Panel Michael Koulianos and Benny Hinn | Jesus Regional Houston

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pastor Randy Needham of the dwelling-place Church in Houston yeah maybe sir and baby's chaperone Christian leader of our generation for sure pastor Benny Hinn and and Michael Cooley ammos so if you are on Facebook watching we want to encourage you also to share let your friends know to tune in it's really gonna be probably a very provocative and insightful time together all right let's give pastor Benny and Michael a hand as they come [Applause] there we go okay let's pray who's gonna pray I'm old-fashioned where's ELISA where is he Lissa he's already giving me a hard time yeah I love your shirt it's awesome faster honey why don't you make this spiritual you won't you pray welcome Jesus we welcome you Holy Spirit we love you we thank you for the love of the Father the grace of the Lord Jesus and the communion of the Holy Spirit and we thank you for directing us we thank you for the anointing that destroys yokes we thank you for the wisdom of heaven and we ask boldly and in faith for the wisdom of God to serve and to walk with you Jesus amen so we're gonna kind of jump in to a couple of questions I think we'll start with Jess or I can start if you'd like important question can you guys hear Jess can we give it a little more juice there please so dad this is for you we still can't hear you who do you love more Michael or me don't answer that it was a joke don't answer that Catholic Catholic that was a good answer there now that you're not really asking me that question right I will totally not ask you that question but I was good I just need to talk a little louder let's just have a little right here a second here hello do you hear me now okay I'm not deaf thank you because we have someone that could pray for you if you need healing [Laughter] [Applause] now they're all taking pictures of that I'm a little nervous about being up here now you know how about pastor Randy start your up so well okay so obviously the scripture speaks about the hearts of the fathers and sons turning towards each other and we we hope to during this time really get some wisdom from you and and Michael through hearing your journey together in your experience together as as a father in the ministry to to Michael and so a lot of the questions will be geared towards that way but we want to dig a little deeper Jesse's gonna ask some more personal questions I'm gonna probably sing it without me with that one yeah yeah but I want to start off by asking you how do you feel in general about this generation of young preachers and young ministries that are rising up we often share about the sons hearts towards the father we all love you we think that you are absolutely legendary but sincerely but we want to know what your heart is towards towards the sons towards this generation of would what's stirring in your heart towards the generation that's up and coming now well I will tell you first of all I believe in the scriptural truth about spiritual fathers because Paul talked about that in the scripture now with me and I want to start with that I did not really have that when I began in ministry I didn't have anyone I could go to for a long time and I read a lot of books by the great Giants of the faith and rumery so many of the great fathers back in those days I really touched my life and then the Lord brought into my life people like dr. Winston Nunes dr. Winston Lewis was probably one of the greatest Bible teachers in Canada and he's the one who really kind of took a step in helping me so he asked me to have lunch with him weekly and at first I wasn't sure how that would go but he really helped me in minister a lot and one of the things for example that happened when when I began preaching I was 21 little experience as a minister and I began thinking about starting a church in Toronto and he's the one who sat me down and said do not do it and was so wise and saved me from a big problem because it's all about timing and then there was a wonderful wonderful man who worked with Billy Graham a Baptist gentleman and named actually John Wesley if all things and he and I had an amazing relationship and he advised me a lot and he kind of became one I looked up to and then along the way surprisingly men made a decision to how me so I really never looked for it they were looking for me and most people probably don't even know I was deeply influenced amazingly by Baptist preachers I know this may shock you if I was not in the healing ministry I would have been a Baptist oh because they influenced my life dr. bill bright was one of them people don't even know that from canvass crusade you probably heard his name he and I would have lunches at least once a month when I lived in Orlando so many so many Tim LaHaye was another one that became very dear and close to me Jerry Falwell was another one that I met with more than once he'd make fun of me often make me laugh but he would call to check on me when I went through my trials most of that of those that called me were Baptist preachers and was very very touching and Jerry Falwell would say to me now Benny you know when you lead that worship and you preach the word it's no nothing no different from you know my church Thomas Road Baptist Church but when those miracles begin it's downhill from there for your brother he always would laugh at why people fall it's now why do you push them like do you touch something and I said dr. Falwell they fall and I don't know why come on baby you shouldn't know why you must push them down I said can i push anybody down but anyways I said well how about when I blow on them is that yeah that's and we were not sure about that and he do all like that and one guy said I said well I just don't know I said one day I'm going to ask God why they fall and that kind of a little bit but fathers are important now let me say this and then I'm I'm gonna have you ask me something else but because I don't want to dwell on that there's also danger with that and the danger is when someone appoints himself as a father who is not qualified because he doesn't have the longevity it's all about longevity Jack Hayford who is my pastor to me he is a father in the spirit still because when I went through my trials it was only pass or hayford that I could trust and it's all about trust well they're not gonna go out and harm you and talk about what you said to them so that's what Jack said to me said you know why we believe God called you that no haven't like not too long ago I've been in the ministry for 43 years now he's he says you know Benny says we all knew God's hand was on you years ago but we were not sure about one thing and then he said now do you know why we really believe we as and he kind of mentioned other pastors like no Jones and others he said you know why we all believe and can all more he and Ken are really good friends and he said know why we all believe God really did call you so no longevity it's the only proof of ministry it's not the miracles it's not even God's hand on you because I thought oh you know they recognized God's hand is on me that was that's not the real answer God's hand is on many people that he'll dismiss often dismiss when they came to the Lord and said in the scriptures when the Lord spoke about the day that would come Lord Lord in your name I never knew you they were dismissed and something about God when God dismisses someone he dismisses even their memory as though he never knew them because it says in 2nd Samuel 1:21 it says as though he was never anointed about soul remember that as though he was never anointed means dismissed even from memory dismissed so be careful when it comes to father's and I know in some places it's it's more cultural than it is biblical yeah so we have to