Why gaming feels like a chore now | Asmongold Reacts

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modern gaming feels like a chore oh boy modern gaming has slowly begun to feel like a chore and before you say something like you're just growing out of the hobby you're just getting older I don't feel this way towards older games that I am now playing for the first time or several Indie titles now this feeling mainly comes from the mainstream AAA games released over the last few years and I know I'm not alone in this as it's one of the most common topics brought up in forums and discussions in the broader game Community I think the reason why is because of the focus on an achievement system and the problem is like if you look at something like armored Core 6 think about how many people criticized armored Core 6 for not being a chore it isn't just one or two Niche communities that feel this way many different types of gamers are sharing a similar sentiment and game development technology has only gotten better and better and games have only become more and more ambitious so from an objective standpoint gaming should be better now than every before so why do so many gamers share this sentiment I think that gaming is better now than it was before I think that by far but I think that it's not if the only thing that you're consuming is AAA titles like if you're going after and you're trying to find like for example like for me how many games this year have come out that have been like really really fun to play uh like in the past like 6 months or so like I've had armored Core 6 like this game has been really fun Blasphemous 2 I played that coffin of Andy and ly like death Must Die ined came out recently dude this game was so [ __ ] fun and I'm still not even done with it Grand blue fantasy just came out this game's really fun too like I think there are so many great games and I really wish that people would stop looking at the latest Ubisoft release and then basing their opinion of the gaming industry as a whole off of that I'm so tired of that again there's always the you're out growing gaming you're nostalgic for the past you just burnt out and while these are applicable to some I don't think it fully represents the full picture and the problem goes far deeper than these very surface level explanations so I want to look at that first point old games don't feel like a chore but new ones do why what's the difference between new and old game design that separate them from one another other well there's quite a lot actually and we're not going to be able to cover all of them in this video but one of the most important things to me is old games rarely wasted your time they got you right into the action right into yeah and this is a big difference between like live service games and like just box games that you can play offline there's no reason for Dark Souls to make it take a really long time for you to get a black knight halir and it doesn't like if you like you could get one at the beginning of the game right from that one guy and there's a really good drop chance for it it's like what 16 20% something like that from the guy at the bottom of the uh next to the the grass Shield it's really common and uh if you don't get it then you get something else and like think about Monster Hunter the rarest items in Monster Hunter take you a fraction of a time actually I don't know about the rarest items but it's like that's some of the decorations but like for example getting a mantle for like a a hard boss this is a fraction of the difficulty that it takes to get something in a live service game because live service games Win based off of making you play the game longer and games like dark souls or Monster Hunter win by making you love the game longer and that's the difference adventure and other than Metal Gear Solid most games didn't have cut scenes or tracking across open expanses of nothingness to get to the next point of Interest no farming for I think that games like um Shadow of the Colossus I remember I watched my friend Jason play a lot of it and there was a lot of time periods where like you were just kind of not doing anything you were moving around from point A to point B and I think that's okay that's not really a big deal it just depends on like how the game is designed and like what the focus of the game is it's the atmosphere yeah I think the atmosphere for a game is very important or grinding XP no climbing hundreds of towers to reveal the dark part of a map and most importantly nobody said things like you got to spend at least 20 hours in this game before it gets good you know you could tell right away they said that about MMOs back in the day and nobody plays them anymore if the game was going to hook you let's take New Vegas and Starfield as examples we're going to compare the first 60 Minutes of New Vegas versus the first 60 Minutes of Starfield in Fallout New Vegas you get a brief intro cinematic to set up the world of Fallout and the main plot that New Vegas would revolve around you immediately wake up in a doctor's house he helps you set up your character stats and character creator you stumble outside and begin talking to a few folks in town you learn the basics of combat and survival from one of the characters you then involve yourself in a conflicting quest to either help the town against a bunch of escaped convicts or help the convicts take over the town and in the process of all that you've learned about skill checks and branching Quest design that will affect the game forever and in the aftermath of whichever choice you choose you now know almost everything you'll ever need to know for the rest of the game and you've pretty much wrapped up your first hour of New Vegas right there obsidian then hands you the Reigns to just go