Modifications to my Stanley Camp Cook Set And Cup!

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hey everybody thanks for joining me today today we're going to show you some modifications to my stanley camp cook set and the Ozark Trail Walmart little five dollar cup alright thanks for joining me today if you guys remember a while back I had this setup it's kind of a little cook set for my stove that I made here this is nothing more than a silverware strainer with some bolts in the bottom to make it level and use it you just stick these in through here like that and you stick your cook set on top anyway the video today really isn't about this guy as much it is these guys here one of the things I wanted to do is make it a little more efficient for me to use and to modify the cook set a little bit to my first complaint has always been that these cheap cups don't have any graduation markings on them for 1 cup 2 cup 3 cup whatever so we're gonna modify this cup today to make some little marks on it so we know from the inside and outside how many cups are in it because sometimes you're using this and you don't have to dump whatever you're out in here to use these graduation marks so we're just gonna put some basic cup markings on this one we're also gonna modify the stanley cook set here a little bit because two things number one this thing now I use this a couple of times already as you can tell but this guy always melts off the little lid piece they're always just seems to melt or get nasty so we're gonna take that off and replace it and I'm also gonna set this up so it can be hung over a fire if you're using a tripod instead of just by the handle so we're gonna start off with the cup I'll get it set up and we'll come right back alright this was an awesome idea I forget who I saw do this but I've been wanting to put markings on this for a while and you'll notice there's a piece of tape on here so what you do with this tape is the first thing you do is Mark the top all right again this is not you know exact science here if you get you know 1.2 cup you know when you finish your marquees on there at least you're in the ballpark of a cup two cups three cups so you're gonna mark the top there so you want to remember you want to reference where that top is now your next step is gonna be to get a thing here and fill it up measuring cup and fill it up to one cup and then draw a line 2 cups draw a line so we're gonna make those lines in there then we're gonna reverse it and put the little indentations on the cup and I'll show you how I do that first I'm gonna make the lines with the water and I'll be back once we've done right so I've made my marks inside and some of the other little scuff marks you can see there from the ink floating around on the water when I did it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch this over and reverse it and I'm gonna put it a little to the right of where I want my marks to be because I want them to be kind of on the side of the cup so I'm gonna try and get that right on the top there yeah there you go that's a little over and if you don't have this kind of tape painters tape works really well too there that's fairly accurate again you know if I'm slightly over or under it's not the end of the world I tend to do a little bit under because I find most mountain house stuff when you cook it if you use the exact amount it's always too much water so what we're gonna do is extend this line over whoops kind of went down there to there and there so now I have my two lines on there so after this we don't really even need to worry about the tape anymore we're gonna take tape off cuz I've got my two little lines for one in two cups and again two if you need like one and a half cups you can measure that two and a half cups you know you just only go up to here so my next step you have to be a little careful with because you don't want to damage this so what I'm gonna do move this stuff out of the way here trying to stick this in here for protection again we're gonna just make little dents we're not gonna make huge holes in that you don't want to do anything it's gonna be a hole so I've got a little punch it's kind of got a little bit of a pointed end to it and what I'm gonna do is gonna place it right on there let's see just give it a little tap along that line and once I'm done with that I'll bring you back and show you what it looks like all right we got him done looks a little rough from the outside but you can see the little dead sin there not too bad you know I just tapped it along and the top I did with another punch that made like a little crease in it so let's see what we look like from the inside it's really hard to catch on camera there you go you can kind of see the two dents there's women here yeah okay there's one that's two cups and that's one cup so it's not really super you know obnoxious on the inside but let's measure it out see see how accurate I was and again - if you do this and you get like just under a cup it's not the end of the world it's gonna kill ya yeah that's right on the money those little three punch holes that I made that's right on the money at one cup so you've got a little bit of a measurement on this Cup other than that this cup is awesome I have no complaints about it it's probably the best 4 to 5 bucks you'll