Michael Miller | Jesus Regional Dallas

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] 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whatnot [Music] just one just what just one just one [Music] [Applause] [Music] this moment here in this moment here in this moment right here right here right here right this moment with it doesn't matter anything else doesn't matter Jesus one moment just one moment Jesus thank you for this moment [Music] just like this you know I'm just I'm just mindful of of Asaph who was there's a chief Levi and the tabernacle of David and and I don't know I don't know I don't know where or when that that line was written but but I imagine it was in an environment like this and and and it just came forth from his heart this this this line I don't hope he was singing it I don't know if he prayed it he said better is one day in this place in the place in the place of God's presence in the place of his Tabernacle he said better is one day than a thousand days anywhere else meaning better better is better is one day or one moment in his presence than three years three years anywhere else either this the this environment this presence it's it's better than anything else and I just want them to sing that one more time and and I really I really want the Holy Spirit cuz it's not it's not just from a staff it's actually it's actually from from the Lord that there's something about us in his presence which we don't just get to do it one day we can do it every day but there's something about the awareness of his presence him in our midst that makes this a really really really good day no matter how bad your day is when you he's here it's like everything gets better and and I just I think sometimes I've just study the words that we say to him I'm just scrutinized what we're telling him because it provokes him it moves him he is stirred by you saying that from your heart that Lord I'm telling you that it's better right here right now than anywhere else something so powerful about that coming from your heart to his heart and he breathes it in and he's provoked and he's moved and and then he he pours out his spirit or we go it's better than anything else then maybe bring an offering and then he pours out himself and there's just something about us having faith for what we're singing and so could you just put your hands out in Cindi team love you guys could you sing that one more time just moved by this line [Music] [Music] there is one day in your house better is one day in your courts thousand but there is one day in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your courts thousand elsewhere better is one day in your courts better is one day in your house [Music] you just seem to sing to my new songs just release a new song before him Lord we just we just bless your name today father bless you Jesus [Music] we love you love we love love love your presence Lord [Music] just one no no no just one mom [Music] just one mom just one moment [Music] this is how I find my bed this is how I find my bed this is how fine this is a fun bad [Music] this challenge [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my bad [Applause] by [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is how find my bad this is how I find my bad to the table I come into the house of the Lord I come into your Macy's and I fly this way I'm riding this wave now it means our worship my weapons are racing this is how funny this is how I fight with my hands up this is how I fight with my hands up this is how I ride with my hands up this is how I ride and your presence this is tower by Robert my hands up this is tower by I am a daughter this is how I'm fine with my hands up this is Howie [Music] you look at my gone to round two [Music] you look like I'm sorry [Music] thank you but I just think you did thank you that we're fighting the good fight of faith and Lord that you're just thank you for the the faith that you're offering in the hearts of your people what you've done and and what you're doing and Lord I'm super expectant for what you're going to do that that you're authoring faith Lord because you're speaking to us and so I pray for just hearts open hearts before you Lord and that you would come and you would write upon our hearts fresh faith for this moment Lord that there would be faith for this moment right here right now what what what you want to do in this room at this moment Lord Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for your promises that are yes and amen and thank you Lord for just your faithfulness Lord you are so so faithful to those promises and so have your way this afternoon we love you we bless you in Jesus name Amen amen amen hug someone give a big hug you guys hang out up here for just a little bit we all hang out will you hang out and we all hang just the seniors not all of you but at least one or two of you I'm gonna do something really you need so can y'all can y'all be ready hey hey come here good afternoon I hope you're caffeinated filled with the Holy Spirit is uh it's Dom here is Michael he's on that she's on the Jesus image team is Dom here she had a dream would you come up and share your dream about levites I really want to go after one thing this afternoon specifically and it was from this dream that I got direction for this session and she hasn't told me the dream Michael told me that you had a dream but would you share it was it this week that you had it it was yesterday you dream a lot [Laughter] about about specifically yeah will you tell everybody that he's very short but I woke up out of a dead sleep and it was 911 I know you talked about Amos 911 even better and the time was 911 and I woke up and I out of a sleep I go the Levites are coming the Levites are coming and I checked the time and it was 911 and he's been speaking to me a lot about the Levites and yesterday and this morning and just like an army he's raising up an army of Levites that are gonna be sent out and yeah praise God I love that thank you for sharing that so I I want to I want to pull on that cloud and make it rain this afternoon all right and I feel like