Pam Gregory + Bracha Goldsmith – August 2021 – Astrology Live Chat + Q&A – Manifesting + Community

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so far so good i don't know if we're alive or not but let's see if we're live fantastic the internet is slow either your end or mine but never mind we'll manage we're gonna manage it's great well all i can say is i can hear you clearly now there is no interference at the moment no so we'll take we'll take our chances pami how are you i believe you had a plumber in your kitchen for some time the kitchen is still quite flooded actually but i'll deal with that in a moment so it's a mini flood which is very different from your maxi fires that you've been through which have been just terrific haven't they it's been it's been challenging but we're we're just having it's extreme times isn't it cami yeah would you agree it's not totally totally and it's going to keep on coming because it's a whole shake-up of the old order isn't it and and you know we are being shaken vigorously and rapidly out of our comfort zones um and it's interesting i've just done my update filming and um i've literally in the last week or so heard of quite a few people who have totally changed their lives in every respect marriage job home country everything everything and they've just they're just gonna leave um their country wherever they are and go to a completely new geography that they've never been to and start from zero that radical and that's quite unusual i think to have heard of several in the last last week or so so i think i think changes are going to happen very quickly and and suddenly now for people because as the frequency changes that force has changed to happen yes yes i think spot on yes and i think what people are realizing now mostly is it's now or never yeah yeah yes almost like the window is sort of narrowing a little but now as it narrows you can say right i'm going here or i'm going to do this it's almost like you've been cogitating for a long time and now it's time you're cooked you're ready to go yeah and i think that's probably a bit how you felt when you're trying to get back from new zealand it was a window of time you felt yes yeah yes absolutely yeah and and how how are things with you in the uk well what would you like to talk about the weather because that's been one of the worst summers i can possibly i've just lived in wellies really apart from two weeks this year i just seem to be permanently in kind of galoshes and rubberware really so it's been very wet very windy and um it's lucky we're hardy and you know we've got stiff upper lip and we just keep on tracking really um so that's the weather um let's say the the the general situation i'd say is unpredictable and unstable so it's all good uranus stuff you know it can change very quickly you know because you know powers that be say no no no we're definitely not going to do that and then whoopsie oh well maybe we will in fact we'll do it right now so there's lots of kind of fast change ability so you've got a you've got to just observe all of this i think and not be knocked off center by because it'd be very very easy indeed if you're in fear to just be smacked around by by the changes in in let's say the news that are that are coming at us so you've just got to stay that's why i haven't watched the news for more than 18 months gosh that's helped me massively to raise my frequency that single thing alone i think my frequencies you know almost double just doing that because you're not sort of inundated with one particular narrative and you can choose what you want your life to be about from the inside out no not except you know this is what my life's going to be about and that becomes a much more sort of empowered situation because i think when you're receiving information that isn't fully positive let's say from the outside it can just wear you down really where you're done i think that's you know very clear to see how about you in greece [Laughter] where do we begin i think i would just iterate everything you're saying that governments are changing their stance from one hour to the next um that not watching the general narrative and finding your own sources that resonate with you that lift you that make you feel ah there's hope there's light here um is really the way to go yes what other tools do you use pami to keep your frequency high people are asking us you know here how much darker is it going to get before we kind of get to the other side what's what's your feeling and what that's the weird thing i mean really you know i really want my talk so all the things i talk about in the videos which all for free all super simple super practical you know hug your child hug your dog hug your tree do whatever brings you joy sing dance hum tone laugh um see see an uplifting friend anything any of that breath work meditation anything anything where you sense i'm more joyful than when i started a little while ago you know constantly checking what's my frequency what's my frequency because people send me stuff all day long i'm sure they do to you as well braka and if it's you know quite negatively ah well wish i haven't gone there not gonna you know because i know it'll take me down and i think nope i'm gonna listen to what's joyful or sing to myself or whatever but the frequency is absolutely crucial at a time of at the 3d level darkness but i think what's very interesting right now and i'm sure you'd agree bracket that there's it's the bright light which is showing the darkness when you turn on a very bright light in a dark room it shines into