Panel Session | Jesus Regional Dallas

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good are you ready for the next session this is gonna be fun we got whistling going on up here we got intersession going on up here a lot of things this has become a favorite for many of the Jesus conferences is the panel to talk and kind of given language to much of what we're experiencing what we believe the Lord is going to do and so we're really stoked to have everybody here I think you want to introduce everybody you want to let me just kind of say you don't think so I think everybody knows everybody knows who's up here but just in case you don't this is pastor Randy Needham from Houston pastors the dwelling place an incredible just house of habitation it's been awesome how they've welcomed us and for those of you who come to our Houston Regional that's the pastor who so kindly opens his doors and his life and his family I've kind of been fathering in a way who some of his children and you're welcome sorry sorry ya know and then he just gave me three-minute preacher introduce anyone heard of Lou Engel Lou Engel I don't know if you know anything about Lou yeah he just cracked off his first fast ever this week we're glad to inspire that any live but it what a joy it's been to have Lou here with us just an amazing Daniel kolenda just poured his heart out and such a beautiful life and one night awesome isn't it wonderful just to hear the word of the Lord wow wow and this pretty girl here Jesse yeah and [Music] what an awesome session yesterday I didn't remember yeah just poured her love out on the Lord was beautiful and just beautiful thing this is Tim Manigault Tim yeah given love Tim leads our worship team here and also he's on our board and has been just a loyal friend full of the wisdom of God and he and his wife brandy is brandy around yeah brandy this is brandy right here step out into the light brandy so they can see ya yeah there's brandy brandy was Jessica's RA at all at all Roberts University before Jesse knew Jesus and brandy was in charge of making sure she got home by curfew wait Brandon what come here come over here just real quick come up here what did give her a mic somebody give her a mic what did you tell her because obviously you know knew her her dad was but what did you tell her what agreement did you guys make turn it on turn it on turn the mic on yeah on yeah just don't let your dad come looking for me that was all ass yeah can I say something yeah Jess actually I'm not gonna say it she went swimming in the prayer fountain at oru on an inner tube and wondered why she got in trouble so that that might do it what do you think Kelly think that might upset some people yeah and it did poor brandy poor brandy had to take care of her but Tim's been such a blessing and such a voice of Jesus in our environment this right here is Kelly Copeland yeah who has been just a dear encouraging friend a woman full of wisdom and has really been walking through a beautiful time with Jesus here over the last year and she's setting us on fire and then she's coming here and getting set on fire and it was really Kelly and her daughter Jenny who really helped cultivate that relationship with brother Copeland and I which ultimately led to moments like last night which just man I mean how'd you like to be 85 and like that I mean with the world I mean how about the how about the joy how old is he 81 sorry how about the joy in his heart I mean isn't that such a huge sign of his walk with the Lord the joy of the Lord so beautiful so Kelly we're so honored to have you we love having you Michael Miller senior leader at Upper Room the Wiley Whistler and man Michael Miller and I and our families have really gone deep as of late and we have the same pursuit and the same ambition our cult the culture of our hearts are so similar that this is about the Lord himself and the Lord among us is the Lord Himself so I just so love what Michael and his wife Louisa carry and Upper Room has become a like a home Church for me in many ways Sam the dwelling place in Bethel I mean these are very special places where I feel like I can be me and that's just which doesn't happen everywhere everywhere but I just love you man so thank you so much it's an honor to have you Peter Lewis you guys heard from Peter the first night yeah and prophetically speaking I I felt like Peter preaching the gospel the first night Dan being evangelist Peter being an evangelist I feel like God was in all of that and it was really Peter I believe a new level of of national stature that's going to come and I'm just honored to be a small part of it man it's amazing and we're honored that the Lord would allow that to happen on this platform and the gospel you preached was so clear and beautiful and it was amazing in fact Dan obviously Dan said the same thing so and Peter and I have been close friends for a long time and he's actually the one who brought the Upper Room I think George Brandon did initially yeah so anyways this is I think my favorite moments are moments in the intense glory of God at these events but some of those times have happened in this setting and it could happen here and if it does we'll gladly get out of the way so what I want to do is I want to ask the first question that'll tap the well and then you'll take over with the glorious wisdom seraphic wisdom that you've been given from the Lord but Lou I felt to start by asking you what you sense what's happening what what have you been processing in this gathering what's the Lord been speaking to you that I just got saved again [Applause] I said to Daniel you never get too old to hear this message and do you know when you when you brought to that kind of sensitivity and repentance you experienced the joy of conversion again well actually confession of sin is actually an invitation into the joy of conversion because you're not hiding and the devil can't blackmail you what is it he said you know Dietrich Bonhoeffer he said they say they would have confession of sin with their brothers every Saturday in the in the believers church there in Germany and they would not that you would need a confessor but this is how they would do it and they would they would walk together and and hold a long they would open up their hearts and be real with one another and then on Sunday when they take communion the Holy Spirit would just fall because the would spirit witnesses to the blood and he said this I'm sorry but you just asked me but I he said this why is it easier for us to confess our sins to a god who's totally without sin that it is to our brothers who are simple just like we are he said when we confess our sin merely to to God maybe we're just granting ourselves absolution for in confession we enter into the nakedness of the crucifixion and we experience the joy of conversion once again Wow hahaha I lived my life pretty much just confessing sin and walking in the light I'm not saying I have a little walked in in great victory I'm simply saying that it's almost like a sacrament the joy of walking in the light with one another but the thing is the thing I've come away with and I'm really searching my own heart yes I've seen blessed and successful ministry but the