Budget backpacking gear from Walmart

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hey everyone my name is Laura I wanted to share with all of you my favorite items that I've bought from Walmart today for backpacking I really wanted to make backpacking affordable for everyone because it's such a great experience and you don't need to go to REI or any other store and spend thousands of dollars on gear when you can get them at Walmart so I'm gonna just show you a couple of the things that I really love and a couple of the things that I don't like so much so first is my favorite one of my favorites this camp chair by Ozark Trail it is lightweight really sturdy I'm 5 to about 140 pounds and it holds me up pretty well so I don't know how it would do on a larger male or woman but for me it's been great and if you want to pack it up smaller you can remove it from this carrying case and it's great next I have this tarp it's 5 by 7 it was about $10 I bought it because my tent that I bought off Amazon didn't come with a footprint so I purchased this at Walmart I just picked it up and it's been awesome next for my tarp it doesn't come with any stakes so I picked these lightweight stakes there are 97 cents each I also purchased my sleeping bag from Walmart it is the Ozark Trail cool weather mummy sleeping bag I'm not the biggest fan of mummy sleeping bags because I get a little claustrophobic but it's been fine for me I just kind of leave it a little unzipped I did use it camping in the winter and it is not really for super cold weather so just so you know something I picked up today actually was this three pack of dry sacks this was ten dollars they also had diddy bags but I opted for the dry sacks because that's better for backpacking and it keeps things secure and cool then everybody knows and loves the Sawyer any squeeze it's 20 bucks and it is a little bit cheaper than an REI REI I believe it's like $22 so I've used this a couple of times and I really liked it so that's what I use for water filtration from Walmart then I haven't used this yet but this was about 15 dollars it's a hatchet but it also comes with paracord and it came with this firestarter so you're kind of getting three products in one for $15 then I have this foldable shovel this was $4 I believe so I keep that with me to dig holes and everything like that when you're using the restroom then I got my trusty lighter for a dollar um this is something I do not recommend it's the climate x-large pillow it was $25 and I just feel like for the cost it does pack up and it is very light but for the cost you can find something better on Amazon and then for something that I really don't recommend is this Ozark Trail self inflating pad for me it doesn't inflate it's really like sleeping on the ground I've blown into it and it's just not worth the extra weight so I'm not gonna be bringing that with me again and then I've got this Ozark Trail stainless steel cup I think it's 18 ounces and it's about $5 so that was what I used when I first started backpacking it was really easy to to cook my meals in and I used that as a plate I didn't bring any other cookware with me except for that cup and now this is really awesome I love it it is the nesting 2 cup set from Stanley I just bought it not too long ago let's see if I can open it here it comes with I don't have them in here and I don't think I brought them but they come with two one cup measured green cups that nest inside here but I took it out so that I can fit other things like I put my dr. Bronner's in there I cut up a sponge from the dollar store so I have like a mini sponge and a mini microfiber towel that I also got from the dollar store that was a pack of four for a dollar and then in there I've also got my fuel canister so I really like the Stanley Cup because if you take out the the green cups that it comes with that I personally don't really need it leaves you a lot of space to pack up really light and then this I haven't used it yet but I'm gonna use it today after I'm done recording this video it is I think hopefully gonna be my favorite thing that I've bought so far it's the Ozark Trail 5 piece mess kit it was only six dollars so when you open it up so it's pretty secure nothing's coming in there coming out it comes with this plate a frying pan with a movable handle it also came with this pot and then inside the pot is this measuring cup so you really got a lot of stuff for only six dollars and I will hopefully do another review after I use it so we can see if it's actually great quality when I go out I'm probably not going to bring the pot or the measuring cup that's in there and I'm gonna set some extra stuff like a lighter or anything else that I need like probably my stove I'll put in there and so that it'll all be packed up and compact so there's that and then next I have paracord this was about three dollars I think for 50 feet I'm gonna use it for my bear bag I'm gonna hang it up in the tree so that no bears come and get me a night cuz that would be unfortunate so that is great and then I use this when I was camping in the cold I have hot hands I think that these are about one or two dollars each so those were great at keeping my hands warm and then last but not yes we've got food I typically go to Trader Joe's for food and for backpacking food but when I'm trying to keep things more lightweight I go to Walmart and I grabbed these single serving packets and this is what I'm gonna be using today to make my meal with the Ozark Trail mess kit watching my video these were some of the things that I bought from Walmart trying to keep my gear down on a budget and if there's interest please comment below I have quite a few items that I've purchased from Aliexpress and from Amazon and I'd be more than willing to make a video on those items as well if there's an interest thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Laura the Explorer
Views: 4,245
Rating: 4.787879 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking, gear, walmart, camping, ozark trail, stanley cook set, sawyer mini squeeze, review, budget, lightweight, ozark trail himont compact camp lite chair, ozark trail mummy bag, coghlan, sawyer, stanley, klymit, outdoors, amazon, aliexpress, low cost, cheap
Id: f5mMieNwHJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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