Palworld Is Getting Crazy

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I think let's do a little bit more exploration in this area let's go over this way and we'll start looking around they're all getting stuck I know I need to I'm just going to make what the [ __ ] okay you're you're going in the Box yeah I'm sorry but like he's going in the box now you're a slave I didn't want to have to do it to him but if he's sitting there causing trouble like I'm going to have to I'm just bring out Flappy boy he'll take care of him I'm going to try and get this Mammoth here this is a really big boy he'll kill him bro y'all want to see how how big zappy boy is watch this watch this [Music] Jesus Jesus damn that hits me too I didn't know that I'm going to go ahead and get off of this oops I had the wrong button all right getting the ball we got we got Big Balls big Balls big Balls big Balls big Balls 8% 8% Big Balls big Balls big Balls 8% come on get in the ball get in the ball get in the ball Big Balls 8% let's go come on get in the ball get in the ball come on got it got it got [ __ ] all right big balls big balls I got 15 left easy game I [ __ ] big balls big balls let's go another one come on get in the ball get in the ball there it is no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come on I think I use an extra ball Jesus this is C crazy oh my God is this real oh my God what the [ __ ] is this what the what the [ __ ] I only have one ball that's my last ball I used every single [ __ ] ball at 3% what the [ __ ] is this [Music] game no I'm not going to stop no I won't no no I'm going to get it no I'm get I'm getting them now oh I'm [ __ ] getting them I'm going to use every ball I have every [ __ ] ball bro I'm using everything use every ball I have come on come on get in the ball this is this is disgusting this is [ __ ] ridiculous how's this happening to me he hasn't even gone to the second level what the [ __ ] is this game I'm 60 balls I'm out of ball I have to go get more balls after this this is [ __ ] crazy okay are you kidding me no way this is [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] game [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this game man this is such [ __ ] I this has been 40 balls on one Mammoth I swear to God if he's bad I swear to [ __ ] God I missed a ball are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me it's just a joke come on come on man is this a [ __ ] joke the the mobs are respawning this is the worst day of my life I I can't believe this that how is this [ __ ] impossible I'm using this is I hours hours of farming hours of farming for nothing this is crazy I come on come on I got 37 ball oh my God he's getting weak he's getting weak we're about to hit it we're about to hit it here we go this is I I I can't believe [Music] this I th this is 29 how many has it been I I've lost count like I only have 28 eight left here we go [Music] oh oh my God oh my [ __ ] God oh my God I'm actually going to use every ball I'm actually going to use every single ball how many of these do I have I have 100 okay I have 100 I have 100 blue balls left I'm going to use every [ __ ] ball I'm using every [ __ ] ball in this [Applause] game come on come on let's go let's go get in the ball this is insane 18 balls how many did I start with was like 70 right this is [ __ ] stupid I can't believe this hey how's this happening to [Music] me this is I all right I hope I don't get it I actually I hope I don't get it get it I I hope I don't get it I don't want to get I don't want to I don't want to man I don't want to I [Music] missed I'm not even it's becoming night time yeah I know that I know I know he's bad he's [ __ ] bad I have all these right [ __ ] you I got to make these [ __ ] now this is [ __ ] ridiculous like how did this happen to me wait I've got red balls right I've got hyperspheres now we've got at least some yellow balls we're going to craft these and everything's going to be okay guys everything's going to be totally [ __ ] fine I'll bring I'll bring some ore over while I wait it's going to be fine I was just getting all the bad luck out of the way for now because I know that later on I'm get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of there I know that later on I'm going to do so well and I'm going to capture some of the really hard ones really fast that's why okay put that in there put this in there pal fluids like I [ __ ] need that [ __ ] man I can't believe this happened to me this is nuts upgrade the statue please I need night 19 I'm going to get 19 right now getting 19 right now I need eight more okay let's go let's go we're going right now we need eight right now let's go okay there's none in this area we can't see any I'm going to go ahead I'm just I'm going to go down somewhere else we're going to go over to here actually I will go over to like here easy to see at night yeah I know it's going to be [Music] easy just I can't deal with this [ __ ] oh do I have all these I don't know if I do or not this is dude this is not my day I'm going to be honest like I just really just I just don't think today is my day I'm getting [ __ ] on on a level like I didn't even know was [Music] possible okay let's go Flappy boy we need eight yellow we need eight green things there's one right there oh we got two more behind us look North oh yeah no I mean I've I've got to go around and get all the rest of these it it'll take some time where did they go where did they go did I lose it oh I see it now I see it you need to get a new bird every bird I have is a defective lazy piece of [ __ ] that's too slow every [ __ ] bird we're going to go over there that's one that's one out of nine or out of eight I've never been over there before [ __ ] birds get a dragon van worms are much faster with better stamina sh should I just get rid of this one then Flappy boy should I just get rid of them and just get a van warm instead yes Bacons are good I could get a bacon I have two bacons are Bacons better is bacon better than borm yes okay I'm going to get off it right now I don't have it I need cloth and electric organs how do I wait how do I get wool lamb ball okay do I have any good ones I don't okay I'm going to just get that one and then I'm going to get