the dark corners and we're seeing more dark corners than we've ever seen in our entire lifetime and that will continue at the 3d level because it's meant to continue because this is the process of breaking down to break through if we didn't see those dark corners nothing would change we we'd stay in the past you know rumbling along day to day in our comfort zone nothing would change but it's forcing us to change and that's absolutely what the astrology is saying isn't it that's where we're we're going but because of all this new light and new energy coming in we've got this real stretch of bandwidth so you know yes we can observe the dark corners but that's not our only option there are a whole load of other options over here that even wider and bigger and greater and more fabulous than we ever had before so why don't we look at those yes rather than just the dark corners yes you know where do you put your focus where do you put your attention i love that and and um somebody else has asked here as light workers which i think many of the people who uh your your audience are and many who are here i'm sure listening may consider themselves light workers is the question is should we go on marches and demonstrations or should we meditate and send light and visualize the new earth which is the best yeah this is a really interesting one isn't it and i'm sure you know i've certainly considered it myself and i'm sure you have too because if you look at the symbolism of of uranus and heiress this is this is street fighting stuff this is what is in in the collective and you know for many individuals are being triggered that way too and and of course there's always you know the the the narrative that well you can't sit back and do nothing you know look at what's happening you can't you can't do nothing how are you going to explain to your children your grandchildren you know you did you sat back and did nothing and that's a very compelling narrative but the only thing and and i do think there's a place for that because i i think that this pushback is bigger and more and quicker and more surprising perhaps than was expected let's say that and i think that has potentially made a difference however i have i think what's really important is to do it with positive conviction and vision and never negative emotion because if you're doing it out of fear or anger or anxiety you're feeding exactly what you don't want you're feeding the old order you feel and some may even say well even going on the protests and demonstrations is feeding the old order because you're matching you know resistance with resistance as it were so overall i would say for me and i've thought about this a huge amount i'd love to hear what you say about this that working energetically is actually more powerful particularly if you can do it in a group where you're with a group of like-minded people because you know we know that coming together in a group it creates a kind of vortex of energy of manifestation and that becomes very powerful but for and there's so much evidence about that i mean look at all limit taggart's work joe dispenza's work you know i mean 10 tons of it out there you know statistically significant thousands and thousands of people doing this but because it's invisible meditating and sending intention is invisible then people say well you know what are you doing you're not doing anything so you have to trust the frequency and the intention that you're putting out that that is having an effect and we know in small personal ways it can have a very big effect um and the the marches and demonstrations are very obvious they're gang they're tangible we can see them on people's mobile phone footage um but my only concern is we have to do it with the right frequency that if we're doing it out of negative emotion we are feeding exactly the old system that that we don't want and perpetuating it so it's a tricky tricky i hope i'm being clear because it's quite a you know a fine thing do you do you get me i think pearls of wisdom it's just you really put it so succinctly and so well that by raising the energy and especially in a group which is why i know that your audience and certainly when we are live here we've got an amazing live audience of people who are on this page who really want to raise the frequency and it's amazing what we can accomplish so easily and so quickly without the fight without the tear gas without the demonstrations without and and yet i think both are needed right now as you said one is very young and one is very lean energy yeah yeah and it's um it's interesting you will be very very very familiar with this broker because we really had some adventures down in france but when i wanted to buy a house in france and i was i was obsessed by because i'd wanted to do it my entire life and an opportunity came through a small inheritance from my mother and i was just obsessed i had french pictures all over the kitchen blue yellow shutters berries onions bicycles just you know i i kind of vamped up my french i was just just obsessed in the way that you would be with a with a new partner or your new puppy or i was just obsessed about now i wouldn't let it go and i imagine what life would be down then i'd be walking the mountains and integrating with local village live and bloody bloody but you know all of that and very fast indeed um i happen to buy the sunday times which are i never buy a newspaper i've got no no time and then i why i looked at the ads um section i don't even know but there was an ad in there one plot left for a development in the black mountains