Lou Engle | Jesus Regional Dallas

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[Music] [Music] certainly we know he's already here [Music] you are here [Music] you here ever know it [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] yeah never know it oh praise the name of the Lord our God o praise His name for endless days we will sing your praise Oh [Music] [Music] overcome to give you praise we've come to give you praise you come to give you praise we've got a clear intention oh praise the name of the Lord our God Wow way is his name [Music] we will see Oh Lord Oh God [Music] praise the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] we will say [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] woody come on Mitchell oh again whoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I do [Music] yeah me more than a song [Music] to [Music] so [Music] the path we are singing [Music] we will bring you a live you see your eyes like fire to [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah I won't sing from your heart [Music] [Music] of singing [Music] [Music] [Music] pop spigot with all of hand [Music] I figure God would be Elvis [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh Oh Oh [Music] ha ah horny [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] you're the only one that's worth [Music] and we give you the blow you're the only one who's worried [Music] there's a lot of things that one you know the only one that's worthy there's a lot of thing than one our attention you're the only one that's worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with Johansen [Music] [Music] worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nobody [Music] from you [Music] come on and sing all the same [Applause] [Music] before [Music] my Jesus is dead Brown [Music] all the same today as we say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] from [Music] we sing this with the knowledge that they'll never be affected Jesus he didn't turn they'll never be a hallelujah he didn't earn they'll never be one time you raise your hands to give him glory that he didn't earn it the scripture says Thou O Lord are worthy to take the seal and open the book because you have redeemed you redeemed you redeems you dangerous vol live you retain the spoon you retain the spire blue we were dirty we were hurting we would need and you rescued us you rescued us [Applause] he would say the spire blur [Applause] [Applause] or from you or from you [Music] from [Music] you sing it again or from you you give the slide to you give us whole we give our nah you we give our hearts [Music] Oh thank you for this love thank you for the slow [Music] thank you for the slug from [Music] [Music] thank you for this love thank you for the slide thank you for the slow you love is unbothered never interrupting your love remains stable thank you for this love brown you know with many crime and we love you Jesus oh we love Jesus [Music] you ripped our hearts you ripped our hearts you called us by yellow yellow [Music] you wanna tell you that I love you [Music] no matter your heart matters to us what you feel matters to us find us here [Music] and you love here fine get your hair hair and your love here we really love you oh jesus said our reflections on you your sweetness goodness merci your love weight is your faithfulness wait is your faithfulness [Music] wait is your faithfulness your faithfulness [Music] in my morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] seeing all the faithfulness forever [Music] Oh [Applause] never not gonna be good always faithful or how we love you my Jesus great is your faithfulness or we have needed your hands have provided whoa we have needed your hands I provided or we have provided always been faithful thank you father today we position our hearts to hear what you're about to say through Lou you know the Lord said take heed what you hear and then he said for by the measure you used to hear and will be given unto you so today we we can choose what we'll listen to and not only choose what but how well and how open our hearts can be and so far would you just lift your hands to heaven the father speak to us through Lou and our hearts are open the measure of our hearing is yielded and surrendered before you so to speak and shake our bones shake our bones today God in Jesus name the Bible says that if we receive a prophet and the name of a prophet would receive a Prophet's reward and the Prophet's reward is what that prophet carries so I want to I want us all if you're not staying I want us all to stand in honor of Jesus and of his friend Lou and I want us to receive Lou who is a father to our movement if you love Jesus image then you love Lou and if you love Jason I than you love Lou if you love God and Lou and I came together through a dream and actually people had dreams last night about you and I on our movements yeah we're getting them sent and we'll read them tonight but I love you Lou it's an honor to have you can we all just welcome Lou and love on him I get excited I think when people have dreams about me except except the one that you know he heard the story when I was fasting I cheated on my fast and I snuck that yogurt and shipped that lady came into that prayer room the next day said I had a dream of you she was very disappointed with me because I was supposed to be fasting but eating yogurt and cheese so I don't need those kinds of dreams thank you I in fact I just received one of the greatest dreams that prophetic