September 2021 Astrology - The Equinox and a peek into 2022!

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here we go hi everybody think i'm live not sure so if you can tell me whether you see me or not that would be wonderful and then i'll know whether to continue welcome welcome i'm so thrilled you're here today this is a wonderful time to come together right at the beginning of a new month a new energy as we build up to the new moon in virgo we've got a lot to talk about so as we get settling in here together we're from all over aren't we i mean i'm here in marathona about an hour out of athens where are you some of you might be round the corner so we're in a build-up to a new moon and a new moon as we build up to from a full moon to a new moon this is a wonderful time for getting rid of anything you don't want so brilliant time for detoxing doing anything that is good for your body your well-being we're we're in virgo time so virgo time and pisces time because we've got the new moon on the 6th 7th of september and we've got the full moon on the 23rd of september so just after the equinox so we're right in a mutable time where a lot of change even more change is on its way so the advantage of this time is that you've got an opportunity to create a more streamlined living not to have so many things that you probably don't need now i'm talking about this on a physical level but i'm also talking about it about the people in your life and you might already be finding that that some of the people in your life are slipping away maybe or you just don't feel as though you're on the same resonance together anymore there's a shift and mars is opposite neptune so we've got mars in virgo neptune in pisces so mars wants to go neptune just wants to chill so you've got a real energy of maybe wanting to move forward and maybe not feeling like moving forward or moving forward and then feeling as though the breaks are on so let's look at the frequency because all the signs have a different frequency and then if you can tune into the frequencies that we are that are prevalent right now during this month of september then you can float or even fly above a lot of the challenges a lot of the difficulties a lot of the glue the things that feel you know might feel as though we're wading through glue so this is just a wonderful time for together for us to explore because remember we're doing this together this is never just me talking at you never is we are co-creating here together you are my soul family and we can go to the highest frequencies together the higher the frequency the more we don't get sucked into all of the other stuff so let's now look at virgo and pisces because these are the frequencies until just after the equinox on the 23rd then the sun is going to go into libra and there's a change of energy again but until then right now it's strongly virgo so let's look at and use somewhere in your chart will have virgo no matter yeah it might not look like it might look a little peculiar you might say hmm i don't think i've got virgo anyway and that's what many of you say to me i can't find virgo you will have it somewhere i'm having a little trouble with the uh the live chat yeah usually that's coming in um super fast and it seems to be um very slow so i just want to say thank you to lucy and april who are moderating here doing a wonderful job so what's the highest expressions of virgo and let's look at the more difficult ones that we're going to see around so the first thing around virgo is judgment judging critical and i think we've got to be so careful about judging one another and judging yourself because you may not see the whole picture there's the pisces the pisces sees the big picture and the virgo narrows it down very small so virgo is ruling the head rule by mercury and pisces ruby neptune neptune ruling the feet and in the feet of course is everything that is above it so we're dealing with the balancing of order which is virgo and chaos which is pisces and you might be finding that in your life maybe you are finding that are you finding that um because it's i don't know what's happening with the chat usually we can interact but all right this is how it is you see the the pisces energy just says if you can't change it surrender to it accept it and if you can the virgo says right well what what can we do that will be an intelligent choice so you might find in your life that you've got order in one part of your life and chaos breaking out somewhere else maybe in relationships or in finances we're looking at the virgo energy which is about control and we're looking at how much can we control the virus can we control the situation the wildfires the floods the bombs the all of it and how much is just out of our control and same with your life right now what can you control what are the things you can make not really good decisions about and virgo would be asking you to make new decisions around your health and well-being so what practical steps could you take especially with daily habits virgo rules your daily habits what you do on a daily basis so i've started one of my new daily habits is to sit quietly at the table and only eat when i'm eating so and eat slowly and chew at least 25 times every mouthful and it's hard you've got to be really there in the moment and i'm noticing how much more i'm enjoying the food it was all over the place before not conscious so virgo asks you to simplify every little detail of your life and to become really highly aware of what's going on virgo rules science so this is a really