Killing 100+ Humans To make One for MAX Power..

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so we've been making the most OP Pals on the channel for quite some time but what if we could make the most OP human unfortunately uh you can't really pick these guys up and throw them in breeding pins which means if we want to make the strongest one it's going to use the contraption which also means I need to catch like 128 different people yay we're going to need a lot of these now I've got 4,000 ore ready to be made but just got no paldium fragments man so I've got some people working on that cuz for now green Merchant sell all of this junk thanks for the 100 Grand get 185 shotgun shells 500ish assault rifle ammo let me go get these 15 legendary spheres that are waiting cuz there's a decent amount of humans in this game that are like actually different like the syndicate thug with a club punched oh that instantly murdered you um try and instantly murdered him too okay let's just try and catch one oh you're at 6% okay maybe use the legendary sphere guy with a club that's 100% you can die oh cool they have traits it's a shame I can't breed them man but there's still better people where you guys at I know you like to hang out in groups here you are brothers of the Eternal Pyre let's thin out your numbers I only need one of you that's better ow stop it 10% catch chance that's well it could be better let's try that again there we go 24% if I'm making the perfect human need to try out all these different weapons man now if you just want to stay in the ball that would be nice would you get out of here flop away why is this not working quit being stingy or not I mean I'll shoot you again if you want I really don't care we can play this game yeah that's what I thought captured isn't there like three different factions that I actually need to look at hang on brothers of the Eternal Flame seem like they'll be good with their little flamethrower I think like over here though there's Brothers of the grass seed or something ah yeah here we go free pal Alliance you guys use crossbows you're dead you're also dead wait shoot you in your toe that's probably about as good as I'll get what 9% hang on I'm going to try and go out of range even further survive this bro just didn't listen why do these bullets kill people hang on that's well you were able to survive two shots at least yes that guy in the back is fine get in the sphere 27% chance oh one wiggle can I please nothing's ever simple there we go perfect obviously I'll be able to compare the attack on all these guys isn't there also like a special little group over here in the icy Zone I guess there's a chance that like I'm making all this up I've only got like five goldfish from my memory bank so sometimes it's a little unreliable I was going to say it seems like that's the case but these guys are just normal guards this is fine excuse me let's just weaken you don't need another Merchant buddy sorry spots full like a level 20 guard I feel like should have decent attack right I mean he's got the AR at least stay in the sphere sheesh what's up with people not wanting to be captured and working for me for like all eternity huh am I not a nice guy I'll give like holiday pay or whatever all right back to base got a couple more Speers waiting for me now I want to get a viewing cage up just to make sure we've got normal Syndicate Thug pal guy fire guy guard guy obviously right now the this level 31 is like the best but that's not a fair test we need to see them all at level 50 of course plus I'm still not even done quick to the desert there's two people here I need to pick up for the team it's not the shotgunners instead it's this one guy with a rocket launcher stop it stop it don't shoot me don't shoot me shot in your foot he shot me stay in the sphere we know this game likes it when you do big single shot damage so I'm curious on if the rocket launcher guy ends up being better would you yeah start jiggling the sphere we got him so we got the rocket launcher guy where's the minigun guy you're right here Syndicate Crusher you seem big and scary buddy Best of Both Worlds kind of type I don't know how much damage a minigun will actually do for me but I still want to test everything it's fun to be a mad scientist and play with human life I get it and now I think that's the only unique enemies that are here rocket launcher minigun I'm seeing a shotgunner but I'm not really too worried about that guy ah grenadier I know you're thinking I hardly know her but still hey come with me buddy I need you for a fun experiment would you stay in the stupid pal sphere we got a one and four chance and I haven't gotten to jiggle it once there we go now let's try yes back shot that didn't give me any more capture rate actually no you know what it worked though so I'm not going to question it oh and while I'm in the desert let me go pay a visit to my old friend who can drop me a legendary schematic if I'm lucky grenada no stop it do not do that move get into my hands instead no don't act tough let's just get that HP down a little bit huh you can survive one more there you go all right stay in the sphere stay in the sphere and also drop me the schematic huh how about that wow I actually did it first ball didn't get the schematic though well I'm going to go cut him apart later is it messed up that if I don't get what I want I just have to dismember them limb from limb maybe is it fun and while I stop doing it yes and no you pick the order so what Syndicate Elite you need to go in there along with the Syndicate Crusher and The Syndicate grenadier the crusher is two levels higher than the elite but has like 200 attack less that's concerning this guy also needs to like