dreams from from a guy that I was with many many years ago and we've been reconnected and he had a dream recently and in the dream and maybe this is boasting I don't know but I just it's my way of life and in this dream he said I saw clouds flying over your head and each cloud was a dream and most people would let the clouds pass over their heads but whenever there was a cloud that passed over your head you would reach up and turn that cloud into a storm in other words dreams are not just pieces of your imagination to divine ideas and a lot of people just say it's just a dream rather than turn it into intercession and pull it to the ground dreams are the last days language of the Holy Spirit you would think we would pay real close attention to them so I want to say that to you because I'd like to encourage a movement that when you get dreams you turn them into like clouds you pull them into storms on the earth there is a storm coming to Dallas we've had a prophetic word about a storm coming to Dallas I feel like why don't we just start there why don't you come come on Michael Peter come on there's a storm here there's a storm that's coming in fact I'm under two major burdens of the Lord right now it's been many many years I've been under those burdens and one of those burdens is the ending of abortion we're in Dallas where roe v wade was passed and today I'm going to talk about these two burdens because I actually believe that when we wrote this I just was in Washington DC yesterday with this life band here that we wrote a prayer a 22 word prayer about 15 years ago in the Starbucks right there close to the Supreme Court and this was the prayer Jesus I plead your blood over my sins in the sins of my nation God and abortion and revival to America millions of those prayers have been prayed I actually believe they're connected God and abortion and send revival I believe they're connected and we make becoming into a convergence moment right now what's going on right now with the Supreme Court we could be in a shifting moment of roe v wade and possibly an answer would also at the same time at you a massive spiritual third Great Awakening if millions of those prayers have been prayed over the last 15 years wouldn't it be like God to bring them both at the same time just just rolling down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream I believe we are going to see a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit I'm gripped by Stadium Christianity now when I talk about stadium Christianity it's not about filling stadiums it's about stadiums are like the icon of a nation everybody's watching football but the days will come and God will possess the iconic arenas of the earth and they won't be following a pigskin they'll be following the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world we've seen this for years in fact I was just in DC because of a divine assignment where I with the Supreme Court hearing and I've been doing night watches standing in front of the Supreme Court with life tape on my mouth it seems so weird I'm 65 standing in that human whether from 3 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the morning and I'm looking at that Supreme Court but I'm standing in a higher court God has a court case with America racism and blood I'm telling you abortion is not a social issue abortion is the shedding of innocent blood and the Bible says that a nation that sheds the blood of the innocent there is no atonement for that nation thank God there is a better blood that speaks better than the blood of 60 million babies that are demanding a hearing I'm gonna talk about that in the middle of me standing there I get a summons to California from a prophet named Paul Cain you may have heard of Paul Cain one of the great prophets of America gone through his challenges sometimes we shoot the prophets and never let him come back up I don't know how that works I simply say he called me and he's burning with a vision of stadium Christianity and I'd like to play not to send I would like to play that for that verbal deal appear or it won't be up there I want you to listen to this some kind of a great outpouring and his sovereignty and righteousness in John sisterlove and as eternal life and omniscience and omnipotence and omnipresence and immutability and veracity just dumped all over you Azusa Street was instituted and and people went there and they beheld a Baptizer and became the baptized and then they beheld the healer and became the healed and then all of a sudden God has saved the best for the last the Jesus people came in because they beheld as Savior became the save lookout California there's something rather than a tidal wave there's something greater than a gigantic prismatic earthquake coming though it will shake the earth once more and his glory is about to be revealed and his people sons and daughters of God are going to be introduced in this meeting something's gonna come so strong to you that you won't even know that there be any baptism the Holy Ghost compared to the enormous baptism you're about to receive I tell you that crowd is coming that cloud is coming but they will be the faceless generation of men or stand on a platform with thousands and multitudes and mass is all about and the news media ABC NBC CBS CNN will be saved ladies and gentlemen we have no news tonight to report but good news the whole world is going mad over Jesus they're falling on their face and saying Jesus is one and all sir no sports news tonight because all the