Palworld Tier List: All 111 Pals Ranked

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if you ever wanted to learn about all the pals and pal World from some random dude on the internet well this is the video for you I decided to sit down and rank all 111 Pals on their stats abilities and just how much I like the character design without further Ado here we go all right our first entry we've got here is lamb ball look how cute it is it's round you could pick it up and use it as a shield with its ability fluffy Shield which is a little cursed but hey comes in handy in a fight and uh it's good at your base so honestly you know what even the one an a you can find it really ear in the game is like the first one you see and he's a nice little guy what can you say next up here we've got number two kativa which is a pink cat um but its abilities make up for it because its ability helps you carry more weight which is pretty cool and it can mine at your base you know what they say the cats they really yearn for the mines giving it a b it's it's handy next up here we've got chipi which is chicken it's literally just a chicken there's nothing remarkable about it its ability is sometimes it lays an egg um the only reason I'm not putting this in F is because it's kind of cute that's about it that's a chicken right there now with number four here LIF monk uh we start to get into real interesting abilities interesting I mean this Pal's got a gun its ability is it hops in your head and uses a submachine gun that's that's pretty awesome and I mean it's it's pretty cute it's a little little funny looking in my opinion but it is cute and it's got a whole bunch of skills you can use in your base you know what I'm I'm gonna give it a B I like it next up our list here we've got Fox Parks which the name eh it's kind of puts me off a little I don't really like its name but it is cute and it has an incredible ability because you can pick this thing up and use it as a flamethrower literally just use it as a flamethrower who thought of that who thought you know what let's let the players pick this guy up and use it as a flamethrower that's an a it's a flamethrower pal what more do you want next up here we've got whoa if I pronounce that how I want to pronounce that I'm going to have to bleep that um we better check Google here let's see here f u a t k okay that's better okay we've got here which is a water duck it's pretty cute it's got a bill on it it looks angry that's something um otherwise pretty unremarkable it's got a water attack and doesn't really do much for your base we're making it a c it's got a funny name though so it's not a d number seven on list here is spark it which is pretty cool looking it's like a Sparky Mouse here the name Le a little bit desired not a huge fan of it but it's got static electricity as its ability which lets you power up other Pals in your team that are also electric so it's kind of a helper that's good to have around and it's the first one you run into is an electric one so helps electric stuff for your base I'm going to give it a c it's nothing remarkable but I'm going to give it a c all righty moving on here this is what I'm excited about Tanz which is literally a green monkey but I'm excited because its ability cheery rifle is just this is a monkey with an AK its ability is it has an AK this is the poster child of the game it's all over the Internet how do you not love tany that's an S it's a monkey with an AK coming at number nine we've got Ruby which partner skill here tiny spark increases the fire attack power of fire Pals in your team that's pretty nice it's pretty unremarkable other than that I mean fire one nothing Fox Parks can't do so I'm just I'm going to give it a c it's fine you can power up your team that's not terrible all right next up we've got another one I'm excited about here Peng gullet it's a little penguin it's adorable just look at it that thing's adorable but its ability its ability is what really makes it here Peng gullet Cannon the player just shoves it into a rocket launcher and uses the penguin itself as the ammunition what who thought of that just shoving a penguin in a rocket launcher that's ooh that's an A or an S for me I think I want to reserve s year for the really good stuff so that's going in a next up on our list and also paying with themed very important here and looks very cool might I add is pen King this guy looks like he he can sail a ship this guy is sailing a gallion around the Seas that's a cool looking guy here and he's also got the skill of Brave sailor which is when you're fighting together you get extra items for fire Pals you know if you're trying to build some furnaces and whatnot this guy is who you're looking for I'm going to give him I'm going to give him an a honestly he just looks so cool I love that coming in at 12 here we've got jol hog our next electric pal which it's skill is pretty cool you literally use this little guy as a grenade you pick him up you lob him electric damage that's kind of nice and I mean it's cute but other than that unremarkable can't do a lot for your base it's just cute and it's literally a grenade so I'm going to put that at B right there lucky number 13 gamos it's a plant pot that's kind of upside down kind of not upside down growing grass on him but the skills logging assistance which helps increase logging efficiency for you eh that's that's fine fine it's only got one scale planting too for your base going give that a d it's eh before we talk about our next pal here I want to take a moment to talk about today's sponsor you all