A Touch From God | Michael Koulianos and Eric Gilmour | Sunday Night Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh how is everyone doing tonight amazing let's all just stand we're gonna read a scripture out of first chronicles 29 11. it says yours o lord is the greatness the power the glory the victory and the majesty everything in the heavens and on earth is yours oh lord and this is your kingdom we adore you as the one who is over all things wealth and honor come from you alone for you rule over everything power and might are in your hands at your discretion people are made great and given strength and this is the part i want us to rejoice in tonight oh our god we thank you and praise your glorious name let us give thanks and praise to his glorious name we welcome you tonight jesus we're gonna go straight into praise let's go straight into praise we love you jesus we praise your glorious name we thank you jesus for everything that you have done let's just praise him for a minute he's done so much thank you jesus we are so thankful for you lord can we just be thankful for jesus we thank you jesus we thank you jesus in jesus mighty name amen [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] to see [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] faithful [Music] us [Music] peace jesus jesus you are worthy jesus you are worthy [Music] oh jesus says [Music] is [Music] jesus in the lord jesus for jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] how great [Music] you're rich in mercy [Music] how great [Music] you're rich in mercy how great you're rich in mercy [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] glory and honor my jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] worship lifting up our hearts we bow down in praise oh father we have come to bow down in worship [Music] is [Music] my [Music] we are singing [Music] [Music] right [Music] shiny like this [Music] shiny [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we are singing my soul [Music] [Music] we are singing with all of heaven oh yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah is [Music] is is [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hello [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] is the glory forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is is is is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is the kingdom of yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] let her [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] so [Music] so voice [Music] so lift your voice lift your voice that's your voice [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] don't stop don't stop let out [Music] holy holy join with heavenly [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh bye [Music] hey hey hi [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you are alpha [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] you are lord you are worthy [Music] to [Music] our [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] we you are worthy to be praising again [Music] jesus [Music] it out with everything you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy to be great [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy and we give you me oh for you come on [Music] [Music] we were come on we worship you [Music] come on sing it again sing it again [Applause] [Music] me oh jesus we we give you [Music] to be friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you all the glory softly [Music] you are worthy to [Music] sing glory [Music] glory to [Music] land glory [Music] glory [Music] glory to [Music] to [Music] oh [Music] glory [Music] glory [Music] glory glory to the lamb [Music] glory [Music] glory glory to [Music] our lamb for your glory [Applause] [Music] upon the throne [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the lamb [Applause] [Music] oh come on [Music] upon the throne [Music] is foreign jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] oh all can you hear the sound of heaven it's the sound of many waters it's the sound of worship coming from his throne [Music] every nation lift their voice to make his glory known singing [Music] holy holy holy [Music] [Music] sing [Music] [Music] holy holy holy are [Music] we worship you now [Music] sing holy holy holy [Music] oh [Music] holy holy [Music] oh the elders we worship you [Music] [Music] oh the elders oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] the elder's name [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] let's all stand and sing that come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] wrong [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] surrendered [Applause] [Music] is is sure [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] surrender [Music] my [Applause] [Music] surrendered [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] just just gently sing in the spirit come on all over the room just real softly very soft [Music] cheers keep singing keep singing [Music] my let's sing him one more song come on close your eyes sing to jesus lord we've come tonight to love you to look at you and adore you there is no one like you just lift your hands to heaven there is no one like you no one capture our hearts tonight capture our attention give us eyes your beautiful face [Music] i lift my voice [Music] in [Music] [Music] oh he loves this come on i love you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take joy [Music] let it be [Music] in your dreams [Music] my voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] r [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] is my voice oh let it be jesus we love you wonderful wonderful wonderful lord lift your hands to heaven [Music] just close your eyes lord we love you we love you there's no one like you [Music] no one like you wonderful glorious kind loving faithful there is no one like you and we worship you we worship o worship and worship we worship you tonight jesus you are the king of kings and the lord of lords holy is the lord great is the lord greatly to be praised oh jesus fill your temple fill your temple fill your people you are delight our only satisfaction with you father i pray tonight the substance of your son would be so real that everything else would disappear [Music] nothing else would be seen in our hearts but the beauty of the face of jesus holy spirit i ask you tonight to fill us lead us [Music] to the one you love we declare that he is all together lovely all together lovely all together lovely beautiful he does all things well [Music] before our beginning and you're beyond the end you are alpha and omega touch our hearts tonight save every lost soul heal every sick body i just need you to agree that's all heal every sick body [Music] capture every wayward heart let the entire church love you love you deeply [Music] receive our worship tonight receive it in the heavens there is no one like jesus amen amen amen amen do you love him you love the lord oh jesus you're wonderful you are wonderful you are wonderful oh just lift your voice we are wonderful you are wonderful you are wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful lord holy is the lord isn't he beautiful can we lift the praise just one more time to thank him jesus we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you oh lord are you happy grab a seat for the next 10 minutes i'm going to ask that nobody moves you know the rules if you could just stay with me joel quickly find a seat please how many of you feel the presence of jesus here keep your heart fixed on the lord for those of you man i feel the lord oh just give him your affection for a moment lord we love you you are wonderful kind and pure release release the prisoner tonight into your glorious light there is no one like the lord jesus no one nobody compares to him and i want to welcome you tonight it's going to be a very special time together but before we move on i realized that there are many here who are not walking with the lord jesus they don't know the beauty of his presence and the delight of his spirit i'd like to read scripture to you it's matthew 11 chapter 16. and before i begin i want to say how many of you are here for the first time tonight wow amazing 100 of you came from outside of the city of orlando to be here god bless you god bless you well i'm it's possible that a friend brought you here in the natural but it's really the lord who brought you here and before you were ever born the lord knew you'd be here tonight he ordained that you be here tonight and he brought you here because he loves you he deeply loves you you know the love of jesus it's a proven love it's unquestionable it's it's been proven in blood the lord loves you he died for you there's no love like the love of jesus every other love fails you it's conditional it's really not even love because god is love so before you were ever born the lord knew you'd be here tonight right there in that seat he knew you'd be struggling with everything you're struggling with though he doesn't want you to it's not his desire that you leave bound to sin sin shouldn't be normal for the christian i say that every week this has been set up by the lord himself before there was ever an angel the lord knew you'd be here tonight before there were ever a throne created or the heavens the lord knew you'd be here tonight and an opportunity like this may never come again when jesus is real the way he is tonight in this room these are divine moments many of you possibly have grown up in church and sometimes you're the hardest to get to but the lord sees everything everything and still he loves us matthew 11 16 says but to what shall i like in this generation it is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions and saying we played the flute for you and you did not dance we mourned to you and you did not mourn for john came neither eating nor drinking this is jesus speaking and they say he has a demon many of you can be set free from devils tonight the son of man came eating and drinking and they say look a glutton and a wine bibber a friend of tax collectors and sinners but wisdom is justified by her children and then he began to rebuke the cities in which most of his mighty works had been done because they did not repent many of you have been exposed to the power of god you've seen miracles here by the hundreds before you started coming here you saw them how many of you grew up in church you've seen them online maybe you've been in the same room where the holy spirit's been moving and yet because you haven't surrendered all you've become numb none to the lord and he's played the flute for you and you've your soul has refused to respond for message after message and song after song you've memorized them but you don't sing to him anymore he's mourned over your sin and you don't mourn with him a few things are more dangerous