Pam Gregory & Bracha Goldsmith - September 2021 - Astrology Fireside Chat

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think we're live we'll know in a moment wonderful it's a good job you're a good mate isn't it right oh here we go you see this is the back of the playback rights uh turn this off um it wasn't tea that was red wine in my tea mug disguised we believe you okay pami i do believe we're live fantastic i'm absolutely thrilled to be with you uh this evening wonderful thank you thank you thank you very much for joining i mean you know in terms of popularity i think you could be on every single night um no i couldn't but that last session you know when i was asking the palladians through you they brought through some fabulous material didn't they it was quite brilliant i i thought that was astounding so you know i hope that gets wide coverage because it just gives so much inspiration to people as well oh thank you pammy well it's my delight for those of you that do not know the wonderful pam gregory master astrologer mystic spiritual teacher writer gifted writer speaker coach you name it uh pam is a real uh gift and so is bracket crackers all of those things let's not forget okay thank you pam i appreciate that um and really uh we've come together today um just to uh find ways in which we might be able to share with you uh how we can navigate the upcoming aspects gracefully with more ease with a higher frequency because as astrologers we're really privileged aren't we pari we're privileged hugely yeah would you like to uh elaborate on that how you feel that we have a privilege yeah i you know it's like if you went through your life and you never got a weather forecast um you know weather would just hit you randomly like the rubber hitting the road you'd have no idea whether to put on rubber wear and take a brolly or be in shorts and a t-shirt you know it would just be much more random and haphazard so what astrology clearly gives us is the pattern i've always said it doesn't give us the frequency that's down to us and our consciousness but it does give us the pattern so it gives us a a kind of um archetypal and i almost want to say architectural structure to what's potentially coming up and then it's up to us to play that to the best that's our responsibility so i you know i don't know where i would be in life without if i hadn't discovered astrology i i have no idea but it wouldn't be here you know it's been it's been a massive ma it's enriched my life beyond belief and you know probably the same for you as well wrecker amazingly so and i'd like to add at this point for those of you who have not yet got pam's books i highly recommend that you buy certainly the first book because that's brilliant i've read that several times and i could read it again because every time there's more in it and it's uh would you like to tell us the exact titles because i'm probably going to get them wrong yeah you don't really believe in astrology do you was the first one and i had to call it that because i've been asked that question you know normally in in corners of dinner parties or drinks parties you know in a conspiratorial term come on you can tell me you know you don't really do um so i had to call it that and then the second one was um how to co-create using the secret language of the universe which was really much more focused on the nodal axis and you know i really writing that did a deep deep dive i was on a magic carpet ride through that but i i you know i can't i think really take credit because i think they came through me rather than from me and i also have to say that braca has some absolutely groundbreaking webinars looking at future years and what's to come so you know she's not gonna get out of this either i'm not getting that alive family this is a mutual praising society but it's truly how i feel about you i feel that you are somebody who is um a real gift with so many uh talents and tools uh that are so valuable now as we make this transition yeah we're right in the midst of a massive shift we all know that and certainly our beautiful soul family who's online with us today live and those watching later are on this frequency with us and thank you lucy for being amazing couldn't manage without you moderating and uh looking after after our family online so thank you to lucy absolutely very very much um but really i would say that um your books and also incidentally they are amazon best sellers yes they are they're right at the top of the amazon bestseller list so uh do yourself a favor we are approaching holidays and christmas and all those kinds of things soon so uh um i do highly recommend you and if you remember bracket it was the palladians that told us that do you remember we asked that question of the palladians at the time and they told us that that they would be best sellers so you know thank you can't escape thank you you can tell a couple of times can't where it's this libra energy yes where does this give and take and give and take and if you give to me i can't wait to give back to you yes it's like can we do it tenfold so panic what would you say is the aspect that's coming up or aspects that are coming up that are really filling your attention at the moment perhaps if we can just look at that is there anything specific or things that you would like to uh look at or discuss today yes so much actually it's been a really you know another wind tunnel day as i said um another pack day um yes you know i think i mean there's so much to share in this session but but i think um we are really entering a kind of vortex of energy that is very necessary and very exciting and you know i'm looking down the timeline into october october is going to be massive i've been saying that for months and i'm sure you feel exactly the same bracket where you know we've got the the fifth and final exact square between eris and pluto that is gigantic and within a two week period as you well know bracket you've got um four planets moving from retrograde to direct and you know it's very interesting if we look at i mean jupiter isn't really an outer plant but if we look at the planets from jupiter outwards for several months now we've had you know jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto all retrograde it's been an extraordinary period of retrogradation plus we've got mercury um for a three-week period but um so that has really encouraged us to integrate the whole experience of what was happening in earlier 2021 before they went retrograde so now for for many people