Pokémon with Guns is Game of the Year… (Palworld)

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oh I've heard there's some workers that uh slacking on the job they don't like the work condition yeah it was the little monkey guy but look he's planting seeds he's monkey it was the monkey he's changed his ways he just was cranky that day he needed to sleep a good no no no no no no we need to set an example is it true you don't like working on the farm huh boy look he's trying to work right now Marcel he's trying got me working he's doing his best you know what a monkey die [Music] dude just so people know that was not me editing that the game censored that as as you murdered wait he's back is a different one and that one's mine that one's mine okay well you killed mine oh I got to make your character I make myself hella black Tyler it's a fantasy RPG Marcel maybe you can you know file on some privilege take a spin of the Caucasian my turn to create a player get me in there why she got like this croto V thing going on bro you know what I'm saying and why this character makes me uncomfortable I'm loving it so far this is awesome all right I like this so far all right I guess this is me ready to start the game yes get me in there baby my character looks incredible excited for you to see him yep yep yep yep yep yep I currently have some some Pals looking at me a chicken pal a sheep pal oh my God character is sick oh my God my oh my God what did you do Tyler what the you like what you see I'm the thickest [ __ ] in po World God damn you look like a thick ass Bob Ross all the Pal's going to be coming to me wait you're level two already how are you level two already I went down there and picked up some sticks and made a bench well this one looks strong look at this guy level 17 Dome hi buddy are you friendly he's a grass Dragon this is my favorite this is my favorite pal already what up what the [ __ ] is you doing here you got a pal World code just trying to get that you know that link in the description what up subscribe to I am wild cat and basically I do work name three Pokemon go not Pikachu P um but you actually can punch trees yeah you need get a code for this game dude it's incredible it's going to be the next big thing Marcel I'm beating the [ __ ] out of this chicken I'm beating this [ __ ] beat his meat Marcel look at these dead [ __ ] over here it I can see look at Tyler where's he at my character is thick as dude watch watch me climb this wall come here want to talk about thick somebody come get her like or so you want to try to fight that big dragon flower guy next to you I'll fight him right now I got a stick bro he just ask see what happens y y y y you [ __ ] what's up [ __ ] I have 8 HP I have 8 HP kill he killed me I got Razor Leaf bro I got razor Le look the way he just walks off okay and we're back we're back no big deal okay yeah so we're not ready for that what is this you get one point for your character oh nice nice oh I got a paldum fragment we can make a scary how'd you get one just forging for berries dude I don't know it was in the berry bush I tell you what I'm not catching one of these fing shitty chickens do Pokemon evolve I don't know I kind of want to go try to catch that thing though Tyler you have to weaken it first and we can't we no I think you still have a small chance you can catch it without weakening it where's that big guy at you pissed him off and he left I've been in a game for 30 seconds and I already know my favorite Pokemon on pal pal p p palia these chickens I think you can like you capture these guys and you can make them do things for you you can also make them do things for you like they'll go collect wood and stones and [ __ ] oh chests look at this Marcel look look look open it open it open it gold coins arrows and a copper key and what's that journal a journal looks like there's 111 Pals and the dinum is 64 yeah I saw that that a rare one what that was the loudest splash sound in the world bro I actually can't see a thing getting cold oh no no no no no right I'm holding my torch that that warms you just holding a torch I'm crocking up some mother level three recipe yeah we can cook berries see how you have to like hold to work to do these things I I think you can make your Palace do it I'm pretty sure oh look at me dude Gordon Ramsey out here flipping this thing now scramble it you nty you silly cow this game seems pretty good to me so far oh storage box oh you can lock [ __ ] have a password on it that's cool EXC Marcel go to your go to your technology treat go to level four and look at the last item if you could I'm just I didn't put it in the game that's no that's that's what I'm saying yeah what the hell I'm going to go ahead and unlock it wow we we need to kill I'm assuming we need to kill the Sheep guys cuz to make clothes you need to make cloth to make cloth you need wool I kind of want this cat guy oh he ran from me he saw my my axe in Fon all right come here you little [ __ ] he's running he's fast I'm beating the [ __ ] out of this cat threw a ball at him let's see if I can catch him 100% capture rate I got his ass oh at a glance it fears full of confidence but is in fact weak and cowardly oh well that doesn't give me much yeah that's not great so yeah it's downsides are it's a