football stadiums and all the ballparks and all the Colosseum's are filled overflowing with thousands gathering they're saying we have a resurrection over here and then twisted mangled bodies are being made straight and then the news announcers are saying ladies and gentlemen we don't know who these people are they're almost faceless and they're speaking great wisdom and they're speaking things that are bringing about resurrections and bringing about healing I want you to know it will happen my friends and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will once again become the first line of defense she'll be the only cure for AIDS she'll be the only cure for communicable diseases that medical science will never be able to Paul Keynes saw this vision hundreds of times in Central Florida he saw we're going to descend I'm living under the shadow of that prophetic word and Billy Graham died the Lord just spoke to me concerning Billy Graham I will not leave you Billy Graham until I get a double portion of your anointing on the next generation when he died I was I actually was in Hawaii fasting and praying you wouldn't believe that I did eat a couple of akkad OHS and stuff that was so good those little bananas that taste so sweet you know those little ones pretty hard too fast when you get those little bananas there but the Lord just spoke true from that passage Elijah there's coming a mental a Billy Graham or Roberts there's coming undone Oien ting on a new breed of nameless faceless evangelists that I believe this movement Jesus images is a part of this is not about names it's not about people something is coming of the glory of God he's not gonna share his glory with anyone else when that glory comes stadiums will be filled you won't have to just do all kinds of videos to get people there the glory is gonna come only the gold glory of God can produce what Paul Cain saw when the news said no bad news tonight the stadiums of the earth are being filled you say Luke could that really happen now I don't really believe that you can be jaded if you want to as for me I'm gonna believe the prophetic word and pull the cloud right down and make it a storm there is a storm coming to Dallas just recently you come on Michael Michael Miller had a dream I guess II would tell the dreams Lord told me if you don't tell the trims you won't see the movements you know Joseph shouldn't have told his dreams with his brothers I always said well how else is he gonna get to Egypt what'd you tell your dreams movement begins to occur because you begin to prophesy what you've seen dreams may not fully be fulfilled the way you think they'll be fulfilled and probably will take years to get there you go to the pit everything else but the fact is I'm gonna live my I've decided in spite of my failures in spite of my statistics I decided that I'm gonna be overshadowed by a dominating prophecy I'm gonna live my life under the shadow of God's dreams and I am carrying up and carrying it so when when when Billy Graham died I was really reading those scriptures where Elijah says bring me a new ball and I it was so intense that I knew the Lord listening it's not like the calls been I've been 18 years just seven days ago 18 years ago celebrated the 18th anniversary of the call but 400,000 people sovereignly birth by God but now I'm looking for a new pole for Jesus the Evangelist with signs and wonders and nameless faceless and missions fire burns and Jesus that this is the ball I'm looking at someone said this you had a visitor said unless you fill the bowls with prayer in heaven you'll never see the bowls filled on earth the Cotton Bowl the Florida you've got to fill the bowls in heaven that's what I'm doing right now I'm saying God stadiums will be filled stadiums of the new breed of evangelist where the glory and presence of God comes this is what this is what we're believing for America when everyone else would write it off I say there's a third Great Awakening coming and I'll tell you more about that so concerning Dallas I just received from Michael Miller Michael Miller just had a dream and I'm believing for this dream Michael won't you share the dream childhood dream it's actually a dream dream and um and I was I had called a timeout and I went to the sideline and I knew it was a critical moment in the game and I knew that we were behind and I knew that the stadium was filled we were in AT&T Stadium and in the dream we were calling for a special play and and when the coach called for the play Lou was on the sidelines and I knew that look who that he he was so key for that moment and I knew that we were gonna run a special play that only he could run and so he came next to me and we were out Center up he and I were woke up that would I shared that with Lou I shared that with Lou and and he started talking about AT&T Stadium and how stadium Christianity to see AT&T filled with people and that it's critical for a nation I know there's a number of words over our city and specifically that stadium but I feel like that was one of those clouds that we need to pull on and just declare that AT&T will be filled that that stadium will be set apart for a mighty move of God that will come to our city and to our nation in the dream I was a veteran but night and we were running together into the huddle I said well that suggests a weirdo president I believe AT&T it's the call it's the calling America's football he's gonna be filled now you said okay well that's cool see if you hang around the dream King you get into