they are getting clearer and when there's that shift of momentum with pluto saturn jupiter mercury all changing direction within a two week period i think we're going to see a real shift in energy to something much um clearer more direct more it's just much more momentum coming in from a period of kind of introspection and fogginess perhaps particularly after we get through this pisces full moon which is you know at the lower level of expression a lot of fog um but beyond that i think we're it's a very different quality of energy as we go through the next few months and then the eclipses november december and you know off we go um so that i think is going to be really i think october is going to be quite pivotal and whatever happens in october will set us up for 2022. and how do you feel about that bracket because i know you've got you've got absolutely and i i really feel as though you spot on all of all of that pam and october is just so pivotal especially with uh we've got this libra energy which has to do with justice and fairness and equality and what matters for you matters for me yeah and not to get into the divisiveness yeah absolutely that's that's we have to be really conscious of not resisting what is happening because what we resist is going to grow and get stronger but that we somehow just gently go around it and find new ways it can be gentle with all the pisces because when i think of pisces i think of libra you know you're the pisces under libra i think it's quite a jet a gentle energy frequency isn't it it is and and that's what makes it so complex doesn't it because you know pisces and libra are so gentle they want peace they want calm they don't want ruffled feathers they don't want any trouble and yet you've got mars in libra and this massive you know pluto era square all through 2020 is going to continue through 2022 but not exactly you know it is mega with a very intense entrenched fighting energy so you've got lots of layers of complexity in this and of course mars isn't very comfortable in libra because it's opposite it's sign of rulership but it i see that as really fighting for because mars has to fight it has to do it has to act fighting for others fighting for truth fighting for justice and so that is going to be so strong through october and you know i don't know you certainly won't be seeing this on mainstream media for sure guaranteed um but if you look at some of the alternative channels you know that there are dozens dozens possibly hundreds of legal cases brewing about various things that may well be coming with all this libra and energy more to the force we get into october that's going to be very interesting to see but perhaps that's to do with the change of momentum who knows yes and certainly the change of momentum once jupiter goes direct that's the legal movement yes yep absolutely happening to really gain momentum so i think you're right so anything involving the law and rules and regulations is really going to be up for questioning and i would also say to the people listening you might really want to uh think about the areas in your life while you're feeling a bit stuck a bit stagnant things that haven't been moving and you will find and you might want to set some intentions here that by the middle of october even the beginning of october things are going to start shifting and moving forward and you're going to feel clearer and you're going to say right i'm ready to stand up and be counted this is important to me yep absolutely and if you've got anything around about you know 24 25 26 of the cardinals signs aries cancer libra capricorn you're going to be feeling intensity somewhere in your life depending on where right pluto and aerosol which houses they're in but yeah sure it's hitting off about four of my planets and have i felt intensely recently broken i think so i think so absolutely and anybody of course as well just to answer that anybody with planets around sort of 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 degrees of the fixed signs because you're getting rocketed by uh uranus here yeah uh the uranus square coming up and also uh as we approach scorpio time and then mars into scorpio and all that and the nodes uh then we're uh we're approaching that energy of taurus and scorpio and how do you feel that is gonna begin to play in what's your feeling about that time yeah that's really interesting it will emphasize uranus um but the north node going into um taurus in january for about 18 months it's very interesting i think uh for me it's and you know i'm sure you feel similarly bracket but it's all about the earth it's about um extreme earth events of various kinds it's all about the earth it's about our agriculture it's about our natural resources it's about our food supplies and there's a huge desire by many many people for simplicity just i mean i feel it a million-fold just to sit on the earth any spare second i get i want to sit on the earth because the earth doesn't lie to you the earth doesn't fear the earth doesn't have you know smoke and mirrors the earth is always there the earth is upgrading herself and we're upgrading with her the earth is so healing and and the earth is just magnificent and can you know support us and nurture us so it's all about the earth and and people it's happening all over as we know are growing their own food they're getting back to a simple way of life our values uranus and tourist values have shifted out of all recognition from even a couple of years ago about what's important and so i think that you know uranus in taurus and that shift of the north node into taurus can be on the one hand increased science in growing food you know gmos and you know all of that but equally it can be a shift back to organic simplicity and i think that's where a lot of people are focused right now yes how did how do you feel bro oh i think you're absolutely right on all of that i'm taking every box here as you're speaking uh and i would also add to that of course we're dealing with the financial system of course and i would imagine that with the south node in scorpio there's going to be some issues around the repaying of debt who's going to deal with the debts scorpio debt yeah i think pluto debt these last degrees of pluto in capricorn i think that's going to be really strongly and especially affecting the united states yeah absolutely beautiful points absolutely absolutely yeah and scorpio is wealth you know ruled by pluto it's elitism in and so that's so fascinating i mean i don't know about you brecker