call was born supernaturally without my preaching and I find myself almost hearing the Lord saying this new shift I've resigned from the call ended the call because I can't go into the new hide it fell like the Lord see rip your cloak like Elijah you can't go into the new without ending the old and I feel like all of a sudden I want to get revving it up again and I feel it the Lord said no you got to remember where you came from you gotta you gotta allow things to be shut down so that you can find God and get a fresh commendation from heaven rather than trying to work up a new ministry and that's what I'm feeling here it's it's about the presence it's what you carry Michael and Jessica I just I want to go down as an older man loving Jesus and letting him bring endorsement to my life that's kind of what I feel like [Applause] geesh yeah you just said something that just resonated in my heart the significance of getting heavens commendation again a fresh commendation from heaven Mike I'd love to ask you in your journey especially with everything that's going on with upper room I have noticed that even in some social media you guys have gone through a series about resting and so easy to try to get into striving and start trying to make things happen but to lose point this idea of just being still shutting things down and and and waiting on him Heaven's commendation for whatever's next how's that pan down and in your life and in your tribes life especially in such a epic season for Upper Room yeah it's been a it's been the wind of God has hit in our community and there's been a ton of growth but I feel I took a two-week vacation and came back and I felt like there was this treadmill that I was to get on that I had been on but since I got off I realized I don't want to get back on that I got to slow this thing down and I think what had happened is the Lord the Lord had breathed and then the enemy came alongside and began to push us and we somehow thought we created the momentum and the momentum came from us just abiding and resting and so just to get back to that place of rest has been really crucial for for our community just abiding in him because our journey it's it's just been each step of the way there's been we've discovered a grace in that season exactly what we needed when we needed it and and so just to get back to that place of rest and allow him to work so yeah that that's been the season we've been in I don't know how effectively we're doing it we're still trying to slow the treadmill down but but yeah that that's been it well you said the Lord sent the wind yeah of course you could surely appreciate that that answer you said the Lord said the win and then the enemy pushed you how have you been able to discern that because we asked the Lord for the win and then we sensed the sense of momentum sometimes in our lives but the enemy doesn't usually come like looking as obvious right as we think that he may look he'll get in that same kind of momentum and then start pushing us down the road how have you been able to discern like his pushing versus like just the Lord's win at your back yeah I think there's a number of ways I could answer that but the I feel like we we as the Lord moves we feel responsible somehow to build around it or to do something to to maintain it and I had this image of this giant mish this machine that was being built around what he was doing and I felt like the Lord said just stick your hand in the machine and it'll dismantle like like we don't we don't need anything other than his wind we don't need anything other than him like all we need is him we don't we don't need like there's this pressure to build an organization and to to just do all these things that we think we need to do because he's moving yet unless he's doing it we don't need to do it and and it's just like what's born of the Spirit will be maintained and sustained by the spirit but what's born in the flesh we get to raise and as he starts to move we just just the wisdom of man can can be well this is what it looks like now that you have this this thing this is what it looks like to sustain it because it's what we've done and it's like no that that's not how we're supposed to do it I just feel like the Lord's looking for leaders then I said this yesterday if he's looking for leaders it will be really good followers and and build according to his voice and only do what he is asking them to do and so it's like a new level of consecration it's a new level of setting ourselves apart and not getting busy not getting hasty not not ciccone like bowing to the wisdom of the last season or this skin or that skin but us just being us and us being us is what got us to this and so what does it look like for us to stay in this momentum I think that's been the challenge yeah so I don't know if that answers it but I'm just trying to slow that thing down so pray for us father we just thank you we thank you what that the testimony that is raised up an upper room Lord let it always be rain coming from heaven and not water pumped my foot let your presence fill up a room and fill all of us through it we bless we pray for Michael and the team that God you'll keep this rain from real quick this is a revelation of the Lord gave us that really freed us is that is that we make a good us and and right when the Upper Room launched we had this word about I love I love the moves of God I love the men of God up here but but but I make a good meet you make a good you we make a good us and so the hesitation is to try to mimic or replicate something that we honor and love instead of just being ourselves and we had this word out of amos 5:5 about I love Bethel bill Johnson has unlocked things in my life he's a father to me his voice has has just unlocked who I am but I had this word when we first started the Upper Room and and it was a misfire five and Amos 5:5 says seek Bethel and die seek me and live there was this history about it but the Lord I was gonna move out there we had this yes we again we loved Bethel but the Lord was making it very clear that that you are you if they are them but you are you and and I feel like I feel like we we become echoes or we replicate what's blessed us instead of allowing it to unlock who we are and us just to come alive and be us and so as and again I love I love the fathers and the people that have impacted my life but it's unto me being me and so as the move of God comes it's like well then you must look like this or you must look like that it's no no no we're just gonna be us we're gonna look like us and we're gonna function and flow is us because that's what that's what God's breathing on and so just to maintain that that's been the real prayer so you make a good you be you it's so crucial for the body for us to distinctly and uniquely be us so that's really good so true so solid I want to kick down the pastor Randy who's my pastor yeah you you have seen generations walk through that kind of journey like Michael Miller was talking about where they honor the fathers that have gone before them whether they're dead are still alive but they know that they gotta fight in their own armor right as this kind of you know mature paternal voice in this generation what