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and it's it's gonna get your buckets out it's gonna be a deluge of wisdom that happens are you guys ready all right let's jump right in hey let's stand come on this is gonna be amazing let's just lift our hands to the Lord come on and where's Jessica come on babe we got an empty chair there then she look great Wow and you do too but you look awesome amazing sorry I'm in the flesh okay hands back up Jesus we love you you're beautiful and we're hungry and so Lord just open our hearts right now as we posture hours to receive from heaven we are open to whatever you want to give us and however you want to bring it in Jesus name I mean let's give Him praise come on so you can be seated what a dream Reinhard was supposed to be on the panel as you know and we're all praying and believing Dan and the rest of us for his complete complete breakthrough and miracle amen amen that he'll just be strong and preach the gospel there and leg goes for that crusade next year right it'll be a wonderful time but I'm sure Ryan hearts are praying for us and and believing God for something great here but it's an honor to have my father-in-law with us here can we let him know we love him and he's probably inside I can read his thoughts he's like Yoda and I'm like a young Skywalker I can hear his thoughts saying I you called me a father in law I hate the term I thought I read you correctly so to have him here with Bill and Lou my god are we in for a treat I love you both I love all of you thank you so much so this was my heart this is a Jesus conference and our desire has always been to make Jesus central I figured if if Jesus became first foremost the rock and the water that flows from the rock the cloud in the middle of the camp then maybe we could all work together to win the whole world to Jesus I mean look at this we've got the sisters of Mary we've got a Catholic priest over there John Michelle where are you buddy stand up would you stand up John Michelle show my father-in-law your shoes father Gucci look at these shoes he has healing services that's the monastery I stayed in when the old priest tried to get in my room remember I called you yeah but look I mean Thank You Jean Michelle when you make Jesus central this can all happen and that's so beautiful to me so I've been waiting on this moment to have these three really fathers in the faith together who all represents something specific but who all carry the same internal fabric which is Jesus I want your presence every single day amen so my desire was is to to in honor take questions from those that the Lord is raising up in this next generation people I love so dearly all of you this is so special to me I'm like a kid in the candy store right now we were in the back and Nathan grabbed me isn't a good dad Nathan Morris stopped by welcome Nathan Nathan's joining our conference next year in Ohio in Ohio and hope yeah it's gonna be awesome but my heart was I think we've all been impacted by all three of these great men of God huh and so I an honor I wanted to field questions from this next generation so Dan why don't we start with you you've you determine who you want to start with it won't work the opposite way well I think the first question would be for pastor bill and the question would be where do you get all your great jokes no I'm just joking I think when people think of you they think of Bethel I think those two things go together and can't be separated and Bethel has touched the world I'm sure you are aware of that everywhere that I go I hear of different movements that are springing up and and the Holy Spirit is touching many people because of what he did through your church in your ministry I think that that's something every leader in every pastor wants to see emulated in their own ministries and that's a good thing what would you say to leaders into pastors how can they cultivate a culture of revival in their in their lives and also in their ministries it's nice to start with an easy short question 30 seconds should be enough time I'm sure yeah you know the prayer is on earth as it is in heaven that means we have to discover what that world's like and that world has its primary focus on the presence of God there's no shadows there because he is everywhere shining at once because that's the reality there when we pray for this world to be transformed we have to learn how to adopt a present centered culture it's a value system by doing that we create atmosphere in which all the things we want to grow grow correctly it's like a greenhouse you have things that can't grow outside of the greenhouse that are healthy in a greenhouse when we adopt Kingdom culture in the church instead of Church culture the Lord protects the world from church culture but he lifts the veil when we discover kingdom culture and then that culture actually permeates and affects the value system of the world around us and so what happens is when you have a presence base culture you have people that want to be with you because they call it a good vibe they feel good when they're with you what they don't know is that they're being mentored into a discipleship program of value into the presence of God they don't have language for yet but because we carry the presence into these marketplaces these places of the world we are actually training people to value something that having values when we live like that we create atmosphere in atmosphere that what I focus on in our in our gathering I hope this answers your question that's what's in my heart well what I focus on in our our gathering is not our ministries it's not you know it's not all the the things that might seem to be important to everybody its atmosphere and principle if I can if I can make sure the atmosphere is clean that it's healthy that we that we have joy that we have life that we live with peace we understand what it is to be victorious to have hope in any given situation atmosphere whenever you have atmosphere you've created the the the the realm for the right things to grow and to thrive and there's many things we want to see happen in our cities that we try to grow but we're trying to grow tulips in December freezing weather and and by changing the atmosphere of church that infects a city then we begin to actually create an atmosphere that affects an entire region and what that means is the healthy families we long for it starts happening naturally because we value something that have been values and learning the principles of the kingdom and learning the presence of the king those two things enable us to be true architects of culture and the Lord's assigned us the privilege given us the privilege to become architects of culture and that's how things change it's not because we've targeted this area of that area is because we actually value him we celebrate honor and value him above everything else and by giving that him that place suddenly we get glimpses of what it looks like to have that world affect this one and as we do that something the Lord lifts the veil that what we carry is actually what the world hungers for it's what they cry for it's what they ate for it's what the single mom cries yourself to sleep at night for is for that