but i'm seeing kind of an awful lot of the world in terms of that pluto return in the us from now on because we are absolutely trucking down the road for that unit becomes exactly in february it's all of next year and if you use the 4th of july 1776 1710 and in the afternoon philadelphia pluto is in the second house of the country's economy and money so is that ever because whatever happens to america's economy is going to happen globally isn't it because everything's connected and we're trying we're trucking towards that right now and i think they're going to be massive economic and financial changes that we can barely imagine things much more digitalized i think there's going to be a lot of financial volatility and that may even begin in the second half of october yes that full moon i barely have vocabulary for that full moon on the 20th i mean my goodness gracious um you know 27 of um i think 27 of libra isn't it um 20 wait a minute i'm looking here so we've got the new one 27 of aries and the fuller berries 27 yes oh my goodness yes that full moon in the harry's activating mars and activating pluto and it's like the whole chain it's a chain of energy absolutely i mean it's just sort of volcanic and also it's interesting looking back that if we're just being pragmatic that financial big shifts have tended to happen in october haven't you that's that's the key month you know for financial fertility so that's let's just say that's going to be interesting it is and i would give peoples a heads up trust your intuition and act before october if you're not sure yeah take some proactive steps um just rather in the direction i would say of safety yes i would be uh because things are looking very shall we say unpredictable i mean you just i mean just bitcoin for example uh lost something like 16 of its value in an hour and then went back up again in 20 minutes i mean it's just it's all unreal this this has no reality to it does it it's like and this is this neptunium energy that we've got that's also prevalent as jupiter goes into pisces joining neptune so it's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on and a lot of um things coming out that have been long hidden would you agree with that absolutely absolutely you know south node moving into scorpio in january all about secrets you know that are being dug up but also the fact that jupiter is kind of grinding through um once it goes direct in october grinding through those last few degrees of capricorn and its purpose in capital it's sort of excavating excuse me excavating anything which is not of the light of the highest integrity of the highest accountability it's going to dig up and in capricorn that is governments big corporations big institutions so it's really gonna dig up anything which has not been of the highest integrity and accountability so it's got a lot of work to do in the next couple of years so that is another sign isn't it that a lot is you know an awful lot is going to happen in well i think i think october is a very key month where everything starts to accelerate um and just yeah continues it does i mean enjoy the rest at the moment build yourself up nourish yourself as much as you can practice finding your inner your inner peacefulness you are the eye of the storm yes you are the eye it can all go on around you is what the ages have been saying and you can still be okay where you are and not get pulled off by these very strong hurricanes and storms and wildfires and uh or all sorts of things that are happening um yeah i think that's awesome sorry no no go ahead sorry i interrupted no no you didn't please um i think that's so wise you know my last update i was saying make peace your obsession make bliss your obsession because i think the more and people are in different circumstances in different countries and it's much easier for some than for others but if you start to cultivate peace and bliss that is really helping you get to the you know the eye of the storm that you're you're talking about brac and the palladians were really talking about this too that the more we can feel peace the more we attract that into our lives because if we feel you know frenzied and scattered and angry and you know confused we're going to get more of that in our lives so you know we this is really bringing us back to our mastery of actually we cultivate our reality by our inner feelings by our frequency we're really going to get that although the lessons are very hard right now they're very tough at the 3d level the lessons are incredibly hard but once you can even get a couple of notches up on the ladder stop watching the news you know big big number one stop watching the new you know your frequency will jump and then you've got some headspace some air space to say okay instead of watching the news tonight what can i do can i sit on the earth can i watch the stars can you know whatever can i hug a tree and and just cultivating that silence that peace that the gaps between the thoughts the gaps between the words so you just drop into this silence of being and that is going to be so rich to produce your reality yes yes beautiful pam thank you and um i would add as well with uranus and taurus being strongly aspected um that this is as hard as these times are on this 3d level as you say and they are bloody difficult often during times of great adversity this is when people have to come up with new ideas new solutions new ways of doing things new ways of growing things new ways of coming together financially new ways of taking responsibility for our food our water our supplies not relying on deep state big state pluto in capricorn necessarily yeah but being much more inventive and saying to ourselves hey look this is a wonderful opportunity for us to really you know take our brains onto that higher frequency uh and to because i think there are so many things out there technologically as well uh that i've been reading about that will clean up the plastic apparently there's a mushroom that eats the plastic absolutely just incredible so it could be sounds kind of crazy but it could be easier than we think if we get lots of these mushrooms and just you know cleaned all up so you know it it isn't that it necessarily take decades or generations they're going to be some natural organic means of of just sorting this out i think it's a very young guy at the age of 16 17 he won a nobel prize for his invention of something was dragged sort of through the sea that could clean up a vast amount of plastic in no time he won a nobel prize