than coming so close and then refusing to yield he began to rebuke the cities where the mighty works were done because they would not repent woe to you corazon would you beside uh for if the mighty works which were done in you had be done in have been done entire inside and in other words the people outside the covenant they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes in other words the ones who are afar off the ones who are not children of the covenant the ones who've never been near the temple the ones who are bound and know they're bound had i performed miracles in front of them they would have repented long ago but i say to you it will be more tolerable for tyre and sidon in the day of judgment than for you and you capernaum who are exalted to heaven you'll be brought down to hades capernaum this mighty city in the natural exalted to heaven full of commerce and wealth beautiful to see but because it didn't have jesus he promised that it would be brought low as low as hades itself for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in sodom it would have remained until this day but i say to you that it will be more tolerable for the land of sodom in the day of judgment then for you do you ever wonder why it were better that judas never be born he wasn't the first or the last to steal money or betray the lord do you ever wonder why moses was not allowed to go in or why david paid so dearly there were many who did what moses did many did not hallow the lord in the eyes of the people many wonderful people cheated on their wives like david this happened throughout the scriptures this is not a new thing what why why such a penalty because the lord came close to them while that proximity is our treasure while these miracles are an honor to see we'll see them tonight the lord is looking for your heart but listen carefully verse 25 at that time jesus answered and said i thank you father lord of heaven and earth that you've hidden these things from the wise and prudent and you've revealed them to babes even so father for so it seemed good in your sight all things have been delivered to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the father except the son there's only one way to know the father that is to be in the son and the one to whom the son wills to reveal him now listen very carefully i want you to close your eyes while i'm reading this to you these are perhaps the greatest i should say my favorite word some of my favorite words in the scriptures listen carefully few are as beautiful come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you learn from me for i am gentle lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy my burden is light nobody nobody speaks this way nobody has ever offered you such an invitation i'd like everyone to stand so many of you have been exposed to the wonders of the lord many of you have seen it here jesus isn't interested in merely wowing you he wants to marry you with every head about an eye closed if you want to fully give your life to jesus tonight don't refuse him eternity is too long and there's no one that's beautiful and no one is loving you say michael that's me i want to fully yield my life and surrender all i want you to lift your hand tonight lift it high there's so many of you thank you jesus now i want you to step out of your seat and get down here come on come give your life to the lord if you wish you raised your hand and you didn't come come jesus said if you confess me before men i will confess you before the father come come to jesus come come come give your life to jesus spread out please come on don't wait don't wait come give your life to the lord thank you father there were many more of you come on step out of your seat and come to this beautiful beautiful savior whose blood will still wash you clean and set you free you might be a jesus school student a visiting pastor come and give your heart to the lord jesus they're still coming you come come give your life to the lord come on give the lord praise give the lord praise it's beautiful beautiful god bless you there is nobody like him if there's somebody with you listen carefully if there's someone with you and you know they need jesus i want you to look at him right now i say look man i'll go down there with you do you need to get down there come on do it the hour is late jesus is returning and if they're asking you and you're doubting your salvation you come come come come to jesus tonight thank you father for those of you who came yeah god bless you come come on thank you lord i used to i used to be uh nervous to beg people to come and now i'm not at all the hours late the hour is late the lord is returning it's my joy to beg and look like a fool come to the lord jesus come on give the lord praise come to jesus tonight for those of you who are watching on television give your heart to the lord perhaps you're sitting there with with family or not television i don't even know if people watch television anymore whatever you're watching us on maybe it's your child or your spouse ask them say do you want to give your heart to the lord tonight come on they're still coming give the lord praise god bless you god bless you [Applause] god bless you hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus now for those of you who came forward god bless you god bless you god bless you it's the power of the holy spirit god bless you god bless you come and give jesus god bless you come on little kids give the lord your life tonight oh hallelujah thank you jesus ah wow thank you jesus is right look the lord's already touching them would you look me in the eye everyone who's come up if you can please just look at me for a moment please just look at me this is so much more than confessing the right words this is so much more than you getting your sin removed and then you going on on your own that's not what's going to happen tonight a literal exchange is going to take place you will die tonight you'll accept the lord jesus by faith putting all of your trust in him you're realizing that you cannot redeem you cleanse you free you wash you change you and i say this all the time but never forget it jesus will not change you tonight he'll replace you tonight you'll be brand new all old things will pass away all things will become new tonight jesus will never remind you of your sin again he will remove it from you as far as the east is from the west and the moment you leave this altar you will be a new creation in christ jesus come on this is wonderful the lord will make your body his temple and paul writes to the corinthians do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit the lord will come to live inside of you and you will forever fellowship with the lord if you want to i recommend that you do that he's wonderful so we're going to talk to the lord now but before we do the lord told us to count the cost tonight you leave all you all willing to do that you leave everything behind are you willing to do that are you willing to leave the world the ways of the world the systems of the world the opinions of the world satan himself you're renouncing tonight and turning from him and literally turning to the lord jesus there's a fancy word for that it's called repentance turning from all to him who is truly all amen are you ready to talk to him are you ready to give everything all right we're gonna pray this out loud i want everyone in their seats to stretch their hands towards these wonderful souls these newborn souls and the lord's family and those of you who've come forward you're gonna you're gonna confess this this is very important and we're going to do it all together and with you so you're going to repeat after me from the depths of your soul are you ready all right say this heavenly father i come to you tonight a sinner save my soul forgive my sin wash me in the blood of jesus i repent i turn from my sinful ways i repent from this world i repent from the devil and i turn from him i renounce him i will never serve him again i place all my trust in jesus and his blood lord jesus i believe that you are the son of god that you died on the cross to save my soul and to save the entire world jesus i believe that you died that you were buried and raised from the dead you are alive forevermore and i believe that you have ascended to the right hand of the father as king of kings and lord of lords and i believe that you are coming back again to rule and reign forever i give you my life wonderful jesus come into my heart me for you and you for me i am yours forever in jesus name amen amen amen amen give the lord praise [Applause] [Applause] now the lord promised that you would not do this alone that he would give you his power and i want to pray that the power of the holy spirit comes upon you so would you just lift your hands like a little child you don't have to work for this the lord has done the work but the scripture says that if we ask of the father that he would do it the scripture says that jesus is the baptizer in the holy spirit and that wonderful holy spirit will empower you he's the third person of the godhead he will empower you to do what i did tonight to show the world who jesus is it may not look like this but he will use your life and do much more than that now just receive as a child you'll feel his wonderful power come upon you some of you might begin to pray in a new language or maybe you begin to prophesy maybe you just the lord may begin to show you things that's not the point the point is is you opening your heart now and receiving this wonderful gift the gift of the father the promise of the father i want all of you just to gently pray in the spirit in the crowd lord jesus you are the baptizer in the holy spirit you're the one plunge them into the depths of the spirit the very river of god let your power fall on them let your power fall on them let your glory come upon them and use them use them for your glory lord i pray you to use this uh come here john get over there i pray you just stand behind this young man i pray that you would use this young man right here in the nike shirt to win many souls young man would you look up at me please father in jesus name use him use him for your glory let your power and presence come upon him just close your eyes and receive that your power and presence come upon him like fire in his bones and i pray that the fire of the spirit would rest on his tongue that you'd well up inside of it that he can't help but tell people about you burn him up on the inside with your glorious fire use his life in jesus name amen amen can we give a mighty just a victorious shout to the lord hallelujah [Applause] wow [Music] oh come on one more the lord is mighty [Applause] now for those of you who came forward i'd like you all to turn around and take a look at john and jenna right here raise your hand john and jenna come on keep him up keep him up