stay with what is biblical so today you know I still look up to pass up Jack and Tommy Reid are the two people I really trust that's a Tommy from Buffalo I've known in many years so we need that but I will also warn be careful who is influencing your life because I will not trust the newcomers they don't have the foundation the foundation that you see today is not solid why do you think that is well because we've walked away from it we've walked away from biblical truth we we see it out there I'm gonna get in trouble I think now but there are dangers in ministry and you would ask me that question anyways right yes what are some are as well tell you the dangers in ministry is often let me say it like this I made a mistake one day I got up on one sunny morning and I said I am appointing my wife as pastor of OCC and she will be equal to me I did not realize that a week later the devil would attack her and had no idea why and Jessi remembers that and the Lord said who told you to promote her I had no answer now looking back after all those years I've discovered one thing when God calls you the second God calls you into ministry he will anoint you for that and the minute he anoints you Satan will assign demons to destroy you instantly the second God anoints you the enemy will assign demons to destroy you they cannot destroy you as long as you stay under that anointing because the anointing is protection Psalm 89 verse 20 with my holy oil have I anointed David the enemy shall not vex him nor the son of wickedness afflict him this Bible so when God anoints you rather in some 89 it says the devil cannot touch you but but if you call a family member that God never called those demons that cannot touch you can touch them and often will destroy them and most pastors a lot of times maybe I shouldn't say most but it seems more and more of them are doing it they they are appointing family members into positions God never called them into they promote children they promote brothers or other family members not realizing the damage they're gonna cause in their life so I was at a large Church in New Jersey a few years ago and the pastor of this massive Church that seats 6,000 and packs it out would you pray for my wife he said Jim was with me said sure he said she's home he called her I picked up the phone hello I could feel demons coming through that phone because she was mentally troubled well I did not know then what I know now then I found out later that he promoted her to be co pastor I've talked to so many pastors who have said to me I should have never done it because it caused divorce emotional troubles you name it because they promote members of family thinking that God is in it when he is not that very dangerous so I will never submit to a man who doesn't know the voice of God because they don't know the scripture Moses never promoted Gershon or Eleazar he said Lord who's your choice is it Joshua it's what God decides not what men decide so it's all about again longevity because longevity will teach all that and that's my advice to all of you is if you're looking for a someone to look up to in the spirit and we only that okay look at their longevity in ministry not the anointing on their ministry the danger is we always look at the anointing signs and wonders and all that a longevity that's the answer I'm gonna turn of you but you touched on something that was just so many things practically speaking is it complicated when you are the leader of such type of an organization that's successful and growing whether it's a church or ministry and you have family that is growing up and you have brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and in-laws like your son-in-law who is coming up in the ministry for you to not feel the pressure to give him a job give him a spot or give him an opportunity because he's your son-in-law how do you navigate that I hired three of my brothers and I fired all three of them it's very easy to lay hands on and very tough to lay hands off and my advice is I have not seen that worked well with family because they believe and feel that you owe them something now not in all cases of course because biblically speaking some of the Apostles were family members of the Lord Himself and so in our day it seems it doesn't work because we we feel pressured we're not led by the spirit but there is some beautiful examples where a family member is truly called of God to help and assist you and it's look what's going on with Michael and Jessica when the hand of God was evident I immediately supported them but I also know his heart and I love him dearly he knows that of course but you know I've had family members say well how come you support Michael and you don't support and they give me the names I said because the Lord told me to well why aren't you helping me because the Lord didn't tell me to some others do it you can say anything else and the voice of God please hear this the voice of God comes line upon line God never speaks most times like this he repeats it over and over and over before you know it's the Lord and he'll speak through different people circumstances situations before you know in your heart this is really the Lord speaking to me just not my mind here you know hearing something one time and as I looked at Michael I thought the Lord is with him look at the anointing and and it's not about when he stands in ministers it's about when he's with me alone what does he talk about what comes out of his mouth you can tell a lot by what comes after mouth what they say I have never heard this man cuss never one time I've heard my brother's cus I don't care if we live well it's the truth not all of them but but but I've never heard you say anything out of your mouth that was this honoring to the Lord let no filthy communication proceed out of your mouth so when you hear someone say something that is not holy well you know what since you know inside of them I have never heard him say anything unholy he makes fun of me that's about all he he compares my hair to mount a boar and I love him for that of course Gazeta boric I didn't have this question but kind of going with that theme I want to ask Michael now because I was behind the scenes with the journey and I can honestly say my dad speaking truth we all had things that we felt called to Michael and I and we'd say come on you'd have such a big platform just we want to be up there we want to do this you want to do that and we'd almost get offended at times when we weren't but he would always say I don't promote you God does and I can't do anything until God says so so Michael my question to you and I know the answer but I want you to share it with everybody how was that journey for you knowing that you were called as a young child when you were serving my dad so so humbly doing anything asked of you started with no pay just for truly truly there to serve but you felt that you had a call on God of God on your life and it wasn't seen at that time by him like you were hoping because he was not only your father-in-law but he was your spiritual father how did you go through that journey to get you where you are right now the question is I know I'm a girl you know it's like yeah but so how did you the question is how did you stand on what you knew God called you to do even though at times you did not feel the support of family including my father who you so wanted to validate you at times how did you keep going and stay focused and honor at the same time and still serve perspectives that I disagreed with at the time because we all think were way more ready than God does and so there are no shortcuts the Lord's not after our ministry he's after forming us into the image of Jesus for reason for the sake of Jesus so that Jesus has a fit bride to commune with in other words that Romans 8 