for it so you know he he was 16 17 so uh with an unpronounceable name so i can't credit him but you know it's things like this that are going to change our world and technologies that we haven't even imagined you know organic natural positive technologies that can help us immensely and i i have a feeling that you know despite the mess we're in at the moment on the 3d level that things can actually change very quickly people can shift their frequency the key thing though with all of this your frequency you know i want to kind of shout it from the rooftops um because if we can shift that and get the momentum of the collective shifting in a better direction all of this is going to change really really quickly from all this you know it was interesting brock you're talking about you know divisiveness and the need to come together because in tough times i mean in the war people really came together didn't they helped each other swapped food all of that and the aquarian energy is about community and collaboration yes yes yes if we can get our heads straight that's where we're headed yes i i couldn't agree more so the future is bright the future is positive and i think we must it's not about being in la la land we're not saying this is not difficult it is extremely difficult and we've certainly got some pain to go through yeah but sometimes pain can be uh wonderful yes not pleasant necessarily but after it there's pain in giving birth to a child usually but look what the miracle you have afterwards so we may go through these lifting pains but the miracles that we produce afterwards and whenever i think of uranus i think of instant things happening it's like all of a sudden everything's different in the twinkling of an eye yeah i love that and you know various people have talked about a big solar flash i don't know if that's going to happen i mean certainly uranus and taurus has brought about a lot more solar activity and coronal mass ejections and solar storms that's very uranus and taurus taurus the earth uranus you know electromagnetic energy so we're seeing that in a very physical way and it's affecting our sleep and you know upgrading us etc so yes it can change i believe in the twinkling of an eye and what and i hardly do mention this actually i i don't i do i mention this because you know people because i've j reason i just hopped on kind of two minutes before the callback is i was having a very quick exchange with a a good friend of mine because i douse a lot um as you know and i've been doing it more recently and kind of checking not only my own frequency but people close to me who give me permission you always have to ask permission to enter somebody else's energy field but i've also been dowsing the the collective for humanity and that has just been going up in i you know i can barely believe it leaps and bounds and i was doing it this afternoon checking for a friend and the maximum level for humanity well the maximum potential for humanity was literally off my chart i i i couldn't get it it was off the chart so i asked a couple of good friends who had doused us to check it and they came back and they said yeah it's you know we haven't got a calibration for that wow you know that was and i barely dare share this in case my pendulum has just gone nuts and i'm talking rubbish but that was a very exciting moment because with all these massive upgrades of energy i think so you know i really really really want to say i'm going to become very boring with this and i'm going to say my next update and go on and on about it because you know as the palladians confirmed the other day through ubrecker in that short q a we did the bandwidth for humanity has stretched massively so our individual experience is going to be way more different than it has ever been yes determined so yes you know if you're in in in fear and anger and i know people are going to be in a situation on the front line where it's you know it's hard to avoid those scary things people having a really you know intensely tough time but even if you can tweak it a little bit to get to a high frequency you are going to start to open up a vista which means that you can you can really start to experience something completely different to anything you've ever experienced in your life before and that's the sense i'm getting with people living at a high frequency who you know are creating synchronicities in every moment they're living in the magic zone um a couple of people several people actually who are shamans and healers and i think you've even hinted this yourself bracket that you know they think we're already there it's just going to play out on the 3d level we are already there it's just it has to filter down to this 3d level of kind of sludge and fog and drama but if we can just shift our compass needle it can be so different yes could you share ways that you shift your compass needle or people could do that maybe could you give it dead simple honestly and i you know i say this in all my videos you'd have to go anywhere pay money go and record i mean they're literally it's it's been grateful you know it's been grateful for my pillow my mattress my in fact i had clean water although i had no water at all this morning but not anybody around here so it's been grateful i have arms and legs and eyes it's been grateful i can see a tree or hug a tree i might dance even on my own i might sing i might laugh with a friend which i do often with you um i might meditate i might candle gaze i might do strong breath work i might do yoga i might meditate all of those things raise your frequency and you can measure it you know if you do dollars you can do a before and after yes um being in the huge thing i think and just you know being grateful for the birds and the sky and you know and celebrate every every shift in seasons you know celebrate the beauty of that like a child would wow look at that isn't that amazing you know just like a child it's re simplicity i think is what it's all about it's nothing complicated it's simplicity and it's you with your own frequency on an inner with an inner sense interacting for me it's nature for me it's always nature or animals good friends or very very long what is it for you bracket oh that's beautiful thank you and perhaps people might want to share in the chat here what is it for you what are you feeling what let's really inspire one another with new ideas and new ways that we can raise our frequency because what works for one may not work for somebody else says somebody's saying walking the dog