The effect of the full Moon on 20th September 2021 by Roland Legrand ABLAS astrology

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[Music] hello the time has come to talk about the chart of the full moon which is going to occur on the 20th of september 2021 at 23 55 at night gmt so that's almost midnight gmt on the 20th of september 2021 there will be a full moon a full moon is here shown by the opposition between the sun which is at 28 degrees and 14 minutes in virgo and the moon which is at 28 degrees and 14 minutes in the opposite sign pisces not far from neptune as you can see here and the sun is not far from mars which is here in libra at 3 degrees and 53 minutes so there is a kind of opposition as well with the moon between the moon and mass but it is what we call a false aspect or a hidden aspect because the sign libra is not in opposition with the sign pisces there is between the two what we call an incungent which is a an angle of 150 degrees so we are going to talk about this chart and try to analyze what may come out of the various configurations that are found in this chart now before i start this reading i'd like to remind you about this book right and this one now i also want to remind you of two webinars that we have planned with lucas to conduct in september and in october one is about introduction to the practice of astrology if you're interested in astrology and you want to you know learn astrology this book will allow you to you know it's very comprehensive as far as the information needed to be able to analyze any birth chart in a quite in a deep matter you know in a profound way a thing that you will find in this book the information that you need to do so and also to understand you know what is going on in a in a chart which is not really easy for someone who doesn't know much about astrology so it is a science it is an art to me it is an art more than a science but it is something that can you know uh sort of accompany your life and make it better that's why i call my school a better life astrology school anyway the other book deals with the transits and the effects of the planets as they transit around the zodiac with you know their interaction in the chart of the person so for example if you have a transit of jupiter somewhere around the zodiac it may have a very strong influence in some area of your life according to the various configurations that it forms with your birth chart and that is something that is really interesting if you want to forecast you know so there are two seminars the one seminar in september as to deal with learning astrology and beginning astrology it's really designed more for those who don't know much at all about astrology it lasts for twice an hour and a half so it's three hours on a saturday on a sunday and uh the other one deals with the um direct motion you know jupiter saturn and pluto uh at the moment they're retrograde and they're not the only ones actually that are retrograde because as you can see here uranus is retrograde as well and of course we have here saturn pluto their retrograde and jupiter is retrograde as well and neptune is retrograde but those three here are going to begin their direct motion again in october so the seminar or the webinar is designed to tell you what may happen worldwide and for you know according to your sign and perhaps according to your child but according to the uh meaning of each planets what they represent and what they mean will start to move forward again which is quite important as you will find out if you attend this seminar this webinar sorry you will find the information anywhere on the website so please don't write to me directly to get some information visit our website you will find the information you will be able to access the form the enrollment form and from there on you can move and we will send you the information to participate in this webinar one of them or both of them thank you very much so now let's get cracking with this chart of the full moon of the year 20th of september 2021. now as you can see it happens on the axis between virgo and pisces the signs are complementary in a way but they're still in opposition and the opposition means that they're not really agreeing with one another you know not spontaneously i mean by that there is always a bit of pisces in a virgo person and a bit of virgo in a pisces person and sometimes it is difficult to uh to see that to you know to to appreciate the fact that there is a connection between both sides but there is one so the opposition is a very important aspect as far as the sun and the moon are concerned because the full moon is the moment in the month when the energy of the moon is at its strongest and it does influences the tides you know in the seas it also influences our own self because we are made of about 70 80 percent of water so there is a tide sort of action that occurs within ourselves within our body and of course it is according to the progression of the moon around the earth and when it is full naturally this strength of the energy is really really at its highest so in pisces because it is a water sign and because it is next to neptune and neptune represents pisces so it is very strong in this sign as well it means that the water element will probably prevail during this period virgo is a is an earth sign so the earth and the water are going to mix together and that will mean floods and other consequences on a psychological point of view as well it is going to have an influence so it makes us more influenceable for example we probably have a tendency to believe to need to believe much more so we need to be i think conscious of that and to try and sort of get to the verbal side of our personality because we all have a verbal side even though you may be born under any other side you have a virgo side somewhere along the line and that is because we are in the center of the zodiac so we receive uh influences from every sign so we all have a bit of pisces a bit of virgo a bit of aries and so on and so forth but of course to a certain extent according to our own charts but it means that during this period which is going to last until the new moon naturally so it's going to last for about two weeks you see the newman is going to occur on the 6th of october at 1107 in the morning gmt of course at 13 degrees and 25 minutes where here in libra well we'll talk about that later on i'll make a video for this chart as well now uh think of the full moon as being the climax more or less it is a moment when actually the moon is going to become less and less round and full it's going to disappear slowly to become the new moon so that period between the full moon and the new moon is more or less like a period when we should try