that we carry and why don't we learn what his world is like and we live it and model it the Lord lifts the veil so that the world finally has an opportunity to taste what it looks like when heaven comes to earth friend Johnny or not and I used to sit in Catherine's meetings always in the choir even though we could not sing and we said in the choir just watch her and that woman understood what she just said and very few people really understand the power of what Bill just talked about prepare me and habitation we're in I made well says the Lord God cannot operate outside the atmosphere there bill was talking about I was in a church and let me just say something about and I'm so glad you asked me that question and you were so obedient no because I think you know by the way this is the first time we meet and it's like we've known each other a long long time Lou Lou and I have been friends a long time and billon aren't gonna be friend a long time too but when Miss cumin would be ministering guys she would be waiting for that moment when she could surrender it's impossible to surrender outside that atmosphere you can't so and and here is what I learned over the years then Shaffer was a powerful man of God out of Oklahoma City I preached for him many many times one time first time he had a big church 6,000 seats and I'm sitting in the back behind this massive curtain that separated us from the crowds so here behind us was this massive choir mass of Orchestra on both sides beautiful velvety curtain that came down and suddenly I thought Jesus was coming because the trumpets behind us blew real hot and I almost came out of my seat I thought oh yeah I thought this is it were raptured so I think it was a moment I'll never forget so I said to Pastor Dan after service I said help me understand why did you do that and he's what what he said he said always start high because if you start high you can do anywhere you want to go in the service if you start low you're stuck the whole time in that low place in the service he sort of always being high because then you can go anywhere you want to go and so when I began in our church in Orlando I always began big because I learned that lesson crusade same thing miss cumin understood this and it's in the Bible the greatest miracles in scripture took place what atmosphere was a reality that's why the greatest miracles took place around the seizure of Galilee or the temple or places where the Lord could could have that atmosphere and there's three things miracles need atmosphere number one number two be careful who sit on the front row because they can challenge the anointing you cannot operate if somebody starts to challenge you you got to get them out of the way no that's a fact because they can fight you and that's why guys miss cumin and that's what I learned all this you general you can't learn this in school huh the last row that she failed was the front row because whoever said on the front row could kill the service never allow someone to stand doing this they don't worship get him out of there it's a fact these preachers intelligence because they can oppose their knowning they can challenge the anointing the anointing must have atmosphere and you can't be challenged look look the Lord is in a synagogue he just healed the man with the withered arm now they all want to kill for it what he walked out of the synagogue because he was challenged inside the synagogue they all followed him out of the synagogue and He healed them all outside he could have he said well wait why didn't heal him inside because there was challenge inside so they all walked outside and He healed them all outside why did the Lord have to take everybody out at the house of Jairus challenge because they mocked him oh because he said she's asleep they all mocked him what did he do he said get him all out they all had to leave before the miracles happen and we see that in this in the scriptures and the third thing and this is I'm so glad you brought this up give me a five eight five yeah no because see so many people don't understand what what really bill was talking about his whole ministry is built with that presence you have to create an atmosphere for the presence of the Lord is what he was talking about it's it's not about church it's about the kingdom principle the presence of God is what we need you can have the presence of the Lord without the atmosphere prepared for it simple and be careful all of your kids they are young people say I'm older than you I'm 65 now almost yeah I don't know how old you are but I want to ask you you're 65 another five another five no I'm not gonna ask you how old he is 64 yeah but the third you see anybody suspect on the front row here like Kevin he's Kevin did this Kevin belong next to the nuns no no no no that's that's the spirit and that's the flesh you know I feel little bit yeah this question is for the young man in the pandal a 64 year old is 64 obviously when we think of Lou Engel we think of prayer and fasting when did that hit your heart do you remember a moment in your life where you know and I remember decide I'm gonna fast and so for three days I mowed lawns and fasted and I remember mowing lawns it was almost as if a veil was taken away from me and I felt like angels were all around me and I realized that fasting was a gift to me that would open up the presence of the Lord personally I've seen the power of fasting in in spheres but it all began with me personally that in fasting I get bread from heaven because man shall not live by bread alone he says this in the context of a fast Jesus does that's when it began with me I began to explore this and I think my second moment was I read that it's kind of coming out up by prayer and fasting step in their realm of faith so my friend and I we always fasted together over the last 32 years and we were praying and fasting that we would see demons cast out because this kind coming up but professed fasted for ten days and on the tenth day my pastor Jay on called me and said look come over here I need you I want you to pray with me and I won't go into this end then what happened but it was an explosion power encounter with the demonic and that person was immediately delivered and for weeks people would just get delivered and we knew that fasting was a key that God had given to us Jesus is given to us so I those were the initial openers to personal encounter power encounter through the grace of fasting a prayer Wow Nathan bill I was the Benny but I'll go ahead yeah well move back to bill with Dave I think out of the whole panel you're so gifted in many different ways I want to ask pastor Benny whenever I've seen you your whole meeting seems totally based around the flow of the presence of God and the glory of God everything that you do is about the Spirit of God you know flowing in that service tell me three things that you found that hinder that everything okay will hinder God's presence yes well I mean I talked about the importance of atmosphere if there is no atmosphere it will hinder it and and there's a few things that can kill atmosphere by the way one this could shock some people is empty seats I'm serious because it kills faith many churches listen listen great