play the game whatever complete freedom from here on out in fact you can wake up and run straight out of good Springs immediately if you wanted to now let's take a look at starfields first hour you're going to spend about 10 minutes slow walking while NPCs ramble to you you pass out and wake up create your character stats slow walk for another 10 minutes with with more Exposition dumping fight off a group of pirates for about 20 seconds slow walk and then Exposition dump some more interact with your loading screen I mean your ship walk around a Barren Planet shoot a couple more Pirates and then somehow after that first hour the game becomes even more restrictive and slow and you will spend the next 3 hours doing nothing but slow walking and talking to NPCs to tutorial lie you some more another 5 hours of fetch quests and radiant quests go by and then by maybe hour 12 or 13 you have a similar level of Freedom that you did after the first hour of New Vegas I mean [ __ ] by hour 12 in New Vegas I'd be balls deep in uncovering a cannibalism conspiracy inside the ultralux casino hell even at hour 6 I'd already sent some ghoul Jesus boys you know what YouTube should do is they should categorize every Starfield video as ASMR they should make it to where like on Twitch if you play Starfield you're in the ASMR category into outer space and games feel like a chore when they waste your time or they take too long to get going and even when they do get going it's not that good and while not everyone feels like Starfield is a chore to play I think it's more than safe to say that Starfield has been a very large disappointment for many for this very reason sure if you want to explore you'll have to go to your menu zoom out of the planet zoom out of the star system navigate to a correctly leveled star system and fast travel then you watch a loading screen a landing animation and walk in a straight line for 3 to 5 minutes until you reach a point of Interest unfortunately none of these points of interest are interesting at best you'll find a copy pasted pirate camp and at worst you'll find a Planet trait which is useless unless you're trying to fully scan a planet or a cave with a few alien enemies and basically nothing in it but Starfield I don't know how this happened is just the most recent example of a game that wastes the player time we could discuss forever about the 20-hour feature films in the Sony PlayStation catalog or the hey no that's totally fine because people get that like and also the game playay in God of War I haven't played the new one so I'm speaking secondhand here but I've never heard a lot of bad stuff about it it seems like people really like these games I I am not a disliker of cinematic games but it's not the same as God of War like 2 or something like that and tedious gameplay design of Ubisoft titles or other generic game studios or we could talk about live service games that every few months give players 30 hours of busy work to do it doesn't matter the example you know exactly what I'm talking about modern games that love to waste your time and only focus on getting you to spend as much time as possible inside their game yep why well because of because they have a store and they want you to spend money in the store and so the longer you play the game the more likely you're going to play You're Going to open the store and that's why a lot of loading screens have advertisements for things in the store that's why for example with Diablo 4 it's really cool that they show your characters together whenever you Zone into a dungeon with your friends but that's also for the purpose of showing off microtransactions that other people in the group also have so everything is built around you have to understand that whenever a game has a store and it's a live service game almost every single game acts as a funnel into the store so it's like the tail wagging the dog the store is what decides what happens in the game everything is built off of that and that is the deciding variable whether something will be successful or unsuccessful in the game is that true though there's a relationship between hours of play and purchase I think that yes I think it's very obvious that if somebody plays a game more they're going to be more likely to buy something in it do we really need a study to tell us this it's obvious out and it has a 12-hour run time gaming journalists and basement dwellers will publicly crucify the game for not being long enough you know I can see it now Bioshock relas I don't agree with that point I don't think that's true I think that for example uh armored Core 6 didn't get crucified for being too short people were disappointed that it was too short or it wasn't longer I mean because they wanted more game but I think that most people were happy about it in today's timeline would have 10 hours of cut scenes added on top of it and several NPCs would have radiant quests to complete with the game totaling to over 40 hours because longer means better am I right wrong that is absolutely older games rarely would waste your time though they knew that people had a limited time to play games yeah I really noticed this a lot with monster hunter is that I very rarely in Monster Hunter felt like I was actually wasting my time like I was just playing a game and it was the same thing with like elen ring and I think one of the biggest determining factors is whether the game is a live service or not because live service games profit whenever you play the game more so it's in their interest to waste your time and and games that aren't live service don't do that now there are great live service games that don't do that but there aren't as many of them and that people are interested in playing other games you know I can play Assassin's Creed 2 over a weekend