important time to get really informed about what's happening with mars opposite nature we're being told all kinds of things as to what's going on in the media there's a lot of censorship this is mars neptune energy neptune just sort of senses things mars is people going ahead and neptune just so you know it suddenly got lost or it suddenly got taken down so what's something practical you could do for your health i'd love to be sharing here but i think the chat is not working is that right could somebody tell me whether it's working could lucy tell me please lucy would you text me or something because i don't know it feels like um talking to thin air but it's okay pisces says just trust don't get into your head trust that it's all right so the other thing to be thinking about all this mental energy going on is the chat is working okay thank you so with all this mental energy is to think about your words your thoughts can you create more cleanliness in your thinking because what you're thinking is affecting your physical well-being your immune system so the more aware you can be about what you're thinking about and what you're reading about and start cleaning up the act with the virgo energy because the virgo energy will help you yeah it's a helpful energy and the neptune energy will help you to release past hurts erase the memories of things that have hurt you in the past so we're dealing with the tangible which is the virgo energy and the intangible which is the pisces and it's about learning which one to use when so a lot of trust a lot of faith has really been shattered i don't know how you feel i can't read the chat i know i'm i wish i could because i usually answer you in the chat yeah so i apologize that this is happening i i don't know quite how to correct it but maybe i'll just um try a new page here maybe that will uh that will help him see if i can reconnect here and talk about reconnecting so one of the big things about this month especially as we move towards the end of it where mercury will go retrograde um we've got a tremendous amount of retrograding energy all the five outer planets are retrograde and then mercury will join them on the 25th of the month so it's going to be important to go inwards internally and to really ask your guides ask within ask deep inside for your answers because that's where your answers are going to come and there's a lot of questions out there a lot of questions yeah that's great yes wonder while the miscommunication is probably going to be one of the things you need to look out for most this month miscommunications misunderstandings so i'm going to suggest if you're doing something really important or whatever it is any conversation repeat back to somebody what you think they asked or what you think they said because that would be really helpful and you'll avoid getting into the quagmire of misunderstandings you might find relationships come to a head and old relationships that no longer feed you that no longer nourish you you might need to just cut them dead and not just keep going and keep trying you see the virgo energy really wants to help everybody get virgo rules service i know i'm like that i i really would love to help everybody and i i think you're like that too but we can't help everybody and that's been a real uh awakener for me this last week i realized i have had somebody in my life for a while who it's just there's no uh how to say there's no reason to continue this relationship at all i mean it's a peripheral relationship but nonetheless cut your ties so that you can free your energy i can still love the person you don't have to be giving your precious energy at the moment to it you can put that energy that's going to something where it's depleting you and you're losing power and you can put it into something that gives you power that boosts you and rather be on your own than with people or somebody where it's just not uplifting and you know it and virgo is very much about yeah let's have it out on the tape let's analyze so we're still under this influence of the square between saturn and uranus so we're seeing a lot of uh demonstrations disagreements i have to be honest i went to my first i think first ever demonstration here in greece right i mean greece you know they're always having demonstrations but this was the first one i went to now why did i go because it's not my cup of tea i can tell you i'm not good with crowds i'm certainly frightened of police with tear gas and water bombs but when yanny my friend said that he would meet me there i said all right i'll go because i felt really strongly that i needed just to put my presence there so what are you feeling strongly about and why did i feel that well there are many reasons but one of them and i'm aware that i might get into a um sticky wicket here so i'm not pro or anti-vaccine let me just put that on the table i've had that many vaccines as a child yeah so i'm certainly not pro or auntie but what i am and this you know personal here it's a personal thing i am against is certain freedoms that are being taken away and maybe when and it's happening very very quickly and we need to be thinking and saying you know is this right does this sit well with me or does it not sit well with me oh dean happy birthday tomorrow yay so what does not sit well with me for example is that certain workers are being now mandated to have the vaccine and i realize it's a hot subject and i can feel the heat and the steam going but okay let's have it let's have it out but as far as i can see from my understanding and my research