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so I feel that my father-in-law's and I call him bub so if you hear the word bub its it means that's what I call them don't get thrown off by that I feel like he said one thing and another thing was heard regarding the giving issue and I do want to give him a chance again to state what he believes and I think after you hear what he believes and what he actually said you will say hey I can't I cannot read my Bible and disagree with that and again it is the Word of God not our opinions and not our practices that form our culture it is the scriptures that we come to with an open heart that create the culture of our lives so bub do you believe in giving of the Lord absolutely I would like if possible to say a few things first because I don't think people may understand who are watching and this is important because so many people have wanted to interview me the last few days and I said no I'm not going to talk to anyone because this is a heart issue this is my soul and the way I view my relationship with the Lord and it has nothing to do with anyone saying anything this has nothing to do with critics I don't really even care anymore what critics say about me that's not important no do I even listen to that I really don't I used to when I was younger but no more but I'd like to answer that question in a little bit maybe down a little few minutes from now but I want to Michael by really focusing on the Lord and why all this has happened so I cannot explain I cannot explain everything to you tonight there's no way but it's been a a life long walk that has come to a very special place today in my heart with the Lord I don't know how long I have to live I really don't I'm 67 almost I began preaching when I was 21 I had the most beautiful beginning very beautiful I'm sure many of the people have heard the name Katherine Kuhlman but I don't know how many of them had ever been to any of her meetings like I have you cannot forget that experience there is no way for you young people or anyone else who had not been to Kathryn Kuhlman's meetings to have an idea of the change that can happen in your life if you are in those meetings or you were in those meetings so when you see the YouTube footage and other things people have seen it doesn't do anything to your average person looks and said ah you know he doesn't get it but I was in my 20s when I went to Catherine's meetings I would say this and and I and I'm saying this to explain something but to be in those meetings would be no different than had I been on the Mount of Transfiguration with the Lord a prize of Jesus you know way to explain it when she walked on that platform it was instant glory you began to weep immediately before she would even utter a word you're crying and you'll feel this heavenly atmosphere that was so pure to the place when you left the room or the church was in you did not realize till you got outside how glorious it was inside because the oppression outside became real see we live today with oppression all around us we've become accustomed to it did you understand there but when you're in that presence there is no oppression demons cannot function in that presence so you walked into the service you said for a good hour sometimes longer the first meeting I think we sat for two hours before miss cumin came on cold weather in Pittsburgh back in December 73 when I went for the first time I will never this cannot be erased out of my life I will never forget when she walked on that platform or to the pulpit it was the First Presbyterian Church downtown Pittsburgh it's still there when she came on that when she walked out I thought I had died and gone to heaven Wow the atmosphere became so heavenly I wasn't sure if I was alive I thought this cannot be on earth anymore it was very very and it's very difficult even now to explain it it was at that time very difficult to know where am I am I still on earth and the glory of the Lord the reality listen I've been in in my own Crusades I've been in other meetings with other people no one had that and I don't even know if to call it the anointing because it's way more than the anointing that was there the visible and I want to explain the visible presence of the Lord was there even though you could not see him the visible presence he became so tangible it was more real than to see him with your physical eyes and when I would say something he would answer me like that Wow so when I when I stood there in tears and the first words out of my mouth have mercy on the Lord because I felt so filthy because when the glory is there or he sees your sin and I said have mercy on me and I heard him immediately like instantly my mercy is abundant on you and I I was speechless it was that reality that changed me so prior to that when I was a child maybe 11 years old and I saw the Lord in a dream how I wasn't saved I was extremely Greek Orthodox like you were I was an altar boy in the church extremely religious we knew nothing about salvation or the new birth but we were very devout Greek Orthodox I had I had memorized the Bible as a boy we had to because of the nuns Catholics nuns that that brought me up that I was educated by the Catholics in Jaffa but yet my my church was Greek Orthodox and so on Sunday I'd be in the Greek Orthodox Church Monday through Friday I was in a Catholic schools and they would take us to Mass every morning in the Catholic Church so I grew up in a religious life you know that's all we knew is Church and school and friends and neighbors and when the Lord came that amazing day in my life I was 10 11 years old if I close my eyes now I can see him Wow I mean that is so imprinted in my soul you cannot remove it from our life so that's the real me the the real me is what happened when I was a kid and what happened at Katherine come and the first time these were the massive imprints I would call them the changes the headlines of my soul everything else is not that important so we had a very beautiful childhood in Israel I grew up living with the with the Bible all around me I mean imagine being born a block away from the house of Simon the Tanner and every time you went to school you saw the house of Simon the Tanner and Bible sites all around and the tourists would come and look around in Jaffa and I'd go to Tabitha once a year we all had to go to Tabitha where Tabitha you know was Dorcas was raised from the dead and it was a feast every year and ever had to go to celebrate the resurrection of Tabitha when Peter came so we all lived in this religious life and I did not know the Lord I knew so much about the Lord I didn't know the Lord Himself the Catholic nuns made us oh my lord goodness I was so by those amazing Catholic sisters who were not charismatic Catholics they were just very tough ladies that there I put I took all the the they give us these beautiful Bible books with all the pictures from when the Lord was born till the resurrection so all his life was in pictures with a lot of different writings you know and and and I would the class had to put all the pictures