process that he were conformed into the image of his son it's unto something it's unto intimacy with God so he needs he needs people are Jesus people to commune with and when that becomes success like Bob talked about I call him Bob by the way and so when when loving Jesus becomes your your barometer when that is success when oneness that he talked about last night is the success you realize the Lord is not going to leave a stone unturned in us his ultimate ambition is not to get us to fill stadiums I'm he can do that with someone who's never met him you want to name a few Balaam Judas raised more dead people than anyone here Saul died as though he were never anointed Solomon has a vision of God brings idols in to the very sanctuary of the Lord so so the doing this stuff is not success and back then I thought and you guys walked with me on this journey back then my dream was to fulfill the prophetic word that your dad spoke over me as a boy which was which is almost a haunting word the word was this young man will carry the anointing to the nation's and shake nations with the gospel so that's what was spoken over me the night I got healed and and I didn't know you're supposed to fall so I was on the ground and he was just bouncing around the platform like he's way more calm now for those of you who knew my father in the early nineties it was like it was an experience you know and I was an altar boy at the time in the Orthodox Church I thought why am I on my back and I heard that word it seemed like comfy like a tunnel far away tunnel like water into my soul I carried this anointing the nations shake the nations with the gospel well I didn't know I knew what the nations were I didn't know what the anointing was I didn't know the gospel I didn't know where it was and so you live as Lou Engel says under an overshadowing overpowering prophetic word over your destiny so all I could really think about was doing the work of the ministry at that time so when when I became your assistant which was I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world because some Mike Miller asked me yesterday teach me how to flow in the Holy Spirit and which was so humble of him but I'm there's no class for that you know you you have to live in that atmosphere and you have to go low so I started carrying his Bible and and catching people which is what my back hurts right now I needed a massage two days ago I'm still feeling the effects of that I've had wigs stick to my watch class I've jumped off platforms I've cast out devils I've with offering envelopes in my back pocket I mean I've I've done I've seen some stuff I've seen probably the largest healing service and the entire and in the history of Christendom so living in that framework but the barometer for success can be skewed in your heart they can you can start to create this perspective that I have to do to that and if I don't do that I'm not fulfilling my destiny and the whole time the Lord saying you just need to come to me and leave that to me so when that shifted now I saw why your dad didn't at the time you're like oh I can do that I can heal the sick I can preach that that's not the point the point is making us like Jesus so as now people are coming up in our movement and people close to me I totally understand why why God didn't open that door the level of warfare is so intense I mean I've been to the end of myself this year it's you know a great a great Saint once said I'm a mystery under myself like I don't know why God uses me I I don't understand why he's been so good and the level of warfare it's almost crippling at times and had I had I been thrown ten years ago into some capacity that God didn't put me I would have crushed us I would have crushed our marriage it would have crushed the you know yeah I couldn't put this way I cannot go up to a and say in the name of my father and I'll get up or in the name of my spiritual father get up at the end of the day I have to create a history with God and while he so he never once taught me how to heal the sick just last week at Bethel Cleveland the only testimony we took for 45 minutes were tumors that vanished we couldn't get to anything else it was tumor or cyst or growth after the other boom boom he never taught me that he never taught me a three-point sermon he never taught me how to communicate he never taught me how to fill a stadium he never taught me he taught me how to spend time with Jesus he taught me to go into my room every day and and for me to marry you which was worthless God Almighty but like the children of Israel I definitely had my Jacob and Laban experience with him but he goes you know you let's just be real so I said I'd like to marry her no the first time I took her out I came to the house because I remember you are you gonna marry my daughter I hadn't seen him in ten years so I said well I can't sir I mean do you want me to I will I mean I don't know what to say I was like sure yeah I'll marry her so he gave me a lot of money so take her on a date so I did just wild so I took her out and then he's like I think you're gonna marry her and let's wait on the Lord and finally finally the Lord had spoken and Suzanne hadn't heard yet so I had to take her out on a date which was wild that's a totally separate scenario I got the yes that's all I can tell you they gift their wisdom again to flow on that date so I took Jesse and Suzanne out the same the same week and it worked and then finally I said Benny I'd like to marry your daughter and he said you know there you go I like the sound of that ask me again and I thought this is sadistic this is torture this isn't right what is he doing because ask me again I said sir I'd like to marry your daughter by this time like this is this big so then he said up get the family let's do it in front of the family so I kind of had something else planned I thought maybe I could take her you know alone can we do it that way he goes sure go do it alone put the ring on if she says yes which I think she will so he said take the ring off [Laughter] and come back and do it in front of the family your family oh yeah fly your family in and you can do it with them so um so so then he said okay so after he gave me his blessing what was that after he gave me his blessing he said okay if you're gonna marry Jess you're gonna live in my house you're gonna be my assistant and you're gonna do it for no money I was like so so hold on let me my mind works like line upon line as he said I go okay I'm gonna work for you I sleep in your house which means I'm always gonna work for you and I don't get a paycheck but I get a beautiful wife so I just jumped on on the opportunity and and in all seriousness I feel like in life I don't know maybe there's four I'm not this isn't Bible this is talking from experience and people I've studied who have really shifted the world there seem to be these windows of opportunity that come like four or five times in a lifetime different ones getting saved being filled with the spirit discovering your destiny and the spirit your spouse so I felt in that moment that that my destiny depended on a leap of faith so I was a professional golfer at the time I was coaching the Florida Gators and I just jumped on and just actually goes no no you don't know what you're getting into you if my dad once it's 71 degrees in an auditorium it has to be 71 degrees he's he's gonna get on you if he wants his tea warm he wants it warm I thought I don't care I'm doing this I'm going for it I don't really don't care what it all looks like or feels like and so I began to live in the house and that's where I saw the pattern of a man of God I began to discover who he is so have we been through a lot as a family corporately of course have have have we all been through judgment and and just horrible accusation and is there is