listen I feel like one of the most under the phrase this rifle Ike one of the most under appreciated under empowered unseen gifts persons in the body of Christ is a little vertical heart and a little call and and I want to provoke that in some of you I want to restore it in some of you and I'm gonna give you framework as a community I have a leadership gift on my life since I was a little boy people followed me for better or for worse people have followed me it romans 12 talks about if you gift is to lead do it diligently lead and I never knew what I wanted to utilize that gift for but I mean we were watching these these videos from my elementary schools president of my elementary leading us and Pledge of Allegiance and junior high and high school and in college as president of my fraternity I just always found myself in this leadership spa and and and then when I met the Lord in college I got into ministry in youth ministry and I was I was the Don domination I was a part of was the Church of Christ which is I've been on quite a journey theologically it's been an amazing journey and I'm so thankful for conferences like this because I was invited to a conference like this in 2004 and my life has never been the same the presence of Jesus can do so much and in you know when we set apart days to speak his face and and uh but but along the way I've just been like Lord what what is it what what is it that you have called me to lead like what is it unto I know it's him and I know it's the word and all kinds of stuff and and on this journey I I am so deeply convicted that that we have a leadership crisis in our nation I am so deeply convicted we have a leadership crisis on the earth right now there is a massive divide and I'm like Lord what what what is the answer what like honestly like like really thinking through what what is the answer and and I saw in my perch and calling as a pastor and leader and when he's given me authority to do and and I thought Lord yeah I just I think I know what it is but you've got to give me context you've got out like show me and and and I he pointed me to the life of David and I could talk about hallmark leaders and in the Old Testament not all of them had this this this role of leading the people in well in order to lead them out lead them in in order to lead them out and but but it wasn't until I've read this one scripture it's first chronicles chapter 13 and and at the time David David had been anointed King David when he was a teenager he had been anointed king over Judah when he was thirty and this is when David was 37 and for the first time in his life everyone is in agreement everyone is in unity that you're God's anointed man for our nation you're the one and so first chronicles 13 verse 3 is like the moment that David's gonna step onto the scene it's like prime-time television he's going to state like the agenda for his rule in his reign and and this scripture has just really hit my heart as a leader it's first Chronicles it's in my Bible somewhere thirteen three look at this so so David consults with the captains thousands hundreds and every leader he is symbols Israel he says this if it seems good to you if it's from the Lord our God let's send it everywhere to our kinsmen who remain in the land Israel to the priests and Levites who were with him in their cities and pasture lands that they may meet with us and he wanted to tell them this wanted us say this is verse three he says and let us bring the arc of our God to us for we did not seek it in the days of soul this vist was the unveiling of his entire political strategy this one verse why did God anoint David to lead Israel he anointed David to lead Israel because of this one verse he said I I I am going to put before everything before our enemies before other legislations before other needs and desires I'm putting this before us it took one man one man in the right position to call all to the right thing and he called them to the Ark of God he called them to the presence of God it was the token of his presence the ark represented God on the earth but the Ark was his manifested presence it's where his glory dwelt so he said I am going to use my leadership to empower the true leader and it's the ark or the presence and I believe in this our God is looking for men and women that will use their platforms unto this end that they will put the Ark of God before all things before all things and listen this is an extremely difficult thing to do because leadership is complex issues the rise things would arise for David but David would initiate a worship movement that the world has never seen what David would do from this place than establish with his resources with all that God had given him wasn't unprecedented extravagant worship movement and I believe we as a generation are positioned to do something very similar to that in our our because I believe many leaders in the church outside of the church have first sake in the arc we first sake in the presence we forsake in the very thing that birthed us and we've exchanged it for other things we've exchanged it for good things we've exchanged it for four needs and and in like there's so many issues and problems yet the Lord is inviting us as his people to his table he's beckoning us and he's looking though I'm not after like I want you leader whoever you are if you're an entrepreneur of your business this this has to provoke something in you if you're a mother if you're a father whatever sphere of influence he's given you what does it look like for you to pause to your heart as David did to see the presence of God mark you and mark those that your call to mark I feel like it's good it's felt good for a long time but but but but but it's just like little by little like I've been burning with this when no one knew anything about me or what I was doing it's just been burning in my heart and and and listen as I've grown in influence as there's platforms listen to me these are overrated it's not about influence it's not about ministry it's not about it's not even about souls although it is we've got to put the arcs first because he he's more concerned