rid of this I feel like this guy doesn't really do a whole lot we're going to get rid of this guy too and then we're just going to get another lamb ball okay that should solve the problem katavia is is met at this point yeah okay that should allow me to do some of that while I wait I didn't know Flappy boy was so bad 3% man like what a joke okay there's one down there we're going to go to that one next okay so what number is this guys this is two isn't it this is number two I'm looking around to see if there's any other ones it looks like there's not just going to let gravity drop me down there we go okay this is three we need 20 [ __ ] we not 20 sorry uh we need 19 of these [ __ ] things so we need uh I think five more we'll keep going this way bro this guy's [ __ ] farming them holy [ __ ] wait oh it's a new pet oh I didn't even see this one this is new okay let's go this way what the [ __ ] gentle Sky Dragon okay let's go hit it hit it I never got one of these before this is a new pet he's charging his laser let's go let's go getting out of that he's really good he better be Jesus okay nice big dick electric damage I feel like this guy's actually kind of getting farmed ooh now I'm getting farmed I'm going to run okay we're getting rid of them for Jesus dude look at this damage oh my God I'm getting destroyed thank God okay I only need one more of those oh a floppy I need another floppy too come here H okay did they change the way dodging works I feel like I can't Dodge anything okay we're good that's six skill issue like was I really good yesterday and I'm not today I don't know I feel like it's different let me get this coal I just need to get to that next level man I get that next level I make that new gear and then bro it's going to change my life like everything's going to like everything [ __ ] changes at that point man gear yeah exactly I'm going to become a real boy uh let me just send in big dick oh actually oh this isn't big dick anymore okay since he's not big dick we've got to rename him and he's actually a higher level so we're going to name him bigger dick okay and let's go ahead and get rid of them do they drop anything good I got some arrows that's nice oops why is he not taking damage this is so scuffed I got two balls okay he's bad though so it doesn't really matter as usual it's another bad one just the [ __ ] of a game man you have a weak spot if you don't hit it many mobs have resist to Arrow um I don't know what the weak spot is if I did I'd be using it okay let's look around is there anything else I missed out in in this room that is is that coal yeah it is let me go get this too usually in the head yeah that's what I that's why I tried to aim but it it wasn't with it [ __ ] game for sure I do think like you know the higher level like I feel like I'm spending a lot of time like I'm focusing a lot on the balls man like it's it's a very uh very big ball fixation and it's like is it are we fixating too much on balls you know you got to yeah yeah it's like I'm always thinking about like my balls like that's all I'm thinking about all the time it's like is that a good thing oh my God there's three three different [Applause] areas I feel like I should just have the the pets do everything like shooting them myself it's just like it takes so long easy easy I'm not going to look at him okay [ __ ] wasn't easy all right I got to capture him again you tell me yellow balls you really going to tell me you're not going to get a yellow two three yellow balls for level 22 are you [ __ ] kidding me Jesus no luck today I'm having a bad time man all right we'll bring in bigger dick in a minute here we go there we go do it do it thank you okay get some arrows off of him too there's nothing over here I just got I'm getting scammed how much do those yellow shrines really help I feel like they don't help that much man chest what oh [ __ ] nice I got bread thank god oh thank God we have bread where is it oh all right let's keep going when this is game of the year um I think that like once they fine-tune a few more things like I don't think that they're ever going to like give this game game of the year like if they voted on it and everybody voted for this game to be Game of the Year they'd be like it's not not like it's just not going to happen right look at that bro he just does what he needs to do get him he doesn't care I think he gives a [ __ ] he just lets them blow up on him it doesn't even matter that's how big is ooh I don't know if I can even hold all this I'm running out of inventory space thinking as a note yeah let me see if I can get anything else okay what else can I throw away um and throw away fiber I'm going to throw this egg away sorry 100 rocks I don't have 100 rocks where's the Rocks I don't do I wait couldn't I just throw away my armor cuz it it's like it's broken right so it's not even working oh [ __ ] there he is hit him get him [ __ ] ID there it is yeah now I'm full again uh I'll throw these away I can't get any coal I can't get anything I'm full up man okay now we go this way rocks I know I'm I'm full inventory I can't like I could always go back and like then come back to here but I feel like that would take too long are my balls full no no I've got I've got some more balls okay he just power bombed him through the floor bro come on do your stomp that really does feel good for him to be able to do that that is so badass I love it I don't think I can deal with that grm tail right now actually yeah I'll just go capture him too I might as well right inventory limits [ __ ] whenever you have literal pocket Dimensions inventory in this game isn't that bad where' you go okay you can level up inventory yeah I have a lot that's why I have 900 starts at like 100 or something you need limits to add competitiveness depends on how you look at it I feel bad weav all this ore man I really do like this is an assload of ore wait [Music] what yeah okay y Surfer yeah and Plum doesn't weigh much yeah but I'm almost full up with how much stuff I'm skipping right now I feel like I almost should go back like I do feel like I'm skipping a lot oh I hit the wrong [Music] button can I make him do that he doesn't care oh I can't oh my God I can't roll because my inventory just increased this is