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hey guys welcome back to the channel you know I love you right of course I do because I'm about to get you from Level 1 to 50 in absolutely no time so you can spend more time with your girlfriend more time outside touching Grass more time taking care of your kids I mean the list goes on and on maybe you want to spend time with your parents maybe you want to go out of the state country something like that well hey here's the guide for you to give you just that much more time back in your day maybe you can go do some other activities right I'm here to help you guys out all right and I know there's people out there that won't like this and I'm sorry guys maybe it's not for you but I'm here to save some people some time so call me Mr Lifesaver call me Mr timesaver whatever you want to call me but I'm doing this for you guys all right because I love you so damn much all right with that being said guys I got a full guide from you from start to finish so if that sounds good make sure you watch the video all the way through and don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed this content and guys this is a little disclaimer keep this in mind that this will only work on personal servers not Community servers and it will only worked for the host with that being said guys just so you know that information let's get into the video all right guys let's kick things off with the prep work so right now we're going to start in our world settings we're going to go to custom settings these are the settings you're going to want to have right here so to start things off you're going to want to have daytime speed set to 0.1 you're then going to want to have nighttime speed set to five you're going to want to have exp rate set to 20 you're going to want to have pal capture rate set to two damage from Pals multiplier set to 0.1 damage to Pal's multiplier set to five pal Hunger depletion rate set to 0.1 pal stamina reduction rat set the 0.1 pal Auto Health regeneration rat set the five player hunger depletion rate set the 0.1 player stamina reduction rate set to 0.1 player Auto Health regeneration rate set to five play player sleep Health regeneration reset to five gatherable item multiplier set to three gatherable object Health multiplier set to three gatherable object respawn interval set the three dropped items multiplier set the three enable raid events set the off and finally you're going to want to have death penalty set to no drops guys to keep things brief the reason why we set up our world settings this way is to help increase XP gain help player and pal surviveability and also maintaining that stamina as we're moving along throughout the world finally not to mention it ALS o increases the rate in which We Gather materials so that will help speed up the process for crafting different items that we're going to need structures that we're going to need Etc with that being said let's move over to Technologies all right and as for the Technologies we're going to need to get to the end goal with the exploit so we can get to level 50 we're going to want to have a primitive workbench Stone axe stone pickaxe a handheld torch a pal boox a pal sphere a repair bench an old bow arrows cloth cloth outfit pal gear workbench primitive furnace and finally a Nightwing saddle now guys please keep in mind I know there was a few unlocks in that tree the ones that I said are the ones you're 100% going to need it makes things a lot easier and you know that's what we're going to be working towards in the beginning for the prep work going from 1 to 15 and that's what you're going to need in the technology trade but I'll go into more of that as we go along and two very important Pals that we're definitely going to want to have and capture in the beginning area when we're doing our prep work is Fox Parks which he helps with k Ling so we'll need that for ingots and we're also going to need a Nightwing of course because that's what we're kind of working towards when we get the 15 to get the saddle so we can fly to the location that we need to be at to do the exploit and get the 50 all right guys now that we went over different Technologies and the pounds that you're definitely going to want to capture for yourself move forward I'm going to go ahead and provide a shopping list of things that you're going to want to get along the way as you're leveling up to 15 that's going to basically make your life so much easier when it comes to crafting these different Technologies so I'm going to go ahead and we're going to show those on screen in a moment here all right guys here's the official shopping list of materials you're going to need to craft the different Technologies and they are in no particular order so it's wood fiber Stone ore pum fragment leather flame organ wool and I also went ahead and added Ingot on this list even though you don't particularly find this like every other material you're seeing on screen but you do get this when you take ore and put it in the furnace and that's how you get that material so that's just for awareness for you guys now I know I gave you the shopping list but you're probably asking yourself where can I find these materials don't worry I got you covered now let's start things off