about souls than we are like he will provide all of those things [Music] he will provide them he will provide them and I believe it's the restoration of this Levitical call this Levitical like like if we understand what that looks like as his people heaven responds to them really significantly so let me help you say you know the scripture it's in Ezekiel don't get nervous we're going to Ezekiel you don't just want to randomly read Ezekiel it's Ezekiel 44 and I need to talk about two types of Levites and and he specifically says that these Levites are ministers now how many of you are how many of you have a ministry in the room raise your hand how many of you come on raising my how many of you have a burden calling to hands up let me just see okay everyone in the room probably should have their hand up okay so I want to talk though about every born-again believer you have a ministry you have a ministry and but it we all have the same ministry which bursts other ministries and and I want to I want to I want to show you this in Ezekiel because the Lord is gonna lay out two types of Ministers he's gonna lay out two types of priests and in the first the first the first were limited in their in their and their capacity they were limited and they chose this limitation the first ones did and it was because of things that they tolerated and it also was because of their focus and in Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 11 he says he's talking about these Levites that went astray and in verse 11 he says yet every one say yet yet they shall be ministers they shall be ministers in my sanctuary having oversight at the gates of the house administering in the house for they shall slaughter the burnt offerings and sacrifice for the people and they shall stand before the people to minister to them so these were ministers and they were ministering to the needs of the people there are a lot of needs in this room there are a lot of needs out there yes so these guys were assigned to meet the needs of the people fill in the blank when it comes to ministry go to the nation's preach the gospel homeless deliverance just put in the ministry that you just raised your hand for fits in here but it says in verse 12 it says because they ministered to them before their idols now that that word for idol it just means an exalted thing because they ministered to them before their exalted things and became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel therefore I have sworn against them declares the Lord that they shall bear the punishment for their iniquity and this was their punishment look at this it says and they shall not come near to me to serve as a priest to me nor come near to any of my near to any of my holy things to the things that are most holy but they will bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed yet I will appoint them to keep charge of the house of all of its services and all that should be done in it meaning these guys these guys were ministers in the house of the Lord these guys these guys spent all of their time on the outer courts of the house now at the outer courts there were altars and on those altars they would cut animals and offer blood sacrifices for the people and they were meeting the needs of the people and what the people it was what they were supposed to do it's a legitimate ministry they needed to do that but their entire ministry was spent out there meeting the needs of people that was it so in gatherings like this they would just be focused on how can we reach you how can we meet you how can we gather you how can we Shepherd and lead and let's make this all about them and that to me is the state of the current evangelical Western world we are gathering for people we're gathering in order to touch reach and connect to people in listening I believe in that I think it's in here but I think there's there's another way to do it that will be much more effective much more effective and again it's a leadership issue it's the leadership issue because the next group of priests this is so crazy the next group group of priests were invited into another type of ministry now they would do they would be ministers of the house they would be ministers of the people these people the this group of ministers would still represent God to the people but in verse 15 says but the Levitical priests the sons of zetas who keep charge of my sanctuary when the sons of Israel went astray from me they shall come near to me to minister to me they shall stand before me to offer me the fat and the blood declares the Lord God verse 16 they shall enter my sanctuary and they shall come near to my table to minister to me and keep my charge these guys weren't just offered the opportunity to be ministers of the house they were offered the opportunity to be ministers to the Lord of the house I plant it I've planted a number of churches now I'm a church guy I'm a builder I love the local church I think it's the answer to the hour I think I think people empowered locally doing life together in family that's how God governs I'm a local church god I love it I love events like this that fuel the local church but this has to be unto local churches communities gatherings and I've planted a number of churches now some I've done really well some of them really big but but what I've learned is this we went we went to Oak Lawn Oak Lawn as in is in downtown Dallas it's a church planting graveyard in the city of Dallas I watched firsthand at least a half dozen churches come and go they had more gifting more resources more vision more strategy that more everything and and all we would do is we would gather and we would begin ministering to the Lord and pray that was the foundation for what we did and the Lord told me this he said when I come when I come you've been successful so free it was so freeing we would just start giving thanks and praise which we have just scrutinized how to approach him Thanksgiving and praise and then the presence of God would come and we would just be like this is what he's called us to do this is it this is it this is a this is a and from that place from