Ozark Trail 10-Piece Camp & Cook Dine Kit - Walmart Budget Gear Series

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hey guys there any here and welcome to the paleo hiker MD Channel today we're gonna start a new series on the channel that should be a recurring series over time it's looking not just a budget gear but gear that you can specifically get at your local Walmart Ozark Trail and a lot of other companies sell things very cheaply at Walmart and sometimes they're good value and sometimes they're not that's what this series is all about today we're gonna take a look at this which is the 10 piece camp and cook dine set it's only 14 dollars and 88 cents thanks for watching [Music] one of the things I hear a lot is about how expensive gear is and I don't disagree at all there's a lot of really expensive gear if you're going to get into ultra light or lightweight gear you tend to pay more for the lighter things are and it can get frustrating especially for somebody who's just getting into outdoors backpacking hiking bushcrafting whatever it might be and Walmart actually really provides quite a bit of things that can be useful and they're decent quality what I want to find out is are some of these commonly used kits or commonly sold kits worth the money we're looking at 15 dollars here for this particular kit what we get in it is pretty good so let's take a look and see exactly what comes with the kit and we'll look at every individual component before we get any further guys I just want to ask you haven't subscribed I'd love for you to click that button now and at the end of the video if you liked it give me the thumbs up like this video it really helps spread it out across the YouTube algorithm and helps the channel grow thanks alright so this is the cook kit itself let's open it up this is what comes in the kit okay I've got a outside bag here now I see something popping up so this is probably some utensils all right so pretty straightforward we've got two sporks right and a little carrying case for them so let's take a look first at this particular bag so this thing is obviously the size of the pot but it is clearly made to hold water if you can see in there very good but it probably has rubberized welding you know to try to get it to hold water so while we're looking at the rest of the stuff I'm gonna go get some water and we're gonna put it in here and see if it holds I'm exactly how much that is that's about half of a Nalgene full put it to the side while we look at the rest it is so we will see that it's got a folding handle this is rubberized right here okay the top is basically plastic all right this is just a hard molded plastic does have a little lip around it that's rubberized that should grab on pretty well and it does you know it's not the tightest fitting lid but again we're looking at $15 one thing we can note is it has a plastic thing so we can hold it if it gets hot it's not going to get very hot because it's not metal it also has these little serrations here little holes so that you can put this on and pour it out in empty water like a strainer all right let's see what else is in here I'm looking for the first time with you guys so we'll leave the pot for last here so here are two each of these are the same okay so we have one cup basically this is another cup that is rounded with a like a little neoprene sleeve so it doesn't get too hot and then you have a top so that's not too bad this does have marquees you're not be able to see it it holds just over two cups I would imagine that this one holds about two cups and this was just over two cups and not too bad again they nest together okay and you have a top that goes on and it does lock on there so that's kind of nice this is I would assume the same thing just a different color yeah it's the same thing same sizes the end of this one's black I imagine we can probably see the gradations better a 500 milliliter mark for two cup mark you can put a little bit more than that but that's how much the grades are up to so that's kind of nice oh those are two cups two bowls so you can easily eat out of a bowl and drink out of the cup and do that for two people and of course we have the two spoons now the main star of the show is this right here this is an aluminum cup 6.1 inches around basically and then six and a half inches in depth so it is a pretty large and this is designed again as a two-person kit what I'm going to do is we're going to see how water boils in this thing I'm just going to pull out my mighty mo from Jetboil and we're going to bowl this up and we're going to get the water out of here I can tell you all this has been sitting here no leakage whatsoever so that's kind of nice you can see where you could use this to wash dishes afterwards you could fill this with water wash dishes that's what it's designed for but it is nice that it is pretty much waterproof so one of the things that you always look for to make sure that the handle stays nice and cool this is very stable it's a pretty large pot so it's very stable on my stove here okay and these handles are not at all getting hot which is nice even if they do get a little hot here on the inside it's a pretty long