ANGELS Want You To Use Your DIVINE INTUITION — Here's How! | Suzanne Giesemann

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how in the world do i trust anything let alone my intuition once you come to realize that we are both souls and human beings integrate the two and humans think souls know we learn by being told that we're separate from each other there's a me and a you we turn off our intuitive knowing you will come to those moments where you notice i did follow my intuition and it worked out there's a case where i didn't and it didn't work out you'll come to know the difference in the knowing within your very soul [Music] hi everyone welcome back i'm michael sandler your host on inspire nation if you've ever wanted to cultivate your intuition and connect to the wisdom and guidance of the angels then do we have the show for you today i'll be talking with suzanne giesemann my all-time favorite angelic guest about plugging in and hearing from intuition and spirit at the highest level so welcome back to the show suzanne are you ready to shine i am michael and that's why i wore my oh my stars t-shirt just for you thank you thank you thank you and this kind of goes perfectly into the question i was planning to ask because you got a little bit of red white and blue going on so what i'm curious about first off is what was your role in the navy and how much did you operate or not operate on intuition oh my gosh well my role was varied over nine different tours of duty in 20 years in the navy the greatest honor was being a commanding officer of a shore unit and then special assistant to the head of the navy and then aid to the chairman of the joint chiefs the head of the whole military so clearly something was guiding me to make good choices but truth be told michael i had no idea it was intuition at the time i didn't know that any of us had psychic abilities or could tap into intuition i certainly didn't know to ask higher consciousness for guidance but there was just this this knowing of what to do and when in all honesty a lot of it was self-protective you know i don't want to get in trouble by making a bad choice so today happily i make choices that don't come from a place of fear yeah it's much better we try to have a policy here we don't always succeed but a policy of never make a decision out of fear stop pause dr breathe do whatever you'd have to do but not out of fear because to me that closes off that intuition oh it sure does it sure does so all right we're gonna go into some fun places today um yeah i gotta go there how did you meet your husband and did intuition play a role well no it was a soul thing i knew that it was a soul thing the first time i ever saw his picture i just said there's something about that man and uh so we met in the navy and we married after he retired so he was able to follow me on my tours of duty until i retired but uh it wasn't intuition it was there's a connection here i don't know what it is and clearly with the way my life has turned because his daughter my stepdaughter susan passed that led me to discover my abilities as a medium i can see how all of this has come together divinely to allow me to help others access the divine forgive me again thank you forgive me again for asking what is the difference between a soul thing and intuition oh good question no difference [Laughter] all right so i was looking up intuition before we met today so i i wanted to come fully prepared and and while webster's and stuff on first brush we'll call it an immediate decision or knowing without thought an immediate decision or knowing without thought the origin if you dive deeper is to be fully connected to spirit yes and so as we talk throughout the show about making decisions i certainly don't want to advise anybody to make decisions without thought but once you come to realize that we are both souls and human beings integrate the two and humans think souls know so when we can balance thinking and knowing thinking and feeling now we're really coming up with choices that come from a much higher place than just thinking things through have you ever still made the mistake i'm in this beautiful rv it is an amazing rv i'm still befuddled by it because the things we thought were exactly what we wanted weren't but it felt right too so and and i know spirit will guide me down a path that may not be the exact right path to teach me a lesson and which means it was the right path all along and i'm curious how you've threaded that needle and if you've had those challenges too where in hindsight because hindsight's a dangerous game it seemed like maybe i was thinking too much i of course i make mistakes and continue to make mistakes because we still have to deal with this human filter that filters out the greater consciousness but i would say it was probably in your case a combination in all of our cases really i don't want to put blame on you a combination of thinking a lot and over excitement so that that feeling of that human mania in a good way that that we think this is going to be the best possible thing and we block out that little voice or my little voice saying maybe you don't want to go that way well it's interesting because there's there has been particularly since we've gotten this rv the language the language of the universe and we'll get there in a bit which to me is not an actual language it doesn't come through in words necessarily but the concept has been easy and if i had gone down the is this easy road to get the rv all the generators ran out you couldn't get one ordered we had to fly out to get one they ran out of trucks because they ran out of chips and on and on it went and it was like miraculous each turn that we were able to get it but it wasn't easy and now i seek flow go please no but what and and the signs were there and why i said and maybe even my voice because i heard i caught you yeah the conversation recently maybe you want to tell that story but uh because i did somehow i was part of spirit's voice whispering in your ear you might not want to go down that path and so spirit speaks to us in many ways and i completely agree with what you're saying michael because the way i see it is if you keep hitting a wall yes stop and re-evaluate if things aren't flowing there's a reason and and that's the thing that we often learn in hindsight so when we can bring that awareness into the moment ah wait i am hitting walls let me step back and ask is there a better way an easier way an alternative choice how do we do that in the moment so i'm going to go to a really brief example i'm heading home here we we got to do this beautiful ropes course earlier today and maybe i'll go there later on since it's day after my birthday we get to an intersection and looking at the time oh my gosh it's time to get back i'm new to this area i i'm going to have to kind of gun it off the line to get in my position because of the way the lanes are going together in in new england here and