that place the Lord has given us everything we have needed in every season that we've needed it like he has met us in every way possible and I wish I had enough time to tell you but as a leader as a leader the pressure for me is to answer a lot of questions that the Lord wasn't addressing but because we had positioned our hearts to simply minister to him and make a home in a resting place for him a lot of times those needs were just the needs that people want us to focus on not the things that the Lord was actually addressing and it made ministry it made life very simple and easy for us and I just feel in my heart like for many I want to call you back to the place of simplicity and purity devoting yourself to Jesus like making Jesus your primary ministry again Jesus would say Jesus would say the greatest of Commandments is to love him and to love him is not to do something for him to love him is to set a table for him and to minister to him it's to bless him it's when you're singing better is one day in his courts his heart is provoked his heart is moved he has fashioned himself in such a way that you can affect God and and I believe I believe what what what happens when when people when people approach the Lord rightly and we create environments for his presence where the ark is our priority when we start to realize that the manifest presence isn't just about gifts it's not just about goosebumps and feeling well the manifest presence is actually Jesus himself in our midst that when that when that becomes enough for us when we as people learn to respond and rightly receive him man he enters into the this dimension that I would call immeasurably more than we could ask for or plan or strategize to do our our community is we're known for our worship online especially and uh and we love to worship we love to we love to do what we just had been doing and and our our best altar calls our best altar calls the best altar calls in our community happen about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes into worship it's not the preaching of the gospel we do that but it's usually a group that's unified and ministering to him ascribing to him who he is and the Holy Spirit begins to establish this canopy of his presence and glory over us and he just begins to knock on hearts and all we do as good commentary and tour guides as just tell them hey this is who's knocking in your heart he's really good and he loves you and then they come to the altar and they give their life to Jesus that's been our plan for evangelism and and I'm I'm speaking as a pastor but I feel like I feel like the Lord is giving strategies for those that will seek his arc to impact spheres of society like George Brandon's over here is he didn't even come to my session bro I'm gonna call him out Oh back row you you you knew you're gonna get blasted if you sat in the front row huh this is George what's up so George is in the back George is on the board of a production company that a good friend of mine just moved to be a part of in Thomasville Georgia and these guys have set the arc at the center of a film and production company so this is a director and now a bunch of creatives who have moved from Hollywood and they've started this place in Thomasville Georgia and they just got the rights to the Norma McCorvey story is this right George and so he is he's the director has been a director of a number of films but they now have rights for the Norma McCorvey story and they are praying and worshiping and they're getting God's design and like his his his prescription for presenting the Norma McCorvey story which you don't know in a more normal Corey that's the roe v-- wade story she actually was born again Lou you know much more about this than I do but it's a remarkable story of the gospel like you're gonna see Jesus in this story but I'm saying that this dis film production company this direktor set the arc before him and now like all of these stories and influence and finances are coming to him and I just see the Lord setting up people in different sectors of society to set the art before them and watch him do what only they can but it's not just a church thing it's not just I'm a pastor speaking as a pastor but I believe it's an entrepreneur thing I believe it's a mother thing I believe it's there this this literally has I think this is just the answer that we just we stop trying to to to figure it out and we just set time aside for the Lord to come and to help us and lead us and guide us because listen if you're a leader this is the thing that the Lord has taught me as a leader and as one of influence my goal isn't to lead my goal is to follow really well and if I as a leader and following him really really well then I'm setting the art before me because he's the ultimate leader so I do we have Levites if you like if that resonates with you and like man I feel that call to be a Levite ooh Levitical heart you have bro you must be one huh ha ha Here I am Lord stay there bro I've got something for you let me I think I think so Levites it says in 1st chronicles 15 verse 2 that they were designated and appointed to minister to the Lord forever so there's this ministry that a Levitical heart posture forms singing songs playing instruments it can be I think their scribes and Post there's all types of expressions that that minister to the Lord but it's a focused upon him so this Levitical call I I see I see it's a way to release holiness and purification upon the bride so listen to me flip over to Ezekiel 32 really quickly I've never seen this before but in ezekiel 32 moses is coming down the mountain and he's really angry because the people had erected a calf and they were dancing and moses moses burns the calf up to powder he makes him drink it it's really odd and and then and then in verse 25 look at what moses does I've never seen this till of late but Moses he saw the people that they were out of control the people were out of control for Aaron had let them get out of control so the priests had let them get out of control and then Moses in verse 26 he stands in the gate of the camp and listen to what he says he