Suicide Squad Game Review Drama

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IGN has made a number of videos that have been negative about the suicide squad killed the Justice League is a frustrating game to play there are Defenders of the game who are mad people are now defending the video game if these people spent more time playing the video game instead of Defending it then maybe it wouldn't need defending let's look at Arkham Arkham Knight so this game came out 9 years ago and right now it has the same amount of players as The Suicide Squad I'm sure in a week I wonder what's going to happen and so you have a lot of people that are mad at IGN for covering this we didn't get a review code let's bash this game until it dies and get ourselves blacklisted I love how these people think that IGN saying the game sucks is somehow because they didn't get a review code you know what else it could be because maybe because the game sucks Suicide Squad killed the looter shooter uh-oh yeah looking forward to killing the Justice League and all but uh well you know these guns are a bit [ __ ] for me the disappointment of Suicide Squad kill the Justice League isn't just about its quality it's about what it's not as much as about what it is there's very little of what made developer rocksteady's game so great in the past near paralleled superhero power trips that sit alongside insomniac's critically acclaimed Spider-Man series it's also the latest in a frustratingly long line of beloved single player championing Studios delving into unwelcoming loot invested live service Waters nobody I don't think the problem is that they're getting into live service games I think the problem is that the live service games that they're making are bad that's the problem live service isn't the problem bad games are the problem never believes things can get this bad until it happens it's been a perilous leap for many to take with success limited to very few not called Bungie and I hope we're now at the end of this detrimental Trend wizard blizzard made a live service game in 2004 it did pretty well for a long time there's a lot of examples like Warframe warframe's doing pretty well uh RuneScape uh let's see he said looter shooter oh so he's only talking about looter Shooters and not other games okay yeah sure that's played so many in recent years BioWare abandoned the comfort of its trademark deep RPG writing in favor of anthem's cold Hollow RNG fueled exos suits it was the first real notable example of this happening a studio ripping up I wonder what was the worst payoff off Anthem or buying a board ape NFC which group of people lost more money it's so hard to say it might be an I'm pretty sure it'ss popularized by the likes of Destiny BioWare veteran James Olan told rock paper shotgun that Anthem was the ultimate expression of that it got away from everything it's kind of like the anti- BioWare game oh that's a really great thing to tell your audience yeah our game is like the games that you don't like the game the new game that we're making it's not like the games that you liked there have since been others chasing these online looter shoter Trends who does this like what it what idiot thinks this is good messaging rapidly gone out of fashion with each passing year Arcane these are the same kinds of people that think that like it thinks they they're the people that think that they're smart because they say they like Game of Thrones season 8 they're the people that like they like things that are bad in the hopes that people will think that there's some sort of like sophistication in it of it's best-in-class level design to the empty vampiric streets of redfall Crystal Dynamics promised much in its Marvel's Avengers campaign but lost its way completely regarding its live service offerings Marvel Avengers was a real impressive one like I've never seen somebody suck a dick that big actually that's not true um I uh I've seen some other pretty bad game launch I was going to make a joke about something happened recently but I guess I won't um anyway uh I think the truth is that look a lot of these kinds of games it's not about it being a looter shooter in my opinion I think it's about being the the quality of the game is bad that's all there is to it that's what it is more than anything else recently Rock Steady traded in their expertly designed Gotham for a shallow Metropolis Suicide Squad 's main problem isn't in its art Direction character design or storytelling although mileage may vary on that last one these are all things we've come to expect and enjoy from Rocksteady masters of their craft when it comes to creating superhero open worlds but while it has largely delivered on that Trio of creative disciplines the Studio's other notable strengths best-in-class campaign design genre leading combat systems and engaging open worlds are the areas in which suicide squad has stumbled and that faltering is rooted in the pivot to creating a longtime content delivery machine AKA a live service shooter in the 9 years it has taken the I like this game looks like [ __ ] garbage to be honest like it looks