in france and i called up the um sales agent on a sunday and she said if you want it you've got to come down tomorrow it's the only one left and we've got a lot of interest so i literally flew down the next day and stood in a field and said this is home i've got to have it and the sales guy must have thought this was a pushover and you know you know the subsequent story that came from that but it was a very clear act of manifestation because i was so excited so sure it was gonna happen you know like when you're pregnant you know the baby's gonna you know it's not gonna go backwards the baby is gonna come you put a light switch on the light is going to go on so there's a sense of expectancy excitement and conviction that this is going to happen so you don't know the how you've no idea the how but you are passionate and and absolutely uni focused on that thing yes yes and it's included in a group it's even stronger amazing and i think what we're talking about here is this maybe this energy of saturn square uranus of this knowing when to let go and to say right this is over because your french adventure was you know it turned out to be a difficult one at the end yes at the very end so when when am i pushing too much and when do i need to release and surrender to what is actually happening and i think that's going to be a fine line as we move forward here isn't it because yeah it's right yeah sorry i mean for me it's setting a clear intention yes being absolutely focused on it in joyful expectancy and excitement and um yet letting nothing get in your way but taking steps towards that destination you know for instance a good analogy and gosh what's that wonderful chap i can't remember his name he runs lots of workshops all over the world but anyway it's his analogy wish i could credit him but anyway he said it's like setting your gps you get in your car and you set the gps for your destination you don't have to worry about how you're going to get there because that does it for you set your intention you set your destination on the gps but you have to start the car you have to put it in gear otherwise nothing's going to happen and it was a brilliant analogy because i think we have to take those those little action steps to say to the universe i'm i'm i'm absolutely definite about this i'm not mucking about you know this is really gonna happen um and it's wonderful it's a good it's not mine but it's a very good analogy it's beautiful well well remembered so what i would be saying to people who are listening to us here right i mean what is it you're going for what is it you want i mean i think what we're all wanting or most of us is a new earth a new humanity to be birthed that is conscious that is kind to one another that is able to really get away from killing one another and destroying one another and destroying our planet yeah i mean ultimately i mean that's where we're headed if we don't actually raise the frequency and the consciousness here um so i think we most of us have a clear intent and we don't know how at this point a lot of people ask me well how what am i supposed to be doing yeah and maybe you don't know just yet maybe that has to unfold what's your feeling it's interesting actually because i've literally and that's why my hair looks slightly better today i've just filmed my update this afternoon and i was talking about exactly that because i was saying even if you don't know the form or the structure of the circumstances of what it's going to be just get the feelings do you want to feel freer you know imagine you're you're just flying over mountains do you know do you want to feel loving connection send out love to every being every dog horse human that you you know so live in the frequency of what you want to experience and so those feelings are all part of new you know abundance when you're in nature milk it wow there's colors all those flowers leave you know look at the sky occasionally it is blue here so you milk it milk it milk it to create the feeling that you want to experience as a frequency match coming towards you and if you can if it's possible for you to get into groups of like-minded people that will help immensely because it isn't just lonely old you there are a whole bunch of you on the same page working for the same thing yes absolutely connie that's that's just wonderful um somebody else has asked um how can we treat one another more respectfully yeah we're noticing that there's a lot of abusive kinds of behavior out there what's your feeling on that what yeah and i you know i i don't know if this has happened to you brecker it's it's certainly happened to me recently um very recently um and um it was a local situation where a neighbor an elderly neighbor i i help out a great deal as you know really became very aggressive um with me and um and i could feel my mars in aries kind of inflation um but i thought if i if i use that marzineris i'm just perpetuating the polarity perpetuating the duality the division i'm just coming straight down to that level so i went off to walk her dog sting coming out of my ears but i thought it through and thought i've got to give compassion i've got to give love and compassion because otherwise it's battle you know we're back in this this because i did feel fairly sparky to be honest but you know it we've got to get beyond that with love and compassion to draw in the unity consciousness that we all want at the end of the day we're heading for unity consciousness however unlikely it seems right now with all this division and polarity ultimately we've got to find a way to get that