I Shiny Hunted in Palworld... (Lucky Pals)

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guys the newest Pokémon game just launched and oh boy is it good it's doing record sales numbers keeping people interested and has some of the best mechanics in the entire franchise and I just can't believe how good wait what's that it's not a Pokémon game that's right it's not a Pokémon game because this is pal world and these are Pals so obviously I named my world a pal DEA Twitter is absolutely on fire because of this game and if a recent gaming history has taught us something it's that if Twitter doesn't like it it's probably a good game and even as someone who doesn't buy a ton of games and typically only plays a select few I bought this game to try it out and have played over 30 hours coincidentally totaling 69 days as I started this script here's how it went at its core this is a survival game and the game will take you through those initial stages of the survival game process starting from nothing working your way up to creating a shelter a bed and a fire to cook food you're stranded on a mostly deserted chain of islands and soon the game will introduce you to the Terri fing monsters inhabiting it like lamb ball making grown men everywhere wet themselves you then proceed to capture these monsters in a spherical object and upon capturing them they can fight by your side and you can train them up to be the best war machines they can be if you thought Lambo was scary before wait until you see what it can really do but Pals aren't just war machines they exist also to help you in the survival aspects of the game some can plant berries some can Harvest trees or ores and others can be a typical farm animal giving you typical farm animal things after about 4 hours of gameplay I had a fairly capable starter base with only one tutorial task remaining to challenge the boss at the rain Syndicate Tower there really wasn't an indication as to how tough this boss fight would be other than being able to see the level from the outside and it didn't bring nearly enough arrows for it they really didn't do all that much damage though I still had a spear with me so I could occasionally go behind it and poke it while my pals distracted it and that damage adds up and with my vast experience in Monster hunting games I was able to do Dodge many of the attacks and dish out some damage in between and as time was winding down so was its health bar and in a survival game like this there's one thing you should know go P yes 126 you got this one more ice spikes are you kidding me it's dead it's dead oh my God you're joking it's not over until it's over dying is pretty inconsequential in this game as a default but one of the many good ideas that it has from other games is custom difficulty you can make dying as inconsequential or as consequential as you would like you can also be as comically strong or comically weak as you want a breath of fresh air versus Pokémon's lack of difficulty options since Gen 5 after picking myself back up and completely destroying the boss the second time around with adequate ammo i' do a little bit of exploring before calling it good for the day in my first couple of days I didn't play all too much about 6 hours total but that would change with the next couple of days getting deeper into it and perhaps ultimately too deep I would set up my next base unknowingly creating an industrial Lumber Farm as any pal with the lumbering skill is going to smack trees all day here I made my second house bigger and better than the first and set up everything for the pals to be able to sustain themselves which you basically just need two Berry patches and a feeding box for and anything else you make will help you to industrialize the resource Gathering process and make crafting things easier so that way you can get back to exploring more areas and catching more Pals one of the main complaints I would have is that catching Pals is basically the only way to level up while you do gain experience for crafting and base making you could spend an hour or two working on things for your base and gain maybe 1,000 experience versus catching one monster getting you several thousand experience from level 18 to level 19 I gained a full level in about 5 minutes just by catching weak Pals in Pokémon Legends RCS fashion you're incentivized to catch multiple of the same Pals as here the pal deck gives you bonus experience for up to 10 of the same pal caught but you would be incentivized to catch more anyway because the pals might have Buffs or debuffs that make them better or worse than average one of the best Buffs being that of a lucky pal lucky pals are a rare type of pal and while I can't find anything suggesting their odds at the moment it's likely somewhere in the 1 in thousands territory while their Rarity would be similar to a shiny Pokémon these lucky Pals aren't a color swap instead they're a bit closer to the alpha Pokémon of Legends Gus they're a lot larger than normal Pals and they're going to be better in combat and their work speed but past me didn't know anything about lucky Pals yet other than that they existed because I hadn't found any but I had seen it on YouTube after doing some more base upgrading and doing a bit more exploring I would discover a new Ultimate fear in this game it's a shiny it's a it's a shiny I hadn't even seen one of these things yet and the first one is a lucky one and unfortunately it was too high of a level for me my party was all level 19 and I was level 22 still using the three shot bow which did barely over three damage with each shot and my pal abilities weren't fairing much better so I just threw a ball hoping for the best but it just smacked it away because it was still near full HP and before I knew