Full Moon in Pisces 20th September 2021

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[Music] hi everyone pam gregory astrologer i'm going to be speaking to you today about the second half of september and the full moon that we have coming up in pisces on the 20th now there's no doubt that the energy is being amped up we can all feel it everybody can feel the intensity and it's being amped up in one sense in a very good way because um we're aware we've got all this photonic energy pouring onto the earth we are um easily seeing the increases in strength and amplitude of the human resonance that's the earth the earth's heartbeat essentially again you can track those to give you the evidence and also we're very aware of the sun becoming much more active and shooting off uh many more coronal mass ejections as well again a good source for that is spaceweather.com so there's no doubt that cosmologically physically if you like our world is changing and that is upgrading us constantly that's upgrading every cell in our body and i've mentioned again in previous videos that i'm i'm kind of checking that out with my dowsing as well because um other dowsers are saying the same that this this stretch in bandwidth for humanity is just getting wider and wider and it's rapid you know this this acceleration of our upgrade is is remarkable how quickly it's happening people are going in in quantum jumps really in their frequency which is really exciting but equally and of course related to that there is um greater attempted control um being posed on imposed on societies as well look at australia so we are absolutely in these next few months reaching our tipping point um i think there's no doubt about that it's gonna be very intense in these next few months at the 3d level but of course you don't have to live at that 3d level so the big aspects for this year the dominant squares as i've talked about before are eris square pluto and uranus square saturn now in each of their respective squares aries is stronger than pluto it's further out it has a longer orbit uranus is stronger than saturn it's further out has a longer orbit so ultimately uranus and heiress that have very similar symbolism of awakening and revolution and breaking down to break through are going to win but not without a challenge this is what all of this year and to some extent next but this year is the most intense i think are about and by the way talking of intensity if any of you have any planets or aspects of 24 25 degrees off the cardinal signs aries cancer libra capricorn you're going to be feeling intensity in some area of your life because that's where eris and pluto are operating 20 24 25 of of capricorn so but just know that that is meant to be happening that's a process that we're meant to be going through because what this is really about both of those squares are really about social and political structures that are no longer serving our human evolution our highest good there are so they are systems that we have already outgrown so again just know that then on the 20th of the month and this is happening at 4 54 p.m pacific and just past midnight 0 54 a.m uk time the next day we have the full moon at 28 degrees 14 minutes of pisces now full moons are always times um it's the peak of the moon cycle it's a time when often our feelings and emotions come to a head in a in a big way because it's related to the moon but particularly when it's a water sign and particularly when it's pisces pisces is probably the most sensitive of all of the water signs so this is deeply sensitive deeply emotional and at a full moon the sun and moon are always opposite each other so we have the sun at 28 of virgo moon 28 of pisces and this is really an astrology known as the health axis health and healing and virgo can be allopathic or alternative health but it's about health and healing and you know it's very obvious in terms of what's happening in our world now what's also interesting at this full moon is it is virtually at what is known as the anuretic degree the anoretic degree of any sign is 29 degrees 29 and that last degree of sign in this case it's not only almost at that anoretic degree but that that 29 degrees of pisces is the last degree of the zodiac and i think that's very interesting too because going back you go back over the last few videos i've i've done um very often i was talking about endings and beginnings you know conjunctions that are straddling signs there's been such a strong sense of endings and beginnings and equally we have that here because we're almost right at the end of the zodiac so very close sense of ending and of course with an ending birth's a new beginning now it is beautiful at this full moon in that we have the moon conjunct neptune that rules pisces so this is very fine energy it's very fine perception creatively spiritually this is about your connection to source your connection to the divine your connection to oneness it's that state of it's to do with altered states where you just got this sense of losing time and space where you just kind of blend with your surroundings people have this when they're you know creating they're painting they're writing poetry or even sitting in nature meditating could be any of those things that produces this this very high level connection so this is beautiful at its highest level of expression however every planet can express at lowest and highest and one of the lowest levels of expression here which i think we are seeing in the in the world in general um with that neptune in pisces is confusion and emotional overwhelm it's all just too much you know we've reached the end of our tether in being able to deal with things emotionally and particularly as i say you're looking at this this health axis this virgo pisces axis so it can produce um those feelings it's just too much but