there's what i need you to do please just hear me it's very important that you're baptized after this it's in water it's very important that you read your bible every day that you pray every day that you that you give your heart and your life to a people ultimately to the lord in a people that's called church we would love to walk with you here but find a church nonetheless find a place a people that you can like love and love jesus with okay and then it's vital you get baptized in the water so we want to help you walk this journey out i want you to find these two they'll be at a table right outside the door it's a new believer's table now this is what's been bothering me lately that like a very small percentage of those of you come forward make it to that table we we had 54 people last week waiting to be baptized we couldn't get to them all so we had to cut them in half this is vital and powerful and launches you into this new life with jesus so we want you to find john and jenna we'll help equip you we're not going to bother you we're not going to be harassing you we just want to walk with you so that you can live a victorious life in the lord amen can you do that all right let them know you love them you can make your way back to your seats god bless you you know what ryan i think i'll do it isn't this a good time to give to the lord come on i said isn't this a good time to give to the lord um look uh man we've got a huge week coming up how many of you are ready for jesus 20. you excited okay you got too excited for me and you freaked me out and stressed me all right i'm just playing i love it um jesse and i are gonna give i'm not telling you the amount but we have chosen as leaders to give sacrificially this week we feel like this is a pivotal week for this church and for our city and for the nation and for really the nations of the world uh it's wild to me that the numbers are about where last year's numbers were um and we're still a week out and and and we can only host uh american citizens when last year we have about had about 110 citizens or nations there and this year these are just uh people who are who are here in america so the lord is doing something very special i want us to step out in generosity um eric gilmore is going to minister to you tonight he's going to teach the scriptures are you excited it's going to be awesome and it's just a wonderful time to be a blessing to give to the lord tomorrow by the way is a big day our team will be meeting with the city and county officials for our our land parcel it is under contract and now we just need approval yeah you can give the lord praise it's been a long road it's not over yet it's not over yet it's like just beginning but there's just a lot of reasons to sow right now and ultimately you want to do it because the lord told us to amen i'm trusting in the lord that we will fully meet budget this week fully me budget at jesus 20 say amen i'm believing god nobody gets too excited unless they're the ones believing for it oh yeah the first event i think uh eric and brooke were there i think jesus 14 cost forty thousand dollars i don't know what's happened since then is there inflation or what but something's happened but uh maybe we just didn't i don't know maybe we were just cheap and didn't do things really well we did what we could but uh i think let's just say i don't know what this year's costing but it's many many many times over the lord will provide but i just want to say this i know many of you are visiting more than ever i have felt to give my heart to this church this is a church this is not just a gathering it's not just a place to come visit and i never thought i'd feel this pastoral uh burden but i i it's amazing i think about you guys all the time i love pastoring and i'm looking forward to walking with you guys uh more closely and just giving to you freely whatever the lord has given jesse and i i'm sitting with the team prior the worship team and carla was she not there she got raptured carla was i said carla you got to get me more time i want this scheduled i've said the same thing to dom i really want to walk with you guys and i want to see you really love jesus and find the beauty of who he is so that's our plan this is a church this is not a meeting this is a church and we need a home and so tomorrow is a big day this is going to begin about a three week a three-week journey regarding the different meetings and processes so be in prayer okay all right if you'd like to give tonight by text to give there's the info if you're watching online thank you for being so generous if this ministry has blessed you i just want to encourage you to be faithful and continue to give i'm sure i'm missing a ton of announcements i'll get to those in a minute but let's pray if you're going to give old school style you can give your offering right there in the bucket don't is it hidden behind a point set up how do you guys like my work do you like it it's uh you don't like it okay don't knock over my poinsettias guys um let's pray father we love you we realize you have given us everything and we're grateful so we pray tonight in jesus name for every family every business owner every person who's wondering or possibly in fear every job that's been lost give them a new one miraculously protect every pastor and every church under the sound of my voice right now miraculously provide for everyone in this room and everybody watching in the name of jesus as we gladly give to you we trust you in all your ways in jesus name amen amen okay you can rush the buckets if you'd like and if you're watching online there should be a link on the comment feed and you can go ahead and give god bless you [Music] i worship you [Music] i worship you [Music] i worship you [Music] i worship you [Music] is [Music] [Music] we are meeting cinderella's castle no we're not we we're definitely not [Laughter] eric's gonna fly in on tinkerville's wire like uh in sync with the with my group fitness mic oh man let's get it moving all right next week we are not moving here because thousands are coming in and does anybody here for jesus 20 already oh god bless you welcome welcome hey welcome welcome so good to have you wow all right well welcome to family church this is about as tamed as you'll find us no we'll be meeting at calvary assembly next sunday night so how many of you don't know where calvary assembly is all right it's in it's technically in winter park you cannot miss it so just write this down calvary assembly not the calvary in ormond we love the calvary and ormond but don't know show up there you're gonna shock them all all right so make sure especially those of you who are watching be sure if you're coming next sunday night to meet us at calvary assembly we're still starting at six what time are doors opening huh okay there it is it's december the 20th it's going to be phenomenal just about everyone who will be there on saturday will stay over and be a part as far as the speakers and a lot of the worship leaders are going to be there to be in the presence of god that sunday night so that's next sunday night if you're not there um hold on let me see what jesse just texted me oh the doors are opening early babe i can't say this it's not even going to work i'm live and you're watching this carla it's not going to work if i do it this way look how do we even know every the thing is is jess wants to make sure all the church members get in early but then say that again oh sneaky carla all right the church members got a link so that you can register for next sunday night so that you do get in and you get in early praise the lord pays to go to church god bless you oh and if you're not there early we can't save you seats it's it's brook's fault this this was her rule that she made up all right now ann just says we're having a church picnic very soon all right there we go all right how many of you love eric gilmore you're grateful for his life his ministry all right hold on all right he and brooke are so dear to us and uh and uh man pastor wally his father's been helping with the choir he's so focused when he works with the choir he turns his phone off he's so old school i love that about them we love this family i love you too thank you guys so much they've been with us for years and have been a blessing to jesse and i for years now he has a word on his heart that the lord spoke to me this morning so this what he's about to to preach or teach is who we are as a people here at jesus image so i want you to receive eric and receive the word of the lord um i am really humbled and honored to be able to speak to the jesus church here i feel as michael said that god is going to speak to you in a very special way so just put your hand on your heart with me just take a deep breath in breathe out do it again breathe in breathe out and pray this with me say jesus make me humble and help me love you in your precious name amen turn to john chapter 11. while you're turning there i'm going to read you something praise god so a friend of mine sent me a poem and it fits so perfect with what the lord is going to do tonight it says this sitting at the feet of jesus oh what words i hear him say happy place so near so precious may it find me there each day sitting at the feet of jesus i would look upon the past for his love has been so gracious it has won my heart at last sitting at the feet of jesus where can mortal be more blessed there i lay my sins and sorrows and when weary find sweet rest sitting at the feet of jesus there i love to weep and pray while i from his fullness gather grace and comfort every day bless me o my savior bless me as i sit low at thy feet o look down and love upon me let me see thy face so sweet give me lord the mind of jesus keep me holy as he is may i prove i've been with jesus who is my righteousness i'm gonna talk to you tonight about what you guys know so well who you actually are i'm gonna talk to you about the beauty and majesty of jesus christ so because i know who you are i know you're going to love what i'm going to say i've come specifically to pluck the strings of your heart to simply remind you of who he is because it is life itself for each one of us so in john chapter 11 you see verse 3 it says here it was mary who anointed the lord with ointment stop right there he's about to talk about mary and then he distinguishes her by something mary the one who anointed him with ointment in other words what she had done to him was so significant that it marked who she was in history mary just so you don't get confused the one that anointed him mary the one that anointed him in other words no one else did this but her this is one of the theological claims for why some believe luke 7 to be the same mary because she's the mary who anointed jesus's feet so i'm here to remind you even as michael said i've not come to wow you i've come to woo you i haven't come with