Insights from Michael and Jessica Koulianos

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I'm honored to hear like all the things that have happened in people's lives because of my dad's obedience so it's an honor, it wasn't the easiest childhood but like I said, I wouldn't trade it for the world and God has a sense of humor. Now I'm married to a minister. I said, I never would do that and I've learned so much about... - She couldn't resist. - I couldn't resist this one. No, but I've learned so much. What to do, what not to do. Just the ways of God. ♪♪ ♪ Genesis 26:18 tells us ♪ "Isaac dug again the wells of Abraham". ♪♪ ♪ In every generation, there have been revivals, ♪ massive moves of the Spirit ♪ that changed the course of history. ♪♪ ♪ In every revival, there were believers like you ♪ who chose to answer the call ♪ to become the one in their generation. ♪ Discover your call to be the one ♪ in your generation. ♪ We are about to take you ♪ face to face with history. ♪♪ Okay, Michael and Jessica Koulianos. So glad you're here. - Thank you, Gene. - I want to talk about... Let's dive right in about what the Holy Spirit is doing today. Now, I'm just a little bit older than both of you and... and it's exciting to see what God's done in your meetings and what you're seeing and actually, being in some of your meetings, seeing how the Holy Spirit moves but I want to know from you, guys, what is it that you see happening next? - You want to speak about that? - Oh, sure. I just...I feel like there is an excitement that I haven't seen since I was a little kid to be honest with you. Um... If you rewind like 10 years, I was having a moment because we have little kids and our oldest is 12, our youngest is 6 and I was kind of going on YouTube watching all, you know... Kathryn Kuhlman, all the crusades... - I never do that. - Oh, yea! We do it all the time, so yea. [Laughing] Not here, right? But so, we were going back and I was like, "It's so sad, I really hope my kids can grow up the way that we grew up and we saw like revival. We saw amazing miracles and just amazing moves of the Holy Spirit. I want that so bad for my kids, Lord and I feel like the last few years, especially, I feel like God is doing it again so I'm so happy with what God is doing. I feel like, I've always known the Holy Spirit is relevant but I feel like now, everyone is starting to see like who He is, like He's a person and we need Him in this generation especially and there is a hunger like I've never seen before actually, right now, especially in young people. - Yea, I haven't seen this hunger since the early 90's, - Right, - You know, if you look at the early 90's, that's why I love this show. Thanks for having us. Revivals... - Yes, this is awesome. - Amen. God is reviving the Church, it's always on His heart. - That's right. - So, if you look at the early 90's, you'll remember this. You can go to Toronto. In Florida alone, you could go to one of Ronny's meetings, you could go to one of her daddy's meetings. You could go up to Brownsville. Just in one state... - Yea... - Everywhere you look, you had the outpouring in Argentina. You had what was happening in the UK with Lois and Ken Gott and it was just spreading like wildfire so I remember those days, especially going to OCC, Jessica's dad's church, who ran the Christian Center, people lining up. We line up to get out of our church where I grew up and now, I saw these people, lining up to get in and I remember that kiss of His presence in the air like we were discussing prior to the show... Certain meetings where-- where before the guy even comes out and ministers, you sense the presence of the Lord and so we are starting to sense that now, we are starting to see people lining up for hours to come into meetings. We are starting to see people... - All over the world... - All over the world, get healed before they even get to us. One girl, I was in Ohio at one of our Jesus Regionals in Youngstown, Ohio where amazingly enough, Kathryn Kuhlman had her Sunday meetings in Youngstown, - Right, - at Stanbaugh Auditorium every Sunday. That was kind of like her church setting and I told the Lord, "Lord, I don't want people to remember me, when they are done with these services, I want them to remember You". And the Holy Spirit told me, Gene, He said, "If the people know more about your ministry by the end of the meeting than they do Jesus, it just tells me you haven't fully yield it to me. - Wow... - and so just recently, I was down in YWAM in Kona, Hawaii, at their headquarters and the director got up and he said, "Michael, last time you were here, no offense, when you left the meeting, we didn't even care because Jesus was there". I thought, "Okay, good, that's a compliment". The point is this. This lady was standing in the line to get in, she had a growth on her foot like a tumor and it disappeared in line, coming in and she ran up during the testimony time to share her testimony and that did something in my heart, tells me this, that God is wanting to come to not only touch us but He wants a habitation where His glory is been poured out and remaining and intensifying like brother Copeland has been saying that "This is the year of the Holy Ghost and fire". - Yea, amen. It's time. - That's time. - Yea. Jess, you mentioned just a minute ago about your experience in the 90's. Of course, I remember you much younger - Ha ha... - and you know, coming into the meetings when I was working