through compassion and love and understanding and so to me that was my very personal experience i don't know if you've run into this kind of thing too it's more widespread i just think that's really beautifully put and what i love is that you didn't say i haven't got those emotions to use your words you said well i felt pretty sparky which means if you translate it it means i was very very angry right and you had the emotion yeah you didn't pretend nice nice you had it but then you chose not to react with that same aggressive frequency that had come at you that you've been infected with yeah lovely observation actually it's a very nice way to to look at it thank you for that so that no well thank you you you spark things here uh beautifully pami so i think that that's something to remember in this you may have emotions yeah i was sharing earlier last night my live stream that um uh my landlord had actually offered to pay uh for the new door i didn't share that i'm giving you the details now and many times he said no this is on me i'm paying for it because it's his house and i can't take the front door with me if i'm leaving yeah um but then the job got done and then he wanted half of the money for the door and it was like it was a done deal it was like he'd forgotten everything he'd said so i mean i was i didn't feel i did feel angry but i also felt really upset you know a sense of betrayal of somebody i trusted and so i went through war 25 24 hours or so of churning and i allowed that to be but i did not come back with a negative emotion at him until i was able to get to a nice calm place and see the bigger picture and let it go yeah that's very good because actually what that would have done is just set up friction with a landlord which is absolutely the last thing you know you've got to think about the the you know the the further pieces in the chess game haven't you and what are the implications if you kind of get very angry where does that lead to and it gets bigger you're you're fueling an angry situation with more anger and that isn't helping you or or him or you know anybody so i think we've got to be terribly discriminating and cognizant and forgiving and compassionate i think we've got to be not to inflame the the divisions even more than they they currently are i think we've got to try and soothe them rather than inflame them even if they hit you personally which has happened to you both of us and i'm sure to many people who are listening these turbulences because people's emotions are being triggered by fear or you know there's all sorts of hot emotions and i think that's in many ways we're having that reflected in mother earth of too much water too much fire yeah stinking air pollution yeah it's it's everything is being exaggerated so if we can bring down that exaggeration and find the sort of the middle way that the buddhists of we might find that gaia also uh reflects that begins to reflect that yeah beautiful because it's just a you know it's a reflection it's a feedback loop isn't it's a reflection of our collective consciousness it's a constant feedback loop so you know the earth is experiencing uranus in taurus and we're experiment experiencing uranus you're all part of the same cosmos we can't get away from it so yeah it beautifully puts a weakened kind of calm down some of these extremes in the earth may calm down too i think that's a great observation yeah thank you pammy and i think what we're wanting to do is to create space yes this sense of space between what's coming at you and how you're reacting to what's happening yeah so you can think straight so that you can think creatively rather than in the old way of just you know getting your baton out and hitting somebody on the head yeah yeah yeah absolutely spotter and what's always helpful i think and i learned this in buddhist teaching some years ago if something unhelpful comes at you something aggressive or negative or whatever just always say to yourself i can choose my response take a breath be mindful and choose your response you know they may have had a hideous day you know their dog might have just died you know their partners say you just don't know the full picture of of that person so always i if it's woof coming up i will take a breath be mindful and try and be very kindly and compassionate in my reply because otherwise as i said it's just going to ignite it's just going to inflame and that's what we've got to watch out with this square energy going on and it's going on for quite some time yeah it is and and even next year's you as you know brexit we've still got the square between saturn and uranus it's not exactly the degree in the minute it's exactly the degree in october 22. enough enough still got it rumbling slightly looser for some of the year not quite as intense and vice like but it's still there it's still right on the the frequency is there for us to heal it yeah yeah lovely that's that's what we've come to do this time and um uh i'd love your feedback since you are a pisces uh about your thoughts about next year's jupiter uh neptune conjunction well it's crack on my son so i'm ecstatic so you know who knows i'll have a bigger flood in the house because that's the end i mean that's the only sort of tricky side with um jupiter and neptune because you know people will know pisces is a mutable water science it's got no boundaries it's unlimited neptune is in its own sign of rulership so that makes it stronger jupiter expands whatever it touches so jupiter comes along and said no no unless i'm really really really big water it's interesting all