there a cost involved like I remember one time saying a guy saying I was on the way to preach at his church he goes I have an issue I said what's the issue he said are you Benny's son-in-law I'm on the way to preach I said I am he said that's a problem I said why is it a problem he goes it just is he said well what are you gonna preach I said Jesus he goes I need to call you back he didn't what to do with that so I so he called back I said look sir I need to know am i coming or not he said this is a problem I said Luke just let me know so okay fine come so I was my first time preaching where the entire front row didn't want me there and it's their church the part of me when to tackle them the other part of me wanted God did taser him just like fired from heaven so I preached the gospel this was at the University of Florida on campus you were there I preached the gospel man people got to save par Holy Spirit fell and the guy ran up to me this is what he said sorry brother you are a Christian and I thought I thought my god man the measure of judgment no one knows nobody knows what preachers walk through what they go through the pressure they do feel to please everyone and and and it actually reaches the crescendo of are you even a Christian so has there been a cost involved sure but you know what there would be no Jesus image I'd be sick to this day I would not know Jesus if selling out people who impact us for Jesus is the perceived price of being accepted they can have it I'd rather go back to playing golf this is a political devil the the that that we all face and so I've rectified in my heart this is my story this is the truth I'm not shifting it so living closely with him like one time the Lord said to me in the hotel room I turned the TV on during my first crusade when I was your assistant and the Lord said why is the TV on I said because I'm watching it he said what's been he doing I said he's probably praying it's after 2:00 he said if you come here to serve why aren't you praying that was 2003 to that day I don't turn a TV on so I found a oneness with him I found a oneness his rhythm became mine at the same time I had to build my own habitation my own well and so yeah those were their challenges but the challenge has brought something forth you know the Lord's done is amazing do a question but you kind of touched on it and this is for both of you but I'll start with my dad as a daughter I've just watched so much criticism coming your way you've gone through a lot and you're still going and I admire that in you so how how have you not let the mean things said how have you not let how have you not let the things that have been said about you the people that loved you that have walked away and said mean things the criticism the hate how have you not let that affect you and how are you still going 40 something years later with all that how do you do it Wow well maybe that's a precious question and I you you almost cried almost well when Dateline NBC attacked me viciously I was on TBN doing behind the scenes by myself and the phone rang and a pastor said to me how is it possible that you can sit on television you know because I just told him I'd be doing behind the scenes on my own how can you sit there when tonight they will destroy you NBC will destroy you I said you know there's a beautiful scripture in the book of Acts if this work be of God you can't find it and he said well how can it be so peaceful so because I know this work is of God there's nothing they can do and baby it's just been so where I leaned on the scriptures that you know with everything inside of you that God has called you what can men do then nothing so I've been I've been attacked by the news media more than once I've been attacked by preachers more than once it doesn't affect me I mean you know I will be honest that for a short time it hurts and then you just go on you you you can't allow it to affect you and and when I spent and when I spend still time with the Lord it's absolute peace in my soul if I don't that's when the trouble comes so when NBC came at me I just went to the Lord and I did exactly when I was talking about last night I I ministered to him I spent time with him I was totally at peace when others thought I would come down I will never get one guy named Larry in in our on our staff telling me that by the week later there'll be no church there I said what are you talking about I said who do you believe here well pastor Benny you know they're gonna come up with all this news I said there's nothing I can do to stop them let them do what they want to do I'm still here for one reason I know whom I have believed that's simple because the Lord who calls us and the same with Michael a true call can never be destroyed by Devils or men impossible the only way ministries are destroyed is when that person walks away from Jesus it's the only way when they give up and walk away from the Lord that's when they're ruined it's over them do you want to answer that too so this is just kind of become I'd say in the last two years a part of my experience directly to me before it was my relationship with your dad you mean the pain of it or moving on yeah how do you keep the faith how do you keep focused on what you're supposed to do and not let all that distract you yeah time with Jesus I found that there's a place in the Lord that's you know Jesus said think of this language I am the bread of God one passage says who came down another says who comes down he's constantly available before our hearts wanting to be feasted on and the moment I begin like the song of a room wrote this is how I fight my battles that the battle is won at the table and so the Lord says this that even though we're surrounded with enemies so they camp around us what's on God's mind in Psalm 23 this feast that he would prepare a table for us in what in the presence of our enemies so I would submit to you humbly I'm completely open to correction but I've found in my life no matter what I face God has one thing on his mind us being together it's like he won't change the subject and so I come to that table knowing that Jesus is there and he's always with the Aires he's right there as the bread of God fulfills your soul and when people don't know you and especially people who you you won't want to know you because you're doing your best to make people feel valued and yet at the same time there's 24 hours in a day and you have your family and you have this desire to share Jesus with the world and so man sees you in a light that you don't feel like you are yet even in that the Lord says you I'm not gonna let you defend yourself you have to be led to this slaughter silent and you'll find me there in the pain of this moment and I'll become this food for you that almost makes you almost not completely but you become invincible to the devil in those moments and he has to come back at a more opportune time it's like when the disciples were being beaten on the temple steps and they say oh we've been counted worthy to suffer for the Lord so I have one prescription for me for every issue if I'm doing well I need to be with Jesus if I'm doing bad I need to be with Jesus I feel like I'm a better dad if I'm with Jesus I feel like I'm when I'm preaching it's not time to be a preacher it's just time to be with Jesus in front of people and then at some point the people disappear and Jesus becomes really real and that's that's the criteria that Jesus uses to entrust this with the people so this whole thing is about spending time with him and loving him and am I wrong no pastor Randy who is my pastor and I'm blessed that uh that he's booked it into my life in so many ways you you've had a opportunity to hire your son's in the ministry and so you like pastor Benny said there are times when when that dynamic is a little