watching the video thank you all for watching I am way too small to have sponsors so every like you leave really counts and if you consider subscribing it would really help my channel out a lot anyways back to the video next up on the list here we've got Vixie which is a cute little dog looking thing here and it's got the ability of dig here which will sometimes dig up items around your base but those items can be pal speres so you don't have to spend time crafting those and I think that's pretty neat other than that unremarkable so I'm going to give it a b just for that pal spere ability who crates who crates here looks like it knows the dark secrets that will lead to the downfall of mankind or maybe that's just owls in general no no yeah that's just all owls but any who crates here uh H crates can power up other dark Pals on your team so that's kind of neat helps out as a support there but other than that pretty unremarkable other than the dark secrets so I'm going to put that as C number 16 here is tant which looks adorable it's a little water elephant you can't go wrong with that and skill here soothing shower can restore your HP is very nice at low levels cuz I swear I'm always run around with like 50 health and I'm just on the brink of death so I'm going to give that a B for early exploration potential ah depresso a pal I can finally relate with caffeine inoculation much needed for daily life but all it gives topro here is just running fast and I swear anytime I've had this thing at my base it doesn't do anything and that always annoys me cuz I'm like Oh's use this little guy he can mine sure and then does nothing F cus here is adorable I would love to pet CIS CIS looks very fluffy and the skill here fluffy wool increases the attack power of your neutral Pals which you run into a lot in the game so pretty useful but can't do much at the farm produces wool I guess so for the fluffiness I'm giving it a b Daydream here is an awesome early game pal just go out at night and you'll probably find one it does some good damage to have on your team I tell you what and the it you can get later on the necklace that let you just keep more of these around as defense is insane you can stack up like four of these around you I think this might be another s here this is an early game Powerhouse rash rushb something like that anyways it's a pig this is a feral hog right here I tell you what but you can ride it and that's kind of nice so I'm going to give it a c because moving around the game faster is nice cuz I tell you it takes a long time to walk around Knox here look kind of like an edgy version of Vixie from earlier but its ability here kadur that I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right is it applies dark damage to your attack so that's kind of nice other than that it doesn't have much else special so the dark damage is nice so that keeps it up at a c here I think but I don't think I can put it higher than that fuddler now that's a fun name for a pal here I tell you what and ability here or detector reveals nearby ore which I don't know if it's really that useful I haven't particularly had trouble finding ore in the game so far you just kind of walk around and see big lumps of it but purely for the name fuddler and it looks kind of fun I'm going to give it a B I like the guy I like the little guy he's got big claws he's got big ears it's cute number 23 here kilari which is absolutely play on calamari so hey I appreciate the pun there Dev team I like that and a skill here fried squid which doesn't really line up with the scale but you can use this as a glider and Float around on him I like that that's fun I think I think I'm going to give that an a I like ones that you can just literally use as a glider especially cuz the normal glider you run out of stamina so fast so kilari that's a good one there meow here is pretty cool I like the style of this one very Egyptian I'm a fan of that I'm a fan of anything Egyptian so you know what the ability that it can do is dig up gold coins too so it's an Egyptian cat that digs up money that's pretty cool I I think that might be a be though because it doesn't do much other than just dig up gold coins which I haven't found a too much use for in the game yet I'm not terribly far in but I like it celer which kind of makes me think of celery that's already a knock against it I'm not a celery fan but it can be used as a glider much like the kilari so that's a plus for it but other than that doesn't have much going on so I really like the glider ability so I'm going to keep it at B dire howl here is another one you can ride this is a Mount here and it looks awesome this thing actually looks kind of menacing I remember running into these and I was actually like o that thing's kind of dangerous you know what that's an a there that's a mount and it looks menacing tuku tuku here has an awesome mohawk so I appreciate that and also it's skill here egg bomb launcher turns this thing into a grenade launcher you could just shoot eggs at things so that's a massive plus I think this is this is an easy a it's kind of drifting towards s but ah I don't think quite for some reason don't know why but that's an a number 28 floppy here has a skill helper bunny which picks up items near you which is fine but I can kind of pick up my own items it's not that hard it's it's pretty cute so I'll give it that um between C and D for me I think I'm going to keep it at a c because it actually has medicine production too which we haven't run into yet and that's a useful skill so see Mo Arena here which we got multiple