i've got my tesla not a big deal and the light turns green and i get off of the gas or it's not even a gas i call it the giddy up pedal but i got off of the giddyup pedal and set it on it and a pickup full-size pickup blasted through that red light like it was nobody's business oh yeah yeah how do we know when to get off the gas well in that case that to me feels like an example of it was so fast it wasn't your intuition that said take your foot off the pedal that was the guardian angel saying not your time michael okay intuition is more of a situation where we are faced with a conscious choice was that conscious in that moment michael oh yeah there was a conscious decision made i said i don't feel like doing it and i heard myself say that got off of the giddy up pedal perfect okay cue the pickup truck it was like a scene right out of the movie come barreled right on i mean it was red wait wait wait your light goes green and then he just tore on through perfect so what you have there is a combination of intuition and you know we we call intuition tapping into higher consciousness guardian angels are a concept that we use to refer to aspects of consciousness at a higher level so guardian angels are part of the whole intuition process so yeah let's go into the intuition process but before we do that i'm trying to think of we've been trying to talk off air about the best way to to tackle this we're in the middle of a i i can hear a book editor from my last book going you don't want to say that because you know at some point soon the pandemic will be passed and i'm like no that's not not what happening um but we're in round four round five who knows what round and everybody is confused do i do this do i do that and it's like there's a culture war everybody's completely up in arms how do we tap in to gain some clarity oh this is why the pandemic is an opportunity for us to learn and to learn new ways of being in these human bodies and the choices that we are faced with now are some very critical choices like you said do i do this do i do that i see other people doing this but i don't want to do that and people don't know what to do and this is where i see michael the greatest change in society when we were younger we could turn to the news and we could trust it news was factual and objective now we turn to the world wide web yeah where everybody gets to feed in their point of view now the beauty of life in human form is we have seven and a half billion human beings better said seven and a half billion lenses through which the greater consciousness can view and experience life so we're not all supposed to think alike we all have unique viewpoints but that's a challenge now when we want to have decisions that propel life in the right direction but if everybody's putting their unique viewpoints and it can't be any other way when you have a unique lens on the world into the world wide web how do we know what the right decision is and what i've come to learn by communicating across the veil with thousands of souls with evidence that i'm doing so that's you know that's my my key word there's evidence validate what we're hearing is yeah the world wide web is great at this level of reality but einstein hit the nail on the head when he said no problem can be solved at the level at which it originated i'm paraphrasing there so if we can't solve our challenges here if the answers do i do this or don't i do this can't be solved here then we go beyond the world wide web to the cosmic consciousness web of which we're all apart so we have to step out of our unique role as a divided self and step into awareness of ourselves as the true self where all of us tap into that sea of all knowledge now how do you do that in an instant you can't make life-changing decisions in an instant like that it requires an ability to go beyond human waking consciousness tap into this greater source set the story aside and ask what is the best action for this soul in this circumstance thank you we're going to go there on many levels i'm actually teaching a class tonight on on modern mysticism and on ancient egypt and the kabalian it's really cool and we're talking about uh levels there's there's a law of cause and effect down at the lower plane but there's a different level law higher plane because you can rise above what's going on at the lower when you're plugged into the greater mind you're plugged into consciousness how did your process of contemplation start begin grow and how much have you gotten to cultivate that in order to hear that higher consciousness better right well when my stepdaughter susan passed that very week 15 years ago i knew that if she somehow existed as a soul which is what i'd heard but had no evidence of that that i could contact her myself through meditation 15 years ago meditation was a thing much more so than it is now not most people didn't meditate but i began meditating daily my intention at the time was simply to connect with susan but because susan exists at that higher level i had to go to that level by expanding my consciousness simply by sitting quietly with the sole focus of focusing on susan i trained myself to expand my awareness wow did i find so much more than susan i found realms of reality inhabited by sentient beings we'll call them angels we have the realm of the spirit world where all our loved ones can be accessed and then i experienced adventures in consciousness of even tapping into archetypes and masters and in brief moments because it's very challenging for us in human form to hold on to those moments i tapped into simply being this awareness with no modification whatsoever and it's from that place that state that field where everything else arises that the answers to our questions come so meditation started out with one single goal and then because we're tapping into something really wise we start to access more and more experiences that show us we have a limited nature but we're so much more and then you just dive in and it just keeps unfolding more and more thank you you said something cool right at the beginning that i think we're going to replace the word meditation with permanently and we're going to have you trademark it you can own it it's yours now and and it does have a double entendre soul focus you said i'm going to die i dove into meditation with a soul focus what if that's spelled s-o-u-l and meditation we're going to take that word out is simply to have soul focus yes every day and you ask how mine evolved now throughout the day we shift into soul focus and that's called mindfulness and presence but a lot of people don't understand mindfulness what what am i supposed to be focusing on while i wash the dishes and go for a walk you open yourself to the insights of the universe the soul focus is very different from human's focus where would you have us and and i love this and i i have i the last thing i said before we start i asked jessica can you bring me my stone because i take