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[Music] season 20 came out and I could not believe what my eyes were seeing the Mad Lads actually did it they buffed Mirage the end of an era so I had to do what any sane person would do and I burnt the last of the buff Mirage merch I [Music] had respawn thank [Music] you hey okay hey yo this that qu life crisis over border line trauma that control my life more than I control my life damn near mortified I just got the moral don't know as Apex Legends is now in its 20th season Yes you heard me right 20th season and after 5 years Apex Legends has made one of their biggest changes to the game yet while there is no new Battle Royale map no new weapon and there's no new Legend respawn has made up for it with their complete overhaul of the game play by introducing Legend upgrades Legend upgrades change the way the game plays by giving players different skill trees to choose from mid-match meaning that each time you play as a legend the gameplay can feel drastically different depending on the skills you choose as you level up level up what's that well you know Evo Shields well instead of just Shields your Legend's entire kit will level up as you rack up damage and once you level up to blue and then purple Shields that's when you'll unlock a new ability and don't worry if you're a camper or just scared of Confrontation you can also level up by finding evil Harvesters on the map and also evil caches in care packages but you'll also gain extra evil points for knocking enemies team wiping Reviving looting the assault or the support bins scanning beacons or even scanning care packages there are other ways but my point is that you don't need to kill a whole Lobby on drop just to get good armor but that is the fastest way by far because there also is no more armor on the floor so the only way to get good armor is to get good on top of that they streamlined the gameplay Loop by making big Quality of Life Changes by making the replicators instantaneous but you can only use once for a battery a medkit or ammo and we're not just talking like 20 shots we're talking 180 of each ammo type it's worth it so if you haven't played Apex Legends in a couple Seasons this season will feel very fresh but for this video I really want to talk about the legend upgrades because a lot of them are just straight Buffs I wanted to discuss each one in a little more detail so that all you noobs out there understand what your favorite Legends can do now and I will also point out if I like or dislike the changes as well because not all of the upgrades are equal you know some people got great upgrades that are broken and others got like pretty mediocre upgrades first up we got Ash her level two upgrade options are murder machine or one minute to live right off the bat both of these abilities are okay at best and borderline useless at worst while murder machine seems useful on paper compared to other Legends who got a similar if not better ability it's really a non-ability and in practice it doesn't even work sometimes I promised there was a squad nearby and she said nothing and while one minute to live extends the length of her passive this passive is so mid because of how rarely it would come up and actually be helpful okay well let's check the level three upgrades you have greedy snare and twin snares both of these are solid choices depending on if you're playing more defensive or aggressive but the greedy snare feels like the best option it's just great for holding down an area in general though her snare is a pretty okay tactical and only up upgrading that part of her kit won't push Ash to meta relevance my main suggestion I had for an upgrade is giving her two ultimate charges I think her ultimate is the best part of her kit and that extreme boost to Mobility would give her a chance to compete but I honestly think she still needs a full-on rework maybe one day we'll get Ash reborn next up is ballistic his level two upgrade options are AMU vision and care package Insight look seeing emmo in a box can help late game when you need to loot quicker but I really think ballistic could have gotten something spicier and revealing care packages that's just the skirmisher class and they do that for free these two upgrades for ballistic are genuinely disappointing his level three upgrades are extra bullet and a lasting bullet this is very similar to Ash do you want one better tactical or two but since his tactical is also underwhelming improving it while nice isn't what he needs to actually be better he's the weapon expert some ideas that I have for better upgrades are faster reloads Auto regenerate ammo on Knox or increase ultimate duration any of these will be better than any of his level two upgrade options Bangalore her level two upgrade options are big bang and ultimate cooldown plus this is a funny case of one being clearly the better option her ultimate is a very solid ultimate and reducing the cool down is amazing seeing nades through the wall and in death boxes it's so meh why would you choose that over getting your ultimate more her level three upgrade options are cover me and refuge now this this is how you upgrade a legend both of these perks are insane healing in the smoke can allow for you to survive a lot of fights you otherwise would wouldn't but Auto pinging with the double time ability which is essentially scanning is broken especially for a legend with smokes Bangalore didn't even need Buffs and the Ping ability might be a little bit much but I really do love these changes for her that's a w up next is fuse his level two upgrade options are big bang and Scar Tissue as you can tell they recycled a couple of these upgrade abilities which is very unfortunate especially when it's the ability Big Bang like this ability is so meh even for fuse who loves grenades scar tissue is easily the better option though taking 50% less damage and no slow effect