turtle things what you know what i forgot too my vent holes see look that's just uh see that's not supposed to be there that's where it leaked out just a little bit so i'm gonna clip that that's part of his ear but then i'm gonna just i'm gonna round that off and look how good that's gonna look yeah once i polish this thing up all right guys give me a few minutes let me work on this and get it clean and we'll be right back i'm gonna film me a old toothbrush so i was like man all right let's let him in on the fun because it's kind of neat to see it as you go isn't it yeah cause look the button showed up i got the buttons look the mouse showed up i was worried about the mouth uh i was worried about the nose even being the shape of a nose and look it it turned out he looks like hitler right now we made mario not hitler get that off of there oh look his mouth do you can you see it on there did i get close in here yeah yep look at that y'all okay so i can paint his eyes on because his eyes were flat on there yo look you can even read the m on his hat what i did not this is not too shabby for my second time is it yeah yo this is silver so i'm gonna polish this i'm about to go study how to polish silver y'all and then we're gonna polish this guy up and see how shiny we can get him um and then i'm gonna figure out how i need to to smooth these edges out i look we should go weigh it shouldn't we yeah we do need to weigh it y'all look i almost i don't see any big bubbles or anything missing dude yeah look see all i got to do is is like buff that down yeah my seam wasn't too bad was it look at that from the side i'm like super impressed with myself right now because i thought it was gonna be a disaster and then y'all were never gonna watch another one of these but y'all actually might watch these videos now because y'all see i might actually be good at this because this is only my second sandcast ever y'all wait till we paint this we're gonna paint this too you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 10,410
Rating: 4.8965874 out of 5
Keywords: melting gold, gold melting furnace, gold melting at home, how to melt gold, melting silver, silver melting, silver melting furnace, silver, gold and silver, bigstackd casting, asmr, stacking silver, casting silver, silver casting, sand casting, diy melting gold, diy melting furnace, gold furnace, silver furnace, how to melt gold at home, sterling silver, melting sterling silver, sterling, asmr melting, storage auction, treasure hunting with jebus, grimes finds, super mario
Id: MYlg4A3JjN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 15sec (4455 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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