like it came out in 2015 it's like Apex Legends looks better than this and it's free Bas Studio to finish work on kill the Justice League numerous examples of exactly the same kind of pivot project failing have come and gone yet no change of Direction has seemingly been plotted that's likely because of the weight of the AAA Machine like a heavy Cruise liner it can be difficult to change the course of all those resources and stuff when the Journey Begins but the result of that is a wholly in congruous mess of auta shooter where Bland Gunplay makes neither canonical sense like am I the only person like watch this game play do you even know what the [ __ ] is going on ho in Cong M where Bland Gunplay makes neither canonical sense nor an engaging gameplay Loop oh this will make my boomerangs jealous sorry ladies gear progression and how it intertwines with talent trees and class abilities is a delicate balance that is by no means easy to achieve the Borderland Series has historically done it very well and while the Pandora gun fests do have significant stories told throughout you always get the feeling that developer gearbox's focus is on making the most outrageous and fun Arsenal to play with as possible but Borderlands games are of course not live service tackling the added demand of a long long long life of ever expanding content at a whole new weight on top of all that to balance a more pertinent example then yeah I looked at some of the weapons with Suicide Squad whenever I watch gameplay and there wasn't a single weapon that like for example whenever I watched Diablo I and I saw somebody using chain lightning I was like a oh yeah whenever I watched like somebody do like a whirlwind build like I saw Rob do that Whirlwind build I was like yes dude right and that's even with Diablo 4 like there was nothing with Suicide Squad that ever made me feel like oh that looks really cool I love the power fantasy of that I want to play it might be Diablo which has achieved this as successfully as anyone over the years thanks to Blizzard a studio whose very DNA is built around online multiplayer experiences for almost 30 years the developers refined a gameplay Loop completely centered on chasing that next piece of loot that desire to want to come back repeatedly and grind for the next piece of gear is key to the success of a loot-based game and it's what I look for over all else in the genre strike gold with that and even games to possess just a I mean I I think that Diablo 4 is uh I just think it's kind of boring right it's kind of a boring game uh like it it's not Dynamic enough for me to like want to play every season like I I remember like season three came out and I watched Quinn playing for like 5 minutes and I was like I'm going to go back to sleep I don't I don't want to I don't want to go live I'll just wake up later and play something else you know like if doesn't feel Mish more Co-op I don't know of Rocksteady storytelling chops such as 202's outriders can keep me engaged enough to keep playing thanks to fun weapons and abilities one note combat is a Common Thread between all of these Rec experiments red Fall's selection of identic weapons didn't offer anywhere near the sort of malleable approaches that Dishonored blades and Powers brought to encounters although Marvel's Avengers heroes did each have a set of abilities intrinsically linked to their character the rot Defender the first ascendant abilities are are better like how is it that you're losing to a free-to-play Nexon game in beta it's pathetic and capture objective scenarios you were placed in offered Limited Thrills and anthem's Mission design was near non-existent as you jetted around its open world searching for any semblance of bioware's famous Quest writing Rock Steady created one of the most influential combat systems in the form of Batman Arkham's counter-based melee flow and to step away from this and create a gun-based looter shooter was a bold move sadly it just didn't pay off each gun feels fundamentally very similar to the next and last with interesting perks and Al this is the problem that I think a lot of developers have with making good like FPS games is that like the last game I remember dude was it Halo 3 that they finally added the fuel Rod Cannon and you had like the energy sword and you had uh the the gravity hammer like that [ __ ] felt good you could you could use fuel R Canon and Halo 2 was it I thought it was like only in campaign I don't remember ever using it in multiplayer yeah the gravity hammer was Halo Halo 2 The Hammer was three wait holy [ __ ] I think you're right holy [ __ ] bro like oh my God I think actually you're right yeah yeah cuz I remember like yeah cuz You' have the shotgun and then like you would charge and You' shoot them right before they hit you yeah wow holy [ __ ] I got that confused oh my God no you're right you're right um anyway like I feel like with a lot of these new games the focus is on balance so much that it's hard to make new cool weapons and like I go back and I think about Ratchet and Clank that is like to me like the Pinnacle of really cool combat