here yeah so you know and i know you love walking figgy so we just one of the things for me it's feeding and donating my little cat here yeah so what what are the what are the things that and you'll know when your frequency's gone up because you'll feel good it's quite as simple as that your energy will feel better um it's not necessarily a technical thing it's just something you'll know internally and the higher we keep that frequency is you keep saying and i also think that with uranus in taurus and the node the north noding taurus we're getting a frequency upgrade for the physical body oh definitely right for sure right that's taurus the physical body the senses how we perceive the world i think that is you know we're all in here for an upgrade we're getting skipping hug a tree silence sun on your skin listening to music dancing laughter nature animals gratitude meditation music going to museums chatting with your toddler laying on the grass yeah great art yes so this is great we know what it takes right we know innately it's not complicated we haven't got to go to school and learn it or go on a course or read a book you know it's just literally that and it's experiential yes it's experiential it's getting out of the head and into the body in a bigger way i think that you know towards the body i think that's really important too yes yes so just know that you are getting not especially with uranus you're getting an opportunity to take your physical onto a much uh a body that is able to heal instantaneously yeah i really believe that instantaneously and over the waves i think that uranus taurus energy we can heal one another through thought through telepathy through energy in the field is the healing of the body would you would you agree totally and just being with somebody who has that state of being of high frequency you know our energy fields um are infectious they're contagious i mean there's been tons even harvard you know has been studying this with because in my previous life i used to teach um senior management how to make more persuasive presentation skills and i remember at yale and harvard they were doing studies on if the presenter had you know positivity high frequency they would infect the audience to be more likely to say yes to the proposal rather than no so even from a business point of view but you know it's well known we infect each other like we infect each other with colds or whatever you don't mention that in the current climate but you know it's a state of being so yes you can you know you can really heal people just this is charical energy this is chariqlow the healer simply by your fate of being so that's what becomes very exciting just to be around people and the more of us can do that you know everything starts to get yes yes and you're not walking along the street and seeing glum faces people don't smile anymore people are not in fact if you smile at them they look at you sometimes you're off your rocker you know oh i do i do i i once read somewhere that you need to be a smile millionaire oh that's beautiful isn't that beautiful and i've quoted that before but you need to smile at everybody you can because it's infectious and there's just a little ripple in everybody's days oh you know that's you know that's really nice and you know i think bracket it's important for well certainly i'm going to confess this that you know people think astrologers have perfect lives my life is not perfect and you know i'll leave rapper to talk about her but you know my life is not you know i'm not living in disneyland here but i am working you know with all of my own personal issues and i've been quite a few of those the last few months i am working constantly very hard on keeping my frequency high because i know that's the solution to stuff i know that's my bubble wrap i know that will get me to a better place it bubble wraps me against some of the you know the worst of it but it life becomes easier even if stuff hits you out of the blue which it did for me even um it becomes easier if you can keep your frequency up because everything you're in life also moving forwards on an ongoing basis has to be a frequency match for you absolutely beautiful that's yeah i couldn't put that better that is really perfectly put pammy yeah yeah i mean you shouldn't pray don't you brac i mean the challenges you had in new zealand coming back and you know i mean yeah there's loads of stuff of which i usually share a lot of it with the with uh my with my lovely community here um but just to show that we all go through our challenges and our difficulties and i think there's more help around than there's ever been you're not alone anymore i think there used to be this tremendous feeling of aloneness but now there is there's just a sense of connections happening do you do you feel that too absolutely connections of frequency and i think particularly after the lockdowns when so many people were isolated and alone that was very hot you know they're used as torture don't they i mean look at you know mandela nelson mandela that was a torture to keep him in solitary confinement so and we've come out of those situations if you are out of lockdown i know people in areas like australia having a horrible time right now but we so so value human connection in a way that we probably didn't as fully before we kind of might have taken it for granted till it was taken away from us yes and so the human connection is so precious so precious yes yes extremely valuable precious and um yeah we're here to treasure one another instead of treasuring money uranus in taurus money systems money is you know when you really think about it it's paper yeah yeah it is sadly and there may be some hiccups with that too and there's not even paper anymore now it's just you know in on the net somewhere digitally yeah so i think a lot has to somehow change with what what to be of value to us you know and i think that i i would imagine that people are going through you know what what work do i want to do a lot of people lost their jobs don't want to go back or maybe we're in isolation and still don't want to go back now that they have maybe have the opportunity so there's changes in work changes in what you want to do uranus in taurus the awakening of your talents your gifts your creativity so i think this is all uh quite a part of the mix would you agree pam yeah absolutely yeah absolutely beautifully observed because um you know people are going to have had to become very creative if they lost their work but i think we're moving