the stone when i have an interview and i say i send love i send love and i run my my thumb over this stone and i'm sending love which is bringing me to a place of connection at a higher a heartfelt a a logos a greater mind level how do we cultivate this or do this or what do you do to remind yourself to stay connected at that soul level yeah i was going to take off my silly rings today because you know they don't well here i'm in a silly t-shirt so why do i care but then i was told by higher consciousness no leave them on and i'm laughing because now i know why why i wear this silicone wedding ring is because it reminds me every time i see it i am one with spirit this one over here i found a cheap little wire ring that looks like a wave and that's to remind me flow with consciousness so sometimes i'll wear a bracelet one of those little rubber ones that have different sayings on them because we're conditioned human beings we operate in automatic you get up in the morning do you have a routine i guarantee you boom boom boom boom if you want to reprogram yourself start with that first thing in the morning and you'll see how we go on automatic so i sometimes wake up in the morning and i i have my little reminders but i also say spirit guide every step today and maybe i'll put the toothpaste on the brush backwards why to break the human habits to remind me i am a soul in a sea of infinite possibilities by every day putting the toothpaste on this way i am stuck in a rut by doing it backwards once in a while i open myself up to new possibilities in everything i do and i don't even have to think about it they just arise which is why both you and i are in an rv because it prevents us from being we can get a new rv rut going but we're continuously faced with new experiences to challenge us to be awake and aware oh yeah and you know as well as i do to drive something that is 60 feet long with the car behind down a highway that is a practice in presence to say the least all right so so i've got to geek out on this for just one second first off i'm guessing i could only see it a little bit jessica has a almost matching wave ring to you if it's got the little squiggles in it she's got that going on absolutely and then when we got married i got a on my wedding ring i have an an ohm a embossed ohm for my wedding ring just a very inexpensive humble ohm and then on the matching finger on the other hand an inverse of the same om which is married to jessica married to spirit you're it yes and we are blessed to have spouses who do not feel threatened by that yeah it's important i feel it's important so where do we begin we start with a soul um what did we call it a minute ago we had soul focus we start with a soul focus maybe each morning we do things a little bit backwards and i i challenge everybody to do one thing differently every day so you're not on autopilot we have soul focus time we have reminders around us what are some other ways that we can call in and i love your idea to connect with spirit first thing to ask for a beautiful day and i would assume that you say something to the equivalent of for my highest good and the highest good of all or something even better well that's kind of lofty michael mine is actually please may my lessons be as painless as possible kind gentle easy good kind gentle easy good that's my mantra i am listening my lessons come kind gentle in the easiest fashion possible yes and then really what's very very critical is that we set a clear intention to be aware of our thoughts and to be aware of what our body is telling us at all times are they in alignment with our true nature and our true nature is connectedness and love so anything any choice we're going to make any thought that just comes up from old conditioning that's out of alignment with love and connection because you've set a clear intention it's like an alarm goes off you notice it instead of just reacting to it on automatic so that intention is clear you might need to put a big sign up on your mirror first thing in the morning to remind yourself to reinforce that intention i will be aware of my thoughts and what my body's telling me and then when you feel that inner around like oops i reacted kind of ugly to that guy that caught and cut me off that was human but i'm more than human now you just tune in and say how can i do that better next time forgive me for forgetting i'm love and you move forward this becomes a habit and your whole life changes because what you're radiating changes we change the conditioning from normal human behavior to behavior that's aligned with our true self now you're open your field is more open to insights your intuition is just firing and that's that's quite the practice when you're driving the 60-foot vehicle oh yes yes go for it my husband i've shared this before with people so some people who know me have heard this but i was driving our bus one day and yeah you know that's a lot of mass they don't stop on a dime and somebody cut me off oh my gosh well michael i made a gesture no and my husband's in the passenger seat and he looked at me and he went yes she's human i cried i went into new york city years years ago and i was so proud of myself i could see my jewish parents proud of me i was going in to coach a rabbi in new york city many many years ago and i'm driving into the city and i've got like a borrowed easy pass to go you know through one of the the toll things and it didn't work and it went red and so i stopped and i'm like do i run into the tollbooth what do i do i've got the guy laying on the horn behind me laying on it later on he's in a giant escalade finally i go through the alarms go off and he's still honking at me and and i i gave him that same gesture and then and then i cried because i had lost it yeah well but no but see but you noticed that you lost it and i noticed it immediately and and so then as we're driving you know ty's all happy that i'm the teacher is human and i said i embraced that i didn't feel bad yeah i am human and maybe that and i said to him i said you know ty maybe that guy's in her because somebody he loves is having an emergency or maybe he's just uh you know what so we can still see from the human viewpoint and the so's viewpoint at at the same time that's the beauty of this path so and you know if we were to really mess with things it could have been spirit that put that person there to cut you off to recognize where either your humanness and you made ty's day or where we get to work on these experiences are all here to teach us to help us to expand to help us to grow and to remember more because if you had said just a minute before i am spirit i am love or whatever it is that suzanne says then they cut you off and it might have gone a different way it might have but i i do know that it's a fine line to balance that stress of driving those visas yes michael there's a point i'd really like to make this a new insight to me that just came up in the last couple