How Alatreon Divided the Monster Hunter Community | Asmongold Reacts

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so this is a boss that I had uh a situation with with monster hunter all trayon and he is apparently very much hated in the Monster Hunter Community now I was going to watch a video talking about this since that's the boss that I'm on right now you guys ready let's do it this monster drove players in Mass to review bomb monster H world and today I'm going to beat it well let's start from the beginning my original plan was to grow my master rank level Lux Sila Rathalos for critical element set Farm K tooth for its high Elemental damage weapons and then go and try to defeat Alat Tron however I was looking at am I the only person that like whenever I am fighting a boss like all Tron I don't think about getting better gear I think about I'm bad I got hit by that attack I shouldn't have got hit by that attack I need to get better at playing the game like I don't have the mindset of getting better gear I have the mindset of getting better current gar and thought you know what this is I think like also that that's not really also a good mindset to have for Monster Hunter because I remember like whenever I did vcon with and without divine blessing like doing it without divine blessing I was mad like bro I I did I was farming velca for the set to to do all trayon again and I was like I wasn't even paying attention I was like oh I got hit by the breath again okay and I just it would do like this much of my health I didn't even care now I originally planned for this specific episode to come out a lot closer to defeating fatalist you know one of the final parts of my journey but me being me I had to try it and so off I went with my Lon optimal build in hand and I failed the quest a lot I was going to give up for the time being as I didn't even plan to be here in the first place however I remembered all the non-element or beating it without armor or even high rank weapon challeng runs it got me thinking this is a a skill issue let's just keep practicing before we get to the conclusion it is it is a skill issue and you can the thing is that you can so you have to get to 100% And you can get to 100% with skill and you can get to about probably 60% with gear but like usually overcoming a fight is a combination of preparation and skill gear is the preparation skill is avoiding the red things short story I should explain more of the fight in more detail now this is a unique hunt with a unique mechanic that might confuse or at the very least frustrate new players this mechanic is what drove many players to lose their mind and begin writing a slew of negative words towards ITA the Steam Reviews and Elemental DPS check Alat Trion has an ultimate named escaton judgment which he will perform every 7 minutes or so within this time frame you must deal a certain amount of Elemental damage you know you've done this as the following will happen he falls over reaching threshold will reduce the damage ultimate allowing the player to survive it assuming the proper use of healing items anyway you can further weaken the ultimate an additional two times however the threshold of Elemental damage yeah I think that there's three three thresholds right there's insta kill survive and easy to do so incrementally increases each time as I'm sure many of you will already know failing to meet this check results in an unavoidable one shot a quick side note actually on that is technically possible to cheese this ultimate and survive the blast as tested by Team Dark Side however 99% of players won't be performing that strategy it's ludicrous naturally this dragon has a a couple extra tricks up its sleeve to make meeting the DPS check a a bit more difficult firstly allat Tron will inflict Dragon blight with its dragon attacks makes sense if you weren't aware this status effect prevent I'm going to say it doesn't make sense you fight other dragons they don't inflict Dragon bite why does he inflict Dragon bite they do I never had it you from dealing Elemental damage you see the annoyance here right on top of needing to heal whenever you take damage which in itself takes time away from your DPS window you must also consume a nulberry or another item such as Dragon proof mantle to clear the effect if you wish to get to the next phase without carting the second primary mechanic in this fight however revolves around its horns now depending on which Quest you take allat Tron will begin the fight in either fire or ice as its active element you can refer to alon's Wiki page to confirm this the normal one is fire check yourself if you know it will begin the quest in fire element you will want to bring an ice Elemental weapon as it would have a three star weakness to it likewise if it began the quest with ice element you would take a fire weapon to the hunt here's where it gets tricky roughly 3 minutes into the hunt alron will swap elements to Dragon whilst and only in this Dragon State the player becomes able to break its horn why is this important well doing so prevents Tron from continuing to cycle into the next element which would render itself immune to the damage you entered the quest with for clarity let's assume allat Trion began the quest with fire as its active element as a result of this you brought an ice weapon with you to C to be fair I think that this is kind of an annoying gimmick like that part of it is kind of an annoying gimmick I I I I think it is under weakness after 3 minutes it would cycle to dragon and if you fail to break its horns within this time frame allat Trion would then cycle into ice element become immune to your ice damage thus making it impossible to meet the DPS check and inevitably it will kill you however if you did break the horns in this example elron would then cycle back to the beginning into its fire element which would give you the player more time to meet the elemental DPS check and ultimately better odds at surviving its escaton judgment now please bear in mind that you can only break the horns twice after this you won't be able to prevent it from cycling to your poor matchup anymore however if you're dealing enough damage to all trayon it should be close to going down by this point in any case while all of that may sound complicated in essence The Hunt is very straightforward take the right weapon into the hunt break its towards when possible and repeat the cycle until it goes down and that's yeah I mean it's the same as like a lot of fights and games like you have to have have the right gear you go in you do the mechanics you kill the boss like I I don't really think this is that complex like it's really not it's just that like it's hard like he does a lot of damage that's it like I mean [ __ ] exactly what I did finally after multiple hours of attempting the hunt I finally managed to get the job done God his ass for 100% transparency I just want to make clear that this is not the