different you wanted to share briefly about what your experience has been sure love to just generally kind of tying it in with our whole theme there there is a price but let me tell you the price not to follow God is so much greater and the reward in him is amazing I have to pinch myself right now because my whole family serves and works we work together so one moment I got the dad on the next moment I got the boss had on the next moment I've got have fun adventure hat with them and they're wonderful my my kids are wonderful that way and really I don't really see much difference in my own children my other spiritual children we're all it's just all amazing I see Pastor Chris Clemmie sitting over here he's like a son to me pastor Tim here is like a son to me and so it's it's just doing life with people you want to do life with people that my family is a part of that is one of the most amazing things but I have to tell you we didn't do it we didn't try to make well I didn't even try to make it happen I never one times or my wife one time said you're going to do this you're going to be in ministry we just wanted them to be what Jesus wanted them to be and we always wanted to live a life in front of them that reflected Jesus at home and wherever we were and one of the things we made sure to do with our kids is that they had adventure serving God and one of the things we say is serving God is fun yes there is there's a tag we all know that but I wanted but serving Jesus is the greatest life there is on the face of the earth yeah and so our kids just showed up and then we saw the divine hand of God my oldest son and his wife or exactly alike they're very outgoing they're very pastor Lee they're very fun and there and so they married similar and they're they're amazing pastors and I see the gifts of God operating in them to protect a church so I didn't do this I actually I don't hire people if they're not sent and ordained and administrated by the Holy Spirit it's not going to happen it you know people say well where did you those people just pray beyond the will of God and he's going to begin to send people to be developed and walk with you and I can't remember I don't think we've ever gone out and looked for somebody so you know them my middle son married it's actually brothers married two sisters which is exciting but they're exactly alike and they run all of the international and it's their life they're the nation's is in them that's what they do and then my youngest son John we don't know what's gonna happen with him but he's know what I'm what I mean by that is a friend of Jesus and so like Lucy and I were we were resting yesterday afternoon and we I had my arm around her and we were listening to the to the word from Michael Miller about the house and I said to her I said you know yeah there's a cost to walk with God but oh the beauty when you endure and you go through that I said I said to her you know if we hadn't follow God where would we be who would my kids be married to where would my kids be where what would they be doing well I wouldn't have the grandchildren I have I wouldn't know you I wouldn't have the spiritual sons and daughters I wouldn't the churches around the world my wife might be blind right now you know that all of these things that is so the goodness of God so I don't know if that helps we just wanted them to be what God wanted them to be and and cheer for them and they showed up and basically wouldn't leave and they just they just wouldn't leave and so I I think that's just so precious and then you know what what they're saying about was a family but you have to learn the rhythm of the inner life in walking with God and the you know Jesus Jesus in Psalm 16 it's David's micked them but it's really a prophetic about the life of Jesus and there were three things that he stewarded that that was that would defined him number one was the the father's the father's desire and I think that simplifies life for us Michael is a if we just come to the place where our life is to answer the father's desire and matter if people notices don't notice this big is it is my life every breath an answer I say it like this in the time is my life an answer to God's prayer I want to be an answer to it secondly Jesus rested in this father's voice he stood he honored the voice of God where he never God speaks that's it you just rest in it and then thirdly he treasured the presence it was the presence of God was the treasure and he rested in that and I think just stewarding those things honoring those things you know lastly Jesus said you live don't live for honor that comes from men that's gonna be a rough road don't live for honor honor honor the presence honor the word honor the desire the father honor him and he can reward you like nobody and I think we sell out to cheap I think we sell out for what men can give and it will just hold out and say no no you can't you can't you I don't want repay from you I don't want what you have I want what only my father can do and he can put together a family he can put together a life he can put together beauty that I didn't plan all this I wasn't smart enough I didn't I didn't know to even try it's just the grace of God I'd like to see something real quick so when I I have three kids twelve nine and six and so of course we have these dreams what they'll be and who they'll be but I think the moment I had them I felt this responsibility as a dad to expose them to the presence of the Lord so that's really costly that actually takes sacrifice and then it gets to go beyond my meetings so for instance we're at Bethel right now I live in Orlando it cost a lot of money a lot of money and sometimes it freaks Jesse I was like oh my God look what we're spending and and I'm not telling you to be reckless with money I am telling you to invest on all fronts in your children to expose them so my son Theo comes home from school he's in like math class and he comes home and says I got my first word of knowledge today I said what was it he said a lady's last name I said no way because then I got eight or nine in a row dates and names I thought man lay hands on me hippo at that time is yeah 10 or 11 and little Benny got filled with the Holy Spirit a month ago the week that we went back for a few months and it was complaining about the teacher like his math teachers holding him up while he's falling under the power of God telling him how to just be free and then he starts speaking in tongues while he's in class so the moment I had children I had to stop living for myself and at least at a certain level and start saying okay there's legacy here and I've got to invest in it and you know the presence of God recalibrates it's like tunes the piano so get him there and let God determine their calling you know yeah pastor Benny we have we've been talking about family and of course the nucleus of the family is the husband and wife and the whole body of Christ and then wife marriage yeah the body of Christ watched you go through such an agonizing time a few years ago and come on the other side of that with such victory and those of us that were praying for you and your family are so grateful to see how God has just brought wholeness there what are some challenges for couples in ministry that you could speak to that's a big question well first of all each situation is different my situation my wife and I have always been in love very much to this day we are deeply in love and Suzanne came from a very famous Christian family very powerful her father used to play piano for Smith Wigglesworth British and her father began charisma magazine Steve Strang was one of the kids in church her daddy was the pastor of the largest Assemblies of God Church in America called camera assembly Orlando Florida so when we married the Lord was in it in very powerful