Impact the World: AMA with Lee (September 2021)

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[Music] hello welcome to impact the world and this is one of our special ask me anything episodes where we ask you to leave a question inside one of the comments over on apple podcasts reviews and what we've done is we've collected all of those questions thank you so much and i'm going to go through 10 of those today and as with any question or answer or idea i invite you to take what resonates and leave the rest but it was fascinating to see the cross-section of what's really coming up for people right now and one of the big things that that really was a theme in all of the questions was how do we deal with our sensitivity and especially our sensitivity in a very changing world and landscape so it will be fun to answer some of those today and if you are watching this on youtube you can support the show we're an independent show by hitting subscribe on my youtube channel or if you're listening to this over on apple podcasts you can leave a review or a rating and we'd appreciate it if you subscribe okay here's today's questions [Music] this first question i really like because it relates to something i've channeled a lot over the years can we ever miss who we believe is a soul mate or do the z's speak to divine timing and the people meant for you will arrive when they are meant to so the way that my guides disease have explained this works is it's all about synchronicity and timing for all of us so a potential soulmate could walk into your life but you might not quite be in the space to connect with them and one of the things that they have said which i really resonate with myself and they said this many many years ago they said we have to be careful about applying linear thinking to the idea of soulmates and love relationships they said we understand that you know we have this pattern on earth and this human conditioning around well this is my wife this is my girlfriend this is my boyfriend you know all these labels and all these boxes that we've all been conditioned into but one thing they said to me almost 20 years ago that really hit me between the eyes especially because at that point i was determined to find the one they said that your love line in your life is a continuum and what they mean by this your love line all of the times you experience intimacy with somebody partnership relationship perhaps it's just a lover for a few days they said you make a mistake as human beings of overly valuing the long-term relationship and dismissing the short-term relationship now sure if you stay in a relationship for 40 50 60 years you're gonna experience incredible an incredible and unique experience with that other person that you're in relationship with but they said too many of you dismiss the person that you meet for three days and the problem with that is they said every single person we have an intimate relationship with prepares us for the next level so if you have been with someone for 40 50 years and you're really happy about that great but if you've been with someone for 40 50 years out of a sense of duty or obligation and you're not feeling very connected to that person it might be important for you to do some digging with yourself with the person you're in partnership with to see if you can reanimate your connection but the thing that i really liked was they said we have many many potential loves in our life just as we have many different forms that our life themes and our soul mission can show up in so too is it the same with love so they say you're always rolling the dice and depending on what you choose and what you're ready for things will rearrange for you so that you can meet another person at another time who could be a potential soulmate for you for a week or a year or a lifetime and this really even though we're talking about love here and your question is about soul mates they've explained that that's the same way our life purpose and our life mission works we all tend to have certain themes that we're working on so let's say forgiveness is one of your big themes in this lifetime you're going to have lessons people experiences come along that can help you experience forgiveness learn about forgiveness practice and be in forgiveness and if you don't get it with the first person or it blows up in a bad way there will be some other person event or situation that will come along that will give you another chance so the idea of us missing our opportunity is not something i subscribe to i believe it's really important to acknowledge the things that we've gone through where you know maybe we're like i wish that ended differently and it's okay to have some grief about that but it's not okay to close down our future because we believe that was our only chance that's something i have not only experienced in my own life but i've witnessed it with lots of other people too so there can be many soul mates if you think of the idea that we've had many lives on earth we've had many loves many lovers so this idea of the one becomes a little redundant when you start to look at things multi-dimensionally [Music] question two i have a bit of a controversial question what is the z's take on suicide i lost my brother many years ago and i always wondered what happened to his soul generally there is very limited information in religious and spiritual literature and usually very negative it's an interesting one i you know i think like many of us i have known of a couple of suicides in my life and i remember probably in my late teens or early 20s uh being told very clearly by a friend who had quite quite strong spiritual beliefs that to commit suicide was to create terrible karma for yourself and it was absolutely the wrong choice to make so i remember hearing that and going okay and then i remember channeling for a group i think i was in colorado