ministries have been killed by small crowds because you have to have the excitement of a crowd see Catherine Cameron always would go to small buildings because she'd fill him because all she wanted is a full house she didn't care about how many you were there she just wanted to make sure it was full so the meetings we would go to in Pittsburgh all the services the building said 700 people that's all we all thought of course thousands because the only thing you need it is I could not get in excitement the other thing that can really affect the presence of the Lord and this I'm so glad you brought her up no really because I I I think the Lord is really in charge of this here today what I have experienced when it comes to the presence of God the presence of the Lord if you have individuals around you that are living in sin it could affect what's happening to you the flow you're unable to connect with the Lord that is vital that you be very careful that the the individuals around you are living the life they have to and you know we asked before the for three things but there's many more things I can tell you but one of the other of the things I also experienced is distraction that's deadly it can literally take your attention away you know the Lord said on the way salute no man he releases the end Iannone and then he says don't even say hello to nobody on the way and Elijah same thing with his service because the presence can lift that's what most of us don't understand is we can lose that blessed presence we cannot lose the gift and people don't really realize there's a big difference between the presence of the Lord and the anointing of the Lord then there they are not the same God's presence is within our hearts and spirit while God's anointing effects our body and our soul big difference the presence of the Lord is in my spirit man the anointing of God only affects my soul in my body it doesn't affect my spirit and most people have no clue what I just said because you have to live it very big difference between the presence of God and then on you Oh God and let me just say this it I didn't plan on saying all this but if you took two bottles and you put half of the water from one bottle in a glass then you took another bottle and filled the glass now the water cannot be separated think that your body is like that is like that glass all it is is a shell container one bottle would be your spirit man the other bottle the Holy Spirit at Salvation we become one in spirit that's 1st Corinthians 6:17 he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit at that moment you and the Lord cannot be separated I am them they in me that they may be made perfect in one right now out of that Union flow two rivers one river I call it the anointing within and the the the anointing without the anointing that's in you is one River the anointing on you is another River and there's a big difference between 1st John 2:27 son owning and acts 1:8 and owning very big difference and you don't learn that for many years it took me before I even got it because first John 2:27 the anointing that abideth in you with that spiritual acts 1:8 the anointing upon you big difference the one in you came at salvation that is what we need to walk in that is the presence of the Lord we walk in not with in you know I you know I would like you all to do something will you would would would you all point at yourself right right now say this body is the temple of one spirit not two spirits this is the temple of the Holy Spirit now wait wait wait wait what happened then to your spirit there are no two spirits in here there's one that's what the Bible says we're the temple of the Holy Spirit it didn't say this is the temple of the Holy Spirit and mice put together this is the temple of the Holy Spirit there is one spirit in you not to so what happened to our spirit he's lost in him that's awesome absolutely he took over I am them they in me right we walk in the presence of the Lord Nathan that is our life that is our own that's the place God wants us in and out of that oneness flow two rivers the power of God that affects my spirit and only my spirit that's first John 2:27 because it says there and only teach it you which means that anointing is for revelation truth that and only is for manifestation their anointing is for revelation and their anointing is for transformation while the anointing that comes on you guys you dear Danny when you go to Africa you feel something come on your body right that's the one for demonstration one manifests Jesus in you one comes upon you demonstrating his power to the people and the anointing in you in your spirit depends on your hunger for God what the anointing on you depends on the people's hunger for God's power [Music] that's the anointing that is constrained like sometimes when when you young people preach young you know wonderful servants of God all of you but you're gonna love it when you minister sometimes you minister with power when people pull it out of you right they place a demand on that anointing because that's the only anointing that is constrained nobody can take the anointing out of a that's in your spirit nor can you import it nobody ever lays hands and says be saved just that's the anointing within belongs to you and only you but you can lay hands and say be healed because that's the anointing that's imported so back to the presence of God and then I'm done walk in it and you walk in it three ways fellowship when you fellowship he manifests to worship when you worship he manifests three the Scriptures get deep in the word and when I say deep and I don't want to mess these people up well I they they're Michael said they already are no because and and dear bill and dear Lou will also tell you there's levels in the scriptures there's deep levels and people don't realize that the Lord does not manifest again I hope I'm not gonna mess anyone up but the Lord doesn't manifest till we go to the third level no here's why because when you read this Bible first time all you read is what the historical part Adam Eve Cain Abel all that know are the ark Abraham Isaac Jake the prophets well that yeah you get knowledge of course the second level is God's plan for Israel third level you discover Jesus in the Bible they'll change your life that's it that's when he manifests himself when suddenly you're not reading about given an example Joseph that's the life of Christ okay loved by his father that's Jesus hated by his brothers that's Jesus placed in a pit that's the death of the Lord place in a prison that's when the Lord went into the underworld came out of prison that's the resurrection said that Phil was right hand that's the Ascension given a Gentile wife that's the church well you read that what happened the Lord manifests that's what happens you start walking in the presence when the word comes alive there's so much in the Bible Kathryn Kuhlman said this one thing she said her life was transformed when she discovered that the Bible is a is a revelation of one person Jesus that's my answer Wow well in a Bible School wow it's beautiful Dave festival I know one of the things that that you you share often is culture and establishing culture what are some of the