does that look like for you as a father to see sons coming up underneath you trying to find their own way be in their own skin while still honor the pattern that you have said because some fathers don't they feel dishonored sometimes when they see their sons maybe doing their own thing or their own way kind of breaking the mold yeah there's no there's no quick there's no quick family's not quick families live together day by day and it's in the walking together and giving our lives so either scripture said in the last days the father's hearts would turn so it begins with fathers fathers hearts turn to the next generation and and people say to me how do you get the young guys where you call you call you you begin to call them to walk with you you take them with you you do life together and you give them platform help them with identity help them with you know with the stability in life dreaming all of these things begin to happen is we walk together to me it's one of the most beautiful beautiful things is that the word father I mean this is what God's I'm father God's father any and we're family and we're sons we're daughters that identity so it begins I think and I really challenge every father and mother here to begin to call to the next generation I began to be grieved a few years ago I began to go into meetings and I began to not see the next generation and I realized we have a serious problem so personally I cannot do meetings without the next generation I'm so glad to just get included with you guys you know and do this it's just it's just it's beautiful so do life we expect the next generation to have a double portion of everything we have they have to and they walk in that so every parent's every victory you got a victory today at this altar that's gonna be a double portion for your children in the future that's a battle your children will not fight because you destroyed that Goliath so you get to give by inheritance so it's time that we you know you get we get we know in life we get a lot by work but it's not in works it's in inheritance and if if you the next generation will honor and spend time with and seek out fathers and mothers you will receive by inheritance what you can never get by works if you hang if you get just listen to anything like a Lou Engel has on YouTube or anywhere else just get it honor it just honor you heard you heard Michael honoring Bill Johnson as you begin to honor it you receive what took them 30 years to get you can receive if you'll honor the Copeland's bringing them in last night honoring that faith begins to be part of it so a lot of it is just honor that the younger generation we must have honor honors what makes family work honors what makes this work and that's valuing the treasure that everybody carries and it when you when you're in family that everybody has treasure it's not about the one anointed guy it's about the families yeah Kelly what do you uh I mean obviously what's it been like growing up with your dad how have you dealt with finding your own armor personally and still honoring and still being yourself there's a humongous difference in honor and idolatry I mean you know Jess it's so easy to have a place of idolatry with those leaders and fathers that have gone before you as the Lord has cleaned cleansed me of that and purifying me of that I mean that that word I dollar was not just about this it's about a lot of things yourself you know I don't need to list your list you know I have my own list that he's you know Kelly Kelly that one that one that one and why is he doing this now I mean you're like Lord kid you've done this when I was 18 and not 54 I mean I can you could have saved me a lot of you know but at 18 I didn't see it and some of the things he's brought into my life in the last few years is what even is allowed Hebrews 12 or the shaking or the correction to even come into my life though when he when he diagnosed me as being a non worshipper that was very hurtful it's like but he dumped it on me and dumped this this yearning to worship and I thought I was a worshipper which is usually a case and when when he dumped that on me it was after that that he said you were not a worshipper which I love the grace of that like dump that on me when my idea I just had to had to do that I had to suddenly okay I'm not okay in the back room during worship anymore I got to get out there that was not my idea so I'm not gonna take credit for the brilliance of that but it changed my whole life but I grew up not knowing Jesus in his presence which is not a detriment or that's not me pointing to how I grew up or saying that one good or I love my root I am rooted in his word that's my root you may be sitting there saying I'm rooted in his presence and worship and just I know Jesus like that but I've been waiting for you my whole life I've been waiting for that my whole life but I'm rooted where I'm rooted and the Lord really my dad was asked early on in his ministry he didn't really realize I think what God was doing with him back then but he was asked to not know Jesus in his presence and seeing them and that type of knowing Jesus he was asked to know Jesus in his word which I'm so grateful for I'm so grateful for my route but in that change that the Lord shifted in me when he put that worship on me then he could say to me you were not a worshipper you disdained it which doesn't mean hate it just means think little of I thought I thought the word the word the work so in my strength I was weak on this other side but I don't think it's any different to the worshiper to the one who's just so immersed in his presence it does feel good it does you sense him very easily I could totally see how you just stop doing the dudes of putting the word in and just worship all the time because that is just that's awesome to me but it's not enough to worship Him if I don't know what he said and it's not enough to worship Him if I can't lay hold of what he said regardless of what it looks like or I feel like or what the enemy saying so in that I'm gonna answer your question I'm gonna get to it quicker but in that little bit of a dichotomy for me it's like I had to really re-examine not my route but the tear that was planted next to my route like 1913 says but when Jesus came to remove that weakness I became so much stronger but to do that if I had idolatry in my heart for my father or my mother our ministry an institution you know KCM I love Kenneth a couple of ministries I do I love what we do I love the word that we preach and the route that we have and the fact that when trouble comes I know what to do I know what His Word says about my healing my life my children about fear I don't fear it I mean all that stuff you preach last night I'm rooted in that's very it's so natural to me to just react to things in faith because that's what we do but if I had that in a place of idolatry and I have in the past then God could not come in to me and say you know like he did in Revelation 3 I love this about you let's deal with this like that no on this let me sit down with you and talk to you about you that's what revelation 3 says but if you haven't in that place about Dollar Tree he can't do that so for you to idolize Beth all means you