says he said whoever is for the Lord come to me so he makes this this cry whoever's for the Lord come to me and this says all the sons of Levi so all the Levites gather together to the Lord or to Moses and then Moses said to them Moses said thus says the Lord the God of every man if you put a sword to his thigh go back and forth from gate to gate and kill your brother and so they did and 3,000 people died that day now I'm familiar with this story I knew this story I knew 3,000 people died but I did not know that the Levites were the ones that wielded the sword and killed all of those that were committing adultery idolatry did you all know that the first thing for me and and from this it would be a few weeks later the Lord would look at Moses and he goes you know that that that remnant that gathered around you at the gate that remnant that that that had consecrated themselves I'm guessing that those Levites did not bow to that calf I'm guessing that's why they gathered but those Levites that that that that cleaned the camp I want to choose that remnant and I want that remnant to forever minister to me so I'm gonna exchange swords because they were never allowed to fight a battle again and I'm gonna give them scalpels and they're going to cut bulls and goats and offer blood on behalf of the people to atone them for their sins that was the role of the Levitical heart and Levitical call and David comes along he says we're gonna seek the ark David's Ark was different than Moses his ark because they did not offer blood offerings I want to get too much into that but Moses his Ark we're familiar with the outer inner holy and most Holies but David's tabernacle was different it was just this open room where they did not continue to offer blood of goats and bulls but what they offered is they offered songs of sacrifice praise and thanksgiving it's 33 years 24/7 and it was this offering because David had tapped into the heavenly sanctuary so they went from swords to scalpels and then scalpels to songs and listen I believe in this hour Jesus Christ has been crucified he's the blood has been shed Peter laid that out beautifully last night and so there's no more need for atonement of sin and so our only right response in my eyes is to gather those that once had swords those that once had scalpels let's gather the songbird singers musicians poets scribes let's put them in a place where they can give a creative expressive extravagant worship praise offering to the Lord often as much as possible which invokes the art and then let's see what he says we need to do from there does this make sense like this this has been like the mandate on our life and I am watching the most creative most expressive some of the most gifted people come into our environment and man what the Lord is doing collectively through us it is literally reaching the nation's literally reaching the nation's I'll give you a little so the political strategy of David's sect the art set the art before before him for me as a church pastor was to set the arc before me and so we did Peter was a part of that when the first Church might just tell a little bit of our story and what the Lord has done to give him glory but I want to show you the momentum and power that comes from those that will forsake everything and put the art before us but we went down there to Oklahoma and so we started this prayer meeting and man it was so stirred gosh Church planning is hard planting is the right word because you have to die in a soil to grow and so we died altogether we were dead and and so one of the strategies though one of the strategies that any church player should have is that you should get a URL and you should probably get a website yes it's healthy people know where you're at and so we we we did this a couple times we were putting a website together and then the prophet of the Lord would come in and say the Lord said do not mark this with anything or anyone including a web site he wants his testimony to build this place so I was like man that's that's really difficult God because people can't find us and and so after like two years finally someone that was driving in hours away because they had heard about what the Lord was doing and they couldn't find it and so I just put up this Google map let's haul it out and had our hours and I felt peace with it and so we just left it at that and so for like four four years how long was that Peter it was like four years oh yeah there was this goofy Google map with ours had all these creatives coming in there like bro I'm a web designer and I can help you like no the Lord said not to do anything like that and so I was just like I was totally good with man we're not gonna put anything that we're doing inside out there we're just gonna keep doing what we're doing cuz it was really like lively and like God was moving and it was it was cool there was a lot probably to capture but we had just laid all that aside and Garen actually had a word the word Garen Brian Garen had this word of the Lord had an HDMI cable and he put it in his mouth and the word was the Lord's ready to speak through media and when I heard that my heart came alive and I felt like the Lord said it's time son it's time I serve like you saying no to this yes and I looked around the Upper Room because because where the presence is everything's furnished we didn't never had to go outside it's always been right around us and I look around us and I've got these barista hipster millennial kids that are amazing and I knew that they could do social media and so we started empowering them to do social media we empowered them to capture our culture on the Lord gave us I was praying to the Lord like Lord what do you want to do like okay you said yes but how does that look and in the vision that I had is of a dying man on a bed and I saw the Lord walk into a hospital room and he had an IV bag that said upper room on it and I saw him put the IV bag up and then he took the line and he stuck it into this dying man's body and then he turned on a drip and I felt like he said I want you to drip moments of your culture into dying culture and so I told