handle so you can grab it on the outside and and hold it without much issues there's not much magic about boiling water in a pot but I just wanted to make sure that it didn't warp or have anything when it's subjected to heat and it looks pretty good so far so now I'm not gonna lie I'm a little curious this water is essentially boiling let's see how our wash pot works or water proof pot works with hot water hopefully I'm not about to have hot water spill out everywhere so far so good obviously it's very hot on the outside but no leaks so we'll see how that holds up over time all right so one thing we definitely want to look at is the weight of each individual component so looking at the stuff sack / sink we're looking at one and three-eighths ounces or 41 grams the stuff sack with the two spoons three quarters of an ounce 21 grams each of these which they should be exactly the same is 4 ounces or 113 grams let's see how close we get to 226 pretty close to 25 and of course 8 ounces with both of those the top and cup itself pot itself 1 pound 1 and 5/8 ounces or 499 grams let's put it all together and see what it weighs here's the whole kit it weighs 1 pound 11 and 3/4 ounces or 786 grams so that is a look at the Ozark Trail ten piece camp and cook kit $14 88 cents at your local Walmart is it the best kid in the world no is it the best construction in the world no is it the lightest kit in the world absolutely not will it work on an overnighter you better believe it is it light enough to carry with you yes it is will it work for two people when they go out and they need something to boil water in and something eat in and something to eat with absolutely and what I classify this is as allowing people into backpacking and into hiking and into all these things at a reasonable price it's hard to spend tons of money up front and the truth is a lot of times what you need to spend money on is kind of those big three items sleep system tent backpack you know those things as far as staying warm at night staying shelter tonight having something good to carry your gear with that's where you tend to really spend your money and then of course you really need good shoes so you throw those things together and all of a sudden you're going on a backpacking trip you could spend hundreds of dollars from the very beginning and that really limits people from going out there saying I can't go backpacking is just too much money I can't do it well you can go backpacking with a very low budget you can go backpacking more comfortably with a higher budget but a cook kit is not something that you should go without and it's not something you have to this gives everybody a really good alternative the other really good use for something like this is a lot of times we will get bug out bags so put things together for emergencies and you don't want to put really nice gear in there because all you need is stuff that will work even if it's not ultra light in fact sometimes you want stuff that's a little bit more robust in case of an emergency you're not going to have some piece of titanium cave in on you or if you're out backpacking it's not that big of a deal you can deal with it till you get back off the trail but if it's an emergency situation you want something robust you want something that works good this is a perfect candidate for something like that a bug out bag especially for two people or even for four people because it's got four different things you know cup and a bowl for each you could just use that as a cup or a bowl for four different people and have all the stuff you need so I'd love to hear a few guys are interested in more reviews of budget Walmart gear I have a couple of different recurring series that I have planned eBay fines Walmart gear and other general budget items I recently ordered a ultralight backpack that I saw in Tim Watson's channel from Aliexpress I'm really excited to check out how that is it's gonna cut my current pack weight in over half and I only spent $60 including shipping so I'm really interested out but like I said if you guys want to see more gear from Walmart being reviewed here on the channel please let me know down in the comments below if there's any specific gear from Walmart you'd like me to check out I can much get anything because Walmart's about the same across the nation if you have something you want me to check out put it in the comments below and I'll make sure and try to get it and review it here on the channel as always I appreciate everyone's input I appreciate everyone's support channel continues to grow and I really appreciate that look forward to more videos here soon whether it be budget Walmart stuff or more adventures out in the woods thanks for watching guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PaleoHikerMD
Views: 17,596
Rating: 4.939302 out of 5
Keywords: cheap ozark trail gear, walmart hiking gear, walmart camping gear, cheap hiking cook kit, cheap backpacking cook kit, best budget cook kit for hiking, best budget cook kit for backpacking, best budget camping gear, best budget hiking gear
Id: AbxYqP7OsBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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