to get rid of what is not necessary anymore to keep we tend to keep so many things that we don't need honestly it is incredible if you live somewhere for a number of years and someday you have to move you will find out how much you have kept in in your cupboards and wardrobes it is crazy that is our society you know materialistic and we need to to buy things on the spur of a moment we get crazy about this and that and once we have used that thing a couple of times it is locked in a cupboard or in a drawer somewhere and we don't think about it anymore we don't use it anymore so that is something that we need to assess and i think that the full moon is a good moment to do so because you see the moon is in pisces and pisces is the last sign as you know most probably the first sign is aries the last one is pisces so being the last sign it means that it leads to the first one right and as such it represents the period during which we should actually prepare for the first sign which means they start it is the beginning of something new and of course it's not going to happen when they the moon is in aries it's more going to happen when the sun is in harry's i mean the sun represents a vital force so this is what it means like around march when the sun enters in aries on the 20th or 21st of march until about the 20th of april it is the moment in the year when everything is sort of starting again it's like being in retrograde motion and actually this configuration between the moon and the sun the opposition between the moon and the sun the moon being in pisces acts a bit like a retrogradation and during the retrogradation the idea is to sort of put things on standby in order to prepare ourselves for the new start and the new beginning is of course when the moon is new naturally so the next new moon will occur on the 6th of october as i said before and the period during the uh from the full moon until the new moon is the period during which we should try to assess what we don't need anymore in order to prepare ourselves for the new new start new moon the new cycle right and that new cycle is going to last for about 14 days until the full moon and so on and so forth there is always something that we can start and something that we can end and this full moon is the ending phase before the new cycle can begin so it is a short cycle naturally it only lasts for about 14 days but what you decide and what you start during the those 14 days may last for much longer of course for many years perhaps for the rest of your life so it is very important to assess the truth actually here we have neptune and neptune as i said earlier represents what we tend to believe what we need to believe what we want to believe what we you know are or also used to believe but it doesn't mean that it is the reflection of reality of course virgo represents the ability that we all have more or less you know it all depends on everyone is different but we have that ability to analyze you know to observe and to perhaps detail what is going on we may also have a tendency to focus on some details and virgo represents the details that pertain to the whole that we tend to forget when we focus on one or two details belonging to that you know ensemble and the ensemble the whole or the holiness is represented by pisces which is a cross from virgo so virgo is meant to be a down-to-earth practical rational sign whereas pisces is more spiritual sign a spiritual means you know the immensity of the heavens there is no limit it is the universe or whatever you want to call it virgo is not like that but virgo has that sort of link necessary link with the ensemble the holiness and the fact that actually we all belong to that vault which is the universe so the full moon in pisces is important not only because it occurs in pisces but because neptune is next to it and neptune represents beliefs and represents actually the immensity to which we belong so there will probably be a need to assess the situation our earthly situations which is represented by virgo in accordance with the immensity to which we belong so it means that we will need to try and find the middle way because if we let ourself go in the immensity it means that we float in the air and we dream of a better world or a better life but we don't do anything about it we just you know dream and wait and see what happens that's not the best way to obtain anything is it so virgo is there to give us the rationality and also i think that it gives us sufficient uh i found the world um we need to be realistic about what is going on in our lives and this period during this full moon until the next new moon in october represents the moment when we can actually understand that we don't need this anymore but we need that more and we have to find the middle way between what we keep and what we leave behind somehow we need to share also and sharing is more relating to pisces than virgo virgo is more a self-centered sign like it doesn't mean that virgo people are self-centered but we are all self-centered anyway that's the ego and we need the ego ego equals survival if we don't have any ego then it becomes difficult for us to leave actually the ego is represented by the sun so the sun being in virgo naturally it enhances the ego and the need to see things through our own eyes and according to our own perceptions but the movement in pisces next to neptune indicates that there is something else which is much bigger much more important must probably on a more perhaps spiritual point of view so on an invisible point of view but what we live is visible so we need to visualize what we need to keep for ourselves and for our family perhaps and what we need to get rid of the lighter your existential vehicle is the quicker you will reach the goals that you set for yourself it's just like having a car overloaded with a lot of junk or stuff that you are taking with you on holidays or anywhere your car is going to have a hard time keeping up with the speed on the freeway until you reach your goal and perhaps it is going to break down because it's going to get tired it's going to overheat and so on and your existential vehicle is the same so it doesn't mean get rid of everything and have just a suitcase and let's go and enjoy life for some it is the way they've chosen right fair enough but we in this society as i said earlier tend to accumulate too many things and that's not only on the material point of view it's also intellectual thoughts beliefs and prejudices all that are represented by this type of configuration it is a fight between the rational represented by virgo and the irrational represented by pisces but what is better than the other we don't know i think it is good to have both but in proportions that are