PALWORLD Gun Tier List | BEST Weapons Guide

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today we're going to be going through all the projectile weapons in the game and that's going to be sweet T posing let me turn off the voice changer time to get serious okay we're going to be going through all the weapons that are projectiles in the game so we're not going to be going through the melee weapons because it's a little bit more obvious which ones are good and which ones aren't let's start off with the bows so there's four bows in the game and three crossbows so let's start with those also be taking into consideration though the materials the range the damage the fire rate Etc how about we go against the Electra buuz I mean definitely not the electr bus it's not a Pokémon so let's start with the old bow okay that's okay damage I suppose that was a crit head shot the the reload time is pretty good now let's see what the fireball does the same damage but he's not on fire now what you can see there he's he's burning when he's on fire right and that burn is 33 damage the the thing is when I was playing in hard mode all my arrows were doing one damage and the fire damage would do 33 damage so if you're playing in hard mode applying conditions like poison or fire it really helps push your damage if you're playing in hard mode where your weapons are not going to be doing as much damage especially your bows against such bosses then the three shot bow one and a half times the damage of the oops of the single bow of the single shot bow but it's only taking one Arrow per shot so it's better in terms of damage if you have a high attack or if you're playing in a mode where you're doing more damage okay so let's let's start raing so as we just saw old bow it does okay damage is a good way to Agro some mobs even if you're playing in hard mode I wouldn't put it anywhere above C it's maybe even DTI but I'll get to it in a bit so damage wise is DTI fire this probably beat here and yeah relatively old bow is pretty useless it's very cheap to make though so I would be making it and using it until I can get a better projectile weapon now my next favorite option here is poison bow I think poison bow is really good in terms of damage if you're playing in hard difficulty and not that great if you're playing in an easier difficulty um I would put it in the B here just because the materials the the damage that it does in hard mode is actually very significant and the materials are much easier to find than the fire bow the fire bow requires flame organs and while it may be easier to to find during daytime fire Pokemon at night time it's much easier to to find Venom glands also you're going to need those flame organs because if we look at the technology required to make it it it requires flame organs and it's ammo takes flame organs same goes for the poison bow but the poison bow Venom glads are not really needed for much other items so and it's easier to farm at night because there's a bunch of dark Pokemon at night whereas fire Pokemon you really have to be going to a specific area and waiting for the respond so it might be more of a hustle to make it even though they're damaging abilities are pretty much similar even fireboard might might even do a little bit more damage I would still put it a tier below poison bow then we have three shot bow which if you're playing hard mode it's D tier but if you're playing regular mode it's probably C tier because it's close to the it's closer to the fireball in terms of what it can do okay so th those are the bows now let's move on to the crossbows crossbow fire crossbow and poison crossbow so in order to make crossbows you're going to be needing a lot of ingots but they will be using arrows which is really good so you're going to be needing ingots and 15 ingots and 15 ingots so fire crossbow again is the most expensive because it takes flame organs um together with poison arrow P poison crossbow let's start with the regular crossbow and as you can see we already have four times as much damage as the regular bow reload time I wouldn't say is that is that bad and the damage is actually pretty good fire crossbow again it's applying the fire damage effect and the poison [Music] crossbow applies the poison effect when you're getting poison and fire crossbow it's much more easier for you to farm fire Pokemon because now you have access to some new areas so it's not going to be as hard for you to get the fire crossbow as it would be to get the poison crossbow and I would put the cross the regular crossbow it's tier below them again we're not ranking them as compared to each other we're effectively ranking them according to how useful they're going to be in the time where you're going to be able to craft them uh okay so up next we have the makeshift handgun musket and handgun these things start to do a lot of damage for example the musket attack is 1,000 and yeah and it also takes qus ammo which to make course armor even though you can farm this very reliably from Syndicate um it takes an Ingot to make five of them I don't know to make 10 of them so it's not that expensive but it also takes gunpow means you need to find sulfur sulfur is relatively easy to find so I don't think you're going to be having problem making gunpowder and cormo but you have to find out of course where the mines are the m holds one bullet but it does 40K damage okay with a head shot that's pretty good you can tell that it's actually a very strong weapon the problem with the musket is that it takes way too long to reload look at this so in order to reload then you yeah this is taking way too long so it does good damage but it takes too long to reload the good thing about it is that it's damage um It's very effective per piece of ammo so if you don't have a lot of ammo and if you don't have a lot of resources this is going to be really really good for you then we have the makeshift handgun which does about a quarter of the damage of the musket but it holds six pieces of of ammunition in it and it reloads much faster so in terms of DPS it's going to be better but in terms of am Effectiveness not as good and then you have the regular handgun which is even less effective efficient because it has even less damage than the regular hand gun see it does 9k but it holds eight bullets so the damage is effectively the same as with the makeshift handgun it's a little bit lighter and it uses handgun ammo so for me makeshift hand gun is better than actual handgun it does take the same time to reload it's rapid fire it's a little bit faster when it comes to firing though but you don't want to be wasting shots anyway so in my mind musket is very strong because it does so much damage I would consider putting it in the S here at this point then makeshift K gun is also very good it does more damage but it's very heavy on resources and I would probably put the handgun in the beat here especially since it's so expensive to make comparatively it takes 15 more ingots to make and it ammo is going to be a lot more uh rare in quotation marks so I wouldn't prioritize the handgun over the makeshift handgun what I would do now this is a tip that I would I can give you guys for this point in the game there's this Village that I found and Fisherman's point on the bottom left of the map where there's a vendor that actually sells ammo so so since we are talking about ammo and how rare it might be and how expensive it might be for you to actually get good ammo this Merchant right here he will give you he will sell you ammo and