[Palworld] Pal Management Guide | How to Build an Automatic Ore Farm

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pal world is a great game but managing your pals is a struggle for many players it takes a lot of trial and error to work around the Early Access bugs and understand just how to get your pals to do what you want luckily for you I have spent a lot of time trialing and a lot more time erroring so look no further for someone that can show you how to manage your pal and make an efficient base my name is Ren new and in this video we are going to go over the very basics of pal Management in including what makes an ideal basee how to get your pals to do what you want I'm going to walk you through these Topics by showing you how to build an or farm and by the end of this video you should not only know exactly how to build an or Farm but have the basics to build any kind of Base that you like before we get started do me a big favor and like And subscribe to the video helps me out a ton and you will learn a lot copper is the most important resource for the overwhelming majority of the game basically useless until Level 10 but after that it's you need it for absolutely everything so it's very important to have a good copper Farm up and running because at least for me it's always nice to spend a little more time exploring and having fun rather than manually farming like this let's go ahead and build that PO boox and don't worry you can always build and disassemble it you'll get the resources back immediately and so that's going to allow you to F tune exactly how you want your boundary to be I know exactly where this base needs to be it's going to be right next to my chest over here that I put and that's going to be somewhere like right here so if you can see over here you'll see that my boundary does not go past the cliff at least not for too much it does go past uh here a little bit but the likelihood that your piles get stuck here are pretty low and we have all my copper nodes within the boundary so this is ideal this is exactly what I want so this chest has all the resources I need what are the bare minimums you need for a base well the bare minimums you need are beds pal beds that is and you need a feed box otherwise your pals will not have places to sleep they will lose sity and they will stop working efficiently they'll also be more susceptible to injury and disease which we'll cover later so I'm going to build a very very basic base over here we're not going to make it fancy I'm going to make sure that I have all my beds here and so if you are building a second base then your PO boox level is 10 and that means you should have about 10 Pals to work with we will scale this up as we go through this video but 10 beds will do we also need a feed box if I'm building an or Farm it is much more advantageous to me for me to place my feed box near where the majority of my pals are going to work and the reason why you want the feed box near where your pals are working is so that they they spend less time walking from where they work to the feed box and back to where they work so I put that over here and that's the bare minimum you need to have a base up and running in terms of structure anyway what we also need are Pals and we also need food for the feed box so let's go ahead and get the most basic food so we're going to go ahead and put the food that most people run with which are red berries don't worry we'll cover food a little later right and we'll put that in the feed box and now we're going to go ahead and assign our Pals these civas have a work ability of mining level one now mining level one unfortunately is not going to be able to mine these copper nodes and I can show you that over here let's go ahead and assign the civas and the civas will not know what to do they'll eat they'll wander there's nothing for them to do if I did place a uh Stone pit let's say then they will will mine here because that's all they can do so when it comes to picking the right Pals for the job there are a handful of factors but the first we should talk about is work suitability higher levels of work suitability means the pals are better at doing these job and in the case of mining Pals with level two mining or higher are the only ones that are able to farm copper nodes Pals you can get early on with mining level two are tomats and deuts tomats are pretty easy to catch because they are low level you can catch them as low as level 8 to 10 and they appear in many starting Islands just during the night time it is a little random so definitely try every night until you are able to catch about three the muds are a little harder to catch early on uh they have their levels in the teens as far as I remember and they appear in desert regions most notably near the Forgotten Island and icewind Island respawn points as well as the seab breze aripal Lago it is in the volcanic island to the West west of it I think these guys are a little higher level though one thing I want to mention here is that dig toes are actually bugged right now when it comes to mining without supervision they do have mining level three and they look like they would be ideal miners but they are bugged so I would avoid using them for at least patch 0.1.3 you could see my version number on the bottom right hand corner if you want your Palace to behave in ways you expect then picking Pals with fewer conflicting jobs is ideal so take tomat and mamat as examples tomat has Gathering two mining two and transporting two and mamar has planting two lumbering two and Mining too now if I assign both of them Watch What Happens combat will go to farm the copper nodes however mamar because he spawns closer to the pobox and the trees are closer to him he will be logging the trees first mamar doesn't know that I want him to only Farm the copper notes and I don't really care about trees likely you don't either because logging sites are easy to build so instead what I would have to do is assign mamat manually to The Copper nodes I can do this by throwing him onto the copper ores from here after he eats he will be farming copper nodes now the only problem with this is that Pals tend to forget this programming from time to time and you'll find yourself having to direct him again and again this sucks even more when you have a busy base with so many Pals or multiple mamars the whole point of our or Farm is to not have to spend so much time farming or managing our Pals manually so mamars are not really ideal in an or Farm especially when you have trees closer to your pobox so that said tomats may have a conflicting job with Gathering but it's easy to get around this issue by simply building your plantations in places farther than the copper nodes that you want tomat to farm the last thing I want to mention about conflicting jobs and work suitability is that usually in your bases with copper nodes if you want your miners to Only Mine copper nodes then you're not going to want Stone pits in your base if you have stone pits in your base and you assign your miners they will go to work at the closest facility no matter if they are more suited to be