running a workshop and somebody asked about it while i was in channeling mode and the z said a couple of things they said there are certain lives where that has ended up for some people being the only option or a choice they made in order to learn something as a soul what they did say is that if you end your life in that way it can create a little bit more clearing for you when you cross over to the other side but they certainly didn't say it condemns you or it's something that you need to avoid doing they were basically talking about it from a soul perspective they were saying no suicide is a very dramatic choice and they said it has not only dramatic consequences and energetic consequences for the people left behind but for you too when you cross over it it can leave a little more uh clearing for you to do so in terms of your brother um my perspective on that is maybe it it left him a little more soul work to do when he first got to the other side which is something we all have to do we all have to go through a period where we review our life and shift things energetically that showed up so my personal belief is not that it's going to be something that is going to damn you for the rest of your life which i know is certain people's belief but what they have said is it just creates a little bit more clearing for you hope that helps [Music] this next question relates to ancestral wounds and it's something that i've talked about a lot in recent energy updates workshops something that we're going through as a collective so here is the question from what you are saying about ancestral wounds it seems important for the continued transformation of energy to a more loving and positive one that they are healed do you have a specific technique for healing ancestral wounds do i concentrate on my ancestor or ancestors in general and how do i know when they are all healed i mean it's a great question and i love your um i love the way you're wanting to to really focus on it and move toward it i think first and foremost we'll never really know when they're all healed from my perspective for me the ancestral wounding that i've been talking about is something that's really showing up in our collective for healing so if you look at in the last four or five years we had the metoo movement and then we've really been looking at racial justice on the planet and these these areas have come to the surface in ways that i don't remember them surfacing in my lifetime so we may be in the present looking at those areas but what it brings up in our bodies is the trauma history of all of those abuses or imbalances so they're just two areas of the world that we're in a deep healing around right now so for me and i see this with others the ancestral wounding will show up for you when certain things are triggering you there is something moving through your psyche your emotions your thoughts your way of looking at things that has got you uncomfortable it's got you in a place where your emotions are a little off and what that tends to be is when the when the emotional wounds are trying to leave us trying to move through us so we're going through a major ancestral clearing on the planet in all directions right now you know the lid has come off so many things at once it's one of the reasons that it can feel so disorienting to be alive right now because there's a lot flushing through us so for me the way i tend to look at the ancestral wounding is i try and be aware of my reactions my triggers my feelings i i i'm better now than i've ever been noticing when i'm triggered about something and then i get curious i'm like where is this coming from what's the origin and sometimes i can i can go oh yeah this is like when i was 13 years old that's what's moving through me right now and other times i can't it's much more amorphous so i'm always curious then is this a past life is this ancestral is this part of our human patterning so the way i see it is to recognize that because we are in this time of deep healing you have to look after yourself in the ways that you need to be looked after we're all different in the way we sense experience and see things and we all have different needs around soothing regulating ourselves and being able to move through this very tumultuous time and not completely lose our center or fall into despair that's really the art of healing that we're all in right now and we're all having to adjust very quickly because as the world is speeding up and some of the issues we've got going on are getting closer to us we have to constantly refined our core so i wouldn't personally worry about am i healing this for my ancestors i learned in my 20s that healing will find you you know i i learned you don't have to go hunting healing if you're open to heal healing will come and find you and knock on your door at the right moment in the right way at the right level of speed that you can handle so rather than looking back and being concerned or perhaps being overly focused on am i clearing this up for those who came before me if anything it's more are we clearing this up for our present moment and for our future because we've all walked through the energy lines that our ancestors laid before us we're walking through them right now and our opportunity is potentially to update or upgrade them so i would always just say be aware of what's moving through you when you can and support yourself when you're going through a big healing if you're feeling very triggered or like a lot is changing in you it's really important to acknowledge that and not try and just keep doing life as normal and ignoring it and hoping it will just subside but to give it some space whether it's journaling whether it's soothing yourself whether it's meditating whether it's speaking to someone about it or even going to see a healer about it whatever works for you so i hope that helps and thank you