if you're going to mandate people to do something there needs to be some kind of liability if it goes wrong this is this natural mars energy yeah mars pushing you to do something and neptune is it the truth is it true is it true what i'm being told and who takes liability if something goes wrong these vaccines as far as i know um i'll not support i don't have a manufacturer liability and the government takes no liability so what if something happens to one of these workers who takes my ability who has to fight for that and these are issues these are just questions i'm putting the questions out there that's all and that we can have sensible discussions and again this energy of miscommunication and i'm hoping that what i'm saying is clear here i'm not miscommunicating i'm trying to say something clear um but as a libra and libra energy is coming up i need a feeling of things being equitable and not just being pushed through without any opportunity for discussion with lots and lots and lots of censorship and data being is it true is it not so you might be questioning that and it's a very very exactly thank you personal decisions should not be forced and if they are forced then who is liable if something goes wrong big question i do enjoy watching the chris martinson uh sorry lucy i'm giving you something else um but he said you know that recently g uh general motors uh released the electric car 37 000 of them and two uh were set on fire and they've recalled all of them why because they're liable as a manufacturer liability so i don't know but if somebody you know dies as a result of the vaccine or dies as a result of certain things what what there are just questions here i'm not saying i've got the answers and i'm putting a lot out there but i think it's all bubbling yeah and what's important is that we don't get sucked under into the argumentative energy but we see that we're in this soup together and we must find ways to work together because once you start forcing things without discussion this is the energy that we're in then you begin to create chaos which is the piscean energy so how we're gonna deal with this right so on a personal level clean your closets clean out your stuff if you can what's negative in your thinking who do you think of on a regular basis negatively go away that has to get erased right however you can do it sing it out dance it out paint it out hum it out it doesn't matter how you do it write it out get it out and this is the one of the best times between uh between now and this new moon towards the new moon fantastic time so if you want to do a cleanse if you want to clean your closets if you want to get things organized and you want to create some order or a sense of order because you know there is a need for a sense of order this is the time this is a really good time and at the same time we've got the piscean energy lurking there and it's coming up at the time of the equinox we need other tools in our toolbox see virgo is the toolbox so let's let's create the toolbox together what tools have you got in your toolbox for example one of mine is a painting which i shared and many of you have enjoyed it i nearly didn't share it because i feel a little um yeah uncomfortable uh with sharing it but it seems like it's something now that's brought out a lot of creativity and fun so we we get away from all that mental thinking yeah it's good and it's necessary we've got to have breaks from it we've got to have times where you just go off sailing and that's the piscean energy and for those of you that have enjoyed those painting videos let me know because i will do some more and maybe you'll get your pain so we'll join in together we do creative things together and i would love to see you share on facebook or share on my community page your artwork what you're creating now what you're inspired to do because the the creative energy the music yeah it passes all boundaries that's the pisces that's the neptune yeah we like different kinds of music but you know when you play something it can bring hundreds and thousands of us together with that frequency of the music and i will play something i've got my piano here today so we'll play something at the end so it's important to find the balance between your left brain which is the virgo and your right brain which is the pisces and they use both it's a bit like the pleiadians since i started to channel they absolutely insisted that i wrote with my left hand now it took a while but i do do it now from time to time i do a little bit of each i'm still quicker with my right but i can write with the left and also i can chop vegetables now with my left hand now that took that took a while too so it's about becoming ambidextrous working with both energies and not getting stuck in one for too long but using it positively i don't know if that's lucy telling me something here no it's not so relationships may have a real volatility at this time i would say the animals are very much ruled by virgo and pisces virgo rules the small animals and pisces the bigger animals so connecting with animals is extremely healing soothing sometimes you know if i've had a you know maybe a difficult call or something's been difficult or i've received an official notice and i've had a bit of a oh you know when you just go into a i have that because i'm i can't understand greek written greek well enough yet and i get one of these notices and it's like wow but then i'll go outside and and donai the cat will be there and immediately i'm soothed so the animals can soothe away and do soothe