those big floods in europe happened i believe when jupiter was in pisces really yes not conjunct neptune but when it moved into pisces soon after that we had these devastating floods in europe particularly germany i think netherlands really bad so jupiter is moving back to pisces on the 29th of december as you know and into the first half of next year but it's it comes to that conjunction with neptune in um in april uh 22 23 of pisces i mean this is mystical this is really mystical so if it's hitting any of your your um personal planet sun moon mercury venus hitting your ascendant this can be you know a step into mysticism anyway i'm hoping that's you know yes it's a it's an expansion of oneness it's a bigger understanding of oneness interconnectedness with all beings unconditional love our capacity to heal others all being part of the you know all drops being part of the same ocean it will give us a greater understanding of that and i think for for everybody there'll be an upping in our intuition and our psychic sensitivity yes yes and also this ability to work and have this joint vision yeah beautiful yeah you put it beautifully but what we were talking about a little earlier that oh that gives it a like a turbo charge yep yes beautiful yeah this is the future vision isn't it big dreams big horizons future visions fabulous it's very idealistic yes but entirely yes i mean you are i mean you're already this amazing spiritual leader but i have a feeling when it hits your son next year i really think this is when you are uh yeah gonna hit even more of the big time here that's you my best friend not just having floods no no no no although i do something yeah and your general system thank you i really appreciate that bless you oh that's lovely tammy but so what do you you feel it's very positive as well into i think we've got to watch the flood do you feel i think it's the flooding in the water is that's you know there's big warnings around that so um i would just say to anybody who has got an intuitive feeling that um not sure that where i live feels comfortable maybe you're a phone maybe you're in a yeah maybe you know this so you may want to think about possibly moving or you start doing some serious praying and visualizing or climbing just know that and climbing yes and you know getting your gum boots and your wellies out in your boat absolutely and it's interesting actually i think also what's going to be interesting to watch with our magic ephemeris here that we love is um yeah on the um let me see yeah that new moon on the 2nd of march next year conjunct the moon sun and moon in at 12 of pisces jupiter's conjunct the sun and moon at 12 of pisces another possibility it isn't it's getting close to the nose and it's a little it's a little way off the conjunction at that point because jupiter is 13. and it's 10 degrees away from neptune but nevertheless um that's beautifully expensive but you know there could be a slight thing about flooding second of march yes yes so if you do i mean while you can still get insurance up your insurance i really mean that because now just to let you know i tried to get insurance here in greece this last couple of weeks and nobody would insure me because of the fires down the road so once it's here you can't get insurance so i you know just a little heads up here uh yeah that's brilliant advice actually i wouldn't have thought of that yeah excellent thank you paulie you're so she's so generous she you know you're such a serious person you know lovely friend beautiful person lots of fun as you can see so yeah somebody was asking here pami uh you say you've not watched the news for 18 months or so uh where do you get your information from well um i'll be interested in here where you're getting yours from as well i mean people send stuff all day long and i'm sure they do to you too and it's really coming through on a lot of alternative channels as well alternative social media telegram is very popular another one called gab capitals uh gab uh me we is me awe and another one so a lot of social media platforms and i'm sure more will be um spawned quite soon but also alternative video channels um such as rumble and bit shoot they often have some very very interesting content that is um not possible on the more mainstream channels if you really want alternative views from which you then make your own judgments not that you should fully accept any narrative from any person ever we are developing a much better intuition like a tuning fork of is that really true is that really whoever's saying how much i love them and respect them is it really true because we're developing this natural intuition to a much much higher level and that's the point i think of all this smoke and mirrors almost beautiful oh pami that was really how insightful yeah well yes you can focus on it right i love that you've got a reason for it yeah that that makes this valuable we can see this now as being a valuable opportunity to develop a skill that we've been a little bit lazy with and now we can up it and up the ante and up that intuition and up up the messages that you're getting and trust the messages it's interesting isn't it that the smoke and mirrors are actually acting as a catalyst for our own internal development isn't that interesting beautifully poor yes oh that really is these are catalyzers yes catalyzes for us to take care of our earth our planet our animals are i mean uranus in taurus we've got quite a few more years of this haven't we pammy so absolutely a lot of economics how can we prepare is there anything else that you are