coward but it's upsides are it's a positive thinker he currently has a major injury wonder how that happened all right I'm I'm about to kill a lamb ball see if he gives us wool come here you little [ __ ] get he didn't fact to drop wool oh [ __ ] this one just hit me with the rolling attack and knocked himself out C the Pokemon music go kativa kill them this one attack him cat Pokemon battle my cat's scratching up the Sheep guy he got hit with a rolling move and the Sheep knocked itself out and now I stab it I caught a chicken extremely weak and far too delicious it's one of the weakest Pals alongside lambar don't worry none of these ones we have are very good is that a fire guy what is is that Marcel there's fire things down here there's fire things Marcel it's a Firefox Mozilla this guy's sick oh he's going to kill me 35% capture I'm burning did I capture it I did oh he just killed my cat though I have 87 HP I cannot fight oh he killed me Marcel if you could come down the hill and revive me I have 96 seconds dude the fox the little fox guy down here really strong you see him over there you should go get him and mine was level five that one down there's level three it should be easier there he is there he is wait for the fire attack there it comes that's his move do Dodge it Dodge it Dodge it yeah oh okay I got flame organs though Tyler look at the big ass elephant oh [ __ ] where did he come from King of the Forest he's level 38 we nope absolutely not is he chill oh he's break dancing no he's the king of the forest dude no he's chill yeah we we're going to need like a bazooka or something take him down when activated equips to the player and transform into a flamethrower what oh I saw a penguin somewhere oh you're saying you in your Pokédex thingy they're in my Pokedex yeah penlet yeah gumas was the the acorn guy I was telling you about oh blue guy penguin I want the penguin come catch the penguin come catch the penguin I'm dropping I have any balls I I'm dropping you the ball come catch the penguin he's right here oh he's level six you might not be able to catch him I'll start the battle I'll start the battle you're going to kill him cuz he's ice and your fire Ty call off your Pokemon now no he's helping we got to get him real low okay okay okay how do I call how do I call him e took him back there you go there you Go real low super low come on come on 59% come on I want 59 that's good yeah you got his ass wait not let's go Marcel there's a purple chest here we didn't see that entire time it has coins in a pal sphere a megas sphere what is that for an item that captured Pals when thrown it's capable have been improved allowing it to catch a wider range of Pals okay I'm going to use my I'm going to catch this goomas 80% get in my ball [ __ ] yes 95% 99% 100 got him this game's sick I can make two outfits about to be looking right probably going to keep us warmer too oh look at me look at my kles holy [ __ ] my character is immaculate Pals playing Power with my good pal Tyler we've already caught some Pon I'm petting him I'm petting my Pokemon oh he's a cute little guy oh my God this dude's got a crazy looking tongue can you breed them surely you put enough of them in a pen together they're going to Tyler Tyler it have to be walk up to me slow it's the grass guy you've been looking for he's sleeping I have a megas sphere he's right there he's right there what level is he okay he's going to kill us attack aggressively I wasted that I just threw the mega sphere and it hit the ground and did nothing oh it's bad no Ty wait he's getting fcked up he's getting [ __ ] up he's a he's half dragon bro come on Tyler him on fire him on fire with a torch oh he's he K he he killed my [ __ ] I threw my mega sphere and hit Miss dude oh was my chance I'm going back to base defeated disappointed sad or so look at these see it it's like a Mis Magus looking guy I like jellyfish I'm coming Lev five Daydream I don't have any balls wait I do I do it killed it you stupid oh this guy looks sick yeah I know I want to catch him try again I do have a ball this time oh he just dodged it I don't have a ball now all right well going upstairs can this dead Pokemon just despawn bro I sick look it takes a minute I think look at this guy flaming render How Your Dragon's back he's just standing there I'm pushing this dead cor look at me look at me get the F out of here with your dead ass body H why do you taunt me din awesome you are indeed awesome you're lucky my Firefox is dead or I'd come over here and whoop on your ass he out of curiosity what percentage does it show me 4% to catch it without even touching it probably got five more minutes till my fox is alive this is the structure you made it looks lovely Marcel you can name your Pokemon you can name them mhm build a feed Bo for the pals we got to build a plantation dude this game's kind of dude the hanging trap a plantation what's next dude oh your little cat got an idea no he's helping me build how do I make mine help me do anything worth of go to the uh the workbench the pal workbench and deposit three Pals so now you can tell them to do [ __ ] no they just passively help so like it's what they do you making a repair bench now I got to go get more wood I can make it I'm going to make it right here your cat's helping