days and it's so relevant to what we're talking about here making decisions in the time of the pandemic or any time what do i do the right answer truly is within us oh my gosh i just put a video up about the answers are within us and it's actually kind of funny but life is not about rolling the dice and the answer could be yes or no life is about the evolution of the soul and it is ever onward ever upward if it were a roll of the dice humankind and all of creation would not have evolved to this point we are naturally programmed to make the choice that is right action aligned with love knowing that we shouldn't doubt ourselves but we do as humans if you trust that this is a universe that will give you the right choice by tuning into the heart you are much more likely to make the right choice than the wrong choice it's not always negative or positive the role of the dice it this is a benevolent universe we come to trust that when we tune in and act on that intuition thank you so i believe you would agree then that there is no such thing at least if you're awake and aware there's no such thing as a wrong decision it's all on our evolutionary path it's just that some as you state in the beginning of the day some uh you can have it the easy way or the hard way it's all going to be growth it's all set up for your success yes human beings absolutely learn by trial and error which is why we ask may my lessons be as painless as possible but they don't always have to be through error but that's the beauty if you know that i may make a mistake with this but the universe will help me if i just keep listening and learning more and more your choices will be those that benefit you the other thing that i wanted to say about that is that this trust issue here we don't trust ourselves yes as humans so spending time and contemplation with that soul focus is critical to finding that part of ourself that is not only human you know people say well i need to make a decision about whether to do this or that at this challenging time i can't tell you there's one right answer i as suzanne am a limited aspect of source you michael are that all of us are that only by tapping into the greatest limitless aspect of source can we at least make a more wise decision so in the meantime trust what we're able to discern and ask is this decision sensible and compassionate those two things together are really great litmus tests for any choice the sensible part is a nod to our human side the compassionate part a nod to our soul thank you i love that i absolutely love that it falls along into the lines of we've had paul selig on the show many times and he channels the guides and the guides are talking about you go to the upper room you reinvent yourself to that higher plane and you listen from the level of the upper room and you act with prudence you still look both ways when you cross the road right right yeah you mentioned and the compassion piece then is it's not just about me and my safety this is all of us together we are interdepend we are not apart from each other we are a part of an energetic whole that we may not be aware of while we're in these bodies but we can certainly access that and experience that when we expand our consciousness beyond waking consciousness so let's talk more about that because i love this is one of the things that i groove on is in a sense stepping outside of my story and even on the highway watching everything come together or being in a line and watching things come together or the phone calls or the invites or whatever and seeing that there's much more of a cosmic dance going on oh it's the web that's that cosmic consciousness web i was talking about said that as an intention as well not just an intention to be aware of your thoughts every day but set the intention to be aware of your part of a web that extends beyond the human world to all that is it takes a this is why i love being interviewed by you michael because you have this childlike enthusiasm that i've felt my whole life too and so when you have that oh boy how's the web going to make itself present and aware in my life today you see the connections you notice them and it's just joyous thank you going on the the terms of joy i was going to ask so i have a list of questions in front of me and when i find it's my favorite interviews this is one of them the guest goes to the question before i have a chance to bring it up and that's what i'm like i'm like thank you so you brought up i was going to ask a question what does heart have to do with intuition and then you just brought up heart a few minutes ago so so first i must acknowledge this is cool kid in candy store what does heart because we're talking about soul and i guess maybe we need some definitions here but what does it mean to listen i'm going to say to listen with our hearts the heart not the pump but our energetic center is the bridge between the human aspect of us and spirit so it's when we tune into the feeling knowing aspects of us that exists beyond the brain that is our connection to source even when the brain is no longer operating and returns to dust when we tap into that which is always and already a part of our true nature then we're going to choose right action in most cases thank you you started 15 years ago communicating with angels communicating with spirits i in my automatic writing many years ago started cultivating the same thing it is out of that process that i started in that my intuition blew up expanded opened up i wonder if the same has been for you that that communication with the other side opened you up to more hearing and feeling the intuitive side of things well you used perfect words blew up it's just an expansion that just rocks your world i wish that on everyone we've turned off our innate intuitive ability we can use the analogy of somebody who moves to the city and the first three weeks are utter chaos all you hear are the sirens the noise you feel the chaotic energy of all these people around you you can't sleep at night because you can hear the baby in the apartment next door but after a few weeks you don't hear it anymore but then we learn that we can talk to each other with words which immediately start to limit our experience here we learn by being told that we're separate from each other there's a me and a you we turn off our intuitive knowing oh my goodness now little kids are tapping into google and picking up their cell phones in elementary school so they're not relying on their inner knowing at all now they just go immediately to technology well that can come back we turn it back on by turning off the devices and spending time listening just being i'm going out in the wilderness next week 24 hours on my own with a backpack on my back just so i can turn off the world and this is exactly you again led the witness i knew i'm i was going to ask you this question you already answered it um it then makes sense to go out and get lost doesn't it happily