way and a beautiful beginning and her dad who was the greatest Bible teacher I ever heard in my life imagine someone who grew up under Smith's will Wigglesworth ministry and his own father traveled with Smith and his knowledge of the Bible was just amazing we would all sit and cry listening to him minister the word and in 1981 he left the church because of some problem with women and when he left the church it was a very tragic experience for the family now I began in ministry in 74 traveling to many churches in the United States and I met Roy in 78 in Singapore he and I became friends and then he and I decided I would marry his daughter before he even told her and she came home from Evangel college and her father informed her that she will marry me it was an instant love affair of course and like I said an amazing beginning but but let me go back I wanna I wanna just finish this because it's important when he left the church in in in 81 that's one of rubbles began because of the way he was treated by Christians some Christians can be the meanest people on earth and rather than forgiving him and helping him this amazing man they condemned him and I don't want to say a whole lot more I should not because I really don't want to but Suzanne and the family began to experience a lot of pain so much so for brother was found dead in his apartment her two sisters left the faith because of the way they saw her father treated they were not even allowed to attend church and Roy your dad came to me one day and he said why don't you start a church in Orlando I said I don't want to I said I'm an evangelist and he talked me for a long time about doing a church and God was truly in it and when we started in 83 we started packed at the Youth for Christ building in Orlando we grew from 0 to 10,000 in two years we began church march I December we were building our sanctuary in construction and then Suzanne asked me to hire her dad which was a mistake because his problem continued and I had to fire him it's not easy to talk about I heard him a second time because of my wife and fired him again well the result was you can imagine the pain in her because I could not allow a man on my staff that had that problem as great as he was of a Bible teacher but then he repented broke down God forgave him we also have forgiven him and he died a few years ago in peace and purity he would weep wept and cried for years after that he had a great impact on Michael's life on Jessica's life we would all sit and ask him Bible questions and he from memory would give us chapter and verse incredible life even though sadly he had a struggle because he was molested when he was a little boy by his aunt you should not have asked me that question and then Suzanne as a result of the pain began to take pills mentally to help her with her emotions and amazingly she did not did not die because she took so much of them it's amazing she survived she took more of these pills than that lady who died what was her name again Whitney Houston and and that's what caused our our our divorce the divorce wasn't cause because Sue and I had a problem with our relationship nothing like that never the problem was Suzanne was no longer the Suzanne I met because of the drugs they were mind-altering drugs and she made a decision to go to the Betty Ford Clinic and they cleaned her up completely and I regained my wife and our love never died for each other I adored that woman to this day and we remarried in 2030 [Laughter] selphie he was he was reminding music in 2013 help you thank you thank you but but our our our experience is unique that God restored us but he restored us because the divorce was caused by pain that none of us were really responsible for we didn't were not the ones that caused at all it just affected us and ministry is a very dangerous place but I've I've known many who've been divorced who are not remarried or married someone else many of them are successful in ministry others are not but I would say this I think the problem is we are too influenced by the world rather than the Word of God because the Lord makes it very clear on who to marry who to choose I've learned a lot and I've told people don't marry anyone before you know your call find your call before you find your wife or your husband because when you find your call first make sure she fits the call or he fits the call if God calls you as a lady make sure who you marry fits the call not the other way around because if you marry them first before the call you can have problem after the call be very careful with that and never marry anyone if you hate their family never that's a big problem I don't like your mother well you better not marry if you don't like the mother why because she because that's just the way it is not always I used to say they turn out like their mother but I don't believe that no more that's not really true at all no it's not true it's not true I am Telling You one more time it's not true I never heard what you said the first time shall I pray for your healing yeah I used to say that a good become louder oh yeah but it's not true baby it's not true it's what the Lord does in that girl that matters if the Lord doesn't she will become like her mother if God doesn't intervene they become like their mother good or bad it doesn't matter but if God intervenes they become just like the Lord not their mother but I want to say one more thing about divorce because I think it's born for these people a lot of them are younger pray for me he asked me the question I should not have asked but it is do not divorce don't divorce because that's painful and destructive to children and family so my advice is it's quite simple to those who are still single do what Queen Elizabeth told her children to do you know what she said to them when Charles married and he divorced Diana and then and remarried he divorced whatever her name was the redheaded hill then she told the next one she said you will he will Court for five years before you marry because it's been discovered by studies it takes that long to get to know the lady the guys figured out in the first wait what'd you say what was the last I said it's look look it's easy to discover what's inside a man it's very hard to discover what's inside a lady man just because when God made you we want to sleep I don't even have a comeback for that go back spiritual I kind of like where yes okay so we have to wrap it up we've got probably five to ten more minutes left so if we can go a little spiritual I'm going to try to go that way for both of you this is a two-part question for both of you that we all could receive from dad you're obviously a father you're not even in the mode now you're like Matt you're just like having fun right he's giving me that one as a father and Michael as a son pretend that you had one last conversation that you could have with Michael that's spiritual and Michael have you said was that was I know it was it was a mini so view if he should just be a marriage counselor if the position and he gave his wife the influence and influence is more powerful than position God God said don't eat it and she said eight he said yes ma'am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're gonna pick up some new women partners okay okay so to wrap it up before we're done I wanted to ask you both this question if you could speak to him as a father and Michael I'm you to him as a son if you had just what you are believing for for him how he can finish his life strong and dad what you're believing for him as a son that you want him to learn from you what would you tell Michael if you could just give him any advice in the world what would it be I told the secret to longevity in ministry and in the Lord especially because troubles will come and when troubles come you know where to go to