remember um with every aspect we have the opportunity to play it um to the highest or the lowest what is also interesting about this opposition sun moon that involves um neptune is virgo is a sign ruled by mercury wants to be exact and precise and and right and kind of dot the eyes and cross the t's and nail everything down all the facts down but then in the opposition to neptune it can run into this kind of fog of misinformation disinformation what's true what's not who to believe so i think this aspect is really encouraging us in our mastery of not going to external sources of any kind for our information but coming back to our intuition or reading alternatives or external sources and then coming back to our intuition so whether you do that through your dreams through your meditation through your dowsing through your muscle testing whatever your process is to check in with your higher self make sure it is your higher self that is giving you the information or the confirmation rather than external sources because this is all about developing our intuition which is going to be coming so much stronger for all of us as we upgrade so that's a very big aspect of this full moon now another important aspect this is full of tension i have to say also at this full moon we have about four t-squares in this so one of the t-squares is the sun and moon opposite each other 28 of virgo pisces are tightly squaring the galactic center at 27 of sagittarius now of course the galactic centre is always there but when planets align with the galactic center then we have a kind of almost a fast track if you like it's very direct access the energy with which we are creating our worlds it also suggests this will be a very important full moon at this time galactic center this is going to be this is going to be very big jupiter rules sagittarius um and it's 23 degrees of aquarius in a beautiful trine exact trine to mercury at 23 of libra so that is just lovely it has a sense of expansion it has a sense of being able to perceive and plan and think about bigger horizons bigger future possibilities um just bigger visions really for humanity aquarius particularly those connected to freedom and human rights that's very connected to aquarius as well so that's beautiful also there's another lovely trine here between pluto in capricorn and the sun in virgo that's about stepping into our power finding a sense of stepping into our power mercury is in one of the um t-squares as well we have the t-square with sun moon galactic center mercury is in a t-square at this full moon with um because it's in libra it's supposing eric in aries and squaring um pluto in capricorn so it's it's bringing up again these faster moving plants keep kind of highlighting that eris pluto square which is all about um people taking to the streets demanding to be heard iris is very much about equality libra it's also about equality but running up against this these top-down rules regulations structures of government and big institutions so that's another um t-square here another yet again another t-square involved at this um full moon is between venus at 11 of scorpio square to saturn at seven of aquarius and venus is supposing uranus at 14 of taurus now this is quite interesting particularly if venus sort of 11 of scorpio is moving to your fifth house or your 11th house of relationships in your birth chart and if you don't know what i'm talking about you can download a free birth chart from my website go to the link below you can buy two-part tutorial video series from my store you can use that forever to determine the meaning for you of any update i ever do so venus comes into a square with saturn um on the 17th of the month 17th of september if you're in an unsatisfactory relationship this can be a time where you um you feel that the relationship is maybe a little safe and secure but also controlling a little bit routine a little bit deadening maybe and then by the full moon and beyond that venus is then opposing uranus and uranus is the urge for freedom and independence so that may be the time if you're in an unsatisfactory relationship that you just want to say i'm done i want freedom i want independence i'm off i'm doing my own thing so it can create sudden breaks in a relationship it can also create sudden beginnings out of the blue unexpected if you are looking for a relationship so it can very much operate on that relationship um area but also venus always has the generalized meanings meaning of currencies we could see currency fluctuations at this time much bigger i think in october october is going to be a huge month i feel we have another t-square is it all to do with kind of tension but also action wherever you have squares oppositions t-squares they produce action in the world now this other t-square is between the sun and moon again virgo pisces squaring a dwarf planet i haven't mentioned before called ixion i-x-i-o-n and that is at 29 degrees of sagittarius now that is the anoretic degree of sagittarius so when i go on to describe the symbolism of ixion you'll see that there's a kind of unraveling quality to it if you like a challenging a breakdown quality to it so this is also by the way emphasized by the south node being in sagittarius it's it's our collective past what we're moving away from so sagittarius represents things like the education system the legal system ethics in society religion so just think to yourself with ixion at 29 degrees of sagittarius um is education working well in the world is the legal system working well our ethics working perfectly in society just ask yourself those those questions now the information i'm sharing here about axion i very much have to credit the brilliant astrologer researcher alan clay who runs the dwarf planet university he has done this research said i'm simply quoting it but ixion orbits in well