for the question [Music] i loved this question for those of us who are so connected to the unbounded possibility of the non-physical world how the heck do we bring the same whimsy and giddiness to things like email or taxes how have you recognized reconciled the magnificence of other dimensions with things in the 3d world that feel heavy or draining favorite energetic practices to play with around alchemizing this okay well i'm going to go to the heart of your question how have you reconciled the magnificence of other dimensions with things in the 3d world that feel heavy or draining um for me life is a little bit of everything so sometimes i'm very much in the higher dimensions and other times i'm very much on earth and i kind of live between the worlds depending on the moment what's going on where my focus needs to be what i'm moving through i you know one of the things i've really come to understand is that we access the higher dimensions from the gravity of the 3d world and there are so many magical things in our 3d world it's just about allowing ourselves to see them feel them sense them so i don't always need to go higher in order to feel expanded sometimes it's being very horizontal in the world however you specified things that feel heavy or draining um yeah i mean taxes i don't think anyone designed those to be high vibration because i don't think they come from a very high vibration origin um but what i kind of learned to do over the years i mean there were all different ways that i would uh adjust myself to do the things that i didn't want to do but the most important thing for me was uh recognizing the things that i didn't want to do and being really honest with myself about that there was a period of time where i would beat myself up and think oh you should be better at this or you should and then i got to the point where i'm like no i just this doesn't vibe with me so i would find ways to either make them more i guess i'll say fun that was hard with taxes more limited so i would find ways to go oh this really isn't an area that i enjoy so how can i get help in this area is it worth me um you know is this something i want to go to someone who taxes do not affect them in that way so i'm gonna pay them a little bit of money or barter with them that they'll do that for me and i'll do something else you know there are different ways that i've played with it over the years but one of the things that you could do is just create an intention for your experience of those things to shift so you could say i really don't like the email or the taxes so i'm going to create an intention that those things are going to shift in the next year and then the shift will either happen inside you and you'll find a way to make it more easy more what's the word more targeted because sometimes when we don't like something we resist it and that takes a lot of energy and when we get clear on that we can just go i don't like doing this but it'll take 45 minutes of my day once a week i'm just going to get that done i'm going to put some good music on while i'm doing it so that i feel some joy in my body with this thing that i feel unjoyous around but also to ask yourself taxes is something you can't really get away from but with the email is there a way to cut it down uh you know there are times in my life i've been more a slave to things that i wasn't enjoying and there are always things that we're going to have a balance with there'll always be the thing that you love doing and the thing that maybe is a bit more of a chore but what do those chores give you you know what are they actually giving you and can you actually be present in that chore or is it something you need to find a way to minimize so your intention might be for it to transform internally or your intention might be you know someone comes along in your life and they love doing that thing you don't like one thing i learned many years ago is the thing that we have emotional resistance to is because we're emotionally tied up in it and it can be far easier for someone else to to kind of take that on for you because they're not emotionally tied but i don't know many people honestly that i've ever met who love doing taxes um and i think because the area of money and taxes has its own kind of energy in it i think that's just something that we as a society don't traditionally love having to do so i would set an intention to see if you can experience it differently or have the situation change hope that helps and good luck [Music] as an empath i'd like to know how we can practice keeping an open heart and mind and looking for the positive as is encouraged by the teachings of law of attraction whilst also employing our critical faculties of discernment i'm not a huge student of the law of attraction even though i've been very influenced by it and i've always enjoyed the pieces that i've looked at and i do think it's important to as much as you can cultivate openness or positivity in yourself but i think it's also really harmful to try and paste positivity over a feeling that you're struggling with and i i know that many people have struggled with that um especially in the spiritual community you know we'll we'll sometimes call it spiritual bypassing or positive thinking to overcome a negative feeling and the truth is you know the our bodies hold trauma not just from our own personal life experiences but also from the collective and sure there are some people who um don't buy into that or don't feel that or there are also people who say they don't feel that but when you meet them energetically you're like oh i think you're convincing yourself mentally and that's okay you know we all do different things at different times but i think that's where some of the confusion comes in uh this idea that we should always be positive i don't know about you i look out at our world right now and there are a lot of