crazy okay here's what I'm going to do I'm going back to base I'm going to zone out I'm going to go back to base okay you can use grappling hook to move while en cumber really I didn't know that okay we're going back yes I'll leave the dungeon okay is the boss back it's not that's bad okay uh let's go back over this way 1 hour okay so it's the same as the other ones okay I didn't know that o okay let's get the [ __ ] out of here we're going to put everything away then we go back in is there anything else I'm missing okay we're going to get rid of that get rid of this gun where the Torches okay now we're good just a minute [Music] okay br Cher and King Paca yeah I have King Paka um okay let's go back how about Nintendo's playing this um they should be yeah I mean this is a competitor I mean they'd be stupid not to right on Twitch right now yeah competitor that's doing very well yeah it sure is he doesn't give a [ __ ] bro he doesn't care is like they going to blow up on him it is what it is right let's go this way corner to corner to fire every high school they can I think it really just goes to show what happens whenever you you focus on the wrong things there's a lot of game development Studios that always get fixated around like you know you could say like Graphics or some other thing that like they think is important but it's like if the users don't give a [ __ ] about it then it doesn't matter if flat out wrong direction yeah what piece of [ __ ] garbage I didn't need that piece of [ __ ] what was the Diablo season 3 it's uh it's still ping I saw that they were making some changes to the new season to make some of the traps less annoying and like I think that's good I'm glad they're doing it but it does make me wonder like who like why does this keep H why why does it keep happening that like systems get keep getting put in the game that are like just extremely [ __ ] annoying and like why what are you doing bro what are you doing hit him hit him hit him hit him hit him let's go come on what are you thank you that's all I'll need yep and now it's dead okay great um all right let's go get these maybe someone sabotaging them I don't know I mean like I just think that like I don't know how you can have a game like Diablo 4 and just like [ __ ] it up as much as they did like it's it's kind of crazy catus is kind of rare yeah but she's also a boss so you can go farm her that way too want you to praise them for bringing out quick fixes I just don't think that works like I mean there's no real mind game that they're going to do that's going to like convince me that it's it's not dumb did it take him this long boom [ __ ] okay that's enough I'm not even going to look at him I know it's going to capture I knew it 100% another one I feel like you should um you should be able to make a saddle for like putting inventory on a on a pal like a mammoth or something like that we'll full up again ping pacas give 100 carry weight each yeah but like they can't carry things for me though I don't know if I'm going the right way I don't think I am yeah I am what the [ __ ] is this the best Pokemon game uh I would say so yeah H here we go ooh that's a big boy get it [Music] damn I'm going to die H I think actually I'm going to die [ __ ] [Music] come on it's not even a boss just not even a boss is this a [ __ ] joke this is crazy okay okay where's where's my [Music] pet oh my [Music] god get him Jesus Christ okay 22% it's really good no way I fail no way I fail come on let me see what happens if I use a big ball hyper ball oh that's way [Music] better finally jeez bro this has been brutal I almost [ __ ] died first try yeah I know okay I got all that that's nice got [Music] Sapphire well sh yeah I was glad no wonder you got no defense yeah I know okay here we go all right get him he hit him all right and now it's dead good job go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] you is that lock on Le just go any good no it's not it's only good for certain things okay here we go nice okay here we go and we're going to open up with big balls okay bro zappy boy is destroying him if he does one more big combo we should be good Jesus okay here we go Jesus bro too slow come on 36% hm got it got it got it nice nice there we [ __ ] go we got a new one [ __ ] yes I almost died Dragonite is in the Box yeah why do you use crossbow and not gun uh gun takes too long to reload yeah that's why I stopped using it the pistol yeah but the ammo is too expensive and that's what I got now I'm level 37 we're going to make new gear we're going to do everything okay like I was waiting for this this is the moment I Rise I'm going go back up this way oh I hit wrong button how to reload your crossbow so fast by clicking the reload button I'll usually do [Applause] it do I have an or Farm I do I going to get more stamina no more weight okay [Music] um what's in the box a dick sucker okay make a 100 of these not H 100 but it's close enough okay I you want to make polymer I don't have that excuse me I don't have that where your base at hospital shut the [ __ ] up they just get stuck that's what [Applause] happens okay and let's look at the wool we have two wool what the [ __ ] did I need wool for high quality cloth right I normal qus are high quality I don't remember okay let me see here okay so refined metal helmet refin metal armor okay I need big ore okay I know exactly what we're going to do we're going to go back to our or farm and we're going to get all that right [Music] there how many do we have 200 okay that's pretty good can I move this I just put a box down right here okay we did it all righty and how we doing on this okay now we do big war this is the big war Situation Big refin ingots look at that [ __ ] massive okay great and then we already have all the megas spheres we need that is huge and then yeah I was going to make that uh that that thing a bacon okay so I need electric organs I guess you probably get those from electric Pokemon where are the electric ones I know this one's electric maybe they're like over in this area from the merchant you should go just go to the merchant okay let's do [Music] that I so up [ __ ] holding the pistol it's not even a big deal it is what it is there's $200 for each one that's a waste of [ __ ] money I'm just going to go kill him where they at maybe I should just bought them just going to go byy it going buy okay um looking for money hit the wrong button okay I think I need 10 oh I have 20 wait I have 25,000 gold what the [ __ ] yeah why am I stressing at all I'm balling money gold is really easy to get yeah I didn't even know that okay I feel like we have a really good ball situation right now now you can butcher electric Pals I know I probably should I just don't know enough about [Music] breeding okay all right bacon saddle is done or not done but at least it's it's it's becoming done okay in here I'll put that away I'll put this away too H Special Egg dog ship what what this is just how I mine got the turtle I don't know where he is this takes longer it does take longer but I don't need to think about anything and usually I actually don't do that okay um where' this [ __ ] ass go where' this [ __ ] ass go where where is this [ __ ] ass come here where y'all at what you doing what you doing where you going where you going what you doing where you going where you going what you doing just a second thank you thank you like okay so we have the bacon saddle and I guess we're just going to use this one right uh what is abnormal okay we're going to replace Flappy boy with bacon level oh it's a level one bacon oh man he's going to die oh bro he's going to die so much we eat some [ __ ] food and we're going to make this armor too we really need this armor let me see if I can craft one of them right now okay um um oh do I need to craft it with the assembly line no wait oh maybe I might need to craft it with the assembly line to these are sphere assembly lines and this is a weapon production technology this is just for pal spheres just production line one well then where is it cuz this is a production line oh it's a weapon assembly line oh production so I don't even have one but this looks like a production this is sphere Assemble okay I think I need 10 [Applause] Nails Farm the bosses I will uh as soon as it becomes nighttime again I'm going to try to get more green boys like I'll show you guys we are at uh 14 so we need five more green boys remove move old stuff uh yeah I guess you're right yeah it's probably a good idea there's three production lines I just didn't understand that no at least I've got these farming and so after she does these then I think that's actually enough Nails already let me just do a few more shouldn't really take that long anyway it's not a big deal second base win you guys really think it's time for a new base that's a lot of [ __ ] work heal the pals I have to go heal them now you want me to go heal them oh God okay fine give me a minute okay is this the depressed one one yeah this is the depressed one okay all right come here come here no come here okay he's no longer depressed and the boar is also depressed hello Mr boore he doesn't want to I wait wait wait okay we're good wait I gave it to the wrong one okay I can't [ __ ] do this all right so that that's almost done though what's what what in this egg these Pals need some weed well what happened was like it was just that one day man that one day just ruined everything it actually [ __ ] did like it it it literally ruined my entire [ __ ] career in this game like as a in a ho like a whole level like it just [ __ ] everything up okay we've got the cement so I guess we could put this like over here or some [ __ ] yeah it's good you upgraded beds heal them over time really okay so we need refined metal armor and we also need padanian fragments and refined ingots so pure quartz what the [ __ ] is pure quartz polymer I guess I'll make polymers I feel like this [ __ ] doesn't do anything I wish I had like a production report to see like who's actually working and who needs to die you know what I mean menu sound sucks okay let's try out this new pet okay oh he is faster yeah he's like way [ __ ] faster oh you guys see that get level 50 jet equals so fast oh yeah let me just go get a level 50 yeah let me go let me go get that let me go get him I need five of these okay that's one I think let's go for this one next ooh I've never been to that I'm going to go over there damn this one is way better you think I was using that piece of [ __ ] for this long wow Gil claw oops um yeah he's good yeah he is this is nuts okay that's one ancient ritual site a pinalia I've never done that one I'm going to go up there and get it and after they craft all my stuff like I'm going to be dude I'm GNA have so much armor I'm gonna have everything dude yeah we just go around we get all the green boys and that's going to help us a lot with our uh our catching okay would I like the dungeon what's up [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] Jesus oh is this the one that everybody liked holding hands with yeah I think it is okay hopefully that'll do more damage I really need to get better defenses man Jesus oh got you [ __ ] no nice ooh nice what do you mean you're [ __ ] hungry I thought I fed [Music] you one more one more combo and should be good I I'll let him get this off to okay 20% I'm going to do big dick big dick ball big dick ball big dick ball I won't need to literally one tapped get the [ __ ] out of here Jesus Oh bro bro the bacon is is 21 he led all the way up to 21 uh do I want to capture these I guess I will wait maybe I should capture at night so I can just get the drop on them yeah this seems way easier yeah look bro like this is so good all right okay um how many did I how many do I still need I still need floppies don't I I think I do I need one more brala I believe too [Applause] got you [ __ ] three traits and they all suck big dicks [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass eight okay I need one more after [Music] this easiest game of my [Music] life 64% yeah yeah this actually goes way better holy [ __ ] that went really well I just captured all those did I get all the moths I don't think I did wait what the hell was that two more okay I always forget I'm just going to let big dick out I'm going I'm going to hit him again if he gets out I'm going go up I'm going to go up a ball I'm going go up a ball yeah there it is damn okay um we don't want to [ __ ] with them go this way nice oops uh let's