me dude and the Sheep's helping me look at him go that's how we roll dog oh Dragon dude what level is this guy 15 I think I can do it or I'm dead he one shot me dude wonder how he feels about me walking over here like he's getting ready to me up as soon as I get up 49% capture rate yeah no all right well I'll leave him alone another dragon guy dude they're taunting me what's uh oh my God something shooting toxic sludge at me it poisoned me oh you better catch it you better catch it no I don't have anything to catch it it's still shooting [ __ ] at me he's hitting me while I'm climbing up a cliff I'm going to die he hit you for 108 I'm going to die oh my God it just stopped at 2 Hp it's like poison an actual Pokemon I'm doing a berry Plantation over here in the corner all the homies are helping me build a berry Plantation like hell yeah we're hungry as now we got to water it face level five did you catch this guy a dream or is he just he's just an enemy here He's Mine He's Mine He's M nice I've made our statue of power I found a cave down to explore the cave together never mind Tyler it's a dungeon level 13 boss H are we I don't know if we're high enough to do that I'm making a harness for my fox thing oh my God I have a flamethrower I just pick up the fox and he shoots fire out of his mouth I can have a full Redemption Arc right now with my flamethrower fing Fox guy at my side going on an adventure I'm catching all kinds of cats here's another Dragon he's level 16 he's going to kick my ass hello grass dragon guy nothing to see here one day you'll be mine all right Tyler lamb balls are good at building [ __ ] check me out check me out check me out check me out check me out check me out check me out rock Shield game cash you ready for this yeah let me see what you got Kelly's pissed that you don't have this right now let you know oh my God it's so cute and adorable you want to know what else is cute and adorable check this out yeah yeah come on what D baby blame Tower that's right anybody wants to [ __ ] with me look at I can spell [ __ ] t y l e r why are you holding the torch like that you're holding it like right at your dick built us a logging a log a logging site over here look at all the sheep look at them run look at them they're sprinting over to go build this [ __ ] look at them go go little sheep Army this game's amazing oh my God they built a logging site what does it do oh you can just sit here and farm wood it looks like heard of man eating wild cow for getting raided they're down here you see them you see them they're down there they're coming for us we need to we need to build that structure damn it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it uh the the alarm Bell I got it everybody build this quick they're under attack I want to catch one finish this I'm doing my best Tyler I'm going to activate flamethrower mode command him to attack activating flamethrower mode mother yeah Marcel I am cooking the [ __ ] out of them our Pokemon are getting fed up I think they're all dead we defeated it Ty I was literally just making Pokéballs cuz I was trying to catch one well I cooked them all these are cool little lizard guys they're like lizards and cloaks this guy dropped a key coer key that was exciting literally cooked him alive though I'm on fire I have built many a pal sphere I'm to go out and put them to use this thing's asleep I wonder if I can flamethrower while it's sleep do a ton of damage and then and then kill it Marcel I may need you to revive me I'm just across the bridge I have to try this wait there's a new Pokemon down here hes hes I think it's an owl no no I have one I have one oh it is an owl look at him he's cute 84% capture rate baby give it to me it says my fox defeated yet I also captured it what level do we have to get to to get guns we have bows I know that a musket level 21 wait you know what I just noticed the cat Pokemon sleeps in the tree I even need to give it a bed dude I'm pissed what you pissed about why did I just know we could do this what what how do you do that oh I just found out we can roll how do you roll control how'd you do that move see oh you have to have stamina though Tyler where is it does it say where that Tower is what tower the tower that we have to go do challenge the Lo at rain Syndicate Tower over here is the crusher not sure what it does oh you can turn Stone into palan fragments I'm going to do that level seven base here we [Music] come wow yes oh there's a dead chicken over here I thought he was working he's dead requires watering but I can't oh wait is this need to be placed by water no no no no we have to have a Pokemon that has water oh your penguin doesn't oh he does he does he does I'll put him in I'll put him here here what you do right what you do right oh yeah he's watering ito's going crazy look at him he a squirter dock look at this guy taunted me again din aome you [ __ ] yeah I'm going to get [ __ ] to make my last 10 pokeballs I'm going to catch 10 more Pokemon and then I'm down to go find this Temple what's the ore for man we haven't figured that out yet have we probably for guns huh yeah maybe I don't know all these sheep over here grazing oh my God there's so much wool on the ground why won't this cat get out of the tree said he's taking a break remove his