ever spend in survival I mean it's heavier than the titanium Cup of course but hey you can't beat it and you got your little marks on there now so now you know one in two cups let's say a recipe calls for one and a half you know to put it up in the middle you know there's your one couple and a half really simple and I do that mainly for the mountain house entrees because a lot of times they will have that there and that way you know exactly what you're doing so let's move on to the Stanley cook set now the first thing I with this okay before I did it any other things I'm gonna want to be able to hang this over a tripod so of course I'm gonna drill holes and do a wire and we'll do that in a bit but I want to take this off because it'll make it kind of side heavy so I still want to be able to use it but I want to be able to take it off when I got this these little wires sticking out on either side here we're very very long so I took a dremel and just cut a tiny little bit off I mean like a sliver off so now if I want to pull that out pull that out and it can be taken off there and hung over a fire but it still remains its functionality now watch me struggle to put this back on because I'm on camera wow that actually went really easy okay still remains yeah there still remains functional and works perfectly it's not gonna you know nobody's gonna fall out it's not any looser than it was I just want to take a little bit off each side of those because they were really really long and when you went to squeeze it in it wasn't coming out this side this side would come out but this side was way way way out here so that's the first modification I did and I did that when I bought the tank you know ages ago next thing we're gonna do and here's a neat little tip by the way there's cheapy little cup if you buy this this fits right on top of it so if you have yourself a little cover for your smaller pot too first thing we're gonna do is coarse empty it out you get the green cups out of there some people decide to keep these some don't for now I have these in here I find they're really handy something you can do if you want to just have like a single burner of propane Plus whoops toss that in there put your propane burner your fire kit whatever in here and cover it up you know if you just solo camping you don't need the second cup but for now I have both cups in there alright so the first thing we're gonna do with this is the lid I'm gonna get rid of this plastic and I'm gonna put a rather sturdy keychain ring on there so I'm gonna take this plastic cloth I'll bring you back once that's out of there okay and actually that was a whole lot easier I thought that was gonna be a bit of a struggle and didn't want to bore people with it it comes right out now one thing I want to tell you when you're doing this and I've done it to my other one so you got to be careful about it is when you're twisting this this is a very very thin metal you don't want to bend it or snap it off it's just tacked on there really really thin so you don't snap it off or bend the heck out of it now the next thing you do is just like any other keychain you're just gonna open this up and of course I have no nails today just cut my nails so this is gonna be a bit of a fun adventure let me get yeah just trim my nails the other day all right now will this get hot yeah it'll probably get hot you know and it won't stand up like the other one but it also won't melt off so you should really have a protective protective pair of gloves with you when you're out you know cooking run open fire anyway but even if you were just to you know grab some paper towel and pick it up so you don't have to worry about that that little piece melting off you're all set there with that now the next modification involve some drilling don't worry you're not gonna ruin your cup okay I really really doubt you're ever gonna fill your cup up to that high and that's where we're gonna be putting the tube holes and then I'll show you how we make the little thing that's gonna go over the top so let me get my drill together and we will mark those off and drill them out alright so I've marked it off and I just kind of eyeballed it put my little dot there what the cross actually I did it this way put my little dot here looked across my to mark on the lip about where is you know and put it over there I wanted to be as fairly centered as possible because you don't want it to be hanging one way or the other you want to be fairly straight so you'll take a 1/8 inch drill bit we're going to carefully I'm going to take this off too because this thing wants to slide you can slide to one side you take a 1/8 inch drill bit and just kind of place it right there make sure it doesn't walk go slow to get it started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go and I'll bring you back when we got to holes there because it might take a little while to drill through here in the angle of Matt so bring you back in a sec alright we got two nice clean holes through it right up top there and on the other side I kind of cleaned him up with just to the edge of a screwdriver they're not really all that rough so your next step is gonna be to get a wire hanger and I videotaped me cutting this and then I deleted the video by mistake but it's simple enough you just cut the