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[Music] great great a great a great asset a great great a great a great asset great great a great a great asset a great great great a great asset found a shovel on the floor how much can I sell this for now I got to find some more got to got to find some more entering the door is going to go in and explore but it's dark like a wh with monsters I can't ignore found a lamp found some keys found a q batteries found a mask and a sign found some bottles and a sign found a log and a sign wait why are there so many signs is there like a street nearby like what took it all to the ship sold it all to survive did we hit quot or do I get to stay alive nope damn I guess I'm fired great great a great a great asset a great great a great a great asset great great a great a great asset a great great a great a great [Music] asset qu life crisis over borderline trauma that control my life more than I control my life damn near mortified I just got demoralize I don't know my purpose so [Music] I'm hey what you got there bud oh is that a displate yeah it is this video is sponsored by this plate hi dis plate makes some high quality awesome metal posters but they're more than just metal posters they're a carbon neutral company that's working to help our environment by planting trees providing clean energy and reducing waste they even craft each poster with locally sourced materials and ship and recyclable cardboard with over 19 million trees planted they're working hard to do good while creating awesome art that awesome art covers things you like like Marvel Star Wars and much much more they're extremely easy to install you don't need any power tools or a hammer you don't need a bang on anything just stick it on the wall when you're ready and when they're done they look really sick you see here I really like jiujitsu kaisen and Halo so yeah there's variety but they also let artists open up their own shops and sell art to turn their passion into a job so check out display to discover your new favorite art today and if you use the discount code macro you can save 222% off up to two posters and if you buy three or more posters you can save 33% off so what are you waiting for spice up your boring old room with displate now back to the video lethal company is an indie Cooperative survival horror game developed by zers which isn't a studio it's one dude yeah kind of amazing the premise is super simple you and your team of co-workers are working for the company and task with collecting any scrap that you can find and then you can sell the scraps to hopefully meet the daily quota if you do congrats you get rewarded with not dying then you get to do it all over again find scrap sell the scrap meet the quota and never stop making the company proud because if you don't well it wasn't my fault it wasn't my fault was your fault I didn't do anything wrong I followed the pet awesome if I had a nickel for every hit indie game with Goofy crew mates that also launched the crew mates out of a ship I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot of nickels but it's weird that it happen twice right so you may be thinking if I'm just Gathering scrap why would we ever not meet the quota well for starters the game has a built-in proximity chat that makes the game naturally very goofy but also slightly more challenging since you can't coordinate as easily since if you're not next to somebody you can't talk to them and that also means you can't talk to them if you're dead yeah I'm trying to here jump to me you see me jump to me a and the other challenging part about this game is that that everything and I mean everything can and will kill you friend holy I [Music] died and if you die you lose some money and if all of your co-workers die any scrap that you would have taken with you on the ship is just going to go away thankfully you have multiple days to reach the quota and you get respawn back in between days so you still can make the company money you can also use your money to buy useful items like flashlights to see in the dark walkie-talkies to better communicate from afar I guess what I wanted to say was oh is this our song This is Our Song bro and jetpacks to do jetpack things be free be free you're safe is she dead wait wait oh oh my God or you can buy less useful items like a welcome mat a jackal Lantern or a jetpack I'm telling you guys right now I'm not letting the boss take me circle circle you'll never take me alive he killed multiple people oh is everyone dead and in order to get these items this rocket from the sky will come down play some ice cream music and then that's when you get the items and you can spend money to go to different moons with weirder creatures and die from even creepier things that's the mess that killed us stop those are the mess stop no ST depending on how many items you bring back to the ship you'll be graded for the day from F to S tier does this matter not really but hey maybe you're obsessed with grades and are trying to get into an Ivy League or something then yeah you can try hard you can also just be on Discord the whole time and not use proximity chat but then the game would lose all of its charm and come on that's just lame so that's lethal company in a nutsh show there's obviously a ton of other things that I will discuss in the pros and cons but I know right now you want me to give my opinion on the game so I will in the lethal company is such a great time with friends it reminds me of the good old days playing Among Us and having a blast just goofing off except this time it's more Cooperative than you know stabbing each other in the back Mr tun HD I'm not scar of you anymore oh hey what are you doing over here okay so sometimes