original footage of the original kill as I didn't record it I wanted to make sure however to get a kill with it with that same equipment uh except for the weapon which would have been an ice variant just to show players that it is possible to beat it without having the 100% optimal setup before now I had only beat alron maybe two or three times in multiplayer hunts and that was with the long sword so this kill was very special to me I've since took him down over a dozen times solo and what yeah I I I only want to kill him solo like cuz to me if I'm killing them with a group the odds are that the people in my group are going to be better than me because they're still playing this game that came out six years ago right so it's like if I beat it in a group I am probably just going to be carried and also like the truth is that yeah obviously if you don't meet the elemental check you like insta wipe whenever he has like one of the the judgments right but other than that like having the boss not Target you or only target you let's say 25% of the time that's insane that's [ __ ] that's like finding with with with two other poos was originally such a Stern obstacle is now quite a trivial hunt but what about the negative reviews Alat trayon CA what do I think I understand where that criticism came from players were ultimately upset that this isn't a fight you can just stick out to The Bitter End you know even if the hunt takes 40 minutes to complete so long as the player doesn't c three times and fail the quest they should be able to keep trying this hunt in particular however says no if you want to beat me you're going to have to play efficiently and if you don't do enough damage in these short time frames I think like this is just the way that this fight is like I don't think every fight needs to be like that I mean most fights are like that but like it's not a bad thing to have a couple of DPS check bosses like what's wrong with that it's not it's like is it frustrating is it hard yeah it makes it's hard it definitely is hard but just because something's hard doesn't make it bad like in my opinion which bosses do I think are actually bad like do I not like I don't like aninth in in Monster hun I think it's a bad boss boss I don't like the way it moves but like I don't think that this boss has any problematic movement you know what I mean like kushal Adora yeah it's kushal Adora like in my opinion how is it that you hate this boss but you're not like kushal Adora in my opinion is like way more [ __ ] annoying than this boss I hated that fight you're just going to lose and maybe this is just me coming in as a new generation Monster Hunter player but I actually really like this hunt everything I just explained is why I think it's great for the game Al Tron pushes the hunter to plan accordingly learn the mechanics and play well which in my opinion perfectly captures it's it's an endgame boss like of of course it's going to be hard [ __ ] duh like yeah the nature of the formula I understand and empathize that in a way this hunt in particular might prevent a percentage of players from truly experiencing everything the game has to offer but with it releasing doesn't prevent anybody from it it's just you have to beat it and if you don't then you don't that's fine if you don't want to get the set of gear to do it you don't have to do the fight there's like an easy mode version of the fight that you can do if you just want to clear it and move on what's the problem like really bar to ice life cycle near enough at the end of it I think this monster is a great addition to the game and offers a unique challenge for ad players who are looking to scratch that itch I understand some of you might not fundamentally agree with me on this and that's okay you only need to take a look at the world versus Roy arguments to see how different players perspectives are on how the game should be and what it should look like please leave a comment down below to share your thoughts on allr do you think this monster has a place in the game anyway yeah I'll see you next time yeah why would people complain about that I I don't understand like to me like this is my perspective on like bosses I think that Bad Bosses and good bosses exist separately from the spectrum of like quality so for example like a really bad boss doesn't function well and has hit boxes that aren't accurate that's what makes a bad boss if a boss is really really really hard that doesn't make the boss bad that just makes it really really hard so there was a tweet that was made I guess did this person blocked me oh no I think I've been blocked by this individual I've been blocked but they made a tweet complaining about me uh playing Monster Hunter the wrong way and so this is what had this has 18,000 likes there's a lot of people that are mad because I was not playing the game the way that they thought that I should be playing the game reminds me of whenever Asma got to alron he reads the entire tutorial out loud went into the quest spend almost two hours without even knowing he's dealing zero Elemental damage because he has Dragon blight even though the Handler keeps yelling you have dragon blight well I don't know what the indicator for Dragon blight is so what are these two indicators right here the sword up and the the uh the green up here these are Buffs so attack up and defense up I am used to games separating Buffs and debuffs where Buffs and debuffs are located in different places rather than having them all Consolidated because I find that to be confusing also there's no like indicator that this buff is applied to your character in the same way that for example if you're on fire your character's on fire your health bar goes red Dragon blight doesn't work that way and I I don't know how exactly to make that work but I do think that it is a shortcoming of the UI to categorize Buffs and debuffs in the same bucket I do I I think that's bad and it could be better and I hope that in Monster Hunter uh world what is it uh rise not worlds uh Wilds Monster Hunter Wilds I hope that it is better because it's confusing um so so yeah that that's number one one uh when another quests 2 hours during Dragon BL damage you have dragon so people are unhappy because I didn't know what dragon blight was I want to express my mindset going into a situation like this the majority of information that the NPCs tell you is not completely accurate there are things that they tell you that you need to do that you don't actually need to do it's just that it makes the fight easier or it makes the fight work in a certain way so if you've played through the entire game and the NPCs are constantly yelling at you to do certain things well then it's hard to understand what that actually means do you actually have to do it or not second thing let's talk about buildup now generally with games uh Frost damage whenever you have for example the uh frostcraft is applied to every it it does a proportion