board plays going on here mooing mozzarella other than that it's pretty unremarkable it's kind of cute cuz it's round but just produces milk that's it this is a cow eh I'm going to give it a d the cute doesn't even make up for it really brista which the design eh not a huge fan of the design here and it's just poisonous it's about it it's grass pal it's poisonous but what makes up for it is its working abilities it's got planting handiwork medicine production transporting Gathering it's got a whole lot going on here so I think that moves this one up a little bit because what it can do at your base I think I might even move that up to a b here I was thinking C originally but I think we go with Gob fin which looks like a little goblin shark so you know what that all adds up it's got the ability of angry shark and it'll just attack a targeted enemy with its laser Aqua gun thing so that's kind of nice increases your attack other than that eh it's pretty unremarkable I I might drop this down to a d it's just okay it's not that good okay I know I said earlier I really like Pals that are gliders here but hangu coming at number 32 hey that rhymed um it looks like a sentient tube sock what is this it floats around and grabs things I'm I like the glider ones but I can't see this thing is anything other than tube socks so sorry it's going down half just cuz the looks Manda a grass Panda here that not only is it a mount it's also a grenade launcher while you're riding this thing you can fire grenades from it that's a massive plus this thing is literally like a tank this is driving around a tank here it's got some awesome base abilities I think we might have another s on her hands here actually this one amazing I love it woolly pop which I guess is a Woolly cotton candy sheep thing uh it drops cotton candy that's something I don't see much use for it other than that so it's going in D capr here it's like a big Ox looking thing with a berry bush on its back its ability is just to drop berries when it's assigned to your base so eh that's fine it's it's food for the farm but other than that pretty unremarkable we're going with c melpa another Mount here that you can ride other than that it's pretty remarkable it can drop wool if it's at your base but I'm going to give it a c we've got a lot of mounts already and this one is nothing special compared to the other ones now looking at other mounts are a little better here eler eler yeah something like that anyways it uh it's got Guardian the forest which means it can be ridden and it does a double jump even better and it increases your efficiency of cutting trees so you know what what I think I'm going to give that a B I like that one number 38 here Nightwing this is a nice one this is one of the early on birds you see flying around and I tell you what it does some good damage and you can ride it as a flying Mount so that's that's real nice I don't think it warrants an A so I'm going to keep it in B here rib bunny honestly kind of unremarkable it's a pink bunny so it's pretty cute but it's got the ability skilled fingers and it can increase your Pal's neutral damage on your team but more importantly it does work efficiency if it's working your base and you know a weapons workbench so little bunny here is good at making guns that's a little weird going to drop that to a c just cuz it confuses me number 40 here incin kind of gives me Vibes of like a devil goat thing so cool design I'm a fan and it's skill powerful fire attack I haven't found this one yet but you know what I bet it does a lot of damage so it's going up in a cinem moth based on the design of it I thought it was a fire pal it's a grass pal that upsets me with the misleading design f as rocks vinam was kind of a devilish goat thing this reminds me of for some reason like a good fire goat thing I have no idea why but it's a bount you can ride it other than that it's a fire pal so B I guess the mud look at this little guy it looks like a I don't even know this looks like a catfish on land that forgot what day it is but you know what I empathize with it because I feel like that a lot so I'm going to give it a b just cuz I like him look at that little guy there Cognito scary see Les Punk this pal here looks like it's really into metal music and I like that this one looks like it goes to shows and jumps into the pit I'm a big fan but other than that eh it's unremarkable it can detect dungeons nearby which again I haven't had too much trouble finding like the ore so not that handy but it drops copper keys and silver keys which you know what I see a lot of those chests around I'd really like to get those keys I'm going to have to go find me some of these but I'm putting at a B overall it's pretty good L moon this one looks like it does a ton of damage but I don't know why I need the ones to stand up really like this they just kind of off put me a little with the design so I'm leaving it in a B I bet it does a lot of damage but eh now for some reason why I saw this pal here Gil claw made me think of America and I knew there was a reason why because when I went to go look up its ability you can fly on it but you can shoot a gun from it while you're flying on it that's an S because of America Robin quill here pretty nice I'm a big fan it's got the skill of Hawkeye which is what you're fighting with it you deal more damage to the weak points enemies so that's a nice ability but I think which really pushes me up from here is it has a bunch of stuff you can do in your base got high level skills and whatnot so ah I might push it up to an a that's real nice