Kryon September 2021 - Time's Up!

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Kryon is pretty much saying that it’s the new age and the new earth and what the awakening did was make us aware of the problems so that we can fix them. We can continue buying into the propaganda on the news saying “We’re all gonna die!” But the truth is that neither the virus is as deadly and the vaccine is as helpful as advertised. They have lost and it’s the tipping point we’ve been waiting for.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fatalis_Drakk 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'll have to check this out later. I don't watch videos often, but thank you for the submission! I'm excited to get to see things through your perspective.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MikeKnoles 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
greetings dear ones i'm kryon of magnetic service this morning we ask you to feel the wind of truth it's a metaphor when you feel the wind blows often in a gentle way that's refreshing and that's the way the truth is of this shift you're looking at new energies that you have never had before presented to you in different ways years ago we spoke of the recalibration energy you have passed through that and now comes the work so many of you have asked this very day what's next what should i do what's possible [Music] because this is new dear ones the manual for what's next hasn't been written but there are things we can ask you to do that are so able to be done and it has to be done by old soul now this is an overview it's a generality that i'm giving you it's not a specific so let's talk about the specifics first which is backwards you ask you what you can do what you're going to do next what are you supposed to do what is what is that which is in the plan for you and almost all of you we we say to you you're unique so it may be different for each of you but there is one thing that we're going to start asking for and you're going to hear it more and more old soul in this new energy things are going to come to you watch for the synchronicity don't pass it up when you hear ideas when you meet people when somebody says let's let's go over here and do something and you've never done it before that is synchronicity and the second thing we would say to you is that in the synchronicity that you will meet see it for what it is because that's what you should do what brought you here to this room for those of you sitting here what's the synchronicity not all of you said oh yes i'm going to go to this meeting let's buy a ticket now in fact there's a lot of you but that did not happen at all and here you sit to hear these messages messages of hope and truth can you feel the wind blowing things are changing dear ones and the second large thing we'd ask you individually is to be patient human beings when they start feeling the energies and realize the aha of truth are so excited and they want to act now it's almost like you're going to run out of time and you're not be patient let the things develop as they come to you you'll know what to do with them we told you over and over it's time to start practicing mastery to treat others differently all all of these things that's what you're here for we said before those of you who are sitting around expecting a plant what am i supposed to do and we've said before what if you're already doing it what if your very existence anchors energy for those around you what if you're playing a part you don't even know you're playing simply by being you around others who are watching you what if that's why you're here you realize the importance of that who you're touching and who you're changing so it's not like you think it's not a linear what am i to do and yet i'm going to ask you for something now all of you all of those listening to my voice all of those in the room there really is something you can do my partner touched on an energy you might call it a scenario that is going on right now on this planet the very thing i'm going to discuss is something that is holding you back from the evolution that we speak of from the wild cards that are coming for the inventions we told you you need things that are being developed and are ready right now are being held up by what i'm going to tell you it's very real what my partner was telling you that most of this planet is still in an expectation of doom mode most wherever you go there is this feeling of what you have called waiting for the other shoe to drop you're overdue for doom you're overdue for the world war that was given to you as prediction after prediction after prediction it is so odd everything around you says it's changed everything if you will take a look at the wars that you've had the last world war and the one before take a look at who the players were now take a look at what they're doing they've dropped their borders they're trading with one another the scenario for the next war is not there and yet you expect it take a look at all that is around you it is not then yelling at you you're going to have a war there's so much more that's giving you the evidence that's not what's going to happen at all then why is it that you feel like it's coming now those listening to my voice old souls those in the room old souls you are awakening to a grander truth for the planet a truth that doesn't just belong to a niche amount of believers it's for the whole planet therefore i'm telling you something that involves the whole planet but the old souls are the graduates you have most of the experience you have profound consciousness that can change energy the world is expecting doom the books that have been written about the fractals tell you about the ripples of time that repeat themselves that yell to you that there's going to be problems there's going to be war that yell to you your economy is going to collapse at any moment there are seeds of truth in the ripples let me tell you something perhaps you have figured out or not the ripples of an old energy are dangerous to you dangerous because if enough human beings buy into the old energy it's going to slow things down and some of them will occur [Music] so now you know what i'm going to ask you to do i want you to start spreading the word to everybody that you know who would ask you who would mention it in idle passing or not shape your words for a good future don't buy into this don't be persuaded that something awful has to occur dear ones the prophecies have come and gone you are in the clear but the ripples are still there of the old energy when you hear those speak of it you can tell them this well it didn't happen we've got a good future