a dream stream once you start stepping into the dream language and faith in God he gives you more once you begin to see a whirlwind of drinks you see in your lives we dream dreams but really we don't just dream our dreams we're dreaming the dreams of our whole day of the day in which we leave live there is a mass dream dawning and if you pay close attention to those dreams dreams are actually seeds of movements there's a dream inside of you that if you treat it as a seed there's a movie I'd say to people there's a movement inside of you so now with this dream Michael you come and tell your story yeah bro I didn't I had a dream that I was standing in Dallas Stadium same stadium AT&T and I had a dream yeah this is crazy I had no idea that this happened to Miller I had a dream that I but before the dream I was in a closet a big you know the kind of closet you always have to give your wife when you're picking out a house the big one the nice one so it was one of those big walk-in closets and it was a beautiful mahogany and I was wanting to buy a pair of shoes and I was looking for a pair of shoes at which point a brown leather pair of shoes came down from heaven and the Lord said you don't need to buy a pair of shoes here are your shoes and I believe brown leather speaks of this new breed of evangelists humble clothed in the color of sackcloth they've been weathered like leather they're soft but durable and they've been with the Lord how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news and so after that the scene change and I was standing at AT&T and I received a kickoff return and I I remember wearing the helmet but I didn't know what field I was on I just ran really fast cuz these guys were huge trying to tackle him and all of the sudden another speed hit me and I ran over that Dallas star that cowboy star and then Brian Guerin called me and gave me a word about Dallas and in front of him when he got the word I believe is either him or his friend then license he lives in Louisiana the license plate in front of him was a Dallas Cowboys license plate when he was calling me and really we're here today because of a dream that I had about Dallas many of you know that dream that whirlwind dream where whirlwinds covered 40 cities in America but the largest whirlwind was over the city of Dallas and it had a name written across the whirlwind the nameless conviction and as that whirlwind spun as the whirlwind and Dallas spun the other whirlwinds all over America would react to the pace of God in the whirlwind here at which point the scene changed and I saw a simple preacher with no face with a wooden cross behind him preaching the simple clear gospel just like Peter did last night and I saw the masses running to Jesus and if I may I just want to touch on that Ruth Ruth Lord Heflin thing how many of you familiar with Ruth Ward have Flynn's dream or prophesy over Dallas how many of you are not wave at me please okay most of it you need to know Ruth Ward Heflin was a giant in the Lord her revelation on the glory of God is about unparalleled in our generation in 2006 I was preaching here is Larry mauriello here no no yo where's pastor Larry oh you're here why are you sitting way back there past anyways I was invited to preach at my father-in-law's chapel service that he has an office here in Grapevine and while I was preaching they had a staff chapel so they were under a time limit which bothers evangelist a lot and they said you have like 26 minutes the leaders of that and I stuck to the time when I left the pulpit pastor Larry I don't even know if you remember this pastor Larry grabbed me and he said do you have something more to say I said well yeah I do but I didn't know what it was but I could feel that bubbling coming up and you know he said well then get back up there and say it because I pastor this Chapel go do it go do what God's telling you to do I said okay so I walked up to that pulpit not knowing what would come out and this is what came out there's coming a move of God to Dallas Texas there will be so great in my tea it'll bear no man's face but the face of Jesus Christ the Son of God at which point I saw our logo in my spirit I don't know if you ever had that happen and then the the pulpit had gold dust all over it which was the first time I had seen that in my life pastor Larry grabbed me he said do you know what you just said and I said well I thank you did you know I had a chance to be part of Ruth Ruth Ward heflin's funeral service I said no I didn't know that he said did you know your father-in-law helped pay her medical bills and her funeral bills I said I didn't know that either I didn't really even know who she was he said before she died she echoed the same exact thing you said that one day in Dallas Texas a move of God so great would come that she had never seen platforms so deep and so wide covered with people in stretchers and that the news media would cover it because Jesus was filling these stadiums with his glory in his power that's what I heard [Applause] it'sit'sit's that cloud I want I want to maybe already know this I want to tell another story about a cloud so I'm I mentioned this last night but the last time I was here in this church was the 50th night of our revived Texas which was a 50 day initiative where we were hitting the streets twice a day laboring to see people come into the kingdom and on the 47th night of that I was I was tired I was praying we were at another church and I just was crying eyes up have we have we stepped into