Palworld - This is Destroying Everyone's Catch Rate! New Update Out Now for Xbox

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so have you ever noticed how your catch rate keeps getting worse and worse in power world as you progress instead of you know doing the exact opposite and give you even better chances to catch Pals well that's actually not you it seems that there's a pal bug right now in the game that literally destroys your catch rate as you upgrade LIF monk Effigies while essentially by upgrading your character with LIF monk figes you're doing nothing more than just reducing the chances of you catching Pals significant cly from Level 1 to 10 to the point that not even resetting them seems to work so there is a huge bug we have to talk about as well as a bunch of stats here to back all of this up thanks to the of course amazing people over on Reddit which made over a full statistic analysis of how your pal catch rate keeps going worse as you upgrade your catch rate with the pal figs now obviously this is going to eventually get fixed but in the meantime I do want to talk about it and why I've also noticed that this happens to me and you probably also reached level 50 and realized that you're just wasting tons of legendary pal speres to even catch things 10 15 levels lower than your character now there have been quite a number of reports about this bug affecting people's playthroughs for quite a while at this point I believe that the oldest threat about it is about 6 days almost 7 days old at this point but since then we have actually had solid proof that this is indeed happening and there have been numerous other r users who went over a fullon statistic analysis showcasing that this is correct so um let me just show you one of them um of course I'm going to give a big shout out to Channeler over on YouTube who actually went ahead and tested the capture rate with a character that had no fig so pretty much one that never did the upgrades and then with one that is super high level and got pretty much all the fgs and got to level 10 and the results are actually shocking so I'm just going to show you the results right here the no f refuge's character ended up with a final capture rate of 53% which is actually not too bad however when comparing it with the highlevel character which had all the Effigies the final capture rate was only 37% which means they lost about 16% capture rate just on the starting Pals now keep in mind that early Pals have a pretty decent bias to get caught so out of 100 caught you can see that 53 captured but about 47 escaped so that means typically as a starting character you're going to have a pretty good chance to get a starting team and immediately jump on a base and start doing a bunch of stuff with your starting Pals however that completely changes when you move into the higher tier territory like level 20s 30s 40s and especially closer to level 50 when you will need higher grade pal speres which already have a very low capture rate as it is so in that case this difference is going to be even more noticeable I haven't seen anybody doing any tests on those but I'm expecting whatever you're seeing right here on the lowlevel tier Pals might be even worse on the high tier ones if you want to catch for stallions other legendaries noises and so on you're going to have a pretty difficult time now before we go any further of course the expected catch rate is another important factor over here so in the case of the no Fig's character it should be around 33 to 48% meanwhile for the fully upgraded character it's between 61 to 85% and if you look at the actual current rate it's completely reversed so yeah the no fages character even exceeds the expected catch rate from 48% to 53 and in the case of the other one it's way below it less than half of what it is supposed to be and somebody actually made the spreadsheet well multiple users made it and a lot of users actually made a bunch of calculations just showing how unlucky do you have to to be to only catch 37 Pals successfully out of 100 throws with an expected catch rate of 61 to 85% so the chance in this case to be this unlucky is only about 3% which is not like completely out of the realm of possibility however it's still rather low especially when we consider other users also ran their own test at the same time in fact somebody threw some randomized numbers to see how many catches this should generate at its lowest and after thousands of these calculations being made they got 57 so 57 should have been the lowest number of catches that you could get out of a fully upgraded character level 10 with all fgs and an expected rate of 61 to 85 the lowest should have been 57 in our case it's 37 so way way lower than that and at some point there were even spreadsheets showing that the chance for all of these to happen should beow lower than 0.1% so at this point I think it's beyond clear that fgs and upgrading them is just going to cause a bunch of problems now recently update 1.4 also introduced the fix for the Lim Effigy bug in which you would lose them if you reset your character by using that medicine that reset your character but in all honesty I think that that would have been a better solution because it removed the apig so maybe in theory it could have maybe also fixed your catch rate if you already caught a ton of these Apes in the first place if you already upgraded your character you might have to wait for a full on update essentially to fully clear this it seems that resetting the character does not help to mitigate or remove the bug entirely you will have to probably wait for um a new update but um at least you now have a chance to maybe go ahead and play a new playthrough I made a fullon ultimate Star Guide that's going to give you like the perfect start so you can totally check that out too now I also ran a bunch of tests myself to see how crazy it get yets I mean I already kind of knew as I wasted so many resources for pal speres that I had no leftovers for the other stuff I wanted to do but late into my test I realized that Channel or's video included a two times spell capture rate multiplier from the game setting meanwhile I was playing with the 1X multiplier so that's why my capture rate is between 40 to 50% while his is between 60 to 70 80% or so so that's the big difference if I did not shoot these from the backside to the pals it would have been lower like 30% just for the one that gets shown my character was also level 50 plus 9 out of 10 on the LIF monk apags but um I recommend having two characters separately both hopefully level 50 if you want to repeat this this test so one of them should have absolutely no effes ever used to upgrade the pal capture rate and another one that had them fully at level 10 then compare on the starting zone on some of the starting Pals while throwing it from the back this should give you a pretty good idea of how good your capture rate is and how buggy it is for your normal character now luckily the power world theme moves decently fast at bringing up patch it seems that Xbox also got theirs including patch 1.4 if you want to get AI improvements of course um you will get them on Xbox as well it should be available right now with patch one .13 on the Xbox variant we can of course see all the changes in the video I posted yesterday but yeah that's pretty much it let me know down below if the bugles affect you in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 101,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld gameplay, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld best pal, palworld update xbox, palworld new update, palworld update 1.4, new update, palworld breeding guide, palworld breeding combos, palworld breeding base, palworld breeding farm, palworld ultimate guide, palworld ultimate base guide, palworld ultimate beginners guide, palworld ultimate starter guide, palworld ultimate guide 10 things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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