just go ahead and send big dick in just do just do do what you're going to do oh actually I probably should have captured that one that was like the one thing he shouldn't have done it's funny that like yeah he literally did the one thing that was bad I need one more more off I might just let him like whichever one is still alive what the [ __ ] oh my God big dick come on okay that's good enough I actually didn't mean to use the big ball but it's probably a good thing I did okay that's 10 out of 10 that's really big for me okay so now we need to go look for more of those things the green boys there's one right there it's actually surprising to me how much depth this game has to it like whenever I first started playing I was like this just seems like you know I always thought it was like a [ __ ] like Pokemon like ripoff game which I mean to be fair it is right I mean it's not wrong but it's there is also depth to it as well which is kind of surprising to me I didn't really expect that yeah l a lot of depth for sure yeah like as I said I think the only thing that I I I wish that they would change is like I feel like cashing the Pokemon is sometimes like really [ __ ] annoying wait am I oh okay let's go back um actually I'll just go to this new area cuz like my character is dying but it doesn't matter if I if I have zero health or if I have one Health if I don't take one damage I have to get I have to get bonus berries level up capturing that's what I'm doing right now okay um now let's go back we'll see if I can craft any of that stuff too oh God bro if I had walked into that I would have died okay that's good and okay um let's see if we can craft any of this gear I feel like I don't have enough rocks man [ __ ] this [ __ ] let's get rid of him he ain't doing [ __ ] ain't doing nothing give me a minute who's a good Miner how the [ __ ] does he not mine turtle I could use the mammoths to mine [Applause] I'm not seeing any winners here just seeing a whole lot of losers okay come here come here yeah this is how it would [Applause] [Music] work oh whatever okay um all right so we've got the polymers and now we need I need more ingots I guess I'm going to make the refined metal Helm let's do this one first and then we just need more of the refined ingots I mean that's really it okay I'll put this in there put that in there put these in there I'll just eat that food there we go okay so we need a lot more is he dead he's not dead is he okay good oh he is he's sick though ah well who cares all right um so I think now that we did that let's go back over to there we keep farming or wait how many green boys did I still need I forgot I got it nice okay let's go this way you got a bunch of [ __ ] on your team I got three or bases and it's still not enough I need to find a new area to to do ore I don't know where it is like where where to farm or at okay um where the hell he go the [ __ ] he doing running away like that H actually you know what I bet there's something at the top of this there has to be right wait hey oh I hit the wrong [Music] button go take him out wait what the [ __ ] nice okay after one more combo we're going to we're going to get rid of zappy boy I'll let him do this attack while I'm do this attack I'm done okay come on G here nice I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it he lucky nice [ __ ] yeah I even got a ball from that too ooh where's the bacon okay so we need to find an area with a lot of ore ooh what's in this I'm going to throw a big dick in there there Kobe watch this watch watch watch watch do it [ __ ] do it dude just stop all right get out try again do like this everybody's dead I had to do that for him man that's how dumb he is all right I'm going to get her out I'm going rescue these to O got him dinome Lux ooh another cave well I forgot to equip my helmet oh that's cuz I don't have it okay let me go this way first and make sure I don't miss anything Captain SEO that's me wait there's two caves right next to each other what the [ __ ] ooh this is a big ore situation dude why don't I just make a [ __ ] base here I think we do that okay um let's think about what we need to do okay number one we need that blue thing we need wood okay how do we get wood okay kill the trees thank you okay now go back we build the power box we're going to build it right here and this is where we start employing you know what I'm going to say the slaves so got ourselves our pow box and now we need to let's build ourself actually first thing let me go back and and actually do I have an axe oh he's doing oh that's good let me just bring over like some wood and [Music] stone double check the area before checking no I already did I already decided that's where it's going to be no I already know that's what it's going to be I [ __ ] that's where it's going to be that's all there is to it okay fiber we need fibers and where the wood okay that's like nothing I don't think we need leather where's the wood where's a [ __ ] wood [ __ ] wood where the [ __ ] wood at there the [ __ ] wood of wood I go over here [Music] oh okay that's good no it's a big wood situation no we're good we're good we're good okay let's go over [Music] here all right now we need to make a wooden chest we're going to put it right I hate working I'm not going to do this come out here it's work I'm not going to do that okay um and so now how do I make oh yeah yeah here we go yeah this is not really that good H but you know is what it is um all right let's get a wall all right shut the [ __ ] up okay so this is all good that's where I I'll live I'll be in there and now we need to think about uh the beds right the beds the beds for the [ __ ] so I guess I'm just going to make the straw beds one two [Music] 3 there we go okay now he's going to do all that and now he need to make a feed box for him I need more wood okay let me deal with the wood I know how to deal with wood I just used a laser beam and then I get all the wood I want it's the easiest game of my [ __ ] life okay and then we need a feed box right here we're going to put it right here and then I also need to go over and get more more food to feed them with [Music] [Music] oh this is going to be huge just start just a minute okay um now we need to do this okay we've