doing or that you would suggest uh that we can do yes and um i'm sure many people are doing this and and i'm sure you're doing it to bracket i think forming a everything is going to be local it's going to be grassroots up not top down all the big top down structures corporations institutions are going to be crumbling in the coming months and years that's very clear in the astrology so it's aquarius ng's grassroots up so make friends with your neighbors even the tricky ones make friends with your neighbors make friends with your local farmers you know get together in a group in a community find groups you can join where you know people are going to be of like mind whether it's a sort of you know gardening a biodynamic gardening group you know that kind of thing or a sustainability group where you know the people are going to be on a similar wavelength to you so meet up with them make sure it's all local so you can easily keep in in contact with each other and start to form a plan can you grow different vegetables in your garden so you can swap you know somebody grows all the tomatoes somebody else grows all the couchettes because that works for them and then you share and you really strengthen the bonds in your local community as well which would be wonderful um and it it's that it's really that simple and yes we can join together online internationally with people that's wonderful too but if things really get tough and the internet goes down for a little while may only be a short time maybe a long time you know you've got it literally you can knock on people's doors very close to you you can walk or cycle to them yes and also if you know somebody who's on their own make a contact with them make a connection step out you know you want to really do something for the worth is there an old lady who lives on her own yeah i know many people are already doing that but let's consciously begin to create the networks so that there's no more loneliness there's no more you know i spoke about the froome community compassionate project yeah that where there are all these communities people have created meaning to their lives because they feel like they're doing and contributing and helping others yeah it's beautiful and i think you brought me a book for that yes that came through i've yet to stop thank you thank you thank you in fact around froome um which is a wonderful area for energy earth energy yes i believe there's a website i believe it's called bright sky bright sky dot org sky something like that and people who are like you and i bracker you know astrologers healers therapists sound healers all of that um can join the website and offer their services um and that's all i know probably has a lot more to it than that because it's all within the the from geography but that is wonderful and also from as as you know brackets one of those special towns what do they call them they've got a special name protector town or something like that which means that it's the people who are governing the town the rules yes yes they've got a special name there are only about six of them in the uk but they've got a special name meaning it's the people in a people's council that this is aquarius energy yes shivers yeah absolutely this is how it is going to be a horizontal structure we are going to be forming people's assemblies and we self-govern beautiful i mean that's what we are moving towards yeah there's no question about that yeah creative compassionate communities beautiful and you know that little lady who lives on her own you you have no idea her skills and talents she might be able to make jam or stew or soup or you know you just write her off as an old lady um but actually she has wartime talent she's lived through world war ii and she knows how to ration and make do and still have great meal you know so everybody has value in the community everybody counts yeah that's i love that so um there's uh people are asking a little bit here about the coming food shortages the disruptions to food and i'm because of course the uranus in taurus the square all this energy that we've been talking about what's your feeling about that pani and uh is there anything we can do about it yeah well we've got it haven't we in fact again you know i've just been saying that in my update video which i'll hopefully put out tomorrow that um you know whether it's for it's as a result of the extreme weather droughts fires floods whatever it is whether it's you know i was saying in the video for instance in the uk we've got a shortage of a hundred thousand lorry drivers so the food is in the lorries but there aren't enough drivers to drive into the supermarkets and because of our particular track and trace system in the uk if you're in close proximity to somebody who's tested positive for covid your mobile phone will ping and you have to quarantine for i think it's between 10 and 14 days which means that you know supermarkets are short staffed from you know in terms of the shelf stackers so the food may get to the supermarket but there aren't enough people to put it on the shelves so it's certainly i haven't been to a supermarket for over 18 months i just never go i'm further and further back from mainstream society that i have friends who go to supermarkets and they say that the the shelves have been very empty at times you know particularly fresh food it's the perishable fresh food so you know all i would say is plan for that just like you planned for winter so whether you you can put stuff in the freezer particularly you know fruit and vegetables fresh food food that you might be