working on the copper notes let's say I assign uh the ctiv us as well see they're not smart they don't know that I want the catas to work on the stone pits and the tomats to mine the copper nodes let's try assigning them in a different order so I'll assign the cattiva first then the tomats now what happens here is what you would expect cattiva will mine the stone and then tomats will Mine The Ore the problem happens when you come back to your base then you're not exactly sure what's going to happen they may Shuffle jobs or maybe they're taking a break if they're ever taking a break then the to combats are going to hop onto the stone pit so the stone pit isn't ideal to have in your copper Farm because Stone isn't really necessary in a copper Farm personally and this is what I did when I was lowlevel I would have my copper farm and I will have my main base of operation and my main base is where I would produce things like guns like weapons like pal spheres these are the things that use Stone so let's go ahead and assign our tomats and our hangu the reason why I like hangu is because he does doesn't have a lot of conflicting jobs with what I want him to do I want him to transport the ore into a nearby storage now the reason why this storage is near my pobox is for this reason usually if I don't have my furnaces in this space to refine my ores into ingots then I'm going to need to transfer my ore into my main base where I do have my furnaces ore is really heavy you can see over here that ore is about 8 lb wood is only three and Stone is only three as well very likely once you pick up your whole stack of ore you're going to be over encumbered and you can't move now the easiest way to get around this is by going to your inventory dropping your ore picking it up and then using your PO box so you have to like Drop pick up drop pickup and this is harder and harder to do the farther your storage is from your PO Box another thing you can do is to craft a grappling gun grappling guns don't really have that much utility out side of allowing you to move while you're encumbered so I have my ore I can't reach my PO boox I could do the dropping thing or I could just use my grappling gun hit the ground near it and I'm able to travel to my base and I'm able to smelt my ore post edit red new here the other reason why you want storage let's say you have your furnaces here you have your Refinery and you want to smell your ore into ingots if you want to smelt your ore into ingots they need to be in a storage they can't be on the ground you won't have access to those resources while they are on the ground if you want to save yourself time from running around all your nodes collecting all the ore and being over encumbered and all that because they're really heavy you ought to have Transporters now what happens when you have multiple storages let's say I have a storage over here by my bed and I want to use it exclusively as an equipment trunk I don't want my Hang use to transfer the ore into this trunk because it's not near my poile box if I want to prevent the hangu from transferring ore over here then what I can do is I could fill the empty slots with gold coins and take the ore and that way the hangu will not transfer the ore over to this box they will instead transfer the ore over to that one where there is available space or where there is ore already so you'll see this hanging over here he will take the ore not to this trunk because there's no available spot but he will take it to over there and the reason why you want to use gold coins and not let's say uh stone or fiber or whatever it's because when you're building things they will use resources randomly and they may use the resources in this box so gold is very good to use because gold isn't used for anything in your base unless you have merchants and if you have merchants and you're buying things in your base well they'll use the gold coins first in your inventory the next thing I want to talk about is how you can scale this bace and what you should do so we already know that for mining right you ought to have at least like three Miners and maybe three Transporters and you probably want maybe an even number of these I'm going to assume hey you're level 10 right now or at least your pal box is level 10 and so you don't have that many spaces to assign so many Pals what can we do so that we don't have to be constantly returning to this base and instead we just come here whenever we want a lot of ore the first expansion I would do if I was an early game and if I was at level 10 and what I did personally is I would make Berry plantations Berry plantations are nice early on because you have Pals that are not super demanding on food and because berries once they're harvested will automatically be placed into the feed box that way you'll never have to worry if your pals are being fed or not you can go out and explore have fun and whenever you do need ore to smell you can go ahead and pick it up from the box and take it back to base so let's go ahead and assign our Farmers for that we need Pals with planting in their works suitability and we also need Pals with watering in their suitability so excellent ones to start off with early on are lift monks and celeres and I like lift monk because they plant and gather planting is for the seeds and Gathering is so that after the seeds are done growing they are harvested and placed into the feed box the very next thing I would do to expand on the space is by building furnaces so I can go ahead and assign two Pals with kindling and then I can put an order to smelt my ore let's say I want to split the job I can do 90 and then I'll do a Max here and now my pals will smelt The Ore having furnaces in your ore Farm is very likely ideal reason why is because you don't actually need ore to make anything really whether it's weapons or palis speres you only really need the ingots and that's about it so we do have a pretty efficient ore Farm all our nodes are being farmed and honestly this looks like they're over farming maybe maybe you don't want to uh have three tomats but don't worry if you are not observing them they're not going to be farming as fast we have the or Farm we also have our automatic food farm for Berry Plantation we also have furnaces here for our ingots and we also have a hot springs in case our Pals lose sanity unfortunately we are out of time I did want to cover more topics like food hunger insanity and how you can get that better how you can use uh bigger PALS like if you wanted to use mamores or if you wanted to use the nubis who does require six food food is very important and definitely I want to be able to cover that clearly in a different video I'll also do a video on dig toys and how he is bugged when farming in bases that's going to be it for me thank you guys so much for watching my name is red new don't forget to like And subscribe and I will see you on the next one take care peace
Channel: Rednu Ch.
Views: 19,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld
Id: 9KLqH_3fO1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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