Palworld INFINITE Pure Quartz Farm - Palworld Best Base Location

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how's it going everyone and welcome back and in this video I'm going to show you how to get all this juicy pure quartz and we're going to set up a nice little farm base to get an infinite amount don't forget to hit that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell okay so this is the first location and in my opinion the best area because it has the most nodes that I've come across and this is the second area so it's not as good as the first one but it still has a decent amount of nodes and if you haven't already check out my previous videos especially the infinite coal video because that shows you all the best miners that you can get early in power world so whether you're a new player or not eventually you're going to need a lot of pure quartz to make circuit boards now circuit boards are unlocked at level 35 and they make the best stuff in this game so your late game production lines your late game furnaces your late game kitchens now it costs four pure quarts to make and some polymer but you will burn through pure quarts pretty quick especially if you're setting up multiple bases with a lot of these items in so for example here it takes five for the electric kitchen and then if we look at the sphere assembly 2 it takes 10 and it takes I think it's 10 for the other ones as well and also you need them for things like the jet dragon saddle a lot of late game Saddles as well and you need 10 for the electric furnace so it starts adding up pretty quickly but you definitely need it and if you're going for defenses in your base like the missile launcher you need a lot of them as well so it's a resource you're going to need in abundance and I'm going to show you how to get low of it so before starting our little Adventure you want to make sure that you've got pickaxe and helmet unlocked and the flower bed so you can get the pickaxe and helmet at level 30 and the flower bed is at level 24 so these two items will increase your mining speed and your Gathering speed making a more efficient base look at all that juicy juicy quartz now the good thing about this location which is the first one I showed you is that it's in quite a neutral zone it's in a very dangerous biome it's the late game snow biome but this area in particular it has no Wild Pals around one no Dangerous Ones anyway so no Pal's going to come into your base and start trouble oh hello this a shiny that's a shiny mamist see they don't attack you unless you provoke them so you might get a couple of these roaming and that's about it oh I've got no legendary spheres but if I leave he's going to despawn H what am I going to do I think if we can wear him down let's just see if the mega spere can capture him there's an annoying bug by the way when you're on jet ragon where if you go into the aerial missile it stays in that camera mode you have to Dismount and remount to get out of that camera zoom it's really annoying right let's get back on him let's try and wear this guy down why can't I mount you what's going on right we'll try again there we go right we just need to get him super low and then we will try and capture him I don't think it's going to have it though with the megas spere this is so annoying I can't believe I went out of my BAS without any legendary spheres what an idiot right let's wear him down oh still 0% no I'm not going to be able to capture him oh no and I've just killed him by accident whoops oh there's a chest there do not tell me that there's good spheres in there of course there is why wouldn't there be how typical oh why didn't I see that chest sooner I'm such an idiot oh no oh well back to the task at hand so there's about eight or nine nodes that spawn here so it's quite a lot so let's establish a base let's get a power box set up now I'm not going to do anything fancy here with the base building I'm just going to build a nice little simple base cuz it's going to be purely used for a good couple of days worth of farming and then I'm going to destroy the base and if I need more I'll come back and do it again but we need to just check the perimeter oh that's a little bit out so we need to move the power box in a had just just in case the gatherers like decide not to go beyond that I'm pretty sure they do but just in case we'll just build it a bit closer but yeah this base is uh not going to be a decent looking base and ideally if you're going to farm pure quartz what I would do is set up a base at both the first and second location that I showed you and then you can just get tons a day the yield has been pretty decent it's anywhere up to about a th000 a day now I don't know if they respawn every day cuz sometimes they can take a day in between to respawn but the yield is really really good sometimes I like to just stop and look around cuz the biomes and the map in this game are absolutely beautiful it's such a phenomenal game I'm really surprised of how powerwell turned out and I'm glad because I needed a new arc that's it boys let's get building let's get this base set up my trusty little spark kits they're not the fastest Builders but they're my little army and I love them so these are all the materials I've got so far we'll take them out this storage box so we know exactly what we're going to get when we check back in a couple of days time so pure quartz is a late game node and you're going to need Pals with level free Mining and above and if you're going to harvest it