what you spoke over our city because we were contending with these words these prophetic words of conviction and revival and said Lord have we stepped into it and a meet it immediately in my spirit I heard the Lord say go look at first Kings 18 about the story of Elijah when he prayed for rain and I looked in it and it says that that the Elijah tells Ahab there's a sound of a rushing of rain and as I began to read the scripture it was like this this fire was burning in my bones it was the word of the Lord and the Lord said he said son he said you've been looking for the sign of revival rain for these six weeks just like he sent his servant six times to look into the sea is there a cloud coming is there rain coming and he lies just praying contending with his head between his knees and I'm reading that text and it was the word of the Lord he spoke to me and I stood up and I said to the people I said this is what the Lord says on the 47th night I said this is what the Lord says there is a sound of the rushing of rain coming to our city and we've been looking for six weeks for the sign of revival rain but this is what the Lord says there is a cloud the size of a man's hand coming up out of our city and it's the sign that revival has come to our nation and on the fiftieth night if you know anything what you guys were there ray was there at that night on the fiftieth night again we were gathered in this room on Pentecost Sunday we were all packed in here it was it was jammed it was an incredible night we were celebrating all that God did but we were still wandering God we were supposed to be in a 'i'm by the 50th night we were supposed to be here and there was a god did did we did we do all that you accomplished and we got a picture text to text it to us that night of a cloud over the city of Dallas on Pentecost Sunday of last year this picture was taken and that's downtown Dallas and even the the you can look this up yeah I don't know you can just the the news articles they started they covered this and they said this is a phenomenon and I forget what it's called there's like rain feet or something it was just this this so low cloud over the city of Dallas and I really feel like this word this prophetic word is that that was the cloud the size of a man's hand and God saying revivals here revival rains here and Lou's got a rest of that story so stand with me because we're gonna do this I didn't put it together that the dream the guy gave me is it was turning a cloud into a storm well that's what exactly happened with Elijah he saw the cloud the size of a man's hand and he prayed that thing in and it became a storm I believe today I just coming here prophesied I believe that God wants faith for this kind of vision and I believe God is looking for a people who will not just live just que sera sera whatever will be the futures not ours to see no we've seen the future and it's not well whatever will be no like Elijah it's time to pull that cloud and make it a storm we start tonight today I want to give you an assignment pray in stadium Christianity signs and wonders I'm an intercessor I get a prophetic dream I pray those dreams over and over I was just here in Dallas 818 I which is Isaiah 88 it was it was a conference and and which is I say 8282 I and the children you've been given to me are for signs and wonders and there was Matt will Ford into Havilland Ford an african-american incredible storyline a couple comes up to them and says we want to do a billboard we own a billboard company we want to do a billboard for for your conference and will said okay great didn't hear anything from them the next thing I know on highway 67 there's a big billboard and it says 818 and there's a picture of me on the billboard with a quote that I had and on the Billboard it says dreams are invitations to intercession in on the Billboard it says pray your what's my quote pray your dreams over and over and over again I think we're in a sign right now that there is a dream anointing a prophetic anointing and when we begin to believe these things it ignites faith and we begin to pull down that thing can we start praying over and over walk AT&T Stadium walk around it prophesy come on in just a couple of weeks together is gonna be here right in this place that's a bigger bigger you know racetrack I think the movement together 2018 they're calling a 21-day fast mobilize I don't even know if you know about but I think it's in Dallas there is a buzz here and they said we're redoing the wells of 1972 the Dallas stadium gathering that took place it was their iconic gathering of the Jesus Movement or over a hundred thousand would bill bright and Billy Graham can God do it for our generation lift up your hands lift up your hands and just begin to pray put your face between your knees blues Stadium Christianity go ahead just lift your voices I just want you to see it I want that cloud to get up there much too small stadiums will be filled no bad news tonight only good news the process is Danish if they are prophets let them make intercession that's what the Bible says if they don't profit listen Nick interception by the way interstate detection release the storm of the Lord in Dallas bridge this storm of God in America [Applause] [Music] we pray these dreams we pray Ruth half-wits prophetic work [Music] signs and wonders records everywhere come Holy Spirit the board said that revival [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we believe the profits x6p we believe the prophetic word we stay no gun