a hammer to dash you to pieces i haven't come with a whip to whip you i've come with honey to drip on your tongue that jesus is good and he is here and he is for you i've come with a basket of rose petals to lead you yes to the king's chamber so i want to call our attention to the perfections of christ so that we can see where we've given the attention he deserves to things inferior to him that's what i want do you want this i said open my heart lord show me where have i given attention that you deserve to things that are inferior to you and that's the the cry of what i feel tonight is going to be turn to matthew chapter 26 you guys all know these things but i'm gonna go ahead and jump on them every word i say tonight i know is in michael's veins and so i've i know you've heard many of these things a lot so matthew chapter 26 verse 13. it says here truly i say to you wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman talking of mary has done will be spoken of in memory of her say in memory of her it doesn't just say what she did it says who she is she's distinguished by oil on his feet so much so that jesus ties her memory the memory of this woman to the gospel forever there's something intrinsic to the gospel inside this woman what you see in what she is you see something about what the gospel is supposed to bring everybody to mary is a perfect example of what the gospel is supposed to do inside of the human heart and so we see here this woman that jesus ties together to the gospel remember this is a woman who never preached a message remember this is a woman who never wrote a book this is a woman who performed no miracles this is a woman who never taught even a sunday school class what is it about this woman mentioned only three maybe four times in the scripture that caused jesus to tie her together with the testimony of his own name what is it it hit me when i was looking at proverbs chapter eight the scripture says that lady wisdom loves those that love her and we know jesus is lady wisdom in the midst of all the types in the bible that speak of jesus he's the ark of the covenant he's the ark in the sea he's the splitting of the ocean and he's moses is burning tree so we see he's all of these things and lady wisdom is no different it's a type of him who is unto us wisdom and it says that she loves them that love her which means he loves those that love him it hit me the reason why she's so special is because he was special to her she in in her heart she's taken with him and because her heart was taken with him it took his heart from him this is what i want is this what you want then tree it's it this intrigues me because i think to myself why not enoch lord why didn't you tie enoch to the gospel and the lord speaks to me specifically there's this woman and every time you see her she's at his feet every time you see her you can't point to one instance where she's mentioned where she doesn't go low she's so special to him what kind of a love is it turn over to luke real quick i know michael's preached on this text i know many times we're going to look at it again tonight because i'm here to remind you of who this jesus is luke chapter 10 verse 38 the scripture says now as they were traveling along he entered a village and a woman named martha welcomed him into her home she had a sister called mary who was seated at the lord's feet listening to his word but martha was distracted with all her preparations and she came up to him said lord lord do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone then tell her to help me but the lord answered and said martha martha you are worried and bothered about so many things but only one thing is necessary only one thing is necessary only one thing is necessary you can't take it out of the bible it's right there there's only one thing that is necessary out of the mouth of god himself he gave you the necessity for life right here there's only one thing that is necessary mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her it's right there what a picture this is think about a house jesus is famous there's people in the house i'm sure outside on the lawn they're talking over here about whether or not he's the messiah they're talking over here about you know i don't know what martha's gonna cook today there's all kinds of things going on but there's one person doing something different than everybody else and it's mary everybody's standing she's not everybody has raised heads her head is low she's literally on the floor guys she's on the floor nobody else is on the floor do you know how crazy this looks imagine if you're at a party everybody's there and there's this girl sitting at the feet of this guy it would look completely strange she doesn't give a flying flip what anybody thinks about her she's so taken with him it doesn't even matter what everyone else is doing as a matter of fact she's probably so preoccupied with him she sees nobody else and this is what she's teaching us that jesus is too beautiful to look away from if we get anything from her life it should be that jesus is too beautiful to spend time looking at other people and talking about other things to stare and stop listen gaze focused upon the son of man that's the key and this is why she's so special she's manifesting her love and stillness she's manifesting her love and being low which brings me to a conclusion that those that live high are those that have a weary or a stale love it's those that go low that recognize who he is so she sees him she recognizes him i mean imagine this she's doing something so incredible she treats him as if he is the image of the invisible god that's what she's treating him like imagine the angels in the room that can't be seen the invisible angels are there and they see how she's being with him and they're probably like can she see us too there's a vision of the son of man that she has that nobody else seems to have why am i pointing at this because i'm saying that me we know of mary of bethany not so that we would know there once was a woman named mary of bethany we know of her so that you can aspire to be that woman also it's wide open the feet of jesus are there for whoever chooses to value him and so often he's he's left alone so she makes sense to the angels that are beholding his face listen she's stricken breathless by the overwhelming conviction that he's unlike anything she's ever seen before god in a body eric i don't think she knew he was god why is she doing that then why do you think she's doing why is she worshiping she's at the feet of jesus she knows who he is she knows who he is before most others do as a matter of fact when she brings oil to him she brings oil for burial no one else believed it that he was gonna die she did i'm just i'm just moved by this woman see mary is not commanded just for sitting commended just for sitting she's commended for sitting at jesus's feet it's not just sitting it's not just being still it's being still and being quiet before the before god that's the key so the lord's value of this woman teaches us something it teaches us that there's there's grace upon his lips there's almost like an underlying tone in his voice a hymn a tone a song when i see you for you are the theme of every dream i ever knew she's so taken there's a music in his voice so she can't stop listening those of you that sit with him you know exactly what i'm talking about the sweet music that's in his voice there's an underlying sound of eternity in his words he speaks from eternity past here he is and like the song of solomon's bride she thinks that his mouth is full of sweetness and he is wholly desirable meaning everything about him pulls all of me towards him the fulfillment of all desire see she's she's explaining to us that jesus is worth giving all the attention to oh lord what is it about her why is she so special oh now i see mary of bethany is a call to be captivated by the period that's what she's calling out for she's a demonstration of his worth she is a proclamation of the preeminence of his person she sees the supremacy of the son and jesus calls us to these things she believes him to be fairer than the sons of men you line up all the men that have ever lived and all of them pale next to jesus they they pale in comparison to him thomas brooks said that the virtues and the things that jesus does are like a picture of him and it's foolish to worship the picture over the person sometimes we get so focused on the stuff that god is doing we forget about god i remember michael said to me one day he says may we never be so over overtaken with the oil that smeared on us then we forget the hands that are smearing it it's important so he's she's saying to us that he's greater than his gifts he's more wonderful than his wonders and he's more precious than even his promises he is is he not he so is and i know i'm here to talk to you about what you know so she's not standing in all of his powers she's found something so much better than what he can do she's found who he is see she's found that he himself is the fulfillment of her person the joy of her life the peace inside of her heart the satisfaction of her soul like i said she's stricken breathless by the overwhelming conviction he is more lovely than anything i have ever seen before she's realized that to be with him to quote carmen is to have everything that you've ever wanted be everything you've ever imagined and to arrive everywhere you've ever dreamed of going the fulfillment of all desire she's found that his presence has freed her from the need to have anything else she's found that all her prayers vanish when his presence is there how many of you realize this oh you come near to the lord and you you find in one moment and you realize in one moment that he was all you ever needed and the only thing you ever wanted you just didn't really even know and to be aware of him sometimes doesn't change anything but everything is different how many know what i mean just one switch of awareness changes every outlook of life she has her mundane common house that she lives in when he went when he enters in it turned into a garden of spices with her beloved if you know anything about jesus he's able to do this to any place that you're in i used to work construction and hideaway and the porta-potties when his hot stank nasty porta-potties and i would go in there to find some quietness when i needed to just get away and i would worship the lord and i'll tell you this god can turn a nasty stank florida porta-potty into a garden of spices with his your beloved it's true i know it to be true i've wept in those nasty porta-potties so she drew near to him she drew near close enough to here if nothing else just him breathing to see him blink and breathe is the essence of prayer i just want to watch you i just want to give you all my attention you don't have to do nothing i just want to