from the motherload is what I suggested for fuse in my tier list video it's exactly what we've needed and it's the clear better choice in the level two upgrades for the level three upgrade options you have knuckle Hustler and Reckless both of these are phenomenal for fuse while taking less explosive damage is a huge deal for the grenade expert like fuse I think the knuckle Hustler is going to be crazy in the right hands it's essentially reverse double time because it's whenever you hit somebody not knuckle Hustler finally gives fuse a movement ability and that alone makes it nuts overall I do like these upgrades for fuse mad Maggie her level two upgrade options are Fireball and shot shot shot shot shot shot everybody while Auto reloading shotguns on knock isn't a bad option especially for Mad Maggie who loves using shotguns the wrecking ball Catching Fire is insanely good there's very little reason not to get this version of the wrecking ball it turn the wrecking ball into a beast especially indoors her level three upgrade options are big drill and drill Slinger also similar to Ash and Ballistic you have a choice of either better drill or two of them and in this case it's two weaker drills I personally think that the big drill is the better choice but both of these options have their versatility especially if your goal is to counter characters like catalyst so both are solid options once again respawn W now we got Horizon her level two upgrade options are battery collection and big bang again oh my God who cares honestly both of the these are pretty disappointing just pick the one that you feel like you'd use more do you want batteries or nades then you have your level three upgrade options tactical cooldown and ultimate cool down these are both pretty self-explanatory so here is the first instance of a character being so strong like Horizon that respawn was a little bit afraid of making her a little bit too strong one of my suggestions would have been to make it so that her accuracy is a little bit better on her tactical or that her ultimate has more Health but I do understand why respawn is being very cautious with a character like Horizon who is genuinely pretty broken at times stimes but these choices for upgrades are kind of a Miss but don't worry we make up for it with octane octane's level two upgrades are thick skin and Reckless both of these are great options for Octane and it really depends on your play style if you use stem all the time take thick skin if you're not using stem as much take Reckless and fans of mine will know that I recommended taking less STM damage as a buff for octane in my Legends tier list respawn are you guys watching me his level three upgrade options are airborne agility and mad hops as many people know respawn has gotten rid of of tap strafing in this game so while before you could change directions with the Launchpad with tap strafing with tap strafing being gone this allows for you to do those really cool Shenanigans with the jump pad anyway so that's nice but let's be honest here mad hops is insane gaining an extra Launchpad charge is incredible it feels like you can get across the map with ease and it makes octane who is already the most fun character even more fun W Pathfinder his level two upgrade options are field research and ring Master this is a great example of a skill tree both these options are very good and are very dependent on your team composition and where you're Landing then you have the level three upgrades down and away and zipline Zen the zipline Zen ability is very useful if you're a little bit more of a defensive player I mean it's not that useful you can still get killed pretty easily but down end away is going to cook people this is the buff that Pathfinder Mains have been begging for you can go in with the grapple get a knock and then get out for free and very high skill Pathfinder Mains will get a ton of value with this ability once again again another dub Revenant his level two upgrade options are murder machine which is the same one that Ash has and tactical cooldown his tactical is one of the best Mobility options and getting it faster is just useful his level three upgrade options are agile assassin and Grim leaper while agile assassin can be very useful I think most people that main Revenant are going to love the Grim leaper because Revenant Mains tend to be very aggro anyway they're going to be going in guns of Blazing and at least if they get the knock they can jump out to heal and reset while I do wish his upgrades gave a little bit more up upgrades to his ultimate I do think his level three upgrade options are solid Valkyrie her level two upgrade options are aerial expert and afterburners now that we have redeploy balloons as survival items Valkyrie has kind of fell to the Wayside so I do like that these upgrades are essentially reverting all of her Nerfs depending on the map you might need your ultimate to go higher but most of the time I think the height is fine and I think you'd rather have a little bit more control of your jetpacks her level three upgrade options are full coverage and full tank The increased jetpack fuel is very noticeable but the widening of the missile swarm pattern feels humongous and it turns her otherwise pretty okay tactical into a decent tactical I think vaines are going to be really happy with these upgrades wraith her level two upgrade options are 6 cents and tactical cooldown 6 cents is what murder machine the upgrade that Ash and Revenant have wishes it could be because it actually works consistently and in a game like Apex Legends where third parties are rampant it's very useful they're near you a lot of The Selfish TTV wraith Mains will probably choose the reduce Tactical cool down by 5 Seconds that tactical is pretty good her level three upgrade options are fast phase and ultimate cooldown plus both of these are solid options her teleporter is a great ultimate