beliefs we say no just skepticism horizon God make a name for yourself in the shadow God [Music] if you want to just come up here like Elijah put your head between your knees there are evangelist that they're saying is this not Joseph's son they're just normal people but the sprawl of Luke 4:18 has been loosened into the earth where Jesus bad today this has been fulfilled the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord is an ocean to bring good news [Applause] [Music] god we just reach up into the heavens right now Lord we pull this thing down or we say yes Lord we say yes to the word of the Lord we just say yes to the word of the Lord just say yes to the word of the Lord just give him your yes just give him your yes but we say yes Lord we say yes oh Jesus God have your way it's your seal that will accomplish this God holy spirit come and move come come and do what only you can do go come on just give him here yes go give him here yes we say yes we say yes to the prophetic we say yes to the word of the law got revival rains have come but the sign of revival is here go quick in our lives that we may run with the gospel to the highways to the pond way places the worship oh holy ghost come [Music] just give us a prayer point really quickly I'm a Sun in the city and we were driving here I live in south of town so I was driving through downtown and we drove right by the grassy knoll in the observatory building where JFK was shot and I was asking my friend I said have you ever been there and no I'd never been there and I just started thinking I was driving up what would a gate the city of Dallas has been for death specifically where JFK was was killed roe v wade was filed in a in a County Court in downtown that's what led to to that legislation Ebola when that crisis came to America it was through Dallas in July of 2000 I believe 16-5 Dallas officers were slain and in Dallas has just been a gateway for death and I believe I believe it's because she's to be a gateway for life and so I just want us I just saw us I saw us putting our hands up and just applying the blood of Jesus over the gate to our city s priests and so let's just let's just do that let's just apply your blood that speaks a better word Lord that Dallas Texas would be a gateway to the nation that Dallas Texas would be a gateway to the earth Lord that you would breathe through this gate Lord we declare life to this city life to this city God resurrection life Lord where sentence abound Lord would grace abound more Lord we declare life live live lives with Dallas be a city set on a hill Lord Jesus shining brightly into the nation's God release the move of God through Dallas Lord fill AT&T Stadium Lord fill it with hundreds of thousands of people gone just day and night lord gathering there because the glory of God the Chabad of God is resting at AT&T stick to it only you can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're just gonna keep playing praying these points [Applause] [Music] praise the dream [Music] Ruth Heflin [Music] we comfort AT&T Stadium America's fail spilling with your glory [Applause] for days [Applause] [Music] something's being loose in the spirit this morning [Applause] [Music] we're playing the play of heaven [Applause] - it decision stated three with Ruth two or three witnesses Baptist confirmed we believe for the greatest awakening in American history mighty God [Music] ranging from the dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh in America [Music] we were doing a 40-day fast earlier this year in California ending on April 9th year anniversary of Azusa Street there at that time I was in Santa Maria where Paul Kane lives and my friend had a dream and it was tightening my belt ten more notches and in the dream I says does anybody want to go another ten days of fasting and I realized from the 9th to the 18th for 18 it would be ten days and the Holy Spirit spoke to me I want you to pray Luke 4:18 for 10 days the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has enough to release the scroll of Jesus the year 2000 I had a dream of a scroll rolled down before me and I was overwhelmed with the impossibility of seen America turned back to God but I lifted my eyes and I read Luke 1:17 and he shall go on before the Lord in the spirit and the power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous I woke up and the Lord said when I am pouring out in America is stronger than the rebellion 18 years of the call and then I said Lord the rebellion hasn't been broken and I felt like the Holy Spirit speak to me says if it truly was a John the Baptist scroll that was on the call then you can bet there's a Jesus Movement coming because the last word of John was not prepare the way of the Lord it was behold the lamb of God who taketh away and he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire Paul Cain prophesied it there's a baptism coming that we have never see God lift your hands and pray loose the mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit [Music] [Applause] who's the new fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit's fire in America [Music] really some nasty holding of the Lamb of God that takes away only to be a mass beholding of Jesus [Music] and so for those ten days we prayed Luke 4:18 the reason we've played it Paul Caine's mom was 44 years old when she was pregnant with a little boy she was ravaged by four diseases her breasts were continually completely deteriorated by a disease the doctor said you'll never give birth to