in order so the pictures that would they gave him to us and then we all put them in books in order and I had that for many many years and my in my home in school we learned the Hebrew Bible mandatory so imagine I was already in Bible School and did not know it so we had to learn the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew so that's the kind of life I began so you have to understand who I really am forget what people say and what people see on this is your day and or they used to see and they still do it the real baby he and I just in I just talked about him so now we moved to Canada I got saved in 72 the 14th of February 750 nimona in class in class in in schoolyard high school Jorge Vania and and and when when the morning I got saved I didn't even know how to pray the sinner's prayer its these kids in in class who kept inviting me to go to prayer and after they were all crazy because I thought I was the only Christian I thought they were all a little cuckoo because I'm thinking like I'm from Israel and I grew up knowing the Bible better than they do and I knew it even at the time and they would all look at me say jesus loves you Jesus loves you jesus loves you and I don't know what to say to them and they just would not give up on me so the day before I got saved the day before I got saved something happened to me now remember the law that the Lord appeared to me when I was 11 okay but then nothing happened after that the night before I got saved I had a dream and in the dream I saw an angel I know forget that and the angel said oh by the way this this is something that could scare some of you I saw myself in the dream I saw myself going into what looked like a a long stairway into a pit with prisoners there was prisoners chained we were all chained one to another and there was these little creatures with you know what we call those Forks yeah like rods yeah there were they they looked like half humans and half animals all over the place in this dark stairway and there was no way out and was going down down deep into darkness and I was one of the prisoners attached and were all chained to each other and Sunday an angel appeared in the in the pit down as I'm going down the stairs an angel showed up and he did this to me no one saw him in the dream except me he did this and my chains fell off and I went over and he took my band by there and he said come with me and from out of nowhere a door opened and I was out and and now he took me by the hand I don't know who the angel is I know my Dean he didn't introduce himself to me and he and we flew in in the air and he took me and landed me right in the spot where I got saved your high school yeah the next morning house was the night before the night before he took Ben and I literally landed in the dream in the dream at the spot and I woke up having no idea what that meant within hours after that I'm in school and I am right in that spot literally and these kids began praying in tongues I I never heard anyone pray in tongues so I was like I was I was scared out like look at this but when we began praying in tongues I felt something come on me this was during the Jesus Movement Jesus Movement was very very strong yeah yeah I felt this something come over me and I did not know how to say come into my heart nobody none of the kids said anything not one of them said you know here's how you get saved or nothing they just began praying in tongues and I'm just sitting there staring scared to death and feeling this feeling on me and I began crying and know it would be such an emotional moment and and I put my head down and and and I'm thinking like what do I do now and out of my out of my mouth all I said is Jesus come back come back because I thought he left because when when I was a kid you know so anyway so that's how I prayed I didn't know what to say cause nobody said pray after me so I just said come back so I'm I'm walking now and they're all played with tongues in everybody that's left we didn't have a whole lot it was not that long of a pre-meeting so I'm walking through the hallways to my class feeling like something has happened to me I didn't even know how to describe it I walk into the class we had the toughest French teacher oh dear God she was tougher she was a short French woman and and I was in in in in my French class I was taking French in because I grew up speaking French people don't know that I I spoke three languages as a child fluently I spoke Arabic Hebrew and French today I speak some Arabic and I understand French but and my English is getting better but anyways so I walk into my French class and the teacher was teaching on the French Revolution and my cousin Salwa was now a very famous doctor sat across the aisle from me and I felt I don't know how to say it I felt Jesus was gonna come to talk to me in class I just said come back in the in the LIBOR rate happen and I go through the hallway I'm sitting in class with it's all around me and some something told me he's coming Wow and I put my head down I was so scared I put my head down like that with the foot the French class going on the teacher is teaching this lady is going on up there and I put my head out and I saw him coming towards me Wow walking on the Sea of Galilee wearing a white robe I began crying sort out I said Jesus I love you Jesus I love you head though no the whole class stopped the teacher didn't know what to do my cousin Selawik kept saying you're like this when I grew up they gave me a nickname tutu was my nickname so she said to to quiet and I think here about her telling me to be quiet because I saw him coming to me and yet even then no one told me so here's how you pray the Lord a sinner's prayer so those same kids came after they say listen we want to come with us Thursday night to the catacombs I never heard of what the catacombs was the catacombs in those days was in st. Paul's Cathedral in in Toronto there was a great revival in the Anglican Church that seated three thousand the lady and her husband Murph and NOLA Watson she wrote Jehovah Jireh the song Javed era was written by Malala well Mervin her had these meanings downtown in in in Toronto the speaker happened to be long Connie M so the kids take me there from the school the same kids that prayed in tongues and others from the high school that took me to that service I'm sitting there I'm like this I'm shaking the whole time and I to this to my dying day I will remember his sermon every almost every word of it which is amazing I can still remember that was the first man I have a word preach that I really understood because when were kids if you remember they you know Korea like some Korean I shall kill ya later and they would chant and the priest would pray in Greek and I had no clue what he was saying and the Catholics would speak in Latin praying in Latin I did speak Latin or Greek so we just said in church and looked around you know but that was the first time I actually was glued listening to a man and then he gave an altar call and the same voice that I had heard that same week there those Monday I got saved