equal or at least that allow us to live lightly rather than heavily because we can be very heavy depending on the way we think and the way we perceive life and the questions that we ask ourselves about life in general but in this chart there is not only this opposition between the sun and the moon next to neptune naturally there is also mars here you see mars is in libra libra is a sign of justice so if we want things to be just we have to impose our own perception or what is just or unjust and that is mars the god of war that will allow us to obtain what we want in accordance with what we deserve no more no less but it may of course lead to a fight we may need to combat to impose what we deserve so mars as you can see is in opposition with the moon so as i said earlier on this chart it is a hidden aspect because pisces and libra are not opposite signs virgo and pisces are but not libra and pisces so there is not an opposition as such but there will be because the moon as you know travels very fast around the zodiac here it is at 28 degrees there is two degrees left to enter in aries and two degrees is what four hours for the moon so four hours after this uh full moon that is about 4 00 am gmt on the 21st of september the moon will be in aries for a couple of days couple and a half actually so during that time it will be in opposition with mars and it will probably trigger a lot of various reactions emotional reactions as well you see the moon is going to transit in aries right and whose sign it is is it massive sign so mass the god of war is in opposition with the moon transiting its own place its own residence i mean aries is mars resistance more or less so it's not going to be quite happy to see that the moon is transiting there because it's not there it's a cross from there in opposition so it's going to trigger emotional reactions the moon is going to feel threatened by the energy of mars so naturally it's going to react and if you have something in in libra or in aries in your chart you will feel the difference when the moon enters in aries and for the two and a half days during the transit uh in aries you will become much more fidgety and reactive and at times impatient and at times even aggressive and that aggressiveness is going to stem from emotional reactions the difficulty with the moon is to actually control our emotions and emotions flip to age you know what i mean by that is that during those two and a half days that is therefore until the moon enters in taurus and that will be on the 23rd of september the moon will be in opposition with mars it will also be in opposition with mercury because mercury is in libra and that opposition is create misunderstanding that's what it is indicating misunderstanding you see mercury represents your intellect and it is in libra and mass is in libra as well it is the the sign of justice what is just what is unjust that is what is going to motivate you myself as well to react to what is happening around us so we may have very strong reactions actually to oppose what we feel as being unjust and that may trigger some conflicts with people around and perhaps with the system with the law why not the other thing is that there is current here in aries and karen deals with health anything to do with your health must be taken into consideration during the moment or during the period when the moon transits in in aries and more especially on the 22nd of september when the moon arrives around the position of karen so during this period avoid being too impulsive especially if you move around because mercury represents movement and short distance travels meeting people discussing and mixing with people you should perhaps try to you know avoid too many uh unnecessary contacts with uh with other people in order in order to protect yourself and also mouse and mercury can trigger reactions that are contrary to your safety accidents do happen you know and then when they do as you know as well they do very quickly very fast and speed is represented by mass violence is represented by mass so we need to take it easy for about a couple of days and a half during the transit of the moon in aries then it is going to reach uranus here on the 24th of september uranus is retrograde it is in discordance with saturn and it is in opposition with venus and it is in venice's sign it is a bit blocked by saturn but it's been blocked by saturn since saturn is in is in aquarius and that is since the 17th of december 2020 so the whole 2021 it will remain in this sign and the whole 2022 it will also remain in this sign until march 2023 if you want to find out more about this configuration watch the video that i made either for your sign for 2022 or your rising sign or for the uh for the world you know the global um video uh so uranus represents change we want to change we all need to change there are things that you want to change in your life probably if you don't want to change anything uranus is not going to have any effect but the the things that we want to change seem to be blocked by saturn saturn represents reality right it represents also the fact that we need to comply with what is imposed on us so the change that we want is to actually perhaps make a type of mix between the world before as we knew it and the world now and after so we may react especially when the moon transits around the position of uranus because it represents our emotions so emotions can really trigger strong reactions but the reactions that we have while we are under emotional stress then may be completely wrong so we need to assess that as well and perhaps be careful while the moon transits around the position of uranus on the 24th of september to avoid deciding on a choice that we will regret very soon after venus across from uranus indicates that our feelings love are probably concerned as well and there could be a situation when we need to accept a change on the basis of what and perhaps whom we love so saturn is there between venus and uranus right it is there to sort of play the part of the person who says well you're right you're wrong if you want to be together try and be more realistic about the situation because uranus does not represent rationality it represents the need to change and it represents our inventiveness as far as what we want to make of the world of the future of our own future but it's not necessarily very realistic so saturn is there to say okay you want to change but take it easy you know think before you get into that change and organize it make sure that what you change is as good as what you had even better otherwise you will be disappointed and that is what actually is pulling us apart more or less we want to change but we're not 100 sure that what we are going to