it's my husband that encouraged me to do so i he's out backpacking right now michael it's his 24 hours in the wilderness we're camp we're glamping and then we go camping but i said to him one day i said tai you go out on these overnight trips to sleep on a on the cold hard ground doesn't it get boring and he looked at me and he said suzanne i could spend 10 minutes watching a caterpillar walk across a leaf and i looked at him and suddenly i realized oh i'm a spiritual i spend all this time in meditation what does because i mentioned at the beginning that that you're my favorite angel guest what does communicating with the angels have to do with this angels are the same as we are in that we are all stars self-luminous lights of consciousness for those who can't see it you've got the shirt on that says oh my stars yes yes oh my stars angels are less limited expressions of consciousness of source of awareness so they have access to greater wisdom than we do when we're in these bodies so it behooves us when we need some guidance to ask them for help and there's this strange little agreement we must have made at the soul level before we came here that says yeah we're going to let you stumble around a little bit but the second you ask for our help we will give it to you we'll reach in once in a while if you're about to drive across an intersection and a bus is going to come plowing through or truck but for the most part please learn to interact with us it's why we're here to help you what thank you what senses or a lot of people don't get i now get you get and i get visuals i get words i get songs they love giving me songs but how do angel spirit universe guides all of this stuff start communicating with us through your intuition it's just this knowing i should do that i need to do that i just got cut off by my team right there they said don't say the should word yeah i get that one too there's never any one answer for what we should do it's a knowing it's a knowing this is the right choice for me now so they absolutely will use your most fundamental sense and it's the intuition you're knowing but the more you tune into them and work with them then they'll start using your other non-physical soul senses of seeing in your mind's eye images flashing in your mind of something that's significant that you should pay attention to when it's off the wall and there's no reason for you to have seen that that's most likely coming from higher consciousness pay attention they'll snag your attention with something in the outer world it's a feeling set the intention i will notice the snags from my guides and angels then when you get snagged that that billboard just grabbed my attention pull the thread and ask what's the meaning of this why did that snag me and the insights will flow just so many ways so when you get that snag i love that when you get that snag ask a question angel's guide spirit intuition why and then i imagine pause give space for the answer to come to you yes yes and that's what you cultivate in those moments of presence that's what you cultivate by setting the intention i'm going to be aware of the thoughts i'm going to be aware of what arises that's out of the ordinary i'm going to pay attention to how my body speaks to me so i go i flip on the web i go to my my um crack du jour shall we say because i'm convinced and and and i've kind of followed a little bit of this this uh up leveling of consciousness as much as anybody else i'm going to phrase it in positive terms because i believe humanity has made a choice that we're going to up level it's just a rocket ship on the pad it looks kind of violent at the moment however we get on to our crack of choice we're completely bewildered frustrated upset confused dazed and on and on it goes use whatever superlative you want how do i in that moment easy yes easy easy easy i went to a practitioner yesterday for a little little treatment that i needed and she was a new doctor for me and she started to take my blood pressure and i'd been in traffic i was a little worried that i wasn't going to be on time and i said give me a moment to use a little technique here to bring my blood pressure down and it just came right down as a beautiful blood pressure she said what did you just do i said it was a vegas breath and she looked she said you use that there's a vagus nerve this giant nerve that goes from the brain down through the the torso touching most of the the organs in the body in some way if you press on that it triggers the body's relaxation response now that's the left brain human side let's talk about what that does for us at the soul level it quiets down the body the way to do it is very simple breathe in deeply and slowly maybe to a count of three or four and as you exhale nice and slowly again exhale longer than you breathed in that extra exhalation is putting pressure from the lungs in the ribcage on that vagus nerve so you're actively taking control of any tension you're feeling and releasing it through activating that relaxation response so what do you do in the moment short answer a nice slow breath breathing out longer than you breathed in everybody should pause the recording and try it because if you notice how you feel before that nice breath and after there is a noticeable shift thank you so i've taken that breath while you're speaking my voice is much lower now you're rated on yes and now i'm i'm thinking of course in miracles love over fear how do i choose love we go back to this decision there's peer pressure there's culture there's this there's that huge what you just said and it's a point that i was hoping we'd get to so you just did it michael you led into what i wanted to make sure we discuss the peer pressure it's huge right now do i do this do i do not do that do i wear this do i not wear that well the divided self the separate self the ego the part of us that's a story worries what other people think the soul knows what is the right choice so if you're feeling uncomfortable what do other people think you are not accessing your inner wisdom so that's just another little point there of how we can be aware what we're what our bodies telling us are we in a place of fear are we worried what other people will think what are our thoughts telling us hugely critical to be aware thank you i'm going to come back to the t word you used earlier trust suzanne i've done this in my life i'm playing this role here i've done this in my life i've done that in my life all of these things have gone wrong it seems like no matter what i do i can't make a right decision how in the world do i trust anything let alone my intuition spend the time to go back and visit those moments ask your guides show me how i was not trusting in the moment did that lend me to making lent lead to making a decision that did not work out well for me you'll be flooded with insights of how i really wasn't listening so now ask your guides going forward let's make decisions together i promise