bottom piece out of a wire hanger you know you're just gonna take the bottom edge out of there and I measured it out so I got six inches on each side and they made a little black mark here and those are gonna be my areas where I Bend so I'm gonna place that there and just bend down okay there and don't worry if you get it uneven you know I get this sides high and that sides low you can always fix that later your biggest goal here is to get it about the diameter of the top and that's almost perfect dams impress myself alright so next step is gonna be to bend these little edges in and if you notice even though I measured it I think I got one side a little longer than the other so I'm gonna just even it up that's close enough all right so I'm gonna bend in the edges one more time probably just cover it you know just enough to cover it in my little pliers there one thing about this using this kind of stuff is it's very forgiving if you screw it up not much you can't do to fix it so we'll do again the same on this side okay just cover it up in my pliers so that's about how much I have a little bit more than that alright Bend and that's about even let's stick it in the holes yep perfect all right and there you go so you can hang this now over a fire if you're using a wood tripod or if you already have an existing tripod that you want to use and I'm gonna trim up these edges a little bit because they're a little long but not horribly want so that came out pretty good for just doing it kind of by my by his feet of my pants there and this is easy enough to pack in a kit you know it's small it's not a big item let's just trim up these pieces a little bit you left that little edge because I really just want it to to stick in there and not stick out okay that's better there we go there we go yeah that's better a little bit a little bit shorter on the inside of the pot and the cool part about this is because it's on the outside you can still keep the pot covered so you can hang it over a fire you can lift it a little easier to even using this now yes this might get hot okay even if you're resting it out here that's gonna get hot but the nice part is you can just take again a rag the paper towel gloves whatever lift it up out of the fire and you're good without having to use some kind of pot holder or lifting it up that way so all in all those are the modifications I've made drilled the holes made the little pot stand don't have to this little hook doesn't have to stay there now that comes off you can take that out whenever you want no big deal you can remove it and it's easy enough to if you wanted to even squeeze it and fit it right in there but as far as the whole kit goes let me tell you what it looks like all together again stick this back in here just back up top oh I forgot the cups because we are keeping the cups for now and even with that not fully flush see how the that kind of holds it up but still not going out anywhere so don't worry if your key ring is not letting that go all the way flush down okay my cup with my little 1 & 2 cup markers on it sits in there that goes in there goes on the side and there you go you got your portable cook kit if you're using this Patek tip the tip that can't talk this particular type of stove if not it's still fairly compact it really hasn't added to the volume or size of anything you know you can just fit that right along the sides like that doesn't want to stay on there but there's a way you can get that fit pretty easily and you've got yourself a nice modified cook kit you can even stick this in your backpack you know this isn't something that you're gonna worry about getting bent because if it gets bent you can always rebend it back like I said it's very forgiving so anyway those are my modifications and don't forget I'm gonna put a link in the description this stanley cook kit right here as of today from the link that i'm going to give you is $9.19 i don't know how long it's gonna stay at that price normally they're anywhere from 14 to 20 dollars in Walmart they're around 1415 bucks that's an incredible price if you're watching this video six months from now don't complain then it's back to 20 dollars you know this is just for now this has nothing to do with me I just found this this morning I was like wow great deal so anyway thank you for watching and thank you for taking the time to join me today do a little modifications to our gear it is one of the ways that we can kind of save some money and make our gear work a little bit better for us so we'll talk to you guys soon don't forget to check the rest of the amazon links below I have my amazon store down there and don't forget check thrive life links if you want to stock up on some really high quality freeze-dried food we eat the stuff right Julie as well as store it so it's good definitely good for you and we will talk to you soon take care bye
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 277,999
Rating: 4.7339211 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, camp kit, cook kit, bug out cooking, prepper stove, survival prep kit, survival cooking, emergency cook kit, prep foods, Thrive Life, affordable camp gear, affordable survival gear, Ikea Stove
Id: AOmUheYixkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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