Q&A | Sergio Fesiuk + Brian Guerin | AVL City Church

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so the first question i'm gonna get straight to it who did you vote for over the last 12 years and who are you voting for this year are you are you a mask on or a mask off guy that's correct uh okay complete setup man uh no seriously um crazy right like someone you're like okay if he's gonna answer that i may or may not follow his ministry after this um so uh i have like six questions uh first one is how did you first meet jesus yeah first off honor to be here man love you i got to go out to eat with pastor sergio and elena and the whole family last night and they are the real deal i just want to tell you guys that this is my first time here but it's just refreshing to see somebody so in love with jesus but deeply rooted in the word but wants the holy spirit and you know i just love and honor you men but um yes so i i got born again the age of 20 and um september 98 and i was really out there i know none of you can see that i was always an angel you would think i'm teasing but i was really really out there steeped in sin uh felonies the whole bit i was kind of just really out there and uh jesus got me man i was raised in church uh non-denominational i knew i saw the buns and the shakalaka and all this and the spirit and uh but i was kind of like the kid in the back observing it didn't stick and i was like too cool for it i guess and um i don't even know pride will always take you to a humble place and and it was actually me and my brother we'd see it as the farthest back on the balcony that we couldn't stay out of it all in uh early teens that got caught into the world and went that way but i want to encourage you parents too that have been stealing seeds of just jesus before them into your kids it will come back around before i know it i'm just all my whole world starts falling apart i just i wouldn't allow my friends to know it because of pride you know just you won't act like you have it going on but i would go home at night empty i didn't know what it was i just i didn't want to live anymore and i had everything in the natural that you would want to have and think that's where it's at but it'll become more empty empty empty and then i fast forward to this church service i finally went with my parents i was older i'm in college now and i step into the lord was cornering me everything was starting to just the lord trapped me really in a good way my journey this is just my process so i go into this service and my spiritual father to date his daughter the guy that led me to jesus his daughter i'm trying to leave the service because the pastor i'll never forget he basically preached his sermon was there's a bus going to heaven and you're either on it or off of it and it wasn't anything profound but the holy spirit this day had pulled the veil back on my heart i was hard and i was beating man i was sitting there and i could tell like i'm not on that bus i was seeing believers filled with joy that i didn't have i was having to take anti-depressants illegal drugs alcohol all this stuff um and but i was trying to get out of there because of the conviction the holy spirit was just thumping me you know like this is awkward i'm uncomfortable i want to get out of here and i'm trying to leave i just escaped one altar call he had people come to to escaped yeah he said escape totally so i'm like get me out of here i can't even get out the back door and my spiritual father's daughter corners me she's really sweet remember marie she's married to a buddy of mine steve now and she she was like brian hey i remember from young being in the church she hit no kid and she pulled this right on me right out of the gate not how have you been none of that just i want to ask you real quick if you died today where do you think you would spend eternity two altar calls in like two minutes and uh i somehow got around and i'm like jesus help me and um and then it's it's a lot more of a story wow my dad set me up to work under this christian man this is a i'm really readers digest version of it but he was uh actually a baptist but he loved the lord he carried heaven and i would work under him because my dad was trying to keep me off the streets and out of trouble i didn't know this and i would watch him every day had this piece about him he had order in our uh he was a manager over our department and he'd take me out to lunch every day i was like assigned to him but my dad set this whole thing up i never i never put two and two together i'd get paid every other week cash and i was like why don't they get checks and i get cash late years later after i got born again my dad said you never even had a position i was giving him cash just to keep you under that christian man i wasn't even hired yeah but he had blessed his food and and it was installments of this then finally man i stumble into a church they call it the upper room and man just uh my spiritual father led me to the lord and it was just fell in love and never never turned back obviously just so in love with jesus like what have i been doing my whole life so it was september 23rd 1998. wow that's amazing that's amazing i lost my questions here uh second question i didn't um uh the question is what but i'm gonna ask you who made you get into the ministry your dad no i'm just telling you