What is the BEST Survival Stove?

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guys already here and welcome to the Paleo hiker MD Channel I was hoping to get outside today but we have had a monsoon outside so we're going to stay inside today one of the things I'm wanting to do more here on the channel in this year is talk about survival and emergency preparedness did that at the beginning in my channel and we're going to start to go back over some of that stuff and add to the knowledge that we've already put out there today we're going to look at different options for emergency or survival stoves there's lots of different options there's pros and cons to each one so stay tuned we're gonna take a look at thanks for watching guys [Music] so like I said there a lot of options for emergency stoves what I'm talking about an emergency stove is something that either you can keep in a bug-out bag you could keep it at home to help cook for your family boil water do whatever it might be any kind of stove that you would need to use in an emergency situation where it's theoretically no power and potentially no gas in your house to heat things with so there's a lot of different options we're gonna look at wood-burning stoves solid fuel burning stoves like solid fuel tablets gas stoves and alcohol stoves we're gonna look at different ones that I have here one at a time and we'll talk a little bit about the pros and cons of each so let's start with stoves that use solid fuel tablets so both of these stoves are by a company called esbit asmik makes very commonly available solid fuel stoves I will put the prices of each of these down below I know that I got this particular esbit stove which is kind of a classic as a bit survival stove you can see here on the side for three dollars and ninety-five cents at a military surplus the way this works is it stores some of the fuels right inside and to hold a cup on top you put the solid fuel right there and you just angle it like that there we go I didn't have it quite clicked on so that is one form of esbit stove the other I have here is more of an S but kit okay and pull it out for you guys comes in a little stuff sack like this okay top you pull off as you can see I've got plenty of as bit fuel in here this is actually sits in my bug-out bag right now you put this on the ground and you put your s bit cube right in the center there okay this sits right on top and you have a lid for it very compact very convenient nice that it has its own windscreen built in this one also has fairly good windscreen protection it does have some gradations on the side as you can see which tells you how much fluid is in there has a nice top very easy to deal with I have a video on this particular stove way back in my channel with a boil test or how long it takes to boil water and overall I think it's a nice kit it's not the cheapest kit in the world and I think personally there's probably better it's out there for different types of fuel the positives of these is that the esbit fuel is very lightweight inexpensive and easy to carry it also pretty much lasts forever as far as I'm concerned one negative is that it can be hard to light you can't light it with a Ferro rod or something you do need a flame like a Bic lighter or something like that to light it so that can be a limitation something to think about so these are two emergency stoves based on solid fuel in this case esbit stove fuel those are definitely an option for you in survival next we will look at alcohol stoves both of the ones that I have here based on the Trangia spirit burner you could use a DIY cat can stove any kind of stove out there but these particular ones I like because I feel like the Trangia stoves are more robust than some of the DIY ones and in a survival kit where you're not necessarily always worried about weight it's kind of nice to have something that's very robust this particular stand I bought off of ebay I'll see if I can find a link for it and leave it for you guys it's very nice it folds up you can just take it apart okay you can see it folds up into little individual parts and creates a triangle the triangle itself with no stove in it is quite flimsy but once you put the Trangia in it it really stabilizes out and it's very easy to put a can on top this is one limitation as particular stove a small cup like this is very kind of top-heavy it'll fit I mean you know you can get it but you have to keep a really close eye on it a little bit more advanced Trangia stove kit is this transia 27 3 i have a full video on this it comes with a frying pan my particular kit has a kettle in it 2 cups and the alcohol burner itself as well as a windscreen apparatus and everything I'll put a link up here for you guys for my recent review on this particular kit the benefits of alcohol stoves are that the alcohol you can use in particular something like denatured alcohol or heat which is available at almost any Walmart the heat in particular because it's an automobile product is available a lot of gas stations so you can very cheaply and quickly get gas for this now of course that gas is limited you could easily run out and that is one of the limitations of any gas stove in an emergency something to definitely take into account the positives are it creates very high heat very quickly in a safe environment from the standpoint of gas availability this particular type of gas is easy to find it's also easy to store in very large quantities if you're worried about not being able to find any so that's two options from the standpoint of alcohol based burners for survival the next option will look at is gas in particular propane canister stoves there are a lot of different propane based blends out there that come in these very standardized bottles and you have tons of different options as far as the type of stove you can get all these stoves whether it be something like this which is the Jetboil mighty blow which I also have a video on for one of these which is just a really inexpensive stove that you can get on Amazon for I would say you know anywhere from five to ten or twelve dollars these things work very simply you just screw them on to the top of your fuel canister most of them will have some kind of supports that come up this is the way that the mighty moe works and most of them a lot of them have a included piezo igniter turn it on and there you go you have easy quick heat to do whatever it is you need from the standpoint of survival the benefits of these type of stoves is that they are very lightweight they're pretty bomb-proof even if the piezo igniter breaks you can easily light it with a