to act on it when i feel intuitively this is in my best interest and the best interest of the whole write it down and you will come to those moments where you notice i did follow my intuition and it worked out there's a case where i didn't and it didn't work out you'll come to know the difference in the knowing and the feeling within your very soul and it will become a way of life just to act on it thank you it's a there's a term from romnes that i've stolen over the years which is to snuggle up with and so what you're saying is we snuggle up with those decisions that didn't work out but we can snuggle up with our team we don't have to go it alone snuggle up with and really take a snow globe out of your life and start to examine it from all aspects without judgment without judgment and that's what we were talking about earlier we we humans we absolutely learned by trial and error if you're just going to beat yourself up you're not learning learn from your lessons and say well here we go again human mode we'll do better next time very very good thank you there was a point that i wanted to make and i want to see if universe chases me down to come back to it we've got trust we've got fear we've got confusion we've got anger at each other yeah that just that just bubbled up out of nowhere it wasn't even on my things i thought we were gonna talk about but anytime you feel it in yourself or you see it in your others if we can take judgment out of that from the soul's point of view you say oh there's human nature do you see the neutral the neutral feeling in that it gives you understanding that that person is in divided self mode instead of unity self and you just notice it send love to the whole situation and it changes everything well that's the coolest thing you you you went there again it's perfect sent love meant you chose a higher aspect you chose a different way which actually sending love is literally as it sounds there's somebody who's gonna get yeah i don't know why i suddenly feel a little bit better but also you are choosing a higher vantage point my husband ty had somebody cut him off he didn't flip a bird good for him he turned to me and he said i know send love sends love and this is someone who in the past could have sent missiles if that's true that's true you destroy her captain husband yeah yes what's the one single most pure important well this is interesting so i'm seeing i'm for some reason missiles came around as now intuitive missiles that we get intuitive hits what's the most important thing we get to know or if people left here today that you want them to know about intuition or them as an intuitive being you go like that and i want to go like that and say you're not only human that's the thing we don't realize and i have no fear during the pandemic i don't know if i've made the right choices but i know we don't die at an essential level because we are not only human yes this visible body will pass yes that would bring pain to those i love if and when this body passes but i know beyond any doubt from the massive evidence of connecting personally with souls who once walked in a body and are still very much alive after that body no longer works that there is no death and so the pandemic to me is an opportunity to learn these lessons it takes away the fear of death if there's no fear of the ultimate thing that we're afraid of then we can just be love and help others find peace and help guide them to make the best decision for themselves and all of us moment by moment woohooing quietly for the rooster in the other room i'm gonna go there as gently and pc as i can i remember being in jersey a few years back jessica's healing from mold toxicity we're getting ourselves back on the feet this is like six seven years ago no six years ago and we're at the gym and we're hearing this song that has this this it's it's a minor tone so you can recognize if you can step back from it you can recognize that this is this is like a dopamine hit of of minor-ness for lack of a way to put it and the song's going i'm only human i'm only human i sing back to that song all the time i'll say well this um that i heard was you're only human and i always sing back no you're not it's probably that you're only human i'm not a conspiracy guy but with that said and i don't even know what conspiracy i don't know how to how do you define tooth everything's happening on every level it's you know if you made books on this stuff it's kind of cool but to me there is an energy that's it it's an energy and it's and conspiracy is an energy of fear fear somebody sent several people have sent me these emails i open them up and within two or three lines it's that energy you don't have to put a word like conspiracy on it it's a fear that can be felt when you're aware of what your body is feeling so with no judgment i just say oh not buying into that and i ask what is the highest truth i can tap into so important because you get that email from somebody who is very well meaning well intentioned who wants to come from the heart but i'm convinced these this um virus that is spread across the web or whatever of be afraid of that be afraid of this remember you're only human keeps us from being awake and aware it's almost the yin yang of maybe it's a pump because it's helping us pump upwards as we ascend but in the moment it can keep us asleep and make that ascension take apparently longer because it keeps you from waking up these stories keep you asleep and in the drama yes and what it's very helpful to remember is that those who have given credence to those stories are very very much buying into them so it's often not even helpful to try to point that out to them this is when not giving them anything to push back against going to soul awareness breathing sending love appreciating that is their viewpoint now and not giving it power is actually a way of helping it may not seem like it we feel like we have to do something and teach them the right way that's coming from a limited viewpoint to when you're in divided self mode separate self mode your viewpoint is always right but it's limited stepping back from it you see that everybody is allowed to their limit their limited viewpoint is there a higher more more holistic viewpoint that doesn't have fear at the basis of it it's interesting going right back to the beginning i was given the visual of a fly and a fly's eye and that everybody having their limited viewpoint together if we cannot say this part of the eye is the only right vision but instead take that holistic total viewpoint your fly visual is kind of ugly michael it's really kind of gross would you rather a bee maybe a bee has a honeycomb eye as well would that be better i love that it's an eye i get that what i would my favorite one is and it's not better than yours that's that's human to say mine is better it just alternate view is a disco ball because it's a light okay i love it and the disco ball has this one light at the