into a whole surge of a lot of people deciding i don't want to do this anymore for a whole bunch of very clear reasons um this is my waterloo i've reached my waterloo i do not want to do this anymore so i think we're going to see quite a big exit from by many people from jobs they've had for a long time and that may bring about this reinvention or this greater desire for community to share to help each other etc um which will be which will be wonderful you know aquarius grass roots are wonderful and life will be very different there's much more about shared experience than territorial ownership don't you think yes yes oh i love that that's beautiful no i just love the way you put that because you know in these last seven or eight years the billionaires their wealth has just grown immensely and everybody else has just it's diminished immensely you know you may not realize that it has but your the value of the money in your pocket has greatly gone down because they've printed so much money out of thin air with no uh value behind it so this whole inequality um is just gonna get sorted out naturally i don't think we even have to fight it yeah it's very interesting because of course uranus is all about equality ruling aquarius heiress is absolutely against elitism inequality everybody needs to have a voice everybody in society not one person left out as as iris was at the wedding at mount olympus you know the only goddess left out so that is a passionate um warrior energy for every single person across the world to be heard and i love iris i mean she's a female warrior i love her she's a goddess of yes discord and chaos which we're going to see a lot of at the 3d level but of awakening to awaken us to a higher level of being to value every single person on this earth and i do think you know it was interesting bracket you talking about very tough times and that's so true ultimately we will come together in adversity we will see awakenings that are going to happen in the coming months there's no question no question about that at all and just remember really i think it is not to get caught up in divisiveness i think that's really going to be important to be aware when you're getting into like a fighting energy or whether you are peacefully saying this just doesn't work for me i i'm going to find another way yeah yes yes very important i think super important because the divisiveness just lowers your frequency and the person you're fighting with for whatever you know that isn't that's just going to perpetuate the 3d world we don't we no longer want exactly you want a better reality don't be in those low frequency energies and i know easy for me to say but remember i have you know i don't have a perfect life either but we've got to make the effort because if you feel angry you'll get more of it if you feel frustration you'll get more of it if you feel panic you get more you know we've got to be masterful enough to live from the inside out and shift it because then even millimeter by millimeter we're going to start to attract um a much better reality and we are all on very different trajectories now that this the width is as i said earlier that wider than we've ever been so almost like we're on different speeds of escalator is almost how i see you know some people are on you know super fast fast track at heathrow airport they whiz in a way to their you know and and that isn't to suggest elitism it's just to suggest self-determination self-selecting your timeline by your frequency so nobody in the future will be telling you this is your escalator you are self-selecting it depending on the frequency you've achieved for yourself it's from us it's inside out not outside in yes yes that's beautiful that's quite a good analogy isn't it i think that's beautiful i love it yes i do well i could talk to you for hours i feel as though we've covered a lot of ground is there anything else you would like to add in terms of what you how i mean i think you've really shared so many pearls of wisdom quite honestly you're wearing your beautiful pearls tonight that's quite you know you know looking very posh like the queen here yeah thank you i think it's been very equal well thank you for that uh uh pami um but yeah is there anything else you would like to share in any way of a tip or anything that uh you feel how are you feeling about the big jupiter neptune conjunction next day ah well that's beautiful for you pammy right on your son well i'll either drown or have a mystical moment i think you're gonna have more than a mystical moment i think all the dreams and yeah i think it's uh meteorology your career is going to go i believe somebody mentioned that to you recently and i think that really is wow but i think that it's really a wonderful time spiritually for a great awakening really to happen on a mass level a mast you know jupiter doesn't do things by what's your feeling because as a pisces you're going to be even more in tune with that yeah pisces sun and minus smack on my son as you know bracket which could be very interesting but you know it's interesting isn't it we've got the ancient ruler of pisces jupiter and the modern ruler of pisces neptune and we've got this boundless energy that is just to me it feels very fine and it there's a real shift towards um everybody being more intuitive everybody being more psychically connected and neptune and pisces ultimately are about unconditional love connection to oneness connection to source so i think there could be really quite a jump in everybody's frequency towards something way more compassionate it's about compassion isn't it for all beings animals plants birds everything and it's no problem yes no it's because it's boundless it's mutable water you know it's boundless and and there's something really fine and exquisitely loving about that conjunction i it really is it's like we really feel it's such a heart opening opportunity isn't it it's like wow i mean we know on the 3d level yes of course there could be flooding issues with water i mean these are things that might be in the wings i think we could also look at sending prayers around our waters i mean certainly in greece because we're surrounded by water on january the 6th on epiphany um the priests come and they bless the waters yes and all these strong young men they dive into the cold sea and the priest throws uh something and whoever gets it is you know especially fortunate but it's um you know maybe we could really focus on blessing our oceans and the water i mean you had no water for what