things that you did the very beginning when this revelations first start to become real to you to really see it break into the church to where now it's just somebody could step into it and it becomes second nature to them well I haven't sculture us to be real in my home before it can be real in the local church it has to it has to be the way I do my marriage it has to be the way I celebrate my children I honor who they are recognized Grace on them I call them into their destinies a culture of honor is where you celebrate who a person is without stumbling over who they're not a culture of honors where you celebrate who a person is without stumbling over who they're not and so in a family context that's that's where you know I learned it at home in my house with my parents and so we we did that with our children we we look to see the grace that was on them and called him you know we would speak to them as a rock when they were when they weren't as staved they were like Peter you know that they're broken Reed they became we'd speak to them in that way all the time they growing up so when it happens at home and it becomes the way you do alive it becomes the way you do life in church without effort it's not a program it's not a strategy its life as you know it in the kingdom and when you have those kinds of values in your relationships your friendships your leadership all that stuff it's not so much a program to train people to change the world it's let's taste up having to see what could happen let's see if it can affect how we do life let's see if we can do relationships around that value system let's see if we can love our city the same way that we love one another let's see if we can become servants and stop trying to become masters and when when you when you take that approach in your house where I become the servant of my wife and my children I become the servants of our eldership team and our church family then suddenly you have something that that becomes a model for people to follow they instinctively think in terms of how can I be a benefit to my employees how can I be a benefit to the city I love and serve and it's not so much a strategy a plan as much as is just learn it learn it in your close friendships test it well and when you when you know that you've you've said you've sunk your teeth into something that is otherworldly something that is truly Kingdom then it will permeate everything you do and everything you are and it's not because of a strategy or great intelligence or programs put in place it's simply because there's no end to the increase of his government there's no end [Applause] this one's for Lou I was wondering if you could please expound on you know how dreams and visions you know from God you know have correlated in your ministry how important it is to really Stewart God's voice in the prophetic dreams and visions and such as this if you don't mind yeah yeah thank you for that question yeah I you know last days language of the Holy Spirit is dreams but we she was just a dream I mean just a dream who knows what angels had to fight through to break into your world to give you their thoughts and you just say it's just a dream I think the church needs to stop saying it's just a dream I mean what if every teenager had a destiny dream when you're a kid that would hold them in their teenage years because you're just they don't know who they are we need this is the language and the culture of heaven and so our whole world actually our whole world is dream we got this quote if you hang around the dream King you get into a dream stream you join yourself to a dream team and you do the Martin Luther King sing every every dream is a potential movement sometimes we get a dream we think it's just for us I talked to Todd today he just adopted a child a baby came out of a heroin parents or whatever it was and immediately I thought Todd I see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of babies being adopted because of your story because a dream is like a seed and you stick with that dream long enough it becomes a tree and influence the world I'll maybe tell a little bit about that story but this is in many ways the call was born out of a dream I had with Benny in [Laughter] I'm starting to rock [Applause] drains dreams a Superfund they give you divine intelligence yeah I get the dream it gives you the secrets for deliverance the inner heel that you get inner healing in your dreams I had a dream once I was wailing in this dream singing when I find you I find healing God was healing me in a dream y'all know this and the more you treat it as holy the more you get he who has more shall be given so our whole ministry actually every almost every day we meet together we say do we have a dream and because we do stuff with our dreams rather than saying it's just a dream we treat them as smart bombs at the intercessory assignments that changed the world so the call was began began in many ways with dream of benny hinn and and what happened was in 2003 i had started some capacity for christ and and the first day I started this full-time I got invited I was invited to speak to a group of Taiwanese kids high school group up in the mountains and the first night the presence of the Lord was very strong you can feel people just weeping in kids and that night these kids came to me and they said hey we want to do an all-night permit I said cool so the kids prayed and the preacher slept and I have a dream though because God loves me and he gives to his beloved in his sleep come on why should we waste a third of our lives without the language of heaven bombarding us seriously and in this dream I'm on stage would Benny Hinn and Benny had says loo you're done with the ministry so I stepped down off the stage but I'm filled with joy I wake up thinking that as really a pizza dream for sure I mean what is that banana and never even had met Benny and so the next morning I remember having the message that would bring revival it didn't work out it worked out according to the dream so bright before I get up to preach suddenly one of these high school kids stands up and starts to prophesy and the Holy Spirit invades the place and kids this is 2003 pre Toronto everyone is being slain in the spirit laughing shaking I'm thinking this is so rude I didn't get a praise and I I'm literally for two hours I'm sitting there thinking this what is going on because I was not Pentecost I had no idea what this stuff was and finally I just left and I went to my cabin and laid down and said what was that and the Lord brought the dream back to me Benny and wrote a book called the anointing when the anointing comes you're done with the ministry but it's a joyful occasion but here's the deal here's the deal the deal is this God spoke to me this will never be about your preaching it's what I'll do when kids pray little did I know those kids were the Christian Club leaders in in their high schools they begin to invite me and prayer begins to break out among the high schooler kids little did I realize that that would be the beginning of a movement called the call it started with a dream about Benny Hinn and the power of kids praying and revival comes when people pray not and it all started with a