look at you this is what separates those that seek the seed of moses over the seed of mary i want to just look at you you are all to me see none can hear so clear as those who draw near none her person declares that you are here what more could i want charles spurgeon said thou has given thyself to me for what more could i even ask we need to switch in our minds to realize that he has already bestowed upon us all things in himself when we believe this we're free we're free from the plague of need and desire seeing is is always greater than service and service is always inferior to seeing him a.w tozer said when the eyes of the soul looking out meet the eyes of god looking in heaven has already begun upon the earth he is heaven itself jesus calls this the good part the good part that is indestructible undiminishable untouchable and eternal no one can take it away there exists no parallel for the meeting of the eyes of god and man i wrote a poem one time and i said oh lord let our eyes meet as i lay on your feet it's where you see him when you go low jesus calls this as i said earlier the one thing needed the absolute necessity for life the one thing needed listen i looked up the the word one today and guess what the definition was the definition was the lowest number it hit me so hard here's the people that know the lowest place those that reduce themselves to the lowest number one thing that's where humility really is i'm reduced i got nothing else but you and i lay here at your feet that's when humility begins in our lives the lowest number the lowest place is reserved for those who choose the lowest number see every time that you give attention to him everything switches your value system the way you see life mary of bethany shows us that the essential christian message is not behave but behold i'm staring at you i'm looking at you there are no clear eyes nor fairer face than those who give christ this proper place you above all lord see at this time martha she's mentioned in the scripture here and actually every time you see martha she's never once mentioned to be at the feet of jesus did you know that she's never once there but martha's too busy for the bliss and the enjoyment that mary experienced her faith and her relationship with christ are tied up in what she does for him oh how easy it is to hide behind activity guys is it not we can hide behind miracles we can hide behind numbers and success and responsibilities and wisdom and service some of us even hide from god behind our bibles but to look at him means you have to be honest you got to be vulnerable and you got to say here i am open and bear no masks i'm all yours martha kilpatrick said activity can mask an empty soul and give a fake costume of nobility bill johnson said busyness is artificial significance see haste always gives the impression of importance but the reality is is that corey tim boom nailed it to the wall when she said beware the barrenness of a busy life see jesus contrasted these two women not me see because one of them is looking at him the other one's not one is listening the other one is not listening one's at rest the other one is not or us one talks about people the other one is preoccupied with god a.w tozer said the christian life should be an endless preoccupation with god himself i can't even see anything else because i'm already giving my attention somewhere else you want to come to take my attention i'm sorry it's already given i'm preoccupied so mary is so taken with him i said this earlier but i don't even think she knew she was even being persecuted sometimes we get so hurt about being persecuted it's because our eyes are off of jesus when your eyes are so focused on jesus you can't even reckon oh that they were making fun of me i didn't even realize praise god see martha chose occupation for the lord over preoccupation with the lord she wanted to feed him more than feed on him she thought more of her service for the lord than her service unto the lord the highest ministry of all is looking at jesus listen she preferred more to be around him than to look at him so many people just want to look in his direction but who looks in his eyes that's the difference one time i called my daughter and she if you've done any kind of face time with anybody under 10 years old you notice that you get dizzy real quick they're running around showing you all kinds of stuff and she's running around i'm looking at the thing i'm like i got to look away because she's everywhere she finally laid down and the phone got still on her face and i looked at her and i said there you are and the lord spoke to me and said you're very much like her sometimes we get so running around and so antsy and he's just waiting for you to just stop and look at him and then he says there you are i've been waiting for you all day to come and be with me i've been waiting for you all day just to give me a real attempt real attention i sought the lord when i first got born again so much and one day i didn't experience much from the lord in the morning and i went to go work with my dad at the church and i was walking in all by myself to calvary actually and i grabbed the door and before i went in i just said to the lord i said oh lord i love you and the presence of the lord became so real to me and i said lord how come you didn't do this earlier and he said this is the first time you came to me with all your heart i feel like sometimes that's what's blocking most of us is when you when you come to him with all your heart he's always there it's because we're so spread thin as a matter of fact the the word that's used for distraction when it speaks of martha being distracted is being pulled in many directions and it's funny that she it says that she's pulled away by her preparations the word used for preparations is the same word used in acts 13 when it says set apart barnabas and solve for me for the work of the ministry her preparations ministry same thing sometimes even the ministry can pull you here there and everywhere and jesus is waiting for you just to look at him with all your heart and then he can say there you are i've missed you so often we can look in his direction and not look at him but to look at him means you have to be honest so mary shows that his presence was more important than everything and everybody else is this okay can i go a little bit longer mary shows us that his presence there was more important than anything else or anybody else spurgeon said that martha accused mary of something but mary could have easily accused martha of leaving christ alone that's the last thing i want to be accused of you left him all by himself know where he is that's where i want to be sometimes we get we get so focused on other people's presence we can't recognize god's presence sometimes we're so focused on our own presence we can't recognize god's presence we must put the service of the lord where it belongs behind him as a matter of fact when martha says mary has left me to do the serving alone the word that's used there for left has to do with putting something behind you hearing lies the difference between martha's ministry and mary's ministry martha's ministry was in front of her before the lord mary's ministry was behind her and the lord was in front of her that's clean ministry i'm looking at you ministries behind me idolatrous ministry is when the ministry is in front of christ todd said to me martha was busy making sandwiches jesus never ordered you know sometimes you hear people say you know ministry you know it's it's it's it's really not about what you do it's about who you are you've heard this i think there's something even better than that it's not about what you do or who you are it's about who he is and that's what mary's showing us so why is martha condemned in this in a sense listen if you don't want to if you don't want to be rebuked by christ don't rebuke people for sitting at jesus's feet that's kind of important i don't want to be rebuked see martha's ministry is fruitless it dies with her you don't even know what she was doing nobody knows what she was doing does it the spirit of god didn't even think her service significant enough to mention it it died with her i don't want to be that girl i want to be the other girl so you may be listening right now and you may be saying you know i've got i got five kids what do you want me to do move to a cave somewhere and like never come out like what do you want me to do well i'm trying to show you that busyness is not having much to do busyness is having eclipsed his worth with your work it's when what you're doing is more important than who he is see it's it's not it's not about not doing anything it's about doing the highest thing does that make sense to you so it's the the problem is to place other people's voices above his voice you know if if you're more if you're more knowledgeable about what others are teaching then what christ is saying to you there's a problem what is he saying that's the only thing that can give you life when when people teach you it's only potential life when jesus teaches you it's installed life jesus speaks you and you get life but when when michael teaches you up here he gives you something to take back and it isn't until you take it before the lord that it can glow otherwise you just increase your information and you get no revelation and then before you know you've got a lot of stuff you can parrot but you've become nothing we got to take it back so that it can start glowing on the inside of us jesus is the only hands jesus hands are the only hands that can give bread from another world and so there we go and we find all that we need there to value your agenda over his presence this is death to give attention that he deserves to give the attention that he deserves to other things this is death this is the multiplicity of our own ways as the scripture says in isaiah 57 10 you've wearied yourself by the multiplicity of your own ways how long will we give ourselves to things that are inferior to him he must have first place so can i be honest with you about something just completely open and honest is it okay if i just go like maybe 10 15 more minutes is it okay in my heart i i have this burning desire to spend as much time with him as possible there's a burning and it's not about discipline whatsoever discipline's the farthest thing in my mind in the morning when i when i'm i'm drawn to be with them there's a jealous desire to enjoy the riches of heaven inside of the person of jesus christ and sometimes i will say to the lord i'll say oh lord i want to spend more time with you will you help me open it up and the lord will respond to me with such challenging words and he'll say this what you give to me is up to you what does that mean it means you're in control of your schedule and what you do with your time is a real showing of where he stands with you i've