4-Star Lovander is BROKEN in Palworld

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hey it's me cinky and in this video we will be attempting to create the world's most powerful lavander ever this video has been inspired by one of my YouTube commenters who have said to please make a lavanda video and they have been doing it for about 12 videos in a row now so massive shout out to them and let's get onto the video man this looks so beautiful just the sun setting on this amazing game I've got some weapons over here and ammo we got 80 rifle ammo and we've got 162 ultr spheres which took me just under 1,000 normal ingots I think it was yeah refining it so 160 sh should be enough as we going to need I think it's 118 to fully star one I keep forgetting what the exact numberers but it's over 100 and also in the breeding Farm we've got a sweeper and a Lambo these two breed up to be a lavander I'm very surprised I can still use this lamble and breeding fully IED out the best stats as well for all round attacks not just like flame Emperor or grass Emperor or whatever those are so I'll let these guys breed up to make some lavers so hopefully we get the best all round stat and the best IV stat on a lavander and lavers spawn in the deserts only at night time so that's why I'm starting this video just before it's about to turn night time and I think we should do once again another Montage for this just in case there is going to be a flashing light warning all right let's get into that Montage shall we you can't even climb without a fear falling how you going to reach your if you don't put your been down so many times it's crazy but all the years of Blood Sweat and Tears is what made me I've been BR being broken only thing I know to do is keep going only thing I know to do is keep motion and if they doubt you it just means you got to show i' been cling my whole life yeah try to get over yeah if you want it you got to get it ain't no complaining if you ain't really it fall and I ain't ashamed to admit it but if you ain't getting up again you really committed if you want it you got to get it got to get it ain't no complaining if you ain't really H it falling I ain't as to ad but if you can't even fly without a fear of falling so why you even try if you ain't put your all in I've been down too many times to add up but you would never see me hit the ground and knock get back up I'm being bruised being broken only thing I know to do is keep going only thing I know to do is keep motion and if they doubt you it just me you got to show I've been climbing my whole life just trying to get over these wall don't me St don't stay cling he's going to let me fall Stay climing Stay climing yeah you got get it ain't no complaining if you ain't I ain't Ash to ad but if you up you Comm you got get it ain't no complaining that you ain't really it calling I ain't ashame to ADM it get up again you this game is just so beautiful sometimes I tell you like look at that doesn't that just make you go wow so we have gone ahead and we have farmed up how many leanders do we Farm we farmed up 150 I think lavers in this video we have used all of our spheres bad thing about the lavers they only spawn at night time and because of that the guys don't breed because they're sleeping which is completely fine to be honest let's go ahead and see any we actually caught in the condenser we've got a bunch of boxes full we've got 147 in our pal box the love vanders gave me a lot of mushrooms and a bunch of juices so we're going to have a very fantastic time tonight I tell you what so with that said um I think I'm going to take a nap and while I do that I'll probably wait and edit the video while these guys houch up a lot of eggs so I'm just going to go ahead and take a nap uh zoo we Mama that was a fun night um the eggs are ready we've got a like how many we got like I don't know 20 odd eggs or something so let's use the mod to instantly hatch them all and hopefully we get some good ones and Max IVs all my days there was so many these all took like I think half an hour to hatch as well so about 35 minutes in total for every single egg this is going to go on forever the incubation complete Legend muscle head with the 100 IV stat that's not bad those two are pretty bad nothing good nothing good muscle head lucky wow a pretty good one with fragrant foliage that one's actually pretty decent it's got somewhat decent stats we can probably that's a male this is a female that's a female we can put it on muscle head on that one and get the 100 IV in the attack that's all we're after really finally they're all done all right so we got a male lavander here with froes Legend lucky not even 100 in any good stat but it's got 80 in the attack stat which is all we're after today we're just after attack then we got a female with muscle head and lucky with 100 IVs in the attack stat so hopefully we get the 100 attack IV onto this lavander here and also have all the best passive skills I'm actually surprised as a male version of Leander cuz that kind of doesn't make sense but that doesn't matter so now I just need to wait for these guys to breed up and do absolutely nothing because everything you've seen in this video up to this exact point has already been edited I'm not even joking all right and as you can see just incubated we so I need to get used to the FK play too much hell divers recently so this is the laer I just hatched we have a lavander here 100 in the IV stat for attack 77 in the IV stat for defense 61 in the IV stat for HP it's not the best power but after attack here today cuz no one