this is Thursday so Thursday night I'm sitting in that church the big Anglican Church and and when Lorne gave the entre call a voice said go down and I said but I'm already a Christian and the voice became firm go down so I was down I was though almost I think their first one down and that's when I made a public confession so that was a great beginning for me and then my family began to persecute me they didn't understand why I would change so drastically I mean I went from going to church only on Sunday down on Yonge Street in Toronto in Eastern and Christmas so now I'm in church every night and it's not Greek Orthodox so Sunday I began to go to the church were many of the catacombs people the Watsons went to it was a powerful time in my life they met in a forum up in Markham and there was a pastor named Jimmy McAlister it's very powerful Bible teacher and at night I would go to Maxwell White's George Maxwell white Spahn one of the greatest teachers on the blood people can still read his books and every Sunday night he would he would cast out demons after the service so a lot of the kids from that I'd gotten to befriend said come on with us want to show you how this man can cast out Devils I was so hungry I said let's understand I'm ready for anything let's just go in every Sunday night I would go to his church he was a powerful man powerful the anointing was something else and after church he would say to anybody tonight if if you have a devil I'll meet you in the basement and people would go down to the basement and all of us kids would just go to watch we we didn't have Devils we just wanted to watch this guy cast them out so they would put him in a they would put her in a circle whoever had a devil at to sit on the chair and we kids would just stand in the back and watch the guy and he would walk in he was a short stocky British man from England he walk into the blood the blood the blood he was thick voice and the second he would walk in it but it would start going crazy down below throwing up forming rolling on the floor start flying was frightening but he just walked in and and the first thing he would say the blood of Jesus and they just start going crazy people were just the same people who were up there singing sounds were not go nuts down below and I was not sure I was not sure what's going on how could it be they looked so sweet up there and so crazy down here but I was I was introduced in my early days to the genuine message of the gospel and and that went on this was 72 and 73 in 73 at the end is 101 when I went to miss gurmann and I'm sharing all this to answer your question I'll get to it but can you talk about though because maybe there's people that don't understand raised in our culture to not attend the church who grew up there oh dear God a small matter in your family you've got to understand this I was baptized by the patriarch of Jerusalem that's how he gave me his name my first name was not Benny I had a Christian name when I was born Benedictus is my real name Benedictus for benediction so I didn't want to call myself Benedictus it says that on my passport but who can say Benedictus and my my name my real name can I give Melissa before I do that my my father's family moved from Greece to Egypt and Christians were getting killed in Egypt this is back early 1900s one of my dad's uncles was a preacher no nobody knew that my grandfather changed his name because he did not want the Muslims to kill him so if if you have a Christian name in our part of the world you can can't you you can be killed so my grandfather who almost became a priest the recorder Roxy was he was he was fluent in Greek my grandpa so he changed his name to Tewfik tou fi K to think because he was afraid that the Muslims will kill him so it he changed its name from a Christian name like if you call George you're a Christian if you called whatever but if you have a certain Arabic name then you stay alive and a lot of Christians took on these different names so they won't get killed his brother got killed he stead alive by changing his name so they had to call all firstborns too thick in the family to honor the memory so when I was born I was called to fig Benedictus although all my cousins are called Tewfik there's a lot of to fix running around so when we moved to Canada they could not say Tewfik people couldn't say my name yeah I'm sitting in class this is before I got saved I'm sitting in class and on the PA the principal came and said would tooth pick in please come to the office when he said toothpick I said I'm done with the name I'm gone I went to a lawyer I actually went to a lawyer I hired a lawyer to change my name I said I don't want to live the rest of my life being called toothpick I said change my name I cancelled too thick totally and but I kept Benedictus so today on my passport it says Benedictus in yeah but my first time it really hurt my dad I said listen there I don't want people calling me toothpick so in Canada you know whatever but the the the patriarch baptized me gave me his name when I became a Christian born-again the patriarch of Jerusalem came all the way from Jerusalem to Canada to stop me oh yes yes ask arose that the patriarch is like the Pope the the Greek Orthodox Church doesn't have popes they have a lot of patriarchs there's the one in Istanbul in Jerusalem in Athens all that the one from Jerusalem came all the way to Toronto to stop me he told my father I'm a crazy man me and that my father needs to stop me yes they Rosen tell me all those stories she was there my sister and that's why they were trying to think my dad took me to a psychiatrist they stuck plugs in my head I forget that so the persecution was heavy to leave the Greek Orthodox Church it's just you don't do that you just don't so you're going to hell you're you're done it's over for your life and I was literally cut out my daddy would not speak to me for three years because I got saved and he thought I had gone cuckoo and he was embarrassed he was like how can you do that to us how can you leave the faith and the church and you know they they they're very very very hard culture and that's where Michael comes from we come from the same culture so thank you for saying that but when I get into the ministry I was so scared I didn't tell my father because my father told me he said the day you preach you'll no longer be my son and they don't make you no empty threats in our world and I was so scared to tell my dad I was preaching and when a Lord called me in a very powerful way and I began preaching he forbade me from witnessing to my brothers and sisters about the Lord I still did it in secret in our home mayor got saved Willie can saved Sammy got saved they were all getting saved except my dad and my mom and my I had gone down to preach at a church and my father still didn't did not know I was saved sorry I was in the ministry he sought in an ad in the Toronto Star the preacher decided for a lil ad and my will my picture and my father happened to see the newspaper he showed up with my mom to the to the church when I saw him I said to the man