been reading robert murray mcshane's biography and he just recently wrote a letter to someone and he says your prayer life will show me how much jesus means to you i think it's important to realize that it's about making room for him crying out to god will never do what making more room for him will i mean these are wonderful this incredible atmosphere but if you don't take this into your home you're missing out the whole reason why this exists this is a a place to inspire you so we come to him for things other than him and we start missing him christianity seems to be covering our souls with a bankruptcy of our own things that we want to do and our lord cries out is there anyone actually interested in me see the danger with the intimacy movement is that many people have only adopted the language we've got a bridal vocabulary rather than a bridal experience these days so we cannot replace touch with talk our telling must come forth from a touching this is real christianity and it's easy to give ourselves to things that he never breathed into us but we thought they were a great idea and all the while no one will be able to tell that you have been avoiding sweet intimate exposing gazes with christ nobody knows except you so mary shows us that he must always come before all his things and whole how easy it is to cheat on god was stuff god gave us is this not true so martha's symptoms of of of not sitting are very clear i'll go through them real quick her view of jesus is askew do you not care who's the most caring individual to ever walk the face of the earth this is what will happen if you don't sit with jesus you'll start seeing him in a way that he's not another one is her attention is on another she's looking at mary remember you have to take your eyes off jesus to look at somebody else she feels abandoned she feels worried i'll tell you worship will always destroy worry jesus says you're worried and bothered mary's not worried martha's worried mary's worshiping martha's not worshiping do you understand it's very clear she's bothered see the source of worry and judgment and living bothered is not sitting at the feet of jesus isn't it funny that martha in her clamor tries to make little of what mary is doing but mary lets god be her defense jesus sticks up for her as i said if you don't want to be rebuked don't rebuke anybody for sitting with jesus i endure you do not awaken love until she pleases that's what the scripture tells us see you can stay with jesus as long as you want it's important to remember like g campbell morgan said no amount of activity in the king service will make up for the neglect of the king himself it's important to realize that though our wedding garment is the righteous acts of the saints our garment can never have more of our attention than the groom the garment exists for the groom not the groom for the garment so jesus keeps all of our attention the choice is ever and always before you and i and you are today what you chose yesterday you have lost today what you did not choose yesterday and you will have tomorrow whatever you choose today this is the exposing of us all this choice is ever and always before us the second time she's mentioned and i'll go through this last one quick the last two really quickly the second time she's mentioned is in john 11. her brother has died the lord arrives on the scene martha meets him with dialogue martha meets him with words martha meets him with theology and you know what jesus does before he even enters the city you can look it up yourself it's actually there he's not even in the city yet and the scripture says when martha comes to mary the master is here and he's calling for you the word that's used for calling is the same word that is used for the man who cries out the blind man who says jesus son of david he's crying out for christ to come and heal him and this is the same word that martha uses to tell mary that jesus is doing outside the city in other words he's at the edge of the city going mary he's looking for mary because he knows what he's about to do his theology is not going to get it done dialogue's not going to get it done adoration and adoration alone will bring about the thing that he needs the thing that he wants you see men seek explanations jesus seeks adoration men would much rather inquire than a door but the key in the root of all of this is that jesus doesn't find what he's looking for in martha so he looks for mary the last thing i want the last thing you want is to come to jesus and he looks at you and he says where's michael in other words you want him to find what he's looking for in you and not pass you by to find somebody who's actually giving it to him i want to be that man i want to be that woman so her brother has died don't you think that she has pain in her heart listen she doesn't even know why he's there yet she doesn't even know that he's about to raise we know because we've read the chapter before she doesn't even know why he's there but look what she does as soon as her sister comes here and says he's looking for you it says she got up immediately don't you want to be that girl the moment that you feel the drawing of the lord you go you go you go you go this is so important i can't wait for the day people in this room are at a meal with other people and they feel the pull and they say i'm sorry everybody but i've got to leave you don't have to tell everybody what's happening you know on the inside martha gets martha gets mary mary runs to jesus before the miracle she throws herself at his feet this is something that is done and this day for kings falling at the feet of a king was normal in these days which shows us that she sees him to be something more than merely a human like again i wonder if she can see us too the angels are saying she falls at his feet i ask you do you have a hurt in your heart because jesus didn't do something the way you thought it should be done did you did you die waiting on the lord has there ever been a point where there's like a gash or a gouge inside of you because and you're bleeding from it because you thought god was going to do something and he didn't do it well look at what mary does and learn from her she takes all her thoughts and all her questions all her hurt all her emotions she throws them down with herself at the feet of jesus that's the key to a mary in other words your presence here is more important to me than explanations your presence here is more important to me than answers we need to sometimes throw out the need for answers and just fall at the feet of jesus and you'll find right there you have everything that you need you know grace is unlimited grace is all empowering graces is literally free but there is a fixed distribution center for it and it is the feet of jesus if you neglect his feet you will fall out of grace grace comes from forth from his feet so here we see he's not looking for theology he's looking for worshipers the scripture says that the eyes of the lord go to and fro throughout the earth looking for a heart that's completely his so worship transcends words listen closely martha goes to get married martha goes to get mary just put your hand on your heart say this with me say jesus make me a mary find in me what it is that you're looking for so mary is teaching us that in crisis and in questions his feet are her home her joy her peace her refuge his feet her pillow her his feet her crown her bowing is her breathing she breathes by bowing that's the key the last time we see her is in john chapter 12. you know what's funny martha and mary said the same words to jesus but jesus responds to mary not martha wouldn't you rather move him than understand him i just want to move you what moves you i'd rather move him than understand him thomas a campus said i'd rather feel contrition of heart than be able to define it lord take us in how often we withhold our love in exact proportion to our understanding it's better throw out understanding than you can love him more it's the key so mary's special to jesus i encourage you guys don't withhold your affection from him it's not only what you need it's it's literally what he wants so the last bit here in john 12 and i'm closing right here if you could maybe throw on the keys that'd be great blinded again by love to her surrounding she takes a very costly violent perfume and she pours it out on his feet listen she wipes it with her hair did you hear what i just said she pours ointment on his feet listen pouring oil on somebody's head was a very common practice she doesn't pour it on his head she pours it on his feet and she only pours it on one person in other words she's doubly saying you're greater than everybody in this room your feet are higher than every head here so here she is pouring everything out a part of it as martha kilpatrick said a part of it know all of it why because he is all to her that's why she gives everything and what you give to him and how much you give and what you hold back are all a measure of your love for him how much time should i give jesus a day how important is he to you only if he's all to you can he be everything you need if you love him partially there will always be a part of him part of you that he can't fulfill if you love him partially there's always a part that he can't fulfill in you but to give everything over that's where he can come in and be all so living at his feet makes it impossible not to preach the gospel because you've seen him you want to give him what he desires so mary scandalizes all those who love the work of the lord over the lord of the work judas gets upset with her for doing what she does and jesus says someone greater is here in other words someone greater than good deeds is here someone greater than the tabernacle is here someone greater than solomon is here and she sees it she believes it i want to i want to point out something this last point here is this she takes the oil she pours it on her feet his feet then she wipes them with her hair first corinthians 11 says that the glory of a woman is her hair the fact so also first corinthians tells us that women were to cover their hair because it was seen to be their beauty it was to let your hair out in these days in this culture was to show forth your beauty and this is this is for your husband this is for your husband this is for your husband she lets the hair down and she puts her hair on her husband you know what else it means because the glory of a woman is her hair she takes her glory and she puts it on him in other words i lay in dust life's glory dead you're my glory i'm not looking for glory here i wonder if this i wonder if there's anybody here that you would actually in your heart say lord take my glory i give you my glory in other words everything that people think of me i'm going to give it to you everything that i want to be seen as i'm going to give it to you empty