BALDUR'S GATE 3 ... For Noobs

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have you ever been a dungeon master for DN D but one of the people you invited doesn't even want to really be there he's just on his phone and one of the person is clearly just there to mess with you and get in your head thankfully one guy's taking it very seriously but like a little too seriously don't you wish there was a way to play D andd without having to worry about the randomness of the people you play with well introducing balers gate balers gate gives you the D and experience without your friends doing a bunch of random things to crap all over your campaign so if you're tired of your players always rolling that 20s and in off every single thing that they see try balers gate it's just like Dungeons and Dragons but with less thinking hey okayo this that qu life crisis over border line trauma that control my life more than I control my life damn near Mor just gotal don't [Music] know this video is sponsored by better help throughout my career as a YouTuber I would experience tons of waves of burnout because even though this job is a dream job it can be very over overwhelming at times I've had support from a ton of friends and family throughout this experience but sometimes that feeling of being overwhelmed comes back and I personally feel like I could be better equipped to handle this and that's why I'm excited to tell you about today's sponsor betterhelp better help's mission is to make therapy more accessible and more affordable and this is an important Mission because finding a therapist can be very hard especially when you're limited to the options in your area better help is a platform that makes finding a therapist easier because it's online it's remote and by filling out a few questions better help can match you to a professional therapist in as little as a few days it's super easy to sign up and get matched with a therapist you can just use the link in my description macro clicking that link not only supports my channel but also it will save you 10% off on your first month of betterhelp if you're struggling consider therapy with better help thank you once again to better for sponsoring this channel but now back to the video falers Gate 3 is a fantasy RPG game developed by laran Studios it's basically a video game Dungeons and Dragons if you you've played D and D before you'll see the resemblance but for all you noobs out there that have never played that game before or if you've never even played the first two balers Gates like me allow me to be your guide into the grand world of balers gate and don't worry I'll do my best to not spoil any major plot points while doing so you'll first choose your character choose your class race abilities alignments all the stuff on the D and D character sheet then once you're ready you'll design a guardian which will come up later and then you go right in you start your journey of Ed by mind flares these octopus cthul looking creatures they insert a parasite into your brain that will turn you into one of them but the ship transporting you gets attacked and you're free and able to escape after escaping you end up in the open world free to kind of figure out what you want to do next the main story is that you're trying to get that mind flare thing out of your head but you can really do whatever you want along the way you'll meet companions who are also abducted and they'll help you fight tons of different enemies these companions have a bunch of unique traits and abilities and they also have a ton of backstory that will lead you down different side quests full of trust bonding and sometimes betrayal and if you really like your companion you can try and romance them because why not note that this game will contain nudity if that's a little bit too icky for your Christian eyes or you're streaming and you don't want to get banned there is a nudity filter you're welcome so you'll travel the world and meet a wide variety of people ranging from cool and badass to weird and quirky to creepy and insane this is a DND type of game meaning almost nothing is off limits and there's so many ways to approach every encounter you can talk your way out of every situation or punch your way out that's where the dice comes in you'll have the opportunity to choose a completely different approach to a situation and roll for a specific trait the outcome will change drastically depending on a success or failure Nat 20s will always succeed no matter what and ones will fail no matter what as well Nat meaning natural cuz like a natural 20 without any modifiers it's D andd terminology get with the program okay so in dialogue if you're given an option that is one of your character's strongest traits the chances of you rolling successfully are a lot higher but bad luck does exist so you might fail a lot but fear not you can roll with inspiration but that's limited you can also cheese the whole game and save your progress before every encounter and reload your game until your role succeeds but come on it's DND D the fun is in the wild and Cha side that failure creates just embrace the randomness trust me this rolling aspect is applied to combat as well but it's streamlined so you're not always rolling every single time and it doesn't take forever it automatically rolls all of your attacks for you as well as all the saving throws and this makes combat a lot simpler and way more fun even in combat there are so many options on how you can approach the fight do you keep your distance or do you go right in slicing and Dyson or do you just straight up push an enemy off a cliff and win instantly get creative and do whatever you you think is the best option in every scenario however you must know that any rules that apply to your enemies also apply to you so if your enemy can be pushed off a cliff so can you and your party members in this game you can be downed but not fully dead for a bit you get a little bit of a chance before that happens but once that chance is over you're dead dead and it's game over that character is gone forever get a new character sheet come on let's go make a new character okay so it's not really over if a character is dead there's multiple ways to revive them you and will will be reunited okay just like in Dungeons and Dragons you need to take rests in order to fully heal and be able to use some of your spells and abilities again you can short rest two times a day and you can long rest but a long rest will require resources like food in order to do so when you do choose to fully rest it will bring you and your party to Camp where you can unwind and chill with all your companions and also swap between the companions while there are a ton of companions your party size is limited to four so Choose Wisely and you can always go to camp and swap between companions whenever you want sometimes a specific companion is just better suited for a specific Quest and thankfully you can fast travel all over the world to any of these purple symbol things so you don't always have to travel like this cuz that would suck so that's the game in a huge nutshell I didn't go into extreme detail and I will later in the pros and cons I just wanted to give you a rough understanding of balers Gate 3 your decisions really do matter your choices change the story and how