short of or you know have canned food have dried food get canned sardines or or nut butter or tahini or you know dried pulses lentils chickpeas there are lots of things you can do that if you run into those you know it's not gonna be forever but those interruptions in the food supply chain then you've got something it's it's not a disaster and you know i'm sure you're doing that as well braca at your end and if you knew it was a tough winter coming and you're going to be snowed up as i was a ch as a child for a couple of months we just planned for it that's it that's it so do i love that pammy yeah don't panic just plan and say you know it might be a tough winter and therefore we'll we'll plan for it i think that's that's beautifully poor yeah yeah and then there's no kind of then there's nobody exactly and and your taurus has everything to do with our survival needs our physical needs yeah so i would suggest you know getting anything repaired your kitchen your plumbing sorry pammy but you know doing whatever important repairs are needed replacing i've got to replace the tires on my car you know whatever you can do to just be a little bit ahead of the game so that you're not taken off guard um because things just may be slow for a while or a little difficult for a while i think that is extremely wise because you know the the incident i've had today with the plumber apparently the parts have to come from america and they could take another couple of months and and you know this is happening a lot with all kinds of various supplies because of because of all of it short staffing the vir you know the whole the whole scenario so yes do it now make the changes enough anything that needs repairing changing anything just as you say get ahead i think that's a very wise observation great what i'm loving what we're doing today pallet is we're covering all the elements yeah because the earth signs need to have something very practical to do right so we're telling the earth sign yeah you know what i mean like right do this prepare because it's nice they like to go out and repair things you know and do things and that that kind of thing um and the air signs of course like to talk about it and come up with plans and ideas firefighters like to be inspired and have something fun so we hope we're giving you inspiration and a good laugh at the beginning um and then the water signs need to you know tune in and feel as though they're getting you know the intuitive and the the messages and the mystical and the invisible and uh yes i think we're we're hopefully covering everybody's needs here yeah um another thing i'd say bracket just going back to what we were talking about earlier the other thing i think is helpful in manifest in manifesting is you know we talked about the feelings of you know freedom or loving connection whatever it is but if you have any hint of maybe a piece of land that a group of you want to buy something like that lock on to it just like a docking you know a rocket dock lock on to it and say to the universe this or something better love it something better and so your vision can take more form because that place you've found or that piece of land that you form has many of the elements that you're looking for and it may be that place or something even more miraculous and so i think that can be quite helpful as you move forwards in your vision oh i love that tummy yeah and i just love that something or something better because there's a tendency to be devastated if something doesn't happen that you'd put your eggs in that basket and said oh this is perfect and then for whatever reason it just doesn't go then you flow along and say right next yeah yeah we'll get more of our needs yes so just keep um the way i would say see it is see things as blips rather than make obstacles yeah just take you to blip absolutely and maybe a slight tacking a slight tacking in direction perhaps it may be a sign from the universe just just another two percent in this direction i love that because gradually now we're coming to the mutable signs we're getting through leo so we won't have so much of the fixed energy and we're moving now into uh the virgo energy and what's your feeling as we move into this more of a mutable field now what what's i think it's very much about we need to be adaptable and flexible we need not to be rigid not and really that's the message also of of uranus and taurus isn't it because taurus wants to keep things as they are keep it rock steady don't rock the boat no new ideas nothing you know that's a very solid fixed earth sign whereas the mutable energy is saying no no you could be light on your feet you know you could be dexterous you've got to diversify you've got to have you know maybe different skills to your talents or whatever i think it's it's also flexibility and adaptability and i think it's also particularly this virgo energy about discernment discernment and discrimination with all the smoke and mirrors as i mentioned earlier you know sharpening because both virgo and pisces both mutable signs really are about sharpening that intuition and so we do it ourselves beautiful go to anybody to say what do you think you know tell me the future you know you have to come to us to tell if you you know you will be the lightning rod to to tell yourself yes oh that's beautiful beautiful yeah because we've had a tendency to go outside again this is always this needing to go outside yeah and now to feel good about all right so we locked down for another little while you know i mean we're locked down with fires in greece yeah it's not