with me a saint of God named Jim Potter I said Jim you better pray I said this is it tonight I said my I said I'll have no home to go to tonight can I come to your house and he said of course he was a wonderful Saint wonderful he was a free Methodist pastor this man that was so helpful in my early days so he was with me and my mom and my dad set way in the back not completely motionless you know how they can be the giriko that actually just stare at you and and I said this is it so I waited till 2:00 in the morning III said to Jim I said let's wait till they will are sleeping so I'll go home get my stuff and I leave and you can wait for me outside so I can go I walk in my mom and my dad are sitting there waiting for me I said this is it oh I was scared to death and the first words out of my father's mouth how can we become like you son yeah he got saved and he he told me later and my mom Tamara she she said well when you were preaching she she she said we were in shock and she said my daddy looked at my mom he said that's not your son his God must be real huh yeah yeah because I used to stutter one when I was a kid badly like real bad first time I preached my tongue was healed yeah but but my my dad would not talk to me and my mom was forbidden they they were forbidden even look at me my mom was the sweetest of course she always was the loving one but my daddy didn't know nothing so now I get you know I'm in the ministry and things began to change they go to Katherine but let me just kind of jump and take it to where I really need to because we don't have a whole week they'll take me a long time to talk about this but so I get in the ministry I begin traveling the Katherine Foundation this finds out that God is using me I met a lady named Molly Phillips who used to work for Miss common Katherine wanted to meet me 1975 the end of 75 the meeting never happened because she was in the hospital I get to know the staff they got to know me miss gurmann past February 20th 76 February 20th 77 to work with them I was the speaker to my shock I was 20 24 years old and I was invited by Maggie Hart nerd who ran the cumin ministry to conduct Katharine Kuma's memorial service so here I am nobody knew my name a Canadian from Israel that I preached only in Canada in those days now I'm in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania at the Carnegie Music Hall having to preach for the Kathryn Kuhlman foundation to honor Kathryn Kuhlman's memory and it was a memorial service one year after she passed and when the part of God hit they were all in shock and Maggie came up to me and she looks at me she said you know you got it I had no clue what she meant back you know you got it and then I got to understand she said no one that we they'd ever met had that anointing like miss cumin and I was quite shaken up at her oh my goodness I didn't know what what to say so I worked with them from 77 till about 81 1881 and I would go every month now I traveled with them all over the u.s. that's how people got got to know me we went over were showing miss Cubans film that's still on YouTube you can still see it called dry land living water III know that that service I can tell you one should be breathing again on it because I saw so many times because I would show the film then I would preach we did it ever work for like four years and then every month I would preach in Pittsburgh at the soldiers and sailors auditorium for them so preachers began to invite me so when we would go to the big big churches in the US and Canada the preachers which would you come back to the our church so I became extremely busy for a long long time till I moved to Orlando Roy Hardin yes we people don't know that had the biggest Church of cavalry assembly down on i-4 there was his church and he invited two he invited me to come and preach 19 Genesis was July of 78 July seventh eighth is when I came to Orlando first time but I'll tell you something really interesting I used to come to Cocoa Beach I had friends in Cocoa John or not you know John or not is from row from the front of blessing he had a house in Melbourne and he used to work with me people don't know that and so he had me come to his home in Cocoa Beach and the Lord spoke to me one day to come and pray all day long in Orlando I had no idea why Orlando so I played in the hotel right by this nice it's still there spent the whole day with the Lord and I had no clue that God had a plan that was in that was baby 75 when I came to Orlando and prayed all day not knowing God would send me back so seven to eight I preached at cavalry the part of God was so awesome they asked me to come back for Tuesday and Wednesday which I did at that time you know annex Clattenburg was the youth pastor so Alex said would you come back to reach for the Tuesday USB I said yes then I stayed for Wednesday it was quite a beginning for me I ended up marrying Roy's daughter Suzanne and now I have kids who are half English but yeah but anyways ministry began to grow and then Roy left cavalry and the only reason I began OCC is because Roy left the church and I don't want to get into why so that big building you see on i-4 is his church that's the one he planned I still remember when he showed us the plans for the building that you see that you see standing so when I began to come to actually Florida I began here in Orlando but then we began OCC here and now its history the crusades began and when the crusades began for a long time things went would be sweet and wonderful ninety it was 1990 March of 1998 and I in about and I'll answer your question now in about early 2000 you know when you have a big ministry like that in in those days you get to know some very very powerful people and they become your friends and you begin to listen to them because you look up to these people and the matter of prosperity was something that some of them talked about forcefully when I started in ministry for a long time I was not into that at all it started during the Crusades and not much in OC COCC was very normal just you take the tithe and you're done you know start off reason but the whole mentality of the subject came up maybe late 1999 somewhere there early 2000 when I would be invited to telephones and to my shock they would tell me that I raised more money than anyone and that's really when people began to say you know to me in a very sweet way privately what is that I believe and people don't know this some of my some of the closest friends I had at one time were all Baptist preachers this bish bish may actually shock you Charles Stanley came and spent the whole day with me in California when he went through his divorce and it was a I I will never forget the day I spent with Charles Stanley that's one of the sweetest people on the planet and one of the greatest men of God alive is dr. Charles Stanley I was I was amazed amazed by his knowledge of Scripture and the Holy Spirit it was a I I would I would tell everyone here to really listen to this man on TV Charles Stanley is the real thing Jerry Falwell befriended me and gracious men very gracious man