things that i want to keep my critical discerning eye on um you know i'm not someone who's just uh hey great yeah let's just think positive and it will all be okay um i don't think that's the way that our world is built and i certainly do not see that being the game that that humanity has been playing encouraged to play or forced to play so i do think we're at a very important time for sure in in our in our history as a world a very transitional time and i think it's important to not lose your sense of openness positivity hope creativity and your ability to not only see a brighter world in this moment but to to see a brighter world in our future too even while we're dealing with a lot of the things that we're being confronted by so for me it's not a one-size-fits-all it's not uh let's just be positive about the whole thing because that can really whitewash some not only important issues that we're facing but it can also whitewash and negate your feelings the feelings of others so i would say for you cultivate that positivity and that openness to keep your soul alive and to keep your spirit bright and to be able to create from a high place for yourself for others whenever you can but equally acknowledge the days that your or the hours or the moments that you're feeling sad about things or you're feeling grief about some of the stuff going on in our world my own personal journey as someone who really lives in multi-dimensionality is that i have to honor all of it and i have to allow all of it to be there and interestingly for me the more i started allowing the kind of lower feelings in and through my body the more the higher started to replenish itself and build and cultivate but i do think we need practices and i think that's one of the great things with law of attraction it's reminding us to cultivate the positive see the positive look for the positive but i don't think that has to be an opposition to um anything we're healing or any pain we're feeling or any empathy that we're feeling in the world so you may have heard me if you've known my work for a while you may have heard me say that channeling uh is from my perspective best used as part of a balanced diet channeling is a high vibration a frequency shifter it opens you it shows you the upper floor and that's really important if you want to live a fully awake life but you can't live there all the time as a human being and i i believe law of attraction is the same if you're using law of attraction as part of a balanced diet i think it's wonderful but i think if you're worried that you're not staying in that frequency all of the time the biggest problem is your worry not the fact that you're not staying there the biggest part problem in the way is the judgment oh no i'm not doing this right and i have seen many people get afflicted by that which i understand so i hope that helps bring a broader perspective to the question i think it's great but it it has its place and it has its moment and the body doesn't lie when the body is bringing something up for us to feel or be confronted with or heal through then we also have to trust the body and not just positive thinking i hope that helps [Music] this next question is at 72 years old i can feel a stressful feeling about having time to do what i'm meant to do this lifetime the energies have been so chaotic for a long time and i'm kind of exhausted i think too that my age contributes to that but i do exercise take long walks eat very healthy medical medium style and i'm processing all the layers of emotion from recent times and from my past i have also felt ancestral healing going on what about age your experience from meeting older people what do the z's say about it well we had this beautiful channel and i i don't remember which one it was what the title was but it took place in costa rica soul magic 2019 and it was a very strong message about the importance of our elders and how if you look at the way that our conditioned western society treats elders you know we we it's kind of like a forgotten area of our of our tribe and i think that modern society has created this disconnect from our elders because the truth is you and me and anyone watching this if we live a long time we will be the elders and sometimes i think we forget that when we see someone in their 70s or their 80s particularly if you're young you think oh that's that's an old person and there is this kind of dismissive idea that you can kind of feel rippling through which is which is not just a shame it's it's kind of a tragedy because the elders are the wisdom keepers now you can have an incredibly wise 20 year old and a i guess not very wise 70 year old so i am i am generalizing but the truth is the elders of our society have not only gone through many life and energy cycles that we if we are younger haven't yet gone through so their their wisdom their knowledge their voice is really important what disease was saying and and they they were quite strong about this in their message they said many in the spiritual community put all their faith in the new children who are coming through and how their warriors and how they're wired differently and the disease were basically saying well how are they going to learn what they need to learn about history if the elders aren't teaching them or accessing them so they were really encouraging anyone who is in their older years to see where they can impart wisdom and i understand some of you might be listening to this going well i'm an elder but i'm kind of an introvert or i don't really know any young people i think it's important not to lose your voice whatever it is you're bringing to the world whether that is your speaking voice or whether that is the the garden that you are growing at the front of your house that your whole community are walking past and being affected by we all do such subtle interesting things in our life that we