with wool so you can get those from Lambo Cris and malpa and let's not forget malpa also has leather as well Fox Parks has leather and Flame organs Nightwing has leather and I'm not sure if I'm going to pronounce his name right but Iker has leather as well you can also get stone and ore from these rock formations you can also get stone and pum fragments from these rock formations you can get pum fragments from these rock formations with a little bit of blue and you can get ore guaranteed from the rock formations with a little bit of red in it finally you get wood and fiber from trees and I know some of you might be wondering where is the ingots at again guys that comes from adding ore to the furnace and guys I will be speeding up parts of the video so you guys don't have to sit through every little thing I've done in the video and trust me when I say this it does not take long to do anything in this video it's just I was putting a lot of things together when I was making it so I don't want you guys to sit through all the extra stuff that I did so you will see everything don't worry once you gather two wood at least you can go ahead and craft your first structure which is the Primitive workbench which is going to be basically where we're going to craft a lot of our items moving forward and in a second here you're going to see me craft a handheld torch for two wood and two Stone which is going to be paired up with our cloth outfit later on to keep us warm on our journey now that we have our handheld torch made we're going to go ahead and gather more Stone and more wood to make our Stone Axe and stone pickaxe which is is Five Stone and five wood a piece these two items are absolutely crucial for helping us gather materials a lot quicker as we go along and guys just as a reminder as you're going around Gathering materials and crafting different things don't forget to use your technology points that you're getting from leveling up so you can get the rest of the structures and items that you're going to need moving forward to kind of get us to that end goal that we're trying to strive for right now all right guys and coming up soon you're going to see me go ahead and craft two cloth which requires two wool and then I'm going to go ahead and use the two cloth to craft the cloth outfit which we're going to need later with the torch so we can get to our destination without freezing to death coming up we're definitely not going to want to forget about our old bow which requires 30 wood Five Stone and 15 fiber and we're also going to want ahead and make some arrows which is one wood and one stone we will be needing the old bow and arrows of course to help us fight against different Pals and especially when we go to fight the Nightwing because it's flying around it makes things difficult so it's easier to have something that could hit things in the air guys we cannot forget about the pal speres which is going to be a very crucial item later on when we actually get done with all the prep work cuz we're going to need these not only to capture the pals that we're going to need in the beginning here for the prep work we're also going to need the P spheres later on to do the exploit and glitch that is going to help us get the 50 really quick all right guys with the p speres in hand let's go ahead and use our old bow that we crafted earlier to lower the health of the Nightwing so we have a better chance of capturing him which we do right here boom we got the Nightwing and now we have a big and crucial part in our prep work to get to the destination that we're going to want to get to now I'm going to go ahead and craft the pal gear workbench which requires 10 pum fragments 30 wood and two cloth we will need this bench specifically for creating the Nightwing saddle at level 15 all right with the PO gear workbench complete I'm going to go ahead and start working on the primitive furnace which requires 20 wood 50 Stone and three flame organs the flame organs as I mentioned before comes from defeating Fox parks and guys the point of this primitive furnace is that we're going to take it and use it to craft ingots for our material that we're going to use to make our Nightwing saddle later on all right with the Primitive workbench complete we're going to head over to these reddish looking rocks and gather some additional ore one of the biggest ingredients to make the Nightwing saddle is ingots which requires 30 ore to make 15 ingots so keep that in mind guys in a moment you'll see that I'm like 16 ore short so I only got seven at the moment some point I'm going to go ahead and gather some more but of course guys like I mentioned before you're definitely going to want to have a repair bench because as you're Gathering all this material you'll definitely break a lot of your weapons and items and stuff along the way so definitely go ahead and get yourself a repair bench crate like I did just now now with our pickaxe restored and repaired we're going to go ahead and gather the rest of our ore which by the time we're done collecting it all we should have about like 40 ore which gives us around 20 ingots and that is five more ingots than we actually need to create the Nightwing saddle which puts us in good shape and all we have left to get is the 20 leather 10 claw 