center that goes out through in our human mind case seven and a half billion lenses all different directions so how if i am the light shining out this way and this person is the light shining out that way that is a valid view from that limited lens but we're not limited we just step back sank back into the center of that disco ball and take in the whole view wow that changes everything and it means that one beam of light is never going to fight with another beam of light silly is that how silly is that and you can see that you're sort of aligned with the lights that are around you the lenses the lenses through which that one light of consciousness is shining and it makes sense that it's totally opposite that person over there so it's roomy room is quote my favorite out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing let's paraphrase and change it there is a light of consciousness a field he says there is a field i will meet you there so once you make the best decision based on your intuition for how to react in a pandemic in a relationship in a work situation based on sensibility and compassion trust that you've made the best decision act on it see how that works for you you've moved forward or backward now move forward having learned from that and that's the process of life thank you can we go to our angels loaded question but for compassion toward the self because another great quote is from rumi is the wound is where the light shines through my friend brenda in spirit came through to me 24 hours after she passed so clearly and she said suzanne you every one of us is walking wounded you can see the scars in the aura from here but the ones you work on they're like little glow worms isn't that beautiful the imagery yeah that is we're going to do a meditation just a little bit i'm curious where do people go to find out more about your work and whatever you have to offer because i think we all need to become little glowworms at this point yes it's easy it's just my name suzanne and check out the messages that come from my team of guides every day over 4 000 of them and you can get them every day in your inbox for for that dose of energy every word carries the energy of its source and this is coming from a source beyond this human world and they really speak to all of us so check that out the gifts page on my website has all kinds of meditations and practices that will help people turn their intuition back on get that guidance make choices that are not so painful have to be careful when i say this and you can't convince me otherwise but i see this as a positive ascension i see every evolution and what we're going through right now as a shaking away the old we've made the choice we're going to round the bend it's challenging but i believe we're going to make it what's your feeling on this and are you bullish positive where are you at i'm always positive michael because that's who we are we are expressions of goodness expressions of a benevolent universe anything to the contrary is a limited lens that has become a bit clouded over the awakening process is about clearing that lens and seeing clearly who we really are so uh the ultimate pollyanna that could be a judgment i've simply come to know from stumbling over and over and then learning to listen really we are goodness and expression hold on to that thought and watch what happens any last words you want to share before we dive into a meditation be easy on yourself and on others a phrase that my guide sanaya gave me a while back is forgive me for ever thinking i was ever anything but love and any choice we make that is painful to ourselves or others always comes from that mistake and identity as a separate being love is lack of separation when we truly feel connected to ourselves to each other to our guides notice what happens when suddenly out of the blue you turn to your partner for no reason and you say i love you where does that come from that's your it's not anything they did in that moment it is your innate nature as love that suddenly bubbled through the conditioning and you became aware of it and you had to share it that's always there if you're not feeling that ask show me how to clean my lens i want my light to shine i'm looking at my shirt again oh my stars we are all self luminous beings because we are expressions of one light of consciousness we are stars let your light shine i'm having this vision obviously there's light illuminating or yeah illuminating or lumina what is the word for it beaming out of you from everywhere but i'm picturing like from each of the stars you have on the shirt a beam of light here a beam of light there and then i'm picturing the heavens all these visuals of all these pin pricks of light coming through oh you've seen those maps where they show where there are literally lights in the world it's a dark map at night and the places that are most populated are really bright my guides have told us don't be discouraged you are evolving all of you used to be the dark ages and they joke and they say now is the dim ages it's an improvement okay we're going for the light ages and they said that every time any of us respond with love and align with our true nature as connected unified beings it turns up the light it's not just where you are it's one connected light and little by little that grid of light around our earth the no sphere some have called it goes up through our individual or so we think actions so everything you do really does matter and everything you do i used to i was used to i was wrong i used to say the monk in the cave we need the monk out on the streets now no you can be in your room covet time whatever time you can just work on that love inside of you and that changes everyone and everything as we are not just all love just all love oh my god what a statement but we are all one yeah and and that phrase means nothing to someone who has not experienced it so i my intention is that everybody spends some time with the intention to know what that really means how does it feel to be connected not just to each other but to this being that's who we are forgive me ty i love you suzanne michael yeah i think it is we're forgiven i love everybody that's that's the fringe benefit of coming to know who we really are would you mind leading us in any sort of meditation you feel called to i will and this time we won't have a lawn mower outside the window like the last time i helped this is a very simple practice and i love it because and i will tell you i have made a video out of this it's very short and we've had i don't know 34 000 people are doing it now as a result of that video and i hope that it goes viral because it's so darn simple and so quick and in this age of now now i want results this is going to do it i call it a sip of the divine everybody takes the time in the morning to have a sip of coffee or grab an espresso or even just a glass of water you can take a minute here and there to have a cup of coffee