have no idea how much the energy of those actions or those actions themselves are changing the frequency of the street we live on or the people who see our garden so i think there are many different ways to bring yourself to bear on your life at any age but i do also hear you in your question about this the slowing down part i think everyone's exhausted right now by all of this chaos in the world it's very you know it's quite normal to kind of want to just be exhausted about it all at times but for you also you might be going into a very different period of your body and the z said that the one thing that is really important when we become elder is we have a very different relationship to consciousness they said many of you will bemoan the older years because you will say that oh i slowed down and my body doesn't do what and they said we understand all of the i wish my body still did what it was doing years ago they said but you don't understand the perfection of the slowing down they said the slowing down gives you a chance to review see sense and have some of the most extraordinary consciousness experiences of your life and i don't know about you i remember being very little and being deeply affected by all of the elders that i knew and i didn't know many but there was always an energy that they had that that felt so energetically wise to me even though i didn't understand that at the time there is a safety that the elder energy can give to any of us who aren't quite there yet so i would say for you honor the fact you're tired recognize that you might just be going into a different period of energy level and bodily way of being in the world and we all go through cycles in our life you know none of us stay the same for a long time we go through these cycles every decade and often more than every decade where we change again so i hope that you can find a way to take the pressure off finding your purpose or your new thing let yourself go through this recalibration process and let it appear and let it unfold but be open to the people in your life who might need you even if they don't know they need you even if they're not necessarily um demonstrative or asking for your help your presence is going to have a really powerful effect on them and aziz was saying in this channel it's vital that the wisdom of the elders is allowed to be reconnected certainly in western society to every age group because that's really important especially for this critical time that we're in right now historically so i hope that helps and thank you for your question [Music] my question is is it possible to channel artwork i'm an artist and when i'm in the zone painting i feel like something else is creating i know that is the creative process would that be the same as channeling i have had people tell me that is what i'm doing but i guess i'm afraid to put that name to it myself you know i never thought i would channel or hear my guides it wasn't what i was looking for it wasn't like my aim but a year before that happened i started hearing music and that's how i ended up writing music as a singer-songwriter so to me those two those two events in my life happening a year apart in my early 20s were very joined art and creativity is when we open to co-create with the energy all around us we're not just doing something from our mind we're actually opening to birth something new and channeling is the same you know no channeler who is channeling their guide or an entity or a being knows what's about to happen in that channel it's allowing the present moment to come through through the form of a guide a spirit an angel whoever that is for you or a group same with creativity you're bringing something new to the earth that wasn't there before and so yeah you bring your body you bring your energy field you bring your psyche but you also allow something else to come through now some people experience it in a much more workmanlike fashion and they might deny what i've just said which is fine because for them that's not how they're experiencing it but for you i think what's most telling is not only the fact that you're wondering about it but also that the people who are seeing your artwork are telling you this is channeled because there's a frequency in it so that is the importance and the power of any creativity that we have it holds a magic a light an energy that we can't necessarily see and i'll go back to the question uh that we had earlier you know not a ton of creativity going on in taxes although some maybe some bookkeepers would argue with that but um not a ton of creativity light and energy going on in that very functional mathematical 3d thing it's very systemic creativity may have a system in it it may have a divine system it may have the system through which you birth creativity but at the end of the day if you're really in creative mode you have to let go and you have to surrender to something magical present and unknown coming through that's the same as channeling so enjoy and uh yeah great too great to have this question because i think we often forget that creativity is one of the most powerful ways that we channel and i know cooks who are the same they go well i never really follow a recipe but i just get in my zone getting in the zone is good for us whatever it is [Music] i have a highly sensitive and empathic nature how do i free myself from the damage of years of withdrawing from the world i want to be of greater service i think it's really important that you if you believe that you're withdrawing from the world is something that has caused you damage that you forgive yourself for that because the idea that you have damaged yourself and that that damage was caused to you because you withdrew from the world what the z's would say is they would say that's a very heavy or judgmental toward yourself way of looking at it they would say there was a reason you