for pastor Benny and all that happened. What do you... What was it like, and I know everybody must ask you. [Jessica smiling] What was it like growing up "Hinn"? - Oh, man. I hated it growing up. I sure did. I hated it. We talked about this all the time and we laugh and... It was hard to grow up. - Why did you hate it? Why did you not like it? - I didn't like it because I think--Um... I felt a lot of pressure being in the family that I was in and I felt that there was a... You know, we had the church at the time and so... There was always people you know, "My dad looks up to you, please be a good example" and I just wanted to be a kid like every other kid, you know, so I think it was a lot of pressure. It was--back then, when my dad was really kind of getting known, at the time, there wasn't a lot of other ministers on the scene at that time that were getting known and we were living in Orlando which, it's a big city but it's a small city so we didn't-- we couldn't really do much and I think... - were seen everywhere you went, - Yes and I always joke with my dad, I go, "People love you or hate you, you know that, right? There is no between with you". He's like, "I know" so I felt like we did get picked on a lot so that was very hard as a child to understand it and I didn't understand that yes, some people are mean but God is not mean and that's not Christianity, that's not like don't... You know, I was too young to understand it all so it was very hard but now, looking back, I wouldn't trade the life I had for anything in the world. I'm so honored that God put me in the family that He put me in. I think-- even yesterday somebody came up to us and said, "Your dad prayed for me, years ago and this happened"... I hear stories like that all the time and as a child, you just think, "Okay, whatever" but now, as an adult and now in ministry, I'm honored to hear like all the things that have happened in people's lives because of my dad's obedience so it's an honor. It wasn't the easiest childhood but-- like I said, I wouldn't trade it for the world and God has a sense of humor. Now I'm married to a minister. I said, I never would do that and I've learned so much about... - She couldn't resist. - I couldn't resist this one but I've learned so much. What to do, what not to do, just the ways of God. You know, my dad and mom did a great job in training us in those ways and we just saw so much, the good and the bad so I felt like we were equipped to run this race that God is giving us to do so... - Jess, if I'm getting too personal, you don't have to answer but... - No, you ask whatever you want. - What did you learn, I mean, because you were inside obviously Pastor Benny's home and growing up in all in what you said. I mean, I can't imagine the pressure, you know, just working there had its own pressure. You know...I love you, Pastor Benny but it's true. Anyway. He was a nice boss all the time, right? - So, at some point, you didn't rely on your dad's experience with the Holy Spirit. - Yea. - Uh-uh. We talked about that this morning. Yes, we did. Yea. Not to get too long on to my testimony and stuff but I did have my moment away from the Lord for a long time in my life from 13 to 21. I just kind of ran away from God, completely and went through a journey and got kicked out of Christian college and all that stuff and I think that was the first time in my life, when I got kicked out of a Christian college, I had to have that moment like, "Oh, my gosh, what am I gonna do with my life now like it doesn't matter that my dad is Benny Hinn, it doesn't matter that nothing that...I know this person, this person, this person, it doesn't matter like I have nothing to show for, I don't really know God. I only know the God that my dad talks about but I don't know Him personally like I personally don't know Him". - Yea, 21? - This is like 21, - Yea, okay. - And it's still...I still even--I'm almost 36, I still have my moments, where I have to make sure that I know God for myself and my own relationship because sometimes, when you grow up in ministry even being married to a minister too, I'm sure wives can relate to this too, you can just hear all your husband's sermons, hear your family preach, hear this and that, hear this conference, this conference, I mean, really anybody can relate to this and you can hear the message and hear their experience but you've never had your own personal experience with Jesus so there is nothing living in there, there is nothing new so you can get caught in that trap that I did as a kid because I really didn't know God for myself. I knew the God of my family and my dad used to always say, "God has no grandchildren, Jess. God has no grandchildren". Don't forget that, like you cannot get to Heaven just by me and by this person. You have to find Jesus on your own". Unfortunately, I was stubborn and it took me a lot longer that it should of but... - I was there for some of those times... - Yes. - [Laughs] - I remember you, the college experience and all that was going on. - Oh yea. - So, you said something that is very profound, just a second ago and that was you know, Pastor Benny told you about, "God has no grandchildren" and you had to come to that place and it's important even now, that you have to make sure you're not riding the coattails of something else or-- or the calling that's on your husband's life. So what do you do? I'm sure there are people out there that-- - That's a really