PALWORLD ... For Noobs

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[Music] hello everyone my name is takuru Mobi and I am the CEO of pocket pair Incorporated the creators of the hit game power world millions and millions of players have bought this game and have played it for countless hours creating Everlasting bonds with their Pals however we have run into a little bit of controversy yes I am a big fan and proponent of AI art however I personally didn't even make most of the pals that would be my lead designer so if you have any issues with the designs you have to take it up with them and because I'm so confident that we did not do anything wrong I'm going to allow for you to take a peek behind the curtain and see how we design Pals over here at pocket pair while we do take inspiration from Pokemon we do take a lot of inspiration from other Japanese RPGs I mean the XX have given us essentially a bunch of different magazines to look through this is a bad example that's that's a bad example are you working on any designs right now you can show us yeah I'm working on a design right now check it out I call it Pikachu because it's pink and he has a glock by the way oh God they release a statement when oh my God oh my God oh no oh no oh no uh jeez cut the camera up cut the camera up okayo this that qu life crisis over border line trauma that control my life more than I control my life damn near mortified I just got the moralize I don't know my purpose so I might as well power is the new Japanese action adventure Survival game developed by pocket pair but to those who have only seen the trailers and the news articles the simplest way to describe it is Pokemon but with guns which to be honest is a bit of an oversimplification yes you have the pokeballs I mean pal spheres to capture Pokemon I mean Pals and then you use these Pals to beat up other Pals however that's really where the Pokemon similarities end because this game is definitely more similar to a game like Ark than Pokémon when it comes to the countless L hours you'll spend not battling your pals let me explain po world is a fullon open world and it looks a little bit like breath of the wild but you know we'll talk about that later and all over the world there will be these creatures called Pals which can be fought or captured then you can use these CAU Pals to fight or you can use them to survive because in this game you have to eat to live and in order to eat consistently you need a home base and this home base is where you will put all your other Pals to work it's lowkey kind of like slave all they do is wake up work and sleep but trust me that's not even the most controversial part about this game which we'll talk about later the pals can log mine farm and build a full-on factory that's all for the end goal of helping you look drippy dang look at that drip dang and eventually you can go from a bow to a crossbow to a musket then finally a gun as you level up you'll unlock new ways to put your pals to work and you also unlock new weapons and equipment to help you kill and capture other Pals you can also find eggs throughout the world and then incubate them to unlock rarer Pals and eventually you can even breed your pals oh god there has to be something ethically wrong about this your base can get raided and these Pals will do everything in their power to protect the base then immediately go back to work like nothing happened truly the capitalist experience and each pal will have a cool ability that is exclusive to them some come by default and others need to be crafted like saddles on more horike Pals trust me you're going to want to put a saddle on one of these because you can even fly around on big flying Pals ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking there are no more peanuts left on this flight and of course some Pals just have guns for some reason tany has an AK-47 Fox Sparks can be used like a flamethrower lift monk has a submachine gun pulet can be put in a bazooka and can blow up people there's a lot more but yeah it really is Pokémon with guns when you're not breaking labor laws you're playing the actual game where you explore the world find new areas and new Pals there's desert areas with desert versions of the pals there's snowy areas with snowy versions of the pals there's a hot area that's too hot oh oh too hot hot this map is huge and although I carve through a large chunk of it on my map it's still not fully explored and that excites me to continue exploring throughout the map there will be these big icons showing you boss battles some will take place out in the open and others will take place in more of a raid type beat with some of the most important raids having fullon cutscenes and you can catch almost all of these bosses and it's usually worth it as they come with special quirks you can't catch the ones with cut scenes though it's not possible trust me I've tried there's also humans that are either just friendly NPCs who will chat with you and give you free stuff and sell you stuff and there's also enemy humans who will shoot you and your pals because they're bad dudes like the free pal Alliance wait am I the bad guy what's really wild is that you can even capture humans yes and then you can just make them work for you like actual slavery oh my God what the [ __ ] however if you hurt or attempt to capture innocent people and are caught the police will pop up out of nowhere and will try and kill you and if you fight back you'll get more cops like you got more stars in GTA except there's no way out except death you can't even fast travel there's seriously no Escape so when you do die from the police or scary big Pals or bosses or falling off a cliff you'll spawn back in either your home base or somewhere else if you don't have a bed for some reason and then you can find your dead body and all of its stuff and it's like you're back to being new so there's really no consequence to death except for the