make sure it's inside of you and Michael knows that 40% of pastors and preachers in this country have not read the whole Bible that's a fact I've had a show handle my own meetings 80% of Christians have not read the whole Bible that's also a fact if I should ask here how many of you have not read the whole Bible I'll be shocked you're so you have to know the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation and read that Bible at least three times a year so what three times a year and it is easily done I do it why can't you so you have to know the word you have to and what I told Michael is the Word of God is about one person his name is Jesus he already asked me that question I'm just repeating it and so number two the word will cause you to cling to the Son of God by the word only by what he said God said can we get close to his son because otherwise we have no no foundation or no strength and number three never leave your anointing never walk away from your call and Michael asked me that question you may remember this been a few years he said why I said because outside your anointing is leprosy sin the anointing protects from leprosy and leprosy is sin in the Bible when King Uzziah walked out of his anointing he became a leper when Saul walked away from his anointing he was rejected so there's a call in his life that is his protection so if God called you to be in the healing ministry don't go somewhere else and do something different stay in it because in that circle this protection and it all begins with the world and I'm that's what I pray for him I love him deal deeply and he knows that and and I want Michael to know the Word of God better than any man on the planet because that's the secret to his future your future and my grandbabies future now I'm gonna tell you something I had a pastor work with me of a big church and we went I took him with me to Patmos Greece and I was teaching the book of Revelation outside the cave were Paul were John had division and after about the third or fourth program I got tired of being the only one who was teaching so I looked at him I said listen I paid your way first class I paid your hotel you need to work said you need to talk back to me you don't just sit there and stare at me the whole time I did four programs and the man said not a word the fifth program I said now it's time for you to give me some feedback he looks at said I know nothing about the book of Revelation so on he said I've never read it I said what are you doing being a pastor that man had 5,000 people in this church and so what other books have you not read I have this one camera Jeff Pittman recorded the whole thing we still have it and so what other books have you not read he said well I've read Genesis and I've read parts of Exodus and I have not read Leviticus yet and I've read parts I still remember everybody said and I've read parts of numbers and I did read Deuteronomy and then he went on to tell me how many books I ain't read fully and so you're in danger of destruction and so what do you preach them is that I preach what I read in books so what oh come on pastor Benny word for word come up as buddy you're dealing with God's agenda for the ages I have to deal with my people's troubles so what do you mean what is it my people of all these troubles and I have to find answers and said the answers are in the Bible not in some books you buy at the store and then I warned him I said if you don't know the word the enemy will destroy you one day he went to New York overdosed on drugs and died very famous guy I won't even mention his name it's now right and we know that from his wife that he overdosed because he used to do drugs before he got saved without the word the Devils came right back so it's the word guys it's the word it's the word we'll keep you know where else to go about the word of God get to know your Bibles get to know the word and that's what I tell Michael that's what I want for him because the word will keep him close to Jesus and the word will keep him under his anointing that's all there is to it give me five the last thing I would ever tell them this is also our last yeah like it's towards the end of his life I've got something funny when I was in the hospital they put me under what he called a sedation yeah when I came out of my sedation I was giving him every chapter in the book of Genesis and singing hymns going into the machines they were scanning his heart he was out reciting chapters and singing he didn't even know he was doing it was amazing because when the word is in you it's in you give me a five eight five there you go and I also made him laugh when I came out of my let's not go there did I say something funny real quick when he was going down to his procedure he was going to your procedure in the hospital when they took you from the ICU don't get one of the cat scans or something he goes wait wait wait get me my sunglasses so nobody will recognize me I said if you put those things on everybody's gonna look at you like you're crazy give me back those sunglasses right now little fancy oh my gosh yeah it was just so funny so we had so many laughs not as a cat it was a Catholic hospital and he was under sedation under are you Catholic okay I know the Pope I know the Pope I know he's my good friend have you heard of me I'm Benny Hinn he goes he goes you know you know I'll I have friends who are natural doctors and they think you're all crazy I think you're crazy yeah you were saying I mean I almost want to put my hand over your mouth say because I was under that whatever you're very funny in general but under sedation your comedian it was the funniest thing I knew the laugh you were so funny - but yes Michael wait one second before you cuz you're gonna kind of wrap it up but there was one thing that I wanted to ask you do you pastor Benny right is one big that's gonna segue into what Michael's gonna close out with he's a son of yours in the spirit right he's running the race with you what part of his inheritance from you spiritually will he not do you believe that he will not receive until you go to be with Jesus I believe with all of my heart well that when I go home God will impart more to Michael and here's why because an office is never vacant never beckoned the office has to be filled this is there's no vacancies in the kingdom of God you know so when Moses went to heaven Joshua took the office the same office and God is the one who ordains who gets into that office and I have no doubt in my mind now that Michael will receive way more when I go yeah absolutely because God has touched our hearts our so one eye he knows the world knows I love him so dearly but it's not about just loving him it's about the oneness we have in the spirit because Michael when when he calls me about question he has such things I was we were talking about the future about the Lord when he rose from the dead and as Tim was driving me in the car I'm talking to Michael and then only hit the car yeah and the revelations that came out of my mouth about Mary Magdalene to answer the question and Michael was blessed and I was more blessed than he was as we're talking but we've had many such experiences where the Lord just moved into our conversation you know so it's not about judge son-in-law it's about oneness in spirit and that is what assures me that when the Lord takes me home something additional is gonna happen and we don't know what that is but it's very biblical too and I'm so proud of him eleven yeah there are certain experience that I have that I know he's the only one who can put context and language to it like the other day I called you about yeah I would say I'm just echoing and bouncing off that I know I have to go but they're certain that when when when he talked it placed the strings of my heart it's like okay