got all that over and ooh I didn't even see that one look at that and now we need to figure out what we're going to do about these uh these these things here now we need they need mining don't they like they need big dick [Music] [Applause] mining is there anything besides the fat mammoths that need big dick mining dig where the [ __ ] is a Digi [Music] o and a newb ass okay this is good and I have six beds and so I'll get this one's unstable what is unstable mean sanity drops slower okay faster that should be fine I'll just kill him whenever sanity goes along minus 150 are there coordinates on the map wait so you guys said it's where so it's like right this way it's like right here okay I'm going to go over there I'm going to go over there right now actually let me get a few more of these out okay [Music] um I guess we'll just have two mammoths out for now okay let's go so there's something called an Anubis over here what's this it's a bunch of [ __ ] nothing I don't even [ __ ] need okay cool I'm in the wrong place there's over there right right that's the desert o a green boy we need that and a chest oh this is huge and an egg you know what this egg's going to be probably another floppy by the way we don't need those they're useless Pepe laugh level 47 by the way see Twilight Dunes too Taco oh that sucks that's pretty good I just use a normal ball on him wait wait the too tacos drop gunpowder why okay okay that's fine oh my God this guy's actually pretty good yeah the bacon the Bacon's really good o what's this those are from Mario wait isn't this just going to kill them all oh wait I just got all of them low enough to [Music] capture well [ __ ] yeah bro this is my new main okay we're going to deal with this [ __ ] I'm going to bring in I'm going to bring in the big boy we're going to tap him out right here here we go there so much damage that did oh God okay this is a giga this is a gigas sphere moment no no no no no no no what what even hit me I don't even know what hit me the cold I didn't see it [ __ ] Jesus you blind no I just I'm focused I don't see things I'm not looking at I try to tell people that like I literally can't like if I'm not directly looking at something it doesn't exist like my ability to tune things out is crazy okay um so we have the helmet that's going to help out a lot okay uh let's go over we're going to put on the helmet we have the helmet all right that is 100 defense 250 Health that is massive holy [ __ ] that's big all right now we got to think about the shield now we have the Giga Shield that's what it's called let me see how close I am to the next one if this this is worth making is absolutely worth making because the next one is hypers Shield which is way later okay we're making it right now come here slaves slaves over here did I get all these oh well I'm still didn't get them all cuz I just killed this one that was [ __ ] stupid repair yeah I know seven ingots Jesus Christ he in my [ __ ] mind okay how many I I need 30 of these right I have 17 why aren't they working what are you doing come here come here come here thank you have better fire ones do I okay kindling right it's kindling element I mean this is level this this is artisan I feel like Artisan's better right next page kindling one you said bushie can do it oh Bushi can do it why isn't he doing it what the [ __ ] is he doing where is he what the [ __ ] is he doing okay yeah this is going way faster though this is way better okay okay we're going backwards going to go fight that guy again we're going right now actually wait I should go look at my other thing just a minute all right we have big big dick shield and we're going to put this on this is massive for me and I should just discard this right I mean [ __ ] it I it's in garbage okay take way less damage with working armor so should I wait for my armor to just be ready instead of like trying to like brute force it yes oh okay fine fine fine fine okay what do I need here refin metal I need two more that's nothing that's nothing I thought I was going to need like 10 more yeah this is fine this open make single shot rifle um do I really want to make a single shot rifle uh no I feel like cuz that sucks right it's resource efficient maybe I could try it I need two work faster come on come on faster faster come on man come on let's get this done there we go we're good now I I don't even remember what this game is like with armor because I've been playing the majority of my playthrough of this game I've only had armor for like maybe 5 hours of my play through of the game okay let's go come on let's go where where are they okay there's one this is a good one right oh yeah this is going really fast this is more grounded in hypers Shield technology yeah okay damn this is already halfway done I wish I had the other one over here working too but uh I don't know where the [ __ ] she is no she she'll come back she'll come back good job we got Mr Penguin what's in all those bags um dicks there's dicks in the bags there's a lot of dick in the game man lot of dicks in the bags what game what difficulty am I playing on I'm playing on the hardest difficulty minus uh like death penalty like I I I turned off the death penalty because I don't want to have to run back and get my stuff will you get me Black Swan for my birthday [Applause] no okay so this is 500 health Jesus man I am [ __ ] stacked look at that I am a god second all right here we go is pistol any good uh I personally don't think it is I think it sucks the reason why I think pistol sucks is because like it's just it's not resource efficient that that's the main reason I I don't think it's resource efficient at all okay okay we've got the mammoth working a lot now let's go get that [ __ ] that thing okay how are we doing right now okay we got 57 already that's pretty good I mean it's not but it it's it's better than nothing okay let's go get those uh let's go get those big boys all right we're on our way so I have full armor helmet Max Shield like I am [ __ ] stacked I'm ready I'm about to put this turtle in a box I let me do this one too oh there it is what's up mad one more damn cockass [ __ ] ass are you kidding me two of them oh go [ __ ] yourself oh this is a joke man I'm about to bro I'm about to literally [ __ ] delete this game I'm actually about to delete it I'm might use big one I'm going to bring out the big one come here I swear to God if he's bad I swear to God if he's bad he's bad NOP I don't have all the F Wars yet dude this is this is a set this I'm get I'm starting to get mad is this a joke is bro is this a is this a joke like what the [ __ ] is this he's [ __ ] garbage right in the Box oh now you're hungry why are you hungry I need seven all right I'm so stupid bro I oh I couldn't comp I couldn't like [ __ ] process what was happening fast enough okay I need one more I got to get this [ __ ] too I'm actually what you know what like I'm not even going to use him zappy boy you deal with [Music] him you playing Ring Around the Rosie thank you that's enough get in the Box get in the Box get in the Box there's no way it's 50% like it's actually bug like it's bug guys it's actually bug like I know it's bug pacifist is this a [ __ ] joke I just [ __ ] caught Bernie Sanders hit him again thank oh you killed them good job good job good job that's exactly what I wanted you to do do this one too go ahead ruin this one for me too that's actually pretty good okay this is just about about have enough of this one more I hit him on on the back that's fine that's fine I'm just going to do I'm going to do yellow I'm going to hit with the yellow I don't need to okay good that's F Now where's the um oh I need to get one more of these yeah don't even think about it let's get away they brought Isis in the PO [Music] world no no no no we're got to make sure we're killing these things wait these are these are insane for farming gunpowder though wait what the [ __ ] is that is that a Machop guys I think that's a [Music] Machop okay we're going to get him for sure is that a red floppy Jesus is this [Music] a [Music] never mind we're good wait oh he's eating the people oh that's good flam a belly all right let's get this [ __ ] right here I'm going charge my laser right um it again damn it only did that much where the St dead why wouldn't it be dead do I have all the fud war that I need go see you kidding me yeah level 16 no that was perfect wait all right let's go get this [Applause] one what oh there's another one I'm might just use a big ball you know he's going to get out you know he's getting out oh no now this is the one time he doesn't Okay diet lover doesn't look like it okay what's this okay [ __ ] man nice I'm just going to use b ball I've got so many blue [Music] balls I had Chipotle delivered to to my house so I could eat it but kisy said she was going to come over and so like I had planned to min max by leaving it at the door and then having her bring it in and bring it up to me so I don't have to go outside to get it but I don't I don't know where she is just actual foul there's no way there's no way this is happening to me okay here we [Music] go I'm going just wait for the next one actually can I just do [Music] this you really didn't have to do that yeah easy easy easy easy easy easy easy level 30 [ __ ] 8 there it is let's go easiest game of my [ __ ] life there it is okay I need two more of these big fat [Music] [ __ ] I didn't hit him twice I'm going get him right here real quick just real quick oh I'm actually getting good bro like I'm getting real good I got he got Artisan that's actually good a noob ass level 47 I have to right I need to come at him with a 100 red balls I need a 100 red balls bro not red purple I think 100 will do it yeah no I think I think 100 BL though actually you know what I don't even know if I do it with a th and I don't need those where that [ __ ] turtle at oh it's a Pikachu oh there he is what's up [Music] [ __ ] damn that was [ __ ] perfect bro that was so perfect wait aren't these the sex Pokemon [ __ ] you [Music] seeking the night of love it's always chasing someone around it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have been the target of its [Music] debauchery it's number 69 so we're capturing all the hose now we need 10 more yeah oh she's a workaholic and what does that mean okay let's get this a uh uh this Digimon here I'm going to go gigas spere on him oops wait I just I just W ta does that mean that we're meant to be [Music] together I got to be 100% focused bro and do they only come out at [Music] night yeah yeah I could see [Music] why [Music] okay I got 23 balls we got to get more of these uh those uh turtles nice okay that's six already bro we've gotten a lot of these holy [ __ ] I haven't really realized [Music] that go nice what I'm going to let him do one more combo on him okay I think this is a red boy I think we H with the red boy J is too red boys got it got it Dam there we go all right what's up [ __ ] okay he's uh he wait what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it it is what it is right got you B I feel like maybe this Strat is to only like to try to make sure you get the balls up to like the uh okay that's seven of 10 you get it up to like 50% got him I feel like yeah getting it to 50% is like a good idea idea oh she's fast [Music] too one of them's fine I won't kill him get in the Box 78% no way it doesn't get him okay um I got the fluders didn't [Music] I why do I always get Swift with the pets that don't move one more fuddler okay okay mm nope we should be good oh one more one more one more easy F off [ __ ] why is he not not going and doing the thing really I'm actually getting pissed I'm actually pissed is this a joke like I I'm just I'm just curious right because it feels like it's a joke okay we're good let me go uh I'm going to put another point in health damn they got a lot of coal here can I go get the chest am I go try get the chest e Target acquired warlock okay we'll take them over here we're going to get all the [Music] turtles okay [ __ ] you okay what what are you doing I'm going to use Giga balls I don't need [Music] to where's the next one oh he's taking a bath uh-uh [ __ ] uh-uh [ __ ] time to wake the [ __ ] up [ __ ] only hit him one time okay I'm just going to let him deal with that he'll figure it out oh I got two silver keys that's big what what are youall doing idiot bro what a [ __ ] idiot damn bro from all all the way over there Jesus where you going what do you think I wanted you to [Music] do Dam bro like the damage I can do with this is nuts get in the Box [ __ ] damn Mega sphere I keep getting garbage I I need uh I need one of these that has like a mining passive this reminds me of a boss in a legend of zel leg a Zelda Link to the Past oh there's a boss like that the big flopping Pals in a water do mining so do y'all think I could actually handle Anubis like cuz I feel like I could hell no you you really don't think so like you think I'm not a g enough to do [Music] it like I I actually think I can like I'm not even kidding not even close well no it's like I don't have the like I don't have the other things to to there we go nice okay uh what the [ __ ] um I don't have the the balls for it but like not like metaphorical balls I mean like literal like I don't have the balls to capture it and have it be successful [Music] right that's right I feel like these Toto tacos like these are really good good to farm okay that's not really what I was trying to do all right we're going to bring in big dick big dick let's go come on do it do something he don't do a lot but when he does something it m matters damn that is good damn he just knows man do it see what happens I don't think so uh I guess we can rescue this uh little dick sucker I use 10 big mammoths to get a nubis I think I can handle him I do actually I really I really think I [Music] can hit him there it is oh this is big another W I need five more this is a lot there's a lot of coal here like holy [ __ ] let's go get these guys oh I feel like uhoh he going to kill it he going to kill it he's going to kill it kill it bro cuz I I got on the [ __ ] just whatever it doesn't matter it's whatever bro it's just what it's [Music] whatever oh we got a triple oh we got a triple damn bro they hit him right in the [ __ ] head we're going to bring in big bosss dick SU nice okay we need uh three more 50% come on nice okay one no two more two more two more nice okay that's enough Jesus I do feel like the big Mammoth AOE is probably the strongest thing I have for like clearing out big packs of mobs okay I need one more uh one more Digimon like watch this watch this bro this thing is so good what's this oh of course there should be handgun ammo in a random place like that like these are really good to farm because each one gives you gunpowder I'm looking to see if there's anything else up here it's of any interest do I have these I don't know if I do oops hopefully I have them I don't bamboo Graves yeah let's go down there we got to get a lot of these [ __ ] things nice I'm going use green balls on him yeah dude the bacon is crazy like how's he so good he just is that's kind of where I'm at too okay sometimes he's too good he's just too good boys he's too good oh a large electric dick egg actually let me go back on him I'm just going to use shock wave right next to this thing Jesus how is this so good I can't go underwater he's invincible so if I want to handle the Anubis I need to farm 100 red boys I think that's what I do what the [ __ ] oh you're dead anyway okay great and now he's dead too great so I'm just over I'm overkilling every single one things are going so well and now they're not oh wow what the [ __ ] bro this game is [ __ ] huge oh my God I'm going to get out I'm going to do it the right way I'm not going to make any more mistakes I'm not going to get greedy I'm going do it the way God intended that's right God's playing let's go just looking around I have all these I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go get that okay there's two more of them right here okay that's not going to work so how are we feeling about the whole situation with never mind I'm going to get to you oh the bacon one tapped him again [Music] bro he's actually so bro the bacon is crazy how's he so good he's so fast and dangerous is he even is he even powerful is he have any Buffs he has abnormal decrease to incoming neutral so I could get a more powerful bacon and he would be even more like watch this watch this this is insane it's three gunpowder every time uh oh there's one over here hopefully it doesn't kill all three of them right okay nice it didn't oh both of them didn't die oh [ __ ] yeah okay that's 10 and the zap stops their uh it stops their their suicide attack and I can even use this on him too dude I think the bacon is the most powerful pet I have I do I I feel like he's so good let's go get this box thought you're talking about the Baconator upgrade him with pal Souls so I have to feed him to souls of the people he killed that's [ __ ] awesome okay let's go get these you're about to to see my master plan coming to play [Music] here okay we're good we're good we got them both nice are you kidding me oh thanks look at that thank you very much how you doing she got me garbage bags big garbage bags uh-huh I need to get this thing okay easiest game of my [ __ ] life all righty gentlemen thank you all very much for watching I really very much appreciate it thank you boys we had a good time today we've been chilling doing whatever the [ __ ] how how was it getting over here did you tell them we watch M yeah we watch Mas gr it was good actually good yeah what do youall think of that show y'all see that did anyone see it is that too Asian for them is it they never seen it what show Mass girl Mass girl yeah it's on Netflix damn it's too asan for you saw that yeah I have a card for you oh my God show them the oh my God were those shoose little candy hearts look at that isn't that nice thank you I appreciate it the watch off um well yeah I had to I had to go and um don't say shower I went to go to sleep yeah I had to go to sleep with a watch on really I mean I don't know I feel like that's annoying yeah thank you thank you very much I will read it in a minute but anyway guys thank you all very much for watching I really appreciate it thank you thank you everybody and I will be back on gentlemen I will be back on tomorrow all right boys I'll see you later peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 513,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 6zQHP5erIe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 13sec (9613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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