pull this pants up a little bit is it messed up that I'm making a human pen nah nah it's not all right let's make a thousand cement now too need it for more balls now time for the number one most annoying group of people ever these executioners hit hard so I've really got the most hope for them oh did not mean to kill you buddy whoops sometimes I just have fun pulling the trigger excuse me you guys want to join an elite Squadron you guys want to know what it feels like to have the power of a bunch of other humans coursing in your veins then stay in the sphere buddy oh that actually worked on a 15% chance what if I capture another one on the off chance it just has like muscle head on it I think that would be lucky and fun all right I'm going to give you two more spheres though and if you don't stay in I murder you and then your mother so choose no nobody I said choose come on yeah you picked idiot hm clearly some people didn't take kindly to what I just did Grenada let's just correct their behavior stupid idiots why Why Try leave me in peace you can't touch me like that MC Hammer song All right so I believe this is all the guards you can no what am I saying there's still one more there's the PIDF officers but if you rack up enough assault charges they go from level 40 that's a second assault charge eventually I'll get the elite sent after me for now then I just need to ruin this guy's day maybe I should catch one of the Infantry members I can just make some legendary Spears here in a second do the double jiggle thank you here we go I think if I pull up into a completely new Village and then start causing Mayhem here yeah here we go the assault charge is going up there it is that's a x8 where's the level 50 guys at here we go oh is it still PF infantry I thought there was Elites 4% catch chance oh and I did it well we don't have to do this anymore guys do you still want to I mean seems like a pretty stupid idea to me but I'll oblige pull dead looks like I'm playing junkrat pull dead got mm vioence all right so our Max PIDF infantry man is at 611 attack he's actually got aggressive on him but of course I want to see what everyone else is like when they get up to level 52 so we just need to kill some people for a minute that's easy enough oh cool shiny Mau Cryst just mag dump into you for a sec will you go in a giga sphere no all right I've only got two Legend Spheres so whoa Chill on that come on stay in all right this is my last one I mean life of hanging out in a box or death you pick yeah it's always better and I brought ragnahawk just because he's a flame guy so it you know makes it easier to murder stuff like so yo how is he on the tree sure there's a lot of Pals right here too it' be a shame if I just threw a flame tornado in there and then started mag dumping again clear out please sorry you can't be here there's no actual rule to it I just meant like you can't be in this plane of living I need your experience hope you understand oh cool we've already got one up to level 50 574 attack what does this little symbol mean above their head this guy doesn't have that but ragnahawk does that mean they're level 50 maybe I don't know let's get the others level 50 and see syndicate Elite no that's not there Crusher not there what is this all right back to base pal genetic researcher Syndicate grenadier Crusher Elite Thug now to just get these next four leveled up to Max and then I'll have my Victor which is weird when you think about it it just means I have the one who stays alive it's fine everything's normal and safe over here get some more of these legendary Spears huh woah why did that wumpo just do a a high jump it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and for that you must be punished die die quit throwing rocks at me they hurt my face I like when there's nice big groups just killing everybody so much easier because of it and oh my weapon broke well that's not good quick repair my shotgun please might as well just repair all my weapons while I'm at it all right back to it everybody dies hi mammorest goodbye Mammorest just need like three more levels on everybody I think I've got enough ammo for that come here jerks stop it I've already captured one of your friends if you want to return to you alive give your own lives right here and now you don't need to know that I'm lying but still oh and everyone's right on the cusp of 49 these last three little mammorest Cryst should take care of the job excuse me pardon me appreciate your sacrifice level 50s now comes my favorite part the comparing each other so The Syndicate Thug which is like the level one Goblin only has 142 attack crusher is at 342 Elites 581 and the grenadier is at 316 so you have potential the rest of you well you're not going to like your fate the Eternal pyre is at 542 Free Pal Alliance devout sucks put you in here cuz these guys are close guards at 493 the Infantry is at 611 and the genetic research unit Explorer is at 574 611's hard to beat but the unit Explorer has like an extra 500 HP so I think we'll probably end up going with this guy too cuz I like his gun but bring me the Infantry out cuz we can test it here infantry unit go get that bushi why are you just what is that what was that were you flying into him you seem like you're only you're doing like a ground pound against him hey genetic unit researcher how about you buddy you also did a ground pound you want to shoot your gun ever by chance no wait can I give you the skill hey do dragon meteor does that like actually work it looks to me like you're just pondering buddy I think giving a pal skill to a human just makes it bug out this is good to know though can anyone use their regular abilities in battle if not I'm making the strongest boxer in