good question, yea. - Okay, know to do that, but what do you do, Jess? - Yea, you have to spend time with Jesus like and I have my moments where... around Christian environments all the time and put in situations, I can tell-- we did talk about this, this morning, I can tell when someone ask a question, I'd be thinking, "Oh, this is what Michael would answer, this is how he would answer it" or when it is really coming from my heart, from my own experience, and I can honestly say, if I'm not spending time with Jesus, like daily, I'm off and that's how you have to be in the Word of God, read the Scriptures, pray, worship, not going on YouTube, which I know, as moms sometimes, I'm like, "I was spending time with the Lord today. I was watching your sermon on YouTube". No, that doesn't count. - Yea, - You have to actually spend time with the Lord and have your own relationship with Him and that's something for me, personally, I'm not speaking for everybody. I have to always make a point sometimes because you know, life is busy. I have to like, get away for a second and I can see the difference, Michael can see the difference in me, my kids can see the difference in me. I just feel full within. - Yea. - And it's authentic that way. - Do you think in ministry, especially, it's like you can get lured into this-- this false sense of reality which is what I'm in, I'm working in the ministry, I'm about my Father's business, you know, and the truth is, you can be as cold as the freezer. You know, you're missing that relationship and you know, I've heard it for decade after decade, it's nothing replaces time with the Father. - So simple - Time with Him, pull up, be honest and lay it out there and spend time in the Word. - Yea, - Yea, I mean, Jesus said, "I don't do anything I don't see Him do". - Right. - That's an incredible statement. Very piercing, very polarizing statement. "I don't do anything I don't see Him do". I don't even say anything I don't hear Him say. - Right. - John 5, actually teaches Jesus was experiencing Heaven and Earth at the same time. That's what the Greek would read and that He's actually beholding the Father as He ministers to people. If you get lured into this comalike sleep in the ministry, you become God's employee instead of His son and the list of God's employees... - Oh, that's good. Yea, God is not-- God is not in the hiring business. - Yea. He's in the sonship business and so God doesn't need anymore employees. I can give you a list of few employees. King Saul, - Yea, - Balaam was called "the sorcerer and the prophet" in the same scripture. Judas was an employee. He raised more dead people that anyone we know, - Right. - Healed more sick that anyone we know. So the point is this. That's not God's way. Now, that is a byproduct of what Jesse is talking about. I've never met anyone, well actually, let me start in the negative, and then we will end in the positive. So, it's possible to work for the Lord, and not know the Lord. - Yea, it's true. - It's impossible to love Jesus and not eventually be anointed, - Right. - with power. It's impossible. If you stay in the pocket--a good quarterback-- If you stay in the pocket, - Right, - eventually - There is protection... - The power of God will come and so Bill Johnson said it like this. I love this statement. He says, "The way you become inoculated to something is just by having a little bit of it. - Uh-huh! - And I don't know any people group that are more susceptible to that than churches attendees and people who work in the ministry. It's so true. If you don't want to get the flu, they'll tell you just take a little of flu in this flu shot, right? - Yea. - That's how the spiritual life is. So Jesus didn't really come and say, "Do your devotionals", He said "Meet with me". The entire perspective is different. We think we are pleasing God like if we-- just get through that devotional. The whole time He's waiting, "I want to touch you". - We've checked the box... - Uh-huh. - And the Father is like "I want to touch you. I want you to touch Me. I want to speak to you. I want you to talk back to Me. I want the Scriptures to illuminate and come alive and actually become the Bread of Life". So this is the point. Without the Holy Spirit, it's not available, Gene. He's like--He's the quickening one. You know, like David wrote, "Quicken me and I'll run after you". "Draw me and I'll run". Solomon writes in Song of Solomon, "The king brought me into his chambers". It's all about His invitation. So, the Holy Spirit is awakening a generation right now. - Right. - It's His reality. It's...How do I say it? The Holy Spirit...Okay, the Scriptures are more literal that we think. - For example... - For example, the Bible says, "Noah walked with God". That means he walked with God. The Bible says, "Adam walked with God". Does it mean, he thought about God occasionally? Does that mean, he kind of...No, it means, he walked with God, hand in hand. God taught him stuff, stuff he didn't know. He asked the question. There was this organic relationship that was literal so when the Scripture says, "Moses lived in the cloud of Glory" and then the cloud eventually lived in his face and he began to shine. He took on the nature of his environment. That's all very literal so here's the question. Under a lesser covenant, Moses lived in that world and Jesus comes, dies as not only the second Adam but the last Adam, our bodies become the Tabernacle of God. Experience