bill bright was my friend I would have lunch with Bill bright here in Orlando every month people didn't even know that he actually preached for me and Tim LaHaye became my friend and they some of them brought up this now Benny do you really believe that stuff they would say and they loved everything else but that you know they they would you know Jerry fall was said to me when they said you know he said when I watch you preach the Word of God he said I see no difference between you and I when I see you give those altar calls no difference between you and I when you lead in worship no difference then your Crusades and Thomas Road Baptist Church but he said when those miracles begin it's downhill from there but but he was he was troubled by my at that time my understanding maybe I would say and stand on prosperity but I didn't really do anything about it because my the the people around me were very strong Pro message and then went on for a while but then the change I mean in my real life and my real heart sometimes I would go home a thing you know it's my his is this really me is this but I wasn't sure and about two and a half years ago it started sometimes God takes a long time to wake us up I don't know why someday I think I'm gonna ask him but I I just made a decision to really really get to know the Scriptures I've always read the word always always and one day I just made a decision that I'm gonna read the Bible three times a year through yeah is your mic still still on yeah I just made a decision to read the word three times a year all the way all the way from Genesis to Revelation three times and and not only that but even the commentaries and that's something that began to really affect me in a good way I've always been a lover of the Scriptures I was a pastor for many many years I studied when I was here in OCC for my own soul and for the people of God and I still do very much study the Scriptures but I do it for myself mostly now and as I read the scriptures through again and again again and then I decided to begin reading the Bible in Hebrew to resurrect my Hebrew and I'm getting really good with that by the way oh yeah in fact I'm teaching Hebrew now and I about a year and a half ago I decided to be a student of Hebrew University and every Tuesday I go to school online I'm the only student because I want to be and I'm I'm learning the Bible with the Hebrew language is so precious and so deep and powerful it's there's no way to describe it but as I'm reading the word in a new way a lot of things began to come alive not just that prosperity is a very small line on the bottom of the list when it comes to what I'm looking for for my soul I mean for my life so I began to ask myself are you there here like there are things Michael in the scriptures about God that make me cry and still to this day make me cry I'm reading Jeremiah and the Lord says to Jeremiah if I find one man in Jerusalem who is righteous elsewhere the city and I began to weep I said lord I want to know you I really want to know your your heart and then he said he it he asks he asked Jeremiah said now would it be an abomination if if a man his wife divorces him and glutes mayor is another man and then she divorces that other man comes back to her husband would that not be an abomination but God said but I'll gladly do it even though a man wouldn't do it I would gladly take my wife back meaning Israel and I looked up in tears I said what kind of God are you it's like I was strong by his love I said lord I really want to know you it's like a cry in my soul that began to just become deeper and greater and there's no greater cry now and I'm not trying to impress anybody here there's two things I want in my life today I really really really really want to please him and I really really really really want to know him beautiful that's all I want in my life right now nothing matters anymore but when you when you really look at the Bible there's a lot of things are listening to today that are not in the scriptures lot of things but it seems the one thing that happened to be a few days ago uh the button I guess I touched which I wasn't even I never thought people would respond like that in the millions they've watched that little clip they didn't listen to the whole thing they just took that few minutes and it went viral it was all over India within three days and the UK and Europe that I was getting calls from everywhere and yes Michael I believe in giving it's in the scriptures it's safe to say just is it safe to say this that your issue is not with prosperity you believe in prosper I'm gonna say it clearly for the first time and last time yeah I believe in the promises of God I believe in the blessings that he is promised I believe God wants us to succeed I believe God wants us to be blessed I don't believe in the gimmicks anymore so it's the message you cannot love Jesus and not be a giver you cannot love the Lord and not be a giver because love is giving and giving is loving God does not have an issue with his people prosper no I don't like any more the word prosperity I think the word prosperity people start thinking negative about the world I would rather say the blessings of God yeah okay so let's just focus on does God want to bless us yes does he want us to to succeed in life yes of course he promised to meet our that's in Scripture but when I hear a man today and I did hear it a lot a lot so this amount and claim this promise it's not in the Bible it's not because you cannot put a price on a promise of God you you cannot say now claim these seven promises with your gift no no that's not in the scripture that grieves the Holy Spirit it it's an offense to the Lord because we we have to understand something about God's heart when Paul the Apostle wrote 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 in such bits it's beautifully placed that God Almighty is so pleased with the people who give themselves first to the Lord so here the church in Macedonia who lived in poverty not prosperity poverty yet they were rich in their spirit and gave out of love to the Lord to where he said that they were begging us to take the gift what Paul is saying no no don't give this much and sure it's a no-no please take it they in he said they gave themselves to the Lord first and then to us many to serve the church the elders and so they took their gift and what Paul was saying to the church in Corinth is I told you a year ago about this offering that is to go to Jerusalem because the Saints had gone through some famine and the church wanted to help the church in Macedonia in Macedonia wanted to help the Saints in Jerusalem who gave them the gospel and he's saying to what to the ones in Corinth I already told you about this I'm sending Titus to remind you you already made your promise to me so when we come make sure you're ready I'm paraphrasing sir and then he says now here's the little way that church and Macedonia responded meaning I expect the same from you and then he said this he said as you abound in faith as you abound in knowledge as you abound in diligence