abilities that are non melee like Ratchet and Clank was [ __ ] insane it was so [ __ ] fun man there's a deficit of imagination yeah it's like okay you have a shotgun like oh wow and um I don't know I just I think that they need to have more interesting weapons fires from a l shooter is to have interesting loot to shoot with but the focus on that in Suicide Squad just isn't quite there you're making guns for us now B even like here's another example I think OverWatch guns are really good I'm going to say it I know it's popular to hate OverWatch but I think think OverWatch has such a great different uh like a great difference of gameplay like you have like Reinhardt plays so fundamentally different than Widowmaker and even like for example like ash plays way different than Widowmaker and like the amount of different ways that you can play the game and the nuances of the weapons are so much more pronounced and I just feel like in a lot of these games it's just not there yeah Genji is just so much more different like I personally um you know like I I I still want to play that malga guy the new uh the new Champion I bet he's probably op as [ __ ] Zenyatta is the best changed my mind I [ __ ] hate him but yeah yeah they're unique characters they are they're interesting it's your lucky day I'm all for developers trying something new in an attempt to avoid things becoming stale but successful New Beginnings are rooted in a recognition of historic strengths I wish Rock Steady had used its previous top tier melee combat dense open world and thrilling storytelling experience as a base rather than shifting to what is an world and thrilling story this is just like these are boring [Music] stats they're boring I'm sorry like it's just not that good like you got to have better stats that are more interesting telling experience as a base rather than shifting to what is an almost entirely different development format this challenge is something to its credit that Sony has managed well with play station Studios time is given to each creative team to make the project they want to make with story-driven single player games remaining a dominant Focus naughty dog has become the standard Bearer for this philosophy in the years the Rock Steady spent making kill the Justice League but that isn't to say they didn't attempt to Branch out to multiplayer in that time either with Sony recently cancelling a stuttering The Last of Us online project we'll never know how this would have turned out but if recent history has told us anything it's that halting development before it rumbles on for years might have been The Right Move by PlayStation just put it out of its misery take it out to the back of the barn and just shoot it in the [ __ ] head like there's a certain point where you just got to do it you got to do it and it's like really whenever you shoot them you're not doing anything wrong you're doing them a favor you're putting them out of its misery no that's a good decision something confirmed by Naughty Dog itself in the statement announcing the cancellation the studio said to release and support The Last of Us online have to put all our studio resources behind supporting post-launch content for years to come severely impacting development on future single player games so we had two paths in front of us becoming a solely live service game Studio or continue to focus on single player narrative games that have defined nauy Do's Heritage and that's another thing think about what like what happened after World of Warcraft well we didn't really get any blizzard single player games anymore like we got I mean Starcraft 2 is kind of like like that like a little bit but like not really like that was about it it's not to say that risks can't and shouldn't be taken though if approached in a sensible and measured manner interesting results nobody criticizes risks people criticize fuckups and that's really what it is it's really just fuckups developers stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new and dipping their toes into the water before diving head first in regards to PlayStation sucker Punch's Legends expansion to 2020s Ghost of sushima was a well constructed online co-op offering rooted in its fundamentally exciting sword combat the experience was scaled appropriately for an experimental DLC offering a small but rewarding pool of gear for progressing through missions which culminated in a challenging multi-part raid full of memorable art Direction the key though was that this Focus was narrow adding a handful of hours of multiplayer fun onto an already solid single player base I still want to see more Sucker Punch single player stories but this smaller scoped experiment has at least given me confidence that they can make the lutter shooter live service jump where others have fallen maybe it would have been wise for here's a good example is like armored Core 6 whenever I was playing armored Core 6 I think armored Core 6 is the best iteration of PVP that from software has ever done in terms of playability like there's not a lot of lag uh like if you hit something on your screen it gets hit like