covered it's fires but you know whatever else it might be that we're fine we're gonna make we're gonna get through i think that's the message we're going to get through yeah we're going to make it and and actually there's a slight delay there bracket but you've shown amazing resilience i think you know well many many many many months but particularly you know with the fires etc and you know so much has happened for you but i think the more people that join in the energy the vision of new earth even in this vague way in abundance loving animals like you know loving everybody you know the more people that feed that energy the faster it's going to come we're just going to magnetize it to it it can happen really quickly that's the advantage with uranus in taurus the uranian energy can suddenly have a whole village suddenly created you know tiny houses a piece of land different people coming together creative solutions yeah with a different thinking frequency outside of the old same old same old system that is already crumbled quite honestly it has this already gone that's at higher levels that's absolutely true and of course uranus is higher mind as well isn't it euros aquarius higher mind as well and and virgo brings in practicalities exactly and i love your thing around discernment because that's going to be key not to get sucked into a stream of something that's dodgy yep you you know you get a feeling yeah this does this feeling really right for me does it yeah does it feel right or um this feels a little bit off to me yeah let me find out some more what information do i need what do i need to learn from this what's it trying to show me yeah yeah i do and and you know for some people they they use kinesiology they use muscle testing some people use the sway test to say you know is this good for me is this not i i use the pendulum a lot i use the pendulum and i've got this wonderful doubt yeah calibrated dowsing chart and i use that a lot the more i use it the the sharper it seems to be i'll get so that that's merely an extension of my intuition so i use that quite a lot really to you know to resolve situations um or test out is it true is it not because i kind of got to that place already within myself but then the pendulum can often confirm it so you know you can just use these slightly exterior tools but you're still using your own intuition not somebody telling you you know you're judging it yourself yes yes oh that's wonderful pami wow oh it's so good just to be with you well you know we like our little natters don't we um so really thank you so much for the valuable information you've shared is there anything you'd you'd like to add that you want to share uh lucy will sorry wait lucy please would you post the links uh you can pin them as well but also post them in the chat for pammy's books which are amazing they are best sellers she's a master astrology astrologer also for her teaching videos uh lucy will post all of that so uh thank you for the amazing contribution that you're making oh well you too i mean you've got a massive following so what would you like to add braca to what we've talked about i mean i think we're entering some fairly colorful months what would you like to add i love your turn of phrase that's great it's it's going to be colorful yeah yeah i like that and just to know that it's not going to be boring that's absolutely true and it's going to be it's it's it's going to be fast and and you may find that the very fast changes in your own life that you might have kind of semi thought of that you might not have been expecting at all because the from the altar is happening quickly yeah and go with it i just go to the news sorry yes keep going to the new and know that there are many people who want this unified field who want what you want yeah yeah and and you're not and as these are awakening times filled with opportunity and i'm just so grateful to have you pammy in my life and just so grateful for everything that you're doing really thank you for being here and i think we're going to do a once a month uh transmission aren't we uh yeah that's a little better than this but but no yeah you know thank you you've got a massive following and you're you know you're just absolutely pumping it out and doing wonderful things so we're all playing our part in this and piece of the puzzle but you're a wonderful friend um wonderful friend and and we have had some adventures and a lot of laughter together so we have and we hope that we're spreading that here and just thank you for your time today thank you lucy and the team in the mods who've dealt with the chat that's got faster and faster so i haven't been able to follow a lot of the questions but maybe in our next uh live stream next month we'll be able to cover a few more things yeah for sure thank you thank you okay it's been an absolute joy i hope the fire subside and you're safe and dry and and thank you to lucy too wizard lucy thank you thank you pammy love you loads okay thank you everybody
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 64,708
Rating: 4.967258 out of 5
Keywords: #astrology, #pamgregory, #predictions, #brachagoldsmith, #livechat, #Q&A, #newworld, #uranussquaresaturn, #forecast, #billionaires, #augustastrology2021, pam gregory, bracha goldsmith, barbara goldsmith, astrology interview, live chat pam, live chat bracha, aug astrology 2021, earth issues, earth changes, communities, astrological prediction, astro forecast, pammy gregory
Id: BlYzjzRSNe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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