ahead they'll start giving you chapter and verse of the old energy they'll tell you what has happened and therefore and therefore they'll pull the politics of the day into it they'll say and therefore and therefore and you don't have to convince them all you have to do is show them you don't agree in a loving way you can say yeah i don't think so i feel something good is coming old souls carry weight you carry it with your family with your children with your friends with your colleagues and the weight you carry is because of who you are and who they see in you are you a person who was slow to anger who is quick to love are you a person who is not showing their age as much are you a person who has more energy than you should for your age are you a person that they will look at and they will say i don't know what you've got but i like it they're going to listen to you old soul anyone who listens to my voice i'm going to call it a name i want you to rewrite the past the old ripples of time that say that you were overdue for something was written in an old energy you are rewriting that energy you have seen the prophecies of an older time drop away the mayan calendar told you that old history and time was over the new calendar that has been put up by the maya says that history is going to go into a a place nobody expected that a new long count is here and that human consciousness can go into an evolved state higher than it's ever been where is that realization i'll tell you it's only with the wise ones and that's you you come to a meeting like this you get excited because you hear the facts you see the physics you hear the predictions and you walk out the door and you know absolutely no the things are different and the shift is here and there's a chance that humanity will pull out of this faster than you know that's the first thing i'm going to ask you to do but the second thing well it may be backwards dear ones i do that a lot even the logic is in a circle one thing leads to another one thing builds on another there are those listening to my voice that still don't believe it how are you going to live in a way that's going to tell others to expect good things are coming how are you going to rewrite this past if you haven't really cognized it if you don't believe it you would say well crying this should have been the first thing no i wanted to give you the most profound thing first you're going to have to change the past you're going to have to avoid the ripple and that can only be done by high consciousness groups of individuals who are spreading the word in their own way of a bright future for this planet of better consciousness you're going to have to cognize it you're going to have to believe it for yourself you're going to have to know what's different it's got to be your truth so strong does it have to be that it competes with your belief system of whether gravity is real or not whether when you drop something it'll fall on the floor or not that's how cognizing works it has to be part of your cellular structure that's why i'm here [Music] i'm here to carry humanity into a brighter future and to void out those ripples those old energy things that we have felt coming and are still here the earth is still expecting to terminate crying what do we do about that well if you just wait it'll go away but that's not what you want is it generation after generation will eventually clear the ripples you already starting to see it with the indigos they're not buying into an old energy system one of those things they're not buying into is the ripples are you going to wait for another generation and another and perhaps another before you can move forward or are you going to start getting active brian i don't really understand what am i supposed to do i just shout it from the rooftop i'll tell you what you're supposed to do you watch because suddenly in your life you will have synchronicity to open your mouth it'll come from various sources and you remember this moment and you'll smile because you'll say here it is somebody will say to you do you believe this election do you believe what's going on here you believe how bad all of this energy is what do you say normally yeah it's bad i see it [Music] or do you say i recognize it and you know what the next one is going to be different things are changing it's going to get better you just wait you say that dear one how many people will take that and repeat it you see what you've done at every single time you get the synchronicity to state a bright future how many times have people complained to you or saw that you were a listener and you are and they come to you and they say things are not going well what do you say what should come out of your mouth immediately that's today just wait for tomorrow and if you do this and if you will believe this and if you will then find the god inside perhaps you'll find the joy and understand that humanity is headed for a bright future and it can go faster if you do that but you got to believe it [Music] you got to believe it before it can be passed on this is the first time i have broached this that now your job gets harder you've called yourself a light worker turn on the light you're going to find moment after moment after moment presented to you you didn't even recognize what you were saying or doing where you can turn it around in a benevolent way and not argumentative and you can say yes i've seen the election isn't it interesting it's going to be something different next time then after that even next time you can say isn't it interesting to watch and see the old energy we never saw before and now we can start cleaning it up people will walk away saying either that's a wise old cheerful person even if you're young or they'll say that's the pollyanna and they'll walk away and do whatever they wish it doesn't matter what they do with it dear once what you do with it can you turn things around so that you are a positive speaker a positive speaker [Music] number three the final we use three because this is the catalyst this is going to be the catalyst if enough old souls are doing this regularly it's going to be obvious to many what's going on with them they're not echoing anymore the drama that's here they're not agreeing anymore that the old energies is here instead all they're seeing is light the third thing how do i tell you this you've heard it before this won't be work if you fall in love with yourself this won't be work if you fall in love yourself if you're wealth if you're with a cheerful person it's contagious isn't it if you're with a person who has joy and laughter it's contagious isn't it who are you now you're gonna see i just went