of your melee damage as Frost damage is that correct no how does it work it's actually it it's not actually ice damage it's a raw multiplier it's a flat boost to Elemental damage it increas increases damage by a percentage frostcraft is a damage multiplier it is a damage multier but that damage multiplier is converted in terms of ice damage right so you're telling me frostcraft gives you an increase in raw damage let me look this up is a skill and monster soep bonus velcon Divinity an aura of frost builds when your weapon is sheath raising attack now logically I would assume that an aura of frost that makes your attack go higher would make you deal more Frost damage like this is The Logical assumption that a person could make and I do not think that this is stupid to make this jump this is a logical assumption to make because most other video games function this way and also because there is no combat log there's no way to really determine what percentage of your damage is actually increased by frostcraft or not unless you played the game a long time and so there's that also with dragon blight just promoted fxra y big mistake dude yeah I mean who cares it's just I just trying to read something right that's it frostcraft yes raw damage the two set is CR for Elemental the third thing I want to talk about is Dragon blight or sorry is blast blight because people were criticizing me because I was using blast blight damage logically blast damage should be an element it should be because blasts are created through compression and through uh pressure and they can they they create combustion and combustion is Through Fire and Fire is an element also whenever I look at a blast bite explosion it is identical to fire if I if you ask somebody what element is this 100 people out of 100 people would tell you that it is fire there is no logical reason that blast blight would not be an elemental effect that would contribute to the damage taken for Alton's bar to reduce the escaton damage under every single logical assumption that is known to physics it would it's still asking for ice though it doesn't ask for ice it asks for an element that's not being used by alron and his Elemental uh Affinity changes grenades are not fire well that's because grenades are two separate things there's a there's a combustion of the grenade but then there's also shrapnel of the grenade so logically it would make sense that it would do raw damage and also fire damage in a component based uh breakdown that's the way it would work logically and so people always criticize me saying that I'm stupid I don't think about things the same way that other people think about things and the way that I think about things is not wrong I am an incredibly logical thinker and if things don't make sense to me it's hard for me to understand them and I think that on this boss I did not make any logical leaps or not understand something this is intentionally misle it's not potentially it is misleading it is misleading and confusing there are always people that like telling you what you should do because they've played the game for 200 hours one thing that I have learned over the years is that all of the people who think that they're good at video games are only think they're only thinking that because that's the only game they play and if I got to watch a new player i' I have played wow for long enough to know that most people that talk [ __ ] on the internet are [ __ ] garbage and if you got to watch them play a new game figure new stuff out they would look even dumber than you are I asked the quest same BL question 12 years ago playing Monster Hunter you're on the same path yeah and it makes sense Al Tran is very bold boss brought back if you didn't play game for 10 years it's very different and misleading if anything else in the game I think the boss is great it's a great boss there's nothing wrong with the boss but these these mechanics are misleading and it is confusing it does explained in the Hunter's note one of the good things about monster hunter is that a lot of the things in the game you can understand by just understanding things intuitively like if you attack from uh like if you you do a lunge attack it does more damage because you have the force and the velocity of falling downward um if you hit them in the head it does more damage because their head takes more damage if you hit them if you weaken a spot on their body that that spot takes more damage because it's been weakened if you hit their tail a lot it cuts their tail off so there are a lot of things in Monster Hunter that make sense intuitively and I think that's what makes it a great game I don't think that it's a good thing whenever mechanics go against established logical physics because it's confusing to an average person to be honest asking for too much logical stuff in alran is one of the two super bosses with specific mechanics logic's relevant because the game establishes its own rules as long as they communicate them well it's fine now that might not be the case in this game I don't know I think there's like even then I I feel like there's like why why have a confusing mechanic like I I don't know games are kind of intricate to master it's it's good thing I think that it's a good thing that games are intricate to master too absolutely but my point is that I think that the criticisms and things that I'm saying about this game are real and genuine I don't think that I'm wrong about anything that I'm saying here there is no advantage to consolidating Buffs and debuffs there is no logical reason that an average player would be able to intuitively understand that blast blight doesn't have the same Elemental properties as fire or ice I think these are just objectively true things and of course there's going to be people that have played Monster Hunter for a thousand hours that say no that's not the case but I'm speaking as a new player blast is not an element it's a status but fire but being on fire is a status and fire is an element fire blight and blast blight fire is a status fire blight is a status and not a fire and what mental gymnastics this is crazy guys absolutely crazy are these meaningful distinctions or are we just being obtuse it's it's it's not it's just stupid and this is coming as somebody who it I love this game I think this is a great game but there are things about it that are confusing and hard to understand and they don't need to be like that tran isn't Noob friendly well it shouldn't be Noob friendly like if you're fighting this boss you've been playing the game for probably 50 hours it's not for noobs it's a it's a hard boss like [ __ ] like what is this there's the uh there's the video that's was a good video I think that's fair
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 294,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: rTdX8SF9u6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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