yourself you need a refined metal pickaxe now I explained in my previous video the best miners to get for mining especially early on but if you want a quick answer dig toys he's got level three mining you can get him at level 18 I think he starts at around so you can get him pretty early into the game but for this base I'm going to be using Menace thing pagon beacons and sparket you know just for the Gathering now normally for Gathering I'd use Anubis but I'm using all of my anubis's in my main base they're busy at the moment so this will have to do but they will do the job lovely jubly but like I said if you need a high level Miner early game dig toys so I was just getting some food from my mining bases and I just remember to show you a neat little tip so if you've got a refrigerator and an ice pal cooling it take it out with the Infantry and put it back in and it resets the timer it's a cool little trick isn't it so that way you can keep your food from wasting you know I love the building in this game I like like the orange the way it just grows up and then expands and then the building's done it's so cool but yeah this is uh turning out to be an efficient base so my beacons are currently busy but I'm going to get them back soon and like I said I can't use a nubis because they are busy as well but yeah this is going to be an efficient little base and like I said if you want even more quarts set up two bases so in both locations and you'll get tons speaking of the other location here we are now there's only six nodes here normally there's about seven so it's not as much as the first location however make sure you got some cold resistant gear and then you'll be able to farm this really early into the game so long as you got the powers and the pickaxe to do so so what we're going to do is we're going to mine it ourselves and see what the yield is on average per day at this location let's go so we got 720 not too bad not too bad at all so we'll take this back to HQ at Fort Curtis normally there's about seven nodes there but this is still a pretty decent yield so I'd say on average you're going to get between 700 to 900 there so yeah pretty decent especially the fact that you can get there pretty early but um we're going to go Betty buys now it's a brand new day good morning everyone right out the way I need to fast travel oh I hate it when the big Pal's get in the way move move you chunky boy move I'm trying to fast travel so it's been about three in-game days now since I've visited this base and we're going to see how much loot we got going on there right so they're still busy at work let's check the box let see what they've gathered so far ah pretty decent so 2,000 and they're mining again so let's give them let's give him a little hand um so I've got my beacons here so they're Gathering pretty quick now let's give them a little hand and uh get it all in the box and see what the total number is for three ingame days let's put it in there before I get way down cuz I ain't going to be able to grappling hook with all these Pals in the way right let's uh get this last bit of iron shall we oh I forgot to repair my pickaxe what a Nana okay this is going to take a a little bit oh it's not going to take a bit of time at all actually they're they're mining pretty quick come on boys give us a hand let's get it done this is a drag why are you walking away Help Me Mine silly Pals what are you doing oh this is so long when the weapon's damaged ah there we go right let's pick up all these Rogue scraps and let's have a look that is pretty decent so 2,000 so it looks like it's spawning every other day which is fine so at this location about a th000 a day I am happy with that yield though let's go back to HQ Fort Curtis and let's get it all in the box and see what we got Let's uh try and grappling hook over out the way Anubis thank you oh he's a big boy it's not letting me grapple over cuz they keep getting in the way get out of the way ah there we go right let's put these in that is looking like a decent yield let me just uh put this Soul away in the soul box and then we'll have a proper look yeah that's pretty decent so I would say on average you're looking at between 700 to 900 at base location 2 and upwards of a th000 at base location 1 so if you got both bases going you're looking at about 2,000 a day or every other day so really good good locations to use hopefully you found some value in this video and found it helpful and thanks for watching don't forget to like and share this video as it massively helps out and I really do appreciate it and also hit that subscribe button and the notification Bell and you're also welcome to join my Discord server we've got quite a growing community of power world players on there now so it's got quite a knowledge base going on it's really cool but anyways I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 74,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld coal, palworld coal farm, palworld sulfur, palworld sulfur farm, palworld pure quartz, palworld pure quartz farm, palworld iron, palworld ingot, palworld metal, palworld metal farm, palworld ore, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore farm, palworld pure quartz location, palworld coal location, palworld coal spot, palworld unlimited resources, pure quartz, circuit board, circuit board palworld, how to make circuit board, pure quartz farm, circuit board farm
Id: -C-hFE1x2LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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