for safely getting your team across a map but the fast phase is essentially reverting the Nerf that they gave wraith a long time ago with the weird animation thing that she does getting rid of that is huge all of these options that she has are great and wraith is one of our biggest winners of this season Blood Hound their level two upgrade options are Raven blessing and tactical cooldown The Raven blessing ability is not bad it just requires the Ravens to function properly but in general the Tactical cooldown is probably the better bet as blood Hound's tactical is the best part of their kit their level three upgrade options are Odin's glare and taste of blood scanning people for longer is only helpful but that gain on 25 HP while the ultimate is active in the right hands you could be so scary to deal with while I wish Taste of the blood went a little bit further and made it so that it's on any knock regardless if your ultimate is active or not I do think all of these upgrades are solid crypto his level two upgrade options are tactical cooldown plus and ultimate cool down it's pretty self-explanatory pick your poison do you want your drone more or do you want your ultimate more I personally would rather have my ultimate more his level three upgrade options are network expansion and network traffic the network traffic ability seems like it'd be a good idea but if you're pulling your drone out anyway you're probably already getting that info but the network expansion that is nuts look how big this EMP is it's kind of scary I do wish they added an extra upgrade where they can allow for the Drone to just follow you it might be a little bit too much but it'd be fun to test sear his level two upgrade options are Long View and racing Hearts I don't think moving faster while using the passive is as useful as increasing the range that you have with it so long view in my opinion is the clear winner here his level three upgrade options are artist reach and focus scan while throwing the ultimate further can be useful I think increasing the Tactical scan duration is going to be a bigger deal especially when you combine it with the level two upgrade of Long View a lot of these changes are kind of reverting some of the Nerfs they gave sear so hopefully this helps the sear Mains out there but not in a way where Sear's meta again I don't think anybody wants SE her back Vantage her level two upgrade options are ring Master kind of like Pathfinder and ultimate reload once again this is just dependent on what your team composition is sometimes you might need access to ring consoles and the times that you don't use ultimate reload getting extra ammo like that is huge the level three upgrade options are bat bounce and Sharpshooter look the bat bounce is great it gives you a lot more distance to cover but my God Sharpshooter is busted you're refreshing tactical not on knocks but on hits with the ultimate this is very easy to do and gives Vantage a lot more Mobility to all my vantage mains you guys are going to be eating good this season Catalyst level two upgrade options are long cast and sister spikes I don't think throwing your Spike further is going to come up as often as needing extra spikes which is simply reverting one of the Nerfs they gave Catalyst in the first place her level three upgrade options are long Veil and resilient Veil both of these have their utility but depending on where the ring ends up you might need a longer Veil or you might need a longer lasting Veil I love these two options it truly feels very game depending Catalyst upgrades are a dubb without breaking her costic level two upgrade options are parabolic force and particle diffuser increasing your Tactical throw range is funny but I don't think it's as useful as increasing the ultimate area of effect his ultimate goes from scary but avoidable to scary and unavoidable you're going to want to use this one trust his level three upgrade options are breathe it in and residual toxins I never felt like I needed more noox Vision breathing in in though is going to be huge free healing is always a huge huge deal and as a cost thick boy myself I love these upgrades although I would replace residual toxins with maybe an upgrade that increases the health of each gas canister something to consider respawn up next is rampart her level two upgrade options are Bandelier and ultimate cooldown these are a tad bit underwhelming especially when Bandelier is essentially the assault class passive perk that they get for free I think they could have done a little bit better here her level three upgrade options are amp reloads and ramped up while I'm a huge fan of using Sheila and trust me ramped up makes it very easy hemped reloads is crazy one of my suggestions to buff Rampart was giving her the ability to just faster load with everything and this essentially does that so thank you for listening respawn because I love these level three upgrade options Watson her level two upgrade options are falling stars and Fresh Start If you don't feel like you're going to be camping that much Fresh Start is a good choice but the falling stars ability is so funny defending your team and then also simultaneously getting Arc stars is a combination I never thought would happen and I'm so glad this upgrade exists her level three upgrade options are power pylon and split circuit I like these choices where it's either do you want a better version of it or two of it in this scenario I actually think getting two pylons is the play the extra health is nice but it's still pretty easy to destroy and having two pylons instead and also way faster ultimate accelerent use just seems like the better choice Big W for Watson Ms out there conduit her level two upgrade options are battery collection again and radiant transfer I would choose the radiant transfer having that extra range for your Tactical is definitely going to matter more than seeing it back batteries