this is this is this is me like this is and I'll explain it like a stream is a very weak word because it's used so loosely if we what we used to do is drive down PCH and just listen to mr. Coleman and we'd come alive and so there are certain reserved holy encounters or questions that I know there's no one on the earth and I feel like God surrounded me with the greats like today's greats I mean and it's just the favor of the Lord I didn't earn it and they can help me with so much but the the high deep hidden realms that are taking place inside of me when Bob talks he's the only one I can go to I I can go to Jess and usually her answer is you need to call my dad first certain things they're like I mean the other day I called him and I said look I've got to know what's going on with these experiences because if I don't they're our experience is so deep in the Lord that if you don't get truth founded in the scriptures they'll they'll miss you I mean not mash-ups a bad word but you don't know what to do with them and so he's been that voice to me yeah what would you then say to him how can so I'm there as bad and he's going to have to see now to say you're waiting for your increased inheritance city yeah well I'd say thank you and I would you know I tell you what I want you to pray for though well first I'd say I need a building and thirteen million dollars to help with that and I get that out of the way tickle your here I get in your lap and particularly your ear then I'm giving that half of my kingdom I to move and move your crystallized hair to the side I would particularly here and say I need thirteen million now I would say I'd say I love you and thank you I mean how do you what can you say to someone who leads you to the Lord what would you right now I would want him I would want him to buy us a building and then well I'm saying this brother Copeland told me to believe for it three times a day Kelly so that's why I'm gonna so I want I want bub - I feel like there are a few things regarding Jesus image that are going to determine the quality of its destiny obviously one is spending time with Jesus two is our family three is faithfulness to the word obviously not any specific order but lastly I know in my heart the way I handle him the way I honor him the way I treat him that will have a major influence on what I and our movement walks into so I handle him lightly and I know when when it's us messing around and I know and he steps into his office like he did last night so I don't think I've ever told you that but I'm well aware of one thing in this regard that a whole lot of depend on for all of us how I tangibly honor my father so in saying that I feel like it's part of our destiny as a movement to reintroduce him to a generation and I'm glad glad to step away in these settings even though we're believing for the money and the faith putting it on it's a pleasure for me to take a step back and say this is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit so to wrap it up I want him to go out shining with such glory and I want him to - I want the simplicity of 74 to become the simplicity of this latter this last portion of this race I want I want I want the deep realms of God to be his I want the love of Jesus to burn in him so brightly and it already is but I want more for him and I want I want our generation to know the real Benny who's sat with upper room last night for two hours and gave his heart away in a little office all of us packed in there number one I want him to love Jesus more than he could ever imagine number two I want I want people to love him and know who he really is and I have a prayer request and I have a request for all of you you can ask me for money no seriously here's my prayer request that I would love my master more than anything in life that at my last breath with my last breath I would worship Him I want to die preaching I don't want to die in some home waiting to die I want to die on the platform Wow I do oh I said the Lord said Lord take me home when I'm preaching oh no I go I want to go home preaching the gospel and I want to go home with loving him more than I've ever loved him and and then and the next 20 years of my life I want to accomplish more than I have in the last 43 years I mean that that's what I want I want to enter heaven looking at his smile Kent Maddox asked me a question one day he said what do you want when you see the Lord I said my reward is one thing his smile that's all we want service the man of God in Minneapolis Minnesota was preaching and so sorry your souls Harbor and he said to the crowd his wife no he said I'm going home bye I love you all and and they thought he was going home like home like to his house and he sat down he said I'll see you later God love you bye-bye gone Wow he died when he sat down he just put his head down that's the way Jim's daddy went home at the pulpit no he told his mother his wife I'm going home same as Rex I'll see you in heaven love you sat down was gone well I'm done talking well that's it do you want to know no I can't ask anymore I would have several more that I'd love to but we can't because Maya please no I want to tell you this I I have it's been ten years since I started working for BHM and my grandmother was a partner with you and when I was a kid every day at 2:30 I would watch this is your day and I want you to know that there's a generation of us that still so values you and we need you we do isn't it true look isn't it true it's true it's true yeah it's true wish to thank you for your time thank you for your sacrifice thank you for being so steady yes yes we're gonna take we're gonna break right here we're gonna take a moment just pray and then we're gonna go have some lunch those of you that are going to the partner breakfast I'm sorry partner lunch and then be back here early tonight service starts a you have pests of anybody at the lunch it is for partner it's for people who want to partners a partner okay and then tonight service starts at 6:30 but there's a five o'clock teaching session there's a five o'clock healing class pastor Randy was leading it listen if you need a miracle come to this class if you want to move in miracles pray for the sick more effectively get to this class was there something up with your body that needs to go get here at five o'clock okay you will not stay sick after night after tonight's meeting combine with the class you will leave healed in Jesus name okay let's pray really Lord Jesus thank you for the wonderful privilege to sit in this moment we've never seen this moment before we'll never see it again thank you for your servants thank you Father for pastor Benny thank you for Michael thank you for pastor Randy and Jess how you've allowed us to share this time together thank you for the wisdom that was imparted the insight the treasure that came through your sons and daughters lips in this time we promise to cherish it Lord to steward it well to protect it we thank you for giving them a long life long strong healthy life thank you for granting their request that they will finish strong help us all to finish strong loving you Jesus loving you we love you Father and we thank you again for your sake we pray amen amen we'll see you over at the partner breakfast make sure that if you are leaving to take all of your stuff with you because we will be clearing doing a full sweep of the facility before our evening session god bless you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 40,167
Rating: 4.9023066 out of 5
Keywords: Upper Room, kanye west, Jessica Koulianos, Bethel, Michael Koulianos, Bill Johnson, Todd White, Jesus Image, Jesus is king
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 18sec (6018 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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