this child but the asel the Lord visitor and said you shall have a boy and you shall name him Paul because he will do the signs and wonders of st. Paul people don't know but in the late 40s he was running with Jack code he was running in the biggest tents signs and wonders and miracles taking place he saw the healing revivals we've never seen anything like it since his wife is his mom was completely healed and she nursed Paul and completely restored breasts she lived to a hundred and four years old and when she was dying she said to Paul I've given you many words over these years but there's one word I had the last word I'm gonna give to you is more powerful than any word and he said what is that word and she says I don't know he hasn't given it to me and immediately goes into a trance she's in a trance for two months they're interceding that she comes out of the trench she comes out of the trance and says the Lord is giving to you Paul and to the whole world Luke 4:18 and she died Mike Bickle was there she died on 4:18 at 4:18 folks it's time to pray the scroll of Jesus and he he stood in the erodes the scroll of Isaiah and he rose it's the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me folks we need that spirit we don't need just a good evangelist we need the spirits and anointed Jesus to cast out demons did heal the sick and close the scrolls sat down and said today this scroll has been fulfilled in your own Harry o4a today in America lift your hands lift your voices begin to loose and declares are releasing of the scroll of Jesus on America come on Luke for a day [Music] come on Evangelos be manifested again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus [Music] deliverance [Music] [Applause] [Music] lose your own straw brings up evangelist by the thousands every invade this very room create our church [Music] [Applause] we were like those who dream good filled with or toes which don't you go forth weeping carry their seed shall doubtless come again Jerry [Music] America back to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can hear the angels singing was America who's the blood of Jesus [Music] release the blood [Music] the Spirit of the Lord is anointing Evangeline right in this place right now reach up touch the face of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] part of why I'm stirred is because just a few days ago I talked to Michael you all know Brian Guerin a prophet to this movement tell him what you saw and actually typically doesn't release stuff like this but he did in Charlotte a few weeks ago he called me said I had a dream in the dream he said I saw a stadium filled with people and Paul Kane was on the platform he he didn't know much about he don't know anything about our what's going on here and he said Paul was looking outside the stadium was a mountain range and he was looking over the mountain singing I can see over the mountain I can see over the mountain I don't know the melody was just singing that over and over again I can see over the mountains and then Paul disappeared but the mic that he was holding remained suspended and it was like flipping I think it was flipping like this and Brian came out of the dreamy we talked and he released publicly in Charlotte that he felt that a grace is coming on people no name people who people really don't even know who will begin filling stadiums declaring the gospel healing the sick and signs and wonders when he released it a girl in the back of the room caught one one girl got nailed in the back row by the power of God in other words this is what I'm saying you know what he lodges resume was he was a Tisch might from Gillian that's all the Bible says about in other words his resume was this I have been in the high places with God because of that I can shut the heavens before an entire nation God is calling out people who've been living in the high places and this is the resume I have been with God and they're about to take the gospel before nations and the glory of God will draw the masses the glory of God and the glory of God is God Himself that God will be there and he will draw the greatest evangelist is the Holy Spirit himself he's the greatest I uh we're gonna pray one last thing maybe you've heard the story but the call was born supernaturally 1993 I was invited to speak to Taiwanese high school group up in the mountains or retreat the first night with the presence of the Lord was strong and that night the kids said we want to hold an all-night prayer meeting and and so they prayed and the preacher slept and I had a dream well I slept in the dream I was on stage with Benny Hinn and I've just recently just connected this I was on stage with Benny Hinn and Benny Hinn said to me Lou you're done with the ministry and I just stepped down off the stage filled with joy but he fired me I woke up out of the dream thing and this is what wouldn't dad the next morning I was getting ready to deliver a message I could still feel it on confession of sinned in revival but right before I got up to preach a Taiwanese evangelical kid stood up and began to prophesy and the Holy Spirit invaded that room and kids word this is before Toronto they were being slain in the spirit laughing rolling I've never seen anything I'm in the front room deeply disturbed I haven't even been able to preach this is so stupid what's going on here it was an invasion of the Holy Spirit I went back to my room while they're still getting killed by God I mean loved by God I lay down the dream came back to me