and do clear our energy fields they really do and if you don't have a live animal you can always have teddies just to lovely so angela loves to dance and cross stitch lovely what do you love to do what's in your toolbox yeah what have you got that you can pull out when there's a woof yeah because we're dealing with a lot of different energies and many of you i would imagine are empaths and super sensitive and you're picking up on all kinds of energies so it's important the virgo energy is is showing you right how do i clean it having a clean space a clean head space doesn't it feel great when you've had a shower it's like whoosh so showering is good yeah if you've had a negative something boom get in the shower that helps me every time what are the things gazing into the clouds shauna beautiful singing and tarot trin lovely dancing says katherine dance is a medicine sewing glaruso beautiful working out so have several things if you can so you can catch it quickly because it's like a spiral of energy once you get sucked into it it's like it's like a rip tide and it's like it just takes you in and then it's just more difficult to dig yourself out so if we know this kind of energy is here these are the tools that you can do and it's important because the virgo energy is your practical health it's things that you do to keep you healthy vitamin c d sunshine singing smiling walking what are the things you do practically and the next question is what are the things you do for the neptune energy to pisces energy what do you do spiritually yeah for your spiritual health because both are very important if your spiritual health isn't okay your physical health and well-being and immune system won't be as strong as it could be so it's that uplift of emotions that uplift of the feeling don't let your head go down don't let it droop down when you're out yeah see if you can be conscious of having your head up really even when you look up i notice that i look up at the uh the stars a lot here because it's uh beautiful in the countryside here you can't be sad when you're looking up at least not for long yeah so yeah veronica's agreeing looking up to the sky for an instant high vibe so martial arts radica yeah writing emceeing dancing yeah helping others angela yeah and you can help others so much more if your aura is clean and you feel filled up that's why it's really important to get away from relationships that are draining your energy doesn't mean rejecting the person just that you're cleaning up your energy field and it's so you've got to doing yeah don't sort of clean the house and then you never do it again you've got you've got to keep doing it just not obsessively that sort of virgo gets obsessive sometimes no not to an obsessive degree but it's about simplifying yeah feeling gratitude great for your spiritual uh growth the meditation of course yeah terror astrology all of these mystical arts yeah so we've got i think this is important because i think there's going to be more miscommunications possibly in the pot so thank you everybody for liking the video lucy and april are working really hard here they're encouraging you to like the more that you like the more of our brothers and sisters and join us here in this higher frequency this is a high frequency broadcast and you're co-creating it and then you can take this energy with you wherever you go and then that spreads out that spreads out further you see it is unstoppable you know the future is bright the future is good thank you dean i appreciate that very much so it's about stretching beyond this limit because there's something about virgos sometimes that wants things just as they are and doesn't want them to be changed or moved pisces says well you know i'm not a finite being yeah the virgo says you know things are finite it's very much earth energy so getting in touch with earth connecting to earth but being aware that you are infinite infinite and that you can connect into infinite energies and that's what we're doing here together we're dealing with certain practicalities of life that we've got to deal with and enjoying life the pleasures of the senses using the mind wisely and kindly with kind thoughts and then tuning into something that is so much bigger and you're a part of that too so how can you stretch yourself yeah it's always this sense of going yeah it was a big stretch for me to do that painting and show you uh a couple of examples of painting the process of channeling painting and and it's always different so i will do some more since there seems to be a demand so it's important that we get into this energy of forgiveness there's so much history still going on yeah and i've got a great quote here really from cs lewis who says everybody says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive and it is true is it not it's not always easy but as you forgive you clean yourself again yeah you clean yourself it's not your stuff you're not hanging on to it anymore september the 15th until october the 7th this is important thank you sean i appreciate that venus and mars are in what's called astrologically mutual reception so it means they're in each other's sign right it's a bit like hey you're you're in my you're in my place and they will say oh you're in mine so it's it's not a comfortable energy yeah from from the 15th um on the 11th venus goes into scorpio on the 15th mars goes into libra right so venus israel libra and mars is much more comfortable in scorpio than it is in libra okay so they're not very comfortable in those places so i would be extremely