have something in the place of Jesus but for you to honor Bill Johnson or Kenneth Copeland then now Jesus has a place in an avenue to flow through them to you so that took some real change in my life and when I say some of the things I say now people can look at me and they think sometimes I think what if where is she she's left she's left word of faith she's not worried effective I will always be word of faith but now I'm I'm a word of faith girl who worships Jesus and let me just encourage you and I'm in it back if you have been rooted how many of you would say you were more rooted in worship his presence knowing him like that Holy Spirit moving and I hope it breaks your hand raise your hand let me encourage you don't lose your root don't leave your root just add just add and graft become the fullness cuz this is what Jesus is doing now this is how he's making us without spot or wrinkle Wow because Jesus is coming yeah well one that good that was so good I just wanted you to keep talking just easily give it back I also want to keep my job so Daniel the trooper who's been who's been trooper in the last few days I'm he is touching the world with the gospel for sure and obviously you've lived through and are walking through just the attention of that transgenerational transfer as your founder is obviously still alive and still carrying out what God has called me to do and you're coming up right underneath him in that vein what has that journey looked like for you like being true to what God has called you to do of course honoring him not making an idol out of him wedeck's that journey looked like for you well you know when you talk about honor I think a lot of people just have an idea that it means that you look at somebody and say they're a great person or you know when you get behind a pulpit you say nice things about them in a close proximity relationship honor looks like something very real yeah and sometimes it comes with a price sometimes honor means that I don't do what I would like to do sometimes it means that I'm not me because I have to submit you know now to be honest I've been I've been the president of the ministry that I lead now for nine years but I still if Reinhard called me pastor balky called me tomorrow and said I don't like this you need to change it I would change it not because I have to but because I honor it's good and and I believe that what happens is honor is something that the Lord if you say you honor someone the Lord will allow that to be tested in your life and you'll discover if you really honor or if you just wanted the inheritance because there's a difference sometimes people just want the inheritance and yeah it's great you know somebody worked for 40 years and you get to have all that who wouldn't want that that's awesome it's a different thing when you realize that I'm gonna pay I'm gonna pay a price to honor them and then you know there comes a time you know I've seen this many times where I had a few people in that I'm thinking of right now actually that I of course I wouldn't say they are but I've seen it play out where someone you know maybe it's an older man of God in general a father takes a son under his wing and raises him up and he stays under that wing to the point where he has enough momentum to leave yeah and I think what a mistake that they leave so prematurely they've really just used that person as a stepping-stone into something better and that's not honor yeah even if they still talk nice about the person it's I don't see it as honor now if the Lord tells you to do something of course that's a different issue but I really think that that honor is something that has to be you know looked at very carefully and we have to understand what it means sometimes it means you know that you lay that you lay something down in order to in order to push something else forward and it will cost you I don't know if that was even what you asked but it was it was great yes it was it was great I do think that honors test it with a big know sometimes you know when you don't really know if you honor someone until they say the opposite of what you want to hear them say and then you know you'll know real quick if you really honor them or not because you know to mean like you know children honor your father and your mother it's whenever in the scriptures whenever it tells a specific person to do a specific thing it's because that's the most difficult thing so when it says when it says wives submit to your husbands it's because that's the issue that's what is difficult when it says husband's love your wives that's where the difficulty lives winces children honor your parents that's where that's because honors tough and and for a child honor a parent is difficult so if you think it's just about accolades and positivity no it's it's a it's a difficult thing that has to be walked out and that's why we're specifically commanded to honor our parents Wow so I want to throw this out there there's a lot of desire and passion for revival and Awakening and a move of God and we know that the young generations have four years carried flames of revival what does it look like what is revival and what does it look like for that to be carried well generationally sure Peter he's like really that way did you just ask me what is revival what is revival uh-huh let's start there and then what does it look like to be to be walked out generationally I'd rather listen to Lew talk about revival since it's the book that is his life so maybe we could go to him but I'll tell you for me I say this a lot I wake up in revival every morning because I'm loved by God and and I think we start there I think revival starts with the heart that's connected to God in righteousness and intimacy and that we we walk it out ourselves if you're not in revival then let's not believe for revival Amen because because the gospel that God doesn't have to do anything else for revival he's done enough amen like he the Bloods been shed jesus is risen and he's poured out his Holy Ghost on all flesh amen and so I think for me that's that's revival I try to just steward that well just in my heart steward revival in my heart and then I found that it touches the people touches my wife it touches my kids it touches those that unlocked arms and running with that heart that's connected to God in love that security that that peace that rest of being loved by God is revival it's it's the it's the embrace of Jesus there's nothing higher than that there's nothing there's nothing more to me there's nothing more wonderful Daniel these guys will tell you that stadiums don't do that to your heart what the embrace of Jesus does in secret when no one's looking it's it's just true I can I mean these guys can tell you much more so that's what I would say Daniel want to speak to that just like as you've been traveling what is what does revival what has revival looked like for you and obviously with your connection to Brownsville and and just how God is using you today yeah well the theme of revival is a very interesting one for me because you know obviously I came out of Brownsville which was a revival by just about anybody's definition and the word revival is it difficult because it's not really a