dream thank you for the question so let me teach you this we started a whole movement called bound for lives for the ending of abortion we're really in a critical moment in America I think adoption is going to explode across America I think right now we are in a window of time we're at a window of time for shifting in this thing right now and I'll start it and then I'll get on this thing but I get I get excited about you you hang around the dream King if you if you hang around Jesus you're gonna get dreams you just and you ask for all the time if you ever you join yourself to a dream team the dreams that he gives to us too big for you to fulfill you're gonna have a team living I would rather cringe rather than just having dreams myself I would like to create a dream community around me give permission to the people in your fellowship and church to dream dreams and give them access to you because housewives can change the whole world if they got a big mouth telling the truth God gave us a series of dreams that we had to walk the Trail of Tears but the natives if we're gonna deal with the issue of abortion I can I won't go into the story but it's amazing how this unfolded a young man fasted for four years at Daniel fast no meats no sweets and dreams of thousands of people in DC with a piece of life tape on their mouth with the word life you've probably seen those we did that 12 years ago January we stood there and for that Supreme Court and we've been standing there for 12 years because it was brilliant wisdom because nobody can argue with Silas in fact the National Organization for Women leaders said this is brilliant strategy why it's silent prayer for those who have no voice the media took it up and blasted all over the world they don't like what we stand for but they're actually promoting the movement because we got authority over the media by divine revelation what a piece of life tape on her mouth as simple as that it's praying put a live band on because of a dream I pondered this what if when we stood there from the Supreme Court 12 years ago what if I thought that that life tape dream was just a pizza dream most people would not have done something that but I believed it was God sometimes we need to really soberly look at our dreams and fun and and take each symbol and polish them and say what are they saying because there's a treasure of Revelation hidden but wanting it to be found it's stunning o fact let me just pray for you right now because wherever I go I pray for people to get dreams is that okay one time a lady came to me she says I've never spoken tongues and I've never had a dream I said okay let's pray Lord give her a dream and have her speak in tongues she came back the next week I said you have a drink yes you had a dream I was speaking in tongues and I woke up speaking in tongues lift your hands another pray to loose the dream language of heaven on the community of heaven on earth in Jesus and release dreams oh it's gonna reach up you don't have to feel it I receive in the name of Jesus we received we expect to hear the voice of God raise up a whole new level of prophets because we've treated this thing as holy we begin to tap into a whole new dimension of wisdom and revelation in the name of Jesus come on let's shout to God for that amen you maybe seek time for wow man you know as Lou is talking about this dream team thing huh Lou we've had many conversations about coming together to win the world different streams and generations none of us carry the fullness the full spectrum of the face of Jesus but if we come together the nations will bow their knee to Jesus and I think you're seeing this here I think this is a prophetic moment taught for Bill please he wanted to ask you about the frog in the toilet that Jesse filmed oh sorry you didn't know she posted that Todd for Bill please I've cried more in the last few days than I have in my whole life anybody else like this has been ridiculous huh I so honor all of you amazing I've been touched by all of your ministry's lifted off the ground thrown through the air thank you that's Benny I just I guess I guess my question is I I mean I know for all of us and for me personally I'm content with who Jesus says I am I'm content with knowing that I'm God's child and content with being forgiven and being loved by my father it's my number one priority you know it says to be content and and to not be satisfied but I don't even know if I can use that word because I'm I've pressed into over the last 12 years pressing into hungering and thirsting for righteousness but never letting earnestly desiring and hungry and thirsting for God to touch and manifest who he is to touch the world around us how do i I don't even know how to say it how do i how do I be more hungry i need help i need help in how do i how do I become more hungry and cut you all of you lay your hands on me and know did you I just uh I'm so serious about that but put up but how do i that we all have how do i yeah but again how do i I find myself crying out for hunger then I'm in a place oh my god I don't even know if this is as neato sorry no in the natural you get hungry by not eating in the kingdom you get hungry by eating it you taste and see and what you eat has the strange combination of effects it satisfies it makes me more hungry and it's not complicated you remain thankful for what God's giving you because if you're not stewarding what he's giving you well you're not ready for what he wants to release so there has to be a thankfulness a celebration not oftentimes people call their frustration hunger people often call their frustration with with their need for more they called it hunger but it's actually unbelief so partaking of the Lord himself his purposes helps us to realize this is all by grace I didn't earn any of it I remain thankful but I also know he's ruined me for anything less than what I have and so there's a hunger created for the more and it's living that combination of thankfulness and hunger by eating that I think takes us into the greater breakthroughs Wow amazing amazing Eric for pastor Benny just go with bill but a different there's a little different thing I have found that fasting know that fasting it's interesting there was a book called atomic power through prayer and fasting and he had a little he had a little diagram of food hunger greed and lust but the big circles and then a little circle called the spirit that in fasting you feed the spirit man and it actually shuts down some of these other circles I have found that in fasting we actually we find God in such ways that I wish I could always be fasting I know that sounds religious but I want to just say that I believe it is a gift when we would to desire the bread from heaven anyway I thought I'd put that one in there next to your bill I would rather eat in all the years that you've served the Lord what has been the number one thing you have seen take out ministers take ministers out of the minister so you mean take him out of you know well Wow are you ready for the answer though I asked Oral Roberts that question I don't know if I want to talk about what he said but you asked me can you handle it though you know some of these questions you asked I think forgive