is not a recommendation at this point. It's a promise. That's what was difference about Miss Kuhlman, right? Something about her. - Yea. - What was "the something"? It was Him. - Yea. - He was her friend and she was His. - Well, that's my favorite quote from Kathryn is, "My dear, He's more real to me than you are". - Yea, - And that's what we should all... If there is a thriving or yearning or something you are drawing for, it's that. Jesse's dad has this--the book that belonged to Kathryn, Foxe's Book of Martyrs. They say that this was the only book she would refer to consistently outside the Scriptures. And because the martyrdom of the Church really inspired her to give more. And so she wrote a letter to the Lord that I've read with my own eyes and the front--and the inside of the book, it says "Dearest Jesus" See, to me, Gene, that's like... That's--That's enough to make me want to cry. - Yea, yea. - Like the Greats spoke to Him like little kids. And then she said, "Grant me the privilege to die as one of these martyrs had died one day". That was the real Kathryn, - Wow. - I was preaching in Youngstown and one of her assistants attended the church I was preaching at and they came at the meetings and they were just really encouraging to us like, "Hey, this is what we felt, the same Holy Spirit flowing". An older man, he was telling the pastor about one of his experiences with Kathryn and this one messed me up so bad, she could be at times, a little difficult to deal with during the week. She was a feisty woman and ha!...So sometimes, her staff would be a little flustered during the week, but before she got on that platform, they visibly saw her on all fours on the ground, in that beautiful white dress, sobbing, repenting to God, asking God to cleanse her conscience. That man told my friend that when she got up, there was literally a puddle of tears on the ground before she walked on the platform... - Wow. - That's how I want to be with the Lord. Like a little kid... - So Michael, what do you do? I mean, your ministry... Let's get real, practical. - Yes, sure. - I mean, you've kind of burst on the scene - It's true. and you know, we have mutual friends, Todd White and you guys and it's marvelous to see what God is doing through you and being in some of your meetings, it's like wow, this is cool. God, this is great what You're doing. But there is a pressure and we kind of talked briefly about this before we started taping this. There can be a pressure that comes on you. In fact, before I get there, I remember Jessica, being with your dad, in some of these meetings and there was 25,000 people and it was back there in that little... You probably remember. He had-- like, we called it a "green room" but it was just draped and a couple of chairs or whatever and being back there with him, and I remember so many people, so many of these area pastors were there, telling him how wonderful he was and how he was the greatest thing ever and you know, and honestly sometimes, it was a bit nauseating... - Oh, yea. It's always a little bit nauseating... - I'm like, really? Okay, yes, you're great and I'm thinking how do you?... And I remember talking to your dad. - Yea. How do you stay back here, listen to all this stuff? There is 25,000 people out there. They are here because you're here. You know it's not because of you. They know it's not because of you but yet, they are here because of you. How do you not... operate in that pressure? So now with you, it's different but there can be a pressure that comes like, "Okay, God, You've got to... You've got to show up again. Don't leave me out here dry. I don't want to do this on my own". What do you do, Michael to keep that place? - Yea, I mean, now people are coming in, you know, like from other states if I'm in an area, sometimes flying in from out of the country and sometimes, it's to bring a baby to me who has a tumor and the doctors have given up on and in the natural, that's enough to cause you to quit. - Yea. - I'm just been...You want me to be real. - Yea. - That's how I felt when I started because you dream about seeing the things that Jesus saw, the apostles and then, with all of these wonderful Saints of Old saw that I see their life not as a tease, but as an invitation - Right, - but until you get the breakthrough, it starts to tease you so you're hungry and then you reach this point of no return where you're basically saying to yourself, "This is either real or it's not and I don't know if I'm as special as William Branham, but I'm gonna harass You until You touch me, Lord. That's what my heart was saying. Like I was not born with a light over my bassinet. - Yea. - Okay...But Jesus said that if the woman stays outside and knocks long enough for Pete's sake, the man would come out and open the door. - Right. So I said, "Lord, I don't know where I fit in this whole puzzle, but I'm coming". I didn't know... that there was an encounter on the other side that would change my life forever. I didn't know that with that encounter will come responsibility. - Right. - And so the difficult thing for me was the sicks started coming before I started seeing the miracles and so I was turning them away sick and it was breaking me down. I mean, I was very close to leaving. I was pastoring, I was just like "Look, what's the point of pulling the trigger and there is no bullet like I don't want to send people home to die. This cannot be the reason that Jesus was