what i was asking if your dad made you go into ministry but the real question is what made you get into ministry yeah no great question because there's no ministry in my family line really i um i was in college when i got born again up to where i just told you about i was about to be a sophomore in an academic college and really got consumed by being with jesus early thank the lord just his presence i was consumed by him and so i began to learn to hear his voice from more of an inner knowing in the word this is before visions dreams angelic i didn't have a grid for any of this but i had this inner knowing right away the lord was speaking to me and saying look drop out of college this academic lane will have nothing to do with the call i have upon your life and i don't even know what ministry was really i just knew that i knew and i told my parents and they're like yeah first off like they kind of were making sure the salvation was gonna stick i mean it just sent me way too far out there now you want to drop out of college it just wasn't landing and uh but immediately i dropped out of bible college i wanna say eight months later something like that went off to sorry academic college went off to bible college and it's kind of ended up here you know but i would encourage you guys like i know you'd say the same ministry the more and more i see it it's really just doing what jesus told you to do in its purest form jesus did only what he saw the father doing he said only what he heard him saying and so even if you don't end up behind a pulpit whatever it might be just love jesus and do what he tells you to do so yeah ministry is not what a lot of people presume in a church world i'm going to leave secular job and then i'm going to go into ministry ministries wherever you are and and god's positioned you so whether you're a parent with your kids that's your ministry at work wherever you are if you're preaching or speaking you know it's not just exclusive to uh stage presence um and yeah so number three what is this what is are some things that most people don't know about you something that you would be like it's not on my website it's not in my bio don't embarrass yourself something oh man i don't even know a plenty i'm sure i'm just trying to think anybody want to ask anything i don't know uh what is something that you guys can pick on him on your drive back um that's such a broad one i don't know i'll be glad to answer it i'm just drawing a blank but if anybody can think of anything i'm not good with that type of stuff you guys want to volunteer no okay [Applause] i think they have a stack full okay well let's that's fine let's move on um do you have a funny story of a time that you were ministering and something happened that's just completely like bizarre but hilarious and funny that oh yeah there's a bunch um i figure this is your field right here yeah yeah i know for sure uh two quick ones one recently happened i was actually with me and dear friend michael cogliano she uh this yeah it's gonna be rock your world jesus school we were just uh this was just last year i mean but if i really had time to think it through i'd found a bunch but we were um ministering at what's called the soe it's a school of evangelism it cries for all nations under our other different daniel kalinda and so it's all week long it's a school people flying from all over it's a real rigorous schedule teaching sessions all day non-stop and something the other and so i was staying with michael as i typically do and we had some sessions earlier that day we were at cfan teaching and the thing is about sea fan if you've been around them for any length of time there's excellence bar none on these people number one number two reinhardt's german and so i think from that it's trickled down they do everything in military time so the schedule's all military time throws me off big time and obviously michael as well so we go back to michael's i was like sweet we got plenty of time and look it's like 16 o'clock hour or whatever you know we're like oh this is money bro we go back rest we'll be just refreshed for later and so uh we go take a power nap eat whatever my in michael's on that evening and so uh thank goodness i woke up a little bit before him how many little power naps praise his name and so we're thinking man we got hours and i sit there i'm like wait a minute 16 o'clock or whatever i'm like well i'm doing the math i'm like no no no oh he goes on in like 10 minutes he lives an hour away hey or he's going on yeah so i'm like mike i'm knocking on those doors yo i'm like bro i'm pretty sure we miss her at the time and uh we we do the math oh gosh so we jump in his truck in his tundra and we're flying you know possibly very definitely breaking the law by speed just praying for angels and all that and uh and they're calling us where are all that and the worship like literally the worship just ended as we step through the back doors and michael just being him he's so one with the holy spirit holy ghost breaks out one of the most powerful sessions all week and it's like we just woke up from a power nap you know so wow yeah another one that's super funny early my first time ever out of the country i was just born again missions trip to mexico and we go to this ministry and the leader there had all the locals that was very close with their work from mexico mexicans