biblical term that's something we made up so if you ask 10 people what revival as you get 10 different answers and they can all be right because it's whatever you really decide it is so but by any of those definitions I think Brownsville counted and then you know Ryan are Balki being my mentor Ryan had a very different experience because when he was you know young man in Germany he was burning with this desire to preach the gospel and to see the power of the gospel impact his nation and he would talk to the you know his elders and he would say you know when are people gonna get saved in Germany and they would say just wait for revival any big and he this is what he said he said I began to realize that we were waiting for something our whole lives that the Bible never promised once and he said I decided instead of waiting for revival I was just gonna do what the scripture said which is going preach and so he went to Africa and started preaching and you know the 30 years later 78 million people got saved which I would say is also revival by any definition so I've seen these two dynamics and so here's where I stand into in that tension I believe there are moments in history where God decides to do something that is perhaps sovereign in a way of course it's never without partnership with with us and yet there it's kind of inexplicable why he chose that place and those people you could say about Browns when they said well they were praying for two years before you know who's been praying for you know what 50 years I mean it doesn't always it's not a formula it's not like if you pray for two years Brownsville is gonna happen but there are moments where God just something sovereignly supernaturally and we love that and we embrace that but in the absence of that we don't sit around waiting for something that's going to happen one day because we already have the promise of God and the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the gospel which is revival you preach the gospel the gospel happens that's why it's called good news not to history because it happens so why would we wait around for something that we can experience right here today so you have to embrace both and you have to live in that tension and I've heard some people say well we don't need revival and and I'm not going there because I love any move of the Spirit and on the larger the scale it's on the better give it all to me but in the absence of that we're gonna keep preaching the gospel and we're gonna keep seeking seeing the kingdom of heaven invading the earth because we live in a in an era in an epoch of history where the Spirit of God has been outport we live in we've been in revival for 2,000 years whether we've always embraced it as a different question but the Holy Spirit is here this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel so let's live in it you want to speak to that no I think he nailed it I completely agree with but I think that we have to be careful that we don't dial down what a real revival is because then we'll cease hungry for it the fact is I haven't seen people out in the streets crying out hell is too good I haven't seen what they saw in 1857 where all of America was turned into a prayer meeting and a million souls were saved I haven't seen that yet and I I want to ever continue hungry for the full manifestation of the right hand of God in my generation so I think it's both and good people say well you don't need revival I am revival I said well why is it your City saved but this it's almost arrogance see God's the Tison revival is God's arrival when his presence pervades I've seen it it changes everything Brownsville is one of those storylines so I'm completely it is already and the not yet we live in that tension will already have it but there is a not yet that we have not seen and if America is going to survive we're gonna have to get that Great Awakening that is I believe must happen determination and I love it I just want to say this because because it was you know many of you know the story was 84 I was reading the story of Frank barliman the intercessor for the for the Azusa Street revival sometimes I said well I've told it before but I realized lots of people don't hear these things because I'm older now but the book lit me on fire and I cried out to God in 1984 Lord give me the mantle of Frank barroom and I don't want to read about revival I want to see revival and the next day that brother walks up to me and he says I had a dream of a book and the title said revival I turned the inside of the cover I saw a guy's face his name is Frank barliman and his face turned to your face since 1984 I've lived under the shadow that something beyond Azusa Street is coming and the tongue of fire it's the title of my book and I want to I want to live and see that full title of that where the ton of fire turns the Ivy League schools upside down that is going to happen God will shake Harvard with a ton of fire he'll do it again recently I'm sorry Michael but I'm just kind of this this this encounter years ago with concerning God was gonna show mercy to the youth of America because he remembers his covenant with Jonathan Edwards I don't have time to tell this story but recently we had a dream given to us that Jonathan Edwards was summoned to the court of heaven and they and heaven summoned him as Sir Jonathan and he began in humility but with great courage commanding awakening over America and in the dream we were supposed to be a Green was Sir Jonathan I assist that dream I have been commanding on earth in alignment with the courtroom of heaven we command awakening we commander with I think we gotta hear what's going Cod is striving for a third grade awakening you know for without it there's no hope for a nation so come on amen okay so well that's powerful I want to talk to to to also some of the people that are in here cuz obviously there's a lot of who say it that's awesome but but there are some people in this room who are not burning for revival like Lou right now is there something wrong with that heart pastor Randy if you're not if you're not if you're not waking up with dreams for revival and you're not you're not stirred to do 20-day fast for for your city in that way like are you disconnected from God are you cold is there something wrong with it Shepherd us through this yeah you know begin you know a lot of times we pray God do this God do this God do this and what I would say to you is begin to receive it and say god I am on fire god I am in love with you God I pray night and day begin to declare what you desire as a fact in your heart and that's not being unreal that that is actually God already put the desire in you to desire he gives you the desires of your heart to desire and I would say as you do that begin to walk in it like this is Who I am it doesn't matter what I feel this is who I am i I am a lay down lover of God I am a passionate worshipper of God I am living for revival I am burning for a move of God begin to declare this in your heart will follow those things and then I would say just like you've done so wisely get around the fire get around the unwinding get around people who were burning until you burn that's my pastor yeah I would say