wounded and stripped and gave His live and raised from the dead and poured out His Spirit. There's got to be more so I took my Bible. I stayed in the Gospels for 5 years, I didn't leave the Gospels, rarely and I began to watch the life of Jesus, not just as a story but as the pattern Son as the perfect... As the perfect representation of the Father. Well, that was helping me but it was also provoking me to like, frustration. I was like, "Wait, I am not seeing that". I'm just being real, "I'm not seeing that". We can christianize it all we want. - Yea. - But I wasn't seeing it. And I don't think that was a lack of faith. It was truth, I wasn't seeing it. And I was like, "Well, God, it either Your fault of mine". I told Him that and then... And then I got to my senses and I go, "Well, that's probably not Yours". - Yea! Ha ha... - So I said, "Okay", in my heart I said, "I'm coming and if I have to die trying, I'm coming Lord". She'll tell you. - Yea. - It was radical. - How was it radical, Jess? - During that time, he would go... I think our oldest was just a baby at the time so, it's like, "I just have to get alone with God" because at the time too, we were also traveling in the crusades with my dad so it was really kind of hard because we were seeing miracles there but it was not happening the way we were hoping in our own lives so, he just went in that prayer closet and started getting alone with Jesus. - For days... and I didn't see him but I understood. I was like, "You do what you need to do" because it was discouraging me as well that these things were not happening because I knew that God had called us to see these things also so I was like, "Do what you need to do, go to that prayer closet" so he would go...I think it was almost like a year of our lives that we... - It was 2... - 2 years, yea and... - Well, I had these words over my life from her dad from when I was a boy. - Yea "That you will carry this anointing and you'll win more souls than I did" and I was like, "I can't even get a flu healed". - Yea. - Do you know? - Sure. - The first time I did "street ministry", it's so funny... I was so afraid, I went to Laguna Beach. I mean, you want to find heathens, go to Laguna Beach, I mean, they are everywhere. I went, I saw an old man, I said, "Okay, he's got to be nice. He won't scream at me if I tell him about Jesus". I stalked him like I was doing reconnaissance for like an hour [Laughs] and he was seated on a hill and I go,, "Okay, I'm gonna go now, Lord" and I didn't go. "I'll go in a minute". I didn't go. Finally I went to pull the Four Spiritual Laws book out of my back pocket. Before I can get the track to him, he tried to lead me to Jesus and gave me a track. I couldn't even find the lost, let alone get them saved. It was bad but I kept digging and I stayed with the Lord and by His grace, He constantly caused me to believe that there was a encounter coming. - Yea. - A real encounter. - So this is when you're pulling yourself away into your prayer closet. - Yea. So then He touched me, long story short and then the sicks started to come in even more. - So He touched you in your closet? Or He touched you... - Well, He touched me after 2 years in my prayer closet. I got invited to a Lutheran church in Westport, Connecticut because the pastor was a member at a golf course called Winged Foot where they played the US open and I had a golf background so I wanted to go and play and I went with Bruce Hughes, the pianist, he took me up there, his son Austin and the pastor was a member there and when we started walking, down that fairway, I remember thinking-- well he's probably gonna watch this, I thought, "This guy is old"...Older and why can't I keep up with him while he's walking? Because I was in a good shape, - Sure and he turns to me about 13 holes and he goes, "Did you know I was paralyzed"? And I thought, "What"? He goes "Yea. I went to one of your father-in-law's meetings"... He's a Lutheran, pastor. He said, "I went to your father-in-law's meetings, I had a stroke 21 days prior, the Lord spoke to me in the hospital. In 21 days, I will heal you". Benny came on the screen, "This is Your Day". He said, "I knew I was supposed to get to the Baltimore crusade. I went with my braces, we didn't know anybody. Some lady walked up to me and said, "Hey, sit on the front row but you can't have your braces in the front row". He said, "Well, if I don't have my cane and my walker, I'm paralyzed". His whole left side. She said, "Sorry, if you want to sit here, you can't have that here". So he's sitting there now not knowing how he's gonna move if he has to, he's telling me the story and when he did, right there on the golf course, it was like the finger of God tapped this dam that had been building up for years. Hunger, wanting the Lord to touch me. He said, "Did you know I was healed"? When he said that, man, something stirred in me... I could feel the presence of God on the golf course... ♪♪
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 22,669
Rating: 4.9693484 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Revival Radio TV, Eagle Mountain Church, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Revival, Michael Koulianos, Jessica Koulianos, faith, miracles, awakenings, george pearsons, terri copeland pearsons, Kenneth Copeland, history, prayer, tongues, BVOVN
Id: UInubQ19jt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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