Walk of Shame where your butt ass naked on the way to your stuff look at you [ __ ] so that's po World in a nutshell you capture Pals fight and survive but you know me I'm going to be honest with you about this game so let's talk about the this game is really simple once you get the hang of the whole base system it's really straightforward you just need materials to make cooler things and get that blicky baby the type chart is also simple as well there's not a ton of weaknesses and resistances to worry about it's not a whole huge chart like game freaks the designs of some Pals while very derivative are pretty cool my personal favorites have been inceram penlet and my bird that I flew around the entire world borm I love generally the designs are at least pretty funny like yeah this is just groy from Pokemon but hey he's got an AK so he's a little different okay it's so dumb that it's amazing the actual movement in Gunplay is surprisingly not that bad yeah it ain't a fool on movement shooter and it's not like that great but it gets the job done and makes your character feel like an actual character and not just a dude on the sidelines watching his Pokemon I mean Pals do all the work the pals are really just supplemental tools to help your character win a fight you can also play co-op which is fun if you have friends who are down to put up with your goofiness yeah please are you on fire yeah what are you you what the hell just happen bro although playing alone doesn't feel too bad at all I'm never alone as long as I have my pals okay let's talk about the elephant in the room there's a lot of controversy surrounding this game first of all the Creator apparently has a history of using AI in their video games before so there was a legitimate fear that AI was used to create the designs of these Pals but so far far no evidence has been found actually corroborating this accusation of AI being used I will say that the actual designs of some of the pals are very derivative of Pokémon with glaring similarities especially in the models mind you this is not me defending Pokemon they're a multi-billion dollar company and they can deal with this on their own and since recording Nintendo has even made a statement about power world and if I'm being honest if Nintendo had an actual case here this game would have been shut down 3 years ago when it was announced so I really don't think it will lead to anything but if it does I'll wait for that to happen but besides the controversies there are other cons to this game on the gameplay side while the base building aspect is more fleshed out the rest of the game H there's not as much to do while the open world is quite large with varieties of biomes and a wide variety of Pals to capture the main gameplay is rather linear you can fight bigger and scarier Pals in raids like I mentioned before which can be a fun challenge but most of them will be in the same sort of room kind of a really boring aesthetic you just hide behind a pillar and win otherwise outside of the bosses the world is rather empty with few towns and few NPCs with anything of note to add I know this game is in beta or whatever but I do hope there's just more interesting missions and characters so that the world feels lived in and isn't just an empty shell of a world even when you're fighting the villain factions a lot of the time it's the same thing you kill them you free a pal that's it on top of that the game is a glitchy mess a lot of the time it's never truly gamebreaking and at times it's more funny than anything but dealing with it so regularly is frustrating and the NPCs are pretty stupid you could just stand in the right angle and they won't shoot you they just stand there menacingly which can be really gamebreaking when you're dealing with a really high level pal like a mamist I'm not supposed to fight this guy yet but uh I kind of cheesed it also the pals can't evolve I have no idea why not especially when so many of them look like they have an evolution but it turns out they are two separate lines of Pals it's genuinely disappointing and I hope it's something that will happen in the future but maybe that's where it starts to become a legal nightmare I could totally see Evolution being like the straw that breaks the camels back legally it also takes so long to get a gun in this game level 26 is when it can finally build an actual gun so for being known as Pokemon with guns I actually wanted more guns it was not enough guns even with all these issues though the game is really addicting my first time playing it on stream I streamed for so long that I forgot to eat and had a headache that whole night it was worth it for $30 power world is the right amount of goofy gameplay in survival mechanics that I genuinely had a fun time playing with and with more time and updates it could be a fully fledged out game that could withstand the test of time and not just be this shortlived thing I mean there are way too many people buying it it broke steam records so there's clearly some sauce in here you know what I mean but as it stands I'll be giving po World a 7.5 out of 10 but what do you think have you played po world and if so who's your favorite pal let me know in the comments down below okay guys I got to go to court so uh I'll catch you later yeah [Music] no
Channel: Macro
Views: 251,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld for noobs, palworld, how to palworld, best pals, worst pals, palworld guide, palworld beginners guide, palworld review, before you buy, pokemon, pokemon with guns, poke balls, base, how to unlock, boss battle, best boss, worst boss, how to win, raid, gameplay, multiplayer, funny moments, macro, the macro show, for noobs, ai, pokemon vs palworld, palworld vs pokemon, battle, update, pal tier list, steam charts, record, palworld funny, palworld noob guide, review, overrated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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