stayed withdrawn from the world all of this time and there will be a reason for you that you did that there'll be a reason for your soul that you did that you will have learned something and sometimes they say we make mistakes when we're judging ourself because they say sometimes you were protecting yourself from something that you had no idea about so you're being hard on yourself from withdrawing about withdrawing from the world and focusing on the past and perhaps where that's coming from for you is the weight or the perhaps disconnect or the wounding that you feel because that's happened in your past because that's the choice that you made or the choice that was pushed upon you the way you are going to heal is to allow yourself to move beyond it and sure to acknowledge on days that you want to go back into the old story of i damaged myself try and catch it and when you catch it go i am moving forward into a life where i reconnect with the world that's the counterbalance that's the other side to the heaviness that we need to kind of start to reprogram our mind and our thinking it's not to deny that heaviness is there but it sounds like the heaviness is the dominant voice right now so in much the same way that when we're coming out of a long depression we don't tend to snap out of it overnight there's a slow reprogramming there's a slow recalibration there's ways that we start to focus as it's lifting we start to behave differently and we start to do things differently so for you i would worry not about the service that you want to be to the world i would focus on how can i get to a point where i no longer feel like i have withdrawn from the world how can i celebrate the small wins where i found a group of people or a place or an activity that i could go and do that years ago i just couldn't have done are you taking note of those small victories because they compound but only if we notice them otherwise our thinking doesn't change so we have to update our thinking as well as our feeling we have to update the mind which is always keeping track of everything we're doing and what our history was and we have to allow the mind to see something different so it's very important to celebrate the small wins to keep focused on the future sure if the past drags you back in okay but try and notice it and try and catch the part of you that is past focused rather than recognizing oh i am going to in the next two three four five years withdraw from the world less and i think your question is very pertinent because for the last 18 months or so many of us have been forced into a kind of withdrawal from the world so who knows perhaps this period of time has raised that to the surface for you to see so that you can hold a different intention for the future but you can do it just give yourself time and see the checkpoints and the small wins notice them celebrate them and gradually over time you'll start to see that you've shifted perspective and experience good luck [Music] i had been feeling the push to put myself more out in the world in a bigger more expressed way and i took a breath and did it i outed myself as a sound healer and have been seeing clients i did tarot readings at an event for the first time and rocked it opened an etsy shop for my beadwork and i started a blog 1400 hits so far it's amazing and i don't really feel any different i haven't gotten a lot of feedback i feel confident and good about all of it but also like i missed something what's up i love this question for so many reasons number one congratulations for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone because i always think in a way that's the biggest payoff not necessarily that we achieve the thing that we're nervous to walk towards achieving but whenever we're willing to push ourselves through our comfort zone we grow and we change and we show ourselves we can grow and that is gold more gold than the outer achievement i know some people would argue with me on that but i and i understand why you would but really when we look at our lives spiritually and from a growth perspective that's my truth um you said i don't really feel any different i think that's okay i think sometimes we have this perception that we will do something and it will make us feel a certain way and perhaps that's part of the story we tell ourselves well when i get married i'm gonna feel fully loved and we get married and perhaps we feel mostly loved but we're also like oh here's that wound where i didn't feel loved by my by my dad and it's come up again with this friend or even within my marriage and that's okay you know we we bring it all with us it doesn't mean that the new circumstances we create don't bring us healing change opening because they do but i think it's okay that you don't really feel any different um i think it's it's good that you you actually sound positive about what you've done you said i rocked it um and you know it's been going well you did say i haven't gotten a lot of feedback i feel confident and good about all of it but also like i missed something what's up well if you want more feedback ask for feedback go to your clients and just say you know hey i'm i'm just curious how you experienced the session with me i'm hoping to perhaps put some testimonials on my website or on my blog and if you'd be willing to share a line or two i'd be really grateful it's okay to ask people for feedback i remember when i began doing my one-on-one sessions 17 years ago and i did them for 15 years i remember at the beginning i had this strange experience and i did them for donations at the beginning after doing many many for free i remember having this strange experience of realizing over time that people trusted me to give them the answers because i did get feedback but i also the part of your brain that can go was this good enough is did this work for the person sometimes you have to ask them