Why Diablo 4 Players Hate Last Epoch | Asmongold Reacts

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uh-oh let's see what this is Diablo 4 super fans be warned on February 21st last Epoch will officially launch and you are going to hate it this video is for us Diablo V enthusiasts who believe Diablo 4 is the perfect arpg in every way with absolutely no issues if you are not one of these people and actually like lasto I suggest you stop watching this video right now as it may trigger you okay now that those people are gone and it's just us Diablo purus finally get into why we're going to hate last Epoch my first of many reasons you're going to hate last Epoch is its price it's only $35 for the full game what a stupid number am I right I know I'm not well if it's only $35 then the game probably is half as good as Diablo I enjoy myself unless the game $70 and there is no $100 Early Access version like come on guys are you even trying here and get this they're going to keep updating the game and won't charge for DLC and expansions this is awful and such a bad idea Diablo I is going to have an expansion every year and I know after this year's experience playing this absolute Gem of a game I can't wait to ditch out another $70 for the expansion only 70 oh he's not going to buy the deluxe edition what a broke [ __ ] next thing I absolutely despise about last Epoch is its skill trees yes I said skill trees meaning more than one too much skill tree then a whole complete skill tree for single skill in the game again what an absolutely stupid idea and a waste of time let me show you an example side by side using Fireball on the left we have the gigachad Diablo for Fireball and section so freaking clean and let's look at our options here we can either do more damage with Fireball or over here we you do more crit damage with Fireball yeah thank you blizzard for giving us what we want meaningful game-changing choices in a skill Tre naturally yeah now let's look over here at this abomination of a SK like look at it bro it doesn't even fit together like it was just confusing like what the [ __ ] like what if you go this way and then you want to go that way like what are you going to do like it's just oh my God epox Fireball yeah true the options we have to augment Fireball here are turning it into an ability where we can shoot multiple Fireballs in a cone or turn it into a plasma ball that do sounds good or adds an explosion or homing feature or turning it into a flamethrower wait what and we can even combine these together and have a plasma flamethrower that explodes I got to stop I'm getting too overwhelmed from all these options there's too many things bro like yeah that's what like how are you going to decide which one's better like there's too many like dude I think you can all see what aming Major Way all these options are that time to create something we actually want in an arpg like having a system that locks skill points behind finding over 150 random statues or having a world boss but make sure it's on a 3-hour timer so we can all make sure we're there to kill it dungeons where you need to pick up an idol but you need three of them to open the door I want to draw attention to the fact that even lost Arc had a Better World boss system than Diablo I and hold more than one so you got a backtrack ah yes the good old days speaking of being overwhelmed let's talk stash tabs oh they again Diablo I has the perfect amount of them five I may maybe six okay I really don't know whoever uses that many tabs right guys yeah this is where I almost threw up in my mouth when I heard in last EOD you can have over 100 stash tabs what is that do you think we're stupid and don't know how to manage our stash you forg where things are for not even making these purchasable with real money you just buy them with in-game gold come on you got to have at least some pay for convenience or pay for power but yeah cuz they have to fun the game to make it better you won't how stupid can you be okay okay before I keep going down this path let's get back to stash tabs in Diablo 4 we have five classes all we need is five tabs one for each class believes and trusts us to make meaningful choices on what items we can keep sometimes I spend hours just going through all the items deciding what I need to remove some of the most meaningful moments I've ever had in Diablo where just me staring at my items in my stash or even inventory deciding if I should keep a weapon with more damage to healthy enemies or another weapon with more damage to slow enemies and that's really what the game is all about right there that's what it's all about you know what this brings me to my next point on Why Us Diablo 4 super fans will absolutely hate last OT what's that and that's because they have a loot filter what why would you want to pick up less Loot and why would I want to only see want to see everything right do they think we're not smart enough to make loot decisions on our own no that can't be it us Diablo 4 purus are the smartest out of any arpg player out there we don't need to be able to filter out white and blue items we don't need to be able to color grade gear that drops based on having stats like plus minion damage they don't even know how much fun we have spending countless minutes sorting through a whole inventory of items carefully looking at all the stats to see what may be an upgrade after every dungeon run oh my God I'm getting anancy all this talk about a full inventory of yellow items what's kind of surprising about last Epoch is like whenever I watch the trailer for