exist in death boxes I really don't like battery collection as you can tell her level three upgrade options are bigger jam and split charge I don't know if I like having two weaker tacticals I think I much prefer the one stronger tactical it just feels a little bit more consistent at times but time will tell if this is actually the better choice but the bigger Jam is definitely a net positive for conduit ultimate creating even more space than it already does these are some okay changes for conduit jalter his level two upgrade options are fresh start and shot shot shot shot shot shot everybody fresh startart is going to be a great choice for Gibby because he has one of the safest revives in the game but he's also one of the best Legends with shotguns so I actually don't mind him getting this repeat ability that mad Maggie has his level three upgrade options are baby bubble and bubble bunker normally I wouldn't mind getting the bubble faster but the size difference is huge look at them side by side I think just having the bubble last longer is the better choice but still their scenarios where maybe you need the bubble more so I do like that these options exist maybe they should make the bubble a little bit bigger than 25% smaller Lifeline her level two upgrade options are rapid response and tactical kudon plus I think both of these are good options but rapid response just feels like the correct option your revive is the best in the game and doing it faster is a net bonus for your whole team her level three upgrade options are gift WRA and Last Stand if your team is not that kitted gift wrapped might be the play because if you guys can get a craber or a wingman or an EVA Shotgun it's only going to be helpful and these supply drops also come with EVO caches which will guarantee level your EVO to the next level so if one of your teammates needs to get to purple right now gift wrapped could be the play but Last Stand gaining a sub Rive is pretty sick it is a little bit more selfish but hey us Lifeline Mains deserve to be selfish every now and then overall a humongous W for Lifeline as a Lifeline main I am so happy that she is significantly better this time Loba her level two upgrade options are high value and Market expansion her ultimate range is already pretty big but damn this is big however I think high value is a little bit more of a high value you you can finally reach places that you normally weren't able to and go way further and I think staying alive as Loba is definitely the bigger deal her level three upgrade options are shopping spree and tactical cooldown I suggested that Loba take extra items from black markets as a buff in my tier lless video and seeing it here feels very satisfying but I think more selfish players will take the Tactical cooldown reduction really decent options for Loba Mirage his level two upgrade options are Miracle Worker and more me do you want to be more more of the support player then take the Miracle Worker do you want to be more of an offensive player pick more me gaining that extra decoy during your ultimate is going to make a difference and also your ultimate comes back Stupid Fast his level three upgrade options are Bamboozled bonus and me too so my dream buff to Mirage was gain a decoy charge and it's great don't get me wrong having two is awesome but my God bamboozle bonus might be the most busted ability that Mirage has ever gotten if done correctly you can essentially have unlimited tacticals because every every single time they shoot a tactical you can just Spam another one out there and they'll probably shoot that one because they don't know if it's you or not the Bamboozle bonus is nuts and Mirage has finally been buffed thank you so much respawn and last but certainly not least we have Newcastle his level two upgrade options are Swift shield and thick Shield being able to run with your Shield is awesome but let's be honest the shield being stronger is definitely the better choice it is like a full-on Gibby bubble on Wheels the level three upgrade options are Miracle work worker just like Mirage and stronghold both of these are great options if you're more of a support like I said take the Miracle Worker Newcastle has one of the safest revives in the game but depending on the map you might need a better castle wall and these castle walls have a ton of HP one final W for Newcastle Apex Legends breakout is the most exciting season seeing every single Legend get overhauled whether it be a very small change to very drastic changes is a net bonus for everybody the game at this moment feels very fun and very fresh and the best part about this whole skill tree upgrade system is that respawn now has another way to balance this game without having to drastically overhaul Legends every single time don't get me wrong some Legends like ash greatly need reworks but I love that now Legends can essentially have extra abilities added to their kit or taken away with the legend upgrade system and I think because of this system the future is very bright for Apex Legends let me know in the comments down below if you like the upgrade system if you dislike it let me know what your favorite Legend upgrade is in the comments down below okay I'll catch you later you [Music] new
Channel: Macro
Views: 357,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, season 20, breakout, apex legends breakout, apex, new season, new legend, legend upgrades, legend upgrade, buff mirage, ash, pathfinder, octane, double jumppad, ultimate, tactical, apex legends season 20, macro, the macro show, mirage, lifeline, self revive, last stand, battle royale, multiplayer, gameplay, rework, skill tree, revenant, new map, upgrades, evo cache, evo harvester, evo, for noobs, patch notes, update, how to apex legends, guide, beginners guide, noob guide
Id: 4bvqNVGyV2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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