well number one I'd say we're not even really qualified to talk about it unless we've been in the glory because it's really easy to not value something having never been there so you know and we have a lot of that going on like we have people telling us how we should heal the sick and they've never done it once and it's in the name of balance or wisdom if they've never tried and so it's easy it's pretty easy to release a commentary having never lived in the cloud and I'm telling you it's real it's real I grew up in the tangible glory of God I lived in the tangible glory of God I've seen people line up for decades decades at I mean we were just in reading when my father long came through he's not supposed to fit there right because it's a different stream and I watched young people camp out at 3:00 in the morning for a 7 p.m. service for the largest crowd the Redding's ever seen and so I grew up in this realm of his manifest presence and if you've been there once nothing else will do nothing else will do so I at the same time teach and believe I mean you guys know that that's why you're here teach and believe and have a supreme value for being alone with God so whether I'm in a regional outpouring or not I can still experience my communion with Jesus so bill says it my father-in-law told us while we were well we were young he's in me for me and on me for you as long as Jesus is in me I have a fountain that never moves it doesn't matter where I'm at I can be at Heathrow International Airport after being gone for 16 20 days it's like the United Nations in the security line people are wearing deodorant some are some aren't some people you like some people don't like you wish you had a first-class ticket but you didn't have the budget for it all this stuff's going through your head you just want to get home yet in that moment in the midst of my petty little nests I can tap into a fountain that never moves and I can be in a rapturous delight at the same time that doesn't decrease or bring down or diminished a biblical standard in the New Testament I mean angels were so common in the book of Acts that when Peter was in jail and they knocked on that door Peter knocked on the door after they'd been praying all night they said it can't be Peter just must be his angel and then they're like we're not letting the angel in now it's just his angel don't get the door we're praying that's what happened there that was the world they lived in in fact the Bible says that all of the sick were brought out to the streets a city of 400,000 in Jerusalem in those days every sick person lined the streets just so Peter could pass by them on his way to church that is different than what we're experiencing guys it just is and so what God is looking for is like one guy or one girl to break the thing in and God wants your life to become a portal God wants your part to become Jacob's Ladder you have to determine what that price looks like but it looks like Jesus at the end of the day you've got to you've got to allow the Lord to spread your arms the arms of your self will your desires what daniel preached today when the wavering ends you can you can unload your arms on the on the crucible that god has offered to you and he'll spread you wide and weaken your your dependent your independence and let the Lord nail you to an altar call across and it's only on a life like that the fire falls but I'm telling you I'm telling you it's a real place it's a real world the greatest evangelist in the world is the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit he's a magnetic he'll pull you in I mean Dan I'll tell you stories while they were in Brownsville it's man a guy working at the our plant came a non-believer he felt the same power he's working at a nuclear power plant he said man I feel the same thing when I Drive by this church that I feel at work and painters would come in and get saved and and this is a real thing this is a real thing and so at the same time we have to realize and that this is this is a wild part I believe that God is calling us to I touched on it last night I just want to read it to you listen in the words of the Lord this is after he explains the parable of the sower he says take heed what you hear with the same measure you used measure used to do what to hear it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given for whoever has has what has been hearing what I'm saying whoever has more will be given but whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away this is a wild truth your attentiveness in this moment to what the Lord is releasing promises that more will be given however our lack of attentiveness if we turn to dial down the intensity of our hearing or we choose to listen to things because he's touching on two things here what and how well you listen how much of your heart leans in and then choose what voice did you listen to to diminish that intensity is to put at risk everything you've received up to that point so let me say it like this valuing what God is saying preserves and multiplies what God said to you to diminish and devalue what he's saying now puts at risk the entirety of the harvest of your life that's the beauty of this inheritance thing in the spirit is that we get to take and receive by honor by submission by generosity by at the end of the day laying our life down before God and man and that's what we do that qualifies us to carry what we didn't pay for but my diligence to stare into the burning bush right now protects my inheritance so that Jesus in front of me protects the measure of pet presence I carried before and ensures a multiplied harvest in the future and that is the only gift God receives in the eternal age it's more pure and of greater harvest and that's what God is after so I think it's very important it's it's it's in the moment but like Lou said it's unto something and if you've been there one thing if you've seen people storm an altar and run people over to get there before you could even get through your message if you've lived in this place like I remember asking Dan what what is the most memorable aspect of living in the glory or being a Brownsville and he didn't say it was the preaching we loved Steve and value Steve and pastor Kilpatrick I was with pastor Patrick last week in the same event I mean of course we value the preaching but he said what I remember was God and what's the preaching unto I'm gonna ask you that what what is is the preaching unto a book or is the book under the author what what makes the difference is is he's preaching in the cloud isn't that the answer to to connect with God while I'm talking about God so that other people experience God and this thing burns I go out far sometimes if you ask the preacher we want to believe Oh is my you know homie it wasn't your message it wasn't your message it was the God who was sitting on your message it was a God who paid for your message it was a God burning in your heart it was a God preparing the hearts and so I think I think lads we tell these stories I think God is wanting to like prick our hearts with this holy what do you call those things that you do with the fireplace you what is it go stoker like like Lewis talking about kindling the