maybe like an extra evening on a weekday too and that's awesome I didn't waste 2 months grinding it like I did with bhalla and because it doesn't take so long to get through I go back and play it at least once a year because cuz I know it won't eat up a whole lot of my time but what about big lengthy RPG games I love them and yes they can take a while the play through for instance I loved my time with Elden ring close to 100 hours in my first character and elen ring seems like the perfect candidate for replayability with the amount of builds and ways to approach the game but the thought of replaying Elden ring is a bit daunting you know I've played through Dark Souls dozens of times and like Assassin's Creed 2 I play it at least once or twice a year because while it's possible to spend 80 hours in a single playthrough my replays have been closer to 15 hours RPGs that are more dense than expansive are I think that he's right about Elden ring that it's harder to replay the game because there's just so much that's going on in the game like I I agree with him ones that I always find myself going back to more often or just games in general again this doesn't mean yeah Dark Souls feels like a game that could have come out on Super Nintendo I don't know like does that make sense to anybody like that's the way I feel about it expansive RPGs are bad at all they just need to respect my time I do think Elden ring did do that it's just not something I'm looking to replay quite yet Boulders Gate 3 is a good example of a game that's huge it's a behemoth of a game yeah but I think you can ask anyone including myself about their time with that game and none of its Play Time feels unnecessary or tedious or grindy it's just a behemoth in a good way every hour is made up of worthwhile and what feels like necessary content the real difference between a good lengthy game and a bad one is playing a lot of hours because you're actually invested in the game versus hurrying through hours of tedium in order to get to the fun parts of the game I think that like really this is what I wish a lot of developers did is they had a metric for like when people start skipping cutcenes because I feel like there's so many games that are like I like I remember wayfinder was like this for me where it was like I wanted to pay attention to the story but I actually really wanted to play the game and so every time whenever I play a new game one of the things that I hate the most is whenever a new game does a 1our exposition of all of these things because I'm not going to remember any of this because like I don't have like so the way that memory usually works is that you remember things in like a web where it's like oh I remember this because I connected to this or I remember this because I connected to this so if you give somebody the whole thing and then it's like oh yeah you have to know all of this well they're not going to because they won't remember any of it because it's like oh well this thing that happened like who cares what this thing is and so I I I just I wish that more games realized like like how much of their time they just waste like Grand blue fantasy relink was like this for me too like I played Grand blue fantasy relink because I saw the game play and I thought to myself holy [ __ ] this game looks really cool and I'm spending all my [ __ ] time sitting here watching cutscenes I'm just oh [ __ ] oh God yeah yeah yeah right is it say a chosen one and then there's like this girl she got kidnapped okay okay where's the boss fight and that's it you can skip though but my point is that you shouldn't want to that's my point my point is that I wish that games would make it to where the story like here's a great example Path of Exile I love the story on Path of Exile because whenever you click on the lore items in the game you can continue playing the game while the lore is playing and you can listen to it that's [ __ ] awesome I love that there are times in modern games especially live services that I would often be thinking about the literal chores I need to do in between the fun doing all the live service style [ __ ] hours of tedious Quest design and more hours Inventory management I was mostly relieved when I finally stopped playing the game for the night maybe 30% of my time in the game was actually having fun really grinding for XP and materials to advance isn't a massive problem if the grind is reasonable but we all know that in most games uh yeah no I I feel like so games that I feel like the grind was fulfilling and fun I lik the grinded Monster Hunter I liked it in Dark Souls I liked it in Elden ring I will tell you I like to grind a new world uh for like uh professions like Gathering professions I liked it even though it took a very long time uh it was like a much more long form version of it um I like the grind in pow world I think that was fun uh what was enshrouded the grind has been really fun uh it's reasonable uh I would say even this might be an unpopular opinion but I think some points in valheim the grind is too much I think that it's [ __ ] annoying having to go back to the swamp constantly whenever you're in the Mist lands it's [ __ ] annoying so yeah I there are games that the grind is bad that live service but overall I mean [ __ ] valheim is a great game I totally recommend it but that's just one thing that I don't like about it that just isn't the case and again the grind is always extended not for the player enjoyment but to either Pat out runtime in a game or make you invest more in order to become addicted after a while it became sort of stressful to play these games like a genuine second job I'm sure you've heard that several times I feel like a lot of them like this is the this is the how many of you guys have played a game and you loot an object in