history brother of the Eternal pyre punching Syndicate Elite with a rocket launcher that did 3,100 damage what dude 4,000 why okay grenadier do your thing 825 you're not even throwing a grenade how about the black marketeer also punching did you just do no damage oh my God they just are making a mockery of you buddy you did three so wait Syndicate Elite with a rocket launcher is just the goat oh yeah here we go the rest of you hang out in here until your eventual demise not you black marketeer actually let's get rid of this cuz like I figured you are able to boost up their stats from 581 up to 610 oh and that's just going to keep going up can I use pal Souls on these guys by chance oh yeah most definitely I can all right so I got a lot more legendary Spears this time though going to make some hypers you'll get why here in a second hey buddy I also need some more ammo 100 shells 250 AR that'll help and are you done yes you are cool I noticed when I was looking for a bunch of Cremis that you can just find a good amount of humans in these little camps and they have a 25% catch chance at Max HP 27% even at not Max which is the same as you know a legendary sphere it seems or they'll spawn in big groups like this which oh guess I can't do that oh I got the gumoss with the flower on their head and a shiny one cool I feel special every time that happens all right guys let's not make me waste these Spheres does giga work the same yeah still 26% it's probably like the max human capture rate you can actually get what about a normal pal only 16% but I've got like almost 400 of these things so I almost wonder I was going to try and catch all those level five guys but if I've got like a 27% chance no matter what did I just catch these other ones oh no wait this is 15% for these guys I guess sometimes it still works and I think I know where the best group of people to catch actually is I need a crap ton of spawns and I need it to not break the bank let's try out you guys 22% and I just got to get well a decent amount of damage done I thought this would definitely be the better way turns out n this is just really annoying I'm done with you well let's head back home real quick then all right Mr Elite dinner time get you up to two star already wonder if I can get his damage to be over 700 that would be nice I've also realized that I'll probably be able to do this easier if my gun isn't so broken so I'm just getting a handgun made thank you hey buddy can I have a lot of handgun ammo 32 it's not even remotely close to a lot and they fixed the abnormally High sale price of nails man my handgun is still too strong I have a bow now let's see if this is easier I think our answer is sort of kind of glad I kept all these like 700 arrows now guys please stay in the Spheres a fate worst death will befall you if you don't well this guy is just being difficult now taking my frustrations out on Nitewing wait what am I doing done I can do this all day guys nothing but time here there we go why are we doing this why what did they do to you well they're dead now can't take it back it's crazy how all of you want to stay in the Spheres this time no no all of you want to stay in the Spheres this time stay this is just going to take a sec huh I've resorted to a new tactic of utilizing the dungeon to actually catch these guys there's just so many more and they're infinitely spawning I think I'm kind of a genius I really don't know why just sometimes they all get like stuck looking at a wall which lets me you know take my time sphereing everyone else oh no this guy's stuck in the wall hang on buddy I'll be right out there come meet you on the glitched side might as well stay in the sphere for that one no you want to be doomed to this for all eternity that what you're telling me here you can have a legendary sphere how about that you still broke out of it okay I got to tell you it's an art form getting all of these guys down to perfect capturing level this is one of those things I didn't want to become good at it's just kind of happened though all right that can be the last little guy I catch cuz I want to go check how many I have check the pal condenser this guy 97 that might actually be enough hang on let me just make sure I'm not accidentally selling my Merchants condense all of you then the rest of these thugs am I two short well we don't really need the blue Merchant since we got the black marketeer I'll just catch a red Merchant later it'll be fine there we go full four star Syndicate Elite 697 attack that's looking good so let's come over here and we'll crank his attack up got up to 906 I'm just kind of curious if I grabbed my three cremis is that impact you at all punch is like a neutral type move so I can only assume they work but let's go try it out now here we can even feed them like the attack boosting thing let's give him a fitting name for his strength that seems good yep all right buddy listen come out of this gate swinging and Swinging hard all right don't give him a second to breathe kill him go 10,000 damage what do it again Dodge that move Nice Shot grizzbolt idiot hang on hang on do it do it again dude you're crazy I didn't think you'd actually end up being somewhat good no that's that's impressive all right yeah no I like you well just made the strongest human in the world what am I supposed to do next just leave me a comment down below letting me know until then thanks for watching don't forget to maybe become a channel member and I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 202,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld, palworld human, condensing humans
Id: WDdejPwQfcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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