a few hours today and yeah and i was saying to to to you bracket just before we started you know how much it made me appreciate water no so we all went grubby this morning everybody in my little hamlet and local villages we were all grubby and you know it made me really think gosh i just had no water for a few hours what if i lived in africa or india and i had to walk miles to get a bucket of water for the day you know how lucky am i that's another thing to be grateful for if you have water normally um so yeah and it's interesting you say that about blessing the water because a couple of healers i know they have a jug of water and they just write love on a piece of paper and stick it to the water jug and they say it changes the frequency of the water because they think love every time they pick the jug up beautiful such a simple thing to do isn't to change the frequency of the water and yes just blessing every you know every glass you have with love i think that makes a difference so yeah water will be healing yeah water water water is going to be a real keyword you're going to see water mentioned i feel in the news in the media everything to do with water is going to be uh prevalent yeah and that could be to linking in with uranus in taurus the big earth changes because when we had jupiter that dipped into just a couple of degrees of pisces in in the summer in the northern hemisphere we had all that flooding in europe particularly germany so you know that was just a glimpse of there may be more flooding that doesn't necessarily have to be the case but we can also live it at a much higher level of being than this yes and since we know it's coming we can be extremely appreciative of everything to do with water and really tune into what what does the water want from us what does it need and how can we reprogram it because we have an input as well that is really important you know not taking it for granted not putting chemicals in it god knows what they put in the water these days everybody's got filters or bottles all these things you know we very few people actually drink the fresh pure water anymore how did that happen on our plan yeah yeah that's true absolutely and if you look at the work of mazuru omoto when he instructed people to you know he had various um files of water and and people were instructed to send different emotions of love or hate or anger or jealousy and then what he did was freeze those particular samples of water and the ones that were sent love and positive emotion had beautiful symmetry in the crystals and the ones that had anger or hate or jealousy were all distorted and ugly in the crystal shapes and his work is really easy to find online you can and it's been validated by many different people but the you know water holds memory water captures your frequency that you directed it hence love on the water jar but it holds the memory of whatever you've directed to it so we again have huge influence on the water molecules you know our power is so much greater than we can possibly imagine we're just not very aware of it but his work masuru imoto um was a genius i think i i met him once locally when he came to do a talk before just before he died and you know he was a genius and and so instructive for us every day it's amazing yeah i mean really so the waters and of course people go all over the world for healing waters don't they yeah no we're gonna get healed go here go there so um [Music] i think that uh everything you've said then of course it's very connected with health and well-being and the soothing of the emotions yeah yeah there's a cleansing you know if you can be in the shower um and imagine you're in a waterfall you know how cleansing it is so you're being i asked the palladians this the other day you know that you're not just cleansed on the outside but you're being cleansed on the inside if you can imagine that that's beautiful yeah just beautiful yeah so really although we've got a lot of shall we say dirt and muck and stuff to sweep away and deal with and detoxify personally and globally we've got such a bright there's already in the making absolutely you know and what's extraordinary i know you know people like this bracker that people who are managing to keep on that high frequency are attracting synchronicities and they're like the right people the right places the right land if they want to buy something and then something magical happens with that you know they're able to get it for you know a kind of way out crazy reason they couldn't have possibly invented thought off themselves but it's happening you know this magic is actually happening but you've got to raise your frequency to pull that in because if you're just the rubber hitting the road watching the nightly news your possibilities appear they're not but they appear to be very limited indeed they're not but they appear to be that way because that's the reality that you're kind of immersed in um so switch the switch the news off and that's wonders for me once yes and you i think braking you never listen either i mean you know i i read it once twice a day and that's it right i don't listen it's different yeah you know when you're mesmerized by a picture and pulled in it's quite different yes it's different because that pisces in that neptune pisces can be slightly hypnotic yes very hypnotic you know what are you being hypnotized by yes because there's a lot of hypnosis going on on our subconscious levels with social media i won't go into that in any depth but i think people are beginning to realize that uh there's a lot of mind games going on and just stay clear of it as much as you can and you'll know the minute you're being pulled down the minute you start to feel your energy your frequency shift you know you know when you're dropping and catch it before it drops big time it's like when you start to feel not so well if you catch it quickly you know you've got a sore throat right quickly your gargle with salt or whatever it is that you do take vitamin c you catch it you turn it around real quick yeah yeah and that's a great point because you know being aware of your frequency is a great um barometer or navigator through your day if frequency is your focus you think oh i've just dropped an object which i wish i hadn't seen that was you know that video whatever that somebody said you know i can no i'm done i'm gonna look over here so using frequency is your navigating tool through your day i think is the best thing i can possibly say to people would you agree i agree with you entirely