a handgun if you want to so you don't actually have to spend your gold ingots on that your ingots on that which is actually pretty huge because it takes a lot of time to farm ingots that to just waste it like that so you can come here purchase 10 ammo of that purchase any ammo that you need and that's actually really really useful so if you're using that then you it might even skew your preferences right because now I can just use assault rifle ammo but we'll get to that point later this is my rating of them at this point and now we're left with double battle shotgun single shot rifle pump action and assault rifle and a rocket launcher T posing let's look at how expensive they are to make right after the handgun you get the single shot rifle yeah it requires refined Ingot which requires coal to make and also its ammunition starts to be a lot more expensive same goes with with a double battle shotgun so let's check it out so double battle shotgun up Clow it does crazy amounts of damage one tap the one Taps the boss and it has two shots in it yeah maybe we need to change a boss let's go to a different boss let's go [Music] to that one hello okay well that that kind of Suits us no why the boss backed so the damage is pretty good let's compare it with the with what comes after it which is the single shot rifle so as you can see from my understanding is that the single shot rifle does more damage but it takes a while to reload but it is a lot more efficient when it comes to ammunition and cost and in closed range the but double battle shotgun will do more damage as you can see it can do more damage but it's you you need to be up close to your enemy so it's not very reliable especially if you're playing in hard mode where the bosses can very easily on- shot you so then up next we have the assault rifle and the double botle shotgun no sorry the pump action shotgun so let's do the pump action what is the advantage of P pump action is that even though it does the same damage as the double battle it holds eight pieces of ammunition so you can do a lot of Burst when you move in close so this is a lot more reliable and it can give you a play style where you go in you do a bunch of damage and then you get out uh comparatively with a double battle shotgun that you go in you don't do a you do okay damage but then you have to get out again and very a lot faster so you are not doing as much damage so comparatively I would say that the double battle is much worse than the P action let's also look at the assault rifle and then we'll rank these four weapons together so as you can see assault rifle is reloading very fast and it's it can throw 20 bullets at a time this is crazy strong when it comes to damage the problem with it is that the ammo is quite expensive to make so it takes four ing Goods to make 20 ammo and it goes away in5 seconds so while it's very strong it's also very expensive and hard to make so let's rank this I would start with a double barle shotgun I would put it in the eight TI the damage is really good at for the point that you get it it is quite efficient if you compare it with the handguns to resources taken to do that to do that damage what I don't like about it is only hold holds two shots and you have to be in close range for them to do really good damage so maybe I would even consider dropping it down to B tier because you are putting yourself at risk especially if you're playing in harder difficulties and this is going to get you killed many times um unless you're like an Elden ring expert and this game is just a game to you the single shot rifle I would definitely put it in the a tier maybe even in the S tier because it's so much better than the musket because of how fast it reloads let me get out of here because we're dying actually it's okay I don't have my heat armor with me because I dropped it to to fully stack myself with weapons so rifle damage is better than any other weapon damage that you can get when you unlock it and it's very fast it's very reliable and it can also allow you to play from a distance and safely so I really like it but it's so expensive maybe because it's so expensive I would put it in the a tier and then pump action I would also put it in the ater because while it does the same damage as double battle shotgun let's compare it 220 and one actually it does more damage than the double battle shotgun it it holds eight shots and that's the weakness that the double battle shotgun had you can do eight eight pieces of eight shots and get out reload heal up and then go back in again where the double battle shotgun you go in you put yourself at risk and then you have to get out as soon as you go in so not very reliable um at reload time is not great for pump action nor for double battle I would say but this requires to refill eight shots one by one so takes a while and finally we have the rocket launcher now let's test out the rocket launcher the ammo is quite expensive okay so as you can see damage wise is the best one but again it has a big reload time what I did notice about it is that let's say that I fire something as soon as I put in the rocket if you battle roll it's it's considered loaded so you can animation cancel the reloading speed and drop it down a little bit so very good damage it also sets the enemy on fire I would say is the best weapon in the game by far so for me it's just here you don't even have to talk about that you're level 49 you've been farming for a long time pal Metal Ingot is much easier to make that than refine Ingot because you only need palum which you can get for from Stone if you have a Crusher so it's cheaper it takes longer to make so you're going to need a good fire Pokemon on your improved furnace but other than that really really good um and of course the production lines are going to cost you 100 pal metal ingots that create this these weapons but I think it's worth it for for sure it's worth it it's a huge upgrade so now let's do the grenades so we have the frag grenade that does 750 you have the ice grenade at the 750 the incendiary grenade and the shock grenade conclude frag grenade see here it's easy to make it's reliable damage but it's not very good in terms of utility shock grenade is amazing in terms of utility because shocking the enemy Can it can also make a Pokemon easier to catch incendiary grenade and Ice grenade even if this gives catches the enemy on fire it's not enough to justify the cost in my opinion it's it's okay it's not too great and then ice grenade if it can freeze the enemies s tier but I haven't managed to get an enemy Frozen by them so I'm going to put it in the same tier as the in syia grenade so yeah that's my tier list let me know what you think in the comments if if you want not hear list regarding Mele weapons or anything else in the game let me know what you want to see thank you for watching it would be really nice if you could like And subscribe and show your support to the channel and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sawash93
Views: 7,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld guns tier list, Gun Tier List, palworld, pokemon with guns, Best guns in palworld, palworld guide, guns in palworld, palworld tips, palworld guns, palworld pokemon, best guns, guns, gun, tier list, which gun is best palworld, crossbows, bow, crossbow, AR, grenades, shock, incendiary, rocket launcher palworld, musket, handgun, ai art, ai, art, pikachu with gun
Id: 3AriTAeVVok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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