to have on your team gorad here now this one the skill name is incredible it's skill name is full power gorilla mode which is just it literally goes gorilla mode and does extra attack damage I don't know why I really love it I don't know if I can push it up to an S but that's a definite a right there bgrade this is essentially a b it's got the skill of worker be it drops honey at your base it's got a lot of Base skills that are nice but I don't think that pushes it up anywhere good so I'm I'm going to leave it as C elizab bee now this is the good bee here definitely play on words of Queen Elizabeth I'm a fan of that it's got the skill of Queen be command which is while you're fighting together your stats increase with the more B grades you have in your team so you know what if you got four of the normal bees and you got one of these powerful got some good base skills too I think I'm going to give it a b let's go with an a I think that's an a right there grin tail here this one scares me I don't like the way it's looking at me I don't like how it Smiles I don't want that thing get my base I it can be ridden it's a mount but I don't want to that's f s it's just a little pile of wool I guess with ears its skill is literally just called fluffy which is when it's in your team it stats increase eh unremarkable but not bad so I'm giving it a d sweet P this one is a little more interesting it's got ability called King of fluff where you can ride it as a mount and then the more s you have on your team the more powerful but I don't think that's as good as the B combo so we're just going to put it up to a it's fine it's nothing that impressive chill it it's an ice dragon here so that's pretty cool and its skill wriggling weasel is it can be ridden and it applies Dragon damage to your attacks while you're mounted on it that's pretty nice I think I'm going to put this one in a b here nothing that moves it up to an A or an S for me but it's nice univolt thing looks like an electric deer that's pretty cool I guess uh it can be ridden and applies electric damage to your attacks that's nice but other than that eh I want to put out a c it's nothing too cool to me the foxic uh for some reason you can't ride this one probably it's a fox but it increases ice damage on your team that's fine design doesn't really strike my fancy you know what I might I might even knock it down further it just does ice damage I'm putting that in D pyron it's a fire fox deer looking thing it can be ridden and applies fire damage to your attack so that's cool otherwise unremarkable I think we're going with C for this one again rain DXs another ice deer looking thing um only skill it's got here is cool body keeps you cool in hot environments if you're riding it so that's good but not great I I think this is a c again too here Ray Hound it's a lightning dog looking thing kind of like the design it looks pretty cool I'm a fan but other than that pretty unremarkable you can ride it for some reason but doesn't really do anything else so eh it's a c to me kitson this one here is more interesting its skill is that you are not affected by cold or hot which is a lot better than a lot of ones here here someone's your ride it just helps with cold or hot this is both that's a nice plus this is a good Mount to have around I think that's a b might even push up into a here you know what it looks like it does damage we're pushing it up to a number 62 dazzy here kind of a weird Cloud lightning little thing its ability is to just float around you and shoot lightning at stuff so that's nice but the design kind of confuses me so I'm putting it at C lunaris kind of looks like Lucario if you ask me but you know what it increases your carrying capacity with anti-gravity abilities so that's kind of cool there's not many that increased carrying capacity yet other than our little kativa friend so I think we're going to leave this in B here too dinal it's a grass dinosaur that you can ride and increases your grass attacks while you're riding it honestly it's fine it looks cool but it's unremarkable so that's a c for me the serent is a boat this is literally a boat for you its skill is Swift swimmer which is you can ride on water and not lose any stamina which is really good for travel but this is a boat this isn't a pal it's a boat we leave it at B though cuz nothing here has been able to get you a travel of water so it's a good boat Marth it has the skill name of messenger of death so that's pretty intense but you can ride it it applies dark damage to your attacks doesn't do much else other than that but I'm going to put it as a b because if I put it any lower I think it's going to haunt my dreams dig toys here it skill turns into a Beyblade and it just spins attack things so that's pretty nice and you know what it's an effective minor so I think that's an a because this is a Beyblade Tom bat is it just a guy named Tom I guess well it skill is ultrasonic sensor and you can locate nearby Pals ultrasonic waves which I don't have too much trouble locating Pals nearby they're kind of just everywhere so all right one the absolute hell is this thing it drops suspicious juice and strange juice lavander I I don't like it that's an F that is going straight to F flamb Bell number 70 here kind of looks like a candle with a face not sure on that one but its ability is magma tiers where it drops a flame organ when it's at your base and you know what usually you have to go fine flame Pals and bonk them on the head with a big stick but this one just gives them to you for free so you know what I think that's a b van