i really do because the more that you can become aware of what you're vibrating out whether you're vibrating an awful sound or a beautiful sound that will come back to you yes absolutely because it has to it's the law of the universe it's a frequency match everything in your reality is a frequency match yes yes and that's what the age of aquarius is taking us towards yeah everything to do with frequency and the uh air waves yeah and and make no mistake that you can help other people so much more when your frequency is high you can't help people when you're on a low frequency and we aren't here to help each other right i mean that's what i feel i'm here for is to help you know through these times so it's like it's almost like it's our responsibility to the best that you can sure i could have many blips and it's like oops whoopsie daisy and okay but you know i really feel this is uh as you keep saying yeah it's your thing really pammy we must make that the prime focus and then all the other physical things you've been dreaming of your house your car your partner all all of those things begin to manifest in magical ways that you couldn't have dreamed of yep yep i i really really agree because frequent everything in your life will come from your frequency i passionately believe that in my bones so you get that in a better place and everything improves it also dramatically improves your health if your frequency is good you'll stay well and you won't feel anywhere near a doctor or a hospital or anything like that so it's you know and and really people get healed by being with somebody you know often by raising their frequency themselves or being with a healer who can entrain them to raise their frequency yes yes the healer is merely um kind of jump leads or a um a mechanism by which the person themselves who is who is it can can can kind of jump up their frequency but it isn't the healer really doing the healing it's the healer through a high level of frequency in training the patient to heal themselves beautiful and you know it's been found i think scientifically that hate and bitterness and anger are very cancer forming yes yes absolutely absolutely forms those cells that go out of the beautiful alignment absolutely and certain emotions lodge in certain parts of the body i think anger lodges in the liver fear lodges in the kidneys you know different emotions are lodged if you look at chinese medicine they are you know absolutely expert on this um if the if we see where the problem lies in the body and that will track you back to the emotion or the trauma that began there exactly yes i'm working together you know speaking with you today doing things collaboratively on the higher frequency you can you well i hope that we are radiating that out to our you know our soul family here that there's a radiation that happens that is a positive radiation not a nuclear one that's sucking everybody but one that really you know is inspiring and uplifting and really you know you start to think oh there's more possibilities here there's more options yeah that you don't feel tied in uh you know because that's the illusion because the tubes of neptune can be illusionary in pisces you know what are we buying into illusion are we buying into yeah and it's just not necessarily your reality absolutely and and just as you know as we've been saying just to increase your frequency a couple of notches can open up more possibilities join a group get in touch with your neighbors your local farmers form a network so you're not feeling alone you feel more supported and there's such a depth of humanity in doing that you know we are all in this together the power of the people aquarius that's it it is the people and it's not just those few yeah yeah yeah totally and and i think we're really starting to get a sense of that yes it's down to us um it really is and we have much greater power than we realize particularly when we um connect with others we have a formidable power energetically but also in communication um formidable yes yeah i mean coming together with you here it's it's it's powerful two rather than one yeah it really there's a there's a richness that can be co-created because there's certainly a co-creation so um yeah wow oh pami thank you so so much for well thank you it's been great i've loved every moment of it thank you lucy for doing an amazing job she's been on her own as a moderator nobody else was available today thank you lucy you've been amazing because the chat has not stopped so do check out cam's website which is uh the yeah or the shorthand is just pam and just be aware it's being upgraded at the moment won't be finished till end october it's it's so it's very slow if you're trying to read you know detailed stuff on a mobile it'll drive you crazy please be patient the website guys can't work any harder so it'll be late october okay and then it'll look a lot better than it does right now but yes everything is on the website and and i just want to say bracket you know it's great because we speak the same language that you know we stimulate each other's thoughts we bounce off each other and then talking to you and the palladians as well you know i have thoughts that i didn't have before you know it's very um you know the whole is greater than the sum of the parts sort of thing that we you we become more productive i think in sharing the conversation so that's hopefully helpful for people too yeah yeah no i really hope so thank you beautiful soul family thank you lucy thank you pam thanks a million and uh i hope you'll come back next month will you yeah of course i will yeah yeah absolutely like a bad penny yes absolutely well lots of love to you pami yeah and to you brackel and have a wonderful wonderful rest of the evening it's a little bit late there now so you know wonderful rest of the evening and thank you so much been a joy thank you thank you thank you pammy thank you okay
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 43,152
Rating: 4.9826889 out of 5
Keywords: #astrology, #channeling, #pleiadian, pam gregory, pammy gregory, pammie gregory, barbara goldsmith, bracha goldsmith, astrology discussion, astrologers chat, astrology 2021 autumn, astrology message, astrological predication, astrology forecast, september equinox, sept astrology 2021, october astrology, oct 2021, jupiter neptune conjunction, pisces energy, water frequency, frequencies, water blessings
Id: ZD6RjtvK1HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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