first of all they give you a good idea um he is known as the lawless brother of pluto the lawless brother of pluto ixion orbits um in the kuiper belt um largely beyond the orbit of pluto but sometimes coming in between neptune and pluto slightly longer orbit than pluto 251 years and in the myth and i'm going to really abbreviate this myth because it's not pretty um ixion murdered his father-in-law and he was kind of outcast but zeus king of the gods took pity on him and gave him a second chance but ixyoung rather blotted his copybook by trying to rape zeus's wife so at that point he was kind of excommunicated and spun off into eternity now um when i talk about myths sometimes people say oh so kind of vague and abstract and what does it mean for me well when i started to talk about the aerosmith a couple of years ago it was ah it's vague and abstract what's it mean well i think we can see if you think of heiress as the street fighter just how powerfully eris has worked in the world in the last 20 months with the protests the demonstrations all over the world it's been very clear very tangible and very dramatic i think because heiress is about the shift of the age it's a paradigm shift which is what we're into at the moment so that's why i'm talking about it so at the lower level of expression ixion is linked to total criminality actually and amorality where xeon had no respect for any social mores or rules or even human life and just just ask yourself is ixion operating in society in any way right now at the higher level and again i'm quoting from the work of alan clay at the higher level of expression ixion is beautiful it's about having your spiritual mission living life on your own terms defining your own rules and following your bliss so is there a sector of society do you think that is expressing that higher level of ixion i think that is in droves and the momentum of that is building by the day and and that to me is very much about people breaking away to new earth defining their own social rules living on their own terms finding their bliss it's another beautiful symbol at the highest expression of victim for new earth so uranus in a strong aspect to saturn arise in it's strong aspect to pluto and now ixion in this powerful t-square um all about the breakdown creating chaos and trouble remember eris is the patron saint of chaotic creation as well it's all the same theme the breaking down to break through so no it's going to be a demolition site no the demolition is going to get louder and it is meant to to get us through to a different place this tipping point of the next few months will will kind of get us to a very different place i think even six months down the road we're going to be in a different place and you don't have to live at the 3d level i'm going to come on to that in more detail anyway so coming back to alan clay's research as well he also said something very interesting that ixion moved from transited from sagittarius into capricorn in march april 2020. that was the beginning of the pandemic capricorn is linked to big business and um stock markets and that kind of thing there was a big drop in the stock market at that time ixion has now reversed retrograde back into sagittarius but it comes but it moves back into capricorn at the end of october and i think that's going to be very interesting to watch for stock markets and financial volatility in general now ixion will be crossing zero of capricorn remember that zero of the cardinal signs aries cancel libra capricorn they are all known as the world axis so when planets trigger important far out planets particularly trigger the world axis we see events kind of big time on the world stage it becomes very public so that's going to be an interesting um dwarf planet that i'm going to be trying to follow as time goes on then we have the libra equinox and this is when the sun moves into libra this happens on the 22nd of september it happens at 12 20 p.m pacific and 8 20 p.m uk time so when we have equinoxes and solstices this is like striking a tuning fork for the next three months until the next equinox or solstice it's like a backdrop energy if you like and the ancient peoples knew that at these times of equinox and solstice that they were very powerful that the veil to the higher energies um was much thinner it's almost like there were times of portals where they could access that higher information more readily and that's why it's such a great time the day before the day of um to meditate to get into group meditations it makes the energy even more even more powerful so and that we are going to have another surge of energy around about this libra equinox you know and just feel it coming down the track in the surges of energy keep on coming because the earth is passing through the photon belt um which only does roughly every 12 000 years but nevertheless the solstices necronoxis are very powerful for this these big big waves of energy we also if we're looking down the timeline i think we're going to have another huge one on the winter solstice as well so that's why they're so important to kind of maximize the opportunity we're given at this time so at this libra equinox we have another t-square it is full of intensity we have a very dominant t-square between the moon at 21 of aries remember the moon in mundane astrology is the people the moon at 21 of aries coming on to eris at 24 of aries um opposing mercury at 24 of libra and they are squaring pluto at about 24 of capricorn so the moon with heiress in aries boy that is strong that's a strong assertive public pushback outcry very much about fairness and equality mercury libra justice um something else that's simple i just want to backtrack something i forgot to say about the full moon the sun is in an out of sight conjunction to to mars at the full moon three degrees of libra