20 fiber and 20 pum fragments and guys if you made it this far in the video I just wanted to say I absolutely appreciate it I know the prep work seems a little tedious at first but guys I mean with this kind of guide in mind you guys can you know plan it all out the way you want to and you don't have to build anything or gather anything in any particular order that I did in the video it's just kind of like uh if you want to you can and everything's kind of laid out for you and a sense to get you ready in the beginning to get where we're trying to go for the exploit to get the 50 and one additional thing I wanted to go ahead and address is I know that right now I'm level 11 and I probably could be a lot higher level right now to get the saddle unlocked at level 15 but realistically if you do the prep work and as you see throughout the rest of the video I end up getting the 15 Anyway by the time I get done colle colleting pretty much everything I need and I mean if anything I feel like that's a more effective way of going about it now with that addressed I'm going to go ahead and start working on capturing my first Fox Parks which I'm going to use for kindling the furnace so we can take that order that we deposited in there and turn it into ingots to use later on to create the saddle for the Nightwing now with Fox Parks captured we can go ahead and head back to the base and assign him to the furnace where it he take the ore that we deposited earlier and turn it into the ingots that we're going to need later on so guys if you know no at this part I assigned Fox parks to the furnace but when I walked away he ran along with me and we don't want that to happen because we want him to stay here and create the Ingot so right now you'll see I'm just kind of standing here and this is really not an effective way that's why you want to go ahead and create your pal box like I am right now and once you do you can go ahead and assign him to the base and once you do that he'll know exactly where to go he'll go to the furnace cuz that's where he needs to be to go ahead and create the ingots so please create a pail box that you can go around and do the rest of the stuff you need to do and take care of what you need to take care of while he's going ahead and creating the ingots for you and with that that is exactly what I'm going to go ahead and go do I'm just going to run around and just continue to get my last couple levels I'm already level 13 so I'm just going to keep on feeding different Pals Gathering materials capturing Pals as I'm kind of running along I'm just doing a little bit of this a little bit of that as I'm just kind of running around getting those additional levels and stuff like that so you know if you guys are to the point where you're pretty much done and all you got to do is create the saddle like I am right here then just go ahead and get the rest of your materials get a couple of your levels and because we have that 20 XP going we're getting a lot of XP as we're just doing normal things around the area which is why I said before just best to kind of run around and just gather the materials you know defeat the different Pals capture the pals you need do the prep work and then all of a sudden next thing you know you'll be 15 now that we are finally level 15 we can go back to the base where we're going to open up our Technologies and finally unlock the option to craft the Nightwing saddle and now we're going to take a look and make sure we have everything we need to make the saddle but it looks like we are short 10 cloth four fiber and one pum fragment so I'm going to go ahead and create those 10 cloth right now then afterwards I'm going to go ahead and go get the remaining fiber and pum fragments so we go ahead and create that Nightwing saddle all right now that we gathered all of our material we can go ahead and create the Nightwing saddle which is one of the items that we've been working really hard in our prep work to get towards this is definitely a big piece of getting to that place where we want to be at to do the exploit to get to 50 so before we go we're going to want to make sure that we go ahead create a couple more pal spheres cuz we're going to need this also when we get to our destination so go ahead and make a couple maybe you might have to go back and get some more later but not a big deal you can always go back gather some materials and whatnot and just do that later and with the prep work done you can see right now I'm looking at the map because I'm going to set a custom Mar marker for the location the pal genetic research unit Tower entrance at - 139 466 and guys if you have a hard time marking it on the map like I did cuz I put mine to negative 138 466 just feel free to keep watching I mean I would hope you would do that guys anyway cuz like I said it's a full guide if you watch from start to finish you're going to get the most out of it so yeah definitely go ahead and just keep watching the video and follow along with me if you're at this point and I will show you EX exactly how to get there so as we're flying along here you'll see this really tall ice mountain in the distance with a tower on top and you can literally just fly straight towards that the entire time like I did and you'll see that right now I speed up