ass from the throw his ass throw his ass I found the tower you found the tower damn where the hell are you I see it found an egg hell yeah wait it's just a chicken egg it's just like is to eat it's not oh there a dead guy here oh he's alive you're a new face don't tell me an outsider not that it matters to me now that you're on the island why not try to catch some Pals you can get extra XP for capturing 10 of the same kind you know you know what they say pal Tamers get stronger the more Pals they capture here take this I've got high hopes for you palum fragments having fun on this adventure adventure with my best pal Tyler while we catch all the pals cuz we're Pals we're Pals catching Pals it's pal demonium out here wa Marcel egg scorching egg oh you got to fire on dude build an egg incubator to incubate egg Pals scorching egg I think I might drown I can't get out of the goddamn water I can't see cuz it's dark as [ __ ] help me bro oh you're taking damage yeah I'm going to drown I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my f God I don't wait what happens you're knocked wait can you rest me right here you reach me if I I'm I'm going to fall I don't want to risk it three two one you can access your bag from where I'm at okay okay I'm coming back North maybe oh I thing just killed something called depresso this one has a password on it yeah [ __ ] got my [ __ ] kissed Tyler a flying a flying Pokemon you need to come catch it right now okay okay uh do I have things to catch it I do I need to drop off more [ __ ] just to make sure I don't hold on we can totally catch it it's only level 9 I've got to drop my good [ __ ] oh I see it that big thing how is he so high up there yeah we need a bow and arrow don't we you're throwing balls at it and missing by a mile I just saw that get out here boy oh you trying to catch it come on come on come on yes what was it that thing was massive what is this alpaca looking motherucker mpaka he's level 10 I'm going to flamethrower his ass die [ __ ] oh he's getting cooked I I destroyed it I destroyed it I couldn't even stop killing it fast enough to throw a ball at it that was crazy I yeah well I probably should have you know maybe shouldn't have killed him so aggressively but I mean now we know how strong that [ __ ] is it's insane that I could probably take on the big level 17 guy okay while I was here I'll burn your oh my God it's busted it's busted my flaming Fox is swimming in the water that dungeon said uh the boss is level 13 with your flame flame thing I think we can [ __ ] it up yeah yeah what is that it's a big deer thing oh he's charging at me oh he's cool he's only level 9 I'm catching him I'm flame throwing him though you're going to kill it I'm I'm going to try my best not to this thing is insane looking Marcel flame on melting melting melting melting melting once I get to about there stop elk side dear that's cool sounds really cool oh that's my last ball no no can I build a workbench super quick wait so boxes are shared between us Marcel I'm dead I need you to come to me there's no shot Tyler Tyler there's no [ __ ] shot got I need I need I need you to fast travel no I need you to fast travel Tyler no this feels like a personal attack on me it's not a personal attack I'm just not going all the way down there I'm going to remember this you're a [ __ ] I'm not going over there you're a [ __ ] I had like a 78% chance and it didn't catch him oh my God my fat [ __ ] cheeks are making me walk so slow dude it ran up it like sprinted up a mountain and knocked me off a cliff and killed me oh he's still here oh he's full health again F you all right I'm going to try one more time burn [Music] [ __ ] I killed it that's two Pokemon you he's so cool dude can I take him I want to pick him up oh big goats what are these dudes kapry those are cute this game is really cool it is really fun I'm going try to catch one of these goat guys level 10 though and they're working together which is kind of scary oh my God I caught it I had to kill one though I like that you can push around their dead bodies kativa is upset and went to bed okay let's see wake up you going to kill this is the same cat that's been hiding in a goddamn the one that was in the tree yeah I pulled her out you know what you're getting you're getting pulled hold on hold on you need you need you need to see how we how we handle [ __ ] around here they don't want to listen get over herea get over here right now time for your discipline so look at this guy look at this guy wa he plants for us capry he's cute sick Bro yeah he does far farming and planting sometimes drops red berries from its back when assigned to Ranch active skill of air cannon where it quickly fires a burst of Highly pressured air wind cutter fires a high-speed blade of wind that flies straight to an enemy his passive skills are muscle head plus 30 attack minus 50 work speed kativa is slacking off is upset not willing to do any task I'm going to stop my recording I'm going to use the bathroom and then go go to the tower kativa feels down due to work conditions all right I'm I'm over this [ __ ] dude I may not have caught the deer but I do have deer meat that I'm currently cooking so it looks like I caught him after all oh little [ __ ] oh my God the box is helping me cook