flame I think that's what God is trying to do right now but at the same time you've got to realize that you have to meet God on your own like I could not walk up to a and go in the name of my father-in-law who I used to serve get up and walk it doesn't work it doesn't work fathers turn sons toward the god of the father's that's the deal so in the midst of this honor what God is trying to do is say you need to meet not Elijah you need to meet the god of Elijah and that's the invitation this morning that's what I sense in my spirit yeah Jess you have obviously seen a lot a lot of things of the Spirit you've seen incredible meetings you've been in the presence the whole nine yards and you've also I've seen you up close and personal be a mom beaver as the realest person probably on this platform I see you be a mom and and continue to believe for all the things that God has for you to walk in right so at home being mom on these platforms sharing your testimony that God would grip people out of anxiety and fear and and depression and know they have a life to live how have you walked in that balance like how have you how have you dealt with being mom knowing right this is the kids are at home you hear that whole nine yards what are some of the things that you do or you would tell someone who is trying to balance it all you know what I mean how have you done it don't say that whatever michael says yeah um for my life personally it might be different for other women but for me I feel like maybe it's because I grew up in ministry and it was such a crazy ministry world to grow up in and I'm sure maybe Kelly can relate to me maybe a few others but it was something that I never felt was relatable to other people so when I became a mom I did I put and I hope this answers your question but it's just kind of how it worked for me I put everything into being a mom because I wanted to make sure that we I didn't get my parents at home like I wanted as a kid so I wanted to make sure that I gave them all of me but there was no balance see I thought I was doing the right thing but balance is so healthy both ways so I wasn't putting my heart into what God was doing in Jesus image and Michael and I wasn't putting my heart into my own relationship with the Lord the way that I should have I was just focused on I'm a wife and a mom now so I need to just be a mom and like literally overwhelmed my kids with everything like I the first time I left my oldest son I went with him to just Miami from Orlando I didn't even get on a plane and I was bawling my eyes out and he was like three I mean it's pretty sad but I had a hard time with it I struggled but I didn't know I didn't know who I was yet in Christ I was trying to find identity and being a mom at the time if that makes sense I was trying to find who I was and find the balance and I think just recently I found the balance of everything like I had to like Kelly was saying I idolized what I came from and so if something didn't look like what I was used to I would think is this God if Michael wasn't preaching the way that I heard my daddy preach as a little girl I wouldn't I didn't know how to discern the spirit if that makes sense so I was living in the past to put it bluntly I was living in the past and I wasn't living in the present and I was living in the honor of my daddy and when honor was lost I got caught up in that happening and I lost who I was I lost the Lord I lost what God was doing in my husband I lost what God was doing in Jesus image and I got caught up and all that was happening in my family's world that was very public and painful and I I lost the reality of who Jesus is and so I had to come to a that was a cross word for me and someone a friend grabbed me and said find Jesus you cannot get lost in in this world because my Jesus is what I grew up in I didn't have my own Jesus my my Jesus is what I was around and that was my revival that was everything that was I didn't have it for myself so I when I found Jesus for myself no matter what was happening with my family what was happening with Jesus image what was happening with the kids at home what was happening here when I found Jesus that brought that brought balance and everything came together I don't know if I'm even answering your question I don't know why I went there but I think like I had to find I think as parents and let me just say this too if you are married and if you have kids that is your ministry okay it really is that's your ministry so you can't forget that so if God now he's honoring it's so amazing I mean I'm honored to stand on this platform like I did yesterday with people like danandloulou Engel and Michael and brother Copeland it's it's surreal and I never feel worthy of it and I hope I never do because I don't ever want to get used to that but if I'm in my if I'm neglecting my home and my family and my husband and my children that I'm out of balance and God could take that from me any moment so my heart has always been Lord let me just do what I'm supposed to do let me love you first love my family well and then serve you in ministry well that's the way it has to be and that's the balance in it so that's that's how I found my rhythm I was man did she awesome man [Applause] yeah I married up Lou that's what brother Copeland said yeah she should've been here she said once on a stage Lou's written three books but that's nothing cuz I'm writing seven because we have seven children Wow Wow Wow III I just want to clarify I want to clarify something cuz I don't want to I don't want to be miss quoted or misinterpreted I want to echo what Kelly said she said I found Jesus in the Word of God I found Jesus when I worshiped and from being in his presence when I say a book I mean unless the Holy Spirit begins to touch our hearts unless we're open as we study the Scriptures nothing happens if that were if that were not the case you wouldn't have theologians who know more chapter and verse there are unbelievers Jewish unbelievers in Israel who know more word than 99 percent of Christians in America yet they don't come to the Lord so this is what I'm saying I wanna be really clear this is perfect like bill says I even believe the maps I weep reading the genealogies and don't know why I believe it all I would believe it if the Bible says that Jonah swallowed the whale I would believe it every day I've spent six years the last six years studying from Genesis to Revelation just finding the Lord Jesus on every page that's been my mandate from the Lord personally what what I'm saying is this though there comes a place in your life where as you study the Scriptures the heart cries I gotta have that so you stop glorying in your ability to maybe quote though that's valuable and needed you have to find in your five smooth stones it's really hard to lay hands on your own head or blow into your own face or whistle into your own face I mean Miller what have trouble doing that you you've got to be like David and go into the Creek which is the realm of his presence reach down in and find your weaponry that's her brother copal saying you good baby and then I took your water what does that mean Oh see what marriage is like I dropped my mic cuz you took my water anyways we'll go