Pleiadian Message for Full Moon in Pisces - Take off your Leash!

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hi everybody welcome and now i'm going to bring in the pleiadians to see what they would like to share with you about this upcoming full moon in pisces oh we love you all so very much what a pleasure it is to have you here dear ones you are so uh smashing you are you're smashing you have no idea how smashing you are you are just living sometimes in a smallness and the pisces encourages you to embrace your vastness you are unlimited there is no limit to what you can do what you can accomplish where you can go who you can meet the experiences you can have there is no limit don't set so many limitations on yourself dear ones this is a time for allowing yourself to really go beyond anything that is holding you back take your leash off you take it off the dog well you're like dogs many of you need to take your leashes off that's it that's it lovely lovely take them off take them off you're free you're free yes that's it release release let go allow yourself to sniff around to look around to explore you are the one limiting you for the most part dear ones about two percent comes from outside and 98 is coming from you and what you've been conditioned to believe but now we are encouraging you to see that you are vast you can do whatever it is that you want to do nothing is off bounds it really isn't not in your imagination that is and what you dream you dream and you go beyond the reality of what it is that you see and you go into new lands and new horizons open up for you and things that you can't begin to even think of right now begin to express themselves right in front of your very eyes and you begin to dance with life and you begin to love life and you begin to see everything as an adventure and an opportunity yeah you see and this is really what this full moon is all about dear ones we love you all so very much the ones that we're sending you such soothing energies and encouraging you earth just to uh you know take off your chains your handcuffs you might be looking at people in prison saying poor things but many of you are now no different really than those who are locked up in prisons so we are encouraging you open the prison doors uh let go of the bars walk free we are right here with you dear ones always always with you encouraging you loving you ah yes oh that's it that's it break free you'll find your bodies will be less stiff you'll find you can move more easily more flexibly you'll be able to know where to go without thinking about it so much wouldn't that be lovely yeah we love you also so very much we really do do love you hi everybody i hope you enjoyed their message as always i love hearing from you your comments your feedback let me know whether you would like a q a with the pleiadians and let me know what your questions are sending you so much love always bye for now
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 17,749
Rating: 4.9806166 out of 5
Keywords: #pleiadianmessage, #fullmoonpisces, #astrology, #septemberastrology, #channeling, #ET, #supermoon, super moon, trance channel, trance channeler, plaiedian, pleiadians, extraterrestrial, psychic messages, astrology message, astrological prediction, pisces, spisces, barbara goldsmith, bracha goldsmith, psychic, cosmic messages, full moon september, full moon
Id: d0RBzw_MMAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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