in terms of like all of those like really really simple things that Dark Souls uh like uh Dark Souls and Elden ring PVP lack like dude they totally nailed it with armored Core 6 the servers are crisp they are they're really impressive test out some of suicide squad's online components in an Arkham Knight expansion before fully implementing those ideas 9 years later unfortunately it's still unclear to see how far those who leaped have fallen it can't be a coincidence though that these Studios all find themselves reverting back to what made them such respected names in the single player space BioWare is hoping to recapture that story driven RPG magic with new Dragon Age and Masset games in development Arcane has light at the end of the tunnel with Marvel's blade being helmed by their Leon Studio A stealth combat game that hopes are high for Crystal guys like obviously the Blade game could be really good but yeah this is super cool but like this is like the video game hype Paradox the less you know about the game the more you're excited for it like we all know this could be [ __ ] insane right or it could be [ __ ] garbage I I think a blade game lends itself very much like the the blade universe and like the blade character as like a vampire as a sword and [ __ ] like it lends itself very well to being a video game that doesn't mean it's going to be good though Crystal Dynamics finds itself under the parasitic control of embracer group who has seemingly done nothing but Council projects and layoff staff since making their huge financial gamble I hope the Tomb Raider Studio manages to survive and thrive again I sympathized all these developers none of whom set out to make games that would go on to be considered Dead on Arrival instead eyes need to be turned towards those making the decisions whether these be Studio heads Publishers or other Executives on what type of games these Studios should I have to say that I think the UI this DUI is ridiculous the graphics are mediocre they're probably a downgrade from the game that came out seven years ago the combat looks like it sucks so like which Dev like whose fault isn't it like it seems like every like the story is stupid so I feel like everything about this game sucks I don't think it's just the higher ups that are like oh well it's bad because it's live service it being live service doesn't explain why the campaign was stupid come on make the list of previously mentioned failures to launch should be the wakeup call needed to stop mismanaging talent and siphoning their passion into projects that benefit neither the developer skill sets nor the players's ultimate enjoyment it's a did CD project red make an make an FPS game before cyberpunk 26 77 no didn't seem to matter no a lesson that Warner Brothers seemingly never learned with kill the Justice League although hopefully one they've now learned considering suicide squad's questionable success comes not long after the news that wb's own Hogwarts Legacy a singleplayer open world story driven game happened to be 2023 biggest selling game it's too uh yeah but the biggest selling game doesn't mean it's the highest grossing game for Revenue though like a lot of these games make millions of dollars post launch through Cosmetics so yeah I mean it's definitely to keep that in mind to say what's next for Rocksteady which still has the first steps of its live service road map to make when Joker arrives as a playable character next month soide Squad could Buck the trend becoming a huge success that grows strong as the months and years go on I have my doubts though I just hope it does well enough that a studio home to so much single player Talent is allowed to spread its bat wings again for more on suicide squad check out our review and for everything else kill the Justice League stick with IGN I don't really hate looter shooter games I don't think they're bad but what I do think is bad is like when a developer chases a trend that they're clearly not intended for and it's not like their Forte I guess you could say and they try to do it even though they're not it's not like this is a like CD project red wanted to make cyberpunk like uh from software wanted to make armored Core and like I I don't I'm sure people that were at the studio wanted to make this game but I can't imagine like the enthusi ASM would be the same versus something like the Arkham Knight series I mean this just seems like it's so dry there susceptible to exploit their projects otherwise I love the idea of an arpg with guns yeah exactly people who care about the game should make the game true yeah it it's just that simple there's no way the devs are excited to make a looter shooter I don't know I mean I I I mean it would be fun like for example like the once human game is kind of a looter shooter and I thought that game was great like I dude I put a ton of hours into that game so yeah I don't think that's necessarily true but in a lot of cases it probably is
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 605,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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