abound by this grace also meaning that when you give let it be equal to your faith and love of the Lord right and then he said prove the sincerity of your love prove it now when Jessica has a birthday Joshua has a birthday my Tasha who I wish was here I love you has a birthday my Lily has a birthday I go out and I find the best gift I could find for them and when Michael has a birthday tomorrow he's gonna get a gift too it shows how much what what did you say Amen yeah I love you so much it shows how much you love them because you bring a gift to say I love you it will it's Christmas you give a gift to your family members you love but birthdays are special because birthday you want to tell the man the woman the child whose day it is to say I'm so glad you were born so we give gifts out of love how much more yes Jesus yes to give him out of hearts of love so when when the message today is is preached in some circles I want to say some circles that's not even brought up in instead its gimmick the they abuse the truth of the message they focus on what am I getting back to what am I getting back not what am i doing for the Lord I love what am I getting back for it and and and and they hear these promises that are not biblical you're gonna get this much in this many days well how many people do you know that ever got a hundredfold return in 7 days or whatever in a week or a month or whatever that's the problem yes but I must say this I must say this I said those same things because of pressure I was trapped I went to a certain place stuff long ago and I ministered so powerfully on the Holy Spirit people were healed and blessed and the man who had me forced me into a position live that I hated being in when I want I said I don't like this this is not me anymore I don't want this because they trap you to be in a place you don't want to be in father said it's time for me to tell the world and I didn't think that many would listen it's time for me to tell the world this is a soul matter this is my heart I just don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit and I said to the Lord I said lord I have grieved you enough in my past I've already hurt you enough in my past I don't want to hurt him anymore period about anything I still have a problem loving my enemies but I want to and I said Lord you told me to love my my my enemies please help me that I really want to and then you you read another portion in this in the scripture and my real my real challenge today is how can I truly and I'm being as blunt and rise again how can i truly deny self and care to my cross I want to with all my being that's my cry today I want to be a true disciple of the master I want to deny the world itself and carry my cross and follow him whatever the cost whatever it takes that's the gospel before before I'm gone and truly preach the gospel that's what I want because nobody is preaching the cross someone has to preach it again and it's just not me it's you and and so many others so you hear this amazing service of the lord the franklin graham's the Robert Morris in Dallas and from Gateway and others what a precious word they're giving and they're standing strong for the for the Lord Jesus I'm so glad okay now let's add to their voices let's be another voice you've another voice that we preach the cross of Jesus we have to preach the cross again Emma cross the cross is means to deny these things deny self and the world how can you say I'm carrying my cross and yet you're saying things that don't line up with that that's the problem so yes I have caused quite a stir and some of them some of them whoever the them are are not happy with me it doesn't mean it doesn't move me at all I wanna I I want one person to be happy with me him let's say so I'm not I'm not gonna change my stand it no never never never but people may still see the remnants of the past and all I see been in changes my no no no that's a teaching that's still running around out there someone running a new an old program and they think I'm saying it again never never never never and I told my staff I said you cannot put anything in the mail that I don't believe no more you can't put anything on this is your day that I don't believe anymore you cannot you will not and they're doing their best to make sure they go back in the history of the thousands and thousands of programs and tapes to remove things and one in there I don't want any next generation to see an old table sale oh my lord look what he said they're not gonna happen so we're gonna erase it it's gonna take us a long time to clean all this stuff but with the technology today maybe we can do it quicker I don't know that's hope but I'm gonna close with this because I think it's gonna get late here but and we are gonna have communion right I'll do it next week but dear Michael I want to point to one thing let's forget the prosperity metal right now the blessings of God matter which I already said and I don't want to ever talk about it again I'm done talking so I said it it's done no more thank you Michael for letting me now but now let me can I take a few more minutes just a few second you can ask me anything else you want on all the things listen I believe the coming of the Lord is sooner than you think our eyes are about to behold in the lover of our souls and the love of our life sweet wonderful Jesus he needs you to stand up for him he is calling everyone in this room to carry his a no cross and deny the world shut that world out of your life you remove the old man Paul said put off the old man with all its lusts and corruptions it's time to really be a true disciple of Jesus Christ whatever the cost whatever the cost whatever the cost was because the Lord is grieving over his people you know the Lord that we love is very sensitive his heart is broken he is looking for someone to stand with him you know we don't know the Lord till we spend time with him he is the sweetest most gentle with a message that's hurting his people how can I hurt him when I preach something that's not in his word whatever it may be we have to forgive our enemies we have to love our enemies we have to forgive each other it's tough to do but with him it's possible and the Holy Spirit is presence we all want his presence and what he asks of us is one thing give up the world shut the world out do not entertain the flesh do not entertain the things that God himself has delivered us from he even hates the very garments touched by the flesh it says in Jude so here we have this sweet Savior it's so real to us and you you read his word with new eyes because only all you see is love all he sees love in the Bible you don't see anything but love even God talking about the law giving Moses the details of the law why would God be so interested to offer his people such such a privilege to even to even talk to him is that to allow humanity access to the phone angels don't have that access we do angels don't we do no angel can never look up and see Jesus I love you so much no angel and only we can and when we preach his messages that are hurting him it's time to