Pleiadian Q & A with Pam Gregory - September 2021

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hi pami thanks so much for agreeing to come again on the channel and you know that you're very much loved and you know and you're such a good friend and i'm just you know i love you pammy so yeah love you too bracket joy to be with you as always thank you so um yeah thanks for agreeing we'll just do a little short uh q a with the peas uh you'll ask whatever comes up no plan no structure uh so that they've no heads up here they've no idea okay good i'll bring them in fantastic thank you i love you so very much what a joy it is to be with you you are really shiny today yes shining shining bright aren't you just sparkles all right dear one well we are ready for the questions we feel there are many questions people have got lots of questions goodness gracious including you dear pammy so we're ready what is it you'd like to ask absolute joy and and honor to be with you palladians as always so thank you so much for agreeing to be here so i'd like to ask just a general question really for all of us that we you know we have a very strong sense that we're moving into some intense months here um can you say more about that and also how we can best navigate these months yeah well first of all uh things are getting more intense and you can see that yes things are speeding around you and you really need to stay still you're in the eye of the storm if you like you're right in the middle of it but things are just whizzing past you you don't have to get caught up with the whiz so to speak here you need to keep your center imagine that you are the uh what is it in the center of the eye is it the iris we've forgotten yes the iris so imagine you are the iris and just tune in to the iris and there's all sorts of things going on everywhere around and you can look around the eye looks around but the iris is constant so we'd like you really just to uh relax into and enjoy the show because it's quite a show isn't it as long as you get involved in the drama of it as long as you don't get yourself caught up and sucked into the tsunami and tornadoes and the hurricanes you see it's very easy to get caught up into somebody else's stuff here you know but untangle untangle untangle yourselves keep on handling don't allow yourself to be caught up in a maelstrom of other energies that are not yours so we've been talking about the piscean energy and you'll know this very much as a pisces yourself dear palmy uh that the pisces energy has a tendency to pick up on all sorts of other energies you see but really what is important is to use the water energy at this time which is going to get stronger as we well know and to use it to keep cleansing to keep cleaning to keep soothing to keep healing the water energy is going to be extremely uh positive in the healing process of planet earth of bodies of the upgrading of the bodies and the changes that are very much uh coming along the way but it is a wonderful time to be alive dear once it really is thank you palladians that's extremely helpful so if if we don't live near a river or stream or the sea would you suggest that we really um imagine when we're in the shower that we're being cleansed not just outwardly but inwardly too beautiful that is beautiful you can put music on of waterfalls and all that sort of thing yeah bubbling things yes there are many things you can think of fish pisces is the fish and look at fish aren't they beautiful in an aquarium yes you can look at those beautiful fish all the different colors and really that's very soothing people have aquariums because it soothes them so really just getting in tune with the energy of fish and how much a fish just flows it doesn't have rigid movements it has to flow and that's what you are getting in touch with here learning just to flow not to control everything you're never going to control the externals ever little little bit very little but largely you're learning to go with your internal flow so that you will know where to be when to go when not to go beautiful thank you very much and and also palladians um many of us have a very strong sense of um our individual and collective frequency increasing very rapidly yes yes so that is the case and that will continue oh very much so goodness gracious yes it's going up and then leaps and bounds isn't it yes it is there is a huge difference now there is a magnitude of difference between the energy fields yes my sense is there's a a much greater bandwidth for humanity of frequency than we've ever had before exactly dear one and it's going to get bigger and bigger and you will find that uh you're just uh really growing and feeling wonderful you will feel a blossoming you may have moments where you go yes you know a little bit of a growing pain or a little bit of a releasing of something you know that got a little constipated you know i've just got to get it out yes and you ease that out with water you see water enables the flow of whatever is stuck inside of you whatever has got sort of you know really uh stuck on the edges there it's lovely you add some warm water and off it goes you see we love you very much but you have to put a bit of humor in here because if we don't do that you'll all get far too serious when you laugh your frequency goes up even more dear ones you see wonderful beautiful palladians thank you so much we love your questions pammy we do [Music] good good good good we may come back to some more general ones but i also wanted to to ask three questions that have been given to um by other people so the next three are from other people so the first one is is it okay to eat meat if that's what you like of course it is okay okay and the second one which is particularly interesting to me is the diamond all right just one moment we'll just we'll just go a little deeper there because so many people are shouting and screaming at that response a little too simplistic you're saying look everybody is going through massive changes we have to accept whatever each one is each one is getting their own individual guidance and only you know what is right for you and therefore if meat is working for you and you digest it well and you feel good on it and you're energized and you're inspired and energy is moving through you don't feel tired and exhausted then wonderful right okay thank you very much for that palladians and and the next one that that came from the audience was can we connect to you via a pendulum and i would just add my own question to that um is that a safe thing to do because my understanding was we were always connecting to our higher self when we were dowsing well we are really rather an expression of the higher self okay that's a beautiful answer we love you glad you like our answer this is why we'd like you to interview us dear pammy okay that's a beautiful answer okay thank you very much and the third one from the audience is how do we forgive those who intentionally cause us harm you forget about it okay just forget about it pisces is very good at forgetting just forget it you know pisces the last sign of the zodiac yeah it's a very last one you know uh let it go let it go let it go let it go send the person love goodness gracious that person needs even more love from you now yeah yeah i understand somebody that's throwing daggers at you feels off along the inside of awful goodness gracious yeah but as we said do not get caught up in the maelstrom of other people's energy fields this is going to be very important of course as the frequency raises as this is doing more and more and you begin to poke your heads