and said Benny Hinn wrote a book called the anointing when the anointing comes you're done with the ministry but it's a joyful occasion what I didn't know those kids were the Christian club leaders in their high schools and I they started inviting me and prayer began to break out in high schools little did I know that was the beginning of the call I didn't even organize any meetings at the beginning of the call a Baptist evangelist hardly sure the vision of this woman come and give me $100,000 he calls me back two weeks later and says I've set up a meeting with the major youth leaders of America in Colorado he said would you like to tell your vision I share my vision and the call is born I didn't even organize a meeting folks I think we're depending too much on social media but emptor pen we need the glory of God Benny Hinn and I felt like the Lord has brought this back to me that being on this stage with you it's about that Benny is getting the glory back the presents back Jessica can you just pray for the release of that anointing for this for the present she she just washed over us this morning she just broke the alabaster box we just smelled the fragrance of her life just was recently with Benny and he said guys don't make the same mistakes I made it wasn't me he says I feel like I've been governed by people who wanted my time he said but now I'm just spending time with Jesus I just want to sit at the feet of Jesus I just met with Paul Cain he began to speak to me about the future of my life and he said the angel of the Lord said to him you're too bit Luis too busy let him sit at the feet of Jesus and I'm just looking at that I'm saying they might have canceled all my schedule because what powerful can never come by a mass mobilization project only the Mauri of God come on would you lead us in prayer thank you Jesus we want you again God Jesus we want you Jesus Jesus I thank you Father for the things that have been done Lord for the people that went before has God that the wells that they dug Lord will not just sit there God Lord we want to dig them back up God we want everything Lord that was spoken lord over this generation over America over the world to be done in Jesus name Lord so we will take it God by force Lord and we will make you proud Jesus and we will only say one thing Jesus that's what we will say is Jesus because that's what it's gonna take to come back is just Jesus Lord Jesus the Lord we thank you Holy Spirit that you'll fall Jesus we thank you Father for your presence again Jesus we thank you Lord that you will anoint us God anoint your people Jesus anointed and cheese it's name I speak into the dream I had about Lulu I don't know you remember this 2016 you came to only two people have ever come to me in a dream with her voice you first and then my dad which is crazy because I just remembered that as you said stadiums will become so easy again stadiums become so easy and I believe that's so strong it's gonna be easy and then my dad came to me in a dream and we had our partner breakfast here in Dallas which is Dallas his warning to me and he said great acceleration is coming things that were hard will now be easy again the things that were hard when I'll be easy again and then I heard the Holy Spirit say Redemption so redeem your church Jesus redeem your church Jesus redeem your church Jesus we want you to redeem us with your fire God redeem us Jesus redeem your bride once again redeem your bride once again Jesus Lord oh we fall it's your face she gives us we fall tear we fall Jesus Lord redeem us God redeem redeem this country again God bring it back to you Jesus redeem us God in the name of Jesus let it be done let it be done let it be done who had to be done I am I was supposed to play this end video I'm not going to do it maybe we could play it later on though this glorious gathering we're holding at the Citrus Bowl that's Rapala pulse thought there I feel like we're not to go there I feel like the Lord is he right I felt like the Lord just spoke to me up here that I just in Michael Miller's dream that I was a veteran and then I was being called in to make a play I think I just made the play weird to begin to pray and believe seek the glory I just did the he just dreamed it just recently or just recently and then for Brian garand the dream is I believe the vision and voice of Paul Cain nameless faceless stadium Cree is hanging now in the air and is waiting for an intercessor to pull it down pull it down into me I was gonna preach on something more I'm not I think we did what we're supposed to do just want to thank you Lord for him my friends I thank you for Jesus image we just pray that somehow you'll Marcus was something of a humility that you could trust this kind of glory to forgive forgive us when we failed on the issue of money forgive us where we failed in the issue of the big promotion of men Jesus we just needed you make it easy again I believe that word thank you for your presence amen [Applause]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 8,610
Rating: 4.8190045 out of 5
Keywords: Upper Room, Eric Gilmour, Todd White, Bethel Music, Holy Spirit, Michael Koulianos, Benny Hinn, Bethel, kanye west, Jesus, Image, UPPERROOM, Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Regional Dallas, Reinhard Bonnke, Jesus is king, Bill Johnson, Lou Engle
Id: KUeMxLox5CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 46sec (4906 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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