with its little look at it's shooting flames at the fire he leveled up to level 11 doing this [ __ ] food box we got 20 berries going in I'll put some kebabs in there there you go oh my God they're going over there and devouring you hear them and then here's my boy planting and now they're watering oh look at this guy look you food the guy with the tongue dude he's going crazy should we make shields for we go Tyler is that is that to Overkill you think doesn't sound like Overkill to me we've been one shot by [ __ ] you put this noose trap over here bro I did bro trying to hang a curse D that looks up I say Sunrise we March at Sunrise we ride this big thing's sleeping I kind of want to attack it and run you will die all right you see that Tower Tyler yeah yeah yeah we're going to go there let's go all right I just took fall damage and got hurt we another one of your your oh it's a dragon it's a dragon it's a dragon it's a dragon what level is he 15 nah we'll get him on the way back Bro I think we can get him now I mean I can burn the [ __ ] out of him for sure I know that no no no no no no cuz cuz hold on I I can burn the out of him right now I got my bow and arrow out I'm ready all right go for it go for it go for it hit him and then I'll watch the damage watch the damage all stop fighting him stop fighting him no no no I'm getting him real low he was about to die Tyler did you throw it or did I throw it keep throwing it don't attack it's dead he died that's right these things happen what's that noise it's my Pokemon wait it's this thing is that a shiny what is that it is a shiny shiny it's a shiny time to catch it it's a fing shiny bro better throw it you better throw it now press four and call back your Pokemon dumbass don't need to let's go shiny let's go let's go he's back at the base that's sick I wish I could look at it but he's on this guy's dead too I did not know that was a thing in this game what the hell what was different about it it had like gold cheeks they're shiny and their Shadow that's I did not know that was a thing hey get your ass over here motherucker oh yeah grass monkeys look at them wait these have to be the grass monkeys sounds like Lumbers lumber jack his name is tany got mine let's go I just like trees branches As Weapons oh he's definitely a lumberer definitely a lumberer Ty there's another one over there a lift monk a lift monk something else new up here ke Fant what is this thing it's like a little elephant guy he's so cute he's he Lumbers he Lumbers he Lumbers yes what the T Fant Lumbers or the P monkey the monkey yeah we both got one now I caugh this I caught this guy too large amounts of water pour from what got him all right we're getting distracted all right I I want to go I want to go come on o a fast travel point deer we can fast travel back real quick yeah that's the guy the dude he's crazy all right let's heal up and try to catch him maybe you want I mean I'm I'm healthy all right I'm going to go for him oh he's running is he running oh my God yeah he's big big damage throw it he's almost dead you mother wait he might he might still live if this doesn't catch him he dies get ready to spam get ready to spam get ready to spam I got him I got him I got him I got him I got him oh there's a bunch of bad guys up there we got to activate we got to activate this fast travel all right what does this Tower do don't touch it yet oh join boss battle time limit 10 minutes what about this base up here I feel like we should go attack that this game is fun I mean except for the part where you're getting angry at me a lot but proba going to give us good [ __ ] it looks like just kind of like an easy little bit they were like level five oh I can flame throw the [ __ ] out of them they got guns yeah but I have a Pokemon that shoots fire out of its [ __ ] attack aggressively feel free to pop off sir can we steal their guns they have something inside I actually ammo I got ammo they have a Nightwing guarding you're going to get attacked by the bird yeah it's hurting me a lot [ __ ] him up DayDay ow are youing kidding me I need to make arrows look at all this dead [ __ ] over here these guys they drop did they drop guns what did they drop I got ammo all right got a new bow let's go let's do this all right it's time our first ball batt after 3 hours the tutorial is about to be completed what is this interdimensional [ __ ] is this who's this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what's up girl what do you got what you got TOS it out what you got oh this guy looks badass he's big he riding him zo and grisol this is sick oh no oh is my Pokemon my Pokemon's not even out Marcel it has 42,000 HP I see that now you have to flamethrower this mother I'm going to wait oh it almost killed my guy okay I'm calling him to me now no he killed him it's over I'm out of arrows it's over am I I got shocked we're doing we're doing some damage ow that hurt that hurt a lot okay okay I'm I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die you're AG gring him through the wall jeez this is cheese this is cheese chees you do more damage thanit him in the back they keep cheesing him I'm going to stand right here I have no shame I don't give a I don't have any stamina give me a sec hit him mother when I fall you're just beating his