Ferro rod or with any kind of a match or a lighter any kind of a flame source again these particular bottles are fairly easy to find they can be somewhat expensive and that is a limitation I think that these are great for backpacking they are a possibility from the standpoint of survival especially for short-term survival I think that you can have a couple of these canisters around at all times I usually keep six to eight of them around to have plenty of options it allows you to have an easy source of heat that's lightweight that's portable is you can take anywhere with you I think any of the canister based stoves will work very well in the setting of survival as long as you're not looking at a long-term situation lastly we're gonna take a look at wood gasifier stoves so called biomass stoves these are stoves that you can take pretty much anything out in your yard small twigs branches pinecones leaves grass whatever it might be very quickly and efficiently start a fire and boil water very easily these are both by a company called solo stove this is a smaller one that I've had for about a year and a half and this larger one the titan I just picked up and Christmas because they had a buy one get one free so I bought one for me and want one for my son these just very simply there's really no moving parts you just lift that up build your fire on the inside it's got a little grate on the bottom I have already done a video on the smaller solo stove and soon I'll be doing a review on the Titan as well as the Titan 2-liter pot that goes with the larger stove this goes right on top you can't see it good but you can basically get the general idea the positives of these stoves is they are robust they are easily stored away made out of stainless steel these things won't rust they won't corrode they're very hard to dent and ding whatever you might throw at it it tends to take it pretty well the biggest benefit of these particular stoves is that if you have any kind of ability to start a fire whether it be with a Ferro rod and a small tinder to make the actual wood inside of this catch or just a lighter which work extremely well it is easy for you to get a repeatable source of fuel to make fires in an emergency as you can see this particular stove has gotten tons of use and you've seen it quite a bit in my videos I went ahead and bought the larger one because this gives me the flexibility to go with either my daughter or my son or even my wife on a trip and be able to carry just this these also nest together you can put them they come with some individual carry bags but they nest together and you can carry them very simply a negative of these is there are a little bit heavier than some of the other stoves but I think you gain a lot from the standpoint of robustness being stainless steel you can easily put this over an open fire as well you can easily collect quite a bit of water that's going to bail here that you can hanging over a fire if you want to it's also easy to carry so that's a look at two options there's a lot of other options from the standpoint of biomass fuel wood-burning stoves these are the two that I happen to like the most and the company that I think makes the best gasifier stove from the standpoint is to get a fire lit as well as continuing going so that is a look at four different options from the standpoint of survival stoves you've got solid fuel stoves alcohol stoves and cook it's based on alcohol stoves in particularly the Trangia that I looked at propane or canister based stoves and wood-burning stoves in particular we looked at the solo stove so which of these do I think is the best from the standpoint of survival I think that's kind of a tricky question I can tell you that in my bug-out bag for the family I keep a nesbitt stove I think it's easy to use I think it's easy to carry and in a short-term situation which is what my bug-out bag is really designed for you know two weeks of survival type thing it works very very well I can tell you this though if we ever having to leave this house for an extended period of time there is a section of this shop that is specifically outlined with a crate right underneath that for stuff to throw in there and take with us so it's kind of an extension of our bug out bag my wife knows where it is she knows how to get the stuff together and throw it into a car if we ever need to leave and that includes both of our solo stoves at the very least the large one but both of them if we can get it I think the best survival stove is a solo stove and I don't just leave it in a bug-out bag because it's great to use here on the homestead if we need it in an emergency situation for the most part I think for some kind of a major issue we will probably bug in we'll stay right here we have a pond stocked with fish we have a pump that we can get fresh water out of we have shelter with our house we have a lot of supplies here as far as food goes the ability to grow food the land to grow food we have area behind us to go hunting if we need to and all the ammunition we need to get ducks and deer whatever else we need from the standpoint of me so we really would stay here if we absolutely could if we had to leave then we would consider putting everything in the car and getting some of the stuff we have a specific list of things that we would take with us and I would recommend everybody do the same so I guess the cheap answer is if I'm and out for survival I'm taking esbit stoves and the wood-burning stoves as always I appreciate y'all tuning in to the Paleo hiker MD channel we are going to be starting a series this year on basic preparedness basic prepping I'm very excited about that it's something that I was into for a long time and still AM but I have to go back now that we're in this new home and kind of create a new set of guidelines a new plan and we have a lot more storage area I appreciate if you'd like and comment below if you haven't subscribed please click that button it really helps the channel continue to grow and keeps us all motivated to keep making these videos stay tuned for more videos on all kinds of things here on the channel including survival and preparedness thanks for watching guys [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PaleoHikerMD
Views: 34,230
Rating: 4.8682351 out of 5
Keywords: Survival stoves, what is the best survival stove?, what type of stove should I get for prepping, what kind of stove should I get for survival, Options for survival stoves, survival stove comparison, prepping stoves
Id: HNl7uzzrd88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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