stop when someone sits on a TV program and is ashamed to say his name it hurts him he he gave them a platform he gave them a platform he gave them a ministry and when it comes to talking about his name they won't even mention his a name how would you feel if you give somebody some special platform and they don't even mention your name they're ashamed to talk about you how dare they do that to the Lord how dare they how dare a man or a woman with her with her big ministry sit on some secular program and not mention his name how dare they I'm not in the place today to you know be invited by the big TVs like I was but I'll never forget when Larry King asked me and I was with Eric King three times and he was a little tough on me he said well Muslims go to heaven will will Hindus go to heaven I said the Bible says I didn't give him my opinion because I knew what he was going with that so the Bible says Jesus said I am the way I am the truth and the life and then Larry King says what do you say I said I don't matter what I say I'm telling you what Jesus said and Kathryn Kuhlman was on Phil Donahue years ago and all she said is the Bible says the Bible said that's our answer when someone puts us in a tough spot trying to trick us into engine is something they want us to answer all we need to say is the Bible says that's it when when Kathryn when miss cumin when when Phil Donahue some of you don't even know the name field on you but the old-timers do when Phil Donnie was said to miss cumin stop hiding behind the Bible she said all Phil it's the best place to hide the only place to hide because she knew that the world would not understand but my heart today is simply for the Lord I don't want to disappoint him I've done enough of that in my life time in the past more than you people realize okay no more he's he's too precious and too holy and too sweet to be injured by preachers or anyone so we have this picture of Jesus the toughness array in the carpenter yes that it's true but never forget is the gentle Shepherd never forget is the sweet Rose of Sharon yes never forget is the all lovely one never forget it will not even quench it says a wick so this precious Jesus if you love him prove it prove it by the way you live prove it by the things you say I'm not there yet I want to be there I'm on my being I want to be there I'm not there yet I still struggle with a lot of things in my life to be a real Christian to please the Lord every day every day I tell him create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me because I don't like what I see inside of me cast me not away from your presence Lord never don't ever throw me away I won't know what to do never take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me and give me that willing spirit uphold me with a winning heart that I can't even have a mountain give me the joy of salvation Lord that I may win the laws for you yes but the thing that that we we want and I pray to God your honest thing on that day when we stand before him he will smile good smile yeah because repentance then will be too late it's it's it's it's my love for the Lord I love him too much to enjoy him I don't want to do anything or say anything that is not in his word that's it and like Martin Luther who stood and said my conscience is bound to the Word of God you can't go nowhere and I would tell these young people either are sitting listening your future I may not even get the chance to tell you that again who knows God may take me home tomorrow I hope my kids don't like that but I'm ready to go I really am I just feel the Lord has a lot for me to still do so I'm gonna stick around a little longer but because because the Lord said to me very clearly I don't know if I should share everything but I know what I have to do I know what I have to do now and I will not I'll not turn away no never and and I do believe the Lord's gonna let me finish what he started because I said to myself I want two things before I'm gone I want to see people saved and I will see the church strengthened and today I'm focusing because when I show up in glory I really want the Lord to look and smile I'm force I'm focusing on helping the persecuted Christians around the world I've become good friends with David Currie from open doors and I'm hearing things from him about the persecution of Christians 249 million Christians today are under persecution nearly 10 thousand every year are getting killed worldwide and I want to do something about it I've got to raise my voice so I'm praying I'm praying that the Lord will open a door for me to talk to some powerful people in our government and things are already happening I cannot talk about that that we need to do something to help these sweet people in Pakistan and Somalia in Iran North Korea 50,000 Christians today are in labor camps in North Korea 50,000 there they're under such persecution today in Pakistan in India it's it's a it's not right that we need to they were quiet and my my other burden today is to help the children of the people who've been left behind in Iraq and Syria when when Isis was there they killed many Christians right and today they're their children have nowhere to go the little kids are left on the streets because of the of the devilish acts of Isis and Christians today are suffering greatly so I pray the Lord will will give me the the opportunity to do whatever I can to help but most of all that Jesus be the center of our hearts so can we can we lift our hands and tell him how much we all love him thank you lord can can the gentleman come back on the insulated now you may have other questions but I think I'm done talking yeah I just like to say what I think what I'm hearing and what we're all hearing is that you love the Scriptures more than ever that you believe in the promises of God more than ever that you believe in giving of course we've God loves to prosperous people correct but the motive is this like Paul said though I give my body to be burned if I have not love it profits me nothing and what I'm hearing is the issue has been the methodology not the truth of the scripture regarding giving you you would tell every pastor because I've received calls from pastors I think you would tell every pastor that you believe in teaching on giving absolutely Michael I mean I don't know how clear or I can get so I I want to say we support you there's a band of young generation preachers who are celebrating the stand you've taken and I believe it's going to have a residual effect for generations to come and it's gonna add a holiness to the environment of the church and an invitation into the depths of his presence that we haven't known so I want to say we all here and those watching we celebrate the stand you're making we love you and thank you for the life you've poured out and thank you for your transparency thank you for [Applause] god bless you thank you please take take a seat if so kind I do want to say something to all of you about Michael and Jessica and I want our people watching on social media to know this I believe the Lord has given you a great office