ass I'm just slowly healing doing nothing he's out he's out he's out he's out all right I got him on the other wall now get behind him again this is going to take forever dude I feel like this was meant to be like 8 to 10 people we have 6 and2 minutes to beat him we actually have to go pretty fast here J you are literally missing right now this is the dumbest battle ever I didn't get to use my flamethrower I think I would have melted it but so you're doing eight damage are you just punching it I have a baseball bat that's that's damage it's doing eight damage woo on me uhoh I'm going to die yep that's really not good I got him I got him I got him Marcel you're a beast boss first kill acquired five ancient technology points that was such an intense fight what I I died dude your mic completely cut out I didn't know what happened to you Tan's assault rifle you it's specifically for tany mhm the first gun we can get is level 25 makeshift handgun frag grenade I don't want to spoil anything else that's sick though wait where's my shiny there it is okay monkey is yeah he does lumbering and transporting handiwork Gathering there's bad guys there's bad guys bad guys with guns guys with guns oh they're level 20 Noe it's a w Wait wait wait it's a Wandering Merchant they might be nice he has guards wandering Merchant yeah he just maybe just if you attack him they're chill they're chill they have sick ass guns oh he's nice mind control meds water skill fruit acid acid R what I don't see anything useful here don't kill them Tyler don't you hit him I'm not going to unless Mar I got my shiny one here I don't see how it looks any different he has a shiny on his name they don't look different they said they're going to add it later look at the monkeys going crazy over here they've gotten us 88 wood oh this is that thing that was in the cage you want to see it you look like just a mysterious cat blob while in the team s stats will be increased he just he just levels up by being [Music] there all the dragon guys by our base it might be time it might be my time is he being a [ __ ] no he's just chilling he's walking over there but I want him what does this do we can make potions and [ __ ] [Music] now it died me I called him back but he already shot the so many I'm good at it dude what do you want from me a red chest oh what is that what is this and why is it why did you put it here shut up it's a rocket ship what is it incubator yes I have so many eggs which one do we want to hatch first I want to do the scorching egg do it do it do it do actually I want to do the electric egg cuz we don't have anything electric yet how long does it take 5 minutes I'm down to wait that's sick I think I'm addicted dude I like this game a lot 5 4 3 2 1 what come on what you get what you get what you get what' you get hold it [ __ ] dazzy was born here's a little level one dazzy like a little Genie looking guy what powers do they have dazzy handywork transporting and generating electricity and it needs a necklace for its Lady of lightning partner skill oh the fire one hatched what'd you get that's not him sorry that's not him that guy sucks this guy what the [ __ ] this game is so sick you guys AR playing right now but we're having so much [Music] fun D it took us three hours Kev said join the server and do the basics all right I'm in let's do it Jordan are you okay sometimes I pretend like I have arguments with myself just to feel something different you guys have been playing all day haven't you we've been playing for about four hours you need to just you need to go outside today dude go drive your Lamborghini I need to set up my character ooh oh looks like monkey boy wants to take another break huh who's about to get chopped in half Marcel no no Marcel don't he he is resting he's tired what you do now he's just resting down there that didn't do much yo yo guys yo what up dog what the hell are you doing hello welcome this looks awesome these are our Pokemon slaves yep our Pals they're Pals they love this cuz they're our Pals they love this cuz they're Pals okay okay and Jack see the cool part about having a bunch of Pokemon slaves right at any moment one of them can just decide they don't want to work anymore right so so what we do is is we teach him a lesson okay and we do it in front of all the other Pokemon or palon they know what happens when they disobey what we do is we say hey hey there bud you don't want to work anymore do you that's crazy he looks like he's working hey hey hey and then then and then they know that they should keep working it's for the best that you didn't see it damn all right I like this game egg's about to hatch hat I did I did I did I got it his name is celer here he is look at him look at him look at him boom who he's sick I like this guy um how did you make your character that shape uh here hold on it's natural dude I could bench 90 lb and squat 9,000 dude it's insane can you uh just see up and down in front of me or Crouch up and down for me oh yeah wow [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah
Channel: WILDCAT
Views: 1,027,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WILDCAT, I AM WILDCAT, iamwildcat
Id: lK5lwRYQhww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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