me but some of the answers need to be given to you privately no no it's okay I will answer it partially because when order and I talked and we have many talk we have we've had many talks together I I looked at oral and Kathryn Kuhlman and Rex Humbert as the greatest of the charismatic move in fact my opinion Kathryn Kuhlman had the greatest healing ministry since the days of the Apostles and oral I did not I've never met Kathryn Kathryn knew about me of course from her staff and after her death to my shock and surprise and honor I was asked to conduct her memorial service 1977 in Pittsburgh and that's when I became heavily involved with them and I ministered for the human ministry for four years learned a lot about miss gurmann herself I don't know if I should go if I should go there but I can tell you this Maggie hardener who worked with miss gurmann told me have you have you seen dry land Living Waters movie oh my lord Vegas miss Katherine allowed one service to be taped there was a Las Vegas Nevada 1975 when the Mayor of Las Vegas declared that a Kathryn Kuhlman day in Las Vegas Nevada which was amazing and she held her only service that she knew was taped others were taped without her knowledge especially maybe Senna all of you sir used to tell me they would hide the cameras and tape her but we would watch that movie we before I would preach we went to the largest churches and auditoriums in the country if from 77 to 81 and I would always administer after they would show the film and one day I'll never forget this Maggie is sitting in the back soldiers and sailors auditorium Pittsburgh Pennsylvania North Side never forget that and as I'm sitting in the back next to Maggie no Maggie was Kathryn Kuhlman's right-hand lady who was with her for years she looks at me she says and she's weeping now she and they all these women had bared a long fingers she once a long finger she points a very long finger at the screen she says she was my life Bennie she was my life now I was 24 years old when all this happened now and I still see it like it was yesterday she said she was my life Bennie she was my life and then she said but before she died she lost her mind I was shocked I didn't know what to say to her I did not know how to respond then I asked oral I did not want to ask Maggie I was scared I didn't know what she'd say I didn't want to you know you're young and you're not sure how to respond to this woman who just told you that Kathryn lost her mind you know because to me Kathryn Kuhlman was forgive me at that time in my life next to God himself you know so I asked oral I said Maggie told me such thoughts and this was five years before he died which was just a few years back really and all of them and I would get together at least once a week he was my neighbor not too far from where I lived and I said what happened to Kathryn well Benny she died of a broken heart I said why betrayed by who he told me I won't tell you who he said it was he said betrayal is what destroyed her she could not handle being betrayed and she became a very angry woman and then he said God took her home before she could do any damage to his work I said how do you know that duck and always called him doc he said I know it Benny I asked for example his Rex and I were very very close for many years said the same thing I believe God took miss Goodman out to protect his people because she was so influential but then I in another visit not at the same time I just happened to ask or all I said have you ever met Branham oh yes have you met a a Alan yeah have you been to their meetings no so would you mind telling me about them tell me how I wished I had a camera with me in those meetings you know what I want to do for these young people I did the only three hour interview alone with all I asked me for the question I could think about I want to give it to you guys I am getting to love Bill Johnson big-time Wow you too though I love you lots yeah well no because I think you need to watch this interview because I talked to him about the pain he experienced when he lost his son and his daughter which very few people even knew that happened to him and but here's what he said to me in that me and I can share this with the TV right I'm gonna threat very careful here I said dark I said why is it that these men like Branham thought he was Elijah why did Allen died in San Francisco and they say he used to drink well he said there's questions about this as well but that's what we hear is it true not true and he himself did not know all the facts he told me so but then he said he said let me tell you about other preachers as I was interested in Branham like what happened to Branham why did Brennan think it was Elijah such things why did this happen to AAA why did this happen to others well now Benny let me tell you what I know about the anointing was his answer and this should answer your question I wish they asked me that he said the anointing when God anoints you for service that anointing magnifies everything in you intensifies or in you he says notice that when people are under their anointing for ministry and he did at that time also talked about the difference between the one in u.s. bit and on you he said whether it only comes on you you become very loud said yeah you become intense I said absolutely he said it affects you you emotionally I said yes it does he said also it intensifies everything in you good and bad he said if a man is living in sin that anointing brings it to the service it kind of stirs it up it better known it stirs up the good and the bad in people what's true he said the reason they fall is because they don't understand these people were there with those weaknesses he said we all have weaknesses he said if we don't deal with those weaknesses they they will destroy us eventually but he said with these preachers that don't deal with their problems he says under that anointing it stirs that problem up he said the problem is they need to pray more after God uses them than before he uses them and when they don't pray and spend time with the Lord after the service that's he said when they fall so he said the greatest have fallen after their greatest moments with God he said that's why they need to spend time with Jesus after the service more than they spend before the service he said most of them pray before God uses I've never practical uses them so my answer to you pray after God uses you he'll keep you safe it's amazing amazing thank God for homeroom who taught who told me this that's what he said to me wow so it's amazing I so precious Roy for Lou and then I have a question I think I should be able to ask what not you guys it'll be serious very serious Roy for Lou please I'll do the serious - yeah please do Roy all right no I think what I can't see I hope die Lou them when you were 40 years old what was the biggest struggle that you had to wrestle with to overcome in your public life and ministry well I didn't have a public ministry until I was about 47 so when you turn 50 [Laughter] [Applause] say the question again when you are when you turn 50 38 can I get 42 here no when when you turn 40 let me just we'll get out of the public ministry when you turn 40 what was your greatest