because they're just assuming that you know what you're doing you know it's like you don't go to a doctor and at the end of it when you're saying well thank you doctor the doctor doesn't generally go was i okay did i did i seem like a real doctor you know we don't tend to get that maybe maybe you did maybe your doctor did say that to you on time but i think it's okay to ask for feedback um if that's something that you're wanting but i also think it's interesting that you are having a shock that this has gone with some relative ease for you i think it's great i think you doing your thing is the beginning when we start doing something when we get in the pool and start swimming after we were afraid to jump in we tend to think that's the end but i always say that's that's the beginning that's when it starts because you start getting into a relationship with the people that you're working for and with and they start giving you feedback energetically emotionally psychically or literally with words and that starts informing your next steps so i think it's great that you don't feel too different but i think the most important thing is that you've done it so by all means ask people for feedback if you need it and thank you for your question [Music] and this is our final question for today i feel an inner conflict around marketing and charging money for healing and coaching when i do not know in advance where the clients will get results i am committed to my clients but sometimes they are not ready to be making the change they want or i am not the right person for them it challenges me to set out the benefits of taking my programs when not everyone gets them this is a really good question first of all none of us are ever going to be for everyone just none of us you know whether we're teaching three people uh something in a room or whether we're teaching three million people all of us are going to be hopefully for most of the people that come but there will always be some who we won't resonate they won't resonate with us or they won't like us or they'll get triggered by us or it's not their time as you said so i think the most important thing with marketing is to be as honest as you can um i think marketing is a dirty word for many people and i know for me it took me many years to feel comfortable um marketing some of the things that we were doing but one of the most important things i think you can do is to understand what you are doing for people understand what your gifts are so for example you might say well i'm a tarot reader and i'm i mean having seen many tarot readers over my life uh yeah i once met the judgmental superior tarot reader i met the brilliant tarot reader who was open and very universally connected i met the tarot reader who made me feel calm so there will be some key things that you hear from people about the work that you're doing and it's really important to put those into your if you like marketing so i remember when i started doing sessions i asked people for testimonials i put those testimonials on my leaflet yes this was 2004 so i had a paper leaflet that i put in some yoga centers near where i lived and i remember once i started to hear several things that were the same people would report for example um you make me feel more deeply connected to myself and my soul it's like you read my mind you know there would be certain key things that would repeat with every email i would get back after a session so i would take like those four or five things and i would basically reflect that to the person who might be coming to me and i would say you know my my intent is to serve you the best i can and to hope that it works for you to check that we are a fit for each other here are some of the things that my current clients are saying about my work now i don't know about you but when i read certain reviews of things i'm looking to find myself in the review which is why marketing is so important and being honest about your marketing so if you can really take some of the feedback you're getting and turn it into the language that you're putting around your work it means i when i'm coming for your service can go oh no that that doesn't sound like me they're saying that people are saying this blew me away it took me weeks to get back to the ground i'm not looking for that now my friend jason he's going to love that he's going to want to be you know blown away and not come back to the earth for three weeks so this is where marketing is important it's a chance before we purchase something to feel it out and to see if it resonates with us but equally the more you put out there that's free or a sample for people the better your resonance will be so the inner conflict that you're feeling uh is gonna be something that we all just go through the one thing i would i would like to just point out to you is if you think you're good at your coaching and that's something that you know you're good at and you're passionate about get better at making sure you describe it correctly for the people that you are here to serve improve the way that you are describing it get clearer and go back and ask some of your people to tell you what they experienced what they would have liked more of you know be be willing to be uh vulnerable about it and to look at it if you have any doubt about your services because if any of us walked into a mcdonald's and didn't like the meal we'd just eaten and paid for we probably can't go i haven't been in a mcdonald's for like i don't know two decades but we probably can't go up to the counter and go oh i didn't like this this didn't serve me they're going to say well you've eaten our food which costs us this money the people at the back of the kitchen that we're paying have already done their work so i think you also have to recognize your time and your energy sure there's always going to be a risk with any coaching or anything