change will be better or at least as good as what we used to have uh habits you know they're very solid those habits they don't want to to live as they they cling on us in our heads and even in our bodies so i think that we have lost quite and we've accepted to lose quite a bit of our habits uh during the this difficult period since the beginning of 2020 but there needs to be an end to it and there will be an end to it and that end is represented by uranus but that end to my personal appreciation will not really be accessible before saturn changes sign while it is in aquarius it remains in difficult configuration with uranus that represents aquarius so the configuration is blocking or slowing down the process of change renewing our own life you know so we may have to wait until march 2023 to see our horizons sort of clear up and then everything may become more much more easy to to address and and to change so the change that you are wanting to realize perhaps will take until at least mars 2023 to be completed so saturn represents passions we need to be passionate and gradually we will succeed but we also need to be determined about that of course now the next transit of the moon while it you know circles around the zodiac will be of course when it joins with lettuce and then north luna node so the null through the node i've talked about it before in other videos represents statute which we should be tending to go right whereas the south linear node represents that from which we should try and detach ourselves now you see there is a good configuration here with saturn which is not the case with uranus and there is a good configuration in between saturn and the south lunar node and that gives us the ability to see things as they are although lilith or the black moon being next to the north lunar node the things that we see as they are are perhaps not really as they seem to be complicated eh it is because liters represents what is unknown ignored or hidden and i'm pretty sure that during this period many things are going to come up and some light is going to be shed on the dark zones what you don't know or what you don't want to know what you hide perhaps or what is hidden from you suddenly may become a bit clearer i'm saying a little bit clearer because the moon is not the sun right and even though it reflects the the light of the sun it is not the sun so it may shed some light on some hidden aspects of your life and of life in general it may have to do with the situation actually and we may find out that there's a lot that we need to to know about and we will kind of get closer to what we need to know but we also get closer to what we need to show because we also hide so if you lock up things that are very valuable and that will that would really enhance and increase the potentials in some of such or such area of your life then it would be a shame not to take those things out of that shadow in order to share them with the outside world and therefore benefit from what you have it may be a potential a talent or it may be any other any other thing that you may benefit from if you take those out of that hidden place where you keep those things for too long perhaps anyway around that time around that day on the 26th of september i think that we will find out for sure saturn represents what is real we will find out for sure that what has been hidden was hidden for some reasons and the reasons will become a source of confirmation about what is going on around in your in your life in mind as well perhaps and in the world as well and then the moon is going to reach the position of the sun of course and of mars mars would have progressed a little but around the 5th of october the moon is going to actually meet with the position of the sun as it was when the full moon occurred of course on the 5th of october the sun will be about here around 15 degrees or it is here 13 degrees actually on the 6th of october so of course the moon will reach the sun in reality when the new moon occurs on the 6th of october on the 5th it will recreate something like it is an energy point here that is going to be triggered by the transit of the moon when it reaches the end of virgo and the beginning of libra and that will be on the fifth so there will be probably some tension then suddenly a strong tendency to react very impulsively impatiently and perhaps a need to fight as well for what we believe beliefs are a strong motivation to act react and fight as well it means also that religious fundamentalists may be quite influenced by this transit just like they will probably be influenced by the transit of the moon in pisces which is going to begin a couple of days and more before this full moon and when it does naturally the idea of what you believe is going to be a lot stronger because the emotions are going to trigger a lot of reactions and the reactions are the mistakes made here around the time of the full moon will probably become quite a source of tension and possible conflicts around the time when the moon reaches the positions of the sun and mass but there is a good configuration here with pluto and mars is in good configuration with saturn as well so that is a protection it means that we can sustain perhaps the effort and we can control the tension that may sort of build up around us or within us and that's a good news of course because it will help us deal with the situations whatever they are to a certain point of course but at least it will help us control what is our own reaction in such a such situation of stress conflict and perhaps you know dealing with people who don't agree with you or you don't agree with these people which is just the same so during this period between the full moon and the new moon chances are that we will be motivated by our own emotions perhaps a little bit too much for our own good so be aware of that and just you know keep in touch with yourself with your own self inside and control yourself just remain the master of your own life and you are the one who decides it's not your body it's not your emotions this is the end of this reading i hope you enjoyed it as much as i've enjoyed doing it and i remind you of course of the webinars so don't hesitate to visit our website to find out all the information about these webinars and also if you need of course a reading for yourself or perhaps a specific question that you may have to ask thank you very much once again all the very best take care and enjoy the new moon tomorrow 7th of september bye for now [Music] you
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Id: -zxCD2P9h50
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Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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