the game and it says one of 509 yep where I got all of them by the way made with genu and intentions I always find myself truly invested into because I wanted to be not because it required me to be games like these tend to consume my thoughts because of the world the characters the badass builds I'm experimenting with I become obsessed with it not saying it's healthy for a game to consume your life in that way either but at least you're genuinely enjoying the game because of the game not because you're trying to check off a to-do list moments in games like ah [ __ ] I failed sigm of Katarina and I I have to relay the bad news to his daughter I wonder where she is and then I spend several hours playing and adventuring thinking about sigm story and trying to find his daughter while or you're like me Oh you mean the fat guy yeah whatever happened to him oh wow that's a new boss let's go get it like I I I'll learn about the lore from a video I don't give a [ __ ] and that's the good thing that's good because like I can enjoy and appreciate the lore on my own time but I can also play the game and enjoy the game for what I want it to be and that's one thing that I wish more games respected it's like another great example of this is Blasphemous I feel like Blasphemous is one of the only games that's had the same type of Storytelling as from software and the story is good enough for me to watch two 1hour YouTube videos about it I feel like it's like one of the only games working through other Challen it's so amazing and I appreciate it more than a game with good cut scenes playing and move forward that's what I think now it would be wrong not to dive a bit into the reality of gaming burnout which can also be a big reason some find gaming to be a chore so let's talk about that in today's gaming culture there is a lot of social pressure surrounding the enjoyment of certain games like you must like this game and praise it or if you enjoy this game then you're an elitist the online culture of video games can get pretty exhausting because everyone has become extremely opinionated and upset with everyone else's preferences um so we see a lot of people this is just these are people with mental illnesses on the internet like there's no reason to to to listen to them at all die away from playing certain games and trying to go along with public opinion and play What's popular or what's considered the thing to play in the broader gaming community and I know we've all been guilty of this myself included I've played I'll play games because they're popular I definitely willames where I really just pushed through them despite not really enjoying the experience you know they just weren't for me and they ended up being a chore to play through and it's easy to get caught up in this I must play this because everyone online is hyping it up idea I used to have the vibe of like I thought oh man I'm never going to really like a game again I'm never going to have an experience like I had in Ocarina of Time linked to the past Super Mario World World of Warcraft the first time and then I played Elden ring and I said wait a minute it's not me it's you I said NOP that's it no it's got nothing to do with getting older but some games just aren't going to click with you and that's okay Dark Souls one was the same get used to finding the difference ring was like much more I was aware of though slogging my way through them for the sake of saying that I've done it at this point for myself at least if I'm not feeling a game after the first few hours I'm not going to force myself to see it through just to say I've done it yeah that's so weird to me like every game that I've always really enjoyed there's been almost no game that I hated at the beginning and then I didn't I then grew to like it I feel like almost every single game I hated it at the beginning and it was bad the idea that Games should be they should get good no a game should be good at the very beginning and if it's not it's a bad game out really can set in when you start treating it like a checklist of games completed but now I value my gaming time more than I used to I don't feel as much of a need to be that gamer that that's played everything and I've been better off for it with that mindset sh the best part of burnout can also just come no the best part of the Diablo 4 story and I'm going to give you guys a hot take I think the only good part of the Diablo 4 story is the intro I think everything else about the Diablo 4 story is so cringe it's so formulaic like it's it's better than Diablo II oh wow but it's like oh well inarius it's like the bad guys are the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys wow daring today aren't we holy [ __ ] just the story wasn't that interesting it just wasn't to me there were only a few good parts of the story in my opinion I don't get why we killed Lilith still well because inarius was telling the story and you didn't get her perspective that's why of terial yeah the only good part after the beginning was whenever the uh the guy at the end died from like he got too close to the pillar and then the guy just killed him from the pillar that was the only Bleak fatalistic point that reminded me of the same vibe that Diablo I had everything else was just cinematic garbage spoilers too bad you should have played the game simply because of sunk cost fallacy where you feel like you just can't that was so know usually a live service one because of the hours you've put into it but sometimes you just need to hang up your hat and call it quits if you aren't that you once adored sometimes you are the problem but all that being said I do think objectively many games release nowadays same as most movies and entertainment in general while look flashy and have massive budgets don't have those