like that but that's why having a five-minute consultation or a video of you on the website where you explain your philosophy this is a really good moment for the customer to make an informed choice about oh i like her yeah i'm gonna yeah that's worth it to me i'm gonna i'm gonna explore this so there will always be people who you're not quite right for but that's where you can look at okay how do i really get mindful and have integrity around the way i'm offering my services the amount of information i give them before i'm offering my services and do i need a taste test do i need some way that the person can sample this before they commit but as healers you know i remember many many years ago i got a letter uh in my first couple of years of my session it was one of the most powerful lessons of my life there was a woman i'd sent a reading to because i was all written written readings at the time and i would just channel what i heard for their questions and send them like a 2 000 word document i didn't hear from her after i sent her her reading which was quite unusual but you know you never know people are busy they just see you as a service so i didn't think about it a year later she came to me she said i had a reading from you a year ago when you sent it to me i thought it was terrible and that you were completely inaccurate and i was a bit annoyed that i'd sent you 20 pounds or whatever it was she'd sent me at the time she said i stumbled on it two months ago and my jaw dropped she said everything that you talked about played out in the next six months of my life and i now have a completely different perspective on it so she said i want to book again and it was a really good reminder to me that when it comes to healing and when it comes to someone's path we never really know and we're not in control of what we're doing for someone we might be someone's breadcrumb or someone's breakthrough on their path but provided we feel in integrity in the way that we are bringing our work to the world and we're doing it in a way that works for us and works for the majority of people we're okay so and that's something that you constantly review as you as you grow and change as the world changes as your audience changes you're gonna have to constantly refine that so don't be afraid to look at it in a slightly analytical way and if you are nervous about your marketing pay some attention to your marketing for a while so hope that helps good luck and well done for stepping out okay thank you so much everyone for tuning in for this ask me anything episode we will do another one of these so if you feel like you would like to submit a question for consideration please go to apple podcasts and where you find our podcast there if you subscribe rate and review in your review leave a question for me to answer and we will add it to the pot for the next episode in the meantime look after yourselves out there lots of love and thank you for tuning in own your value is my course for entrepreneurs creatives change makers who want to expand the work they do in the world you know i've done this for 16 years now and one of the hardest things that i ever went through was learning how to own the value of what i did and i think that's really human especially when you first start working for yourself but also sometimes if you're working in a slightly more esoteric field or the healing fields or the fields of the arts it's how can we place a value on our work both energetically but also sometimes financially and the thing about money and energy exchange is people myself included will pay for something that they receive value and energy from so one of the biggest things that you often have to work out if you are looking to expand your business is well how can i increase the value in the services that i'm offering to people how can i get more behind that so that what they receive to them is inherently valuable and this is true whether you're offering free work in the world which we do a lot of or if you're offering paid experiences for people so own your value is a few different things it's a course that's designed to be a starter kit for those of you that are perhaps new to putting your own work in the world but you want to find different ways to offer things how you can expand your message your services your work but equally it's for those of you who might be doing this work part-time or you've just started and you know you want to scale what you're doing you want to serve more people reach more people and also grow your mission so if you feel that you would like to take your work your mission and what you're offering to the world to the next level i invite you to check out own your value and see if it resonates with you and if it's right for you there are many different modules covered it's all video and audio teaching so you can access it anytime and once you in the course you have it for your lifetime also i'm running some live clinic calls where i will be speaking to those of you in the course about your direct questions and answering them in real time on live calls that will then be archived we've had over 600 students go through the course so far and we're thrilled to be relaunching it at a time where i'm aware that many of you will be looking to expand the way you work in the world and the way that you offer your work in the world we hope to see you there you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 44,531
Rating: 4.9443765 out of 5
Keywords: Lee Harris, Impact the world Podcast, Impact the World, Lee Harris Energy, Law of Attraction, Energy Practices, Highly Sensitive Person, Elder Energy, bracha goldsmith, Eckhart Tolle, Lewis Howes, gabby bernstein morning meditation, anita moorjani latest videos, Carolyn Myss, carolyn myss 2021
Id: 7uQ5z5Qlfoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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