it the serpent would prove too much for me I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead being a shiny Hunter I've had a few shiny fails in Pokémon but I wasn't prepared for the misery this caused in recent titles that have this open world aspect game freak has placed a shiny lock on things that are too high of a level for you to catch to prevent this type of trauma and while all of this was happening a twitch viewer of mine was being Blissful in the offline chat painfully unaware of the agony that was unfolding but this failure caused me to get a move on some more important stuff upgrading my production benches to make better balls and making better weapons that would actually do damage to these monsters and the first test of these new toys was to defeat some of the lower level bosses that are around the map some might be Overworld spawns While others are in an instanced battle room you can also try to capture them and these bosses are also larger than the normal Pals but they don't get guaranteed any crazy boost however fighting them will get you ancient civilization Parts which can help you make specific pieces of tech not all of the things you can make mind you are good like the stun baton and the grappling gun are pretty doooo but of course a rifle is pretty effective at doing a decent bit of damage even to things at higher levels even though it's a single shot weapon with a pretty long reload time it's pretty great when paired with the right ride path I caught a van worm just before the serent mishap and fell in love with the combo of ignis blast and air cannon both quick projectile attacks with quick recharge times that can do a decent bit of damage but Pals can only have three moves and one gripe I would have with the move system is that they just autolearn the moves not asking for your input about what to keep and what to replace and I would learn about this part of the system the hard way I was going around taking on bosses and I would stumble into a strange noise yes oh my God the shiny chicken being wary from my first encounter with a lucky pal I didn't want to fail this one as well so I would just throw a ball with an 80% chance to catch as well as a back strike bonus that definitely wasn't also in Legends arus I was able to snag my shiny chicken but literally a minute later I would hear the noise again are you you joking but moments before engaging with it my van worm would learn a new move one that I was unfamiliar with and it messed up my Wombo Combo and between that and actually having the battle and weaken the monster my brain was in a bit of a scramble and well oh no no no dude oh I press the wrong button it's not exactly the game's fault because I pressed the wrong button but I would have liked to say in what moves my ride pal was learning instead of being in a somewhat familiar ride pal situation I was panicking and frenzied but at least I would get my first lucky pal out of these encounters enough to figure out what they actually do and enough to know that it's not exactly the end of the world to fail one while they are better in battle and at working it's not to such an extent that your game is unplayable if you fail one and some ordinary Pals with right combo of skills can be better than lucky Pals anyway I didn't even know what to do with my lucky chickp so I just kind of threw it at my starter base and the game was unintentionally Savage with the next lucky pal I'd find only about an hour after those two are you kidding me it's another chickp when you realize the only lucky Pals that you can catch are defenseless chickens that does damage to your soul I'd continue the loop of exploring defeating easy bosses catching extra Pals to level up and crafting things to make catching extra Pals easier and by the time I was 17 hours in I was able to start catching the normal mamars the smaller version of the huge boss that you see at the beginning of the game by this point something I had learned about this Loop is that the exploration part is honestly best done at nighttime While most of the time you can't see anything at all the main Collectibles and the Fast Travel points will glow from pretty much any distance away from them so you just fly to them during the night time getting the land surveyed for when you would really explore it later in the daytime having a bunch of fast points to go to when you're looking for a new base is extremely useful as about 20 hours in I was getting sick and tired of having to farm my own metal for stuff at the base because the ore is way too heavy and even with several investments in carry weight you can only do one or two rocks worth of farming before having to go back to the base so with a bunch of the mining Pals I would catch I would set up shop on the top of a cliff side which had tons of ore deposits and a nearby source of coal with the right set of Pals I could be passively farming metal and just have to come back to the base to smelt it when necessary there was a pond at the top of the cliff which made building a bit difficult but I was able to extend the shelter to be just over the water in what otherwise would have been an unbuildable space which left as many ore deposits as possible untouched as they can't respawn if something is blocking them my workers will get stuck in the water every now and then but it's a small price to pay building it didn't come without its troubles though the lack of a true grid based system is both good and bad good because you can place things however you want most of the time but bad because if you have something you want to be perfectly in line with something else it's almost impossible to do I still had to make the base self- sustaining so I would need some Pals to help run the Berry Farms that I would put up here