same things that hook a lot of players or movie goers like they used to they're made by uh they're made by people that don't like the the medium they're made by people that don't understand the medium they don't understand the audience and so like whenever they make a game they make a game that they think Gamers will like but they're not a gamer so it's like how Poss really waste my time it's The Witcher show and that is not a problem with the source material that it's based on Source material is fantastic I highly recommend you read the books but don't watch the [ __ ] show talk about a piece of media that wastes your time or what about a game like back for blood that game completely dropped off and kind of flopped but the game that inspired it have lived on with healthy player accounts and communities for over a decade yeah I think it's because a lot of these games aren't developed by Gamers anymore if you start looking at a lot of the development teams at most Studios you start to learn that a large number of the employees are just people who worked at some other random tech company prior to the game studio and only took this job because they needed a job in their field a well it's just really I mean if you listen to like I think that like one thing that was really eye openening for me was like if you listen to like Kevin Jordan talk about why certain things existed in classic wow there is like a level of like [ __ ] like I'm trying to think of the word for it a a level of Competency and fundamental human understanding that with a lot of developers I hear them talk about the game of insight yeah there's a degree of thoughtfulness and insight that doesn't exist with a lot of developers and you can see that with like for example uh you know Chris Wilson doesn't really do quite as many interviews but like um Jonathan from uh poe2 the guy with the glasses you listen to him talk about the game and it's like yeah this makes a lot of sense yeah for sure 100% like the way Miyazaki explains why different things in the game are the way they are it's like oh yeah of course yeah know that makes sense I get it and it's like such a big difference whenever you compare that with like some random interview with some developer person that's in charge of a game and they're like yeah so we're going to have it be like so [ __ ] like uh there you got and there's like a dragon and [ __ ] it's like oh my God like this is just like what are we doing and it's just like just listen to them talk about games it's like I said with Diablo 4 you want to know what the problem is with the game Watch the devs play it watch them talk about what they think about games oh oh no now I understand oh okay no now I get it I understand now right makes perfect sense them very clueless as to what makes a game so encapsulating now I know I've already lost some of you with that thought it's like you know kajima talking about his games and like the way that they're made versus the random Studio that's making a psychological Thriller that um you're being texted on your smartphone by a demon what a bunch of [ __ ] trash but I think it's pretty evident when looking at the state of the industry today you know when a game like balers 3 comes out made for gamers by Gamers that really care about the experience of the player I.E the customer it's easy to see why they're so successful and sell so many copies and become a big cultural phenomenon we need games developed by Gamers for gamers that don't waste our time because that is what I believe makes gaming feel like a chore but that's just one man's take on the idea he totally [ __ ] right let me know your thoughts in the comments and I'll see you all in the next one I unironically totally [ __ ] agree I think that most people that make video games are totally [ __ ] clueless I think they suck at video games yeah you don't have to be good but I [ __ ] bet it's better if you are and they don't have any idea they actively a lot of them resent Their audience listen to like what they say on Twitter look at the people they follow look at the tweets they make look at the tweets they like these are people who have a fundamental resentment towards their own [ __ ] audience and I am just annoyed by this I am I'm very annoyed it's baffling it is I I don't think that they're creative I don't think it's like for example Steve dener the guy that did a lot of the storylines for Wow said that he liked Game of Thrones season 8 it's like why did you like it it's like you don't even understand it's a why why was it because like he's not necessarily wrong in the same way that the storyline for shadow ends wasn't necessarily bad but it was bad because of the way that it was told it was told in a way that was garbage yes it was no no I disagree I completely disagree I think that the way that they could have told the Shadowland story was would have been it could have been the best story that they ever did H maybe can't be gash but it could have been really up there I think it absolutely could have especially 100% And I think Game of Thrones I I feel like it was obvious that Daenerys had to go [ __ ] crazy it's obvious like everybody [ __ ] knew that I thought John was going to kill her earlier in the show because she was going to stop him from going to war with the white walkers that's what I thought was going to happen but you know it didn't the point is that it felt rushed yeah it was rushed it was it was told badly the way it happened with [ __ ] exactly yeah it's like they just don't understand they don't get it they just don't [ __ ] get it
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,227,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: -8HGsmLYqnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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