worm this guy looks cool that's a cool bird right there I love the design and tell you what it can be it's a flying Mount I like flying mounts and you do extra damage to weak points while you're riding it I'm going to give that an a I really like this one bushie this looks like a Samurai with the giant hat and it's got the skill brandish blade of when you're fighting together it increases items dropped from neutral Pals which isn't that great of a thing unless you're trying to collect some items from them but it just looks cool I just love the look I think I'm giving this an A too Beacon it's an electric bird here can't complain about that got to love a good bird because it's a flying Mount and gives you extra electric damage to your attacks not quite as special as the last couple so I'm going to give it a b but I do like it ragna Hawk now here we've got an interesting one it's a flying mount it adds fire damage to your attacks and it just looks down right cool that's an a that's an easy a catris looks like some kind of evil wizard witch here that would whisper dark secrets in your ear about communism or something I don't know but its ability gives you extra damage from neutral Pals when you defeat them other than that it does drop highgrade technical manuals which quite handy in the late game I hear so I'm going to give that a B I think wixon cool looking Firefox guy here same kind of applies upright standing Pals kind of weird me out a little looks a little too much like a person confuses me but when you're fighting together it applies fire damage to your attack so that's pretty cool nothing really cool beyond that so B verd Das same kind of deal as the last two it's just a different element of those when you're fighting together it gives you grass damage increases your movement speed too though so that's kind of cool but still a b same idea as the last two Veet looks like some kind of weird floating flower that would haunt me in my dreams not a huge fan of that and it just drops more items from ground Pals when you use it so eh going to give that D CX here is a fancy ice creature that floats around and does very powerful ice damaged enemies and if you have it assigned to your base it'll produce high quality cloth with his ability I think that's pretty cool I don't know if it's a cool so we're going to leave it in B here aladan here is a flying Mount that when flying on it dark pals are defeated drop more items so it's pretty cool the design eh not a huge fan of it think we're going to give you that a c here coming at number 81 kelpy doesn't do much kind of looks like a seal it just increases water taxs on your pals and that's it I'm going to give that a d because it doesn't do much at all a zurob here is a water dragon that you can ride on water and while you're ring on it applies water damage to attacks that's pretty cool here haven't had many water Riders yet so I think that's going to bump it up to an a because it's a dragon too again with the weird long arms it looks like a child just windmilled this thing around and stretch it out cry links it's a Dragon Hunter you can use it its ability to get extra items dropped from Dragon Pals you're fighting so that's kind of nice but the long arms man I'm I'm not a fan we're giving it a d this would be the F for the long arms but the extra Dragon items are pretty cool Blaze howl it's a flaming wolf you can ride and it makes grass pales drop more items need I say more that's an a that's an easy a relaxasaurus coming in at number 85 looks a little bit Derpy but its ability here is that it can be ridden and while you ride it you can shoot a missile launcher from it which is awesome and much like the panda ear the shot grenades riding something and shooting missiles from it rapidly I got to say that's an ass Brun Cherry it's a big leaf dinosaur looking thing don't know why it's got such large leaves on it but it's ability over affectionate don't know why it's called that but it can be ridden and it helps carry items for you so that's kind of nice I'm going to put that at a c even though I'm sure that can carry a ton petalia looks like a little plant girl I don't know about the design there I like when they look like weird little creatures not just people but its ability blessing the flower spirit is when activated it restores HP and that I am a big fan of so I might bump that up to an a here there's not many Pals here that have been able to heal you yet ryro here is basically a flame rhinoceros so that's nice that's cool and its ability here is it is an or loving beast and when you're riding it you can mine ore super effectively so that's that's nice that's mid tier that's a b right there up next here we've got King Paca the king alpaca I love it it's got a crown just look at him he looks cool and he helps increase your carrying supplies that one I think we got to put at maybe an A but I think this pushes up to S just because look at that guy look how cool he looks uh here's one I'm sure anyone who's played the game for more than five minutes recognizes memorist the giant Mammoth creature that hangs out at the beginning and kills you if you even look at it wrong it's actually awesome once you can finally catch it but it gets some major downgrades for being a pain in the ass earlier in the game we're going to put that at a B just for that wo that's a perfect name for this little guy It just fits he can be ridden here and he helps increase your team's carrying capacities you know what that's an a I like wo number 92 War sect here is a Giant Beetle that applies fire damage to your attacks and when