Full Moon in Pisces, September 20th / 21st - Creating a New Dream

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hi everybody welcome on the 20th 21st september we've got a full moon at 28 degrees of pisces pisces energy is very prevalent and is going to get stronger as we move into 2022 when in april we've got jupiter and neptune conjuncting in the sign of pisces this can bring a great deal of hope it can bring the culmination of dreams if ever there was a time of this full moon one of the best things you can do is to allow yourself to dream not what you think might be possible or impossible but where's your dream what's your dream for yourself your family your loved ones what's your dream for humanity pisces the last sign of the zodiac and it's water so we're going to be dealing with a lot of issues around water certainly there's a strong possibility of a lot more flooding coming and equally the possibility of a lot more droughts extremes and of course we're surrounded by water on our planet and we're made up of water so anything that you can do to tune into your watery side it's not the best time for being very focused and saying abcd i'm going to do this this and this it's very difficult to do that under a very strong piscean influence which this full moon is bringing but what it is wonderful for is for tuning into your intuition where am i being guided do i feel good about this person this energy does this feel right for me and you usually know very quickly but nicey nicey energy is coming as well we've got mars conjunct the sun at the time of this fall mars is in libra the sign of justice the sign of fairness the sign of balance we've got these two dual signs going on pisces two fish swimming in opposite directions and libra the scales and you may find yourself oscillating between different choices different decisions shall i chant i will i won't i you may find it exasperating if people start changing their minds around you there might be a lot of confusion and the best way through this is to work with water in whatever way you can so the sound of water the soothing energy of water working with healing energies of water there are people who go out to all these different places around the world to be healed by the waters maybe you've got a place like that near you and if you haven't you can still tune into that healing energy of water having a shower a warm bath using aromatherapy oils anything that tunes you into the energy of flow we're looking to find our own flow what's your flow and we're certainly being slowed down mercury in libra will go retrograde from the 26th 7th of september until the 18th of october it's a time to slow down slow down your thinking slow down the half twos must do's should do we had a world before this whole pandemic that was going a break next speed rushing here rushing there going this doing that and now once again we've got the five outer planets in retrograde and mercury joining them so this is an internal time a time to flow to mutate it's mutable energy you can change anything this is what the piscean energy shows you is you can dissolve old pains old wounds and you can allow something new to emerge and in that softness it's a very feminine soft energy that we're working with but the soft and yielding energy ultimately breaks down the hard and the rigid so allow that softness to come through you give yourself permission to relax just relax in that warm water if you're in a cold climate but the soothing energy of the water allow things to soothe you and no one can this is great taoist proverb no one can see their reflection in running water it is only in still water that we can see so have this full moon as an opportunity if you can to find stillness to find the peacefulness inside of you it's a time of purification it's a time of detoxification of releasing the old and allowing the dream the new dream keep your faith in humanity gandhi reminds us you must not lose faith in humanity humanity is an ocean if a few drops of the ocean are dirty the ocean does not become dirty so it's a time for cleansing it's a time for just resting relaxing allowing the body to self heal for letting your soul guide you you might not know what the right decision is and chances are with all this libra energy you may say oh i don't know how to decide i don't know let the waters take you don't struggle swimming upstream allow yourself to be guided through the subtle signs the subtle feelings and emotions it's a powerful time it's a time when we can see the duality for what it is and rise above it rise above that frequency and not get caught up in that torrent of what could be hatred pain abuse the other side of uh pisces is the victim so we're working with such a a lot of different frequencies here and the main frequency here is allowing yourself in that stillness for all the healing that you've ever wanted to take place inside of you on mother earth and between us as a global family i've released your 2022-23 forecasts your horoscopes so please do check those out it's giving you a head up for the energies that are coming and i just want to thank you for being a part of this community this heart community that is loving that is welcoming and that is encouraging you to follow your dreams thank you for listening bye for now
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 26,422
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Keywords: #fullmoonpisces, #astrologyseptember, #astrology, # september2021astrology, #supermoon, #eclipse, #nodesastrology, super moon, astrological prediction, astrology sept 2021, full moon, pisces, spisces, fish astrology, sept 21 astrology, psychic message, barbara goldsmith, bracha goldsmith
Id: 311yu60E9s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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