backwards on everything should have been the first thing i said fall in love with yourself cognize it's real and spread the word i did it backwards i want you to think about the circle of time you're in the fact that that's why it is the way it is the circle of time has created the belief that people have the doom is coming the new energy that was predicted all over the planet is here and yet the old energy circle still exists in the psyche of those who have experienced it all their life enter the old soul with joy with love with a countenance that is smiling countenance not a depressed one are you listening some of you need to hear this you're so concerned with the earth and what's happening that you walk around depressed may i just tell you your depression is not helping anyone even you you could be as concerned as you want to you can frown all day long and you haven't helped a soul are you listening god is joyful and the things that you worry about will be faster settled if you'll spread the word of joy that's all we're asking change your countenance watch for the synchronicities and at every single point if you can give a positive outcome not an agreed on negative one oh it's easy to to listen to somebody complain and say yeah that's the way it is and then you move on how many times you do that you might think well it's none of my business i don't want to start an argument you're not dear ones when you state the obvious my truth is that we're we're climbing out of this it may not look like it don't watch the news anymore you can tell them because all you're going to see is ugly stuff and it's going to lay on you and hurt your heart turn it off and create the reality the third this earth needs it's getting better not worse there are those who will turn away and not believe you and then there are those who will start understanding what you're saying they may even come and listen to the facts that were presented even this day that you won't necessarily see on your news that this planet is going through a recalibration and starting to correct things that need correcting and slowly the integrity of humanity is one that no longer wants war i want you to analyze how many countries are there on the planet and how many are are actually fighting with with everybody else it's a fraction of what it was 50 years ago fraction there's really only about three or four holdouts today that have dictators who would willingly invade another country that's old energy dear ones that is not what's going to happen take a look at the reaction of the countries to this take a look at what what humanity in general is after and trying to do putting things together not tearing them apart not circling the wagons and competing for resources anymore trying to put it together make it work you've been doing this now long enough now that you can see it's not the way it used to be tell your friends this is what the old souls is about today it's not going to be that hard when you believe it you walk around with a smile and joyful people ask what have you got what are you doing why are you smiling so much and you can say because things are getting better they're getting better in my life because i've discovered there's a shift going on this this isn't going to void out somebody's belief system or religion for you to say the future is going to get better the prophecies of the old or they didn't happen they're not common they didn't happen all the timelines that were given to you including the end of time with the mayans is now what took place instead things are starting to improve that's the message you'll see because the the synchronicity will be given to you to comment more than you think and then my advice is that comment in love enjoy not in opposition there's a difference you can hold them to your bosom as friends as mates and at the same time you can give them beautiful information without making them wrong because you're giving it in joy with a smile i believe things are going to improve that's the predictions of the ancients we passed a corner it's tough time right now you're seeing a lot of opposition to light and i am the light what a joyful loving answer not an opposing proposition not an opinion that's different it's just a statement of power old soul you know how to do this you've been there you've done that you know human nature fall in love with yourself start to change your continence of joy cognize the truth that things are happening differently and then cancel this ripple of doom if you can cancel the ripple or even make a dent in it i will tell you the speed of what is going to take place will quicken the fewer people who expect the end will create a far faster evolution of consciousness on this planet but those ripples of doom that are not going to happen that people still sense have got to go away or be erased or at least diminished before some of the things that i know are coming will arrive you have a bright future wait till you see the next wild card it's not coming until the planet is clear of expecting the end there are some movies being developed that may surprise you because the indigos are young enough now to be writing the scripts there will be some of hope there will be some that are rewriting the past and reminding those in the story of the things that did not happen [Music] there'll be those who are brave enough to paint the future but something they didn't expect it would be good watch for this it's just now beginning to happen watch for linear literature that changes with writers who are now writing about a kinder softer future what is at hand that might work watch for exciting stories even science fiction about a bright future watch for stories about meeting benevolent aliens that might actually help the planet and the drama that would ensue around it and those who might not believe them [Music] it's all part avoiding the ripples of doom and it can advance your evolution by generations do you accept the task this is the old soul i'm hearing it all over the planet it's not going to be that hard if you see the truth and the light that is there i am crying in love with humanity for obvious reasons i'll say it again i have seen this before you have seen this before it's in your akash on another planet it's starting to reoccur starting to come back to you you are starting to feel better about it at the same time you understand god is inside you you have help you're not doing this alone and you'll see it you'll see it that's enough for now and so it is you
Channel: XÓM TV
Views: 55,232
Rating: 4.9227123 out of 5
Id: iT42ppnwvKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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