NEVER SEEN SO MANY PANTIES 33 YEAR SECRETS REVEALED I bought an abandoned storage unit

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have you ever seen the level of dust in this before I don't this is 33 years right and early we're here Monday morning got the whole crew here look at that that's Jack Manning Alex Ruben what you guys are YouTube channels I'm not I'm trying to dispose at Oh dice a disposable the deposit oh yeah all right and you guys know if you want to have a hard time just put type that into Google and translate into Spanish what's your channel chubby leftist or soccer all right let's get started on this never seen the level of dust in this before I don't this is 33 years I've never been in this much dust I don't know where this red Bowl came from real quick before we get started I just want to say hey you didn't like this I'm all-in we got it for 500 because nobody wanted a bid against us and we teamed up we paid 500 right yeah in a grand scheme of things I would bid over 2 grand on a unit like this hands down wouldn't even think twice I'll go minimum 2 grand just to dig in this treasure possibly more I'm gonna show you why I know right away why it's gonna be a good evening separate effect they liked all that rat poop right there the camera without the button on so we unbox these and we already saw this we're gonna do a quick recap and show you this bag of shirts is probably gonna double our money on the storage unit we got some great shirts we got journey from 1982 Oakland Stadium I'm putting that as possibly one of the better shirts but I could be wrong I'm gonna go with this time to or 81 is probably a lower one yellow I don't know about time that was just a vintage shirt worth definitely 10 to 25 dollars another one how's the lighting look it was pretty good right the Twisted Sister these are the ones we saw the other day so I got a chance to look them up they're doing like 100 to 150 bucks for the Twisted Sister especially that one I like this one perfect strangers that was a good show anybody ever watch a perfect stranger the balki bartokomous I was on my favorite shows back in the day back probably before your time definitely before Alex's time stay hungry 2 or 84 I'm thinking that's 150 there this one I didn't get a chance to look up we saw this at the other video happy new year in 1985 then we got foreigner lover boy these are good shirts they're sleeve to cos a lot of t-shirts have cut the sleeves they don't make up they don't make them always shirt are they just trying to show the guns I'm thinking this Pat Benatar's good yeah it looks nice I like that one look like they're in good shape to do you wash stuff like this or no you you wash your shirts or do you wear the same shirt over well I'm saying like or do you wash off the the old school you just leave it well they have they have techniques you can go on YouTube and buy just type them and then flowed a clean vintage t-shirt and and it'll tell you the journey spensive stuff is it this is the type of things people make a living off of people not knowing have any value of them Jack you said the who was 70 bucks 72 bucks on a pool look at that it's rent rockin the bay REO Speedwagon Kansas 38 special erotic exotic ball so to make sweet this might be my thumbnail right here which thing how does I get a good funny face with you over to hug our daughter erotic balls here and like looking to do this might be my son 7-up and Seagram's timeless like I said this probably doubles our money on this $500 soldier look Yves saint-laurent I could see you awareness it imagines you a Green Bay Packers won my remember my dad used to wear those shirts back when I was born I was like a style pea a lot of things that I stored you I don't know could be a camera it could be for women I don't know elbow oh look at that little fancy thing that is almost capable huh pretty good all of us youtubers this isn't has got a lot of functionality see how it's small then it can be bigger this oh that's good sign it's a good sign BAM and that's it I think that's a good no that's old yeah 1981 too bad it says Raiders edition oh look at that stamp so we have a stamp collection I'm calling it now game on they're just it from the post office usually buy your stamps for like okay me too okay that's good so let us start a stamp pile what's that that's more stamps as the astronauts they're gonna those look like some vintage european-style rims like a Datsun Nissan Volkswagen yeah exactly that this is over a hundred bucks first so that's like a to 300 or set of rims say anything on the side of them my crew no icon the boss I was thing on the box maybe or something might give it some type of oh there there wagon wheel that way and they've found a wagon wheel that explains a lot believe it or not those are either Nissan Datsun or something maybe like a mg what's that little car you got Jack yeah like one of those too maybe it's something this marker right here I wouldn't want to see in this one to the said heavy Locker anybody who everybody the storage is you know trunks a poor man safe that's a nice color too ready one two and this commercials brought to you by stalker think I should being here drawers panties come on there's got to be something under the panties I usually keep look at the price tags on these it back then vintage back when vintage use undies we've got like a hundred grand in vintage undies lingerie the lingerie storage Alameda it is Manny's got a customer for this I like it maybe he's got a panties okay let's look let's take a little bit of peek inside see with some of this stuff looks like this this is look at the price tag is a $60 price tag JC Penney's all right it looks like there's tons of weight I never seen vintage Victoria's Secret in a Victoria don't tell nobody it's a before you look at these these are not your cheap little these are not cheap holy crap what is it know what it is but it's vintage guitar secret yep there's a whole trunk of this Victoria don't tell nobody guys don't talk about our stores right there you always want to make sure you get to the bottom you're not missing any boxes Jack don't watch me do this in the trunk we're doing Alameda on this on the pennies Oh ladies if you're looking for your vintage panties I'm gonna tell you right now you come down to Alameda first Sunday of the month and January March we'll be out there we have all the panties you can get your hands on it's nice when you have more than one box gonna take you to the background amigo at the same time it gives more things to see plus I'm heckle Borden look at this it's a little photo and I want to show the guys after he had a PhD in factory automotive no hundred grand come on hundred grand so far we got Steven helping you need your thumb this is a good sign see this first off this is an old-timer knife thing like it's not in here but the fact is you're seeing the makings of collectibles Roku San Francisco gold diggers what's this women's professional volleyball so basically what tells me is somewhere is potential collectibles are you ready vintage and good stuff good idea we think about stuff I did this eBay or just garbage just boxing him thank you kidding packrat eree actually got your pak-rat individual I think it's ugly breaking it taking us out of the meetup for ten bucks Oh what are we gonna do thank you their game we did a new game you broke it it was for blood see it's for doing I say you put your fake blood with you right when you're going on a costume or something you want to squirt blood everywhere Colorado Chevy Colorado the next trip to somewhere Disney this sticker yeah no sign of no ID on it just not stuff on the show there's nothing a vacation packages like this is a holo envelope was this time we went to the Ponderosa ranch with mom and dad but believe it or not that's worth money it's old postcards I raise you a building is they're kind of boring ones look Livermore that's a town local by what we live far for we are now Washington State where are we today Modesto yeah pick one Modesto Loire Valley problem solved okay the price is right here problem solved this Playboy bunny found Playboy bunny cool that's the ship you worked on yeah chime chart right here point system that's boring this is the elegant view that was my fancy voice captained cat and dog days this is a good sign system we got tons of training stuff something good all aboard for North Hollywood this is a train stuff isn't it and then it has a train leprous of the folks region say newsletter I'm guessing that that was his favorite drink Oh bummer we can't show this magazine but just in case you will under know what it look like I can look good what's really good is when you have a bunch of those if you had a say like you had the whole sequence like six in a row we're all gonna row in a run that would be 40 50 bucks those bands are awesome did you have one like that when you're younger no I think I wanted one of my parents to get worse see this boxer here Gloria I just like I just see the box I'm Tina pleased to be all sorts of collectibles and Rolex watches and gold coin shuco where's that don't oh look does it wind up no that's I bet you that's a good something he says sch you oh Co 1040 that's there's gonna be a few dollar item that's is that transistor radio that's very unusual oh it looks like a sat on something right I think that's definitely worthy of going somewhere and not stopped it yeah well that lava I don't know nothing about rock what do you know about this I think it's lava look that's what it sits on yes that's ooh that was kind of cool that's not she that's gonna be expensive I don't know of any of these rocks of any value GI Joe backpack was that Barbie over there make all that noise oh look at this what is this looks expensive it looks like a solar kid it's like a if you can say your kit for original GI Joe we should set aside answer for GI Joe transfusion okay this is for a Misco something went on there it go to something we have this is a little test kit or something bullets always a little beaker set look it's all scientists say so yeah that's a vengeance set though see the metal on the the side of it you could tell right away that's of inches this is a nice little bit kid right here's a little box that's a bad thing pro-football 10-6 let's stop forcing those well that's what I like though see I want to find these original ones you have the whole set when glassing oh yeah these aren't just any car these are fooling cards with ten cents worth have explode so that's probably 67 so I want to find a card collection it dates back to her 1 rupee 1 dollar in Canada nice all right that's a good box this stuff is heading up look at this Bart in 1975 that's the wrap on this video right now I'm gonna make another video probably in this unit plus you'll have to go to storage stalker commando mando that's besitos and storage stalker and locking lunches channels see the rest this video I hope you guys enjoyed is I think we're gonna find some treasures by the end of this it's getting exciting
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,905
Rating: 4.8789916 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: rO8jj1WP3rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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