and you can see a lot of light you won't go down there anymore you'll find it'll get easier because more and more of you are getting onto these higher frequencies and you help one another you see you're in that field together so more of you are really playing in the field together yeah you understand yeah that's beautiful and my sense is also palladians that that that higher frequency acts as a kind of insulation perhaps a kind of bubble wrap if i can use that metaphor for some of the the tougher stuff because my sense is that the the tough stuff will get worse on that level but the good stuff will get a whole lot better very rapidly this is no question no question and once again make sure you are not getting caught up in other things that don't not your business yeah it's very easy to get caught up in opm as you would call it don't get caught in other people's matters yes don't just say no to it and especially if it's something that's feeling awful and it's sticky yeah it's clingy it's sticky it pulls your energy down that's a very good sign that it's not for you yes yes so we have to be super aware of our frequency you have to be aware of what you're treading in you know what it's like you're treading some chewing gum luck yes you're stuck to the floor yes so don't keep treading chewing gums okay and and is it the case palladians with this with these high frequencies that we will also become less dense as beings will become lighter more flowing more how can i say malleable perhaps blending with other um nature energies there's something lighter that's coming in that i sense very strongly yes yes it's going to be more of a how can we explain this you're not going to sort of disappear into the undensity sort of thing into the space you're still going to have a body yeah the body is extremely important but you are going to feel lighter in yourself you're going to be able to feel as though you can fly and certainly the connection with nature and true nature mother nature is going to be the direction that everybody is going to have to take that deep deep connection which is really where you come from so to speak yeah yeah really getting back into those roots so yes there will be a lightness of being you will feel lighter because you are in a flow of your true energy if you ask a bird never to fly again it's going to be not very happy yeah difficult and many of you are birds who've not learned how to fly and now you are learning truly that you can fly this is wonderful so this will do amazing things for our health and our longevity yes gracious goodness gracious you won't even think of longevity you won't even think of a time span you understand this is very much time span beginning and end but you will get into june with the end less the infinite so to speak yeah so one thing that um i've been thinking about and maybe bracket has too if time linear time as we have always known it ceases to exist in 5d how will astrology work we love you so very much well astrology will work on a higher frequency you will still be able to use the stars to navigate to guide you as you move into the new earth the new energies and as you know uh astrology yes is time based but it will be energy based it will be more frequency based and you will find new markers and new ways of having the stars uh really be your natural uh guidance system they will be like various compasses they will show you where you need to go as a person what you need for you next what is your next healing journey what is your next purpose what is your next they will guide you as a community of beings and also individually but you will be using the astrology in some ways in timelines because you will still need time in a way but we are not sure how to explain this to you but time will be experienced in a different way right now you experience time as going from birth to death so to speak yeah you go from the new body to the old body yeah yeah and you will experience time in a very different way it will not be dragging you down it is not a gravitational energy of time you will be on an energetic frequency that connects you to the stars yes it is that top chakra so the bottom chakra will be connected to mother earth the loving of mother earth the soothing of mother earth the healing of mother earth the infinite possibility for uh instantaneous healing as you've seen you are seeing remissions of some very difficult conditions and you will see this more and more of people uh whoever have been in terrible pain having the pain going uh all these things are going to be healed as you as you make more of a connection to mother earth and you will also be guided by the stars more you won't need your books as much you won't need so many books that is so exciting palladians it's so exciting so we really are at a tipping point the changes you're talking about are imminent yes yes what you came for who came for this day once anybody who's watching came for this you're looking for why you're here you're here for this new earth you're here for the movement into the new uh the people that you are becoming wow that is so incredibly exciting and is there anything else palladians as we move into these massive times of transformation that you would like to share with us i just want you to laugh a little more we want you to make it your business to laugh like children yes children just laugh and laugh and laugh can't stop them remember how you used to giggle in school on the back row yeah couldn't stop giggling couldn't stop yourself all of that yes we know you did uh yeah and so really we want you to be a more childlike yes when you go into nature you're very childlike when you see a little kitten you're very childlike aren't you yeah we want you to go into that energy yourselves you know what did jesus say uh the children to get in heaven yeah what is what was that we can't remember that now i don't know what you're talking about i can't remember the exact wordage but yeah really the the the mode to get into heaven stop being so adult and so bloody serious yeah you do you've got enough of that yes it's we all just wanting to bring balance in and from that childlike simplicity you'll get all your answers you get all your guidance you'll know you're in the flow of the piscean energy which is what is coming up for you during these next months very very strongly yeah beautiful palladians i i'm so grateful for your your profound wisdom and and for sharing with us today and so we are grateful for you because you asked perceptive and profound questions and very much the questioner is extremely important in this so we're very grateful to you pami for being of great service here we love you we do bless you thank you so much palladians thank you oh some wonderful material was it was it yeah wonderful answers thank you well i i appreciate that you took the time out to uh ask those really great questions thank you no problem it was inspiring for everybody for everybody no thank you pami much much love yeah much love to you too brecker thank you for for asking me thank you thank you
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 32,128
Rating: 4.975316 out of 5
Keywords: #pleiadian, #pamgregory, #channeling, #pleiadianQ&A, #astrology, #worldpredictions, trance channeling, the p's, barbara goldsmith, extraterrestrial, channeled messages, psychic messages, pam gregory, pammy gregory, astrological prediction, pisces, piscean energy, fish astrology, full moon, super moon, supermoon, pisces moon, trance channeler, questions p's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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