pullit and Pang King are pretty easy to catch and offer some versatility outside of just their watering roll and fate would have it I would end up finding a pretty good penguin a shiny shiny penit I'd get the base nice and set up catching some bushy a great pal for smelting and doing other types of things around the base so I was free to explore with my new level of pal speres an exploration which ended in a self-inflicted death but I had gotten addicted to adventuring so after getting back my gear I was right back at it since I preferred exploration at night I'd fight bosses during the day and I felt I was finally ready for the bossed mamist while each hit didn't do too much damage I was able to fight it from the skies taking away much of its advantage and while I was whittling down its health bar in anticipation to catch it I had something unexpected happen you're kidding yes somehow yet another lucky pal and yet another chickp peea this makes for five of my six lucky Pals I've seen being birds and all four of them that I've got let me just have something different that I can actually catch please at this point in the game I just wanted to explore everything I was high enough level to survive potentially aggressive Pals by running away so exploration was the bulk of the remaining time I spent on the game thus far but getting in the way of that exploration was the temperature system you're too cold for the ice mountains and too hot for the desert and volcano so you need to make some cold resistant and heat resistant gear to be able to explore those areas so with trips to the base to make the gear I would need I proceeded to explore these higher level areas with one of these trips to the base bringing a welcome surprise wait shiny lamb ball I'd explore the volcanic island then the frosty Mountains for a bit then the desert and let me just say this map is massive sure the move speed leaves a little bit to be desired not sure if any particular mounts are faster than what I've got but it took me an hour just to go around the perimeter of the volcanic island and admittedly some parts of that were quite uninteresting not seeing a single pal for several minutes but other parts of it had these really weird structures leaving you wanting to know more about why they are here and I've explored the desert for about three times as long and still haven't charted the whole thing exploring the desert is the best way that I've found so far to farm higher level spheres chests are out in the open clearly visible and rather abundant so you just go around opening them maybe occasionally catching something you find however one of the dangers of exploring these higher level areas before you're 100% ready is finding something that you really want you should be able to handle two versus ones now oh my God are you kidding I have one hypersphere it's level 50 hell no rip big toys oh my God man it seems the lucky pals are on the higher end of the levels you can encounter in an area as the regular dig toys I saw here were between level 33 to 38 but at least the lamb ball earlier got me a non-bird lucky pal and I would end up being jump scared by another one of these big scary monsters whoa dude really just just on a silver platter huh this is just right literally almost inside me and aside from catching a few new Pals here and there to fill out a good chunk of the pal deck that just about wraps up the 69 at the time of recording this now 72 in-game days of experience that I've had thus far with the game I decided to buy it and try it out because it looked like a lot of fun and yeah it was a lot of fun and it makes me wish there wasn't as much controversy around the game Pokémon has basically created a monopoly on digital fantasy creature collecting games but another such game has finally come along and delivered an enjoyable experience and even does certain things way better than Pokémon particularly in the graphics Department though to be fair we're talking about Xbox and PC graphics versus the switch but as good as the game is you can't help but be disappointed that some of the designs are literally a walking copyright infringement case the game as a whole seems safe for now there was a dmca notice for a mod that turns the pals into actual Pokémon but no such thing has happened for the game itself perhaps legally speaking because it's inspired by Pokémon but not proven to be using any Pokémon assets it's fine or perhaps there's so much evidence to compile the lawsuit hasn't happened yet because the legal documents are taking that long to write but we as the consumers shouldn't be fighting this battle amongst each other at the end of the day whether you like poor or are completely against getting it you us the Pokémon fans we're getting a win out of this situation this shows game freak they can't exactly be complacent with the questionable quality of the recent games it shows them that maybe a Pokémon game can have good graphics maybe a Pokémon game can have custom difficulty settings again and maybe a Pokémon game can have guns violence murder and capturing humans but those things obviously wouldn't happen because you wouldn't be able to sell that to Children got to keep that e for everyone rating but controversy aside at the end of the day I'm just glad I got to play a good ass game
Channel: Trails Pokemon
Views: 57,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, best, shiny, shinies, worst, hunting, hunt, trails, trailspkmn, trailspkmnyt, pkmn, fastest, palworld, pals, pal, lucky, chikipi, lamball, surfent, fail, failed, fails, days, base, location, paldeck, hyper, giga, mega, ultra, spheres, farm, farming, controversy, twitter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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