me lord of all these things so that you can have everything inside of me the wonderful thing about her putting the the the oil on his feet and then putting it on her hair is now he smells like her and she smells like him the scripture says that the whole house smelled the fragrance thereof and that's true ministry when your intimate relationship with christ causes everyone else to experience the love you have with him and so here we have a a an ordinary woman who never preached a sermon and never wrote a book and never performed a miracle she stole the heart of jesus and so it will be with you if you choose the feet of jesus again you choose the feet of jesus as a way of life so i wonder and this is this is this is it as a matter of fact let's just put our hands on our heart and i want you to just say this with me because i know who i'm with and i know every one of you want this so instead of doing an altar call or something let's just put our hands on our heart just say this with me say jesus i open my heart and i'm asking you to put love in me so real so vulnerable so true that i'd become sick with love in your precious name in jesus name amen amen praise god well why don't we pray father we receive the best we know how your word receive it all of us lord teach us to cast our crowns at your feet to throw what you've given us at your beautiful feet thank you jesus we're going to receive communion the meal of the lord would you take your elements just don't you don't need to open the elements yet i just want to read you a scripture it wasn't that precious it was so wonderful if you don't have elements would you just raise your hand please if you need some just keep them up i've got yep one there okay holy spirit we welcome you now as we receive the body and blood of the lord jesus we thank you for your real presence that is wonderful i'd like to read this scripture from luke 22 i'm going to read verses 14 through 22. just give your heart here to the presence of the lord as i'm reading the scripture says when the hour had come he sat down and the twelve apostles until the kingdom of god comes he who and he took bread and gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying this is my body which is given for you this in remembrance of me we remember you tonight lord give your attention now likewise he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you but behold the hand of my betrayer is with me on the table and truly the son of man goes as it has been determined but woe to the man by whom he is betrayed first corinthians 10 16 and 17 the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of christ for we though many are one bread and one body for we all partake of that one bread psalm 23 verse 4 through 5 yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death that will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runneth over one more revelation 19 and i heard as it were this is verses six through eight i heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as the sound of many waters as the sound of mighty thundering saying alleluia for the lord god omnipotent reigns let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready and to her it has been granted to be arrayed in fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints tonight we we do not go through empty repetition but we we celebrate the very supper of the lord the body and blood of the lord jesus you just open the elements please let's take the bread in john 6 jesus is called the bread that comes down from heaven he said i am the living bread which came down i if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever and the bread that i shall give is my flesh which i shall give for the life of the world as much debate whether that's communion talk or not i don't want to get into that what i do want to say is his presence is bread he is bread regardless of how you look at it and so tonight we we hold this wonderful supper in our hands and so lord jesus you told us to take this in remembrance of you we remember your suffering we remember your love your fervent desire and you still fervently desire to celebrate this passover with us you are the passover lamb cleanse our soul cleanse us forgive us wash us clean shine the light of your spirit your word says if we would judge ourselves would not be judged forgive our intentions forgive us as eric mentioned for looking away from you forgive us for doing things that have nothing to do with you or doing things without you in mind and heart cleanse us lord forgive division and forgive our words and forgive what we do if it grieves you cleanse our sin father you are the bread of life precious lord lord many people here are sick many have come to be with you and so i pray you to honor that lord tonight that you're that your healing power would flow through every sick body through every troubled mind every fearful person lord every person with anxiety and depression and oppression that you would heal them as your word says lord that after they ate the wonderful supper in exodus 12 that there were none feeble among them so strengthen and heal your people as we receive your precious body that was striped and flogged and torn beaten spit upon bruised rejected bloodied we remember your suffering we remember gethsemane we remember caiaphas house we remember pilates torture we remember the whipping post we remember the crown of thorns we remember your beautiful face the very image of god the glory of god in your face we remember that image being marred and we remember you being stripped naked lord for for us so that we would be clothed in your presence i remember you taking up your own cross the tree and becoming our curse remember you hanging on the tree as the fruit that brings life hanging on the tree that had been cursed we remember you suspended in the sky mighty mighty lord we remember you humble and meek the lamb of god christ our passover lamb we remember your death we remember your agony so let the power the power of the body of christ flood your people now just receive now receive receive the body of the lord jesus just give your attention to his presence and offer him your sickness give it to him give it to him offer him your brokenness thank you for your body you told us to eat the flesh of the lamb a lamb for every house would you lift the cup you said this is my blood that is shed for the remission of sin paul writes this cup is the new covenant in my blood this dew as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes lord thank you for the blood the blood that has been shed the blood that still speaks the blood that you offered in heaven the blood that poured from your precious body and you said without the shedding of blood there can be no removal no remission of sin so tonight we we thank you everyone just thank you we thank you for the blood we've plead the blood over our families i plead the blood over eric and brooke over madison and leah lord i plead the blood i plead the blood over jess and i plead the blood lord over theo over benny over sophia i played the blood over our team and their children and every person here lord i am i i i take my dead here that you've given me and i plead the blood over every person lord here in this room over your families over your children over your bodies we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony our testimony is of the lamb as tonight as we hold this cup we lift it high and we declare the lord's death until he returns we say that jesus christ this king that jesus christ has conquered that he has died and defeated death that he has defeated hell defeated the underworld that he is our bridegroom and we declare that the lord jesus is victor and all of heaven bows before you all of hell bows before you and all of the earth will bow you are the king you are the lamb let the power of your blood flow now in jesus name thank you for the blood let's receive hallelujah hallelujah just give the lord your attention just don't look around yet the lord's not done thank you just thank him you know the word for communion is the greek word if kharishta it's where we get the word eucharist it means thanksgiving thank you lord why don't you just lift your hands and thank him come on just begin to thank him come on out loud that's what this is all about it's aren't you glad that jesus sat at the table and invited his disciples to sit with him it speaks of him giving us rest rest for our souls thank you thank you thank you thank you for your body and your blood we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you dom would you come up please just quickly thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah if you came with a sickness in your body just trust the lord not to touch it to take it he already has just receive it by faith don't don't look for pain just look for your healing look for his hand do not look for your pain look to his hand now if somebody came with you and you're okay with it i want you to ask them just to agree with you right now they can put their hand on your shoulder you can just look at him and say yeah father in the name of jesus let every sickness die we curse it in jesus name let the power of your blood the power of your body flow and set these people free these are your children in the name of jesus be completely whole be completely whole i give you praise i give you praise lord don't just softly sing alleluia but just real softly real softly thank you jesus [Music] lord michael jones come here buddy come here just get on your knees just gently worship him everyone just very gently very gently very gently if you're leaving please move quickly thank you dion come here quick lift your voices very gently very gently nico come here right there i'll feel the lord some presence regina come here down there hallelujah hallelujah amy and john john get next to jenna there everybody's singing gently gently ryan i need you come here i'm gonna pray for you and carla in the back but i need you ryan get behind him father let your fire and power come on dion in the name of jesus christ your glory fallen and tangibly give him favor [Music] give him more authority use him i don't want anyone else moving anyone not right now in the name of jesus dion asked the lord for a greater vision of his beauty thank you father jesus use him use them deeply use some news lord let your power come on michael jones in jesus name use his life honor his faithfulness with your substance the very presence of the lord be his forever let him know you deeply i know you deeply let niko know you deeply in jesus name deeply open their eyes the vision of the lamb open their eyes lord jesus use negena use amy open their eyes to see blessed are the pure and harmful they shall see the lord they shall see the lord they shall see the lord lord i pray in jesus name for a greater vision of your beauty for john and jenna let