and they were just awesome powerful ministry in mexico well we go um and he's like hey let's have a football game for fun you know before we do the ministry and stuff like that and we're all like gringos man big boys it's our sport american football like oh we're about to dominate these boys they're all like shorter you know yeah yeah let's do it you know and uh little did we know they had like plays and they've been running like schemes and they they were like like the patriots on steroids and uh so i remember first playing like give me the ball but i was going to run through this it was tackled but i'm like a lot bigger than him i'm like bro i'm dragging bodies i'm just busting through the line just like i'm like oh yeah we got this they get the ball and they're running circles around us we're breathing heavy they're throwing bombs and guys are coming from awful plays i don't know where they're coming from they annihilate us these uh mexican kids are precious and i kid you not at the end some of the first spanish i ever learned cynthia may have to help me he's like getting to papa or whatever who's your daddy he's he said [Applause] he's yelling at us who's your daddy i'm like oh my goodness some of the first spanish you ever learned was who's your daddy mexico yes so so the lord was not with you no no we have no favor no favor one final final question then um we'll let you lose so as you know that this world is just broken and now it's broken even more with all the covet and families and people they go through divorces they have issues with their kids uh job just just stuff that life hits them with and um so what would you say to person who's like striving and you know following god and praying and worshiping and and their life just continually seems to fall apart and there seems to be a blow after blow um and and not not necessarily where everything kind of comes down but just in those everyday things where life doesn't happen how a person plans how do you like personally how do you stay motivated and how do you um just stay focused on on what's ahead and not get you know boggled down with the issues of life yeah and that's a great question man and again i want to just come in and honor you guys just talking at dinner with you all last night i could sense your heart beating a lot of it and just the truth and the spirit of the lord you walk in and just honor you but me personally um you know i would say number one i know everybody's at different different seasons of life and you need to understand that sometimes the bible says it's foolishness to compare yourselves amongst yourselves remember i used to do that in bible college and these guys that were just look so anointed and they were in a different season they got thrust out sooner and um and so just realize you're in your season for whatever reason the lord has you in and to me i'm a bit pigeonholed or tunnel vision in this at times but if you and i'm going to be talking about some this morning but if we put all our chips out on the table of intimacy and loving him really really well by default your life adheres to that which cannot be shaken um yeah yeah wow i got haggai too says the lord's gonna shake the earth you're not gonna get around i don't care what your theological take is i'm not gonna get too heavy in revelation but the lord starts popping seals i mean you can rebuke all you want but there's gonna be shaking in the earth and though deep deep lovers your life attaches to that which cannot be shaken not that you won't have resistance james says count all joy when you you know face opposition you're going to face these things but there's something about falling so madly in love with him and uh his it's like his voice uh his presence man is is so all sustaining through anything man and uh i've been through a lot of battles a lot of victories and it it doesn't matter peter's like look you have the words to eternal life i'm not going anywhere moses old testament says look if your glory doesn't go with us i'm good i'm not going anywhere so those two staple his presence and his voice when they're strong in your life and the very substance which you view life through and and adhere to in all things it's kind of like what you know whatever battles are thrown at you i feel like you ascend above it you know it's there but that there's a level of intimacy that takes people those who wait upon the lord will rise up on wings like eagles and you soar past them and then practically what i do is my kids will tell you this i uh any mute button i can find on that anything that's not his voice i'll smash it in the heartbeat i don't play around with it like meaning the noise and the hurrah of anything that's not his voice in our household in life i'll just mute it i don't have time for it because the noise if you're not careful that what you let in can start to distort the quality by which you hear him and you just want him purity bread of life man go go real heavy in that and delete and mute that with the noise of this world because it can start to talk loud and become real to your world and get you can pull you out of track so yeah he's a kleenex sorry wow
Channel: AVL City Center
Views: 1,741
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Id: 8UyzE1uOTic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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