you treat people can affect you later on especially when you kill people but I know you want me to review this game so now let's talk about the there's so much to do and a ton of variety on how to approach every situation your class and race change your dialogue options and add to the replayability of the game and you could even choose to play as one of the main companions or even the dark urge I played as the dark urge it's a ton of fun but every now and then this will happen this squirrel might be the single most adorable creature you can recall in all your stunted memory it would be ever so twe if it were climbing a tree a oh what the hell so you've been warned my first playthrough I bullied my way through the whole game with my Barbarian intimidation it was so broken everyone was so scared of my little dwarf one dude was so scared that I made him eat literal sh all right all right calm down I'll do it still B it's gone are we done but then you can do a playthrough as a warlock or a Bard and focus more on using your intellect or persuasiveness and you can completely avoid almost all conflicts my friend I was playing with parashock was playing as a paladin and I may have accidentally made him break his oath but when that happens you'll meet the oath breaker Knight who's so damn cool and some Paladin players who never break their oath they wouldn't even know he exists the point I'm trying to make is that this game's replayability is tremendous you'll want to make another character ASAP especially after you get a hang of things I would recommend that you start your playthrough on the Explorer difficulty and after you get your feet wet you can switch difficulties as it may be harder than you think and you're always allowed to switch difficulties throughout the game the character customization is also very fun there's tons of variety and how you can look and how your character will play Then you pair that with countless amounts of unique and rare armors weapons and spells and the variety really does seem endless the the NPCs are also voice acted very well and with so much Variety in NPCs the encounters always feel like a tree you can meet a goblin who cares about his fashion you can convince a chicken to fight back you can befriend spiders you can make fans you can meet annoying children you can talk to a bird or even a brain and that's just the things that you can talk to because there are even more things that you will fight in combat with different fighting styles on top of all this what makes this game really enjoyable is that you can play it Co-op but if you do for every teammate that joins you you'll have one less spot for a companion and if your friend leaves you're stuck with their character but what's cool is that you can fully control them even when your friend is gone and then they can join back whenever and resume playing their character like nothing's ever changed so the co-op experience is very different but still an enjoyable experience nonetheless and one of the funnier Parts is that you can actually have a private conversation which means that your teammates can't listen in sometimes you just want to have an intimate talk with your companion without your friends in your ear making fun of You For Being Cheesy with the amount of variety it can feel a bit overwhelming so I recommend playing a simpler character like a barbarian or warrior class on your first playthrough and then going Wizard or Paladin later as they have way more skills and abilities that require tons of reading and optimizing it's a lot the movement in this game is very clunky especially with your companions these dudes will constantly get stuck or just won't move and then they'll run right through damaging areas when you could just go around oh why are you guys like this sometimes your own character won't go where you want to go it's just very frustrating there's some glitches here and there that can break the immersion at times but thankfully I didn't run into any of the game-breaking ones and if you do you can always load back in but you have to remember to autosave trust me do not forget to save some options can lead to a complete game over and if you didn't save recently you have to go back to your most recent load file and then just do everything all over again it just feels like a huge waste of time redoing everything I just wish it always autosaved before every encounter that could lead to instant death also the system for swapping between companions is very annoying you have to go to Camp tell your current companions to stay at Camp then tell the other companion to join your team it's so tedious this could easily just be a quick switch on the start menu and it would make the whole game just feel a lot better and while I do like the companion feature where some of them can approve or disapprove your choices I do feel like most of the characters are aligned around the same where you get a ton of approval from all of them at once even when you do something super drastic that you think would make them leave the camp they just stick with you it's a little bit immersion breaking and if you want to be like a bad boy there aren't really many companions that will stick with you except aerion but he thinks I'm ugly I also find the inventory management to be a bit dated I end up just taking everything and selling what I don't need but sometimes I'm over encumbered so I have to send stuff to camp and then go there and pick up stuff to then sell it's just like 10 extra steps like I get that there's some realism with like the fall damage and consequences but let there be a bank system at least have it been your vendors just make our life slightly easier please I just want to kill some goblins and smile like a weirdo with less steps please overall this game has been a blast it's not my usual type of game that I play since it's not really FPS but I've always been a huge fan of Dungeons and Dragons I used to be a dungeon master for me and my friends if you're into RPGs or D and D you're going to really like this game there's just way too much to do and you'll get plenty of hours of play time on it and if you're like me you'll make multiple new characters to try different approaches and get a different story while it has some annoying aspects about it and things that just kind of pad the runtime the core gameplay is solid and the story is very enjoyable so I'll be giving balers Gate 3 an 8.5 out of 10 but what do you think have you played balers gate if so what would you rate it also let me know what character you made and how different your story is on your playthrough let me know in the comments down below okay guys I'm going to make another character so uh I'll catch you later yeah [Music] no
Channel: Macro
Views: 139,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 for noobs, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 funny moments, best companion, romance, funny moments, baldur's gate 3, shadowheart, wyll, karlach, create a character, class, best class, astarion, dark urge, macro, the macro show, ending, best ending, worst ending, worst companion, teammate, co op, dnd, dungeons and dragons, review, beginners guide, makes no sense, for noobs, oathbreaker
Id: y7X1CLPS2Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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