our team I said listen I just want you to film our stuff and then as the Lord highlights or anoint certain moments we're gonna throw it on this YouTube page and so we did that a year ago July we started the drip and the statistics the YouTube statistics is we have had over 300 years of worship viewed on our YouTube channel in one year let me say that again so the duration 12 months 12 months if you take all the time of worship viewed on that YouTube channel in 12 months it would equate to 300 years wait a second I'm nesting that up I yell we're like disbelief I'm disbelief it's 300 365 days make a year that is right now I think it's 300 years I think that's true that's almost unbelievable to me [Applause] yeah yeah is that true I think that's true it's true isn't it my media yeah anyways anyways my point is my point is this my point is is that when you set the art before you and you allow the Holy Spirit to birth things when you allow the Holy Spirit to birth things he can do so much more than we could ask or imagine because whatever he birth he breeze upon whatever we birth we could get to breathe upon and it's just not as fun or easy and so these Levites I'm all over the place but these Levites came and they consecrated I think the Levitical call consecrates God's people I've seen it happen man we're morning noon and night worship or perpetual worship it confronts sin the holiness of God rests in a place and when people come in they are provoked they are provoked to leave and judge and push or they're provoked to come under submit and go God is truly here but it's confronting what's confronting the presence is confronting and we just need more leaders we need more people that will set like David the ark before them no matter what they're called to do and it's so much easier than we realize and so I wanted to uh here's what I wanted to do to this afternoon I felt like I was to to to Commission Levites I felt that there's Levites in the room and you've been you've been misunderstood or in in the obscure just hidden place and you've never been acknowledged and I felt like the Lord today was gonna unlock your song he was gonna unlock your sound he was gonna unlock ideas and creativity was gonna come bursting forth out of you and I felt like we were to lay hands upon all of you guys and Commission and anoint you for service so if that's you would you stand up like if you're like man that's me I've had this call I'm gonna use you guys to seeing just a little bit that cool [Music] order up it's 300 years still thinking about it's a it's a day it's almost a year a day as being viewed of worship it's crazy and I just believe there's there's there's entrepreneurs I believe you have ideas that are from the Lord but it's been really frustrating you you moving into this idea because the Lord is so jealous for the story he won't let you do it your way and he really wants you to just come and lay it all before him and watch him give birth to what only he can give birth to this ministering to Lord it's so so crucial we've raised our kids in this place this is where samuel was called and first uh first Chronicles I'm sorry First Samuel 3 it says that samuel was ministering to the Lord he was put before the Ark and the Lord spoke to him in Acts chapter 13 it's crazy it says at the inn at Antioch the church and the people were gathered they were ministering Lord it says they were ministering to the Lord look at Acts chapter 13 verse 2 all these high prolific men were there they were fasting and they were ministering to the Lord and it says the Holy Spirit said set apart to me Barnabas and Saul now how many of you how many of you think Barnabas and Saul work I always thought Saul was called on the road to Damascus Saul was saved on the road to Damascus but he was called in an environment like this where people were ministering to the Lord they were ministering to the Lord and the Holy Spirit took leadership of the meeting and he said hey leaders I want you to designate Saul and Barnabas and we're going to Commission them to go and think god they were ministering the Lord and the Holy Spirit said that because now we have two thirds of the New Testament that was birthed out of people ministering to the Lord and I just believe it's a lot easier for us to gather minister to the Lord give precedent to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and allow him to a point designate a sign and empower and Commission out okay so these are all Levites your primary role on the earth is to minister to God your ministry will not be measured it won't be measured in the natural your ministry won't be measured but by how many people gather in a room your ministry won't be measured by by albums or artwork that's sold your ministry is measured by you pleasing your father there's this pleasure in his heart when you approach him and you come to that table and that that that is your inheritance it's your inheritance and I just I just want to cleanse you with the blood of Jesus and empower you by the Holy Spirit to keep it really simple and singular and that your I would be clear and focused on the one thing and it's to behold the beauty of the Lord and that God is raising up a remnant of Levites I believe in this hour that will minister to him and they are going to shape culture they're gonna shift culture they're going to be welcoming to churches and we're gonna set aside large quantities of time and just minister to him and so I pray that the Holy Spirit would put favor upon you to communicate this to others and to lead out as he would have you do so if someone's around you would just lay hands on them [Music] well you guys sing I'm just gonna have these guys seeing over you a little bit here's one thing I design it's while in your house forever [Music] I just see some of you as she's singing just repent to the Lord for the way you've devalued this gift like repent to the Lord say Lord I'm so sorry I haven't seen this rightly this calling it's precious in your sight just repent and say Lord I'm repenting I'm renewing my mind and I'm gonna see this gift rightly I see some of you beginning to sing again