mars is at sun is at 28 or verger when we have that mars wants to act wants to fight mars rules aries it wants to do something in libra it wants to fight for others it wants to fight for justice so it could be very interesting to see because that energy is kind of picked up again here at the libra equinox just a couple of days later where you've got strong areas energy strong miles strong areas it's the same thing about the people the people demanding to be heard every single person demanding to be heard nobody being peripheral nobody being marginalized no subdivisions of society whether it's race or religion or nation whatever it is because heiress is very much against elitism and wants this feeling of inclusivity everybody needing to be heard and mercury in libra is also saying equality equality and justice so a very strong picture setting up the next three months and that the astrology for the next three months is you probably don't have to hear this but exceptionally strong but we don't have to live at that 3d level because if you're in watching the nightly news which you know i stopped watching mainstream media almost two years again it's made a massive difference in my life i have to say but if you're watching that you will absolutely yes you can absolutely say yes that is a reality for sure it's dense it's contracted lots of scary stuff that is a reality but it doesn't have to be your reality and that's really important to understand how what a what a multitude of timelines what an infinity of timelines we have available to us and everybody is really on their own individual timeline now you know they're big collective kind of bands of frequency but within that everybody's on their individual timeline so if i i think just to say because you know it's so easy to say well it's spiritual bypassing if you don't look at that you've got to know what's happening in society you've got to know what's happening in the world and indeed this is part of our mastery to have the strength to say despite knowing that i can still keep my frequency high so when kind of negative stuff comes in at me that people send me and i can feel my frequency dropping i will simply um say not my reality or not my timeline or see a big delete button or a big red cross or something like that not mine it's existing but it's not mine i'm going to put my attention my energy and my focus over here and that's what i'm going to create from so i'd really say make bliss your obsession make peace your obsession as many times in the days you can and i know it's super scary stuff out there but that's why it's so important to move to a different place emotionally so try to drop into bliss use that moon neptune at the full moon try and drop into peace as often as you can and also make high frequency your obsession because the more you do that the more you will be creating from a very high place not a very low place you know we're creating from the inside out we know this and last time around um i just at the end of the video i happened to mention plasma and since then i've had a lot of people writing to me saying tell me more tell me more well i don't know anymore yes i'm just very interested in it um and so you've really got to do an internet search but just this morning actually i was involved in a i was attending an online conference and i heard pele penny kelly p e double n y k e double l y penny kelly who is a wonderful um wise brilliant woman talking about plasma and i won't be quoting her exactly but essentially what she was saying is that plasma is produced from the electromagnetic fields of energy in in the universe and um they start to form filaments if you like all those filaments of light and fractals um and and particles this is the whole quantum physics shift from um wave to particle in a little more detail because these filaments are starting to form a grid or an electromagnetic lattice if you like particles start to attach to that grid it's like a skeletal it's like an architect's plan if you like it's a skeletal next step into matter into reality and that i got really excited about because i think the more we know that the more coherent we are in our energy the more coherent um plasma um the patterns in plasma the fractals the forms that it's creating the more coherent they are to produce what's coming down the road to to produce our future our experiences our reality what we're going to meet day to day when we are low frequency the energy is very incoherent around a scattered so but because as i said last time we have this idea that we are creating from that something intangible as yet not fully formed not fully mata but wafty still waves still ether in one sense electromagnetically charged ether if you like but it's this this um substance which some people can see some sensitive people can actually see plasma um these whitish forms that people um have around them then i think you start to get a much greater sense of empowerment because yeah i can affect that yeah that's way easier than affecting a brick or retain so it's just a little bit more information i hope that's um giving you some help penny kelly has written heaven knows how many books so there may be a lot more information in her books about plasma she's a great lady and i really recommend her to you so um it's a lot in this second half of september but also as i say october is a huge month too so i hope that's helped you if you like more information about my books my teaching videos just check out my website pamgregory.com and thanks so much for listening and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Pam Gregory
Views: 137,724
Rating: 4.9516006 out of 5
Keywords: #astrology, #fullmooninpisces, #septemberastrology, #2021astrology
Id: OcdicUOkhRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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