it's like that but not all the time the game is very simple mechanically so anyone can really enjoy this game since you don't have to be an FPS trickshot Pro to do well and while the graphics aren't 4K HD it does work for this setting especially because it's a pretty scary game so the low resolution kind of helps make the game not feel as scary all the time but trust me it can be scary as hell the proximity chat is amazing it changes sounds if you're underwater drowning or in a wide space for Echoes oh the sound design in general is actually so clean for such a lowbudget game and also it's what makes the game naturally super funny made scanning Macro for brain no brain pound so yes the game kind of requires a microphone to play so all my introverts afraid of social interaction you're going to have to chat for once okay so while there aren't a ton of moons to explore yet there's a lot of variety when you add in Rain fog and the eclipse the game is also $10 on Steam and seeing as it's a surprise success I know that it will eventually come to consoles and have crossplay so console fans sorry you can't play it yet but when you do I know you'll love it the game play is a bit clunky at times you can randomly get stuck in areas for no reason the movement can also cause some issues for you making some areas a little trickier to Traverse but it's not impossible and while I like that there's Variety in the way the moon's weather can change fog objectively just sucks at least in Rain you can still see even if electrified bees are trying to kill you lightning strikes and oh no oh well also the Interiors of the main free moons all look similar there are more unique indoor areas but those are on moons that cost money and every time you're fired you have to restart and you have no choice but to start with these moons and in the inside they all kind of look the same it would be nice if these beginning moons had some more variety indoors and just some more spice you know and it doesn't help that the gameplay Loop gets a little repetitive I just want the developers to add more moons that are free there's also some glitches that can really affect the game play like getting killed by monsters through the walls of the ship oh or hearing your friend in The Ether I am in a disembodied Dimension okay you might you might need to leave rejoin bro and also this game really isn't a solo game it only really works with friends yes you technically can play alone but why so people without friends I'm sorry this just might not be your game thankfully you can join lobbies and the lobbies will tell you if they're going to use microphones or not in case you're that shy you know it is limited to four players but there are mods already that let you have outrageous sized lobbies in the J J there's even mods to get yourself goofy cosmetics and much much more and also if you die early it is kind of boring there's not really much to do except spectate I wish there was maybe a little bit more you could do when you're dead like I don't know maybe be a ghost and haunt your friends that could be actually pretty fun oh my gosh I just had an idea where you can play as the monsters that would be such a good mod if that doesn't already exist modders you got to do it overall lethal company is an insanely fun time throughout this video I sprinkled you with Clips I have so many more that I'm just going to show you right now check out how stupidly funny this game is is that sign metal yeah I think so oh you oh no oh my God the timing oh my God the big scoter I found something look I found a got it oh there's also a land mine next to it it's kind of convenient that you uh didn't point out the landmine that was next to it I didn't know that was a land mine man I I apologize uhhuh there a land mine though watch out see how easy that was per for me to warn you about the landmine what landine mother C can I solve it yeah go ahead go ahead try it okay yeah I don't I don't think I can solve it bro you don't think it's naturally this fun and it's the right amount of scary you know I know I've compared it a lot to among us but it really does give me that Vibe when it comes to how much fun I'm having with some of my friend groups and unlike Among Us it appears that this developer really does want this game to succeed and is not going to wait a full 3 years to add two maps I hope Seekers please so I'll be giving lethal company a nine out of 10 I think if they add a little bit more to do so the gameplay Loop isn't repetitive and fix some of the glitches that this game could easily be a 9.5 or even dare I say I won't say it but what do you think have you played Lethal company and if so what would you rate it also let me know in the comments down below the scariest thing that you ran into because maybe I'm just a little baby but like it gets your heart going anyways I got to go back to my work because even though I got fired I keep respawning into this ship and they keep telling me that I'm a great great asset great great asset so I'll catch you later yeah no [Music] yeah
Channel: Macro
Views: 242,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lethal company for noobs, lethal company review, lethal company guide, beginners guide, lethal company funny moments, indie game, horror game, scary moments, macro, the macro show, parashockx, circletoonshd, lethal, company, among us, amongus, eclipse, rain, fog, stop sign, jetpack, new moons, developer, zeekerss, review, gameplay, multiplayer, mods, lethal company mods, modded lethal company, how to lethal company, for noobs, makes no sense, intro, lore, enemies, monsters, jump scare, mod
Id: GePNdDGGl2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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