right but how many people say i don't have time to meditate because you think meditation has to take 20 30 60 minutes and we don't have time for that but if you could just take a sip of the divine every day your life would be transformed and in this case sip is an acronym because former military people really love acronyms sip stands for sit in peace but we like results we give a nod to our human nature and in this case while we're sitting in peace we ask one question of higher consciousness so right away you're taking this quick sip of the divine to get an answer from that higher level where the answers reside you we we say higher but it's also inner it's one big web of consciousness so it doesn't matter what model you use you're going beyond the human awareness so the process well i'll just lead you through it but it's really just one to three of those vagus nerve breaths shift your awareness beyond being only human and ask a question of something beyond human but it's a specific question and i'll guide you to it then you listen and you do this for three minutes now how do you want to handle that michael do you want to have three minutes of silence or just bring you out of it no i love it it's so uncomfortable for somebody on air to have silence let's do it okay so i'm literally going to use my technology and time that three minutes but the three minutes doesn't begin until you make the shift and what's so cool is anybody can find three minutes to do this and if you set the intention of doing the sip of the divine every day for three weeks you will have experience such a transformation that it becomes a habit we're not even calling it meditation but this is what it is a practice in contemplation so let's do it all right so everybody get really comfortable doesn't matter if you're sitting or lying but let's uncross our legs if we're sitting in a chair and let's close our eyes and with the intention of slowing down the busy brain let's take in a nice deep breath breathing that air into the heart area nice and slowly and now let's exhale equally slowly longer than you just inhaled pressing with the rib cage against the back of your body now let's do it with an intention of totally relaxing breathe in two three four exhale two three four five six now just keep breathing you should feel nice and relaxed now you should have felt a little shift in your energy you're feeling calm and relaxed now affirming i trust that i am more than only human and that i am part of a cosmic web of consciousness that contains any answer that i need i shift my focus beyond the human reality and i ask whatever benevolent being has the best and highest answer for me in this moment ask this question now what is it i need to know for the next three minutes anything other than that answer that pops into your mind simply let it slip by and focus again what is it i need to know now [Music] [Music] [Music] and with gratitude for what was received whether or not you sensed anything know that your question was heard and if you heard or sensed nothing now trust that insights will flow soon because you asked so clearly of higher consciousness send gratitude and love from your heart wiggle your fingers and toes and come back [Music] very very simple so simple that people don't think to go there but the more you go there with that same question every day it becomes stunning the answers that you tune into thank you thank you thank you something popped up i wonder if i can sneak in one last question everything full circle okay we're talking about the rv and you said i believe you became too excited how can we tell if it's excitement and not intuition intuition is a calm knowing the excitement comes after the decision is made but it's a joyous excitement and not a oh my god there's a tension with that i know that kind of oh my god very very well and i've learned to recognize it because what goes up will come down it doesn't mean we don't get excited oh my gosh i i get excited every day but there's a a manic feeling that comes with it that when you tune into intuition you recognize the difference it comes with practice thank you thank you thank you this has been beautiful i'm totally mellowed out now and there is there's sun i haven't seen sun in so long it's been cloudy here in the northeast it's a beautiful this is the first sunset i can recall in forever and it's beaming straight into my eye with somebody who loves to gaze with the sun morning at sunrise it's i'm sharing a sacred moment it's like the perfect time for us to end so i cannot thank you enough suzanne this has been brilliant i think this is incredibly it's an understatement this is so powerful because so many people have lost their gps that's what it is the inner guidance system yep so thank you so much so gotta crank it back up for the finish here so for everyone out there out here this is michael sandler saying be well have fun dive into your intuition really get still and feel into everything and begin using that intuition today and shine bright i just had the most beautiful talk with suzanne giesemann on getting centered going quiet diving in and learning what's your intuition where is that voice coming from how you can follow it which literally changes everything on that note if you want to change everything in your life if you want to be in more communion communion with spirit 24 7. if you want to hear that voice of spirit if you want to feel that connection get ah the automatic writing experience this one tool can help you to communicate with the other side it changes your relationships it changes your finances it gives you that internal gps of where do i go from here to get all you can go to automatic where we have an entire video based program along with live classes each month that's or you can literally go to your local bookseller yes go for the local bookseller or amazon or whomever bring the receipt back to and get tons and tons of bonuses as well yes support your local bookseller and be sure to click that subscribe button and the bell icon to be notified of upcoming shows youtube premieres and live events with me on mysticism on intuition on your angels and spirit guides every sunday night on youtube to check out another amazing show click here love you guys so much big thumbs up comments below and above and beyond all else shine bright love you guys dive into that intuition today
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 110,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, suzanne giesemann, spirit guides, guardian angel, angel guidance, messages of hope, suzanne giesemann 2021, suzanne giesemann guided meditation, suzanne giesemann medium, trust your intuition, inner wisdom, trust your gut, divine intuition, infinite awareness, connect to your spirit guides, connect to your angels, guidance from angels, guidance from spirit guides
Id: L4BJvpoXtgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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