Last Epoch it looks like all of the Diablo 4 builds are in last Epoch 2 like I just saw one with a guy running around with electric balls surrounding them like I did that in Diablo 4 so like last deepo is basically just copying Diablo 4 and stealing all of their ideas really make me want to stop making this video right now and get back to my perfect Diablo 4 but before I do I have two more reasons why you're going to hate last Epoch one of which is the crafting system in our Exquisite game Diablo 4 we can choose one stat to roll where it gives you a random new last Epoch has so many crafting options only going to tell you a few of my favorites I I mean least favorites least favorites the first is being able to put the exact stat you want onto a piece of gear you want fire damage you can add fire damage you can transform an item into a unique unque or set item yes there are sets in the game how ridiculous this part about crafting I'm sure you will all hate and that's the ability to powerful weapon on your highle character and give it to your low-l character to make them completely overpowered and able to Breeze through the early game destroying everything in sight how silly don't they know killing hordes of enemies super fast dude leveling is part of the game like you can't just let people skip leveling like then is it is it really a game at that point not fun at all give me my four damage for Druid any day because we are real Gamers now for my final and possibly most despised reason us Diablo 4 devotees will hate last Epoch and it's endgame they have three endgame activities the first being dungeons where you'll be able to Target Farm rewards and have varying levels of difficulty then they have the monolith of Fate which has so much depth to it but I'm going to keep things short CU I really got to get to my inventory full of yellows it consists of a huge branching M system with endgame rewards keep up with all this and bosses with the challenge and rewards increasing with its difficulty the further you go there's a whole lot more to monoliths but who wants to go over the end game systems to that extent I do and I'll probably make another video CU like the good thing about Diablo 4 is that like if you want to kill duriel you have to kill two other guys and then you kill duriel and then after you do that if you want to kill duriel again you kill the other two guys again then you kill duriel again it's simple it just makes sense you know finally we have the arena there are two modes one is the arena of Champions with a set number of waves followed by a boss each wave you can increase the difficulty with a modifier which increases your reward at the end is this like there is the endless Arena and here's where I feel the developers of last Epoch are either aliens or working for the Illuminati because this endless Arena has a ladder system a fully functional active ladder system wait well I mean if they don't even like the thing is like you think about like this right is like Diablo 4 it took them months like six months to get the ladder right and so like last Epoch just thinks that they can come out and release it with the ladder on whenever the game comes out bro like that [ __ ] takes time you can't just do that guys last Epoch is a small company so considering it is taking blizzard months to launch a ladder system and this game will have it on launch I'm sure there's either some supernal future technology at play here and we should just not trust it okay so for those of you still here and are sure you will hate lastepoch stop watching now fake you have a full inventory of yellow to zp through go get to it okay so those of you who are still here I assume you actually are playing or will play last Epoch on February 21st bun idiots if so then subscribe to my channel a bunch of idiots to and I do plan on making more videos on this game have a good one bye wait yeah that's actually true somebody in chat said Diablo 4 is actually the first four trip like quadruple a game because it literally is Diablo 4 it's not the fourth Diablo it's a quadruple a game this is a good video this is funny I I love videos like this it reminds me a lot of the videos that I used to make whenever I was uh you know still on YouTube doing that [ __ ] back in wow who's the creator uh Frosty lero I I guess he makes a lot of last Epoch videos let me go and and double check um damn he plays like all the same games I do he plays like Monster Hunter honai star rail damn well good for him yeah there it is he's he's only got 3,000 Subs you want to give him a sub I'll link you guys the video genin well not that one right I only Farm genin I don't play genin and is goed yeah this is really good like this guy definitely deserves more subscribers uh it was really great for me to see like I remember whenever Diablo 4 came out it was like super cool for me to see like Rob Rex and like DM like totally blow up with uh with Diablo 4 and like the really good thing about it to me was the fact that like now people like these guys and they're making content about other games and it's also being very successful like to me I just I think that's like so awesome because like I know like as a streamer how hard that is and that is really really cool yeah find some good creativ yeah I try to I try to find good people and uh you know be as positive as I can be you know
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 664,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: T6wirFNPItw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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