you're fighting with it increases your defense that's kind of nice and you know what this guy does some damage here I bet haven't found one yet but I bet he does so that's an a bang glob here much like many of the deer creatures from earlier you can ride it you get a double jump all you're riding it and that's really about it I think it's going to go in a c it's got kind of cool designs it's not any lower but eh C fail bad here looks pretty edgy so I'd be tempted to put a little lower but while you're fighting together it grants you and fbat itself a life steal ability which is pretty nice here so that's going to bump it back up to a b quiver it's an ice dragon what more need I say you can ride it as a flying Mount and it enhances dragon attacks while you're riding it other than that unremarkable so we're going to leave it at a B blaz mut this thing here this thing looks like it does some damage that's a mean design on that guy and you can ride it enhances your INF fire abilities while you're writing it so you know what I think I'm going to give that an a helr now that's a cool bird I said the other one earlier looked edgy but this is a cool kind of edgy that's a cool looking bird and it's a ridden flying Mount which applies dark damage to your attacks I like this one you know what I think I like this one so much I want this to be my bird Mount that's an s aagon it's a weird flying dragon thing that's got some purple stuff going on Design's pretty cool but all it is is a flying Mount that does extra damage to ore when you're flying on it so it's a mining Dragon doesn't quite make sense to me but I do like the design so we're going to give it a b Mena staying here that's a scorpion an edgy scorpion if you will but when you're fighting together it increases your defense and increases electric pale drop rates so that's pretty cool I bet it does some good damage so I think we're going to keep it here in B I was thinking C at first but that does some damage it's got a sword on its tail that's a b wait hold on this one's literally just Anubis the Egyptian god the one that guides you across the river or whatever that's pretty cool but its ability gives your attacks ground damage and it can dodge attacks in battle that's pretty cool right there I think I'm going to give this one a because it's literally just an Egyptian god German tide it's a sea dragon so that's pretty cool and you can ride it across water without losing any stamina much like our boat from earlier I mentioned but it looks a lot cooler and bet does a lot more damage so that's sticking at an a number 102 suzaku like how that flows together but it's a fire dragon type deal it's very red very oddly smooth but it's a flying Mount so that's pretty cool it's got fire attacks when you're mounted on it I'm going to give it a b it's decent oh here's one I've been awaiting bris bolt need I say more that's an S it's a giant bear that when you're riding on it it gets a minigun this is another one of the poster child of the game this was in the trailer this thing's awesome leine like some sort of humanoid plant thing again not a huge fan of the humanoid ones but says when its abil activated here it greatly heals the player and I do like the sound of greatly healing so not a huge fan of the design so I'm going to give it a b but that greatly healing does bump it up to that be valaris it's a giant Firebird it's got gold and red on it I love that design of it and you can fly on it what more need I say I don't think it's an S but it's definitely an A or zerk it is a giant Lightning Dragon dinosaur looking thing that thing does damage I have not seen one but I'm just telling you that that does damage doesn't have much of an ability it just water PS drop more items but that thing got to do damage so it's an a shadow beak here that's a mean looking bird I like that bird and when you're riding on it dark elal attacks are powered up so you know what I think ooh not as cool as the last bird so I'm going to drop it down to a b but it still seems good that thing definitely does some damage paladis it's literally a knight I know I said I don't like human ones but you know what it's a knight I love it and you can use it to defend you so you know what that's an a oh well there's the evil version of paladis necromus a black knight very cool and you ride it on its back same deal as the last one you can use it to defend you I still really like it you know what that's an a as well Frost alen this is a Pegasus here so you can use as a flying Mount and it'll give you ice attacks and upgrade your Pal's ice attacks this is a pretty cool Mount right here I kind of like fling around a pegasus too you know what that might be an ass last and absolutely not least jet dragon number 111 got aerial missile as its ability which is while you're riding it you can continuously fire a rocket launcher so you know what that's pretty darn cool I think I think we got to finish off with an S this one it's got a cool design it's Dragon ride and it shoots missiles what more do you want all right so that is every pal in the game so far they've already sit there in more and the games have been out for a week so that's awesome but if you enjoyed this video I'd love if you have a like down below and consider subscribing if you want to see more from me thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Nate's Game Box
Views: 16,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, teir list, tier list, pokemon
Id: oSbpnj4WHEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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