I feel like the Lord is restoring some of your songs your songs been shut up and I see a key entering in your heart and I see new songs coming forward is that you just released your song before the Lord I just see him unlocking your heart [Music] seek your face you will be my one pain you will be my one pain and you will be the one thing this one thing have I desired to dwell in your house forever [Music] strong in your house just let it out if this break your song before him come to the table one and all to Jesus oh this one thing have I desired this one thing will I seek this one thing and my desire well in your house forever [Music] you've been consecrated without a partner how we just say Holy Spirit come and anoint hearts I just these laws coming forward through some of you I see pastors in the room or leaders in the room just thinking man what does it look like for me to speak the art Lord speak to my heart but here I am speak to me correct me direct me in Jesus name [Music] Jesus this one pink and my design this one thing I will seek and this one thing I designed this one thing I will see this one thing have my design this one thing I will seek this one thing have my desire this one thing I will seek to dwell in your house forever Jesus to seek in your face forever to minister to your heart minister warlords well in your house forever will come to the table come to the table what's well in your house forever this one thing we pledged our hearts to dwell in your house forever I just hear that dream that she said the Levites are coming the Levites are coming the Levites are coming though this Levitical heart to come to your table to minister to you Jesus mark us set us apart would reveal to us the power of this ministry what provokes you what moves you what stirs you it's all about YOU Jesus [Music] here they come a singing ones over the mountains who Lord here we come singing ones to your house to your house I design it's well in your house forever and this one thing my desire to dwell in your house forever and this one thing my design well in your house forever and this one thing and I decide to dwell in your house forever I will this one piece and Heidi's I dwell in your house forever to seek in your face to know your name we will do a cease one and by design well in your heart remember this one thing and why did I dwell in your house forever Jesus see a people making a pledge not to look left or right but to lift their head and hand I hear a people call me that will pledge their hearts to dwell near throne forever forever forever all this one thing and my design dwell in your house forever be loading this to 1p have I decide it's well in your house forever be holding this one my design it's well in your house forever behold users swell in your house forever beholding beholding beholding yeah yeah just wanna do one other thing I just want to I just want to awake and I feel like I feel like some of some of your your gifting it's just it's been put to bed it's been it's just been it's so hard for this part of your heart to come alive I always felt some Hope deferred in hearts where your hearts have gotten sick around like there's just so much that surrounds oftentimes us fully stepping into this and expressing who we are in the Lord but especially when it comes to creativity and and that levitical thing and so if that if that she would just lift your hands and just if there's if there's like been a fence or pain or hurt surrounding this just like the Lord wants to wants to pull I saw I saw a root of bitterness that's just gonna come out and and and I feel I just feel it's so he's so jealous for your heart because it's an expression of your heart it's the way he designed you it's the way he made you and and that wasn't seen acknowledged and validated and I just want to repent for whoever didn't see that or acknowledge it or validate it but I want you to see that the Lord has hijacked this meeting to say it means so much to me it means so much to me this is so important to me and I just feed him in his love and seal just just cultivating that garden again just breathing upon the garden of your heart and you can see what a what would a value value bolused thing it is your song and sound and you're presenting yourself before him so just right I just see repentance coming and just saying Lord ah I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna find strength again in this I'm gonna I'm gonna make this just about you oh come on so thank you God thank you for healing hearts right now thank you Lord for restoration of heart thank you for binding up broken hearts and just new songs Lord coming for [Music] it's that to you would you just if your hands were up would you just sing a song to the Lord just sing a song of hope sing a song of freedom just let your heart loose just let it let it come before him and just just let it out whatever it is just I even feel like some intercessors like people that that are called to be intercessors and and and you've you've like been warring in your closet there's this call to intercede I just see the Lord validating that and releasing a new authority upon you today this view presenting that just him releasing his pleasure and just the value of your ministry before him what it does in his heart how it provokes him whoa Jesus just pour your spirit out right there [Music] thank you lord [Music] hey Tom would you come pray stomps tell me what you can pray [Music] thank you Father no no no no we love you Jesus thank you thank you [Music] set your enforced hey will you come pray just for that Levites and just that dream [Music] um I actually saw this this morning in a vision I was praying and the Lord showed me this field and he told me you're my Levite and I had on this armor and I was running and as I'm running I see this angel army just going out before me and then it turns to where it faces me and I can see it just thousands upon thousands of angels coming from heaven and then he says you're not alone and out of nowhere Levites hundreds of them from every angle join on this field and they're just running and they're running and he