your glory rest on them i pray that their little baby would know you i never know a day away from you i want you to ask god to touch your children right now i'm telling you i know i'm hearing the lord right now ask god to touch your children the lord to touch your kids deeply that they would have a greater encounter with jesus than you have in jesus name hallelujah hope the pope come here quick come up here see i don't need to lay hands on people when the lord's here come come quick come quick come quick hope right here right in front of me come here come on give the lord your attention a little louder done lord jesus let your power and presence rest on hope use her open the scriptures to him show her your beauty in the scriptures be her teacher be her source take her on a journey into your heart to your precious work [Music] in the name of jesus let the power of the spirit rest on the beauty to sit at the lord's feet to sit at the lord's feet lord i give you all the glory lord carol come here carol come on come up here it's been a while since i prayed for you guys i felt the lord stirring me earlier carol come up there closer closer to the altar father in jesus name clother in your glory and presence rest on them rest on them rest on them rest on them rest up rest on them you know there's a great marriage coming a wonderful marriage coming we are engaged to the lord betrothed to the lord give you praise hope mcknight come here hope come here just get down on your knees father let your glory and presence rest on hope let everything eric preached land let it land teach her the way of being with you the ways of your beauty rest on her pull her clothes pull her clothes in jesus name pull her clothes amy come here i'm just being led of the lord don't don't be upset if i don't call on you the lord lord doesn't need you to come on aaron come over here aaron over there father in jesus name your glory and presence rest on amy just keep worshiping him out there with your glory and presence rest the presence of your spirit yep in jesus name lord teach aaron how to pull on the strings of your heart teach them how to pull in the strings of your heart make his present make your presence his home name of jesus hallelujah keep singing dummy [Music] thank you lord let your glory rest on them [Music] ryan come up here lord let your presence rest on natasha in the name of jesus let your presence feel like a cloak on her and in her like a fire in her soul to love you with purity in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord give you all the glory all the glory all the glory all the glory all the glory hey salaam come up here quick come on you're gonna have to move fast you got to move fast this is wonderful wonderful wonderful we all have to cooperate we're right there so we're in this together we come up closer him lord visit him again visit him again [Music] offer him the gift of repentance i don't know why i'm saying that offer him the gift of why don't you ask him so long ask him say do it in me lord i want to repent by the spirit [Music] introduce the beauty of your feet to him again lord let your power and glory rest on him [Music] holy holy holy amen sing it softly everyone hallelujah [Music] [Music] come lord jesus let your glory and presence rest on jim in a brand new way honor all of his service here let him reap a harvest in your glory in jesus name this is the moment to ask the lord to encounter your children i'm telling you i've never said it this often but our children need a touch from the lord all of us we need the lord to grab our children because the world is reaching for them the world is janae come here just come right there get between salaam and hope lord you're worthy of glory teach janae your beauty teach her your beauty reveal your beautiful face to her thank you lord carla come on get down there [Music] get down with her there ryan lord let your glory rest on them it's your glory restaurant that's your wonderful glory restaurant i'll give jesus all of your attention now let your glory rest on carl and ryan and their children i give you praise [Music] give me praise lord let your glory rest on the worship team the band guys get down on your knees there before the lord listen to you too get down father in jesus name stretch your hands towards these guys we need them father in the name of jesus let them be true jesus lovers not ever entertaining truly moving your heart your glory and presence rest on them their glory and presence rest on them and their families in the name of jesus [Music] guys there in the center section up in the top just just lift your hands to heaven right here yeah is that jethro my buddy in the name of jesus lord fill them come on just just just close your eyes it's not my might lord let your glory fill them let your presence fill them let your presence fill them your presence fill them if you came in from out of town just wave wave lord let your presence fill every out of town with them go back bernie yeah just yield deal deal let them go back bernie [Music] give your glory [Music] give your glory rubble help me [Music] just get down on your knees right here chanel come out of your seat right over there this guy's this drink don't wait on me to call you father and jesus man just fill them fill them fill them with your wonderful beautiful presents give your praise [Music] give you all the praise [Music] if you're a third year i want you to stand up third year a student stand up lord let your glory and presence rest on them rubble bring them [Music] colin river go over there go over there [Music] bernie moore's daughter here where are you your name caitlyn are you here stay there are you with friends stay there how many did you bring have a seat i'm going to come to you [Music] just close your eyes there guys keep singing dummy i want everyone here to lift their voice everyone in the house come on stay with me father in jesus name use these young ladies glory and presence rest on them raise up revivalists right here unashamed and let them burn with the truth of the word of god destroy the fear of man in them with the love of jesus use the weak to glorify your name your firefall on them in the name of jesus use them father i pray [Music] hallelujah praise you lord [Music] praise the lord [Music] come lord jesus your beauty it's a train of your rope filled fill the temple [Music] one of the ladies here you drove a decent distance you need the lord to heal your shoulder lift your hand and wave at me wave at me right there put your hand on her if you're next to her if she's okay with it if she's okay with it only if she's okay with it father in the name of jesus we thank you for your healing power heal heal her now in jesus name thank you for it thank you for [Music] hallelujah [Music] go ahead and check your shoulder there ma'am how does it feel any pain totally gone hold on wonderful and hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on this lady here in the in the blonde with the color yeah you became very hungry tonight with desperate hunger there's been a desperate hunger in you for for weeks now it's like insatiable hunger and uh you've been getting your hands on anything you can to get more of god and you're running at full speed in a good way and the scripture says the watchmen struck the beloved because she was looking for the for her beloved and there are some who aren't seeking the lord and they don't like that you're seeking the lord because it reveals the ice of their heart the lord wants to touch you tonight slip your hands to heaven stretch your hands in this section to her father in the name of jesus you see you see everything you're wonderful let your power and your beauty most importantly reveal jesus to her holy spirit that's what i'm asking revealed jesus to her let her quest a desire for the supernatural just go and let her just find jesus the one who is absolutely all in all jesus name jesus name jesus name somebody had severe uh joint pain prior to communion check your body now you had severe joint pain in more than one joint check your body you'll find the lord has healed it i want you to wave when you feel that it's gone brit is that you uh get a mic to brett richards there raul you're gonna have to be really good and not hurt anybody okay just two more minutes guys two more minutes two more minutes wine takes a little while go ahead what happened brett i uh um i've been having a really bad fibromyalgia flare up and i couldn't bend my knee and uh um it's completely gone when did that happen during communion and i was getting electric shocks sitting in my seat um that are very painful and they started to go away and as soon as you said that my whole body got lit up like fire during communion just now because i got so excited when other people were getting killed i forgot that i was in pain wow and i just noticed it was gone so try to do something that would cause pain i didn't bend my knee today i couldn't get down and bend my knees uh is john there behind raul okay john and britt are working with eric now they're former students at jesus school this is wonderful the lord's so good uh grab hands you too john and brett lord jesus humble them make them humble teach them to live at your feet make them soft and meek before you and with one another and before people let them count all knowledge as waste and gaining you make them like jesus holy spirit that's my prayer in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this well what a wonderful lord can we lift our hands and offer our hearts again tonight come on lord thank you for your wonderful beautiful face thank you for visiting us tonight did anyone come from alabama anybody from alabama can you just wave if you did well maybe it's on the live stream oh you came from alabama oh wow i think it's somebody did you come from alabama you're from alabama lord jesus we thank you for your beauty and how much you love your people and i ask you lord to stay with us remain with us and live here with us teach us to love you and wipe your feet with our hair and pour our most treasured substance our heart on you take us fully just be with us it's our only prayer in jesus name amen oh the lord's been good hasn't he the lord loves you he loves you dearly we'll see you um at jesus 20. and uh see you sunday night be careful as you're just kind of leave in the presence of the lord let's not change the gears you can just go but be aware of his presence as you leave and be careful there are people on the floor so just just kind of keep an eye on where you're going love you so much and we'll see you in a few days god bless you you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 193,990
Rating: 4.9202623 out of 5
Id: d5ia4yHmNfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 54sec (12294 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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