careful with contracts with anything that needs an agreement and i would have everything in writing and i can feel this energy coming yeah because already uh my landlord here you know i always insist to just have a little email i'm always in credit always i like to just sleep at night and he just gave me his accounting for this month and it was a thousand euros out in his favor i was like you know i had one of those moments like you do and then i just looked at the email trail and i was able just to quietly and calmly email him back and say i think there was a miscommunication did you see that email this is the credit and within an hour or two it was all cleared up so make sure you're leaving paper trails or email trails or message trails and keep as good records as you can with this energy and with mercury going retrograde on the 25th of the month until the 19th of october mercury retrograde in libra and jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto all these outer planets retrograde don't be surprised if global issues are quite difficult to play out yeah globally things may be quite sticky um and just to think before you respond to anything that comes to you go into a deeply reflective space it's a very reflective energy it's not something that's uh out there and being terribly action-oriented doesn't mean so you can't take action but don't take the action until you've really had time to reflect to percolate yeah you know how it is if you take the coffee out too soon it's not percolating properly so make sure you've got perky percolated i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right um so we are going to be okay yeah we are just we are moving to a new energetic field there's going to be a lot more chaos probably that's why if you can use the virgo energy to simplify your life every day set yourself three baby tasks three top ones that's all and just do that if you get to do more fabulous but keep it very simple so talking about things that are creative i just wanted to share with you some more of this beautiful jewelry from um modern day manifestations it's really uh gorgeous i don't know if you can see that they're in new zealand and it's handcrafted handmade um healing stones healing energies just absolutely beautiful i find it very soothing very healing they're made with cruelty-free vegan products and they've got a 50 sale off various items and if you enter the code astro you will get another 15 off your first order and here's another beautiful uh specimen here so they're really gorgeous and then they're handmade creatively by our brothers and sisters in new zealand all over new zealand so i'm going to encourage you to feel things out with the neptunian energy feel it sense it trust your intuition i have that many people who send me messages are you talking to me on whatsapp when i'm like no i never solicit business so there's a lot of scammers out there on instagram i as soon as we take one off another 10 come on people think i'm on whatsapp uh doing offering you things i i really never do that so trust your intuition if it's not feeling right don't do it wait i think a key word this month september would be wait and see before you commit yourself to something say to yourself i'm just gonna wait and see at least until october the 19th when mercury goes direct let me think about that somebody's pushing you to do something you're not sure about let me think about that i'll get back to you give yourself breathing space it's important and forgiveness is going to be really a key thing here so mark twain's beautiful quote forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it so i wanted to end up with a song to sweeten things what can you do to sweeten somebody's world yeah i think we've got quite a lot of bitter pills that we're dealing with so i'm just gonna play for you just a spoonful of sugar yeah and just let's get into this energy of how can i make this sweeter what can i do that will make me smile here in this situation i'll make another person smile here we go [Music] come first of all i've got to ask a question can you hear could you hear that uh because the last time the music didn't play so wait a moment until the chat comes back [Music] okay so can you hear it can you first hear that little bit and i'm going to have to find this one minute i am coming back i promise it's mercury retrograde i'm just having a bit of a lip oh you can hear it awesome so [Music] so [Music] oh all together now i'm losing it because i've just suddenly got nervous so let's get off it we'll breathe and we'll do it again together just [Music] thank you for your patience i'm sending you so so much love may this be an uplifting month where your frequency rises and rises and we bring so many people with us together to a cleaner toxic free creative beautiful new earth that's what we're working towards here connecting thank you lucy thank you april thank you for those who've been very generously contributing here those on patreon who generously contribute and i just love you bye for now you
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 47,642
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: #astrology, #september2021, full moon in aquarius, astrological prediction, bracha goldsmith, full moon intentions, #equinox, aries september 2021, taurus september 2021, gemini september 2021, cancer september 2021, september 2021 horoscope, scorpio september 2021, virgo september 2021
Id: kMVZYn1sydI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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