in Orlando I believe the Lord is going to bless the city through this ministry here I would ask all my partners to support Michael and Jessica not because they're my family more than that because they truly are anointed and if you don't have a church to go to this would be a good one to go to I'm praying the God will soon give you your own property and I believe he will and I don't want to go home to heaven till I see you in your own property and I'll gladly help you you have to stick around and better let me finish now I'll gladdie I'll gladly come back and help you in the winters summer summer summer I'm gonna stay in California I love Orlando I love the memories here but I'll come when the Lord opens the way I'm not gonna promise that I'm gonna move here as much as you all want me to move here I'll just come and go I will never have a church here those days are behind me as much as people have said oh please open it shows you know I'm not gonna open a church there's already one open here and I'll be a part of this one when I come and I was telling Jessica sitting there when you were giving that magnificent altar call today how God has blessed you you truly are anointed for this and for this hour and this Jesus 1919 conference will be your greatest and and I'm gonna ask everyone watching on social media make sure to come to the conference this is going to be probably the greatest ever conference in this city and I sense it deep in my soul I know the speakers I don't know if they can put them on the screen while we're talking you have some of the greatest people coming oh there they are okay and and you people will be very blessed to come and be a part of this amazing gathering in Orlando December 29 through January first what a way to start the new year - yeah so make plans now to come and and Michael I'm asking our people who are watching on Facebook - to pray and to support you even financially those especially living in this part of the u.s. to get that property you must have and I'm gonna give you a charge in front of all of them another one yeah because see I believe I believe I believe I have some understanding that you don't yet about the history of Orlando and the future of Orlando because I was here for many years and the young people don't realize the blessings of God that old Ando has already experienced in the sin the 60s the 70s the 80s the 90s and the great move of the spirit that took place here there's a lot of good seed sown in the land here that the City of Orlando has been chosen by the Lord a long time ago to be a Center for the gospel or one of the centers of the gospel so for it for it for you to be here is is that alone only God can do that so now you must get your own property you must launch out in faith God will be with you claim it and go for it claim the land and then possess the land don't worry about the money it will come by itself okay God will supply all the needs no recklessly but you must you must make that decision that by a certain time I will do this and you become very bold very bold the time for timidity is past for all of us we have to be bold when I began OCC I was bold when I went to the lady who owned where the church sits today on 4th city dear mrs. brewer I said the Lord told me that's my land and I didn't have a cent in my pocket but I knew I said it's my this is this will belong to the Lord and she looked at me after her son began to argue with me because was already on the contract she said young man my husband told me before he died the only thing on that then will be a church it's yours but IIIi had to say it with boldness it's time Michael it's time for you and Jesse to launch out in faith into the deep remember the wonderful scripture you know Lord we've told all night and caught nothing but at your word Lord and I think the Lord is spoken so may I make a request before I'm done I want to ask all of you to pray for me the next few days and weeks that the Lord will do what He wills in my life begin to pray begin to call on the Lord in and I must finish well and I will finish well I'm determined to finish well the road ahead may be a little rocky here and there but it doesn't matter to me so final thing I want to say is quite one thing that Jesus be the center of your hearts love him only and none other amen and if you still have some attachment to the world let go it's time you let go would you mind playing that's nice instrument David can I ask people to do something yeah I think many of you are hungry for a new walk go ahead David but many of you are hungry for a new relationship I've experienced much in my life but nothing like what I'm going through now nothing not nothing as precious all the great moments in the past can't even compare well my time of the Lord today and many of you are sitting here listening to all I said I didn't answer many questions because he didn't have the chance to ask me many questions maybe some other time but if you feel in your life that something is holding you back whatever it may be it's it's it's it's it's time to say no more because the coming of the Lord is very very near closer than I think most of us realize and the next few years are going to be difficult for the church in this country and we must be strong in the Lord and the power of his might we must we must we must stand firm watch a prayer life must come back with power daily we can't miss we cannot neglect one day yes coming to the Lord in prayer and humility and we can never again ignore his precious word let's shut the TVs out let's say goodbye to the world let's say goodbye to death to the things we've enjoyed in the past and let's open that sweet precious Word of God again and let the Lord talk to us if you believe that there are things in your life that must go but you need help I've gone to the Lord on my knees many many many many times to say Lord I cannot change my heart would you please change my heart for me I cannot do this would you do this for me because I know how weak we are how wretched we are and only the Lord can make the change my cry lately has been give me a love I've never had for you yes because only you can do that Lord so if you have that desire to really be more and more like the Lord why don't you just get up out of your seats and come kneel here and just talk to him you just give him everything and you in your homes you do the same in your homes you just get on your knees right where you are and just talk to the Lord let him hear your heart and then let it continue with him daily in your own prayer closet you can do the same
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 307,464
Rating: 4.7254748 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Jesus Image, Upper Room, Jessica Koulianos, Todd White, Holy Spirit, Image, Eric Gilmour, Reinhard Bonnke, Bill Johnson, Michael Koulianos, Benny Hinn, Bethel, Jesus is king, Bethel Music, kanye west, UPPERROOM
Id: 0tmPtN5wnfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 45sec (5145 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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