struggle that you wrestled with with your relationship with Jesus I think it's a great question a very personal question [Applause] III think I think the the the greatest there's two greatest I don't know if I'll talk about the second but I'll talk about the first I think it the challenge the challenge was to know that I had an anointing from God and yet I was not released fully to manifest that and people would come to me and talk to me about you should you should be preaching more you should do this do this and I had this inward wrestling I want to thank God for my pastor Jo who had the wisdom to bring me up with wisdom and not just put me out there until I could I would blow up and and she believed in me but I knew they knew I carried some kind of anointing but but to stay under the yoke was a great challenge in the latter rain there's a guy that had a vision I think this is really critical and I appreciate what bill said today because this Bill's is is a balance and that it that is this we want to loose people into their anointings you know what you said that it was profound and yet there's also the wisdom of of what do you call it the the harness of the Lord and during the latter rain there was a vision given to a man named bill bright and I'm not bill bright bill Britain and in this vision there were two horses running free of the green pastures and they were caught and brought into a Corral and there they were being harnessed and trained and one horse said to the other horse I'm out of here forget it I'm getting out of here I'm gonna go to the green pastures and leaped over the fence and ran to the green pastures came back some time later and the horse's friend horse was harnessed and and he says won't you come and join me with the green pastures man the rivers are flowing its freedom and in the and the horses remained harnessed and then a famine hit the land and sometime later the horse came back skinny and it famished and he saw his friends sleek and strong and carrying the Kings carriage and he realized that he had not received the harness of the Lord I think that's really critical but the days of revival coming to young men young women even older guys need there's a place for the harness I didn't really I didn't get released until I was 47 years old and I think sometimes we're so eager to rush into a stage let God give you the stage before you take it and then I've just had a battle in my life a lifelong battle and the challenge to remain above the accuser of the Brethren has been so so powerful they're so strong and I thank Benny for sharing this because I feel you I mean I feel that the more I go on in the grace of God in the anointing I feel the battle raging more in my life pray for your leaders don't accuse them pray for me and we will and I'm asking that these sweet people pray for all three of us because we need to pray one for another it's so precious what you said and Lou I promise you I will be praying for you now daily and you promise to pray for me [Applause] when I talk about Benny Hinn I said you may not know Benny but Benny Hinn is a deep man of Prayer bill you too I promise you promise you daily all the two of you will be in my heart Dale I'll pray for both of you you know I was just telling Michael I said I'm really loving this because I didn't know if I'm gonna enjoy this at all today that's why I'm sitting here I'm keeping him comfortable you're gonna understand I have never done this before yeah all panels and me I'm not right my original questions were about I did say how much I'm enjoying it and he said yeah he said because we're in the same stream and I love that so thank you Michael for putting this together I think we're all overjoyed and privileged to be in the room aren't we I think our children are gonna think back on this day be like saying I was on a I watched a panel with wiglesworth and one of the Jeffery brothers and Lester Sumrall or something it's really a joy to be here and it's a privilege so here's my question Lou I'll start with you then we'll go to Bill and then Bubba if you had one thing to say to you to those you love your family one last thing to say to them what would you say I think I would say forgive me where I'm not fully been on the representation of a father that I wanted to be and by the way I've been a good father I got good kids and I'd say but but know this you're the sons and daughters of God dreamed the biggest dream and live an extraordinary life I think I've just told don't forget to enjoy God and enjoy life [Applause] the question you asked it's a very difficult one to answer because we want to say something that people will remember and here's what I want to say Jesus in the flesh was not enough without the Holy Spirit he was limited limited not only in being in one place at one time even the things he said they did not understand the miracles he performed did not change the hearts of men everything changed when the Holy Ghost came and when the Holy Spirit came the change took place in the hearts of these apostles and disciples without the Holy Spirit when the Blessed Son of God are sweet Redeemer hung on the cross they all forsook him without the Holy Spirit they questioned whether he was the Messiah without the Holy Spirit after he rose from the dead some doubted if this is really Jesus standing there but when the Holy Spirit came everything changed and my one piece of counsel is this it's not by might and not by power but by my spirit because when Jesus stilled the storm that was power when you raise Lazarus from the dead there was power when he walked on water that's might but the Bible says it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord without the Holy Spirit the Lord Himself cannot touch your life if they could not do it without the Holy Ghost you cannot do it without the Holy Spirit we need the Holy Spirit today more than ever our grandchildren are going to need the Holy Spirit in their time quite badly because of the influence today out there the evil influence attacking our families my heart goes out to Michael and Jessica 20 years from now I pray I'll be gone I don't want to stick around waiting to die I pray the Lord will give me an extension of life for a few years but I don't want to sit in some old folk home waiting to go so you're gonna keep us around the bed a while then I don't want to keep you around my bed well this is the last thing you're gonna tell us remember so we're gonna last thing I'm gonna tell you the last thing I'm gonna tell you is we're gonna have a surface like you're cutting it out it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit said the Lord and that's all I have to say to you why doesn't everyone stand I'm gonna ask my father not to lead in prayer and for these fathers to agree and bub is you pray to release a new a new wave of the Holy Spirit into this generation into America and the nations to pray before I pray you can do it every and I want you to pray before I pray because each one of them has an anointing to release so their bill lives so that the Holy Spirit guys can John the Baptist you know we haven't even gotten in yet come on listen this is open our hearts well you promised me you promised all that historic revivals and