there later that's why I dropped my mic you took my water so you have to be like David I couldn't I couldn't resist so yeah that's our marriage so you've got to reach in as you come to the Lord in the morning with the Word of God open reach in to the presence of the Lord that's that moving stream in the scriptures and you've got to learn to bring out your five smooth stones and they have to be made smooth in that glory and in that presence when Goliath comes you have answers that aren't your ideas they're right here in the word right here in the word now it is it is this is the weaponry for personal victory I've had symptoms that freaked me out I've been locked up in a room for two weeks in depression and anxiety thinking I was sick do you know I could not get my own brain through through my own healing ministry I had to go into the Word of God and so confess it speak it believe it and declare it and chew on it and pray it through and say it and sing it and walk around it until something I learned what's happening to me it was becoming my DNA slowly but surely those symptoms left the fear left the anxiety left this is the heart of God on paper this is not just any book this is the heart of God because jesus said it's from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the same applies to him this is the revelation of his heart but we don't glory in our study we glory in the god of the word of God and we look into the word and we say this we read through the book of Acts and you do what I had to do in 2008 you say my shadows not healing the sick that's a problem now I'm not a pastor up here so but man if your hearts not burning that's a problem that's what the Bible says that's the problem if you're not dreaming that's a problem it's not condemnation the Bible promises dreams it's the language of the Holy Spirit visions dreams I'm not beating I'm just saying there's let me put it this way if it's if you're not there's more just get around Brian Guerin Lou I came to the place where I said my life's not lining up with Jesus's life I've prayed for the dead they sat there dead I got tired of wheeling people in crippled and wheeling them out at some point your heart says it's either your fault or mine God something tells me it's probably not yours you made a payment like Peter said as you study the Scriptures these are wholly provoking invitations calling us to more so I want to make that really clear we meet the Lord through the Scriptures this is his heart on paper this will be around when we're not and many have tried to destroy this wonderful book many have bled to defend it ultimately God Himself defends and stands by in fact the Bible says that he honors the Word of God above his own name but the invitation in the word is to meet the word and that's what I want us to do I want us to open our Bibles in the morning say Lord Jesus this is your heart I'm coming and I'm coming now this is the standard may we never dial it down Lou would you pray can you pray into that just come on sorry Jesse I took her water broke six grand I think I've been more of a spirit man than a word man and I hear that calling and um he said the true worshipers were worship Him in spirit and truth just lift your hands and say God grant us a spirit of Revelation from the word and a revelation from the spirit father we ask today for a spirit of wisdom and revelation from your word to explode in our heart I needed God I asked today loosed a hunger for the bread of life in Jesus name bread from heaven open up the manna of heaven from your word and we ask today for our life a spirit of wisdom and revelation from the Holy Spirit these two things we pull down from heaven right now this cloud into a storm in our lives we ask Spirit of God come apply these things to our hearts and changes this day forever in the name of Jesus we pray God the Father I pray that God this wouldn't be just a nicer prayer I pray that God from this day forward men and women will make room for the word I'm thinking about it when this message is going on and I'm thinking I got a new patio in a rental house we just got I gotta get out on that patio and read the word for hours you're gonna make real decisions just like we were talking about today and Daniel real decisions so Lord bring us into a crucible of decision we're gonna be people of the word and people of the Spirit in Jesus name we ask God for our key Kendyl Paul Cain the word and the spirit this book we lose the word and the spirit even into the Pentecostal charismatic movement lose the word of fresh we thank you for Kenneth Copeland we ask for a gift the spirit of faith that comes from hearing God father we ask for a hearing here in Jesus name God we thank you that you're giving it to come on lift your voices and say well we thank you we receive the spirit and the word together God we receive it in Jesus name we have expectation Oh bread of life fetus killer we can one won't no more so to speak on beyond the sacred page I seek the Lord my spirit pens for the old Living Word come on rod put that in my soul beyond the sacred page I seek the Lord my spirit pans for the old Living Word to seek him just seek him sit Laura I don't want to pass from this moment God beyond the sacred page I seek the Lord my spirit paths for the old Living Word God teach me to love the assigned angels loved one holy passion filling all my frame the baptism of the heaven descendant of my heart and altar and I love a flame give us word and spirit got fresh baptism in the word fresh baptism in the Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit draws draws Lord Jesus father I pray the release of your word Isaiah 50 he wakens me morning by morning like one being taught he opens my ears father I pray for an awakening in the mornings like the master Lord Lord reigneth our ears were perception by waking us in the morning God I pray that many of us will die to our night lives so that we could eat bread in in the morning God unless that's when you eat bread God we tell you say Lord let's open up the morning ears open up the morning ears this was the discipleship training of Jesus his servant in Isaiah 50 he said the Lord would open his ears morning by morning like one being taught we lose that hallucination the morning dreams and words Oh God waked in the morning to dreams and waken into the morning of bread from heaven God but you just softly just begin to worship the Lord just close your eyes there just just begin to bless him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just lift your voice a bit lift your voice a bit lift your voice [Music] that's right lift your boys with your voice with your boys [Music] we welcome your Lord king of glory [Music] [Music] just adore him in love and lift your voice to the law [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 21,901
Rating: 4.9113302 out of 5
Keywords: kanye west, Jesus is king, Bethel Music, Image, UPPERROOM, Upper Room, Michael Koulianos, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, Eric Gilmour, Jesus Regional Dallas, Jesus, Jessica Koulianos, Bill Johnson, Bethel, Todd White, Holy Spirit
Id: 1r6ZE3eFCGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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