the video you just see me keep flying in that direction guys it does take a very long time to fly all the way across the map if anybody else has figured out a way to go from the beginning here all the way over there somehow by some zip method across the map please let let me know in the comments section I would love to know with that being said guys the reason why we're going over to this specific point of interest is because it is at the final boss location of Victor and Shadow beak and this is where we will optimize our XP gains substantially using the exploit that I will be showing you later on in this video of course right now you have to watch me go from all the way in the beginning of the map all the way to the location so once we get to that point and we get to the checkpoint I will explain that further and guys since we have a little bit of extra time here I wanted to go ahead and explain and kind of reiterate again since I said it in the beginning you guys will want to be in your own personal server and the host will be the only one that's going to benefit from the XP gain the substantial XP gain in this exploit okay anybody can do the exploit that's in your lobby anybody that's in your personal world but they're not going to get the the same amount of XP as you the host if that all makes sense so keep that in mind all right guys now that we arrived at our location we are now finally at the checkpoint pal genetic research unit Tower entrance as you see right here and I'm going to go ahead and slow it down so you guys can see the giant straight line that I ran in basically from start to finish from here just giving you guys another really good visual on kind of the direction you would need to go and now that we made it to our Waypoint we can now fast travel back to the Waypoint plateau of Beginnings where we can start the exploit once you get back to the plateau of Beginnings you're going to want to attack the Expedition Survivor and once you do that the pidf guards will be after you for an assault charge and you're going to want to fast travel back to the pal genetic research unit Tower Waypoint that we just got not long ago once you get back to the pal genetic research unit Tower entrance Waypoint you're going to want to go ahead and slide down the hill and the pidf guards will not be far behind you so just keep on going down down till you get to the pal genetic research unit Tower and once you go into the boss room they will follow behind you now at this part of the video I'm going to actually slow it down so I can kind of explain some things as we go along so once you're in the boss room of Victor and Shadow beak the goal is very simple you want to bug him out so you can capture him which is not something you can do normally so in order to get this done and to have this happen you want to use the PF guards to shoot Victor and Shadow beak you do not want to do damage first cuz it will mess up the glitch so go ahead and run off to the left like I did as you see on screen now or anywhere else you want to go and what you're going to want to do is just bait their bullets to the point where it actually hits Victor and Shadow beak as you see here he'll glitch out as you see right now he just runs off runs to the wall runs to the corner whatever and you throw the pow ball at his back now do not throw it at the front of him because it will mess up the glitch and you'll have to start over again as well and you see you get to 2 million XP and you go from level 15 to 41 now guys once you're done you're just basically going to want to either let the PFG guards kill you or respawn back at the plateau of beginnings and just rinse and repeat what we just did and guys it should only take about around five or so tries to get to max level which is 50 so just kind of keep that in mind moving forward it won't take you very long after this so I'm just going to go ahead and let the rest of the video play out I'm just going to let it play fast because there's really no sense of you watching me do the same thing I just did again if you guys need to slow something down there's always a uh slow down option on YouTube so you guys can go ahead and click that button and slow the video down if you need to see something in slow motion or whatever and if you guys have any questions just ask me in the comment section and I'm more than willing to answer any questions you guys have so with that being said guys I appreciate you watching this full guide video and stopping by and all that good stuff don't forget to like And subscribe and all that good stuff too and I'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: ProNader
Views: 2,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld how to level up fast, Palworld exp farm, Palworld xp glitch, Palworld xp farm, Palworld xp, Palworld level fast, Palworld fast leveling, Palworld level up, Palworld level glitch, Palworld level 50, Palworld easy xp, Palworld glitch, Palworld exploit, Palworld glitch xp, Palworld glitches and exploits, Palworld best way to level up, Palworld fast xp, Palworld fast exp, Palworld fastest leveling, xp glitch palworld, level up fast palworld, best xp palworld, guide, tip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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