really cares how much the thing can take they just care about how much damage it's going to do ferocious Legend lucky musclehead for all the damage we're going lucky for the all round damage we're not going um Celestial Emperor whatever it is for a strict 5% extra boost to whatever damage type and it is also male so it's not somewhat mummy but it doesn't really matter um yep it's trans or something I don't know you figure it out so what we're going to do I'm going to show you guys the attack stab being boosted maybe I go ahead and enhance it all the way cuz I don't have enough power souls to increase it all the way because the large power SS are quite difficult to find so we got Max in the attack yeah why not let's Chuck some of the defense as well see how high we can get that defense bar to go we'll Max it out to the purple range and Max Health as well it's already at level eight which is kind of surprising just like that level eight we're sitting at 369 attack damage nice now let's go ahead and condense this bad boy up with all the 180 that we have here I'm going to speculate maybe 500 attack damage if it doesn't level up but who knows maybe even 600 see if we get lucky or not and just like that it should be fully condensed awesome we're sitting at 442 damage not bad I also heard that if like you condense a single pal like if you condense this one into four and then you condense that one into a four it somehow like makes the next condense stronger there is no way I'm going to do that I'm not sitting there and going to condense 10,000 PS just to get an extra 2% damage I'm not doing that I'm sorry actually not bad damage level three handywork medicine transporting not bad it's partner skills Health train which is unique while fighting together grants the player and leand the life Ste effect so I know there's I think it's felbat that has life steal but only for herself this lavanda has it for everyone so I'm going to definitely test it out to see how good it's going to be now what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead level this bad boy up to level 50 and then I'm going to get my entire party of crises which also boost the normal type attack ST which is actually very handy here they are here so I'll level them up and we'll test it out on some bosses all right we are back and here we have the lavander at level 50 she currently has 1.3k damage just under and 6,000 HP which is massive I don't think this is going to be a an attack power I think it's going to be support power cuz it's partner skill let's see how much attack damage is going to be increased with our crises so we got the one four star three four star two and the one and that boost its attack to almost just under 2,000 now we're going to feed her a mozar cheeseburger and see how much damage that is going to increase to I'm going to say just under 2K 2, 1884 damage is insane with 6,000 HP and a level five life Ste effect I don't think this thing is dying anytime soon let's go and try us on a boss shall we and see how much damage we're going to do right so we're here at lilan L Leander is getting getting ready to jump her ass so let's go ahead and test her out but I don't think she's going to die because she just has life steal upon life steal upon life steal right like I I think I'm just made the most strongest power in the entire game the poison blast did one damage but then it's doing percentage based Health damage I think the worst thing for a lav or Max HP pal is like like percentage based Health damage like poison or fire is going to be massive damage look at that fantastic is she still buffed up she's still buffed up she's going to take Lely now in just under a minute these flare storms are really overpowered though all right finish off Leander there we go she what is happening this happens every single time right let's see how much damage one rocket launcher is going to do and heal us oh my so Ju Just so we can check that again it's so much HP back this is broken this is the most broken build no wonder why this guy was telling me to tried out for like 3 days straight so I went ahead and I just jumped off the building because I just wanted my HP to be lowered extremely quickly I didn't fall off by accident and didn't catch my fall absolutely not whatsoever I don't think I have enough time to find a gamas so he'll have to survive this video Let's see if it's a percentage based Health like if the amount of damage I do the amount of Health I get back or if it's just fixed amount of damage I do is amount of Health I get back so sit at just under 2.5k HP thr Leander out use the rocket launcher myth has been busted the amount of damage the player deals is the exact amount of Health you're going to get back this is this is broken this is literally broken I don't think has anyone not found this yet this is going to make a Nuzlocke literally easy if you capture a levanda in a nuzlock a power world nuzlock you can't die like this is going to be oh man anyway this is what I'm going to call this video thank so much to the one commenter who actually suggested to make this video and pushed me to make it cuz um I wouldn't have found this Hidden Gem and uh if you guys made this far to the video make sure to leave a like And subscribe or even a comment good or bad I all of them and with that said I'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: CDiinky
Views: 17,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDiinky, Grounded, Bossfight, Challenge, Palworld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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