said they're coming from all over an army of them I've been raising them up to take their places the time is now these are the ones who worship me in spirit and in truth you have been in hiding until now but just like I told you to run I'm calling them to run this army will carry me throughout the nations and to the ends of the earth so he's calling his Levites he's calling his worshippers those that will worship Him in spirit and those that will worship him in truth that pure worship from the heart with no selfish motives the ones that fall at his feet and break everything open before him so father we thank you for these Levites that you're calling not only in this room but from across the entire world that as we stand and as we run with your word and with your call upon our lives Jesus that they flood in from the left and the right in the front and the back and that you send your angel armies before us father you've gone before us you've already prepared this path all we have to do is be obedient and to the call Jesus we say yes to you we say yes to you Jesus come on just say yes to him Jesus we say yes we just give you our hearts father we thank you for this call it's an honor and it's a privilege to be called to worship you to worship you and to glorify your name because you are the only one who's worthy and you are the only one who's holy and Jesus we will run with you and follow you to the ends of the earth when we thank you Jesus for this call upon the Levites that you send out the levites before the battle because we're the ones that prays and we're the ones that worship and like they sing today that's how we fight the battle that's how we fight the battle come on that's how we fight the battle [Applause] we just lift up our hands and we just worship You Jesus we just worship You Jesus we just worship You Jesus we just wash the beauty's which is worship You Jesus come on just answer his calls answer his call he is looking for his and levites those that will put on the armor of God so that will put on the armor of God and O'Reilly and run spend your arm which for us [Music] will you one [Music] we right right right right into you [Music] 1 run today now into you cheese [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] straighten it your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's the sound of sons and daughters coming from all over the F Codd we literally to the sound of sons and daughters coming from Alleluia we desired here with you [Music] [Music] [Music] shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] paralyzing shine we say to you Jesus we will arrive in shine you are the light that's come we devote our lives again here pulverize who will shine [Music] [Music] we will be a sign [Music] we wake up for you we wake up for you mean wake up for you cheese's we wake up for you cheese's I just see a people [Music] getting up out of their beds for Jesus holiday making quick currency hold and I think we're wild but he deserves you deserve it we arrived because you deserve you deserve Hey [Music] and shine I would share with Mike about just something that the Lord spoke to my heart about the sound you know and before he began to speak earlier before the 11:00 a.m. session I really felt stirred in my heart and actually flying in I was talking to one of the team members on the plane as we were descending into the city that you could sense the desperation of Dallas of the of the Metroplex it's pulling on pulling on heaven you know and I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart pretty clearly that there would be a sound an eternal sound that would begin to erupt from Dallas and I believe for sure upper room is at the at the point of that of that spear that is breaking through in the atmosphere I also feel like there are local churches and worship leaders just like he was saying that have a part to play in releasing the sound of the heaven in this region every revival has a sound to it every revival has a sound to it and God has changed the whole format so Upper Room is not even looking to be the face of a sound they just want to tend to the heart of the Lord and I think if if you local worship leaders and local pastors and Levites will really get connected to say father what is the sound of heaven you want to release in us through us and beyond us there is an eternal implication of a sound and if we as the body will unite as Levites we can release a sound that will stand us over the tipping point listen the prophets are prophesying the teachers are teaching the pastors are pastoring the evangelists are evangelizes of the wars shippers have to worship and release this pound of heaven [Applause] so you are us new iris town carrier listen the father's book this to my heart and I want to bless you with the same truth you are a sound carrier and you are breaking through sound barriers hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Dallas hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah various implication of the sound of heaven be released Gloria got a father cut [Music] [Applause] come on release this town [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] don't you guys feel like this is surreal today doesn't it feels like this is history honestly we've been saying that in the back like this feels historic what God is doing and we all got to be a part of it and see it what loo release today I just feel like that's something that we're it's gonna go down in history books and we're gonna say we were there we remember when that happened we got to see it
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 5,113
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Keywords: Jessica Koulianos, Image, Bethel, kanye west, Eric Gilmour, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Reinhard Bonnke, Michael Miller, Todd White, Holy Spirit, Michael Koulianos, Upper Room, Bethel Music, Jesus Regional Dallas, Jesus is king, Jesus, UPPERROOM
Id: cJ516UJVnQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 47sec (6347 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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