third Great Awakening in America we call it forth out of this meeting pour out your spirit on our sons and daughters shake this nation turn now from the inner jeez God we call upon you pour out your spirit as you promised in Jesus name hosea 3:5 says in the last days they'll fear God because of his goodness father I asked that you would give us a fresh baptism in the goodness of God that we ourselves will be so overwhelmed with your kindness that nothing outside of your kingdom would ever appeal to us again let us see let us taste let us become intoxicated by your goodness thank you what I would what I want to see happen yes I want to see the people of God for any one for another right now that each one of them before they leave here would receive a fresh anointing from heaven above so go ahead and join hands and begin to pray for each other come on out loud begin to pray in tongues right now pray with your heavenly language in the name of Jesus father afresh and owning a fresh anointing Lord afresh on it on the people a new anointing for the new ministries and you inaudi for the new level minister use your people in these last days prophetically use your people speaking to them through visions and dreams in Jesus mighty name keep praying for each other some of you form circles where you are come on form small circles right now go ahead just look at each other look at each other pray with each other forming small circles where you are praying one for another the scripture says do it now God love you Wow what uh what a powerful powerful service and just really really a historic I think in a lot of ways what we just watched and just what we just heard I'm here with with Bishop David Thomas from Victory Christian Center in Ohio it's so great to have you pastor Bishop and Wow we were just listening some of the answers that were coming and uh I was really kind of drawn to how they kicked off some of the questions about atmosphere can you talk to me a little bit pastor about atmosphere and establish a step what is that Monsieur how do you establish an atmosphere and in your home or in your church when they say atmosphere what is it they're saying well Chris I believe that you know what the scriptures say that God inhabits the praises of his people and certainly it begins with a heart that is truly in praise to him and it has to start in here yeah move to our home before it moves to our church services or work or wherever it should be but there is something about the atmosphere where Christ is honored where it's a presence driven atmosphere and where we're not settling just simply for emotion as wonderful as emotion might be but a sense of honor in worship the Bible says that we choose the fear of the Lord and and there's something that about the fear of the Lord that attracts his presence because I don't know if you can separate his presence from atmosphere mm-hmm I mean really I think that's what we all seek is that kind of an atmosphere where it where it's so clear that the Lord is in the house yeah yes sir wow that's awesome another thing as we watch the panel huge huge diversity and ministries in an age even in style and as here we talk some a little bit in the green room scripture in Malachi kind of comes to my heart about how the Lord's gonna begin to turn the hearts of the father's to the sons and the sons to the fathers what what as a father as a father many spiritual children as a leader that's been in ministry 40 years in a local church what what do you see happening in the role of fathers and sons you know Chris I really believe we're seeing that scripture fulfilled in so many ways mm-hmm when I came into ministry I met Christ in the Jesus people movement never been to Bible School never had a church background and so when God called me and I came into ministry I was looking for fathers and so I would go to over men in the ministry and I would say I I don't know what I'm doing how do you do this how do you do that over and over and over to the point where I quit asking I was told this that they learned the hard way I'd have to learn the hard way and Chris I determined that some day I'm not going to be the young guy yeah I'm never going to say that I'm never gonna say that to a young man or a young woman well I'm going to say listened I'm going to impart to you anything that I've learned from every failure every mess up and I don't want you to have to learn the hard way I want you to learn from my mistakes not from yours and I see that happening now not just with me but with many of us that when I hit the age of 50 it became about the sons it became about the daughters God had already done more in my life and through our ministry then we had ever dreamt and so we said now it's about it's about raising up the next generation it's about imparting to them it's about everybody needs somebody to believe in them and we want to be you know my wife and I wanted to be some of those people that were encouraging and cheering on the next generation because you're gonna do greater things than our generation has ever done well well I just feel god touching me even as you're talking pastor can you pray just pray for anybody watch I just got a few more moments just pray but the people anyone watching you know I have something burning in my heart that it's like a constant and I just don't give up don't you dare ever give up listen the the best is yet to come and it's not over you know if Joseph would have given up in the pit he would have never become Prime Minister if David would have given up when Saul was chasing him he would have never become King and I've got to say to you today it's not over don't look around and just consider that well you don't know the mess that I'm in I may not know the mess that you're in but I know this he's the Alpha and the Omega he's the beginning and the end he's the author and the finisher it's not over don't you dare give up and listen if you need someone to speak into your life there's someone that you can go to this that that will be there for you but most of all today look to your heavenly Father he not only do you believe in him he believes in you and don't you dare give up I mean this from the depth of my being that's the trick of the enemy that that when we're down when we're discouraged we feel like throwing in the towel but listen you're better than that Christ didn't die on the cross for you to quit now he died on the cross for you to make it all the way I released that to you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ amen Wow amen God's presence is here you know the Jesus conference is is really in ways just starting yeah and it's about to get amazing at two o'clock we've got another session lots to come stay tuned we'll see in a little bit
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 289,979
Rating: 4.7400041 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Image, Michael Koulianos, Jesus Conference, Revival, Kolenda, Jesus is king, Jessica Koulianos, Bill Johnson, Upper Room, Bethel, kanye west, Todd White, Nathan Morris
Id: OXPCjeNhWb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 11sec (5231 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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